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By the end of this module, you should be able to:• Identify current digital tools for

communication and collaboration • Describe two examples of appropriate uses

of digital tools• List two ethical and unethical behaviors

when sharing information over networked systems

• Explain the consequences of online behavior and their impact offline

Learning Outcomes


What you will learn

This module explores the exchange and sharing of information using digital systems or tools. It includes the importance of having humility, loyalty and respect for others when communicating.

If digital tools are used properly, they can foster unity. In some societies, forwarding text messages and e-mails without they checking their authenticity and origin is socially unacceptable.

This module educates Netizens to become critical thinkers in analyzing sources of information and evaluating what the impact might be on others. Its goal is to help you make good ethical decisions when online.



How New Technologies Change the Way we Communicate

Mobile phones, e-mails, social networking medias have changed the way we communicate. These social networking technologies have created a new social structure of who, what, how, and when individuals and groups interact.

Identifying Various Forms of Digital Communications and Collaboration Tools

• Email• Social networking site • Blog• Online forum • Instant Messaging (IM)

Cyber Interaction & Collaboration is an exchange and sharing of information using digital systems and the importance of having humility, loyalty and respect for others when communicating.

Using Digital Communication and Collaboration Tools Appropriately and Ethically

Communicating Appropriately when Online

It doesn’t matter whether you’re communicating online or face-to-face; the principle is, “to treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Below are some suggestions on how you should communicate when online.• Usetherightlanguage• Treatpeoplethesameasifinperson• Ifyouhavenothingnicetosay,thendon’tsayit• It’sOKtodisagree,butgiveyourjustification• Don’tencourageafightwhenyouspotone

Using Social Network Tools for Good Causes

Leveraging on popular social networking sites is a great example of quick and effective uses of technology for good causes.


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“...The youth of a one particular emirates group have suggested several collective projects to serve the country. Among these is the “A Million Dirham a Month” project. It is based on the idea of a million people donating one dirham each to help the society...”

(Emarat Al Youm, 17 February 2011,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Using Digital Communication and Collaboration Tools Appropriately and Ethically > Using Social Network Tools for Good Causes

Exchanging and Sharing Information over Networked Systems Ethically

Below are some examples or scenarios of unethical behavior when utilizing shared resources:1. Downloading pirated software2. Printing a lot of personal files3. Storing files that have nothing to do with work such as personal photo files in the shared storage4. Downloading unnecessary large files during the school hours5. Sending spam e-mails to other users

Implications of Violating the Use of Shared Resources The abuse and misuse of shared resources is a serious problem because the consequences not only affect one person but all users on the network. Following are some implications of misusing shared resources: • Breach of security • The bandwidth can be congested or overwhelmed • Increased software piracy

Shared Resource versus Dedicated Resources

Shared Resources Dedicated Resources• Adeviceorpieceofinformationon a computer that can be accessed from other computers via local area networks or Intranet • Canbesharedoraccessedbymany people; for example, accessing folders, files, peripherals (printers, scanners and servers), emails and others

• Adeviceonacomputerthatis attached to only one computer • Canonlybeaccessedbyonepersonat a time

Case Study: Citizens with Values and Heritage on Facebook

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Respecting Others when Using Mobile Phones

Following is a list of mobile phone manners:• Obey mobile phone bans • Speak softly • Keep your distance from those around you • Keep your private conversations private • Respect camera phone rules – Don’t simply snap photos without permission!

Answering Mobile Phones at ‘Inappropriate’ Places

There are some places where it is considered unacceptable to receive calls, or to be interrupted by ring tones:

• Hospitals• Movie theatres, cinemas • Any type of special ceremonies such as

funerals, wakes and weddings• Any type of official function such as

conferences and meetings

• Religious or worship places such as mosques, temples, and churches

• Libraries• Museums

Identifying Misuse of Technology

Using Social Networking Sites for the Wrong Reasons

Dubai – The first trial involving the abuse of Facebook for unlawful acts took place after a business partner admitted to uploading several pictures of his employee and posting a libellous comment under each of them. According to the defendant, he had a partnership with his employee’s brother in a restaurant and had found the said employee stealing money from the cashier.

(Gulf News, 18 November, 2009,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Using Social Networking Sites for the Wrong Reasons

A teacher working at a school in Abu Dhabi committed suicide after her former boyfriend posted her nude photos on a social networking site. Investigations revealed that the 24-year-old drank cleaning fluid when she was packing her bags to return home. According to her mother, she suffered from severe depression after her ex-boyfriend published the photos he copied off her desktop on the Internet. When a man working at the same school accused her of prostitution, she became afraid that he would tell the authorities and she would be jailed.

(Arabian Business, 26 February, 2010,

Case Study 1: Dubai Court Gets First Facebook Libel Case

Case Study 2: Teacher Killed Herself After Ex-Boyfriend Posted Naked Photos on Facebook

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Writing Blogs to Spread Hatred

Using Websites to Phish for Personal Data

Five junior college students were punished for posting offensive remarks about two teachers and a vice-principal online. The girls had to remove those remarks from their blogs or Internet diaries and were suspended for three days.

These incidents are increasing in parallel with the number of bloggers. According to lawyers, students can be sued for defamation as long as someone is able to identify the teacher from the statement made. Teachers have the legal grounds to prosecute if they wish to do so.

(The Straits Times, 27 September 2005,

“...According to the Electronic Investigations Department Director, a 21-year-old male built a website that included a number of recreational activities to attract female teenagers. Anyone visiting the site was requested to...”

