debenture issue2o1.6 trust deed - siyapatha … ·  · 2018-02-07all the debentures under this...

Post on 28-Apr-2018






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This Trust Deed is made and entered into at Colombo in the Democratic Socialist Republic

of Sri Lanka on this eighteenth day of August Two Thousand and Sixteen.


SIYAPATHA FINANCE PLC a Limited Liability Company duly established in the

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and registered under the Companies Act No 17

of 1982, re-registered under the Companies Act No 7 of 2007 and a finance comPany

licensed under the Finance Business Act, No. 42 of 2011, bearing registration No PB917PQ

and having its Registered Office at No. 11O Sir ]ames Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02

(hereinafter referred to as "the Company" which term or expression as herein used shall

where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said SIYAPATHA

FINANCE PLC and its successors) of the ONE PART


DEUTSCHE BANK AG COLOMBO BRANCH a Banking Corporation duly incorporated

in the Federal Republic of Germany and having its registered office at L2, Taunusanlage,

Frankfurt am Main and having a Branch Office at No. 86 Galle Road, Colombo 3, in the

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the "Trustee" and

which term or expression hereinafter used shall where the context so requires or admits

mean and include the s.aid DEUTSCHE BANK AG COLOMBO BRANCH its successors

and assigns) of the OTHER PART;


The Company being duly empowered on that behalf by its Articles of Associadon,

has resolved by resolution dated 266 January 201,6 and the subsequent Board

meeting held on 28th June, 20L6 ofits Board of Directors, to raise an initial sum of

sri Lankan Rupees Two Billion (LKR 2000,000,000/-) by the issue of Twenty

Million (20,000,000) Listed, Rated, Unsecured, Senior, Redeemable Debentures with

a par value of Rupees One Hundred (LKR 100/-) with an option to raise a further

sum of Rupees Five Hundred Million (LKR 500,000,000/-) by the issue of up to a

further Five Million (5,00q000)of the said Debentures bearing tenures and interest

at the rates hereinafter mentioned and to be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange;

The said Debentures shall be constituted in the manner and upon the terms and

conditions hereinafter containedi

v V


The Company has obtained an instuument rating of A-(lka) from Fitch RatingsLanka Limited for the aforesaid Debentures;

' The Trustee being duly qualified to act as Trustee; under the Securities andExchange Commission Act No. 36 of 1987 (as amended) has agreed to accept theoffice of Trustee and act under the provisions of this Deed as Trustee, for thebenefit of and in the interests of the Debenture Holders on the terms hereinaftercontained.



(a) In These Presents unless the subject or context otherwise requires thefollowing expressions shall have the respective meanings given below:

"CENTRAL DEPOSITORY or CDS" means the CentralDepository System (Private) Limited.

"CSE" means the Colombo Stock Exchange,

"CERTIFICATE" means any certificate required to be issuedunder These Presents and they may be signed on behalf of the

Company by (u) any two Directors or (b) a Director and theManaging Director or (c) a Director and the Company Secretary or(d) any two other Officers specifically authorized by the Board ofthe Company to sign such a certlficate.

"DATE OF ALLOTMENT" means the date on which theDebentures will be allotted to the Debenture Holders which datewill be notified to the Debenture Holders.

"DATE OF REDEMPTION" me.rns in respect Debentures of,

(u) TYPE A - Thirty Six (35) months (3 years) from the Date ofAllohrent,

(b) TYPE B - Sixty (60) months (5 years) from the Date ofAllotment,

or such later date on which the Debenfures may be redeemable inthe circumstances set out in Clause 4.2.










6. "DEBENTURES" shall mean:

TYPE A - Rated Unsecured Senior Redeemable Debentures

20L6 - 2019 of the par value of Sri Lankan Rupees One

Hundred (SLR 100/-) each, bearing interest at a fixed

interest rate Thirteen decimal zero Per centum (13.00%) per

annum payable annually on each Interest Payment Date

from the Date of Allotment of the Debentures until the date

immediately preceding the Date of Redemption.

TYPE B - Rated Unsecured Senior Redeemable Debentures

201,5 - 2021, of the par value of Sri Lankan Rupees One

Hundred (SLR 100/-) eacfu bearing interest at fixed interest

rate Thirteen decimal five per centum (13.50%) Per annum

payable annually on each Interest Payment Date from the

Date of Allotment of the Debentures until the date

immediately preceding the Date of Redemption.

All the Debentures under this Indenture shall rank equal and pari

passu inall respects excePt for the Date of Redemption and the Rate

of Interest as set out herein.

"DEBENTURE HOLDERS" mean the Holders of the Debentures

for the time being in whose CDS accounL the Debentures are

lodged as at the relevant date.

"ENTITLEMENT DATE" means the Market Day immediately

preceding the respective Interest Payment Date or Date of

Redemption on which a Debenture Holder would need to be

recorded as being a Debenture Holder on the list of Debenture

Holders provided by the CDS to the Company in order to qualify

for the payment of any interest or any redemption proceeds.

'EVENI OF DEFAULT" means any event set out in Clause 11.

'EXTRAORDINARY RESOLUTION" means a resolution passed

by the holders of not less than three fourth (A) n value of the

Debenture Holders voting on such resolution.

"INTEREST PAYMENT DATE" means the dates on which

payments of interest in respect of the Debentures shall fall due,

which shall be twelve (12) months from the Date of Allotment and

every twelve (12) months there from of each year from the Date of

Allotment until the Date of Redemption and includes the Date of

Redemption. Interest would be paid not later than three (03)

Working Days from each Interest Payment Da@.







12. "INTEREST PERIOD" the twelve (12) month period from the date

immediately succeeding a particular Interest Payment Date and

ending on the next Interest Payment Date (inclusive of the

aforementioned commencement date and end date) and shallinclude the period commencing from the Date of Allotment and

ending on the first Interest Payment Date (inclusive of the

aforementioned commencement date and end date) and the periodfrom the date immediately succeeding the last Interest Payment

Date before the Date of Redemption and ending on the date

immediately preceding the Date of Redemption (inclusive of the

aforementioned commencement date and end date).

