dedicated to gene roddenberry, for his vision and passion

Post on 16-Nov-2021






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Dedicated to Gene Roddenberry, for his vision and passion. Without him, we would not be here.

Dedicated to all the actors and actresses who appeared in any of the Star Trek series or movies who have since gone

where no one has gone before.

Dedicated to all our members who have left this earth.

P U B L I S H E RADM James Herring Vice-Commander, STARFLEET

L E A D E D I T O RBGEN Jeremy Carsten, SFMC

Region 3 Coordinator, STARFLEET

L A Y O U TCMDR Gerhard Pretorius

A R T W O R KDave Milburn

Seventeenth Edition February 2021


H A N D B O O K U P D AT E H I S T O R YFirst Edition January 2000Second Edition January 2001Third Edition January 2003Fourth Edition January 2004Fifth Edition January 2005Sixth Edition May 2007Seventh Edition May 2008Eighth Edition August 2009

Ninth Edition January 2010Tenth Edition April 2010Eleventh Edition January 2011Twelfth Edition October 2012Thirteenth Edition February 2014Fourteenth Edition October 2014Fifteenth Edition May 2015Sixteenth Edition February 2020

STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., is a Federally registered 501(c)(7) not-for-profit corporation chartered within the State of North Carolina and is dedicated to the fans of Star Trek as well as pursuing the future envisioned by Gene Roddenberry as depicted in the Star Trek television series and movies.

STARFLEET provides as membership benefits numerous documents, such as the STARFLEET Vessel Registry, STARFLEET Academy course materials and tests, Department of Technical Services publications, forms, recruiting handbooks and other documents, as well as numerous electronic mailing lists, web pages and other electronic services and web- based materials. All of these are provided for limited purposes. The information contained therein may not be used by any member for any private commercial purpose. Provision of these documents or services does not constitute permission for anyone to use any information contained therein or thereon for any non-STARFLEET related purpose. No member or non-member may use any STARFLEET document, mailing list, services, or materials, including but not limited to the STARFLEET Vessel Registry, STARFLEET supplied chapter or membership rolls, web-based lists, and/or any STARFLEET Academy materials, for any commercial purpose. Anyone using any STARFLEET services or material(s) for any private commercial purpose or non-STARFLEET related use will be subject to appropriate legal action by the STARFLEET Executive Committee, including but not limited to suspension or revocation of membership without refund and suit for copyright infringement and conversion of proprietary information.

This document is the Membership Handbook of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. Its contents are copyright © 2000-2020, STARFLEET, and all rights are reserved. This publication may not be stored electronically (including, but not limited to, FTP or HTML) without prior written permission.

Star Trek and related marks are registered trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. Neither the STARFLEET copyright in this material, nor any part of the material itself, nor STARFLEET’s use of the name Star Trek, are intended in any way to infringe upon any copyrights or trademarks with regard to any of the Star Trek television series or any of the movies or any other licensed use of the properties previously or currently held by CBS Studios Inc. or any other persons or organizations. Permission is granted to STARFLEET chapters to reproduce and utilize Sections of this material for their members’ use.










On behalf of myself and my staff, I want to welcome you to STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. If you are new to STARFLEET, Welcome Aboard! I hope you find your membership an enjoyable and rewarding experience as you begin your career in STARFLEET. If you are a returning member, thank you for continuing the adventure that is Star Trek with us. As a member, you are our greatest asset; and we are grateful to have your talent, enthusiasm, and excitement.

For both new and renewing members, I urge you to take some time and review this handbook, as it explains how we are structured and operate. For the renewing members, there may have been some changes, so I always advise you to look through to make sure you are aware of any differences. This handbook will help you become familiar with STARFLEET as well as to explain the various depart-ments and programs we offer for your enjoyment.

Again, thank you for your interest in STARFLEET. I hope your tour is filled with fun and adventure, as that is what we are here for.

Let the adventure begin.

FADM Steven ParmleyCommander, STARFLEET International



Section 01:02 – WHAT IS STARFLEET?

STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., derives its organizational structure from the Starfleet organization depicted in the Star Trek movies and television series. Starfleet, in the Star Trek universe, is the exploratory and law enforcement branch of the United Federation of Planets. The STARFLEET organization is founded on the concept that Starfleet is principally an exploratory service, and many of the underlying aspects of “our” STARFLEET depend heavily upon that concept.

STARFLEET is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of North Carolina. It has been granted 501(c)(7) status by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

While for legal purposes and contracts, etc., the name of this organization is STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., common names used by our members for the organization are “STARFLEET,” “SFI,” and “STARFLEET International”. Wherever possible, members are encouraged to refer to the organization as “STARFLEET”, all in capital letters, in order to preserve the corporate name and ensure that people understand that the discussion is about this organization instead of the fictional Starfleet referred to in Star Trek.


Why, you the members, of course!

The basic building block in all things STARFLEET is its members. STARFLEET members reside all around the globe and come from all walks of life. Many members choose to band together and form a group, where they become a chapter in STARFLEET. All STARFLEET chapters model themselves along the lines of the starships and space stations depicted in the various Star Trek movies and television programs and are presided over by Commanding Officers (COs).

Beyond that level, STARFLEET is divided into geographic Regions, which are overseen by their Regional Coordinators (RCs). Lastly, the Executive Committee (EC) oversees the services and institutions of the international organization itself (the production and distribution of this Membership Handbook, for example).

Section 01:04 – WHO RUNS STARFLEET?

Article 5 of the current STARFLEET Bylaws defines the governing body of STARFLEET as the Board of Directors, referred to within STARFLEET as the Admiralty Board (AB), whose membership is composed of all the currently serving Regional Coordinators in STARFLEET. Article 6 defines the Executive Committee as the corporate officers of STARFLEET.

To assure democratic governance of STARFLEET, all matters of policy are decided and approved by the AB. Procedure to implement that policy is determined by the EC. This division of responsibility assures that the will of the Fleet and its membership is heard and enacted. That will is exercised through the members of the AB, who represent the individual members of their respective Regions (and, hence, STARFLEET as a whole).

Please refer to Section 03:04 of this Handbook for a more extensive discussion of the function and responsibilities of the AB.



“Chain of Command” is a term you will hear at all levels of STARFLEET. But what is it? The Chain of Command is an escalation procedure set in place to ensure the quickest response to questions and grievances raised by STARFLEET members.

The STARFLEET Chain of Command is as follows:

• Admiralty Board • Commander, STARFLEET • Vice-Commander, STARFLEET • The Executive Committee • Regional Coordinators • Chapter Commanding Officers

While any problem could be taken directly to the Commander, STARFLEET, if the Commander, STARFLEET had to deal with all those issues, they would have no time to preside over STARFLEET. You would also have to wait for him/her to finish with all the people ahead of you before he/she could address your problem. Such a system would not be fair to him/her, and it would not be fair to you.

Most questions and issues can be dealt with at the individual chapter level, usually by your Commanding Officer. If you have a question or problem, it should generally be taken to your CO first. If your CO does not, or cannot, resolve the issue, it may then be taken to the Regional Coordinator responsible for your chapter. COs with questions or problems should take those to their RC as well. If the RC is either part of the issue or unable to address it satisfactorily, you may bring your issue to the Office of the Executive Committee member who best represents your problem (see below).

Remembering the following two guidelines will ensure the quickest response to your query:

• If asking by e-mail, please allow at least 72 hours for a response. We all have real jobs, real families, and real-life problems that might get in the way of a response. If after that time, you might want to send another e-mail inquiring if they had received your first one and then restating the situation you are bringing to their attention.

• If sending a letter through the mail, always remember to include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE). All of us are volunteers and few are reimbursed for their expenses. While a First-Class stamp and an envelope may not seem like much, if you buy a hundred of them or more a month the expense would mount quickly; including an SASE is a courtesy.

• Make sure and send your request to the relevant Office. STARFLEET’s officers are not omniscient. If you have a question regarding your membership or membership packet materials, an inquiry directed to the Office of the Chief of Member Services, who handles membership related issues, will result in a quicker response than sending it to the Commander, STARFLEET. The CS would just have to forward it to Member Services, which would only further delay your inquiry. This Handbook explains all the primary duties of each Executive Committee Office, and there is also an Organization Chart. If you cannot find the Department you are looking for, ask your CO or RC for assistance.


The Member Services Helpdesk is designed to accept member-impacting problems, issues, suggestions, or complaints for immediate review and remediation. The Helpdesk is managed by the Member Services Helpdesk Administrator, who is within the Office of the Commander, STARFLEET. Every report received by the Helpdesk shall be assigned a tracking ticket and receive direct and frequent attention until a final disposition is determined, working with members of the Executive Committee with the full backing of the Office of the Commander, STARFLEET.


STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., has only one primary membership option – Electronic. There are no longer different classes of membership – US, Canada, International – there will only be the class of “member.”

The current membership rates are as follows:Individual = $5.00Family (2) = $9.00Family (3) = $12.00Family (4) = $14.00Family (5) = $16.00Family (6) = $17.00

Family Memberships are designed for individuals who share a residence or have some form of close geographic proximity. Family Memberships entitle individuals to all the rights and privileges of Individual Membership. It is assumed that people who are covered under Family Memberships are in fact blood relations or sharing in a similar bond. While in some instances it has been known that extended families of seven or more members live together in a shared dwelling space, these cases remain the exception to the rule. Family Memberships in STARFLEET will be limited to no more than six members per membership. If a family truly does have more than six people living in the same home, we encourage them to buy two or more Family Memberships in STARFLEET and thus share the resources provided more liberally.

Residents of Cuba:CU-1: Individual Membership; no membership fee is assessed.CU-2: Membership for a Family of Two; no membership fee is assessed.CU-3: Membership for a Family of Three; no membership fee is assessed.CU-4: Membership for a Family of Four; no membership fee is assessed.CU-5: Membership for a Family of Five; no membership fee is assessed.CU-6: Membership for a Family of Six; no membership fee is assessed.

Note: Membership dues for Cuban Citizens are specified separately and at no-cost in order to comply with the Helms-Burton Act in the United States, which regulates embargoes against foreign countries, and with requirements established by the Office of Foreign Asset Control within the United States Department of the Treasury. Cuban citizens who seek membership in STARFLEET are automatically required to be added as Non-Voting Members in STARFLEET and are restricted as detailed within Section 02:03 of this handbook. Further, membership materials for Cuban members are solely to be obtained electronically via a designated STARFLEET website.




The STARFLEET Executive Committee may award Honorary and/or Lifetime Memberships after consultation with, and approval by, the Admiralty Board, in accordance with Section 06 of the Membership Handbook and Admiralty Board Resolution 99-02. Below are the Guidelines for awarding such memberships.

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPSA Lifetime Member is one who exemplifies the principles and ideals that STARFLEET strives to maintain. They are examples to whom other members can look as a role model. The selection process for a Lifetime Member is not an easy one, and there is no guarantee that there will be a sufficient pool of potential nominees each year. Therefore, the awarding of a Lifetime Membership/s is not an annual requirement, but rather the pinnacle of recognition of a career’s worth of exemplary service to the organization.

CriteriaLifetime Member nominee/s must have achieved the rank of Admiral and held that rank, continuously and in good standing, for five (5) years OR served as a member of STARFLEET, continuously and in good standing, for a time-period of no less than fifteen (15) years.

Lifetime Member nominee/s must currently, or since their last promotion, have served the international organization by making a “significant contribution.” • A “significant contribution” can be achieved by serving as a member of the governing body (EC or AB) or the international staff, or as otherwise determined by the Executive Committee.

Lifetime Member nominee/s that have been suspended and/or had their privileges revoked from any official STARFLEET e-mail or other social media “list” by the moderator/s must have the details of their suspension/revocation reviewed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will review these suspensions/revocations and determine if the action warrants disqualification.

Lifetime Member nominee/s, in order to be forwarded to the Admiralty Board for consideration, must receive a simple majority vote of support from the full Executive Committee. Any nominee that does not carry a simple majority of the full Executive Committee should not be put forward to the Admiralty Board for consideration.

NominationsIn accordance with Sections 02:02 and 06:02 of the current STARFLEET Membership Handbook, the STARFLEET Executive Committee may award non-paying Lifetime Membership/s with the approval of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board.

The Executive Committee may recommend to the Admiralty Board up to two (2) members for a Lifetime Membership each fiscal year. Said recommendation/s should, if possible, be made in enough time to allow for approval by the Admiralty Board and presentation of said Lifetime Memberships at the annual STARFLEET International Conference. If this is not possible, it is at the discretion of the Commander, STARFLEET to select an alternate time and/or venue to make said announcement.

BallotingAny nomination/s for Lifetime Membership require a two-thirds majority vote of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board, as currently defined by the current STARFLEET By-laws, in order to be bestowed upon said nominee/s. The balloting process shall follow the established guidelines used for passing Admiralty Board Resolutions.

If the nominee/s fails to achieve a two-thirds majority, then they shall not receive the Lifetime Membership; however, the nominee may be re-submitted at a later time without penalty.


RevocationIf at any time, after receiving a Lifetime Membership, a Lifetime Member conducts themselves in such a way that brings harm and/or discredit to their Chapter, Region, or STARFLEET itself, then the Admiralty Board may revoke their Lifetime Membership.

The STARFLEET Inspector General will be charged with investigating any such alleged conduct to determine how it relates to the member’s Lifetime Membership. If said investigation concludes that there is reason to believe that said member’s conduct was less than honorable, the Admiralty Board my revoke the Lifetime Membership by a two-thirds majority vote of the full Admiralty Board.

If, at any time, three successive mailings – electronic or USPS/’snail-mail’ – from the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations to the Lifetime Member are returned as “Undeliverable”/”Address Unknown”, then the Lifetime Membership may be suspended until such time as the Lifetime Member asks for it to be reinstated.

Termination & Re-Activation Once every two (2) years, the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations may choose to contact a Lifetime Member to determine that they are indeed still interested in receiving their membership materials. If the response is negative, returned with no answer given, or no answer is provided after 30 days, then the membership may be suspended until such time as the Lifetime Member asks for it to be reinstated.

A Lifetime Member may also request to have their Lifetime Membership terminated. Said request must be made in writing – either via USPS ‘snail-mail’ or e-mail attachment – to the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations. If said member later chooses to re-affiliate with STARFLEET, their Lifetime Membership can be reinstated by a simple majority vote of the full Admiralty Board.

DISTINGUISHED MEMBERSHIPSA Distinguished Member is one that has gone above and beyond with their service to STARFLEET. There is no requirement for the annual awarding of a Distinguish Membership/s.

CriteriaDistinguished Member nominee/s must have achieved the rank of Admiral and held that rank, continuously and in good standing, for five (5) years, OR served as a member of STARFLEET continuously and in good standing, for a time-period of no less than ten (10) years.

Distinguished Member nominee/s that have been suspended and/or had their privileges revoked from any official STARFLEET e-mail or other social media “list” by the moderator/s must have the details of their suspension/revocation reviewed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will review these suspensions/revocations and determine if the action warrants disqualification.

Distinguished Member nominee/s, to be forwarded to the Admiralty Board for consideration, must receive a simple majority vote of support from the full Executive Committee. Any nominee that does not carry a simple majority of the full Executive Committee will not be put forward to the Admiralty Board for consideration.

Nominations In accordance with Sections 02:02 and 06:03 of the current STARFLEET Membership Handbook, the STARFLEET Executive Committee may award non-paying Honorary Membership/s with the approval of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board.

