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CURRICULUM VITAE Kimberly Anne (Kim) Sawchuk

Department of Communication StudiesConcordia University

7141 Sherbrooke Street WestMontreal, Quebec Canada, H4B 1R6


APPOINTMENTS University Appointments2012 Concordia University Research Chair in Mobile Media Studies, Tier 1, June 1, 2012- June 1, 2017.

2010 External Examiner, Faculty of Creative Media, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2009 Promotion to Full Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1996 Promotion to Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1996 Tenure Awarded, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1993 Tenure Track Position Awarded at rank of Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1991-1993 Limited Term Appointment at Rank of Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1990-1991 Lecturer, nine-month appointment, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.


2012 Franklin Institute for the Humanities, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, October 1-5.

2009 Faculty of Creative Media, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 25-December 5.

2009 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Marconi Foundation/University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, March 1- April 30.

2007 Pembroke Institute, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, Roundtable Symposium on “Bodies, Mediations, Ethics,” March 14-16.

2006 Almost Perfect, Rapid Prototyping and Locative Media, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, Alberta, November 10-21.

2004 Digital Politics and Poetics, Film and Media Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, August 3-10.

2004 Institute for Cultural Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster, England. 1999 Studio Arts Program, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan.


1994 The Free Idea Zone: Realidad/Réalité/Reality, San Francisco, California, June 27-July 3.

1993 Visual Arts Programme, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Alberta, October- December.

1991 Fellowship: Critic in Residence, The Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library, Regina, Saskatchewan, May- August.

RESEARCH TEAMS and NETWORKS2011 Ageing-Communications-Media (network being built from Active Ageing, Mobile Technologies

Research Grant, SSHRC).

2011- present Orbicom – Network of the UNESCO Chairs in Communications (Claude-Yves Charron, Chair).

2010- present Fembot- The Digital Feminist Research Network (Carole Stabile, coordinator).

2010- present Pan-American Mobilities Research Network (Mimi Sheller; Phil Vannini, coordinators).

2009- present Mediatopias: Art and Hybrid Spaces; McGill University Communications and Art History (Christine Ross, coordinator, FQRSC).

2007- present Mobile Media Lab: Concordia University, Montreal (with Owen Chapman) in collaboration with York University, Toronto (Barbara Crow; Michael Longford, SSHRC).

2003- present Hexagram. Concordia/UQAM/University of Montreal (CFI Funded Research Consortium for Art and Technology).

2005- 2009 Cut Rate Collective. Fine Arts-Communications, Concordia University (L. Oades ; G Amantea, Directors Canada Council).

2008- 2009 Marconi Galaxy; Concordia University; University of Bologna; Marconi Foundation, Italy; York University (SSHRC).

2007- 2009 Lo-fi Lab: York University (N.Tenhaaf; M. Baljko, Directors, SSHRC).

2007- 2008 Purlieus: art/science and technology. Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Concordia University (T. Clarke, Director, Concordia).

2006-,2007 EMU: Evaluating Mobile Users. Concordia University-York University-MDCN (Barbara Crow; Kim Sawchuk, Directors, Heritage Canada).

2005- 2007 MDCN: Mobile Digital Commons Network. Concordia University; York University; Ontario College of Art and Design; Banff New Media Institute. (Michael Longford and S. Diamond, Directors, Heritage Canada/Hexagram).


1991 Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought, York University, North York, Ontario.

1986 Master of Arts, Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought, York University, North York, Ontario.


1982 Bachelor of Arts Honours, Double major in Political Science and History, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

AWARDS and GRANTS2012 VPRGS, Concordia University Seed Grant, “Montreal *In/accessible: disability, mobility and the

urban landscape,” (PI), $6,800.

2012 VPRGS, Concordia University Aid to Research-Related Events, “MemorySpace,” (PI), $5,000.

2012 Concordia University Research Chair in Mobile Media Studies, Tier 1, June 1, 2012- June 1, 2017, (PI), $210,000.

2012-2015 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals, Canadian Journal of Communication, (PI), $60,000.

2012- 2015 FQRSC Research-Creation Programme, “Echoscape: une application mobile et interactive pour la génération et navigation, des architectures dymamique-sonores,” (co-applicant; Owen Chapman, PI; Zachary Patterson, co-applicant; Yvon Cazabon, collaborator), $130,000.

2012-2013 NCE Grand, “Ageing and Media Migration: The RECAA Project,” $16,000.

2011- 2012 NCE Grand, “Laptop Recycling Program for Seniors Residencies,” Pilot Project, $18,000.

2011 VPRGS, Concordia University, wi: journal of mobile media, (PI), $5,000.

2011- 2013 SSHRC Insight Development Grant, “Audio-Mobile: eco-territories and mobile sound,” (co-applicant; Owen Chapman, PI; Charity Marsh, co-applicant), $70,000.

2011-2014 SSHRC Strategic Partnership Development Grant, “Active Ageing, Mobile Technologies,” (PI; Barbara Crow, York University; Chui Yin Wong, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur; Line Grenier University of Montreal; Mireia Férnández-Ardèvol, IN3, Open University Catalonia, co-applicants) $167,430.

2011- 2014 SSHRC Research/Creation Grant, “Virtual Daylighting: lost rivers, mobile phones and augmented reality,” (PI; Katarina Soukup; Robert Prenovault, collaborators) $209,039.

2011 VPRGS, Concordia University Seed Grant, “Audio-Mobile,” (co-applicant; Owen Chapman, PI; Zachary Patterson, Geography, co-applicant), $12,000.

2011 NCE Grand,”Seniors and ICTs” (co-applicant; Barbara Crow, PI), $12,500.

2010 NCE Grand, “SFU Mobilizing Pain,”(collaborator; Diane Gromala,PI) , $10,500.

2009 Concordia University Faculty Mobility Grant Travel to Kuala Lumpur, (PI; Leslie Shade, Rae Staseson, Owen Chapman, co-applicants) $10,400.

2009 SSHRC Standard Research Grant, “Redressing silences, confronting mobility: Seniors, cell phones and aging,” (co-applicant; Barbara Crow, York University, PI), $103,000.

2009 FQRSC, Team Grant, “Art et nouveaux médias: vers une redéfinition hybride du lieu,” (co-applicant; Christine Ross, McGill University, PI), $400,000.

2009 Senior Research Fellowship, “The Wireless Imaginary,” Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Bologna, $5000.


2009 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals and Publications , The Canadian Journal of Communication, (PI), $90,000.

2008 SSHRC International Opportunities Fund, “Wireless Communications and the Marconi Galaxy:  Culture, Technology and Myth-Making,” (co-applicant; co-investigators: Barbara Crow, Elena Lamberti, Michael Longford, Seth Feldman, Martin Stiglio, Barbara Valotti), $24,422.

2008 Aid to Scholarly Publication Program with University of Toronto for The Wireless Spectrum,(co-applicant), $8,000.

2008-2011 SSHRC, Standard Research Grant, “Illustrating Medicine: The Case of Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy,” (PI), with an interdisciplinary team comprised of Nicholas Woolridge (biomedical communications), Nina Czegledy (independent curator), Nancy Marrelli (archivist), and Brian Sutherland (information architect), $107,000.

2008 Conference Travel Grant, Centre de Université de Arts, “Rethinking Labour: Labour Affect and Material Culture,” (PI),University College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, April 18, 19, 20, $2,000.

2008- 2009 Hexagram: Concordia/UQAM/Université de Montreal, “Networking the Image: Antoni Abad and Cheryl Sourkes,” (PI), $8,400.

2007-2009 SSHRC Research/Creation Grant, “Conversing with Abstract Artificial Agents” (collaborator; Nell Tenhaaf, PI), $109, 698.

2006-07 Heritage Canada, Culture and Technology, “Mobile Digital Commons Network,” (co-applicant; Michael Longford, PI, Concordia University, $1,300,000.00 received for total grant). Under this grant I received money for the project “Evaluating Mobile Users” co-lead with Barbara Crow, York University, $100,000.

2006 Publication grant with Canada Council (co-applicant) ($20,000.00) and Conseil des Arts et letters du Québec ($10,000) for USED /goods catalogue (with Lorraine Oades and Gisele Amantea, PIs), $30,000.

2004- 2007 SSHRC Standard Research Grant, “Medicine and the Media Arts in Canada: The Biomatrix,” (PI), $101, 000.

2004 SSHRC Partnership Grant, “Text, Sound, Image” (collaborator; Sara Diamond Banff New Media Institute, PI), “Collaborative networks and new media,” $50,000 .

2004 SSHRC GRF Internal Research Fund, “An Anatomy of Controversy: Body Worlds,” (PI), $5,000.

2003 CIAM Travel grant, “Medicine and new media art,” (PI), $2,000.

2003 CIAM Techwatch, “Posthuman” (student research grant for Kamal Fox), (PI), $4000.

2003 CIAM Techwatch, “Data bodies,” (student research grant for Jeny Nussey), (PI), $4,000.

2002 Hexagram, “DVD ROM as Research Tool” (Team grant with Martin Allor and Hal Thwaites), $30,000.

2002 CIAM Techwatch, “DVD Roms” (student research grant for K. Werbin), (PI), $4,000.

2000- 2003 SSHRC Standard Research Grant, “Biotourism: Medical Imaging in Popular Culture,” (PI), $54, 220.

2000 SSHRC Research/Seed and International Travel Grant, “Enter the Museum: Giganticism and Inner Body Space,” (PI), $3,000.