"LISTED" means tradable on the Colombo Stock Exchange.

"MARKET DAY" means a day on which kading takes place at the

Colombo Stock Exchange.

"PROSPECTUS" means a prospectus prepared in accordance withthe Companies Act No. 7 of 2007 and delivered to the Registrar ofCompanies in terms thereof.

"RATE OF INTEREST" means in respect of

TYPE A - Thirteen decimal zero per centum (13.00%) per


TYPE B - Thirteen decimal five per centum (13.50%) per


"RESOLUTION" means a Resolution passed by the Debenture

Holders in terms of Clause 2L unless otherwise provided for.

"REGISTERED ADDRESS" when used in relation to a Debenture

Holder means the address provided by the Debenture Holder tothe CDS.

"REGISTRARS" means the Registrars to the Debenture issue orsuch other person or persons to be appointed as the Registrars forthe purpose of These Presents by the Company.

'SECU means the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri

Lanka established under the Securities and Exchange Commission

of Sri Lanka Act No. 36 of 1987 (as amended).

"SRI LANKAN RUPEES" and the sign "SLR" and "LKR" mean

the lawful currency of the Republic of Sri Lanka.










+ Y v v








"SENIOR" in relation to the Debentures means that the claims of the

Debenture Holders shall, in the event of winding up of the

Company, rank after all the claims of secured creditors and

preferential claims under any Statutes governing the Company but

pai passu to the claims of unsecured creditors of the Company and

shall rank in priority to and over any subordinated debt of the

Company and over the claims and rights of the ordinary and

preference Shareholder/s of the Company.

"THESE PRESENTS" means this Trust Deed as from time to time

modified in accordance with the provisions herein contained

andf or according to law and shall include any Supplementary

Trust Deed executed in accordance with the provisions hereof.

"TRUST DEED" meatrs These Presents as from time to time

modified in accordance with the provisions herein contained

andf or according to law and shall include any Supplementary

Trust Deed executed in accordance with the provisions hereof.

"TRUSTEE' mearu Deutsche Bank AG Colombo Branch, a

licensed Commercial Bank under the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988,

or its successors.

"I/VORKING DAY" means any day (other than a Saturday or

Sunday or any statutory holiday) on which licensed commercial

banks are open for business in Sri Lanka.

Words denoting or importing the singular number shall includethe plural number and vice versa and words denoting or importingthe masculine gender only shall include the feminine gender and

shall include corporate and unincorporated bodies of persons.

In These Presents references to:

any provision of any statute shall be deemed also to refer to any

statutory modification or re-enactrnent thereof or any statutoryinstrumen! order or regulation made there under or under such

modifications or re-enactnent.

principal andf or interest in resPect of the Debentures or to any

monies payable by the Company under These Presents or under

the Debentures shall be deemed also to include references to any

additional amounts which may be payable under These Presenb'

Costs, charges or expenses shall include (but not be limited to)

Value Added Tax, Tumover Tax or similar tax charged or

chargeable in respect thereof.

(d) References in this Trust Deed to clauses, sub-clauses, paragraphs

and sub-paragraphs shall be construed as references to the clauses,





sub clauses, paragaphs and sub-paragraphs of this Trust Deedrespective$.

(e) The headings are inserted herein only for conveniences and shailnot affect the construction of These presents.


The Trustee is hereby appointed as Trustee for the purposes of the Debentures andfor the benefit of and in the interests of the Debenture Holders as provided hereinand the Trustee accordingly accepts the appointnent upon the terms andconditions contained herein and agree to act under the provisions of this TrustDeed as the Trustee.


Debentures will be issued by the Company to raise a maximum principal sum ofsri Lankan Rupees Two Biilion and Five Hundred Minion (srn zioo,ooo,000/-)andsuch Debentures shall be listed on the colombo stock Exchange subject to, in-principle approvals of the CSE being obtained.


(a) The company hereby covenants with the Trustee for the benefit ofthe Debenture Holders that itwill:

pay on the Date of Redemption to Debenture Holders inaccordance with the provisions of These presents andupon receipt of the information relating to the DebentureHolders from the CDS, as of the Entitlement Date bycrossed cheque marked ,,Account payee only,, sent byordinary mail to the Registered Addresses of theDebenture Holders or tfuough a SLIITS (Sri Lanka InterPayments System) kansfer or a RTGS (Real Time GrossSettlement System) transfer the principal sum of theDebentures which ought to be redeemed and interest (ifany) remaining unpaid up to the date immediatelypreceding the Da@ of Redemption of the Debentures.RTGS transfers however could be effected only foramounb over and above the maximum value that can beaccommodated via SLII5 transfers.

pay on each Interest Payment Date to the DebentureHolders in accordance with the provisions of ThesePresents and upon receipt of the information relating tothe Debenture Holders from the CDS, as of the EntitlementDate by crossed cheque marked ,,Account payee only,,sent by ordinary mail to the Registered Addresses of theDebenture Holders or through a SLIITS transfer or a RTGStransfer, the interest on the Debenfures for the time being






outstanding at the Rate of Interest, in accordance with the

provisions of These Presents. RTGS transfers however

could be effected only for amounts over and above the

maximum value that can be accommodated via SLIIS


the interest calculation shall be based upon the actual

number of days in each Interest Period (actual/actual)'

the payment of the principal sum and interest shall be

made in Sri Lankan Rupees after deducting any

withholding tax and/or such other taxes and charges

thereon, if applicable.

any payments shall be deemed to have been made on the

Date of Redemption or the Interest Payment Date as the

case may be if the cheques are dispatched not later than

three (3) Working Days from such date or the SLIPS

transfer or the RTGS transfer is made not later than three

(3) Working Days from such date.

in the event of there being any delay in the redemption of

the Debentures or the payment of interest thereon due to a

default by the Company, the Company shall pay default

interest at the Rate of Interest plus Two per centum (2%)

per annum from the Date of Redemption or the Interest

Payment Date as the case maY be.