Using the criteria in Section 1.2.c [above], the Executive Committee may recommend to the Admiralty Board up to four (4) members for an Honorary Membership each fiscal year. Said recommendation/s should, if possible, be made in enough time to allow for the presentation, if approved by the Admiralty Board, of said Honorary Memberships at the annual STARFLEET International Conference. If this is not possible, it is at the discretion of the Commander, STARFLEET to select an alternate time and/or venue to make said anouncement.


Balloting Any nomination/s for Honorary Membership require a two-thirds majority vote of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board, as currently defined by the current STARFLEET By-laws, in order to be bestowed upon said nominee/s. The balloting process shall follow the established guidelines used for passing Admiralty Board Resolutions.

If the nominee/s fail to achieve a two-thirds majority, then they shall not receive the Honorary Membership; however, the nominee may be re-submitted at a later time without penalty.

End of Membership Period At the end of the Honorary Membership period, the member will be returned to the category of dues-paying member. If warranted, a recipient of an Honorary Membership can be nominated and awarded a second such membership at the conclusion of the first.• No member may receive more than two (2) back-to-back Honorary Memberships.

In the case of any Cast and/or Crewmembers of the various Star Trek productions (television programs or films) who have been awarded an Honorary Membership, the option will be given to the chapters of STARFLEET to “host” a celebrity who has been so honored. The selected chapter will be allowed to carry said celebrity on their Chapter Roster and are subsequently responsible for the upkeep of the celebrity’s membership dues.

• No chapter will be allowed to carry more than one (1) such celebrity member on their Chapter Roster at a time.

If, at any time, three successive mailings – electronic or USPS ‘snail-mail’ – from the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations to the Honorary Member are returned as “Undeliverable”/“Address Unknown”, then the Honorary Membership may be suspended until such time as the Honorary Member asks for it to be reinstated.

Termination & Re-ActivationOnce every two (2) years, the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations may choose to contact an Honorary Member to determine that they are indeed still interested in receiving their membership materials. If the response is negative, returned with no answer given, or no answer is provided after 30 days, then the membership may be suspended until such time as the Honorary Member asks for it to be reinstated.

An Honorary Member may also request to have their Honorary Membership terminated. Said request must be made in writing – either via USPS ‘snail-mail’ or e-mail attachment – to the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations. If said member later chooses to re-affiliate with STARFLEET, their Honorary Membership will be treated as if it had concluded; and said member will have to re-join as a dues-paying member.



Article 3, Section 3.2 of the STARFLEET Bylaws defines two categories of STARFLEET members: Voting and Non-Voting Members.

Voting MembershipVoting members of STARFLEET are those individuals who have paid their money to STARFLEET. Voting members are entitled to sign aboard the STARFLEET chapter of their choice and hold a fictional rank within the organization. Or they may remain unassigned in their region. There is no pressure to join a chapter. And any voting member can belong to any chapter, anywhere.

Voting members may also choose to become involved in operations and activities and/or hold a position of responsibility at the Chapter, Regional, and International levels. Voting members must have a registered unique, functional email address, that is compatible with SFI technologies; and must be 18 years of age or older

Membership CardThis card affords proof of your membership in STARFLEET, as well as documenting important information about you, including your name, STARFLEET Security Clearance Code (SCC) number, and membership expiration date. You may elect to join any chapter of STARFLEET, near or far, and participate in whatever fashion is acceptable to both you and the Commanding Officer of your chosen chapter. Please note that some chapters charge additional dues over those levied by STARFLEET. If you did not request an assignment to a chapter when you filled out your application, you can request an assignment to the chapter of your choice by contacting Chief of Membership Services and the Chapter Commanding Officer.

STARFLEET policy is that you can officially belong to the roster of only one chapter at a time, to allow STARFLEET Headquarters to track memberships and chapter crew strengths efficiently. This chapter is known as your Primary Chapter. However, members are free to participate in the activities of chapters other than that to which they are primarily assigned. Should you ever wish to transfer your Primary Chapter membership from one chapter to another, simply inform both of the COs involved and the Chief of Membership Services, in order to make the necessary updates to the STARFLEET Database and crew rosters.


As a member you are afforded certain rights of membership, contingent upon the fulfillment of your membership responsibilities. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, not required by law, or unavailable as a part of a membership class, these rights are subject to change by a vote by the Admiralty Board and include, but are not limited to, the following:

• To vote in the triennial STARFLEET election.• To vote in any STARFLEET special elections.• To vote on any STARFLEET Corporate Documents.• To receive one membership packet, as defined in Section 02:03 above, for each primary contact for your membership (both new and renewing members).• To receive issues of the Communiqué, which will be announced when they are available for download on the website.• To specify the type of membership desired (single or family) and the ability to change from one type of membership to another for any reason.• Access to due process and for all sides in an issue to be heard before any sanctions are issued.• To appeal all sanctions imposed pursuant to Section 02:06 below.• Ability to have access to notice of, information on, and apply for any open position in STARFLEET or in your Region.• To voice your opinion at any level of STARFLEET.• To participate in the STARFLEET Academy.• To transfer from one chapter of STARFLEET to another, at any time, for any reason, if the other chapter agrees.• To participate in all Regional and International events, such as Summits and International Conferences.• To be considered for participation in any STARFLEET program, if the qualifications, if any, have been met.14

Member’s ResponsibilitiesTo enjoy the membership rights, a member has certain responsibilities that must be met. Every member has a responsibility to adhere to a set of standards of behavior and conduct which include, but are not limited to, the following:• To behave in a manner that brings credit to STARFLEET, their Region, their chapter, and themselves.• To be resolute in the performance of their duty and comply with STARFLEET’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Membership Hand book, other various handbooks, Electronic Mailing List Rules, Summit/Conference rules, meeting rules, etc.• To strive for impartiality and fairness in judgment and disqualify themselves from decisions where their judgment may be compromised.• To show courtesy to fellow members at all times.• To seek out both sides of a dispute and act upon fact, not innuendo.• To cooperate with the Inspector General (or their appropriate designated deputy) for any official investigations in a timely manner.• Neither to advocate for, nor promote actions that would obviously bring harm (degrade, insult, shame, or hurt the name) to STARFLEET.• To renew their membership in a timely manner before it expires.

Failure to uphold the Member’s Responsibilities, as outlined above could result in disciplinary action in accordance with the guidelines laid out in Section 9 of this handbook.

In addition to the above listed Member Responsibilities, the following are additional goals which a member should strive toward. These are guidelines only and are not enforceable as member responsibilities or a code of conduct:

• To praise in public and critique in private.• Never to assume, but always verify.• To be the first to praise and the last to criticize.• Not to willfully cause negative or unproductive confrontations.


One of the ways STARFLEET recognizes effort and work on behalf of the organization is through the granting of fictional ranks. Promotion involves participation within, and contribution to, STARFLEET. What you put into your membership is what you will get out. If you participate within STARFLEET at any level and in any capacity, you will be promoted in due course.

Appendix C lists the current STARFLEET Rank and Grade Structure. Because STARFLEET has multiple Branches of Service, the Membership Handbook refers to ranks by their Grade Equivalent (E-x / O-x).

Upon payment of your initial membership dues to STARFLEET and joining a chapter, you will be accorded a starting rank by your Commanding Officer. For those chapters that use Enlisted Ranks, this is usually the grade of E-1. For those chapters that do not use Enlisted Ranks, this is usually the grade of O-1. Again, initial ranks are at the discretion of the chapter.

Your chapter Commanding Officer has the authority to promote up to the grade of O-5 (Commander / Lieutenant Colonel) and is responsible for creating and administering the Chapter’s Promotion Policy for all grades through O-5. Please contact your chapter Commanding Officer regarding your Chapter’s Promotion Policy guidelines.

If you have chosen to participate within STARFLEET as an unassigned member within your region, promotions up to the grade of O-5 (Commander / Lieutenant Colonel) may be granted by your Regional Coordinator. Please contact your Regional Coordinator regarding your Region’s Promotion Policy guidelines.


The grade of O-6 (Captain / Colonel) may be awarded in one of three ways:• Upon becoming the Commanding Officer of a STARFLEET chapter.• By authority of the Regional Coordinator of your Region.• By authority of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee, serving as the Promotion Board for STARFLEET, awards all grades of O-7 and higher, which are known as Flag Ranks. The EC is also the only body that may reduce an officer of O-6 or higher grade in rank. Any member may recommend another member of the grade of O-6 or higher for promotion to Flag Rank. Flag Rank nomination and requirement forms are available from the documents Section of the STARFLEET website.

A few words are needed about promotions: You don’t have to hold a high office in STARFLEET to be promoted to Captain or the Flag Ranks. There are not that many positions to go around and there are hardworking and dedicated members at all levels within STARFLEET who are worthy of promotion of O-6 or beyond.

Second, these ranks are fictitious and do not mean that one member is superior to another and must NEVER be used to belittle or demean a member. Such things as hazing, pulling rank, and expecting exclusive privileges can get you in trouble quickly in STARFLEET, whether you are an Admiral or a Crewman. These ranks are for FUN and are used only to enhance the Star Trek feel of the organization.

Third, ranks are meant to be awarded for service and responsibility within STARFLEET, not for political or personal favors. Lastly, authority is sometimes confused with rank. These are two different ideas. Rank is fictitious, authority is real. The authority of the Executive Committee, the Regional Coordinators, and the chapter Commanding Officers is given to them in order to enable them to perform their administrative and management jobs within STARFLEET. They must be able to make policies and guidelines in order for STARFLEET to function. This authority makes the FUN possible. The watchword for both rank and authority is SERVICE.


Local / Chapter LevelWhile the main thrust of STARFLEET has always been to uphold and espouse the philosophy of Star Trek - with tolerance, brotherhood, mutual cooperation, and compassionate justice its worthy goals, occasionally these philosophies may be lost when interpersonal and inter-chapter relationships fail. It is the desire of the Executive Committee that members allow any grievances to be solved at the lower levels of the chain of command. However, should members feel they have not expected to be self-governing with STARFLEET’s role mainly to be an advisor to individual chapters and as a conduit for new members. Most grievances can be dealt with at the local level by one of the several officers STARFLEET has appointed to represent the Fleet in such matters: namely, chapter COs and RCs. Intra-chapter, or individual member difficulties are usually best handled by that chapter’s CO or their designee (i.e., the chapter XO). Cases involving the CO may be heard by another impartial CO or the RC of that chapter (or their designee, i.e., a VRC). Inter-chapter difficulties (often involving member recruitment disputes) are usually handled at the regional level.

Military style court martial proceedings are strongly discouraged, as these are confrontational and counterproductive and often make matters worse. Instead, justice should be fair and compassionate, not punitive and degrading. The emphasis should be placed on problem solving and not punishment. Ask the individual how they think the problem can be solved - they may surprise you. There are, however, three disciplinary actions a chapter or RC cannot take. First, they cannot expel a member from STARFLEET; only the Admiralty Board can take such action. Second, they cannot revoke a commission to the Flag Ranks - only the Executive Committee has the power to reduce an officer of the grade O-6 or higher in rank. And third, no one can impose any punishment that violates civil law. The Admiralty Board WILL expel from STARFLEET, ANY person or group responsible for transgressing this rule.

The highest punishment that a chapter can exact from an individual is expulsion, but this should be used as a last resort and only on the truly deserving. The decision to expel a crew member must be conveyed by letter, and must be forwarded to the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET. The expelled member will then be removed from that chapter’s roster and offered membership in another chapter, if possible. STARFLEET will not overrule this action if it has been demonstrated that the expulsion was carried out fairly, and that all other options were fully considered or pursued prior to the expulsion.


STARFLEET, however, is not so naive to believe that people are not occasionally dealt with unfairly. Therefore, all members of STARFLEET are reminded of their right of due process, which guarantees the right to a full investigation into any allegation; the opportunity for both sides of an issue to be fully heard before any judgment is passed; the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty; and the right to appeal any decision up to the Admiralty Board, whose decision is considered final. Members may appeal any decision that they feel violates their rights as set down by STARFLEET regulations. Members must remember that with these rights also comes the responsibility of appropriate behavior as set down in Section 02:04, under Member’s Responsibilities. One final note - the Senior Officers of STARFLEET (RCs and above) are not a substitute for local, state, and federal authorities of law and order. If a crime has been committed, summon the police.

Regional / International LevelMembers of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board or Executive Committee are considered to be the leaders of this organization and as such are held to high standards in terms of their conduct and behavior. Article 5, Section 5.16; and Article 6, Section 6.4 of the current Bylaws outline the processes by which a member of one of these two bodies can be removed from office for failing to live up to their required obligations.


It is the policy of STARFLEET that harassment or misconduct, defined as behavior by one member perpetrated upon another member that would be construed as illegal under local, county, state, provincial, federal, or international law, will not be tolerated at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment or harassment based on a member’s ethnicity, religion, social or economic background, or any other legally defined category. Any STARFLEET member, regardless of rank or position, found to be in violation of this Section shall be subject to immediate discipline, and possible expulsion.

STARFLEET BULLYING POLICYSTARFLEET, seeks to provide a social environment that is safe and enjoyable for all; thus, bullying will not be tolerated.

What is bullying? Bullying occurs when an individual, or a group of individuals, repeatedly behaves unreasonably towards a member, or group of members, whose behavior creates a risk to health, safety, and good order of the organization. Bullying behaviors can take many different forms, from the obvious (direct) to the more subtle (indirect).

• Bullying has a detrimental effect on SFI and its members• Bullying can create an unsafe social environment• Bullying can (and has) resulted in the loss of trained and talented members• Bullying can (and has) caused the breakdown of teams and individual relationships• Members who are bullied can become distressed, anxious, withdrawn, and can lose self-esteem and self-confdence• Members who experience this sort of behavior can become calloused to, and jaded by, it• Bullying is also (in some circumstances) against the law

Therefore, SFI shall operate with a zero-tolerance policy for bullying of any kind by, and to, its membership.

What is not Bullying? Action taken by SFI leadership to direct and control the way work is carried out is not considered to be bullying, if the action is taken in an objectively reasonable way.

SFI recognizes that bullying may involve comments and behaviors that ffend some people and not others. SFI also accepts that individuals may react dfferently to certain comments and behavior. That is why a minimum standard of professionalism, etiquette, and behavior is required of its members and leadership. This standard means that all members are to be respectful to others at all times. This includes all mediums where members interact.


Other Unacceptable Conduct Single incidents of unreasonable behavior (such as harassment, violence, or threatening behavior) can also present a risk to health, safety, and good order and will not be tolerated.

Leadership ResponsibilitiesLeaders (to include Commanding Officers and their staff, Regional Coordinators and their staff, and Executive Committee and their staff) of SFI have an important role to play in terms of fostering a culture that does not tolerate or encourage harassment, bullying, or violence and should ensure that they do not engage in any conduct of this nature themselves. Leaders should also ensure that members understand this Policy and the consequences of non-compliance. When leaders observe harassment, bullying, or violence occurring they should take steps to stop this conduct from continuing. This behavior will be deferred to the process specified in SFI MHB Section 09:01.

Section 02:08 – MEMBERSHIP RENEWALSMembership renewal dates are clearly labeled on the membership cards. You may also request this information directly from the Chief of Membership Services. Remember that membership processing can take upwards of eight weeks, so be sure to renew early!

If you are a chapter Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, a Regional Coordinator, or a STARFLEET Headquarters staffer, it is especially important for you to renew when due. You MUST renew within thirty days (30) of your membership expiration date in order to be considered an active member. If you have a problem meeting this date, contact the Chief of Membership Services for assistance. If you become a “lapsed” member, you risk having your commission suspended. If this should happen, upon renewal of your membership you must petition the EC for reinstatement at your former grade. The STARFLEET Executive Committee will decide the reinstatement on a case-by-case basis. That is why it is very important to always keep records of courses you have completed, to show if need be.