1998 Teaching and Development Grant, “Interactive Teaching Environments,” (with Maurice Charland and Chantal Nadeau), $2,000.

1998 SSHRC Conference Grant, "Textual Encounters of the Archival Kind: a symposium on archival research in cultural studies,” (PI), $8,883.

1996 Summer Student Employment Grant, “Our Time is Now,” (PI), $749.

1996-1999 FCAR (now FQRSC) Nouveaux Chercheurs, "C. Wright Mills et The Cultural Apparatus," (PI), $40,029.

1996 Concordia University Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching.

1996 SSHRC, Concordia University General Research Fund, "La blessure: wounded states and media discourses in the 1995 referendum," (PI), $2,950.

1993-96 Faculty Research and Development Programme Grant, Concordia University, “Network Art,” (PI), $27,000.

1995 Media Arts Grant- Special Projects, Canada Council, "Ideologies of Interactivity: Freedom, Choice, Creativity," (PI), $2,000.

1993 Employment and Immigration Canada- Challenges Grant, "Feminism, Curriculum and the Woman Question in Communication Studies," (PI), $1,800.

1993 SSHRC, Concordia University General Research Fund, “C. Wright Mills and the Cultural Apparatus,” (PI), $2,500.

1992 SSHRC, Concordia University General Research Fund, “C. Wright Mills and the Cultural Apparatus,” (PI), $1,700.


1987-89 Social Science and Humanities Research Council , Doctoral Fellowship, $14,000 (X2).

1983-85 Ontario Graduate Scholarship, $12,000 (X2).

1982 York University Entrance Scholarship, $3,000.

1982 University Women's Club of Winnipeg, Graduate Scholarship, $700.

1982 Gold Medal, Political Science, University of Winnipeg, Awarded to the graduating student at the University of Winnipeg with the best academic record in honours political science.

1979, 1981 Board of Regents General Proficiency Scholarship, University of Winnipeg, $175, $250.

1981 Peat-Goodridge Prize in Political Philosophy, University of Winnipeg, $50.

1979 D. J. Jessiman Scholarship in Political Science, University of Winnipeg, $250.

1978 Alumni Entrance Scholarship, University of Winnipeg, $500.

PUBLICATIONS AND RESEARCHEdited Collections: Books 2010 The Wireless Spectrum: The Politics, Poetics and Practices of Mobile Media, with Barbara Crow

and Michael Longford, eds. (Toronto: The University of Toronto Press).


2010 On line Proceedings, After Mobile Media in Digital Arts and Culture, (California: University of California at Irvine),

2009 USED/goods, Gisele Amantea, Lorraine Oades and Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Montreal: Conseil des Arts/Cut Rate Collective).

2007 Verkörperungen/Embodiment, Christina Lammer, Catherine Pilcher, Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Vienna: Löcker Verlag).

2000 Wild Science: reading feminism medicine and the media, Janine Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk, eds. (United Kingdom: Routledge).

1999 When Pain Strikes, Bill Burns, Cathy Busby and Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).

Refereed Conference Proceedings, Edited 2009 After Mobile Media, in Proceedings of Digital Arts and Culture, (California: University of

California at Irvine), with Marc Bohlen, Simon Penny, Conference Coordinator. (9 papers in this section),

D/N/A, Editing one scalar text-project with Brigit Maher and Jen Proctor. Matt Soar and Monika Kim Gagnon, Project Leaders.

Exhibition Catalogues “Richard Hancox: Apparencies” with Rae Staseson (Montreal: MMG/Concordia University, 2009).

Canadian Journal of Communication: Editor, June 2005-September 2011.As Senior Editor of the Canadian Journal of Communication I published 24 issues, 4 per year as well as 8 issues of wi: journal of mobile media.

2012 Vol. 37 (1) “Media Arts Revisited (MARs),” Special Issue co-edited with Andrea Zeffiro.

2011 Vol. 36 (3) “Canadian Fascinations,” Special Issue co-edited with Michael Dorland.

2011 Vol. 36 (2) “The Senses of Technology,” co-edited with Fabio Josgrillberg.

2011 Vol. 36 (1) “Democratizing Communication Policy in the Americas: Why It Matters,” Guest Edited and Intro: Leslie Shade and Rebecca Lentz, Editor, K. Sawchuk.

2010 Vol. 35 (4) Edited and Intro.

2010 Vol. 35 (3) Edited and Intro.

2010 Vol. 35 (2) Edited and Intro.

2010 Vol. 35 (1) Edited and Intro.

2009 Vol. 34 (4) “Race, Ethnicity, and Intercultural Communication,” Guest Edited: Karim Karim and Faiza Hirji.

2009 Vol. 34 (3) Edited and Intro.

2009 Vol. 34 (2) “Rethinking Public Relations,” Guest Edited: Josh Greenberg and Graham Knight.


2009 Vol. 34 (1) “Reality Television,” Guest Edited: Jean Bruce.

2008 Vol. 33 (3) “Wireless Technologies,” Edited and Intro: co-edited with Barbara Crow and Richard Smith.

2008 Vol. 33 (2) “Mediating Spaces,” Edited and Intro.

2007 Vol. 32 (3) “Communicating Health,” Edited and Intro.

2007 Vol. 32 (2) “Vocabularies of Citizenship,” Edited and Intro.

2007 Vol. 32 (1) Edited and Intro.

2006 Vol. 31 (4), “Sexualities,” Edited and Intro: co-edited with Rebecca Sullivan.

2006 Vol. 31 (3) “Labouring of Communication,” Guest Edited: Catherine McKercher and Vincent Mosco.

2006 Vol. 31 (2) “Public Matters,” Edited and Intro.

2006 Vol. 31 (1) “Culture, Heritage, and Art,” Special Issue, Edited and Intro.

2005 Vol. 30 (4) “Life on Line,” Edited and Intro.

2001 Vol. 26 (2) “Archival Documents and Records,” Special Issue co-edited with Stacey Johnson.

Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 2012 “Mobile Cultures ” co-edited with Giuliana Cucinelli and Line Grenier.

2012 “Out of the Mouths of Casseroles 1 and 2” co-edited with Magdalena Olszanowski, Alison Loader, Ben Spencer and Owen Chapman

2011 “Observing the Mobile User Experience,” Special Issue co-edited with Barbara Crow and Benjamin Poppinga.

2008 “Pedestrian Traffic,” Special Issue, co-edited with Andrea Zeffiro, Barbara Crow, and Michael Longford.

2007 “Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Research-Creation,” Special Issue co-edited with Barbara Crow.

2006 Issue co-edited with Barbara Crow.

Chapters in Books – Refereed Published 2012 “Patient Care,” in Empathography, Christine Lammer, ed. (Vienna: Löcker Verlag). 15-31.

2012 “Tactical Restriction: Seniors and Cell Phones,” co-authored with Barbara Crow in Technologies of Mobility in the Americas, Phillip Vannini, eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.). 157-174.

2011 “Thinking About Methods” in Intersections of Media and Communications: Concepts, Context, and Critical Frameworks, Sandra Gabriele, Will Straw, Ira Wagman, eds. (Toronto: Edmond Montgomery). 333- 350.


2010 “Introduction: The Wireless Spectrum,” co-authored with Barbara Crow and Michael Longford in The Wireless Spectrum, Crow, Longford and Sawchuk, eds. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 3-16.

2010 “Radio Hats, Wireless Rats, and Flying Families: stationary journeys and the wireless imaginary,” in The Wireless Spectrum, Crow, Longford and Sawchuk, eds. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 29-45.

2009 “Beyond the F-word: feminism and communications in Canada” mediascapes, Leslie Regan Shade, ed. (Toronto: Nelson). 35-52.

2009 “Leave it to Beavers: Animals, Icons and the Canadian Communication Industry,” co-authored with Barbara Crow in Screening the Nation, Enric Castelló, Alexander Dhoest and Hugh O’Donnell, eds. (Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing). 130-157.

2008 “Voices from Beyond: ephemeral histories, locative media and the volatile interface” co-authored with Barbara Crow, Michael Longford and Andrea Zeffiro, in Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City, Marcus Foth, ed. (Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global). 158-178.

2008 “Shaking Hands with the User”: principles, protocols, and practices for user-integrated testing in mobile design,” co-authored with Barbara Crow, in Mobile Nation, Martha Ladly and Philip Beesley, eds. (Toronto: Riverside Architectural Press). 37-43.

2008 “Performance (Art): a Method of Inquiry,” in Ironic to Iconic: The Performance Works of Tanya Mars, Paul Couillard, ed. (Toronto: FADO). 10-25.

2008 “Feminism in Waves: re-imagining a watery metaphor” in Open Boundaries: a women’s studies reader, 3rd edition, Lise Gotell and Barbara Crow, eds. (Toronto: Pearson/Prentice Hall). 58-63.

2007 “Ironic Empiricism” in Embodiment, eds. Lammer, Pilcher and Sawchuk.

2007 “The Spectral Politics of Mobile Communications Technologies: Gender, Infrastructure and International Policy,” co-authored with Barbara Crow, in Feminist Interventions in International Communication: Minding the Gap, Katharine Sarikakis and Leslie Regan Shade, eds. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield). 90-105.

2007 “A Tale of Two Beavers: Cellphones and Shifting Notions of Public and Private Space,” co-authored with Barbara Crow in Communication in Question: Competing Perspectives on Controversial Issues in Communication Studies, Joshua Greenberg and Charlene Elliot, eds. (Toronto: Thompson). 142-149.

