daily newsletter-no415 e 13-3-2014

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Syrian army agrees with Al-Nosra

2014/3/13 -NO. (415)




People’s Commit-tees prevent Malou-

la’s nuns

Opposition threats Hezbollah

Coalition supports FSA

Coalition renew passports

“No for Resignation” battle in Quneitra


Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (415( 2014/3/13

Coalition renew passports

Syrian army agrees with Al-NosraPeople’s Committees prevent entry nuns’


Nizar Aharaki , Syrian coalition ambassador in Doha announced that co-

alition will start in few days in extending Syr-ian passports officially,

Where the coalition em-bassy in Doha is the only one in the world.

Unofficial media sources claimed a deal has formed between Al-Nusra front and Syrian army talk-ing about militants’ with-drawal from Yabroud , and pointed out that Al-Nusra

Opposition` sources re-ported that the People’s Committees which are fighting with the Syrian army prevented to enter nuns in the monastery of Mar Takla in Ma’aloula whom were released three days ago to Sednaya town in Damascus countryside, and after they thank Jabhet Al-Nusra`s militants who are kidnapped them.

asked from Syrian army to let go of five hundred of its fighters, but the joint op-eration room rejected that provided these group hand over its arms , which re-jected by AL-Nusra front .

Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (415( 2014/3/13

Opposition threats Hezbollah“No for Resignation” battle in Quneitra

Al-Nusra’s commander dead

Suicidal penetrate

Reinforcements for opposition in Aleppo

A commander in the so-called FSA threats to make the battle with Hezbollah in their own area if Hezbollah caught Kalamoon in Damas-cus countryside, stressing that Kalamoon is difficult for the Syrian army to control, and Syrian army was not able to achieve to any progress on Kalamoon`s front, unless from the side Sahil village and part of Rima farmers.

In Raqqah, the clashes are continue in the vicinity of the 17 band between mili-tants of (ISIL) and the Syrian army, and there is news about preparations by the “Islamic state” to penetrate the screens of the band to target it by a car bombs to create a loophole in order to storm it.Meanwhile, the Syrian warplanes targeted Karin area in the countryside of Tabaka, and killed a one of military leaders, in parallel with the blockade imposed by militants of Jabhet Al-Nusra Front on Tabaka airport, and violent clashes took place be-tween the militants of (ISIL) and what the so-called FSA in Raqqah.

Large supplies for oppo-sition had been arrived to Sheihk Najjar from several armed groups to prevent Syrian army reaching cen-tral prison, these supplies are about seven thousands mili-tants , tanks and heavy guns , it is mention that FSA mili-tary commander,” arrived to Aleppo.In contrast, clashes continue between Al-Nusra

Quneitra in Damascus coun-tryside witnessed a fierce battles between Jabhet Al-Nusra`s militants and Front of Syria`s rebels and the military Council in Quneitra, the Syr-ian Arab army, as part of the battle “ No for Resignation” announced by Jabhet Al-Nus-ra to ease the pressure on the front of Yabrood In order to control Rasem Al-Halabi.

Al-Nusra’ commander “Fwaz Dari” nicknamed Sheikh Rambo was killed during clashes with Syrian army in Kalamoon Damascus coun-tryside, according to opposi-tion sourcesIn a same context, battles continue between op-position militants and Syrian army in Yabroud. Also Darya, Jobar, Harasta and Maliha ex-posed to heavy shelling from Syrian warplanes.

front, Islamic front and Mu-jahideen army around Alep-po central prison and Indus-trial city.

Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (415( 2014/3/13

Coalition supports FSA

Jamoos: unify supporting for opposition through Ministry of Defense

Opposition coalition’s sources announced that coalition political body

will discuss in Istanbul a decision calls to send re-inforcements to FSA es-

pecially in Kalamoon and Aleppo after Geneva talks were failed.

Badr Jamoos Secretary-General of the coalition of Syrian opposition con-firmed that is necessary to unify support for fac-tions of the Syrian opposi-tion, through the Ministry of Defense in the interim government, pointing out that it should be the De-partment of Defense is the only party to offers aid through it and Offers fa-cilities which needed.

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