Any STARFLEET member may cancel his/her membership at any time by a written and signed request sent to the Chief of Membership Services, STARFLEET, or by any other means deemed acceptable to the Executive Committee. Requests for cancellations are subject to verification via telephone. All membership dues in such cases are nonrefundable. The STARFLEET Executive Committee will decide the reinstatement of a previously canceled membership on a case-by-case basis.

By a simple majority vote of the Admiralty Board, any member may have their membership cancelled. Before such a vote may be taken, however, the AB must present the member with a list of all grievances by Certified Mail or otherwise confirmed communication. The member then has thirty-days to respond, also by Certified Mail or otherwise confirmed communication. The member also has the right to request an extension of thirty additional days to prepare their response. Should the AB then vote to expel the member, that member is entitled to a prorated refund of their membership dues.

Any member who quits STARFLEET to avoid an appropriately sanctioned investigation, is automatically banned from STARFLEET for no less than five years. Any application for membership from such former members, must be immediately directed to the Admiralty Board for consideration.

Section 02:09 – THE STARFLEET AWARDS PROGRAMLike promotions, the STARFLEET Awards Program is another way of recognizing a job well done by a member.

These awards may be certificates of achievement, commendations, ribbons, or plaques. Each Chapter and Region is encouraged to set up some type of recognition program for its members. At the international level, awards are given to members and chapters for service to the organization, leadership, heroic acts, community service, and outstanding projects.


Section 02:10 – COMMUNICATIONSSTARFLEET believes that an informed and communicating membership is an active and caring membership. STARFLEET wants you to know what is going on and to participate in our many discussions. Members are encouraged to ask questions and share opinions with fellow members and STARFLEET officials. In STARFLEET, communication is a two-way street.

The STARFLEET CommuniquéThe Communiqué is the official quarterly newsletter of STARFLEET, covering organizational events and activities, chapter news and updates, operational reports and policy changes, Star Trek news and reviews, and other articles of interest to the members of STARFLEET. A copy is available, in the online database, for the member to download. Members are encouraged to submit articles, artwork, photographs, etc., for publication. Please contact the CQ Editor for more information concerning submissions.

Chapter Supplemental PublicationsAll chapter COs are strongly recommended to publish a newsletter (electronic, printed, or both) within their local chapter on a regular (usually bi-monthly) basis. Since the Communiqué focuses primarily on events and activities of a Fleet-wide nature, a chapter newsletter may be effective in providing chapter members with more in-depth information about local activities, projects, and operations, as well as information regarding Region and Fleet-level issues. Subscriptions to chapter newsletters are not included in the STARFLEET dues schedule, so chapters are responsible for establishing their own subscription rates and policies. It is the responsibility and duty of the CO to ensure that the members are kept abreast of STARFLEET information.

Electronic Communication OptionsOver the past several years, electronic means of communication have enjoyed an increased role in communication between the members, chapters, regions, and departments of STARFLEET. The use of the Internet has certainly aided in communication. STARFLEET maintains many official electronic functions, including a site on the World Wide Web, as well as officially sanctioned media such as electronic mailing list server (the STARFLEET mailing list), and several Facebook pages/groups.

Individual departments and chapters also host their own electronic gateways and facilities. Details for all of this can be found at the STARFLEET Web Server ( However, not all STARFLEET members have access to these electronic communications facilities. Therefore, while STARFLEET will use them where advantageous, it is the policy of STARFLEET to continue to use traditional, non-electronic options and methods to disperse information to the membership.

Official communications policies regarding ’self-promotion,’ for all media, shall be limited to barring the direct solicitation for goods and services not approved by the AB or EC, in official SFI channels.


Any STARFLEET member who has been a member-in-good-standing for at least one calendar year (at the time of application) is eligible to apply for a STARFLEET Scholarship. Members can be attending community colleges, four-year colleges, most technical schools, junior colleges and universities, or graduate school. For more information, or to request a print application, contact the SFA Scholarship Director at The application periods run from January 1st until the deadline of June 15th each year. Scholarship Applications are reviewed by a committee; and scholarship winners are announced at the STARFLEET International Conference, or a reasonable date before the fall school season begins. For more information, a list of scholarships, or a scholarship application, please contact the STARFLEET Scholarship Director.

Section 02:12 – PERSONAL INFORMATION AND PRIVACYPolicy SummaryIt is the policy of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “STARFLEET”), that the information received from members (hereinafter referred to as “member information”) is for the sole purpose of providing membership services to the organization’s members. At no time will any member information be provided to any person or entity not authorized to possess and use the information.


Information Distribution PolicyUnder no circumstances shall member information be given or sold to any person or entity outside of STARFLEET without approval of the Admiralty Board. This approval must be in writing, providing the name of the person or entity receiving the authorization, the date the approval was granted, and if the authorization is for a limited time, the start and end date. The only exception to this policy is in the event information is being provided by a member of the Executive Committee, or other authorized agent of the corporation, while performing their appointed duties, pursuant to this document or the By-Laws, or while ensuring the daily operations of the organization are being performed.

Information Use PolicySome members of STARFLEET are granted elevated access rights to member information in order for them to carry out their job responsibilities. Those members are expressly prohibited from using, retaining for personal use, or providing any other party or entity with member information for purposes other than their specific job requires. Any member with elevated access rights to member information who is found to have misused member information may be subject to disciplinary measures as deemed necessary and appropriate pursuant to the STARFLEET Membership Handbook. The matter may also be referred to the appropriate civil or criminal authorities.

Information about STARFLEET’s chapters, including the contact information of the chapter Commanding Officers, is available on STARFLEET’s public website for the purpose of contacting the chapters either to obtain information about the chapter or to provide information to the chapter Commanding Officer and/or to the chapter. This may be used by members for purposes which include, but not limited to, providing information about STARFLEET services, election campaign information, and other information deemed appropriate by STARFLEET.

Information Security PolicyIn the event of an external breach of information, STARFLEET will, as deemed necessary and appropriate, contact our third-party vendors to determine the nature and severity of the breach and may choose to contact the appropriate authorities to resolve the incident. A full report of the incident will be provided to the Admiralty Board. Members may be contacted to advise them of the matter as deemed necessary and appropriate by the President of STARFLEET or their representative. In the event of an internal breach of information STARFLEET will, as deemed necessary and appropriate, conduct an internal investigation of the matter in order to determine the best course of action to address the incident. A full report of the incident will be provided to the Admiralty Board. The President of STARFLEET shall contact the Chief of Computer Operations to suspend temporarily the access rights to electronic records and/or require physical records to be returned to the President pending the outcome of actions, if any, by the Admiralty Board and/or Executive Committee. Members may be contacted to advise them of the matter as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Commander, STARFLEET or their representative.

Retention of InformationAll member personal information will be retained for a period of up to five (5) years after a member allows their membership to expire. All member personal information, regardless of active or expired/archived, are covered by this policy and protected from unauthorized use.

STARFLEET Data Protection Policy Course RequirementsThe most current STARFLEET Academy courses for data privacy and protection approved by the corporate data protection officer (currently SFDPP-101 and SFDPP-102) are annually required to pass for any member with access to other member(s)’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the SFI database, websites, or social media platforms.

As such, but not limited to, all corporate officers, board members, chapter commanding officers (CO) and executive officers (XO) and all respective staff members are required to accomplish this training annually.

Corporate officers/the Executive Committee (EC) are required to ensure their respective staff members have completed and maintain the training, if they have any access to membership data for their job. Any new EC or staff members have thirty (30) days to complete the training from time of appointment. Database access will not be granted until the training is completed.


KIRK, James Tiberius

“You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. There is no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.”

Board members/Regional coordinators (RC) are responsible for ensuring any staff they grant any RC database permissions to have completed and maintain the training, prior to granting access.

Chapter Chairpersons/Commanding Officers are responsible for ensuring any staff they grant any CO database permissions to have completed and maintain the training, prior to granting access.

STARFLEET Academy(s), and all auxiliary departments: anyone who’s duties require access to other member(s)’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must complete and maintain the training before being granted database access. Each department will be responsible for tracking their respective staff training compliance.

STARFLEET International must maintain and update data privacy and protection training compliance and understands that the course name and numbers may change in the future; and cover ever more data protection regulations and laws. The most current courses and tests approved by the corporate data protection officer shall be the requirement per this resolution.

All members currently in impacted/referenced roles must have these courses completed. Members stepping into those impacted roles must complete the courses prior to assumption of duties. Database access will not be granted until the courses are complete.



Officers described within Section 03:02 and Sections 03:05 through 03:09, inclusive, may be removed or fail to be recognized by the leadership of STARFLEET with or without cause. “Cause” may be defined as but not necessarily limited to:

• Demonstrated, repeated failure to comply with STARFLEET’s mandatory reporting requirements,• Financial improprieties by that individual related to any STARFLEET chapter’s demonstrated failure to properly maintain any records,• Failure to allow a chapter or Region member request to review said chapter’s or Region’s financial records or documentation,• Proof of a criminal conviction or civil judgment based upon an offense involving rape, theft, fraud, or any felonious offense, or• Proof of sexual harassment of a member or sexual misconduct (as currently defined in the Membership Handbook) with a member.

Individuals so removed/unrecognized have the immediate right of appeal as specified in Section 09:02 of this handbook. That appellate process shall be concluded by the AB within sixty (60) days of the date of the refusal decision, unless the AB is refused information needed to make an informed decision. In such instances, the AB has the option to vote to extend the period or terminate the appeal altogether for lack of input. At the decision of the AB, the officer in question may retain his/her current position for the duration of the appeal.


The seven top “officials” of STARFLEET compose the Executive Committee (EC). In descending order of command, they are:

• Commander, STARFLEET.• Vice-Commander, STARFLEET.• Chief of Operations, STARFLEET.• Chief of Communications, STARFLEET.• Chief of Educational Services, STARFLEET.• Chief of Computer Operations, STARFLEET.• Chief Financial Officer, STARFLEET.

The following paragraphs describe each of the positions further, as well as their responsibilities.



Commander, STARFLEET

The Commander, STARFLEET (CS) serves as the corporate President of STARFLEET and chairman of the Admiralty Board, which is the corporate Board of Directors. The CS is responsible for the overall administration and supervision of the Fleet, as well as representing the Fleet in an official capacity to other organizations and the general public. All representatives of STARFLEET holding office in any appointed or elected capacity are ultimately responsible to report to the CS or their designee.

The CS is charged with the financial well-being of STARFLEET. They are the only member of the Admiralty Board with the authority to disburse Fleet funds on the behalf of the organization. The CS appoints the Chief Financial Officer and other assistants to perform necessary bookkeeping and budgetary duties. They are also responsible for securing an annual financial review of Fleet funds (at Fleet expense) and making the results of such an audit available to the membership.

The CS is charged with reviewing all Iconography and Heraldry throughout the organization, for compliance with all applicable intellectual property laws. The CS may delegate this as needed, but the ultimate responsibility remains with the Commander, STARFLEET. All departments and facets of the organization are charged to comply with this effort and report their compliance as directed.

The CS shall be fiduciary bonded in the sum of at least U.S. $25,000.00 before taking office, using funds provided by the organization. Should the Commander-elect fail to obtain a bond commitment before January 1st, despite the general availability of organization funds to do so with, the Admiralty Board may by a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of the sitting members of the Admiralty Board forbid the Commander-elect’s assumption of office until such time as the Commander-elect fully complies with said bond requirement. Should such a vote be carried, the Admiralty Board may then appoint a temporary Commander, STARFLEET to serve only until such time as the Commander-elect’s bond has been obtained.

No person may be elected as Commander, STARFLEET for more than two, nonconsecutive, three-year terms. The CS is required to be at least 25 years of age, bondable, must be a member in good standing of STARFLEET for the 3 years immediately prior to the date the term in office begins, and to have completed Officer Training School (OTS), Officer Command College (OCC), and SFDPP 101 & 102.

Unless overturned by a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of the Admiralty Board, decisions of the CS regarding Fleet administration and operation are to be considered final. If for any reason a vacancy shall occur in the office of Commander, STARFLEET, the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET shall immediately assume the office and responsibilities of Commander, STARFLEET. A replacement VCS shall be put into office in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Section 07:03 of the STARFLEET Membership Handbook.


Vice-Commander, STARFLEET

The Vice-Commander, STARFLEET (VCS) is the second in command of STARFLEET and serves as the organization’s Vice-President and as the Corporate Secretary. The VCS is responsible for assuming the responsibilities of the Commander, STARFLEET in their absence, and for representing the CS to the members of the association, other organizations, and the public. The office of the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET is charged with the production and revision of the Membership Handbook, the basic guide to Fleet’s structure, policies, operations, and the Headquarters Informational Newsletter (Tour of Duty), the journal for STARFLEET’s command personnel, is responsible for the direction of committees, task forces, boards, and departments as assigned by the Commander, STARFLEET. The VCS may delegate Secretarial duties as necessary and appropriate.

The VCS is elected by the general membership on the same slate as the CS. No person may be elected as Vice-Commander, STARFLEET for more than two, nonconsecutive, three-year terms. The VCS is required to be at least 25 years of age, as well as meet all other conditions required for the Commander, STARFLEET. The VCS shall report at least once per month to the Commander, STARFLEET. Provided they do not currently hold a higher rank at the time they assume the duties of Vice-Commander, STARFLEET, they shall be promoted to the grade of O-9.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-Commander, STARFLEET, other than as set forth pursuant to Section 07:03 of the STARFLEET Membership Handbook, the position shall be filled by appointment by the Commander, STARFLEET to serve out the remainder of the term, subject to the approval of a majority of the Admiralty Board. If a vacancy occurs pursuant to Section 07:03, then the procedure set forth therein shall be followed for appointment of a successor Vice-Commander, STARFLEET.


Chief of Operations, STARFLEET

The Chief of Operations (COO) is the third in command of STARFLEET and is responsible for the overall smooth operation of the Regions, chapters, and chapters-in-training of STARFLEET. The COO collects reports from all Regional Coordinators and chapter COs and is responsible for the launching of chapters-in-training, commissioning and decommissioning of chapters, and assisting members and chapters with operational programs. The COO is responsible for administering the STARFLEET Shakedown Program, for distributing manuals and other materials, and for providing final approval for requests for launch. The COO or their designee is also responsible for generating the Vessel Registry. On matters of operation, the decisions of the COO are final, unless overturned by the CS. The COO is appointed by the Commander, STARFLEET, and shall report at least once per month to the CS.

Furthermore, members of the Office of the Chief of Operations shall be available to the chapters and Regional Coordinators to assist them with operational programs as defined in the current Membership Handbook. The Chief of Operations is also charged with providing an updated list of newly commissioned ships to the Chief of Computer Operations. The Chief of Operations shall be at least 23 years old and have passed SFDPP 101 & 102.


Chief of Communications, STARFLEET

The Chief of Communications (COMMS) is the fourth in command of STARFLEET and is responsible for the timely publication and distribution of official Fleet communications materials. COMMS also oversees all Media Services, including and not limited to Facebook pages, Mailing Lists and other forms of communications; Audio and Video Services, that includes the producing and directing of Video and Audio programs for the Fleet; and Memory Alpha, STARFLEET’s Archive for publications and information from past, present and future of the Fleet. COMMS shall work with the STARFLEET Archivist and the STARFLEET Historian in coordinating efforts for the gathering and archiving of documents and information pertaining to the goals of Memory Alpha. COMMS is also responsible for overseeing the triennial STARFLEET election process for Commander and Vice-Commander of STARFLEET, and usually serves as Election Coordinator. At the discretion of the Commander, STARFLEET, COMMS may be responsible for the publication of other Fleet documents or publications. COMMS is appointed by the Commander, STARFLEET, and shall report at least once per month to the CS. The Chief of Communications shall be at least 23 years old and must have passed SFDPP 101 & 102.

