daylilies and bbq in bourbon countrydaylilies and bbq in bourbon country. the louisville area...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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Daylilies and BBQ in Bourbon Country

The Louisville Area Daylily Society is pleased to invite you to:

The Region 10 Summer Meeting, a Convention in an Unusual Form,

June 26-27, 2020 in Louisville, Kentucky

Highlights include:

NO CENTRAL HOTEL which allows you to select a hotel that suits your preferencesor with which you already have a rewards relationship. We will provide a list of hotels for your convenience.

NO BUSES so you can travel to individual gardens at your leisure and select the ones that most interest you. You will have NO limitations on time so you can stay as long or little as you like in any given garden. Gardens will be open from 8:00 to 4:00 on Saturday. The dinner garden will be open at 4:00. We will provide a map and addresses of the garden locations so you can calculate distance and the time you have available.

NO FORMAL BOUTIQUEwill be set up but there will be some pre-dug daylilies and other garden related items available for purchase in some of the gardens.

SMALL REGISTRATION FEE OF $40.00This will include the Friday evening dessert bar and refreshments as well as the BBQ dinner on Saturday evening plus a gift plant for all registrants.

A DAYLILY AUCTIONwill be held following the Saturday evening meal and business meeting.

A UNIQUE FEATURE of this Unusual Form Convention will be a ticket to be stamped at each garden you visit. A drawing will be held following Saturday’s dinner for daylily and bourbon-related prizes, with a grand prize that will include daylilies from Region 10 hybridizers.

Creekside Gardens of Bill and Chris Schardein

Cedar Creek GardensMichael Stephens

John Morgan’s Gardens

Luck-y-Ray Daylily Gardens of Linda Luck and Ray Clark

The Garden of Sally and Tom Fensterer

Wolff’s Daylilies – Don and Claudia Wolff

Brashears Creek Gardens - Karen and Danny Sidebottom

We look forward to seeing you for Daylilies and BBQ in Bourbon Country

June 26-27, 2020 !!!

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