The Debentures shall be redeemed in accordance with the

provisions contained in These Presents on the Date of Redemption

together with interest (if any) remaining unpaid thereon'

If any Debenture Holder fafu or refuses to receive payment of the

interest or redemption, monies payable to such Debenture Holder

or any part thereof within ninety (90) days from the Interest

Payment Date or the Date of Redemption of the Debentures as the

case may be, the amount due to him shall be transferred by the

Company to a suspense account maintained separately with the

Trustee at the end of ninety (90)days after the Interest Payment

Date or the Date of Redemption of the Debentures and shall be

paid by the Company to the Debenture Holder when a claim is

duly made and no interest will be payable by the Company on

such interest or redemption monies for the period between the

Interest Payment Date or the Date of Redemption as the case may

be and the date of the said payment unless the nonpayment is due

to a default on the part of the Company'



No person shall be entitled to claim any such payment after thecompletion of six (06) years from the Interest Payment Date or the

Date of Redemption and all unclaimed monies shall cease to be

owed and peyable by the Company to any Debenture Holder afterthe said period of six (06) years and such moneys will be returnedto the Company by the Trustee.

If any cheques for redemption and/or an interest payment sent bypost to the Debenture Holders are retumed to the Companyundelivered, the amounts represented by each of such refurnedcheques shall also be transferred by the Company to theaforementioned suspense account maintained with the Trustee andretained therein for a period of six (06) years from the InterestPayment Date or the Date of Redemption of the Debentures. Suchmonies will be repaid to the Debenture Holders if the same isclaimed in writing by such Debenture Holder within the said six(06) years period and no interest will be payable by the Companyon such interest or redemption monies for the period between theInterest Payment Date or the Date of Redemption as the case maybe and the date of the said payment

No person shall be entifled to claim any such redemption and f otinterest payment after the completion of six (06) years from theInterest Payment Da@ or the Date of Redemption and allunclaimed monies shall cease to be owed and payable by theCompany to any Debenture Holder after the said period of six (06)

years and such moneys will be returned to the Company by theTrustee.

The Company shall always act on the information furnished by the

CDS and it shall be the responsibility of each such DebentureHolder to keep all the information in respect of such DebentureHolder updated. Each Debenture Holder shall absolve theCompany from any responsibility or liability in respect of anyerror or absence of necessary changes in the information recordedwith the CDS. Provided further that the Debenture Holder shallabsolve the CSE and the CDS from any responsibility or liability inrespect of any error or absence of necessary changes in theinformation recorded with the CDS where such errors or absence

of changes are initiated or are athibutable to the DebentureHolders.

the Company shall be entitled to make payment on redemption ofall such Debentures on the Date of Redemption to such DebentureHolders without any request for claim from such DebentureHolders and such payment shall be deemed to be a payment duly



^!-- 0V.y V

made by the Company to the respective Debenture Holders in

redemption of the Debentures of such Holders'

In order to accommodate the Debenture interest cycles of the CDS,

the Debenture Holders to whom interest shall be paid shall be

those holding Debentures in the CDS as of the Entitlement Date'

If the Date of Redemption falls on a day which is not a Market Day, then

the Date of Redemption shall be the immediately succeeding Market Day

and for the avoidance of doubt interest shall be paid for the intervening

days which are not Market Days.


The Company shall pay all charges, stamp duties and other similar duties or taxes

(if any) payable on or in connection with (i) the issue of the Debentures and (ii) the

execution of These Presenb.


a) Applications for Debentures should be for a minimum of One Hundred (100)

Debentures and any application for excess of this figure should be in multiples

of One Hundred (100) Debentures.

b) Applications are invited for the subscription for Debentures from the

following categories of applicants :

Citizens of Sri Lanka resident in Sri Lanka and above 18 years of age

Corporate bodies and incorporated societies registered/established in

Sri Lanka and authorized to invest in Debentures

Approved UnitTrusts licensed by the SEC

Approved Provident Funds and contributory pension schemes

registered/incorporated/established in Sri Lanka and authorized to

invest in Debentures. In the case of approved provident funds and

approved contributory pension schemes, the application should be in

the name of the trustee /board' of management thereof'

Regional and country funds approved by the SEC and authorized to

invest in Debenfures

Non-residents: foreign institutional investors including country funds,

regional funds or mutual funds, corporate bodies incorporated outside

Sri Lanka, citizens of foreign states whether resident in Sri Lanka or

outside Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans resident outside Sri Lanka.

c) Applications will not be accepted from individuals and Sri Lankans residing

outside Sri Lanka who are under the age of L8 years or in the names of Sole

Proprietorships, Partrerships or unincorporated trusts or bodies of persons.

"Individuals resident outside Sri Lanka" will have the same meaning as in the

notice published under the Exchange Control Act in Gazetbe No. 15007 dated

ZL April1972.













d) when permitting Non- residenb to invest in the Debentures, the Company willcomply with the rerevant Exchange Contuor Regurations including theconditions stipulated in the said notice under the Exchange Conkol Act withregard to the issue and hansfer of Debentures of Companies incorporated insri Lanka to foreign investors as published in the Government Gazette@xtraordinary) No. ,,il/3g on 2g May 2014 anda, other applicable laws.


The Company shan not be bound to register more than Three (03) persons (incruding thePrincipal holder) as joint,holders or any-or the Debentures @xcept in the case of executors,administrators or heirs of a deceased Debenture Holder).