Chief of Educational Services, STARFLEET

The Chief of Educational Services (CES) is the fifth in command of STARFLEET and is responsible for the overall administration of STARFLEET Academy, a correspondence educational program of STARFLEET. In this role, the Chief of Educational Services is responsible for maintaining an education policy for the entire organization. The Chief of Educational Services shall see to it that all education services, throughout all branches and departments of the organization, provide their courses via the current employed learning management systems/e-learning solution. Presently STARFLEET has adopted Moodle as said learning management system. The Chief of Educational Services is responsible for collecting monthly reports from all Academy directors; for Academy appointments, openings and closures; for maintaining a listing of all OTS and OCC graduates, and for maintaining a current Academy application form for distribution to the members of STARFLEET upon request. He/she is also responsible for overseeing, maintaining, and distributing the STARFLEET Scholarship program educational scholarships. The Chief of Educational Services is appointed by the Commander, STARFLEET and shall report at least once per month to the CS. The Chief of Educational Services shall be at least 23 years old and have passed SFDPP 101 & 102.

Chief of Computer Operations, STARFLEET

The Chief of Computer Operations (CCO) is the sixth in command of STARFLEET and is responsible for maintaining and administering all STARFLEET computer records and databases. The CCO is responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of all STARFLEET members and chapters, and for assisting in the distribution of membership materials and official Fleet communications. The CCO is responsible for generating the mailing labels for official STARFLEET publications and election materials. The CCO is appointed by the Commander, STARFLEET, and shall report at least once per month to the CS. The Chief of Computer Operations shall be at least 23 years old and have passed SFDPP 101 & 102.



As stated above, should the Commander, STARFLEET, become unable or unwilling to perform the duties of his Office, the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET, shall replace him. Upon assuming the Office, the new Commander, STARFLEET, shall appoint a replacement Vice-Commander, STARFLEET. These officers will then carry out the remaining term of office.

Should both the Commander, STARFLEET, and Vice-Commander, STARFLEET, be unable or unwilling to perform the duties of their respective Offices, the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET, shall assume the duties of the Commander, STARFLEET, until such time as either the Commander and/or Vice-Commander return to duty. If neither do so, the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET, by a simple majority vote of the Admiralty Board, shall assume the office and title of Commander, STARFLEET, for the remainder of the original term of office. The new Commander, STARFLEET, shall then appoint a Vice-Commander, STARFLEET, and Chief of Operations, STARFLEET.

This process shall continue downward, as necessary, within the Executive Committee. Should the entire Executive Committee be unable or unwilling to perform their duties, the AB shall be empowered, by a simple majority vote, to appoint an interim Commander, STARFLEET, from their own body to perform those duties for the remainder of the original term of office.


The Admiralty Board (AB) is the final authority on matters of STARFLEET policy. It acts as the ultimate STARFLEET policy decision-making authority, as well as an advisory council to the Commander, STARFLEET. The AB is composed of all the currently serving Regional Coordinators. While the AB oversees policy determination, the Executive Committee determines the procedure to implement all such policy. The Chairman of the Admiralty Board is the Commander, STARFLEET. In the event of his/her absence, the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET shall act as Chairman. In the event of the Vice-Commander’s absence, the AB shall choose a Chairman pro tempore from its membership. Matters may be brought to the attention of the Board by any of its members or by a signed petition from ten or more current STARFLEET members.

Due to the nature of the Admiralty Board, all official AB business is to be performed through a form of communication that produces a record of all discussions or proceedings, which can then be archived for future examination.

Chief Financial Officer, STARFLEET

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is the seventh in command of STARFLEET and is responsible for reporting STARFLEET finances. The CFO is responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of all STARFLEET accounts as well as preparing the annual budget and Form 990 for signing by the CS. The CFO is appointed by the Commander, STARFLEET, and shall report at least once per month to the CS. The Chief Financial Officer shall be at least 23 years old and have passed SFDPP 101 & 102.


Chairman of the BoardAs President of the corporation, the Commander, STARFLEET is the chairman of the board. Should the CS be unavailable, the VCS will assume the duties as chairman. Should neither the CS nor VCS be available, the Admiralty Board will select a member of the board to serve as Chairman pro tem.

Voting CoordinatorThe Vice-Commander, STARFLEET, or a suitable delegate of their choosing, shall perform the conducting and tallying of votes on all relevant issues voted upon by the AB.

ArchivistThe Vice-Commander, STARFLEET, or a suitable delegate of their choosing, shall perform the duties of Archivist of the AB. These duties shall include a compiling of all recorded discussion as well as votes by the AB, for the purpose of establishing an official record of all proceedings.


The Regional Coordinators (RCs) are the representatives of STARFLEET to the members of the region they represent and are responsible for representing the membership of their region to STARFLEET. RCs are responsible for all Fleet policies in the region they represent and for all regional finances. RCs are required to comply with all policies and handbooks which are approved by the Admiralty Board.

RCs are effectively the chairpersons of the region that they represent. Though they may not hold the highest rank, they hold ultimately authority; and all members of the Region are answerable to them for STARFLEET business. RCs have the authority to launch and disband chapters-in-training within their own region. RCs are required to make a monthly regional operations report to the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET and to the Commander, STARFLEET, detailing all operational chapters and chapters-in-training and their activities. RCs who fail to report, or who file two late reports within a twelve-month period, or who fail to cast votes in at least 75% of the matters put forth for vote within any one calendar year, may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the assembled AB, excluding the RC who is the subject of the removal petition, as specified by Article 5, Section 5.16 of the STARFLEET Bylaws. RCs are responsible for developing their own programs and activities within their region (as consistent with Fleet policy) and for the appointment of at least one Vice-Regional Coordinator (VRC) to serve as the RC’s assistant within their Region. RCs may serve as a chapter CO but are not required to do so. The chapter the RC is a member of, if they so choose and whether as CO or not, is considered the flagship of that region.

Regional Coordinators are voted on by the Commanding Officers of the chapters of the region, through a democratic balloting process of suitable candidates, using balloting guidelines set forth by the EC and administered by the IG. RCs serve at the pleasure of their region and the RC must undergo either a biennial election or “vote of confidence” from their electorate, to assure that the needs of their region and members are being met. RC candidates are required to have completed Officer Training School (OTS), Officer Command College (OCC), and SFDPP 101 & 102 before running for office.



The Chapter Commanding Officer must meet all the qualifications for office as set forth in the current STARFLEET Membership Handbook and be at least 18 years of age. A CO serves at the pleasure of the members of their chapter and can be removed by such if so desired. After the individual chapter decides upon the CO, the appointment will either be affirmed or denied by the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET based on a review of the potential CO meeting the above criteria as well as being a member in good standing. Without compelling reasons to the contrary, denial is based solely on the inability to meet the above criteria. In such cases, the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET is expected to inform the potential CO of these shortcomings and give him/her not less than 60 days to correct them. The potential CO can continue to serve as Interim CO during this period.

All COs shall be responsible for sending a monthly chapter status report to their Regional Coordinator as well as the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET or the Chief, Shakedown Operations Command, as they may be required to do so in the manner set forth in the current Membership Handbook or Shakedown Operations Command Manual. In addition to all duties imposed by law, all COs are responsible for the general welfare and administration of their chapters or chapters-in-training, as well as the administration and disbursement of their chapter’s or chapter-in-training’s funds and the maintenance of the chapter’s financial records.

COs in general are expected to set an example for their fellow crew members while also promoting the ideals of STARFLEET and Star Trek in general. They are also expected to aid in fostering growth and harmony within their chapters while trying to keep discord at a minimum.

Each STARFLEET chapter and chapter-in-training is required to have an Executive Officer who, in addition to meeting the specific requirements laid out in the STARFLEET Membership Handbook, must also meet the above qualifications so that they may assume the position of Commanding Officer if necessary.

Cos serve as the leaders and administrators of the local chapters, and may be involved with organizing chapter activities, administrating policy, and developing chapter projects and operations. Chapter members should expect their CO to be familiar with STARFLEET policy, operations, and current events, and should recognize the CO as a resource for information and issue resolution.


The Inspector General, STARFLEET is nominated to the Office by the Commander, STARFLEET. This nomination is then submitted to the Admiralty Board for confirmation by a simple majority vote. Upon confirmation, the Inspector General, STARFLEET shall serve a term of no more than three (3) years, to commence on the first day of the year after the Commander, STARFLEET taking office and ending on the last day of the year following the election of a Commander, STARFLEET. At the conclusion of such a term, and if the CS so desires, the IG may be resubmitted to the AB for re-confirmation to serve another term.

The Inspector General, STARFLEET acts as STARFLEET’s chief investigator in matters where their expertise is called upon. The IG is invested with broad investigative powers in accordance with the guidelines established in the Inspector General Handbook. The IG can also draw upon any fleet personnel to aid in any matter relevant to the operation of STARFLEET. It is also at the discretion of the IG to assemble a staff to carry out their duties within selected Regions and areas. These staff officers shall report directly to the IG who shall be held liable for the results brought about by their staff. The IG is expected to perform its duties in total impartially, and shall not allow personal opinion to color, or perceive to color, either the investigation or its findings. The Inspector General, STARFLEET may choose to recuse themselves from an investigation if they believe that a perceived or actual conflict of interest exist. In such cases, they shall choose the Deputy Inspector General or one of the Assistant Inspectors General to perform the investigation and make the report.

The Inspector General, STARFLEET is also charged with overseeing electoral processes to elect or confirm the Regional Coordinators within the various STARFLEET Regions. Additionally, the IG cooperates with the Chief of Communications, STARFLEET to coordinate the procedure of electing a new Commander, STARFLEET and, in consultation with the Chief of Communications, is responsible for hiring an independent CPA who is in no way associated or affiliated with any chapter or member of STARFLEET to oversee the tallying of the returned ballots.


The Inspector General, STARFLEET reports to the Commander, STARFLEET, shall be at least 23 years old, have passed SFDPP 101 & 102, and must meet all other qualifications for office as set forth in the current Membership Handbook.


The Judge Advocate General, STARFLEET shall be nominated by any sitting member of the Admiralty Board. The nominee shall then be confirmed to the position by a simple majority vote of the Admiralty Board. In the event more than two nominees are submitted and one nominee does not gain a clear majority, the top two in voting shall face a run-off election, with the one gaining the majority winning. The JAG shall serve a term of no more than three (3) years, to commence on the first day of the year after the Commander, STARFLEET taking office and ending on the last day of the year preceding the election of a Commander, STARFLEET.

Every three (3) years the AB may reconfirm the existing JAG, or vote to allow additional candidates to apply, with the confirmation process as outlined above used to determine the candidate.

If for whatever reason, a current member in good standing of STARFLEET finds himself/herself subject to an investigation or punitive ruling on the Regional and/or International Level, then he/she may call upon the Office of the Judge Advocate General, STARFLEET to aid him/her for the duration of the investigation or an appeal against a ruling taken. This assistance is given strictly upon request by the subject of the investigation or the ruling.

Any policies aimed at setting Operational and Administrative Guidelines for the Office of the Judge Advocate General, STARFLEET are at the discretion of the Admiralty board, who may adopt such guidelines via a simple majority vote.

The Judge Advocate General reports to the Admiralty Board, shall be at least 23 years old, have passed SFDPP 101 & 102, and must meet all other qualifications for office as set forth in the current Membership Handbook.

If at any time a member of the Admiralty Board becomes dissatisfied with the performance of the Judge Advocate General, that Admiralty Board member may submit a motion to the entire Admiralty Board to have the JAG removed from office. The Admiralty Board shall have thirty days from the date of the motion to investigate the matter but may vote to extend this period an additional thirty days by a simple majority. At the end of this period, the Admiralty Board shall submit the motion to a vote. By a simple majority, the AB shall then vote whether to remove the JAG or not.


To assist the Executive Committee in meeting individual and chapter needs, STARFLEET divides the world into a series of geographical Regions, each independently governed by a Regional Coordinator. Currently, STARFLEET is composed of twenty regions. Every active Region of the Fleet - i.e., ones containing active chapters - has a Regional Coordinator, and therefore, has representation on the Admiralty Board.


The broad base of support for the continued growth and stability of STARFLEET lies in its individual chapters. Some chapters enjoy gathering for pizza and soft drinks while watching the latest Trek episode or movie, others prefer to work in community service, while others enjoy role playing, costuming, and starship/installation design, and still others enjoy various combinations of activities and events. Diverse in background, membership, and purpose, the chapters of STARFLEET share a common bond of interest in the Star Trek universe, as well as a commitment to “Gene’s Dream”- that of working toward a better future as envisioned by Gene Roddenberry. Further information concerning the chapters of STARFLEET is presented in Section 05.



Every three years, Fleet-wide elections are held for the positions of Commander, STARFLEET and Vice-Commander, STARFLEET. Section 04 of the Membership Handbook fully describes this process, including the election time frame, nomination of candidates, and the counting and verification of ballots.


The leadership of STARFLEET has the right to remove or refuse to recognize any officers described within Section 03:02.




The Commander, STARFLEET (President) and the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET (Vice President-Secretary) of the organization shall take office on January 1st of the year following the general elections, which shall be held every three years. The Offices of President and Vice President-Secretary shall be filled as a slate. The electorate body in these elections shall be all Voting Members in good standing (as of August 1st of the year of the election) of the organization.

Section 04:02 – METHOD OF VOTING

In the event that there are only two slates, the slate that receives the plurality of votes cast by the voting body will take office at the date set forth above.

If there are three or more slates, Instant Runoff Voting will be conducted to determine the winner of the election. Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) is the American English term for a voting system in which voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate is the first preference of a majority of voters who cast a vote, the candidate with the fewest number of first preference rankings is eliminated, and that candidate’s ballots are redistributed at full value to the remaining candidates according to the next ranking on each ballot. This process is repeated until one candidate obtains a majority of votes among candidates not eliminated. The term “instant runoff” is used because the method is said to simulate a series of runoff elections tallied in rounds, as in an exhaustive ballot election. In the contingent vote form of IRV, all but the top vote-getters are eliminated before the instant runoff.

Once a candidate has been eliminated, all the ballots assigned to that candidate are recounted and the second preference of each voter is used to reassign their vote to one of the remaining candidates. The total counts for the remaining candidates are updated and the candidates are reordered. Again, if the top candidate attains a majority, that candidate is declared the winner, otherwise the bottom candidate is again eliminated, and those votes reassigned; each ballot paper is reassigned to whichever remaining candidate is the most preferred by that voter. If a ballot has all its ranked candidates eliminated, it is ‘exhausted’, and it can no longer be counted towards any candidate. Eventually, one candidate must attain a majority of votes cast for continuing candidates and is declared the winner.

If the total of all the combined votes of any grouping of the candidates with the fewest votes is fewer than the votes cast for the next weakest candidate, then all those bottom tier candidates can be eliminated simultaneously. This rule can be used in any elimination round, ties or not. If there is a tie for last place in the elimination process, the slate with the fewest votes in the previous round is eliminated. If there is still a tie those counting votes then look back to the next most recent round and then, if necessary, to further progressively earlier rounds until one slate can be eliminated.