2004 “Enthusiasm, Unbridled: Tanya Mars,” in Difficult Women: performance art in Canada, Tanya Mars and Johanna Householder, eds. (Toronto: YYZ press).

2001 “Biotourism: Travels in the bioscape,” in Digitized Bodies Virtual Spectacles (Budapest Hungary: Ludwig Museum and Museum of Contemporary Art). Translated into Hungarian as Biotusztika: utazasok a biotajban”.

2000 "Introduction to Part Three: Modernity, Nostalgia, and the Standardization of Time," in Antimodernism and Artistic Experience: Policing the Boundaries of Modernity, Lynda Jessup, ed. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 155-164.

2000 "Biotourism, Fantastic Voyage, and Sublime Inner Space," in Wild Science: Reading Feminism Medicine and the Media, Janine Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk, eds.(UK: Routledge). 9-23.


2000 “Introduction,” Wild Science: Feminism, Medicine and the Media, Janine Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk, eds.(UK: Routledge). 1-8.

1999 "An Index of Power: Innis, Aesthetics, and Technology," in Harold Innis in the New Century: Reflections and Refractions, Charles Acland and Bill Buxton, eds. (Montreal: McGill-Queens Press). 369-385.

1999 “Monstrous Feminism: feminism, photography and the abject,” Deviant Practices (Montreal: Dazibao).

1999 “Wounded States: Sovereignty, Separation, and the Quebec Referendum,” in When Pain Strikes, Bill Burns, Cathy Busby, Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press). 96-115.

1999 “Introduction,” When Pain Strikes, Bill Burns, Cathy Busby, Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press). xi-xxv.

1995 "From Gloom to Boom: Aging, Identity and Target Markets," in Images of Aging: Cultural Representations of Later Life, Andrew Wernick and Mike Featherstone, eds. (London: Routledge).173-187.

1994 "Semiotics, Cybernetics and the Ecstasy of Marketing Communications," in Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, Douglas Kellner, ed. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994). 89-118.

1994 "Pirate Writing: Radiophonic Strategies for Feminist Techno-Perverts," in Radio Rethink: Art, Sound and Transmission, Dan Lander and Daina Auguitis, eds. (Banff: Walter Phillips Gallery, 1994). Translated into German for In Control: Mensch-Interface-Maschine. Eva Ursprung, ed. (Graz, Austria: Kunstverein W.A.S.). 201-221.

1993 "(Re)packaging Difference: Globalization and Culture," Territories of Difference, Renée Baert, ed. (Banff: Walter Phillips Gallery). 111-134.

1989 "Shifting Fields: Art within the Context of Colonialism in Canada; The work of Don Proch," Sightlines, Lesley Johnstone and Jessica Bradley, eds. (Montréal: Artexte, 1994). 83-95. Reprint from: Provincial Essays, vol. 8 (1989).

1989 "Panic Obscenities: Medusa's Revenge," The Panic Encyclopedia, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, eds. (London: Macmillan Education). 163-169.

1987 "A Tale of Inscription/Fashion Statements," Body Invaders, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, eds. (Montréal: New World Perspectives). 61-77. Reprint from Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 11(1-2). 51-67.

Forthcoming: submitted and accepted for publication 2013 “Ageing the Mobile Imaginary: Stories-so-far,” in Materialities of the Mobile Imaginary, Andrew

Hermann, Thomas Swiss, and Janin Hadlaw, eds.,submitted to MIT Press, contracting negotiation.

2013 “On the Marconi Trail: site and the performance of memory” in The Marconi Galaxy: Culture, Technology, Myth-Making, Elena Lamberti, ed., contract being negotiated with University of Toronto Press (in press, fall, 2012).


2013 “From Entrails to Orifices: phenomenological aesthetics and Mona Hatoum’s Corps étranger,” in Embodied Politics, Janice Hdlacki and Sarah Brophy, eds. (in editing at University of Toronto Press, forthcoming).

Journal Articles (Refereed) Published 2012 “I’m G-Mom on the Phone: Remote Grandmothering, Cell Phones and Inter/generational

Dis/connections” co-authored with Barbara Crow, Feminist Media Studies, vol. 12, issue 4. 475-489.

2012 “River Flow, Street Flow, Sewer Flow” co-authored Samuel Thulin. Transfers, vol. 2, issue 3. 151-57.

2012 “La grève est étudiant/e, la lutte est populaire: the Québec student strikes,” Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 37, issue 3. 499-504. 

2012 “Animating the Anatomical Specimen: Regional Dissection and the Incorporation of Photography in J.C.B Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy” Special Issue Jackie Stacey and Lucy Suchmann, eds. Body and Society, vol. 18, issue 1. 120-150.

2012 “Research-Creation: intervention, analysis and "family resemblances” co-authored with Owen Chapman, Special Issue on Media Arts Revisited, Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 37, issue 1. 5-26.

2011 “Illustrating Medicine: line, luminance and lessons from J.C.B Grant’s 1943 An Atlas of Anatomy,” co-authored with Nicholas Woolridge and Jodie Jenkinson, Visual Communication, vol. 10, issue 3. 449-462.

2011 “Into the ‘Grey Zone’: Milieus that Matter” co-authored with Barbara Crow, wi: journal of mobile media ( in the Special Issue: “Observing the Mobile User Experience,” Barbara Crow, Benjamin Poppinga, Kim Sawchuk, eds., vol. 5.

2011 “Hands on Knowledge: Tagny Duff and the politics of bioart,” n.paradoxa,. Special Issue: “biopolitics,” vol. 28. 31-50.

2010 “Talking ‘Costs’: Seniors, Cell Phones and the Personal and Political Economies of Telecommunications in Canada,” co-authored with Barbara Crow, Telecommunications Journal of Australia, vol. 80, issue 4. 55.1-55.11.

2009 “At the intersection of Medicine and Art: reflections on anatomical illustration” co-authored with Nina Czegledy, International Journal of Arts in Society, vol. 4. 5-17.

2008 “Artificial Life and Lo-Fi Embodiment: an interview with Melanie Baljko and Nell Tenhaaf,” Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, Special Issue: “Digital Feminisms,” vol. 32, issue 2. 6-17.

2001 “C. Wright Mills: A Political Writer and his Fan Mail,” Canadian Journal of Communication, vol. 26, issue 2. 231-253.

2000 “Le genre, le genie et le mythe de l’intellectuel solitaire: les etudes culturelles feministes et les ecrits de C. Wright Mills,” Recherches feministes, vol. 13, issue 2. 13-31.

2001 “The Cultural Apparatus: C. Wright Mills’ Unfinished Work” American Sociologist, vol. 32, issue, 1. 27-49.


1992 "Le marketing du corps: les couches jetables," Sociologie et sociétés, vol. 24, issue 1. 103-112.

1991 "Audio Terrorism: Low Level Flights over Nitassinan," Public, issue 4/5. 115.

1989 "Towards a Feminist Critique of Rock Music: Patti Smith's Gloria ," Atlantis: a women's studies journal, vol. 14, issue 2. 44-54.

1987 "A Tale of Inscription/Fashion Statements," Canadian Journal of Political and Social, vol. 11, issue 1-2. 51-67. Reprinted in Body Invaders, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, eds. (Montréal: New World Perspectives, 1987). 61-77.

Forthcoming 2013 “Tactical Mediatization: Pressures, Push-back and Learning from RECAA,” MediaKulture. (in


Articles (non-refereed) 2012 “Tactile Engagements: an interview with Christina Lammer” in Empathograph. Vienna: Locker.


2008 “Uncanny Figures and Mean Body: Nicola Feldman Kiss,” Prefix Photo: a publication of the Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art,” issue 17. 32-54.

2007 “Plug In, Stay Charged, Boot Up: xx energy” XX anniversary issue, Jake Moore, ed. Montreal: studioXX.

2007 “Cell Skins: Marit-Saskia Wahrendorf’s Tactile Fabrications for Cell Phones,” co-authored with Barbara Crow, wi: journal of mobile media, vol. 2, issue 1.

2005 “Sorting it out at the Salvation Army: Reflections on Work, Class and the Art of Research” Public, issue 31.

2003 “Parables of a Bio Tourist,’ horizonzero, issue 6,

2003 “Charged heart: the electronic art of Catherine Richards,’ horizon zero, issue 6,

1996 “Out of Step: Cathy Sisler’s Risky Deviations,” inversions. 12-21.

1994 "Biological, not Determinist: Nell Tenhaaf's Technological Mutations," Parachute: Contemporary Art Magazine, issue 75. 10-17.

1991 "Marketing Health care and the Bioapparatus," Bioapparatus, Nell Tenhaaf and Catherine Richards, eds. Banff: Walter Phillips Gallery.

1989 "Shifting Fields: the work of Don Proch within the context of Canadian colonialism," Provincial Essays, vol. 8 (1989).Reprinted in Sightlines, Lesley Johnstone and Jessica Bradley, eds. (Montréal: Artexte, 1994). French translation, Réfractions, Artetexte, 1998.

1987-1988 "Telemarketing and the Disembodied Voice," Border/lines, issue 9/10. 31-35.

Catalogue Essays for Exhibitions


2011 “Cellular Memorabilia: Tagny Duff,” Montreal: Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University.

2009 “Rick Hancox: Apparencies,” Montreal: Media Gallery, Concordia University.

2008 “The Paradox of Mobility: Antoni Abad,” Geneva: Museum of Culture.