These Debentures sha, be freery transferabre and the registration of suchtuansfer shail not be subject to any restrictiory save and except to the extentrequired for compliance with statutory requirements.

The Debentures shan be transferabre and kansmittabre tfuough the CDS asIong as the Debentures are tistred in the CSE. subject to te provisionscontained herein the Canytransrer"*r"0";H:;1il:il:1""T'"::*:*::'HlilrJJiJi*:;requirements and rules and regulations in force for the time being as laiddown by the CSE SEC and the CDS.

In the case of death of a Debenture Holder

(r) The suryivor where the deceased was a joint holder; and

(ii) The executors or administrators of the deceased or where theadminiskation of the Estate of the deceased is in law notcompulsory the heirs of the deceased where such DebentureHolder was the sole or only surviving holder; shall be the onlypersons recogrized by the Company as having any title to his/herDebenfures.

Any person becoming entitled to any Debentures in consequence ofbankruptcy or winding up of any OeUenture Holder, upon producingproper evidence that he/she/it sustains the character i. rurp".i of whichhe/she/it proposes to act or his/her titre as the Board of Directors of theCompany thinks sufficient may in the discretion of the Board besubstituted and accordingry registered as a Debenture Holder in respect ofsuch Debentures subject to the applicabre Iaws, rules and regulations of theCompany, CDS, CSS and SEC.








G) No change of ownership in contravention to these conditions will berecognized by the Company.


The Company hereby covenants with the Trustee to comply with the provisionscontained herein and to perform and observe the same. It is expressly agreedbetween the Company and the Trustee that the Trustee shall not be liable for anyloss or damage however caused by non-observance or non-compliance with thecovenants contained in Clause 10 by the Company.


The Company hereby covenants with the Trustee for the benefit of the DebentureHolders that, so long as any of the Debenfures remain outstanding

(u) The Company shall at all times carry on and conduct its affairs in a properand appropriate manner.

The Company shall at all times keep such books of accounts as it is obligedto keep under the applicable laws and (to the extent not prohibited by lawor otherwise by virtue of any duty of confidentiality) at any time after anEvent of Default shall have occurred or the Trustee shall have reasonablecause to believe that an Event of Default will occur, allow a reputed auditfirm appointed by the Trustee in consultation with the Company freeaccess to the same at all times during working hours and to discuss thesame with the directors and officers of the Company, provided howeverthat the Trustee and the audit firm shall, to the extent legally permitted,maintain confidentiality in respect of all the matters relating to theCompany and its business and shall not use any information they acquirepursuant to these provisions for any other purpose.

The Company shall issue a Certificate in writing to the Trustee;

within five (5) days from each Interest Payment Date,certifying that the interest on the Debentures has been paid tothe Debenture Holders in terms of Clause 4;

within five (5) days from the Date of Redemption certifyingthat the principal amount has been paid to the DebentureHolders in terms of Clause 4.

The Company shall issue to the Trustee such cerfficates and provide suchinformation as the Trustee may require in order to carry out ib duties andobligations in terms of These Presenb provided such certificates can beissued or such information can be provided by the Company withoutcommitting any breach of its duty of confidentiality to any person or entity.








(e) The Company shall submit to the Trustee within fifteen (15) days from the

end of every calendar quarter from the Date of Allotrnent a Certificate

wfuch is dated in accordance with a resolution of its Board of Directors thatthe Company has complied with each and all of the covenants includingthose contained in this Clause 10 in These Presents and the certificationshould include:

Vy'hether or not any limitation of liabilities or borrowings as

prescribed by the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007 and the Articles

of Association of the Company has been exceeded;

Whether any material trading or capital loss has been sustained

by the Company;

(iii) Whether or not any circumstances materially affecting the

Company has occurred which adversely affects the Debenture


(r") My'hether or not any contingent liability has matured or is likelyto mature within the next twelve (12) months, which willmaterially affect the ability of the Company to repay the


(v) Whether the Company has any contingent liabilities and if so

the amount of such liabilities;

(v0 l,Vhether the Company has assumed a liability of a related

corporate body during the preceding calendar quarter, the extent

of the liability assumed during the quarter and the extent of the

liability at the end of the quarter;

("ir) lly'hether or not there has been any change in any accounting

method or method of valuation of assets or liabilities of the


(viii) Whether or not any circumstances have arisen which render

adherence to the existing method of valuation of asseb orliabilities of the Company inappropriate;

(ix) I{hether or not there has been any substantial change in the

nature of the Company's business since the issue of the


(l<) Whether or not any action has been taken by the Board ofDirectors of the Company in terms of section ZL9 or section 220

of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2Cf7 during the preceding





(xi) Whether or not the Company has observed and performed allthe covenants and obligations binding upon them respectivelypursuant to the Trust Deed;

(0 The Company shall keep a record of the number of Debentures which have

been issued and, the date of such issue and the persons to whom suchDebentures were issued, provided however that the Company shall after thelisting of the Debentures on the CSE, be entitled to treat the recordsmaintained by the CDS as an accurate record of the Debenture Holders andthe number and value of the Debentures held by each Debenture Holder.

(g) The Company shall permit the Trustee and the Debenture Holders at allreasonable times without payment of any fee to inspect any records

maintained by the Company referred to in Clause 10(f) above and to takecopies thereof.

(h) The Company shall forthwith upon the Company becoming aware of thehappening of any and every such event as is mentioned in Clause 11.1 hereofgive notice thereof in writing to the Trustee provided that the Company shallin any event issue a Certificate to the Trustee within thirty (30) days from theend of every semi-annual period commencing from the Date of Allotnoent ofthe Debentures certifying that no event mentioned in paragraphs (c) and (d)

of Clause 11,.1 hereof has occurred during the previous six (06) month periodwhich would have resulted in the Debentures becoming payable in terms ofthe said Clause 11.1.