Section 04:03 – RESTRICTIONS

In the event an election for CS and VCS cannot take place, the incumbent Commander, STARFLEET must step down immediately at the close of his or her current term of office. The Admiralty Board shall then elect from its membership an Acting Commander, STARFLEET, who shall discharge the duties of President until such time as a STARFLEET general election can be called, with a timetable to be determined by the Admiralty Board and otherwise conforming to the same general rules and regulations as a regular Commander, STARFLEET election. The Admiralty Board may choose to appoint the sitting CS as Acting CS instead of seeking someone from its membership, as long as this does not exceed the term limits listed below.



No person may be elected to the office of President who has not been a member for at least three uninterrupted years prior to the election. No person may be elected the office of President for four consecutive years, or for more than six years total. No person who has been elected to the office of President for three consecutive years or acted as President for more than half the duration of a term to which another person was elected, shall be eligible to take the office of President again until a minimum of three years has passed from their last day in the office of President.


Unless the Chief of Communications is an announced candidate for President or Vice President-Secretary or has been named to serve on the EC slate of an announced candidate for President, he/she shall be responsible for coordinating all election activity for the duration of the STARFLEET electoral process, except as noted below, including but not limited to the receipt and verification of nominations. If the Election Coordinator himself or herself should receive enough nominations to be considered a candidate, he or she must, within no more than five (5) days, announce this fact. At this time, the Election Coordinator must either declare irrevocably that he or she will not stand for election in this election cycle or relinquish the election process to the next eligible member of the EC in order of succession as defined in Section 03:01 of the Membership Handbook. Should the succeeding members of the EC be ineligible to serve as Election Coordinator, the AB shall choose a member in good standing of the organization to act as the Election Coordinator instead.


The Inspector General, STARFLEET shall ensure that all election guidelines set forth by the Admiralty Board and the STARFLEET Bylaws are adhered to, and that no improprieties take place. For the triennial general election, the Inspector General will, by August 1st, hire an independent accountant, CPA, attorney, or another professional service, to be paid for by STARFLEET, who has no direct affiliation to STARFLEET nor to any of its members, to receive and tabulate all ballots cast. If a special election is required, the Inspector General will perform these duties in accordance with dates specified by the Admiralty Board.


Nominations of candidates for President may be submitted to the Election Coordinator by Chapter (but not Chapter-in-Training) COs or Regional Coordinators. All hard copy nominations must be signed and dated. Electronically transmitted nominations (including, but not limited to fax and any use of the Internet) are subject to a verification process outlined in the current Membership Handbook. If a person currently serves as both a Commanding Officer and a Regional Coordinator, they can only nominate in one capacity or the other, but not both. No person shall be eligible to submit more than one nomination.

Disclosure of the Nomination results, in detail or otherwise, to any aspect of the STARFLEET Membership, shall be handled in accordance with the current Membership Handbook. A minimum of five (5) nominations is required to qualify as a candidate for President. Once the Election Coordinator has announced a member as an eligible candidate for President, that candidate must publicly announce within ten (10) days of notification of eligibility his/her choice for Vice President-Secretary, or publicly announce a decision to not run. Candidates must also ensure that announcement is received by the Election Coordinator. Candidates for President and Vice President-Secretary shall run together as a slate. In this fashion, the office of Vice President-Secretary is subject to the general election of the Fleet membership.



The official election publication is defined as the information resource containing the platforms and proposals of the various eligible candidates for Commander, STARFLEET. This publication may be distributed either as part of an issue of the Communiqué or as a standalone mailing. If sent as a standalone mailing, the election publication must be sent using the United States Postal Services 1st class mail specifications or the international equivalent thereof. If permissible under the guidelines of the election, the election publication may also include the ballots necessary to cast one’s vote. Size and parameters of the Election Publication are at the discretion of the Election Coordinator, who must publish these requirements prior to the commencement of election activities on June 1st (see Section 04:06) within the Communiqué and any other medium he/she deems necessary.


The timetable for the election of the position of Commander, STARFLEET shall be as follows:

Before June 1st: No campaigning of any kind may take place by or on behalf of any prospective candidate until the date whereupon campaigning commences below. The Election Coordinator may authorize specific exceptions as he/she sees fit or necessary. Campaigning is defined as announcements of platform, announcements of candidacy, or announcement of intent to seek candidacy. Announcements are defined as a statement or request for consideration made in person or by mail or another communications medium, to a group or substantial portion of a group, or in a public forum. Prospective candidates are encouraged to solicit advice from the Election Coordinator as to which proposed activity may or may not adhere to the guidelines set forth above. Any actual or perceived violations of campaigning before this date shall be addressed to the Election Coordinator, who shall forward this information to the STARFLEET Admiralty Board. The Admiralty Board will be the final arbiter of whether a transgression has occurred and, if so, shall determine whatever punishment they deem fit.

June 1st to July 15th: Nominations for the position of Commander, STARFLEET are accepted.

June 1st: Campaigning may commence for the purpose of soliciting nominations.

July 15th: The Election Coordinator must receive all nominations by this date. Any nomination received after this date will not count towards the official tally.

July 16th: Qualified candidates are announced via the most expedient means possible. Qualified candidates must accept the nomination and announce their VCS candidate within 10 days or be disqualified.

August 1st: Campaign literature must have been submitted to the Election Coordinator for inclusion in the official Election Publication.

September 1st: All ballots and Election Publications must be in the mail by this date.

November 15th: The professional hired to conduct the election must receive all ballots by this date.

November 20th: The winning candidate is notified and incumbent Commander, STARFLEET begins a transition period, as defined below, if necessary.

December/January: Results are announced in the Communiqué. January 1st: The newly elected officials take office.

Jamuary 1st: The newly elected officials take office.

Spock“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

McCoy, Leonard (M.D)“Compassion. That’s the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it’s the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.”34


If only one person shall qualify as an eligible candidate for President, a vote of confidence for that candidate shall be held by the Voting Membership. Ballots shall be distributed according to the election schedule as defined above. Should the sole candidate fail to obtain a majority of the votes cast in the election, the candidate shall not assume office. The Admiralty Board shall then elect from its membership an Acting Commander, STARFLEET, who shall discharge the duties of President until the next regularly scheduled STARFLEET general election or until a special general election may be called, at the discretion of the Admiralty Board with the advisement of the Election Coordinator.


Should any nominee for Commander, STARFLEET accept the candidacy and then withdraw from the election, that person shall not re-enter the same election. The candidate must notify the Election Coordinator, by electronic or certified mail, of his/her withdrawal from the election, subject to verification by the Election Coordinator.

Section 04:11 – OFFICE TURNOVER

An out-going President must make provisions to turn over all materials connected with the office of President to the incoming President on or before December 31st of the election year. If the out-going President fails or refuses to turn over all such materials promptly, the incoming President or his designee is authorized to take all appropriate actions, including but not limited to the filing of legal proceedings and the filing of a criminal complaint, which may be needed to ensure compliance with this Section.


Since the beginning of Star Trek, there have been vessels and fleet installations of various types such as ships, starbases, and space stations. All STARFLEET chapters assume one of these physical entities from the Star Trek universe so they can be part of the Fleet. Chapters can choose almost any fictional structure as their designation with the Fleet, with only minor exceptions: Fleet Vessels - The traditional starship makes up the largest part of the Fleet. These vessels may be the familiar designs from the Star Trek TV series and movies, or unique designs created by the chapter itself. Contact the Department of Technical Services for assistance in selecting and submitting vessel designs. Fleet Installations - With the debut of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, installations such as space stations have become more popular in fan circles. Fleet installations include, but are not limited to, the following: STARFLEET Headquarters, starbases, space stations, shipyards, and specialty facilities such as communication stations, research facilities, embassies, and consulates. Contact the Department of Technical Services for assistance in developing and submitting installation designs. At the discretion of the Chief of Operations, certain vessel classifications may be specified that are not normally available to individual chapters. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

STARFLEET Headquarters - Assigned for Corporate Headquarters Personnel.

STARFLEET Flagship - Assigned to the chapter which the Commander, STARFLEET serves on as their personal flagship.

Regional Flagships - Assigned to the chapter that the Regional Coordinator serves on as their personal flagship.

Starbases - Only one starbase is allowed per region of STARFLEET and reflects the Regional Coordinator’s headquarters and a home for their staff. No commissioned chapter may choose to become a starbase. Starbases are sequentially numbered, corresponding directly to the region in which they are located (i.e., Region One’s starbase is Starbase 1, Region Seventeen’s is Starbase 17, etc.). You may not choose a Starbase for your primary membership. A STARFLEET chapter will be in one of four operation states: deployed, stand-by, dry-docked, and restricted. The following Sections further discuss each of these operational states in greater detail.

Deployed - A Deployed chapter is one that meets all criteria for continued operations. Reports are on time, the crew is at minimum required strength or better, and the command crew has met and passed all requirements required by STARFLEET. A Deployed chapter enjoys all the rights and privileges granted to it by the STARFLEET Bylaws and Membership Handbook. Stand-By - Should a chapter fall below required crew strengths, have a Commanding Officer or Executive Officer who does not have OTS and/or OCC, or has failed to follow proper reporting procedures, the Chief of Operations shall place them on Stand-By. Chapters in Stand-By shall have sixty days to correct the problem, or they shall be moved to Dry-Docked status. Any chapter placed in Stand-By status due to crew strength shall remain in Stand-By for 180 days (6 months), provided the chapter shows a continued and documentable effort to recruit members with a review by the Chief of Operations every sixty days.



Dry-Docked - A Dry-Docked chapter is one that has been on Stand-By status for more than sixty days without correcting the problems that placed it there. A Dry-Docked chapter has sixty additional days to correct these problems or they shall be Decommissioned. If a chapter is in Dry-Dock status due to being below required crew strength, the chapter shall remain in Dry-Dock status for a period of 180 days, provided the chapter shows a continued and documentable effort to recruit members. This status shall be renewable for a one-year period with a review by the Chief of Operations every sixty days. If, at the end of that year the chapter is still below required crew strength it shall be Decommissioned. If, at any time a chapter corrects their chapter status problems that chapter will be returned to Deployed status. A chapter that is in Dry-Docked status has its rights and privileges suspended until it returns to Deployed status. These include, but are not limited to, nominating for RC or CS, and voting in an RC Election or Vote of Confidence.

Restricted - A Restricted Chapter is a chapter whose CO is a Non-Voting member. A restricted chapter is not permitted to nominate for RC or CS elections, or to vote in an RC election or vote of confidence. A restricted chapter is a non-voting chapter within their region. Decommissioned - When a chapter is decommissioned, either voluntarily or involuntarily, it is removed from the Fleet roster, and its crew may be reassigned to other chapters. A decommissioned chapter may only re-enter STARFLEET via the Shakedown Program.


The Chapter Chairperson, also known as the chapter Commanding Officer (CO), plays an extremely important role in the day-to-day operations of STARFLEET. The CO represents STARFLEET to the members of their chapter, and likewise, through regular reports, represents the opinions and needs of their members to STARFLEET. A CO of a chapter-in-training is required to be a graduate of the Officer Training School (OTS), and have passed STARFLEET Data Protection (SFDPP) courses 101 & 102, while the CO of a chapter must be a graduate of both Officer’s Training School (OTS), the Officer Command College (OCC) and have passed SFDPP 101 & 102. COs serve as the leaders and administrators of the local chapters, and may be involved with organizing chapter activities, administering policy, and developing chapter projects and operations. Chapter members should expect their CO to be familiar with STARFLEET policy, operations, and current events, and should recognize the CO as a resource for information and issue resolution. COs have the authority to grant promotions to their chapter members up to and including the grade of O-5 and may demote members within those same grades.

Chapters are encouraged to develop and ratify their own operational procedures for election and retention of COs, so long as those procedures do not contradict STARFLEET’s Bylaws or policies. The CO is responsible for naming all chapter appointments, including Executive Officer (XO), department heads, etc. (Like the CO, the XO of a chapter-in-training is required to be an OTS graduate, and the XO of a chapter is required to be both an OTS and OCC graduate.) The CO is ultimately responsible for chapter finances.


While STARFLEET regulations place exclusive responsibility for the correct and proper operation of a STARFLEET chapter on the Commanding Officer, it is common sense to have some duties assigned to other members. This allows them to share in the workload and gain experience in the running of a chapter. It is recommended that at least one “real-world” function be assigned to each Department Head (e.g., Communications would publish the Chapter Newsletter, while Operations might set up and run facilities at the monthly meetings).



While STARFLEET allows people, who are not members of STARFLEET to serve on STARFLEET chapters, benefits offered to STARFLEET members will not apply. They will not receive a Communiqué, nor will they be allowed to attend courses at STARFLEET Academy. Obviously, non-STARFLEET members may not be counted towards the ten-member minimum to maintain Deployed Status. Also, with the exception of restricted members as listed in Sections 02:01, you must be a STARFLEET member to hold the positions of chapter Commanding Officer and Executive Officer. They can not vote in any STARFLEET election.

Section 05:05 – CHAPTER FINANCES

It is strongly recommended that a chapter, as well as any member of STARFLEET overseeing or involved in the collection and/or distribution of funds of any kind, keep accurate and timely financial records of all transactions. It is also strongly recommended that a separate chapter account be opened and maintained, and that there be more than one authorized signature required on chapter checks.


The STARFLEET Shakedown Program was developed as a training course for individuals and chapters that aspire to become official chapters of STARFLEET and receive a chapter charter. Typically, new chapters of STARFLEET form for a variety of reasons: distance from a currently active chapter, specific needs of a group of members, cultural or philosophical differences, etc. When a group of members comes together and decides to form a chapter, the STARFLEET Shakedown Program is designed to help those members become an active, growing, and prosperous chapter of STARFLEET. Chapters in the Shakedown Program function as chapters-in-training under the tutelage of already-established chapters, referred to as Support Ships. The following conditions must be met before a new chapter-in-training can be formed:

• The crew must consist of at least five active STARFLEET members, including the CO and XO. Only individual memberships or up to two (2) members per family membership count toward this minimum.• The CO and XO must have taken and passed the STARFLEET Officer Training School (OTS) exam.• Authorization must have been received from the Department of Technical Services for the vessel name, NCC/SFR number, and starship/station class and type. (Note that during the Shakedown Program, chapters-in-training will use NX/SFX prefixes.)• Both the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer must be at least 18 years of age.

Since there may be some Shakedown chapters that are not on the Internet and some that are, there are two ways to submit a VRR package: 1) via the Postal Service and 2) electronically

1) Postal Service - Once the above requirements have been met, the Shakedown Chapter CO must place the following in an envelope:

• A completed and signed Vessel Registration Request (VRR) form.• A copy of the CO’s and XO’s (OTS) and SFDPP Certificates.• A copy of the DTS vessel approval letter.• A check or money order for the current shakedown chapter fee made out to STARFLEET (if applicable). Contact Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET to verify.• Two (2) Addressed, Stamped Envelopes – one addressed to the RC of the vessel’s Region and the other to the Chief of Shakedown Operations. Should the vessel reside in a Region outside of the Region of their Support Chapter, include a third Addressed, Stamped Envelope addressed to the RC of the Support Chapter’s Region.


This package is then sent to the CO of the Support Chapter, who will add his/her signature to the VRR and forward the entire package to the Regional Coordinator. Your region may ask you to send a copy of this VRR to the Regional ShOC officers. Should the vessel reside in a Region outside of the Region of their Support Chapter, the Regional Coordinator of both the vessel’s Region and the Support Chapter’s region must receive and sign all paperwork during the shakedown period. Once the Regional Coordinator(s) signs the VRR, he/she will forward the package to the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET.