2007 “Uncanny figures and mean bodies: nichola feldman-kiss,” in nichola feldman-kiss, mean bodies, Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery.

1999 “Memory and Radio: Katarina Soukup,” Montreal: studio XX.

1998 "Facing Death," Patrick Traer Regina: Dunlop Art Gallery.

1997 "Skin Notwithstanding, "Reva Stone and Richard Dyck Calgary: Muttart Gallery.

1997 "Auricle Interchange," Ken Gregory and Janet Cardiff, Calgary: Muttart Gallery.

1997 "Biotourism: travels in Inner Space" Disembodied Mind, Toronto: Interacess.

1996 "Turbulent Matter/s," Transmission:Galerie La Centrale: 1995-96, Montreal: La Centrale.

1995 "Enlightened Visions, Somatic Spaces: imaging the interior in art and medicine," Rx: Taking our Medicine, Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre.

1992 “Antoinette Herival’s Prairie Carnivalesque,” Regina: Rosemont Art Gallery.

1991 "Painting the Double Standard," Grace Rose Klatt: The Anti-Romantic, Regina: Dunlop Art Gallery.

Reviews 2002 Distant Suffering: Morality, Media and Politics, Luc Boltanski (Cambridge England: Cambridge

University Press, 1999), Canadian Journal of Communications, vol. 27, issue. 93-96.

2000 No Logo, Naomi Klein, (Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2000) Canadian Journal of Communications, vol. 25, issue 4. 585-588.

1999 Gender and Discourse, ed. Ruth Wodak (Newbury Park: Sage, 1997), Canadian Journal of Communications, vol. 24, issue 2. 308-311.

1998 “Charged Hearts, Catherine Richards at the National Gallery," Parachute: Contemporary Art Magazine, issue 89. 49-50.

1996 Wired Women, Morgan Eliot, DoubleX, brnch%C3%A9es-wired-women-film-xx-2-minute-review.

1996 “Barbara Layne and Ingrid Bachman (exhibition), Fault Lines: measure distance place," Parachute: Contemporary Art Magazine, issue 82, 48-49.

1993 "Post-panoptic Mirror Worlds: an extended review of David Gelertner's Mirror Worlds: or the day software puts the universe in a shoebox,",

1992 "Celeste Olalquiaga, Megalopolis: Contemporary Cultural Sensibilities," Parachute: Contemporary Art Magazine, issue 68. 76-77.

1992 "Denise Hawrysio: Galérie Articule," Parachute: Contemporary Art Magazine, issue 67. 39-40.

1991 "Whose Comfort?" Blackflash .

1990 "Entre le Corps et la Matière," Espace (Spring, 1990).


Refereed Conference Proceedings 2012 Unravelling Research-Creation: 4 Articulations. With Owen Chapman. Translated into French

and Portugeuse.

2010 “Into the Grey Zone: Seniors, Cell Phones and Milieus that Matter,” co-authored with Barbara Crow, for Observing the Mobile User Experience. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop held in Conjunction with NordiCHI, ed. B. Poppinga, C. Magnusson, et al., Rejjavik University, Iceland, October 17.

2010 “From Biotourism to Biomediation,” Thomas Soderqvist, ed. Contemporary Medical Science and technology as a challenge to Museums, 15TH biannual conference of the European Association of Museums for the History of Medical Sciences Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, September 16-18.

1995 "Some Canadian Feminists Intervene in the Datasphere," co-authored with Barbara Crow, for Proceedings: Telecommunites '95: Equity on the Internet, Victoria: University of Victoria, August 19-23.

Notes, Commentary, and Interviews 2012 “Christina Lammer: Tactile Knowledge,” Empathography. (Vienna: Löcker Verlag).

2007 “Materiality, Memory Machines and the Archive as Media,” Old Messengers, New Media, Government of Canada,

1996 "Bye, Bye Barbara," DoubleX,

1995 “Sentimental Histories,” DoubleX, http://www.

1995 “Dirty Money,” DoubleX, http://www.

1992 “Audiences, Blockbusters and Communities", Four Documentations, Regina: Regina Works Project.

1992 "Unleashing the Demons of History: An Interview with Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Coco Fusco," Parachute: Contemporary Art Magazine, issue 67. 22-9.

1992 "Noise and the Acoustic Environment: an interview with Hildegard Westerkamp," with Julia Emberley, Sub-rosa.

1987 “The Seam of the Double Bind,” Impulse.

Policy Report 2012 Regarding the Consultation on Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for

mobile wireless services: Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-557,11 October 2012 and CRTC 2012-557-1, 1 November 2012, co-authored with Catherine

Middleton, Tamara Shepherd, Leslie Regan Shade, Barbara Crow.


2011 “Privacy, Communication and Seniors,” Report prepared for PI: Les Jacobs, York Centre for Public Policy and the Law, “Privacy Rights Mobilization among Marginal Groups: Fulfilling the Mandate of PIPEDA,” Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 25 pages, co-authored with Barbara Crow.

Encyclopedia EntriesForthcoming:2012 “Picasa” for the Encyclopedia of New Media Terms, co-authored with Magdalena Olszanowski.

Working Papers 1986 “Power/Knowledge/Capital: The Bovey Commission and Educational Policy in Ontario,” Social

and Political Thought Working Papers, Issue 2 , The Politics of the University, George Free, ed. 1986.

Translations Isabelle Brabant, "Reflections on pain in Childbirth," When Pain Strikes, Bill Burns, Cathy Busby and

Kim Sawchuk, eds.

EXHIBITIONS AND SCREENINGS, CURATORIAL PROJECTS AND RESEARCH2012 Rouge Ta Rue (an animated video collaboration with Alison Loader, Matt Soar, Owen Chapman,

Mathew Sutherland, and Magda Olszanowski) in DEMOSCROSCOPE (Video program, installation), Joyce Yahouda Gallery, Belgo Building (5th floor), 372 Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, October 13-November 3rd,

2012 Rivieres Perdue/Lost Rivers, Oeuvres Interactif/Projects Web, Festival Nouveau Cinema Montreal, October 10-21,

2012 MemorySpace: private memories, public history, Atwater Public Library and Community Centre, workshops on digital scanning for seniors (June 2012); Curatorial workshop with seniors group (July 2012); Exhibition production (August 2012); Exhibition (September 20-October 7, 2012).

2012 Talking about Elder Abuse, screening for 7th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, an exhibition and series of performance at the Galleries du Parc, June 14.

2012 Lost Rivers: La Petite Riviere St. Pierre (Andrew Emond Sam Thulin), DHC-PHI, for Nuit Blanche, Montreal in conjunction with the exhibition Chronicles of a Disappearance, February 25.

2011 Fanciful: small media moments Media Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal. Co-curated with Rae Staseson, February 7-April 15,

2011 Marconi’s Ruins, (Michael Longford and Robert Prenovault) Media Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal, co-curated with Rae Staseson, February 7-April 15,


2010 Media Hot and Cold, A Mobile Art Campaign using a Bluetooth server. K-Space, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 25-March 3.

2009 Discoverable, A mobile art campaign in conjunction with the President’s Conference Series. Mobile Media Gallery, Montreal, Concordia University, Loyola/ SGW, October,

2009 Apparencies, An exhibition by Richard Hancox , Communication Studies Media Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal. Co-curated with Rae Staseson. Photography exhibition, website, audio/podcast and online and print catalogue, October 25-December 15,

RESEARCH ARTS, DESIGN and MULTIMEDIA 2012 Talking about Elder Abuse. A 5 minute video filmed, edited and produced by RECCA

(Ressources ethnoculturelle contre l’abuse envers les aîné/es) in collaboration with the Mobile Media Lab and The Digital Literacy Project (Atwater Library and Computer Centre) who supplied student labour, equipment and training in shooting, scripting, editing, and post-production. Talking About Elder Abuse featured on World Elder Abuse Day, June 15. See

2012 Montreal in/accessible. A collaborative project with Antoni Abad (Barcelona) and RAPLIQ. A team of 6 participants/researchers I the project use mobile phones, and megaphone, a unique android application, to document the systemic barriers they face in the Montreal urban


2012 Barrière!/Barrier! A series of video capsules, in production, these mini-documentaries feature 5 minute interview the participants in the megafone project. In it they discuss the many ways cities exclude people in wheelchairs from full participation in public life. Produced with Laurence Parent (co-director), Joëlle Rouleau (cinematography) and Ben Spencer (sound).

2012 Activist Ageing: participatory ICTs and older adults. An ongoing series of collaborative research projects with RECAA that provide ICT training for this organization assisting them in their mandate to combat elder abuse and foster a culture of respect. The results, thus far, are a 5 minute video “Talking about Elder Abuse,” a one day exhibition and celebration in collaboration with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a photographic series, and participation in

documenting a new project on intergenerational respect, The Golden Feedback Loop, produced in collaboration with students from James Lyng High School. See .

2012 MemorySpace. An exhibition and series of workshops, by and for seniors, with 4 components: a workshop on digital scanning of photographs (including a “how-to” manual) ; a workshop on making an individual slideshow from these photographs; a curatorial workshop for the production of a collective exhibition, and finally the exhibitions that was comprised of 2 slideshow projects of selections by seniors, an interactive touchscreen, a

2012 Rouge Ta Rue (an animated video collaboration with Alison Loader; Matt Soar; Owen Chapman, Mathew Sutherland and Magda Olszanowski) in DEMOSCROSCOPE (Video program, installation) Joyce Yahouda Gallery, Belgo building (5th floor), 372 Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, October 13 – November 3, .