The Company shall make available the Trust Deed in full on the Company'sweb site and CSE's web site until the Date of Redemption and shall makeavailable to any Debenture Holder on request a certified copy of the TrustDeed upon payment of a fee ofSLR 100/-.

The Company shall send to the Trustee and the CSE and publish on its website, no later than forty five (45) days from the end of the first, second andthird quarters and sixty (60) days from the end of the fourth quarter of itsfinancial year an interim financial statement prepared on a quarterly basis.

The Company shall send the Trustee all published financial informatiorLwhich is normally provided to ordinary shareholders at the same time that itis sent to the shareholders.

0) The Company shall reimburse all reasonable expenses incurred by the

Debenture Holders/Trustee after an Event of Default has occurred inconnection with:

Preservation of the Company's assets (whether then or thereafterexisting)

Collection of amounB due under this Trust Deed.








All such sums shall be reimbursed by the Company within thirty (30) days

from the date of notice of demand from the Debenture Holders or the


(m) Th" Company shall immediately notify the Trustee in the event that the

Company becomes aware of the occurrence of any of the following events

that has caused or could cause:

Any amount payable under the Debenture to become immediatelypayable

Any event which in the opinion of the Company that could lead to

the acceleration of either the payment of interest or redemption ofthe Debentures.

Any other right or remedy under the terms and conditions of the

Debenfures or the provisions or covenants of the Trust Deed tobecome immediately enforceable.

In the event that the Company creates a charge, the Company shall submitto the Trustee the written details of the charge within twenty one (21)

days after it is created and if the amount to be advanced on the security ofthe charge is indeterminate, the Company shall submit to the Trustee the

written details of the amount of each claim, within five (5) days from the

date the claim is made.

(o) The Company shall at all times maintain records of all its publishedinformation and make them available for inspection by the Trustee andDebenture Holders.

(p) The Company shall not declare or pay any dividend to its shareholdersduring any financial year unless it has paid all principal sums and interestpayments that have become due and payable to the Debenture Holders as

at the date on which the dividend is proposed to be declared or paid orhas made satisfactory provisions therefore.


11,.1, The Debentures shall become immediately payable at the option of the Trustee on

the occurrence of any of the following events:

If the Company defaults on the payment of the principal sum or anyinterest due on the whole or any part of the Debentures in accordance withthe provisions contained in These Presenb.

If the Debentures cease to be listed in the CSE at any time between the timeof listing and the Date of Redemption, due to any default on the part of the









0.y' y 14






If the Company stops or threatens to stop payment of its debts or ceases to

carry on its business, which may lead to the winding up of the Company.

If any liquidation, bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar action or

proceeding is commenced against the Company or an order shall be made

or an effective resolution shall be passed for the winding up of the


If the Company does not submit a certificate to the Trustee as set out in

Clause 10 (c), Clause 10 (e) or Clause 10 (h).

If the Company commib a breach of any of the other covenants or

provisions herein contained and on ib part to be observed and performed

provided however that the Trustee shall give the Company up to thirty (30)

days' notice before declaring such breach to be an Event of Default.

Where any other indebtedness of the Company becomes due and payable

prior to its stated maturity or where security created for any other

indebtedness becomes enforceable and if it impairs or prejudice the

Company's ability to comply with the terms and conditions of the

Debenture or the provisions of the Trust Deed.

Where there is revocation, withholding or modification of a license,

authorization or approval that impairs or prejudices the Company's ability

to comply with the terms and conditions of the Debentures or the

provisions of the Trust Deed or any other document relating to the issue,

offer or invitation in respect of the Debentures.

(i) Where any mortgage, charge, pledge lien or other encumbrance present orfuture is created or assumed by the Company conhary to the terms orconditions of the Debentures and the provisions of the Trust Deed'


At any time after the Debentures shall have become repayable on redemption or

otherwise under any provision of These Presents, and the Company has failed

and/or neglected to repay andf or redeem the same within the stipulated time

period, the Trustee may upon the Company's continuous failure and/or negligence

to repay andf or redeem the Debentures despite suchnotice, at its discretion, or

upon the request in writing of the Debenture Holders of at least one fifth 0/5) of

the face value of the Debentures outstanding, and in the event that there is no

Trustee, the Debenfure Holders pursuant to an Extraordinary Resolution and

subject to fourteen (14) days prior written notice to the Company, institute such

proceedings as they think fit to enforce repayment and other obligations of the

Company under These Presenb.




l5.,f" ^yV


In the event of the Trustee recovering or receiving any monies from the Company

consequent to any action taken by the Trustee against the Company the Trustee

shall apply such monies,

In the first place in paying or providing for the payment or satisfaction of

the costs charges expenses and liabilities incurred in or about the execution

of the bust constituted by These Presents (including remuneration of the


Secondly, in or towards payment to the Debenture Holders of all arrears of

interest remaining unpaid on the Debentures held by them respectively;

Thirdly in or towards payment to the Debenture Holders of all principal

monies due in respect of the Debentures held by them respectively; and

Finally, the Trustee shall pay the surplus (if any) of such monies to the

Company or ib successors , provided that at the discretion of the Trustee

payments may be made on account of principal monies before any part of

the interest or the whole of the interest on the Debentures have been paid

but such alteration in the order of payment of the principal monies and

interest shall not prejudice the right of the Debenture Holders to receive

the full amount to which they would have been entitled if the ordinary

order of payment had been observed. Any payment to the Debenture

Holders under this clause shall be made paipassu in proportion to the

Debentures held by them respectively.


Any payment to be made in respect of the Debentures by the company or the

Trustee may be made in the manner provided in this Trust Deed and any Payments

so made shall be a good discharge pro tanto to the Company or the Trustee, as the

case may be. Any payment of interest in respect of a Debenture shall extinguish

any claim which may arise directly or indirectly in respect of such interest from a

Debenture Holder.