2) Electronically - For an electronic submission of the launch VRR, the following process is followed:

• The prospective Chapter-in-Training gets vessel approval, via email, from DTS.• The prospective Chapter-in-Training gets the OTS eligibility information via the STARFLEET Database or has a copy of the certificates which can be emailed as an attachment.• If the VRR PDF file is fillable (Version: Oct 2017 or later) – it is filled out by the prospective CO, digitally signed, and then emailed to the official email addresses of the Support Chapter CO, the RC (both RCs if the Support Chapter is in a different Region), any Regional ShOC officers who may request it, and the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET.• If the VRR PDF file is NOT fillable (Version: any time before Oct 2017) – it is downloaded, printed, and filled out by the prospective CO. The filled-out VRR is signed, scanned, and then emailed to the official email addresses of the Support Chapter CO, the RC (both RCs if the Support Chapter is in a different Region), any Regional ShOC officers who may request it, and the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET.• After each person has signed the VRR, he/she scans it (if necessary) and sends it via email attachment to the next person on the VRR distribution list. The DTS approval email and the OTS eligibility information or certificates are attached to this email.• When the final approval is issued by Shakedown Operations Command, the Shakedown Chapter is launched.

Once Shakedown Operations has received and verified the package, they will formally launch the chapter-in-training and promote the CO to the grade of O-5 and the XO to the grade of O-4 (provided they do not already hold those grades or higher).

Chapters-in-training in the Shakedown Program perform activities and operations much like a commissioned chapter of STARFLEET. Reports must be filed on a monthly basis with the Support Ship CO, the RC(s), and the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET. During their time in the Shakedown Program, the crew is encouraged to begin developing operational procedures, newsletters, recruiting, and other activities normally performed by STARFLEET chapters.

The Shakedown Program will take new chapters-in-training of STARFLEET a minimum of 9 months to complete but may take longer if appropriate and necessary. The typical period to complete the Shakedown Program is from 9 to 12 months in time.


The Accelerated Shakedown Program (ASP) is designed to reflect the fact that some groups seeking to become STARFLEET chapters already possess some of the characteristics which the standard Shakedown Program is designed to help groups to gain. In simpler terms, some groups, whether they be a new group comprised of long-time members who have “been there and done that” or a group that has been together already for a while (e.g., either an independent club seeking to become a STARFLEET chapter or a former chapter seeking to return to the organization after a period away), would need a shorter period of time to become acclimated to functioning as a current STARFLEET chapter than would a newly-forming group composed of members new to running a club.

In such a situation, it may be reasonable to grant a shorter shakedown cruise. A series of key metrics was established by which Shakedown Operations Command could determine whether a group could qualify for a shortened shakedown period. More details can be found in the START manual, or by contacting Shakedown Operations Command. Even under ASP, however, the minimum shakedown period is 5 months.



Within the space of a year (typically between nine and twelve months), the crew of the Shakedown Program chapter may submit another VRR form to request to become a chartered chapter. In order to be commissioned as a chartered chapter, the following conditions must be met immediately prior to commissioning:

• The crew must consist of at least ten active STARFLEET members, including the CO and XO. Only individual memberships or up to three (3) members per family membership count toward this minimum.• The CO and XO must have taken and passed the Officer Command College (OCC) exam.• Authorization must have been received from the Department of Technical Services for the ship name, NCC/SFR number, and starship/ station class and type. (The original authorization can be used here if the group has not changed their vessel.)

Since there may be some Shakedown Chapters that are not on the Internet and some that are, there are two ways to submit a VRR package: 1) via the Postal Service and 2) electronically.

1) Postal Service - Once the above requirements have been met, the chapter-in-training CO must place the following in an envelope:

• A new, completed and signed Vessel Registration Request (VRR) form.• A copy of the CO’s and XO’s OTS, OCC and SFDPP 101 & 102 Certificates.• A copy of the DTS vessel approval letter.• A check or money order for the current chartering fee made out to STARFLEET (if applicable). Contact the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET to verify.• Three (3) Addressed, Stamped Envelopes – one addressed to the RC of the vessel’s Region, one to the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET and one to the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET. Should the vessel reside in a Region outside of the Region of their Support Chapter, include a fourth Addressed, Stamped Envelope addressed to the RC of the Support Chapter’s Region.

This package is then sent to the CO of the Support Chapter, who will add his/her signature to the VRR and forward the entire package to the Regional Coordinator(s). Your region may also ask you to send a copy of this VRR to the Regional ShOC officers. Once the Regional Coordinator(s) signs the VRR, he/she will forward the package to the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET. Once Shakedown Operations has received and verified the package, they will forward it to the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET, who will then formally commission the chapter and promote the CO to the grade of O-6 and the XO to the grade of O-5 (provided they do not already hold those grades or higher).

2) Electronically - For an electronic submission of the commissioning VRR, the following process is followed: • The prospective Chapter gets approval, via email, from DTS. (The previous approval may be used here.)• The prospective Chapter gets the OTS/OCC eligibility information via the STARFLEET Database or has a copy of the certificates which can be emailed as an attachment.• If the VRR PDF file is fillable (Version: Oct 2017 or later) – it is filled out by the prospective CO, digitally signed, and then emailed to the official email addresses of the Support Chapter CO, the RC (both RCs if the Support Chapter is in a different Region), any Regional ShOC officers who may request it, and the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET.• If the VRR PDF file is NOT fillable (Version: any time before Oct 2017) – it is downloaded, printed, and filled out by the prospective CO. The filled-out VRR is signed, scanned, and then emailed to the official email addresses of the Support Chapter CO, the RC (both RCs if the Support Chapter is in a different Region), any Regional ShOC officers who may request it, and the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET.• After each person has signed the VRR, he/she scans it (if necessary) and sends it via email attachment to the next person on the VRR distribution list. The DTS approval email and the OTS/OCC eligibility information or certificates are attached to this email.


Scott, Montgomery “Scotty”“A good engineer is always a wee bit conservative, at least on paper.”

Uhura, NyotaSulu : “I’ll protect you, fair maiden!”Uhura : “Sorry, neither!”

Once Shakedown Operations has received and verified the package, they will forward it to the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET, who will then formally commission the chapter and promote the CO to the grade of O-6 and the XO to the grade of O-5 (provided they do not already hold those grades or higher).

For more detailed information concerning the STARFLEET Shakedown program and how to become a chapter of STARFLEET, please contact either the Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEET or the Chief of Operations, STARFLEET (please include an SASE for all postal mail contacts). It is advised that proposed chapters maintain copies of all submitted material, especially the completed VRR.

Equally important (if not more so) to determining the type of chapter is the determination of a chapter name. The Department of Technical Services (DTS) approves names for chapters. A multitude of possibilities exists for nomenclature; however, all are subject to - and cannot be used without - approval by DTS. Neither a chapter-in-training nor chapter of STARFLEET can be launched or commissioned without an approved DTS chapter name. For further information on chapter naming and restrictions, please contact DTS.

Section 05:09 – CITY OF CHARTER

Upon commissioning as a new chapter is STARFLEET, the Commanding Officer will announce their City of Charter to the Operations department with the prior written (or electronic) approval of the Regional Coordinator for the region into which the City of Charter falls. Once a City of Charter is set, it cannot be changed under normal circumstances. If a chapter does wish to change their City of Charter, circumstances detailing why a chapter would like to change its charter shall be submitted to the Executive Committee, who will have the authority to either allow or deny the request.

If an established City of Charter is in a different region than that in which the Commanding Officer actually resides, both Regional Coordinators need to be consulted and must submit their approvals before the EC can deliberate to approve or deny the request. Any case in which both Regional Coordinators involved do not authorize a City of Charter, the request is automatically disapproved. Only with a majority vote of the entire Admiralty Board can this be overridden.


Section 06:01 – MEMBERSHIP DUES

Every member in STARFLEET shall be required to pay dues as determined and approved by the Admiralty Board, the payment of which is a precondition to continued membership in STARFLEET. Honorary memberships in STARFLEET without assessment of dues may be awarded by the Executive Committee after consultation with and approval by the Admiralty Board.

The prices of membership dues are detailed in Section 02:01 of this membership handbook.


A Lifetime Member is one who exemplifies the principles and ideals that STARFLEET strives to maintain. They are examples to whom other members can look as a role model. The selection process for a Lifetime Member is not an easy one, and there is no guarantee that there will be a sufficient pool of potential nominees each year. Therefore, the award of a Lifetime Membership(s) is not an annual requirement, but rather the pinnacle of recognition of a career’s worth of exemplary service to the organization.

The Executive Committee, after consultation with and approval by the Admiralty Board, shall be empowered to grant non-paying lifetime memberships in STARFLEET as per the criteria documented in Section 02:02 of the Membership Handbook. An outgoing Commander, STARFLEET shall be awarded with such a membership unless a motion to deny this privilege is carried by a majority of the combined Admiralty Board and Executive Committee.

Lifetime Membership Criteria:

1. Lifetime Member nominees must have achieved the rank of Admiral and held the rank continuously and in good standing for five (5) years OR served as a member of STARFLEET continuously and in good standing for a time-period of no less than fifteen (15) years. 2. Lifetime Member nominees must currently, or since their last promotion, have served the international organization by making a “significant contribution.” a. A “significant contribution” can be achieved by serving as a member of the governing body (EC or AB) or the international staff, or as otherwise determined by the Executive Committee. 3. Lifetime Members nominees who have been suspended and/or had their privileges revoked from any official STARFLEET email or other social media list by the moderator must have the details of their suspension/revocation reviewed by the Executive Committee, The Executive Committee will review these suspensions/revocations and determine if the action warrants disqualification. 4. Lifetime Member nominees, in order to be forwarded to the Admiralty Board for consideration, must receive a simple majority vote of support from the full Executive Committee. Any nominee that does not carry a simple majority of the full Executive Committee should not be put forward to the Admiralty Board for consideration.

NominationsIn accordance with Sections 02:02 and 06:02 of the current STARFLEET Membership Handbook, the STARFLEET Executive Committee may award non-paying Lifetime Memberships with the approvals of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board.

Using the criteria in Section 06:02:01, the Executive Committee may recommend to the Admiralty Board up to two (2) members for a Lifetime Membership each fiscal year. Said recommendations, if approved by the Admiralty Board, should, if at all possible, be made in enough time to allow for the presentation of said Lifetime Memberships at the annual STARFLEET International Conference. If this is not possible, it is at the discretion of the Commander, STARFLEET to select an alternate time and/or venue to make said announcement.



BallotingAny nominations for Lifetime Memberships require a two-thirds majority vote of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board, as currently defined by the current STARFLEET By-Laws, in order to be bestowed upon said nominees. The balloting process shall follow the established guidelines used for passing Admiralty Board Resolutions.

If the nominees fail to achieve a two-thirds majority, then they shall not receive the Lifetime Membership; however, the nominee may be resubmitted later without prejudice.

RevocationIf at any time after receiving a Lifetime Membership, a Lifetime Member conducts themselves in such a way that brings harm and/or discredit to their Chapter, Region, or STARFLEET itself, then the Admiralty Board may revoke their Lifetime Membership.

The STARFLEET Inspector General will be charged with investigating any such alleged conduct to determine how it relates to the member’s Lifetime Membership. If said investigation concludes that there is reason to believe that said member’s conduct was less than honorable, the Admiralty Board may revoke the Lifetime Membership by a two-thirds majority vote of the full Admiralty Board.

If, at any time, three successive mailings - electronic or USPS (snail-mail) from the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations to the Lifetime Member are returned as “Undeliverable/Address Unknown” then the Lifetime Membership may be suspended until such time as the Lifetime Member asks for it to be reinstated.

Termination & Re-ActivationOnce every two (2) years, the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations may choose to contact a Lifetime Member to determine whether they are still interested in receiving their membership materials. If the response is negative, returned with no answer given, or no answer is provided after 30 days, then the membership may be suspended until such time as the Lifetime Member asks for it to be reinstated.

A Lifetime Member may also request to have their Lifetime Membership terminated. Said request must be made in writing - either via USPS or email attachment to the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations. If said member later chooses to re-affiliate with STARFLEET, their Lifetime Membership can be reinstated by a simple majority vote of the full Admiralty Board.


An Honorary Member is one who has distinguished themselves via their service to STARFLEET or the Star Trek Community at large. There is no requirement for the annual awarding of an Honorary Membership.

Honorary Membership Criteria

1. Honorary Member nominees must have achieved the rank of Admiral and held that rank continuously and in good standing for five (5) years OR served as a member of STARFLEET, continuously and in good standing, for a period of time of no less than ten (10) years. 2. Honorary Member nominees who have been suspended and/or had their privileges revoked from any official STARFLEET email or other social media list by the moderator, must have the details of their suspensions/ revocations reviewed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will review these suspensions/ revocations and determine if the actions warrant disqualification. 3. Honorary Membership nominees, in order to be forwarded to the Admiralty Board for consideration, must receive a simple majority vote of support from the full Executive Committee. Any nominee who does not carry simple majority of the full Executive Committee should not be put forward to the Admiralty Board for consideration.42

NominationsIn accordance with sections 02:02 and 06:02 of the current STARFLEET Membership Handbook, the STARFLEET Executive Committee may award non-paying Honorary Memberships with the approvals of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board.

Using the criteria in Section 06:02:01, the Executive Committee may recommend to the Admiralty Board up to four (4) members for an Honorary Membership each fiscal year. Said recommendations, if approved by the Admiralty Board, should, if at all possible, be made in enough time to allow for the presentation of said Honorary Memberships at the annual STARFLEET International Conference. If this is not possible, it is at the discretion of the Commander, STARFLEET to select an alternate time and/or venue to make said announcement.

BallotingAny nominations for Honorary Memberships require a two-thirds majority vote of the STARFLEET Admiralty Board, as currently defined by the current STARFLEET By-Laws, in order to be bestowed upon said nominees. The balloting process shall follow the established guidelines used for passing Admiralty Board Resolutions.

If the nominees fail to achieve a two-thirds majority, then they shall not receive the Honorary Membership; however, a nominee may be resubmitted later without prejudice.

End of Membership PeriodAt the end of the Honorary Membership period, the member will be returned to the category of dues-paying member. If warranted, a recipient of an Honorary Membership can be nominated and awarded such a membership at the conclusion of the first Honorary Membership.

No member may receive more than two (2) back-to-back Honorary Memberships.

In the case of any Cast and/or Crewmembers of the various Star Trek productions (television programs or films) who have been awarded an Honorary Membership, the option will be given to the chapters of STARFLEET to ‘host’ a celebrity who has been so honored. The selected chapter will be allowed to carry said celebrity on their Chapter Roster and are subsequently responsible for the upkeep of the celebrity’s membership dues.

No chapter will be allowed to carry more than one (1) such celebrity on their Chapter Roster at a time.

If, at any time, three successive mailings - electronic or USPS (snail mail) - from the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations to the Honorary Member are returned as Undeliverable/Address Unknown, then the Honorary Membership may be suspended until such a time as the Honorary Member asks for it to be reinstated.

Termination & Re-ActivationOnce every two (2) years, the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations may choose to contact an Honorary Member to determine that they are indeed still interested in receiving their membership materials. If the response is negative, returned with no answer given, or no answer is provided after 30 days, then the membership may be suspended until such time as the Honorary Member asks for it to be reinstated.

An Honorary Member may also request to have their Honorary Membership terminated. Said request must be made in writing - either via USPS (snail mail) or email attachment – to the STARFLEET Chief of Computer Operations. If said member later chooses to re-affiliate with STARFLEET, their Honorary Membership will be treated as if it had concluded; and said member will have to rejoin as a dues-paying member.



The Admiralty Board shall be empowered by simple majority vote to assess an annual Chapter Charter Fee or a Vessel Registration Fee upon the chapters or chapters-in-training of STARFLEET.