2012 Out of the Mouths of Casseroles. Two collaboratively co-edited special issues of wi: journal of mobile media. These were not peer-reviewed, but were produced in within a 2 month


period in response to the educational debates on tuition fee increases in Québec as well as Bill 78. The two issues include photography, video, animations, sound works, theoretical analysis, manifestos and poetry from students, academics, artists and activists (with Owen Chapman, Alison Loader, Magdalena Olszanowski, and Ben Spencer), .

2012- 2013 AddressKnown. A series of 25 interactive video interviews, mostly portraits of older adults, who are long-time residents of Park Extension, a vibrant multi-cultural neighbourhood

in Montreal. The edited interviews are in production and will be posted, online, at by spring, 2012. A local exhibition and walking tour of the neighbourhood is in the planning stages, (with Giuliana Cuccinelli).

2012 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Montreal. A one day event, in collaboration with RECAA and the Immigration Rights group COPSI that featured entertainment, talks, and

performances by and for Elders. Galleries du Parc, Montreal, Québec, June 14.

2011- 2014 Echoscape This web-based gaming application allows for the sounds recorded from the Audio-mobile data-base to be used for collaborative sound compositions in a virtual environment. (with Owen Chapman PI, and collaborators Zachary Patterson and Yvon

Cazabon). Website in development.

2011-2013 Audio-Mobile. This mobile phone application allows for dynamic, geo-located, tagged field recordings to be uploaded onto a collaborative map, via the iPhone (with Owen Chapman, PI, Zachary Patterson and Charity Marsh, collaborators). .

2011- 2014 Virtual Daylighting. This project involves geo-locating 5 buried rivers traversing the island of Montreal, archival research that is transformed into multi-media files that can be

accessed on location with the mobile phone, and the creation of a mobile phone application, connected to a database and website, that allows users to explore these subterranean rivers. Original soundscapes that explore the augmented reality features of the iPhone have been produced, and will be added over the next year. The Mobile Media Lab is co-producing this project with Catbird Productions, a Montreal documentary production house. Funded by SSHRC, the project was exhibited at DHC-Art, Feb 2012. The first iteration of the application, Lost Rivers, was

available Oct 15, 2012, on iTunes, for free, and subsequent iterations incorporating more complex augmented reality functions are planned for future iterations. With collaborators

Katerina Soukup. Jonathan Bélisle, Jonathan Grenier. See .

2011-2013 Burgundy Jazz: the neighbourhood life of Montreal jazz This Mobile Media Lab’s mobile phone technology, expertise, and student power is being used

to help produce the Burgundy Jazz project, an interactive, cross-platform documentary that explores the history of Jazz in Montreal. The documentary is being produced by Catbird Productions in association with the Mobile Media Lab. Radio Canada is now a co-sponsor and the project will be launched to the public in July 2013. At research stage, website in development.


2009-2012 The Mobile Media Gallery. Director, web design, curation This project encouraged the use of on-line mobile media for exhibition and curation. This series of projects is now being run out of the Department of Communication Studies, under the direction of Rae Staseson, and has a permanent home at the Media Gallery, (

2008-2012. Illustrating Medicine: Web-located Database of Medical Illustrations for Grant’s Atlas Produced as a part of the Illustrating Medicine Project, this searchable data base (at this point private because of copyright issues) contains over 900 high resolution scans of original medical illustrations done for the 1943 textbook, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy Project manager, with Nicholas Woolridge, University of Toronto. Database construction, Brian Sutherland, University of Toronto. Database located at Wiki .

NO DATE. Under the City, mobile testing and development: As a member of the team, headed by independent media producer Katarina Soukup, I have assisted in the production of this multimedia, multilayered project, exploring the underground rivers that traverse the city of Montreal. This includes organizing student participation in the production of content and setting up field trials and user-testing protocols.

2005-2007 The Haunting. Designer and project coordinator with B Crow, M Longford and D MacIntosh. Exhibited, October 31, 2009, at le Pick Up, Montreal, http://www.the

2005 Salvation Works: A weblog and experimental research performance conducted as a part of the exhibition Used Goods, Salvation Army/Articule Gallery, November 5-21.

1995-1998 studioXX : Co-founded a bilingual digital arts and resource centre by and for women in Montreal. The studio’s mandate is to open a space of critical and informed dialogue about new technologies and to offer different levels of computer know-how and access to women. The studio’s activities comprise monthly get-togethers to discuss new works (les femmes branchées); a weekly radio show (XX files); affordable workshops on computer use that incorporates feminist pedagogy; a website; and a fanzine (DoubleX).

1989-1991 The Post-Modern Commotion: Writer, Co-host and Producer: an experimental performance group and weekly radio show (on CKUT radio), with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Andreas Kitzmann, and Michael Boyce.

1991 Take it in/Don’t Take It. An interactive, electronic art work using sensors, sound and cibachrome photograph, with Nell Tenhaaf. SAW gallery, Ottawa.


2013 Conference organizer, “Differential Mobilities: mediation and movement in networked societies,” 4th International Conference of the Pan-american Mobilities Research Network,

Concordia University, Montreal, May 8-11,



2011 “Life on M.A.R.s: Media Arts Revisited in Canada,” Wilfrid Laurier University, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, November 23.

2011 “Digital Feminisms: peer-review as feminist practice,” Gender, New Media and Technology Symposium, Departments of Communications and Literature, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, October 13.

2010 “Trial by Facebook: surveillance, law and the news,” Department of Women Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, September 17.

2010 “From Biotourism to Biomediation,” Transatlantic Mediations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 14-18.

2010 “Mobile tales: two or three things I know for sure,” National Film Board/studioxx, First Person Digital, ONF/NFB cine-roboteque, Montreal, Quebec, February 7.

2009 “Weathering the Process: embodiment and mobility”, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, March 5.

2008 “On the Marconi Trail”, The Italian Institute for Culture, November 8.

2005 “Making Waves: the metaphor of the wave in feminist theory and practice,” Feminism and Rhetoric, University of Michigan Technological Institute, Houghton, Michigan, October 8.

2005 “Radio Hats and Wireless Rats,” Sampling the Spectrum, Society for Art and Technology, Montreal, Quebec, May 8.

Conference Papers: Refereed 2012 “Collaboration, New Media and Trust: lessons from Lost Rivers,” with Jonathan Bélisle and

Katerina Soukup, Festival of New Cinema, Montreal, October 15.

2012 “Mediation and/or Mediatization: the RECAA project,” Open workshop on Ageing Communication Media, IN3, Open University, Barcelona, Spain, October 15.

2012 “Audio-Mobile,”with Owen Chapman and Samuel Thulin, an interactive workshop at CeMoRe, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom , September 2.

2012 “Virtual Daylighting: Augmented Reality for Mobile Phones,” with Samuel Thulin, International Association for the Study of Popular Music-UK, University of Salford, Salford United Kingdom, September 4.

2012 “Can new media forms and formats challenge academic writing as a genre?” in Feminist Media Production in the 21st Century,” Console-ing Passions, Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts, July 19-21.

2012 “Memory Acts and Dream Regimes,” with Line Grenier, Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Sorbonne, Paris, France, July 1-5.

2012 Textbook Anatomy: JCB Grant’s Anatomical Atlas” special sessions on Visual Communication, organized by Jonathan Finn, Canadian Communication Association, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, May 27- June 1.


2012 “Mobilizing Seniors” special panel on Ageing Communication Media,Canadian Communication Association, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, May 27- June 1.

2012 “Mediation or Mediatization: the RECAA project”, Mediatization in a Global Context, Goldsmiths College University of London, London, United Kingdom, April 7-8.

2012 “Curating mobilities: Virtual Daylighting: ” Pan-American Mobilities Research Network, University of North Carolina, Durham, March 15-17.

2011 “Archiving Illustration”, Exploring-and Making- Collective History, Association of Medical Illustrators, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, July 20-23.

2011 “Virtual Daylighting”, Canadian Communications Association, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 1.

2011 “Always Already Old: seniors and cells” with Barbara Crow, Canadian Communications Association, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 1.

2011 “Feminist Media Production.” International Communications Association, Boston, Massachusetts, May 28.

2011 “Images at Risk? Archiving and Digitizing Medical Illustration,” Digital Narratives Archives, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, May 16.

2011 “Always Already Old: seniors and cells,” The Mobile Imaginary, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Feb 11- 14.

2011 “Maintaining Mobility,” Pan-American Mobilities Association, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 13-15.

2010 “Into the Grey Zone.” Nordic Workshop on Mobile Users. Rejkyavik, Iceland, October 18.

2010 “The Canadian Journal of Communications: A History,” Conference of European Educators, Hamburg, Germany, October.

2010 “From Biotourism to Biomediation,” Contemporary Medical Science and Technology as a Challenge to Museums, 15th biannual conference of the European Association of Museums for the History of Medical Sciences Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, September, 16-18.

2010 “Seniors and Cells,” Cultures of Movement, Royal Roads College, Victoria, British Columbia, April 8- 10.

2009 “What’s age got to do with it?: seniors and cell phones,” Add Labor and Stir, Panel, Association of Internet Researchers, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 6-8.

2009 “Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy” Archives and the Canadian Narrative - Re: Telling Canada's Stories Mount Alison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, June, 1-5.


2009 "Regional Archives in the Digital Universe" Archives in Canada Conference Series (ACCS), 3rd Biennial Conference, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, June 10 - 12.