Upon the full payment by the Company to the Debenture Holders of the principal

sum and interest due under the Trust Deed, the Trustee shall certify to the

Company that all obligations of the Company under the Trust Deed have been

discharged in full.


The Company shall pay the Trus@e during the continuation of These Presents a

sum of Sri Lankan Rupees Twenty Five Thousand (SLR ?5,000/-) per month,

exclusive of govemment taxes and levies on account of remuneration for the

Trustee for its services under These Presents. Further, the Trustee shall be entitled

to the reimbursement of all reasonable cosb, charges and expenses which the





,{/ '16tYp



Trustee may incur in relation to the exercise of its duties hereunder from and out ofthe funds lying to ttre credit of the Trust hereby created.


Without prejudice to the powers and reliefs conferred on Trustees by ThesePresents or by the laws relating to the Trusts or any other applicable law theTrustee shall have the following powers:-

The Trustee may in relation to These Presents act on the opinion or adviceof or a certificate or any information obtained from any lawyer, banker,valuer, suryeyor, broker, auctioneer, accountant or other expert (whetherobtained by the Trustee or the Company) and shall not be responsible forany loss occasioned by acting on any such opinion, advice, certificate orinformation and that the Trustee shall not be liable for acting on anyopinion, advice, certificate or information purporting to be so conveyedalthough ttre same shall contain some error as long as the Trustee has actedin good faith and had reasonable grounds to believe the competency of thesaid person.

The Trustee shall as regards all the trusb, powers, authorities anddiscretion vested in it by These Presents or by operation of law, haveabsolute and uncontrolled discretion as to the exercise or non-exercisethereof and the Trustee shall not be responsible for any loss, cosb,damages, expenses or inconvenience that may result from the exercise ornon exercise thereof but where the Trustee is under the provisions of These

Presents bound to act at the request or direction of the Debenture Holdersthe Trustee shall nevertheless not be bound unless fust indemnified to ibsatisfaction against all actions, proceedings, claims and demands to whichit may render itself liable and all cosb, charges, damages, expenses andliabilities which it may incur by so doing. However, nothing in the Clauseshall preclude a Debenture Holder from filing action against the Trustee onhis own if he so wishes.

To summon any meeting of the Debenture Holders in accordance with theprovisions of Clause 21 hereof.

In case of default by the Company, the Trustee may but shall not be boundunless directed either by an instrument in writing signed by the DebentureHolders representing of at least Seventy Five per centum (75%) of thevalue of the Capital outstanding of the Debentures for the time beingoutstanding or in accordance with a Special Resolution passed by theDebenture Holders in accordance with Clause 21 of These Presents, towaive such terms and conditions as they shall deem expedient any of thecovenants and provisions contained in These Presents on the part of theCompany to be performed and observed.

The Trustee as between itself and the Debenture Holders shall have fullpower to determine all questions and doubb arising in relation to any of









the provisions of These Presenb and every such determination, whethermade upon a question actually raised or implied in the acts or proceedingsof the Trustee.

The Trustee may, in the conduct of the trusts of These Presents, instead ofacting through its staff, employ and pay a professional person with the

prior written approval of the Company, to transact or conduct or concur intransacting or conducting, any business and to do or concur in doing allacts required to be done by the Trustee. Any expense incurred by such

employment of a professional person shall not be charged as an expense to

the Company.

The Trustee shall not be liable to the Company or any Debenture Holder byreason of having recognized or treated as a Debenfure Holder any person

subsequently found not to be so entitled to be recognized or treated.

I,ty'henever in These Presenb the Trustee is required in connection with any

exercise of its powers, trusts, authorities or discretions to have regard tothe interests of the Debenture Holders, it shall have regard to the interests

of the Debenture Holders as a class and in particular, but without prejudice

to the generality of the foregoing shall not be obliged to have regard to the

consequences of such exercise for any individual Debenture Holders

resulting from his or its being for any purpose domiciled or resident in, orotherwise connected with, or subject to the jurisdiction of, any particularterritory.

The Trustee may, accept a Certificate certifying that all Debentures have

been redeemed or relating to any other matter primarily in the knowledge

of the Company as sufficient evidence thereof and such Certificate shall be

a complete protection to the Trustee who acts thereon.

Trustee may rely upon any certificate or report given or statement made bythe auditors or an officer of the Company if it has reasonable grounds forbelieving that the auditor or officer was competent to give or make the

certificate report or statement.

the matters are within the powers of the Trustee, the Trustee may decide

without reference to the Debenfure Holders.

where there is a breach by the Company of the terms and conditions of the

Debenture and the provisions of the Trust Deed, the Trustee may authorizeor waive such breach where the Trustee is authorized to do so byresolution of a stipulated majority of the Debenture Holders.

The Trustee shall give notice to the Debenture Holders in writing

(a) when the Trustee is notified by the Company of any occurence

mentioned in Clause 11.1 or any condition of the Trust Deed whichcannot be fulfilled;










Vv v


(b) when the company fails to deliver the Certificate referred to in clause

10(e) of These Presents;

(c) as soon as practicable if the Company fails to remedy any breach of

terms and conditions of the Debentures or the provisions/coveftrnts of

the Trust Deed.

The Trustee shall ensure that all documents required to be submitted by

the Company in terms of the covenants set out in the Trust Deed are

forwarded in a timelY manner.

The Trustees shall in performance of its duties maintain the confidentiality

of confidential information received by it (the Trustee may disclose such

information to a branch, head office, subsidiary or agent of the TrusEe in

connection with the Trust Deed and to any government body court and/or

to any parly in accordance with the law) and shall not use such

information for their own personal benefit.