The Chapter Charter Fee will be assessed to all chapters beginning in the calendar year following that in which the chapter has paid its Vessel Registration Fee and completes its first year as a chapter of STARFLEET.

Chapters-in-training and commissioning chapters are subject to a Vessel Registration Fee that shall serve as the equivalent of the Chapter Charter Fee.

Any such annual Chapter Charter Fee shall be reasonable in amount and shall be used only to provide services and benefits to all chapters and chapters-in-training.




If any Region’s Commanding Officers (COs) become dissatisfied with the performance of their Regional Coordinator (RC), after first exhausting all avenues to reconcile their differences with said RC, the COs shall petition the Inspector General, STARFLEET, to initiate a process to remove said RC from office. Upon receiving the petition signed by at least 25% of the Region’s COs, the Inspector General, STARFLEET will orally interview and/or request written statements from any and all parties involved. The Inspector General, STARFLEET may recuse himself and his staff from the matter only if he/she believes that his/her office’s participation in the matter would create a conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety. In this case, if there is no one on the Inspector General’s staff who may assume jurisdiction over the matter, the petition shall be sent to the Commander, STARFLEET for further action.

After giving all positions due consideration, the Inspector General, STARFLEET (or the investigator who assumed authority over the case), in consultation with the Commander, STARFLEET, must decide whether to submit the petition to the Admiralty Board (AB) for further consideration or call for an immediate Vote of Confidence by the Commanding Officers of the Region the RC represents. If the petition is submitted to the AB, the AB shall first deliberate on the matter and then by a majority vote of all Regional Coordinators holding office, excluding the RC who is the subject of the removal petition, vote on whether to request a Regional Vote of Confidence in the affected Region. No voting proxies shall be accepted in this balloting process.

If the petition to remove the RC is accompanied by the signatures of more than 50% of the Region’s COs, the Vote of Confidence process shall be initiated automatically by the Inspector General, STARFLEET. If the Regional Vote of Confidence is in favor of removal, the CS shall promote the senior-most sitting Vice-Regional Coordinator to serve as Interim Regional Coordinator to serve until a called RC election can be held.

If an RC fails to cast votes in at least 75% of the matters put forth for vote within any one calendar year, the Admiralty Board (AB) may, by two-thirds vote of the assembled AB, excluding the RC who is the subject of the removal petition, remove any RC, as specified by Article 5, Section 5.16 of the STARFLEET Bylaws.


Any member of STARFLEET has the right to petition the Commander, STARFLEET (CS) or the Admiralty Board (AB) for removal of a member of the Executive Committee (EC). Removal petitions may be based only upon the EC member’s alleged lack of performance of official duties. No member of STARFLEET may petition for removal of an EC member based upon a personal dispute between the petitioning member and the EC member. Such a petition is subject to summary denial.

Upon investigation by the CS or the IG, if the EC member is unable or unwilling to execute the official duties of his/her position in a manner that is in the best interest of STARFLEET, then the EC member shall be removed pursuant to Article 6, Section 6.4 of the STARFLEET Bylaws.




If at any time the Commander, STARFLEET (CS) neglects his/her duties as set forth within this Constitution and the Membership Handbook, or if the CS causes harm to come to the reputation and stature of STARFLEET by any of his/her actions, and upon receipt of a petition with the signatures of at least 5% of the current membership from no fewer than 10 chapters from no fewer than 2 separate Regions, the process of impeachment may be initiated by the Admiralty Board (AB). During such procedure, the CS shall be allowed to defend his/her actions to the assembled AB. The CS shall be allowed to select any member of STARFLEET to act as his/her advisor during this procedure. If the CS is unable or unwilling to secure an advisor of his own choosing, the AB may appoint one for the CS.

The AB shall appoint a STARFLEET member, who may be a current Regional Coordinator, to act as the advocate for the AB during this proceeding. All or any portion of the proceeding may be conducted in closed session if necessary, to prevent potentially defamatory material from being released. However, at an appropriate time after the conclusion of the proceeding, a transcript of the proceeding shall be made available for public review, unless both the AB and the CS mutually agree and request in writing that the transcript not be so made available.

After a full and fair review of the charges brought against the CS, if two-thirds (2/3) of the sitting members of the AB vote in favor of removal of the CS, then the CS shall be ordered to resign within thirty (30) days, or any lesser time period as set by the AB. If the CS fails to comply with this order in a timely fashion, the AB shall remove him/her from office and shall install the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET (VCS) as the new Commander, STARFLEET. The new CS shall, within ten (10) days after taking office, nominate a candidate for appointment as the new VCS. The AB shall then either confirm or reject the nominee within no more than thirty (30) days by a majority vote.

If the former CS for any reason fails to cooperate with the new CS or the AB in the timely transition of all required STARFLEET files and materials as may be set forth in the Membership Handbook or other appropriate official STARFLEET resolution, either the new Commander, STARFLEET or the Inspector General, STARFLEET will be charged with and authorized to pursue appropriate legal action in accordance with the laws of the United States of America and the State of Incorporation of STARFLEET.


The Commanding Officers of all STARFLEET chapters shall serve at the pleasure of their chapters’ crews, and except under the circumstance as set forth in Section 03:01, the removal of such officers by anyone other than the chapters’ members shall not be permitted.

Regional Officers, such as Vice-Regional Coordinators, serve at the discretion of the Regional Coordinator; and removal of such officers by any other person other than the Regional Coordinator, shall also not be permitted.

Auxiliary Departments, as defined in Section 10:01, wishing to appoint a Department Officer who shares an area of responsibility (AOR) with a given region will have guidance from their respective department and/or the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET as to the appointment of officers in charge of that shared AOR. These officers are NOT inserted, inherently, into an RCs staff, nor are they under the RC’s direct supervision. However, given the inherent need of the role to work with the RC and their staff, the RC’s advice and consent is needed for the appointment of the departmental officer. Further, these Departmental Officers will copy the RC on their required reports, as defined by their departmental guidance.


If at any time the Commander, STARFLEET becomes dissatisfied with the performance of the Inspector General, he may submit a motion to the Admiralty Board to have the Inspector General removed from office. The Admiralty Board shall have thirty days from the date of the motion to investigate the matter but may vote to extend this period an additional thirty days by a simple majority. At the end of this period, the Admiralty Board shall submit the motion to a vote. By a two-thirds majority, the AB shall then vote on whether to remove the Inspector General.



If at any time a member of the Admiralty Board becomes dissatisfied with the performance of the Judge Advocate General, that Admiralty Board member may submit a motion to the entire Admiralty Board to have the Judge Advocate General removed from office. The Admiralty Board shall have thirty days from the date of the motion to investigate the matter but may vote to extend this period an additional thirty days by a simple majority. At the end of this period, the Admiralty Board shall submit the motion to a vote. By a two-thirds majority, the AB shall then vote on whether to remove the Judge Advocate General.

Section 08:01 – FISCAL YEAR

The fiscal year of STARFLEET shall commence on July 1st and terminate on June 30th of the following calendar year. All transactions of STARFLEET shall be conducted in the currency of the United States of America.


The Executive Committee shall install and maintain an accounting system for STARFLEET in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles sufficient to maintain STARFLEET’s tax-exempt status and which will generate concise and easy-to-understand financial statements no less than three times a year, which shall be published in the Communiqué.

Section 08:03 – FUNDS INVESTED

Funds belonging to STARFLEET, except as necessary to pay current expenses, must be invested in United States Federally insured bank deposits or instruments guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America, or in other investments as the Executive Committee may authorize. No funds may be deposited in a safe deposit box. No funds shall be invested or loaned in a manner that results in the personal profit or advantage of any officer or member of the organization. Except for funding the annual International Conference and reasonable and necessary business operations and expenses, no STARFLEET funds may be invested or spent in any business venture or any other manner that results in an actual loss of money. Any person or persons authorizing any such business undertaking will be personally liable to the corporation and its members for all losses so incurred.

Section 08:04 – FIDUCIARY BONDED

All members or designates of this organization who handle funds received or expended by STARFLEET in excess of $750 shall be bonded in such amounts as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine, except for the Commander, STARFLEET, who shall be fiduciary bonded as set forth in Section 03:02.

Section 08:05 – MONEY AND PROPERTY

All money and property belonging to this organization, any Region thereof, or any individual chapter (including chapters-in-training) shall be held and used solely for the benefit of the organization, region, or chapter and its members, or the charity or fund for which the money or property is designated. No contracts or expenditures of STARFLEET funds shall be made which will result in the personal profit or advantage of any officer or member of STARFLEET.

Section 08:06 – DISBURSEMENTS

All disbursements of STARFLEET shall be made by the Chief Financial Officer, who shall keep verifiable records which show the date, payee, the type of service rendered, or goods or property purchased, the budget line item into which they should fall and the amount of payment.



Sulu, Hikaru“If you’re going to remain on my ship, you’re going to have to learn how to appreciate a joke.”

Chekov, Pavel Andreievich“I am proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?”


The Executive Committee shall provide for the annual review of the books of accounts of STARFLEET by an audit committee formed from a subset of the Admiralty Board. The review shall be completed before the annual return to the IRS. All Admiralty Board members shall be granted read-only access to STARFLEET’s financial statements and financial records.


As set forth in Section 01:03, in the event that STARFLEET should be dissolved or liquidated, or otherwise cease operation, the property and assets of STARFLEET shall first be used to pay all outstanding debts, with any remaining assets being contributed on behalf of the membership to a charitable corporation that is recognized under Title 26, United States Code, Section 501(c)(3) or (c)(7), as selected by the Executive Committee.


When an International Conference is awarded, it shall be awarded with the understanding that all funds for the event will be under the stewardship of the Chief Financial Officer, who shall make funds available to the conference chair in a manner consistent with guidelines published in the Membership Handbook.



STARFLEET does not address matters of a criminal nature unless the criminal act involves STARFLEET functions directly. If a member has a complaint of a criminal act committed by another member, the complainant should notify the appropriate authorities immediately, and then inform their local chain of command.

This Section is to address matters that pertain directly to STARFLEET; specifically, violations of the provisions in the STARFLEET by-laws and this member’s handbook. A member may make a complaint against another member violations of these documents with the following process:

1. Filing a Complaint: The Complainant Member needs to file their complaint with the Commander, STARFLEET. All supporting documentation and information should be included when filing the complaint. The Commander, STARFLEET will review the complaint and determine if it has merit and should be investigated. If the Commander, STARFLEET finds that there is insufficient information or evidence or doesn’t believe an investigation is warranted, he/she will send an email or letter to the Complainant Member advising that no investigation will be performed but give the member 30 days to send in more information if he/she wishes to make one final request for an investigation.

2. Processing the Complaint: Should the Commander, STARFLEET find the complaint is warranted, the complaint will be sent by the Commander, STARFLEET to the Inspector General to review the matter, record the parties involved, assign a number for tracking, and begin the investigation pursuant to the Inspector General, STARFLEET’s Handbook. The investigation should be done as quickly as possible to ensure timeliness.

3. Reporting: After the investigation is complete, the Inspector General will submit a report to the Commander, STARFLEET, to the AB, and to all Members involved in the complaint. The report will include a list of the grievances raised and Sections of the STARFLEET Rules and Regulations that are in violation and will be sent via email or certified mail to the Accused Member at the address listed in the membership records. This report may include recommendations by the IG.

4. Accused Response: The Accused Member shall be given thirty (30) days to respond via email or certified mail to the IG. The Accused Member has the right to request from the IG one extension of thirty (30) additional days, to prepare their response. The Accused Member may call upon the Judge Advocate General (JAG) for assistance in this, per Section 03:09.

5. The Decision: After receipt of the Accused Member’s response or expiration of the response term, the Commander, STARFLEET shall call for the creation of a disciplinary board. This board shall be composed of three Regional Coordinators from regions other than those of the defendant member and any interested parties. The disciplinary board will be chaired by the senior Regional Coordinator, as determined by the length of time in office.

Once the disciplinary board is formed, the Commander, STARFLEET will submit the Complaint and any evidence immediately to that board for review and decision.



6. Sanctions: If the Complaint is found to be valid, the disciplinary board may apply one or more of the following sanctions:

• The Accused Member may be issued a written warning, provided to him/her by their Regional Coordinator, and kept for record by the Member’s RC and the IG. • The Accused Member may be reduced in rank. • The Accused Member may be recommended to the AB for expulsion from the organization. • The Accused Member may be sued in a civil proceeding or filed charges against him/her in a criminal court of appropriate jurisdiction. • Deferred to the entire AB for any other sanction as determined by the AB.

7. Notification: The Accused Member will be notified of the decision and the imposed sanction by email or mail by the Commander, STARFLEET or the CS’ duly appointed representative.

8. Appeal: The Accused Member has the right to appeal. The appeal must be lodged with the Inspector General and the Commander, STARFLEET via email or via certified mail within thirty (30) days of the date of the email sent notifying him/ her of the decision and sanctions or of the date of receipt of the decision letter if sent via certified mail.

9. In the event that the complaint is in regard to the Commander, STARFLEET, the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET shall fulfill all of the duties where the Commander, STARFLEET is listed in the process above.


STARFLEET recognizes the right, codified in the STARFLEET Membership Handbook, of a member to appeal any judgmental decisions entered against him/her by STARFLEET or any of its officers.

The Admiralty Board shall serve as the formal appellate body of STARFLEET. However, in the interests of not burdening the AB with the weight of all the appeals that could potentially be filed by the membership, a body of three members shall be convened as necessary to review all appeals. The member has 30 days from the date the Notice of Findings was delivered to him/her by their RC to file an appeal. The request for appeal must be made to the Inspector General, STARFLEET, and include only the request itself and the matter, and/or Case Number, being appealed.

The process of establishing a STARFLEET Appeal Review Board shall be as follows: once the Inspector General, STARFLEET receives notice from the member that they are appealing the Notice of Findings, the IG shall inform the Commander, STARFLEET that an appeal has been requested. This notice must be given within 48 hours of the appeal having been received by the IG. If the nature of the appeal is one that necessitates the establishment of an Appeal Review Board, the CS shall then instruct the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET to form the Board. The CS has 24 hours to inform the VCS that an Appeals Review Board needs to be formed.

In forming the Board, the VCS shall solicit one volunteer from the Admiralty Board, one volunteer from the Executive Committee (excluding the VCS and the CS), and one volunteer member-at-large who has been a member of STARFLEET for at least 3 years. The three members of the Appeal Review Board must be chosen within 15 days of the VCS being charged to form the Board, and no member of the Board shall be from the same Region as the member filing the appeal. No member of the appeals Review Board can be members of the disciplinary board that first reviewed the matter up for appeal.

The VCS shall solicit volunteers by posting said request to whatever current, official business channels are presently in use. Should multiple volunteers step forward, the first qualified volunteer from each group should be chosen, though the final decision on said volunteer shall be up to the VCS.


Should no volunteers present themselves from any or all bodies mentioned above, the VCS will draw a random name from the most current roster of the Executive Committee, Admiralty Board, and Commanding Officers. Should the chosen member decline this duty, another name will be drawn until such time as someone agrees to serve on the Board as that body’s representative. There is no limit as to how many times a qualified member may serve on the Appeal Review Board.

Once assembled, the Appeal Review Board will contact the appellant and request any and all materials relevant to the appeal. No more than 15 days should be allowed for the delivery of said materials. The Board will also request copies of any relevant Investigation Reports and minutes of the disciplinary board’s deliberations regarding the appealed matter. Once it has the aforementioned materials, the Board shall review them and determine whether or not the appeal has merit and warrants reconsideration by the full Admiralty Board. Said merits can include but are not limited to: violation of procedures and/or due process as defined by the STARFLEET Bylaws and Membership Handbook; violation of the member’s rights, as defined by the STARFLEET Membership handbook, in the course of the investigation and/or deliberation by the disciplinary board; new information that was, for whatever reason, not included in the Investigation Report for consideration by the disciplinary board.