2009 “On the Marconi Trail,” The Marconi Galaxy: culture, technology, myth, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, April 27-28.

2009 “Illustrating Medicine”, Automation/Animation Symposium, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, United Kingdom, April 10.

2009 “Genetic Admiration: the films of Frances Leeming,” University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, April 9.

2009 “Digital Publishing,” Program in Canadian Studies, University of Selisia, Katowice, Poland, March.

2009 “Feminist Science Studies,” Program in Canadian Studies, University of Selisia, Katowice, Poland, March.

2008 “The Hand that Holds the Phone: marketing the cell to seniors,” International Association of Media and Communication Researchers, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, July 23-27.

2008 “Mobile camera phones, city space and embodied communities: Antoni Abad’s canal*ACCESSIBLE,” IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS 08), Citizens, Groups, Communities and Information and Communication Technologies, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 26-28.

2008 “Aesthetics and Ethics: the writing of Nancy Shaw,” Canadian Communication Association, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 4-6.

2008 “Seniors and Cells,” Canadian Communication Association, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 4-6.

2008 “Affective Alliances and Effective Communication: The Art of Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge,” Rethinking Labour: labour, affect and material culture, American Studies Program, University College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, April 18-20.

2007 “Leave it to beavers: Animals, Icons and the Canadian Communication Industry,” with Barbara Crow, Narrating the Nation, Reus, Spain, October.

2007 “Leave it to beavers: masculinity, sexuality and selling the cell,” with Barbara Crow, Canadian Communication Association, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 1-3.

2007 “Hybrid media and the Learned Journal,” Library and Journals Association, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 1-3.

2007 “Technological Convergence” Film Studies Association of Canada/Canadian Communication Association, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 1-3.

2007 “Out in the Cold: endothermic embodiment, meteorological mediations and locative media,” Mobile Nation: Creating Methodologies for Mobile Platforms, OCAD, Toronto, Ontario, March 22-25.

2006 “Gendering Media Governance”, Parallel Convergences: a conference on media policy, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, November 11.


2006 “Wikis as an online collaborative tool,” with Barbara Crow, Association of Internet Researchers, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, September,.

2006 “Participant Creation: Evaluating mobile users,” Association of British Geographers, London University, London, United Kingdom, September 1.

2006 “Participant Creation: evaluating mobile users,” Canadian Communication Association, York University, Toronto, Ontario, June 1.

2006 “Inter-mediality and the science of life,” Film Studies Association Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, February.

2005 “Up Close, Big but Not Impersonal: artists and electron scanning microscopes” University Art Association Annual Conference, special session on medicine and representation, Victoria, British Columbia, November 12.

2005 “Participant Blogservation: Sorting it out at the Salvation Army,” Visible Evidence, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, August 23.

2005 “Iconic Images and Celebrity Science,” Canadian Communication Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, June 1.

2005 “Disney-space” special panel with Communications and Environmental Studies, Canadian Communication Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, June 1.

2004 “Enthusiasm Unbridled: Tanya Mars’ performance practices,” Canadian Communication Association, University of Manitoba, Manitoba, June.

2004 “Entrails and Orifices: Mona Hatoum’s corps étranger,” Skin: text, texture, textuality, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of London, London, United Kingdom, April 13-15.

2003 “Body Worlds”, Canadian Communications Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June.

2003 “Regulating the Traffic in Organs,” International Communications Association, San Diego, California, May 25-29.

2002 “Biotourism and Conceptual Personae,” Conjunctures in Cultural Studies, Montreal, Quebec, October 8-10.

2002 “Size Matters,” Quintessence: The Clumpy Matter of Art, Science and Data Visualization, Banff Centre for New Media, Banff, Alberta, September 13.

2001 “Theorizing the Inner Body: feminist mediations,” Institute for Cultural Research and Film Studies, Feminism and the Visual Arts Series, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom, November 21.

2001 “Biotourism in a global context,” Bioforum, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary, October 25.

2001 “New media activism,” New Media New Cinema, Ex-centris, Montreal, Quebec, August.

2001 “Interdisciplinarity,” Special Panel on the Future of Film Studies, Film Studies Association, Laval Quebec, May 27.

2001 “Biotourism,” ACFAS, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, May 16.

2001 “Giganticism and the Museum,” Conjunctures: A Cultural Studies Symposium, Tampa, Florida, March. .


2000 “C. Wright Mills and the Cuban Crisis,” Canadian Communications Association, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, June.

1999 “Biography and History: C. Wright Mills,” Canadian Communication Association, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, June 3.

1999 “Of Biotourism and Body-ROMS”,Gendered Landscapes, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May.

1999 “Biotourism,” International Communication Association, San Francisco, California, May.

1998 “On C. Wright Mills,” The Relevance of Critique and the Critique of Relevance, Social and Political Thought Programme, York University, Toronto, Ontario, September 12.

1998 "Epistolary Epistemologies: Letters to Mills," Convergences: A Cultural Studies Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, May 7-21.

1998 "The Office as a Collection: The C. Wright Mills Archive" Textual Encounters of the Archival Kind, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. April 17- 19.

1997 "Gendered Blindspots on the Information Highway," Digital technologies, Women and Texts: Languages, Technologies, Communities, Leeds University, Leeds, England, July 2-5.

1997 "Fantastic Voyages and Inner Space," Screen Studies, John Logie Baird Centre, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, June 27-29.

1997 "C. Wright Mills' Cultural Apparatus," Canadian Communication Association, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, June.

1997 "Out of Step: Cathy Sisler's video performances, " What's So Funny?, Console-ing Passions, Montreal, Quebec, May 1.

1997 "Death, Decay and Memory: Seven Days Under Mavis," Time and Value, Institute for Cultural Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom, April 10-13.

1996 “Wounded States,” Wild Biology, Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Tampere, Finland, July.

1996 “More than machines,” Art and Politics, Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Tampere, Finland, July.

1996 “Wounded States,” Canadian Communications Association, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, June.

1994-1995 "Blindspots on the Information Highway," Double Trouble: Feminism and Representation, The Universities Art Association Conference, Guelph, Ontario, November 4, 1995; Retouch: Art, Gender and Technology, Public Access Collective, Toronto, Ontario, March 11, 1995; Canadian Women Studies Association, June 1995; International Communication Association, Albequerque, New Mexico, May 27, 1995; Media Futures: policy and performance, Institute for Cultural Policy, Griffiths University, Brisbane, Australia, July 7, 1994.

1995 "Critical Frictions, Connective Affinities," International Society for the Electronic Arts, Montreal, Quebec, September.

1994 "Abject Subjects," Picturing Knowing: Work, Sex, and Therapy, University Art Association of Canada, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 5.

1994 "Virtual Feminism/s: Art, Technology and Other Sacred Cows", Harold Innis and Intellectual Practice for the New Century: Interdisciplinary and Critical Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, October 13-16.


1994 "Representation in the Marketing Matrix," International Communication Association, Sydney, Australia, July 13.

1993 "Nights at the Circuits," Art and New Technologies, The Society for Aesthetics Ottawa, Ontario, May 31.

1992 "Seniors: Age, Identity, and Target Markets," Images of Aging: A Symposium, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, May 26.

1991 "Marketing Culture In These Dynamic Times," Glasnot and the Global Village, York University, Toronto, Ontario, February 19.

1989 "The Responsibility to Speak, The Responsibility to Listen: Jeannette Armstrong's Slash," National Symposium on Aboriginal Women of Canada: Past Present and Future, The University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Oct. 20.

1989 "Revealing Truths: Spinoza and Althusserian Marxism," Marxist Scholars Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 16.

1988 "The Politics of Epistemology: A Feminist Deconstruction of Max Weber's Fact/Value Distinction," The Barbarism of Reason: Conference on Max Weber and the Enlightenment, York University, Toronto, Ontario, October 23.

1988 "Le Scandale du Corps Répondant: Shoshanna Feldman's Lacanian Seduction," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, Oct, 1988 and the Association Canadienne des Sociologues et Anthropologues de Langue Francaise (ACSALF), University of Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, May.

1988 "Laissez Parlez les Murs: The Battle of Signs in Montréal," Strategies of Critique, York University, Toronto, Ontario, March.

1987 "Telemarketing and the Disembodied Voice," Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 1988; Strategies of Critique, York University, Toronto, Ontario, March.

1987 "Displacing Woman as Fetishistic Object: Patti Smith's Gloria," Popular Culture Association, Montréal, Québec, March.

Invited Lectures and Public talks 2009 “Research Creation and Knowledge Mobilization,” Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia

University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 3.

2009 “The Ends of Privacy”, Concordia University, President’s Conference Series, Every Breath You Take, Montreal, Quebec, November 4.

2006 “User Research in Locative Media,” Banff New Media Institute, Banff, Alberta, November 18.

2005 “Celebrity Science,” Film and Media Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, October 25.

2005 “Feminism and Communications Studies in Canada,” Trackings, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, October.

2005 “Into the Biomatrix: medicine and the media arts in Canada,” Vienna University, Vienna, Austria, May 28.


2004 “An Anatomy of Controversy: Gunther Von Hagens’ Body Worlds and the British Press,” Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, November 4.

2004 “Ironic Empiricism: Theodore Wan and the medical photograph,” Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal, Quebec, October 25.

2004 “Celebrity Science and Iconic Images: Looking at Life,” as part of the Medical Imprints Exhibition, Ottawa Art Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario, September 18.