TheTrusteeshallexercisereasonablediligencetoascertainwhethertheCompany has committed any breach of the terms and conditions of the

Debentures or provisions of the Trust Deed or whether an Event of Default

has occurred or is continuing to occur, on perusal of the documents

submitbd in terms of the covenants set out in the Trust Deed' Flowever'

the Trustee,s role shall be passive prior to the Trustee being notified of any

occurrence of an Event of Default and the Trustee shall not have any other

duty apart from those expressly stated herein'


The Trustee shall be indemnified by the Company for any liability' claim'

expense,damageorlossthatitmayincurinconnectionwiththisTrustDeed, provided the liability or loss was not a result of the sole negligence

or willful misconduct of the Trustee.

Provided further that none of the provisions of These Presents shall in any

case in which the Trustee has failed to show the degree of care and

diligence required by ii, having regard to the provisions of These Presents,

conferring on the Trustee the powers, authorities or discretions, relieve or

indemnify the Trustee against any liabilities which by virtue of any rule of

law would otherwise attach to it in respect of any negligence' default

breach of duty or breach of tmst of which it may be guilty in relation to its

duties under These Presents.

AnytermsandconditionsoftheDebenturesandprovisionsintheTrustDeed or a term of a contract with the Debenture Holders secured by the

TrustDeed,shallbevoidinsofarassuchtermorprovisionwouldhavethe effect of exempting the Trustee from liability for:






the Trustee; o


(a) the failure to carry out its duties as


the failure to exercise the degree of care and diligence required of it asthe Trustee.

indemnifying the Trustee against that liability, unless the term orprovision:

enables the release of the Trustee from liability for something doneor omitted to be done before the release is given; or

enables a meeting of Debenture Holders to approve the release ofthe Trustee from liability for something done or omitted to be donebefore the release is given.

Such release will be effective when approved by Debenture Holders if theDebenture Holders who vote for the resolution represent three fourth (3/4)of the face value of the Debentures.

The Trustee is also not liable for anything done or omitted to be done inaccordance with a direction given to the Trustee by the Debenture Holdersat any meeting duly called.

The Trustee shall:

(a) not be responsible in the capacity of a lender or borrower;

(b) have no obligations to discharge debts owed by the Company toDebenture Holdersi

(c) not be liable for any losses arising out of circumstances beyond ibconho!

(d) be entifled to rely and act on any document/ instrument received fromthe Company unless actual notice of otherwise is given.


Subject to the provisions of this Trust Deed, the power of appointingnew Trustees shall be vested in the Company, provided that the

Company shall obtain the approval of Debenture Holders holdingnot less than ten per centum (10%) of the par value of the Debentures

for the time being outstanding prior to the appoinknent of the newTrustee. Notice of such appoinhnent shall be given to the DebentureHolders within thirty (30) days of such appointment by anadvertisement published in national newspapers in all tfuee languages

(Sinhala, Tamil and English) of the Company's choice circulating in SriLanka.

In the event the Company does not or cannot exercise its power toappoint a new Trustee and there being no new Trustee appointed as ofthirty (30) days before the removal/resignation of the Trustee takingeffect in accordance with the terms hereof, the Debenfure Holders mayconvene a meeting to appoint a new Trustee by an ordinary resolution.












(c) Any removal of a Trustee and the subsequent appointnent of a

replacement Trustee by the Issuer shall be with the consent of 75%majority of the Debenture Holders.

(d) In the event of the Debenture Holders not being satisfied with theTrustee, they have the right to remove the Trusbe by way of anExtraordinary Resolution passed at a General Meeting convened underClause 21 hereof.

(e) The Company shall be notified of any removal of the Trustee andsubsequent appointrnent of a replacement Trustee by the DebentureHolders.

(0 The Company shall take reasonable steps to replace the Trustee as soon

as practicable after becoming aware that:(i) The Trustee has ceased to exist(ii) The Trustee is in a situation of conllict of interests

(iir) The Trustee has ceased to perform its function as a Trustee

(iv) The Trustee is in a situation of unsuitability and does noteliminate such situation within ninety (90) days, after them

ascertaining or of them been informed that the Trustee has such


In the event the Trustee discovers that it is not eligible to be appointed

or act as Trustee, the Trustee shall give notice in writing to the

Company regarding the same.

Subject to Clause 20.1 below the existing Trustee shall continue to act

as a Trustee until a new Trustee is appointed


If there were more than one (01) Trustee under These Presents the Trustees shall

with majority consent exercise all or any of the Trustee's powers and discretions

vested in the Trustees generally under any Clause of These Presents.


In the event of the Trustee, in ib sole and absolute discretion, desiring to resign, the

Trustee shall give not less than ninety (90) days' notice to the Company in writingto that effect, and the Company shall thereupon appoint a new Trustee inaccordance with Clause 18 of These Presents. The Trustee shall continue in itscapacity as Trustee until such time a new Trustee is appointed.

In the event of such a resignation, the Trustee at its cost shall publish a notice to

this effect in Newspapers in all three languages (Sinhala, Tamil and English) of itschoice circulating in Sri Lanka and such notice shall be deemed to be sufficientnotice to the Debenture Holders notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein







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------' !


The Trustee shall calr a meeting/cause a meeting of Debenture Horderswith notice to the Company and a[ Debenture Horders or on a requisitionbeing received in writing signed by the Debenture Horders representing atleast one tenth (1/10) of the value of the capital ouetanding of theDebentures for the time being oubtanding or if requested by the clmpany.

Not less than twenty one (21) days' notice shan be given of a meeting forthe purpose of passing a Resolution.

The quorum for the meeting (other than adjourned meeting) for thepurpose of passing a Extra ordinary Resolution shall be the Debentureholders representing a crear majority of the face value of the Debentures forthe time being outstanding, provided however, that the quorum forpassing an ordinary resolution shall be the Debenture Holdersrepresenting ten per centum (10%) of the face varue of the oubtandingDebentures present in person or by proxy or by attorney.