At no time is the Appeal Review Board authorized to re-investigate the matter under appeal. The Appeal Review Board has a maximum of 90 days from the date of its formation to conclude its review. Once the review is complete, the Board will inform the appellant and the Commander, STARFLEET of their decision within 48 hours.

Should the Appeal Review Board determine that the appeal has merit, the Commander, STARFLEET, as Chairman of the AB, shall present their determination to the full Admiralty Board for review within 48 hours of his receipt of said determination. The AB will have 60 days to review the appeal and render a decision by a two-thirds or greater vote. Said vote shall be to: a) allow the prior decision and sanctions to stand; b) allow the prior decision to stand but vacate the prior sanctions and impose new sanctions; c) vacate the prior decision and sanctions completely. No extensions on this review are allowed.

Should the Appeal Review Board determine that the appeal is without grounds for consideration by the full Admiralty Board, then that appeal is formally ended, and the original decision shall stand.



A group of members may find itself wanting to organize along the lines of a common interest shared amongst its members, that grow beyond local chapters or are otherwise not served by that structure. In order to facilitate such groups, they are given the opportunity to form an Auxiliary Department of STARFLEET. An Auxiliary department is a faction within STARFLEET that offers members a new service or focus area but is still integrated within the Command Hierarchy of STARFLEET itself. This means that while this group has their own unique (if need be) structure, it still is ultimately responsible to the larger SFI organization.

Auxiliary Departments report to the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET (VCS). If you know of a group of like-minded Fleet members who are interested in joining into such an Auxiliary department, the next step would be to contact the VCS. The VCS can start an Auxiliary department and assist in the administration of it as needed. All Auxiliary departments must add to the SFI experience, not serve as a replacement to the parent organization. Should an Auxiliary Department gain significant membership, the VCS can request the specific department be codified in the next revision of this Members Handbook (MHB). As these are codified in the MHB, and thus ratified by the Admiralty Board, they are approved member services, offered directly to the member – thus no director or officer can obstruct the delivery of these services.

Unofficial groups are those that are run by members but who are not required to report to the VCS as there is no established pro-gram or larger member service performed/provided. Providing discussion or single activities for these groups should be their intent - and still must meet the criteria above.

As they are in direct violation of member rights and overall dangerous to the wellbeing of the organization, any such groups currently operating within SFI that are based on clandestine activity, secrecy, exclusivity, unsanctioned member investigations, or otherwise fail the three criteria above, are hereby ordered to cease and desist.

Though Auxiliary departments get more exposure through being more tightly integrated with STARFLEET itself, if your subgroup is smaller in scale and you aim to keep it that way, there is no need to become an Auxiliary department — though you are of course able to explore that option with the VCS at any time. There are many “unofficial” groups throughout STARFLEET, and they serve as the cradle for future Auxiliary departments.


As a department is initially defined, and grows (or wanes), they can move through various statuses within the overall program.

Permanent Auxiliary Department - An Official Auxiliary may reach this status if they have proven, over significant time, that they have offered a consistently outstanding service to members, gained widespread adoption through active membership affiliation, and have been approved by the Admiralty Board (as being codified in the MHB). They receive the support of the EC, by way of website estab-lishment, and other services as applicable. Approved Permanent Auxiliaries shall be added to Section 10:02 of the MHB, with detailed description for each.

Official Auxiliary Department - Any Provisional Auxiliary Department that meets with the approval of the VCS after a year of provisional status is eligible to be designated as an Official Auxiliary Department. Official status may be revoked at any time by the VCS if the Auxiliary fails to meet standards of service provision.

Provisional Auxiliary Department - Any group that has established a service that members are interested in and has applied for official status. The VCS shall vet said group for approval or rejection. Once approved, the group shall undergo a twelve-month provisional period to provide services to the membership with the support of the Executive Committee as designated by the VCS.



Section 10:02:01 – STARFLEET MARINE CORPSThe STARFLEET MARINE CORPS (SFMC) is a Permanent Auxiliary department under the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET. The Commandant of the STARFLEET Marine Corps, with the advice of the Commander, STARFLEET, is appointed by and reports to the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET.

The Corps does not have separate requirements for membership, other than to be a member in good standing of STARFLEET. The designation of STARFLEET Marine within our organization can be utilized as an Active (primary identification) or Reserve (secondary identification) role as part of a STARFLEET membership. The SFMC membership include many veterans and active-duty military, as well as people who just prefer a ‘military flavor’ to their Star Trek fan activities. It is in no way a military or paramilitary organization, despite its use of common military terminology.

The STARFLEET Marine Corps is organized along traditional military lines, in the same manner as STARFLEET. However, instead of being organized along Navy lines, and using terms such as ‘Fleets’ and ‘Ships’, the STARFLEET Marine Corps uses ground force equivalents such as ‘Brigades’ or ‘Strike Groups’. In fact, the STARFLEET Marine Corps observes the same geographical boundaries that define STARFLEET Regions. Each region area of responsibility (AOR) has a corresponding SFMC Brigade. Brigade Officers-In-Charge (OICs) are not part of the Regional staff but, in accordance with Section 07:04 of the Member Handbook, are appointed with the guidance of the local Regional Coordinator. SFMC units can be attached to a chapter (Marine Strike Groups/MSGs) or be standalone units (Marine Expeditionary Units/MEUs).

Section 10:02:02 - STARFLEET SPECIAL OPERATIONSThe STARFLEET Special Operations (SFSO) is an Official Auxiliary department under the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET. The Commander of Special Operations is appointed by, and reports to, the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET, with the advice and consent of the Commander, STARFLEET.

The SFSO does not have separate requirements for membership, other than to be a member in good standing of STARFLEET. The designation of “STARFLEET SFSO” within our organization can be utilized as an Active (primary identification) role as part of a STARFLEET membership and does not prohibit other STARFLEET affiliations. SFSO is no way a military or paramilitary organization, despite its use of common military terminology.

STARFLEET Special Operations is organized along traditional military lines, in the same manner as STARFLEET. However, instead of being organized along Navy lines, and using terms such as ‘Ships’, the Special Operations lowest unit is the Special Operations Unit (SOU).


Unofficial Group - This is a group that has not gained nor sought VCS approval and operates without EC support.

Note: No group whether Permanent, Official, Provisional or Unofficial, that are clandestine or exclusive in nature will be allowed to operate within STARFLEET. Also, any groups with any political affiliation or religion as their focus/interest, are prohibited and will not be approved for an Auxiliary Department of STARFLEET.


Section 10:02:04 – STARFLEET MEDICALSTARFLEET Medical is an Official Auxiliary department under the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET. The position of Surgeon General, with the advice of the Commander, STARFLEET, is appointed by and reports to the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET

STARFLEET Medical does not have separate requirements for membership other than to be a member in good standing of STARFLEET. The designation of STARFLEET Medical within our organization can be utilized as an active part of your STARFLEET membership.

The focus of STARFLEET Medical is to provide assistance to Regions and Chapters by making public health and medical information, along with other valuable resources available to the members of STARFLEET. This is in keeping with the vision of Gene Roddenberry by being dedicated to helping humankind attain noble goals and ideals and operationalise the “let me help” principle set forth in both the television series and movies.

STARFLEET Medical does not issue medical advice to anyone, it encourages them to pursue professional medical attention for any concerns they may have. It actively encourages its members to learn CPR, Basic First Aid, and become more knowledgeable in how to be aware of serious and acute conditions such as stroke, cardiac issues, accident prevention, and related subjects.

To assist in the support of the aims of STARFLEET Medical, each region area of responsibility (AOR) may have a corresponding Assistant Surgeon General (ASG’s). ASG’s are not part of the Regional staff but, in accordance with Section 07:04 of the Member Handbook, are appointed with the guidance of the local Regional Coordinator.

Section 10:02:03 - PETFLEETPETFLEET is a service offered to members with pets, allowing them to register their pets as being part of STARFLEET, as we understand that Porthos and Spot are valued family members as well. PETFLEET also offers a dissemination point for pet-related information, and sanctioned pet advice from veterinary sources. The Director of PETFLEET is appointed by and reports to the Vice-Commander, STARFLEET.

Because PETFLEET is a registry of animal companions to STARFLEET Members in Good Standing, it is not intended to act as or represent STARFLEET Membership for those companions. PETFLEET registered animal companions enjoy no rights as STARFLEET Members as outlined in Section 2 of the Membership Handbook. PETFLEET members may not be utilized as Chapter members.


The halls of STARFLEET Academy are the training grounds for Fleet’s brightest and most productive officers. The Academy is organized into various Colleges, each one organized within an appropriate Institute, overseen by a Dean. The Academy courses are directed by dedicated individuals who are here to answer your questions, provide advice, and oversee your development as a member of a premiere group in fandom.

The Academy has an extensive awards program. This program recognizes the top students for academic achievement. These awards are given yearly: Red Squad recognizes the “Best” students who have attended SFA. The Blue Squad recognizes the best Cadets who have completed SFA courses. Gold Squad recognizes those families who have completed a school together.

There are also Boothby Awards which are given based on how many courses a member has passed in both STARFLEET Academy and the SFMC Academy throughout his or her career with STARFLEET. These are given monthly based on the total number of courses passed.

We encourage participation in all courses, but especially recommend that students begin with Officer Training School (OTS). Here, newer members learn how Fleet operates and begin to make basic command level decisions. Other courses in Academy provide valuable insight into STARFLEET, Trek trivia, or real-life activities.

For a full list of Academy Institutes and Colleges, please contact STARFLEET Academy.




An amendment may be placed before the general membership for their approval after:

• Submission to and approval by the Admiralty Board or:• Receipt of a petition for an amendment.

If by petition, the proposed amendment to be submitted must be set forth at the top of each signature page of the petition, which must contain the signatures of 10% of the general membership, calculated as of the time the petition is turned in to the Commander, STARFLEET. The signatures on the petition will be verified by STARFLEET Computer Operations to ensure that every signatory has a proper SCC number and is a member in good standing at that time.

The Admiralty Board, by two-thirds vote, may authorize cosmetic amendments such as spelling or numbering corrections and grammatical errors, except that no such amendment may have the intent or effect of altering the basic meaning, purpose, or function of any provision in the Bylaws.


• Adoption of the Membership Handbook, or any revision thereof, may occur only upon the approval of a majority of the Admiralty Board.

• Operational changes that may occur due to changes in office or technology or due to human fallibility/cosmetic updates may be performed to the Membership Handbook when necessary. These changes do NOT require approval of the AB and are limited to the following instances:

• The “Welcome” note from the Commander, STARFLEET – This singular item can be changed at any time by the Commander, STARFLEET. This will ease transitions from CS to CS. No other item may be unilaterally changed without notification and approval by the Admiralty Board.

• Appendices that may change due to updates in URL’s and email addresses – When such changes are made by the STARFLEET Executive Committee, this information must be submitted to the Admiralty Board within 30 days of the changes being authorized. However, every effort should be made on behalf of the EC to minimize the need for such changes. Under no circumstances can any of these changes be construed as a substantial alteration of the basic meaning, purpose, or function of the Membership Handbook. If the Admiralty Board feels that any of the alterations performed under this stipulation do not meet this criterion, then the matter is immediately placed before the Admiralty Board for the purpose of discussion and a subsequent vote.

• Correcting misspellings, mistakes in numbering, or similar grammatical errors - Should it become necessary to make changes to the Membership Handbook to address such mistakes and doing so can be accomplished without any substantial alteration of the basic meaning, purpose, or function of the Membership Handbook, then the Executive Committee can do so, provided that the information is submitted to the Admiralty Board. If the Admiralty Board feels that any of the alterations performed under this stipulation do not meet this criterion, then the matter is immediately placed before the Admiralty Board for the purpose of discussion and a subsequent vote.

• The Vice-Commander, STARFLEET will be required to submit an updated Membership Handbook within 60 days of the adoption of any changes, including any Amendments approved, to the Admiralty Board and the Commander, STARFLEET for approval and vote.57




The following is a listing of abbreviations commonly found throughout this handbook, and in common usage throughout STARFLEET:

AB Admiralty BoardASDB Advanced Starship Design BureauCCO Chief of Computer OperationsCFO Chief Financial OfficerCO Commanding OfficerCOC Chief of Communications COMPOPS STARFLEET Computer OperationsCOO Chief of OperationsCOS Chief of Staff / Chief of SecurityCQ STARFLEET Communiqué CS Commander, STARFLEETCSO Chief of Shakedown Operations Command / Chief Science OfficerCSR Command Status ReportDTS Department of Technical ServicesEC Executive CommitteeFLEET STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. IG Inspector General, STARFLEETJAG Judge Advocate General, STARFLEETLASE Legal-sized self-Addressed Stamped EnvelopeMSR Monthly Status ReportNCC Naval Construction ContractOCC Officer Command College OPS STARFLEET OperationsOTI Office of Technical InformationOTS Officer Training SchoolRC Regional CoordinatorRDC Regional Division (or Department) ChiefRSR Regional Status ReportSASE Self-Addressed Stamped EnvelopeSCC Security Clearance CodeShOC Shakedown Operations CommandSG Surgeon General, STARFLEETSFA STARFLEET AcademySFHQ STARFLEET HeadquartersSFMC STARFLEET Marine CorpsSFI STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. VCS Vice-Commander, STARFLEETVRC Vice-Regional CoordinatorVRR Vessel Registration Request Form



The following is a comprehensive listing of all currently active Regions of STARFLEET:

Region 1: Kentucky, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia.

Region 2: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean lands.

Region 3: Louisiana, Texas.

Region 4: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada.

Region 5: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington.

Region 6: Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin.

Region 7: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania.

Region 8: Africa and the Middle East, including: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, United Arab Emirates

Region 9: Continental Europe, including the old Soviet states.

Region 10: Alaska, Western Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories

Region 11: Australia, East Indies, Indonesia, New Zealand.

Region 12: Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma.

Region 13: Manitoba, Michigan, Ontario & Nunavut

Region 14: Quebec, Canadian Maritimes: New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island.

Region 15: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont.

Region 16: Guam, Japan, Micronesia, North and South Korea, Philippines.

Region 17: Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming.

Region 18: Mexico, Central and South America.

Region 19: Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma (Myanmar), China, Cambodia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Taiwan.

Region 20: Ireland and Great Britain: England, North Ireland, Scotland, Wales.




The following is a general listing of ranks used by the Naval and Ground Forces of STARFLEET. Certain divisions may have variations on this listing.

Fleet AdmiralAdmiral

Vice AdmiralRear AdmiralCommodoreFleet Captain


CommanderLieutenant Commander

LieutenantLieutenant Junior Grade


Master CPO of SFI

Master CPO

Senior CPO

Chief Petty Officer

Petty Officer, 1stPetty Officer, 2ndPetty Officer, 3rd

CrewmanCrewman Apprentice

Crewman Recruit


GeneralLieutenant General

Major GeneralBrigadier General


Lieutenant ColonelMajorCaptain

First LieutenantSecond Lieutenant

Chief Warrant Officer 5Chief Warrant Officer 4Chief Warrant Officer 3Chief Warrant Officer 3

Warrant Officer

Sergeant MajorMaster Gunnery SGT

First SergeantMaster SergeantGunnery Sergeant

Staff SergeantSergeantCorporal

Lance CorporalPrivate 1st Class

























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