2004 “Conceptual Personae,” Department of Art History, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, February 9.

2003 “Biotourism,” Bruce Mau Institute of Design, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario, June 23.

2002 “Pedagogy of the Grotesque,” Department of Communications and Art History, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, November 27.

2002 “Women and science,” Science Fair, studio xx, Friday, March 22.

2002 “Dorothy Allison’s Two or Three Things I know for Sure,” Discourse and Representation Working Group, Communication Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, April 5.

1999 “The Pain of Politics,” Art Gallery of Ontario, special panel discussion of When Pain Strikes, Toronto, Ontario, June 17.

1999 “The Pain of Politics,” Chapters Bookstore, special panel discussion of When Pain Strikes, Ottawa, Ontario, April.

1999 “Why Pain,” special panel discussion of When Pain Strikes” Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan, February.

1998 “Of Biotourism and Body Roms,” School of Art and Visual Culture, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, November 22.

1998 “Crossing the Line: Feminism, Journalism and the Tabloids,” John Abbott College, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, October 21.

1998 "Wounded States," Seminar in Political Communications, Communication Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, March .

1997 “Death and the Maidens,” Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary, Alberta, September 25.

1997 "Biotourism and the Body Sublime," The Disembodied Mind, Interaccess, February 7.

1996 "Bye Bye Barbara," What Can A Man Say?, Espace Geordie, December. 15.

1996 "Fantastic Voyages: biotourism in film, art and medicine," Lonergan Institute at Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, November 25.

1996 "Shoulder Checking on the Information Highway," (with Sheryl Hamilton) Doctoral Pro-Seminar, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, March 27.

1995 "Sentimental Histories," Anne Harbuz: Inside Community, Outside Convention, Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library, Regina, Saskatchewan, November 25.

1995 “National Hurts," RX: Taking Our Medicine, The Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, October 25.

1994 "Art in the Datasphere," Interaccess, Toronto, Ontario, December 3.


1993 “The One that Got Away,” with Sandra Buckley, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Alberta, November 18.

1992 "Le marketing du corps", seminar en Sociologie des systemes symbolique, Université du Montréal, Montréal, Québec, November 10.

1992 "Essential Differences: From Robert Bly to Mary Daly", Fellows Forum on Public Policy Series, The School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, October 28.

1992 "Representations of Gender and Race Across Several Media: The Conspiracy of Silence," Dimensions of Literacy in a Multicultural Society, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, October 3.

1991 "Psychoanalysis and the Self as Image," Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan, July 20.

1991 "Technology, Body, Landscape: Global Cultures," Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan, May 27.

1991 "Audiences, Blockbusters and Communities," Regina Works Project, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, April 2.

1989 "Marketing Research," invited lecture for the Department of Comparative Literature, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, October 2.

1988 "Languages of Power: Tele/tale Signs," Department of Sociology, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, April.

Roundtables 2004 “Communications and Cultural Studies,’ Canadian Communication Association, University of

Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June.

2002 “The Canadian Journal of Communications,” Canadian Communications Association, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, June.

1998 "Survival Strategies for Feminists in the Academy," Women’s Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, March.

1998 "Art Criticism and Digital Technologies," Artexte, March.

1997 “Chronotopia: timely tales in the age of ones and zeroes,” Muttart Public Art Gallery, Calgary Alberta, September 25.

1994-1995 Moderator and Panelist (with Ingrid Bachmann), Persistent Dispositions: technetronic identities, California Institute for the Arts, Valencia, California, November 7, 1994- January 15, 1995.

1993 "Cyberspace, Virtual Reality, and the Body," organized by The McLuhan Institute, Toronto-Montréal, February 12.

1990 "Radio Rountable," Touch that Dial: Creating Radio Transcending the Regulatory Body, SAW Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario, August 8.



1995 “Technologie et le corps,” Corps/Corpus, Département de Literature Comparé, Univerisité de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, February.

1992 "Deconstructing Constructionism", La Ville en Rose, Concordia University, Montréal, Quebec, November 13.

1990 “Flesh and Interference: The Politics of Noise," Affirmations: Strategies of Critique V, York University, Toronto, Ontario, April 5.

1989 "Special Session on Gossip," Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy, " Women and the Philosophy of Language, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, September 23.

Moderator 1997 “The Fashion Industry,” Women and Texts: Technologies, Communities, Languages, Leeds

University, Leeds, United Kingdom, July 4.

1997 “Communication Theory,” Canadian Communication Association, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, June.

1996 “Teaching Tools for the Twentieth Century: technology, pedagogy, citizenship,” Canadian Communications Association, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, June.

1996 “New Technologies,” Canadian Communications Association, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, June.

1996 “Policing the Boundaries of Modernity/Anti-Modernism and Artistic Experience,” The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, April 26.

Conferences and Symposia Organized 2012 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a one day celebration of ageing and inter-generationality

produced in collaboration with RECAA (Ressources Ethno-culturelle Contra l’Abuse des Aînés), Galeries du Parc, Montreal, Quebec, June 14.

2011 Active Ageing, Mobile Technologies, a one-day symposium, Hexagram, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, October 27.

2011 “Aesthetics and Praxis,” with Bronwen Lowe and Jill Didur, special stream of papers for the Canadian Association of Cultural Studies, October.

2011 “ICTs and Ageing”, a week-long workshop and one-day symposium with Mireia Férnandez-Ardévol, IN3, Open University, Catalonia, Spain, July 2- 9.

2009 “Cultural Production” with Bronwen Lowe and Monika Gagnon, special stream of papers for the Canadian Association of Cultural Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, October.

2009 “Infrastructures of Mobility,” a weekend symposium on the move to wireless media, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, November 7-8.

2008-2009 “Mobile Media, 2008,” a bi-weekly lecture series with workshops and seminars for the Mobile Media Lab, 2008- 2009. Hexagram/Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.

1998 “Textual Encounters of the Archival Kind: A Symposium on Archival Methods in Cultural Studies,” with Bruce Russel, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, April 18-20.


1991-1992 “The Seen and the Said: Feminist Perspectives on Subjectivity and Culture,” Organizing Committee for a symposium and class with Meaghan Morris, Kaja Silverman and Lynn Spigel held at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

1990-1991 “Communities in Crisis: Healing Ourselves,” Concordia University/Waseskun House (Conference Planning Committee), Montreal, Quebec.

Panel Organizer 2012 Ageing Communications, panel submitted to Canadian Association of Communications, Wilfrid

Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, May 30.

2012 Ageing Cultural Studies: panel submitted to Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Paris, France, July 2-6.

2011 Communications and Mobility: four sessions for the Canadian Communications Association with Philip Vannini, June.

2006 When Hybrid media Meets Scholarly Text,with Richard Smith; Andreas Kitzmann; Matt Soar; and Janine Marchessault, at Canadian Communications Association, York University, Toronto, Ontario, June.

2005 Celebrity Cultures, with Will Straw and Line Grenier, Canadian Communications Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, June.

2004 “Attitude: feminism and performativity,” Canadian Communications Association, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June.

2003 “Sensuous scholarship and physical culture,” Canadian Communications Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June.

2003 “Law, medicine and the body,” International Communication Association, San Diego, California, May.

1999 “Feminism and Science,” International Communication Association, San Francisco, California, May.

1997 “What's So Funny?” Console-ing Passions, Montreal, Quebec, May.

1996 “Wild Biology: Feminist Readings of Science, Medicine and the Media,” Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Tampere, Finland, July.

1996 “Teaching Tools for the Twentieth Century: technology, pedagogy, citizenship,” Canadian Communications Association, Brock University, St, Catharines, Ontario, June.

1992 “Out of the Closet and onto the Screen: Queer Representations in Popular Culture,” Canadian Communication Association, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I, June 3-5.

1990 “Flesh and Interference: The Politics of Noise,” Affirmations: Strategies of Critique V, York University, Toronto, Ontario, April 5.

Reviews of Wild Science Canadian Journal of Communications

Reviews of When Pain Strikes:


National Post, Globe and Mail,Hour MagazineShelley Pomerantz, Arts Report, CBC Montreal,

3. SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY: Internal Administrative Position: Department and University2010 - present Faculty of Arts Research Committee2009- present Media Gallery Committee2007 Chair, Department Hiring Committee, Communication Studies2002- 2003 Chair, Department Personnel Committee1999-2001 Graduate Programme Director, Joint PhD in Communications Concordia/UdeM/UQAM1999-2001 Graduate Programme Director, PhD in Communications, Concordia1999-2000 Chair, Department Personnel Committee1998-99 Chair, Department Personnel Committee1997-98 Chair, Department Personnel Committee, 1993- 1995 Chair, Departmental Appraisal Committee1994-96 Graduate Programme Director, Masters in Media Studies1993-94 Chair, Colloquia Committee; Fellow of the School of Community and Public Affairs1990-91 Chair, Departmental Personnel Committee

Committee and Governing Body Membership: (e.g. Committees, Council, Senate)2010- present PhD Committee, Communications Concordia2010-present Arts and Sciences, Research Awards Committee2009 Graduate Awards Committee

Department Hiring Committee, CRC 2008 Information Committee, Communication Studies2007 Department Hiring Committee Member, Communication Studies2006- 2008 New Members Committee, Hexagram Concordia/UQAM 2004- 2008 MA in Media Studies Committee, Concordia2003- 2006 BA Committee, Cultural Studies, Concordia 1999-2001 Graduate Awards Committee1999-2000 Graduate Awards Committee1998-99 MA Committee1997-1998 MA Committee; PhD. Committee1997-1999 Department Personnel Committee1995-96 University Appraiser: Seagram Grant, Ad Hoc Committee on Innovation and Incentive

HIV/AIDs Advisory Committee1994-95 HIV/AIDs Advisory Committee1992-93 Fellow of the School of Community and Public Affairs; CUFA Council, Colloquium Committee1991-92 Fellow of the School of Community and Public Affairs.1990-91 Liaison, Permanent Review Committee, Status of Women in Fine Arts

Library Representative , Curriculum Committee



Mobile Media Studies: Since 2006 I have been working in mobility studies with a particular expertise in the cultural impacts and potential of mobile media devices, such as the cellular telephone. In much of my creative work the politics and potential of geo-location is central. I engage with those often left out of the digital agenda: seniors, women from multi-cultural, multi-lingual backgrounds, and those with physical disabilities. I am in the process of establishing a Mobilities Research Centre at Concordia: the Lab now is training and mentoring over 20 students and we will host the Pan-American Mobilities Conference at Concordia next year. To acknowledge this work, I was awarded a Concordia University Research Chair in Mobile Media Studies, Tier 1, which will commence in June 2012. Impacts : The development of mobility studies as an area and sub-discipline in Canada. Use of mobile media and ICTs to empower individuals and communities.