If such a quorum cannot be obtained, such meeting shan be adjourned fornot less than fourteen (14) days in which event notice of adjourned meetingshall be sent to every Debenture Horder and shall state in such notice that ifa quorum as above defined shall not be present at the adjourned meetingthe Debenture Holders then present shall form a quorum.

The necessary majority for passing a speciar resorution shal not be Iessthan Three Fourth @/$ of the persons voting thereat on a show of handsand if a poll is demanded then not less than Three Fourth (3/4) of the votesgiven on such poll and necessary majority for passing an ordinaryresolution shall not be less than one halt (1,/2) of the personsvoting thereaton a show of hands and if a poll is demanded then not less than one half(1/2) ot the votes given on such poll.

A proxy need not be a holder of the Debentures.

The Trustee shall be the chairman of any meeting of the Debenture Holdersand shall appoint a person or body to act as a secretary of such meetingand a copy of a resolution certified by the Trustee and such secretary shalldeem to be conclusive evidence that such Resorution has been dulyadopted.

Provided however that in ttre event of the Trustee not exercising theaforesaid entitlement, the Debenture Horders may appoint a person to actas the chairman of the meeting.








(--''Yv 22


(h) In the event the Company fails toconditions of the Debentures or theDeed, the Trustee may:

remedy any breach of terms andprovisions,/covenants of the Trust

caII a meeting of the Debenture Holders with notice to theCompany.

Inform the Debenture Holders of the failure at the meeting and

submit proposals for the protection of the Debenture Holdersinterests or call for proposals from the Debenture Holders at theT""tirg as the Trustee considers necessary or appropriate andobtain suitable directions.


The Trustee and the Company may by mutual agreement agree to modify ThesePresents, which are detrimental to the Debenture Horlers provided suchmodifications are of a routine nature. provided however that any modifications tothese presents shall onry be made with the consent of the Debenture Holders of atleast three fourth @/a) d the varue of capitar of the Debentures for the time beingoutstanding.

upon a modification being dury made, the Company sha, within seven (7) days ofthe modification being made inform the Debenture Holders of such modification.







Any notice or demand to the Company, Debenture Horder(s) or the Trusteerequired to be given, made or served for any purpose hereof shail be given, madeor served by sending the same by prepaid registered post in the case of theCompany or Trustee and by prepaid ordinary mail in the case of DebentureHolder(s), telegram, cable gram, telex or by facsimile transmission or by deliveringit by hand to the Company, Debenture Horders or the Trustee as the case maybe, inthe case of the Company or the Trustee at the address shown in this deed and inttre case of Debenture Horder(s) to the address which appear in the register or atsuch other address as shall have been notified (in accordance with this clause), forthe purpose of this clause, and notice sent by post as provided in this clause shallbe deemed to have been given, made or served seventy two (72) hours afterdispatch and any notice sent by telegram, cabre gram, terex or by facsim,etransmission as provided in the Crause shail be deemed to have been givery madeor served at the time of dispakh and in proving the grving, making or service of thesame it shal be sufficient to prove, in the case oi u tu"tt r, that such retter wasproperly stamped, addressed and placed in the post and, in the case of a teregram,cable gram, telex or by facsimile kansmission that such teregram, cable gram, terexor by facsimile hansmission was duly dispatched and received in the readable andunderstandable condition.

The Trustee shalr at any time be entitred to give notice of any meeting or make anycommunication to the Debenture Holders by notice pubrished in Newspapers in ail




three languages (Sinhala Tamil and English) of its choice circulating in Sri Lanka

and such notice will notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained be

deemed to be sufficient notice to the Debenture Holders including the provisions of

the above clause.


STYAPATHAFINANCEPLCAttention : Mr. S. Sudarshan - Company Secretary




Tel NoFax


DEUTSCHE BANK AG COLOMBO BRANCHAttention : Tyronne Hannan, Head of Global Transaction Banking

: No. 110, Sirlames Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02

: +9411,47304W: +94112303 070

: 86, Galle Road, PO Box 314, Colombo 03

:,+941L2M7 062

t+9411.2447 067



Nothing in the provisions of These Presents shall require disclosure to the

Trustee by the Company of any information as to the affairs of any of its

customers except,

when required to do so by a Court of Law, or

in order to comply with any of the provisions of any Law.

PROVIDED however that the Company shall be obliged to furnish to the

audit firm referred to in the Clause 10(b) information in respect of the

Company's books of accounts.

In the event of any inconsistency between these provisions and any rules,

regulations or directions of the SEC, or the CSE such rules, regulations or

directions shall prevail.

This Trust Deed shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the

laws of Sri Lanka.

The trustee shall not disclose the affairs relating to the Trust to any Personwhomsoever unless such disclosure is:

to the Company as long as the Company is not in default of itsobligations hereunder, or

required by any Court or regulatory authority in accordance withany statutory provision.







IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said SIYAPATHA FINANCE PLC has placed its Commonseal and the Authorized signatories of DEUTSCHE BANK AG coLoMBo BRANCHhave placed their respective hands hereunto and to one other of the same tenor and dateas These Presents at Colombo on the day herein before mentioned.

^ti it'j'^

'The Common Seal of SIYAPATHA FINANCE pLC is hereto I _

': ' =-*-\rlaffixed in the presen." or.....L...T....K4.t1,.t.,,f..................1 :' _-.i"'" i\'

.(Director) *a......9,...*F- 9.e:!!.e,!... ', . .i't l''....'..'.'........./ _ \......(Dir€eto/Company Secretary) who do ,

* . a*"- *

hereby attest the sealing thereof


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2. S Y' Poiri s 3'M-No e, C-ha'le. Place-.beh;vocla

C6+e r o$1qv )

T*r^ D).**.v.r- Pl @jAt

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Signed for and onbehalf of the DEUTSCHE BANK AG

COLOMBO BRANCH by its duly authorized signatories,oo


t. -l . L. CL*,d"t't: zzk\.lk*-h",-

Yg D. S,'lv q


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