(Emarat Al Youm, 1 April, 2010,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Using Websites to Phish for Personal Data

Jeopardizing Safety when Texting While Driving

“An international footballer died in an accident when his car crashed into a stationary lorry. According to his friend who was driving behind him, the star did not...”

(The National, 29 September, 2011,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Jeopardizing Safety when Texting While Driving

Case Study: Schools Act against Students for ‘Flaming’ Teachers on Blogs

Case Study: Dozens of Girls Emotionally Blackmailed

Case Study: A Grieving Father in Emotional Plea to Drivers

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Using Mobile Phones to Cheat on Exams

Fatma Al Marri, Chief Executive of School Educational Institution in Knowledge and Human Development, exposed two cases of cheating using mobile phone email and photography to the exam committees of Grade Twelve. She confirmed that all legal actions would be taken against the two students who were caught cheating red-handed, and they would obtain zero marks for that particular subject. (Emarat Al Youm, 17 June, 2010,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Using Mobile Phones to Cheat on Exams

Stricter academic integrity policies have caused 34 students from Abu Dhabi University (ADU) to be expelled for cheating. Nearly 510 investigations were carried out due to reported violations of ADU’s academic code of ethics within a student community of more than 4,000.


To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Using Mobile Phones to Cheat on Exams

Using External Computer to Hack into School’s System

A 17-year-old student from a private school in Dubai was detained for hacking into the school’s computer and accessing its data via an external computer. He also distributed the exam papers to other students. After many such incidences, the school managed to find out about the leaks and alerted the police. The case however, is still being investigated.

(Gulf News, 5 May, 2009,

Case Study 1: Using Mobile Phone Email and Photography in Examination

Case Study 2: Abu Dhabi University Expels 34 Students for Cheating

Case Study: Student Caught for Hacking into School’s Computer

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Turning on Electronic Gadgets on Planes

Study Suggests Passengers are Risking Safety by Ignoring Airline Rules Scientists and government officials say that battery-operated devices including mobile phones, computers, and handheld games (especially those with wireless signals) might disrupt an airplane’s navigation system.

According to Dr. Granger Morgan of Carnegie Mellon University, a lot of interference in the global positioning satellite (GPS) band was discovered when people made cell phone calls during takeoff and landing. This situation is disturbing as more and more airlines rely on the GPS for accuracy.

(NBC News: Nightly News, 3 January 2006,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Turning on Electronic Gadgets on Planes

Spreading Hoaxes Via Text Messages and Emails

Dubai – A 2005 hoax concerning Panadol Extra has resurfaced, circulating the UAE and other places via text messages. The text warns consumers not to purchase Panadol Extra as a person can damage his kidney by taking just one tablet. After causing a health scare back in 2005, the health authorities conducted tests on the medicine and found that it was safe.

(Gulf News, 21 April, 2008,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Spreading Hoaxes Via Text Messages and Emails

“A rumor regarding the collapse of Dubai Metro near Al Rashidiya station has been circulating via mobile phones. The rumor stated that the incident resulted in 15 deaths and...”

(Emarat Al Youm, 21 November, 2009,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Spreading Hoaxes Via Text Messages and Emails

Case Study: Study Suggests Passengers are Risking Safety by Ignoring Airline Rules

Case Study 1: Panadol Hoax Does the Rounds Again This Year

Case Study 2: The Dubai Metro Derailment is Nothing but a Rumor

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Abu Dhabi Police have warned users against using BlackBerry devices and the Internet to promote rumors. Lt. Col. Dr. Salah Obaid Al-Ghoul, Director of the culture of Respect Law Office in the General Secretariat of His Highness the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Office, said that rumors are a form of aggressive behavior against society that create intellectual and psychological confusion.

(Alittihad, 23 July, 2011,

To read more, please log in to Cyber C3 portal and click Resources > My Learning > Module > Cyber Interaction & Collaboration > Identifying Misuse of Technology > Spreading Hoaxes Via Text Messages and Emails

Making Ethical Decisions

Before making a sound decision, ask yourself these few questions: 1. Recognize if there is any ethical issue

• Will your decision damage or affect someone or any group? • Will the decision jeopardize your life? • Are you in a dilemma to make the decision? • Is your decision legal? • Will there be any conflict?

2. Be Specific and Get the Right Facts • Do you really know the facts about the situation or case? • Do you know enough to make the decision? • Do you need to have more information? • Do you need to verify or consult with someone that has more authority?

3. Assess Every Option • Which option produces the most good and offers the least harm? • Which option best addresses the situation or case? • Which option best respects the rights of all parties involved? • Which option provides equal rights (fair) to all parties involved?

And finally, think for a moment of the possible outcomes from the decision you are about to make. Chances are, if you are not comfortable, it means something is not right.

No matter who or where you are and whom you are communicating with, treat the other end with the same respect you want to be treated with. Use all digital communication tools available to foster unity and for good causes that can benefit all users.

Case Study 3: BlackBerry and Internet Rumors Increases Community’s Worry

Lesson Learned

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Answer : 1.B 2.D

1. A recent earthquake in a neighboring country has sparked a national campaign for disaster relief. Your school initiated a donation drive. You help designed the campaign on the school website and spread the news to your community via email. What does this scenario indicate?

A. Excellent use of technology for school publicityB. Quick and effective use of technology to raise funds C. Correct way of technology usage for equitable accessD. Good cause of technology usage to obtain school funding

2. Aliyah videotaped her friends playing bowling. She decided to upload it on a video sharing site. Which option is the most ethical?

A. Upload but she must never mention namesB. Upload but she must inform her friends laterC. Never upload as they did not wear proper attire D. Never upload unless she has their agreements

For more exercise questions, please login to the system.


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