Ageing Communication Media: My work addresses implicit ageism in the communications agenda, particularly with respect to mobile media and ICTs. The mobile media/ICT agenda predominantly focuses on youth excluding those who are 65 and over from research. With Dr. Barbara Crow my collaborators, I have now written over 6 peer-reviewed publications from three years of research on a project known as “Seniors and Cells” and we are acknowledged as unique in this understudied area which favours the exuberant youthful user as the ideal research subject. Impacts: Ageing is increasingly a part of the agenda of mobilities research. We have been policy consultation on seniors and privacy commissioned by Law Society of Ontario. I have now brought several seniors organizations on board to projects in order to make the projects we are producing relevant to their concerns, but also to develop the methodology of “Participatory ICT”.

Research-Creation in Communications: For the past twenty years I have been involved in the intersection between art and new media. This has lead to the influential article on research-creation, with Dr. Owen Chapman, which circulated widely as a key text for students before its recent publication in the Canadian Journal of Communications. I have just completed a special issue on the subject for the CJC, with a former student Dr. Andrea Zeffiro. The result is the legitimation of this methodology at various institutional levels and participation on numerous MA and PHD committees. Impact: Policy changes at the University and in the Joint Doctoral Program on the inclusion of research creation; guidelines for journals to peer-review in these areas.

New Media Methodologies. I have written several key pieces for text books and journals which explain the importance of research design in relation to research methods. Impacts: Curriculum for the teaching of methods in media studies; success in supervision and clear discussions and guidelines for students on the topic.

Medicine and Public Culture: I have written a number of texts in this area including the influential paper, "Biotourism and the Body Sublime," Wild Science: Feminism, Medicine and the Media, Janine Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk.(UK: Routledge, 2000). And When Pain Strikes, eds. Bill Burns, Cathy Busby and Kim Sawchuk. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999). Impacts: Some of the first work done on art and medicine in Canada. New knowledge of the kety role played by Canadians (JCB Grant) in reformulation of anatomy from a systems to a regional approach. Further, I have completed a large digital data base of over 960 images produced for the first anatomical atlas in Canada. These valuable research materials have been indexed, archived and digitized for researcher and curators leading to an expertise in Digital Asset Management, which has proven extremely valuable for cross-disciplinary collaborations.



Digital Publication: From 2005 to 2011 I edited the Canadian Journal of Communication. While editor I reduced our ‘processing’ time for articles by 50%, developed our online capabilities, expanded the number of articles in print, and added artworks to the cover and research- creation to the agenda in the ‘projects’ section. In 2009 I co-founded the Mobile Media Gallery and in 2007, with MDCN colleagues. We developed a digital media journal, wi: the journal of the mobile digital commons network, to disseminate the findings from our research program. We have since moved the journal to our Mobile Media Lab. In this journal, we are trying both to take advantage of the web and its ability to host multi-media, as well as push the boundaries of what constitutes the mobile.

Residencies and Fellowships: 2012, Duke University, Raleigh, NC, special seminar on surgical robotics and use of new media. 2009-11, Faculty of Creative Media, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Nov 25-Dec 5) 2009, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Marconi Foundation/University of Bologna, Bologna Italy, (March 1- April 30, 2009) . 2007, Pembroke Institute, Brown University, Providence Rhode Island, Roundtable Symposium on “Bodies, Mediations, Ethics,” (March 14-16). 2006, Almost Perfect, Rapid Prototyping and Locative Media, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, Alberta (Nov. 10-21).

Participation in Management: 2011-Present. Principal Coordinator, Ageing Communications Media Research Network; 2011-Present. President, Canadian Journal of Communication; 2007- Present. Co-director, Mobile Media Lab, Communication Studies, Concordia; 1994-1996. Graduate Program Director, Masters in Media Studies, Concordia; 1996-2000. Graduate Program Director, Joint PhD in Communication, Concordia University.

External Thesis Examiner: 2011, Master’s Program in Communications, Carleton University; 2009 Graduate Program in Communications, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec 2008. McGill University; Graduate Program in Communications, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec ; Graduate Program in English, Simon Fraser University; Graduate Program in Communications and Culture, York University; 2007: Graduate Program in Communications, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec; 2007 : Masters Program in Communication, Brock University.

Conference Programming Committee: 2012: Pan-American Mobilities Research Network: 2013 Conference Coordinator; 2011: Canadian Association of Cultural Studies: Aesthetics and Media Praxis Stream (with Bronwen Low and Jill Didur); 2010: Mobilities and Communications, Canadian Communication Association (with Philip Vannini), Fredericton New Brunswick; 2009: Digital Arts and Culture. Theme Leader, After Mobile Media (with Marc Bohlen and Simon Penny); 2009: Canadian Association of Cultural Studies, Cultural Production Stream (with Monika K Gagnon and Bronwen Low); 2006-2008: IEEE-ISTAS. International Symposium on Technology and Society, 2008.

Referee: Journals2008-2012: Journal of Curatorial Studies (1x) Science as Culture (1X) Feminist Media Studies ( 4 ) Communications and Critical Cultural Studies (4 x) Topia (3X)

Referee: Agencies and Associations 2010: Studio XX and NFB, First Person Digital Jury 2009, 2010, 2011: SSHRC Postdoctoral Committee


Editorial Boards: 2011- present: ADA: journal of gender and technology; 2007- present: Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies; 2006- present: co-founder and co-editor of wi: journal of mobile media; 2001- present: Canadian Journal of Communication; 1999- present: Feminist Media Studies; 1995- present: Topia: a journal of Canadian Cultural Studies; 2005- 2011: Editor: Canadian Journal of Communication

Other Contributions:1995-96 "Discover the Cyborg in You" (with Barbara Crow) Three hands-on workshops on using the internet, for women in communication studies, two on navigating the World Wide Web and one on hypertext mark-up language.

1990-95 "How Do I Look? Film and Video Series" a festival of feminist student film and video works jointly presented by female students in fine arts and communication studies. Invited guests over the four years duration of this project included Sara Diamond; Cheryl Dunye; Jin me Yoon, Cathy Quinn; Anne Golden; Marilyn Burgess.

1990- 95 “mediatribe.” This undergraduate journal of student writing was initiated in my first year at Concordia.

SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY: EXTERNALProfessional Association PositionsEditorial Boards2011- present: Visual Communications2010- present: ADA: journal of gender and technology (in formation)2007- present: Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies2006- present: co-founder and co-editor of wi: journal of mobile media2001- present: Canadian Journal of Communication1999- present: Feminist Media Studies1995- present: Topia: a journal of Canadian Cultural Studies2005- 2008 : Editor: Canadian Journal of Communication 2002- 2004 :Centre Intermédia et Arts Médiatique (CIAM) (UQAM-Concordia): Jury for student

awards and travel grants for professors (2002-2003)1993-1996 : The Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory

Consultative & Evaluation ActivitiesExternal Reviewer: University ProgramsCommittee member : 2010 External Review, Faculty in Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia (February).

2009 External Review Committee for Faculty in Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (November).

2006 External Review Committee for proposed graduate programme in Cultural Analysis and Social Theory, Wilfred Laurier University (December).



2005 External Review Committee: School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, January.

Referee: Agencies and Associations2011 IRHA Selection Committee (Canadian Centre for Architecture)2011 SSHRC Postdoctoral Committee2010 SSHRC Grant Application Reviews2010 Studio XX and NFB, First Person Digital Jury2010 SSHRC Postdoctoral Committee2009 SSHRC Post doctorial Committee2006 Manuscript Review (U of Toronto Press)2005 Manuscript Reviews (3: Wilfrid Laurier and U of Toronto Press)2003-2004 Manuscript Reviews: University of Toronto, Wilfrid Laurier2003 SSHRC Adjudication committee, Fine Arts2003 International Communications Association, Philosophy of Communications Division, ICA

Conference papers, 2003.2001 Manuscript Reviews: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press and Peter Lang Press2000 SSHRC Manuscript Review and Grant Application Review1999 SSHRC Fine Arts, Media Studies Representative1998 SSHRC Fine Arts, Media Studies Representative1998 Manuscript Review, Routledge1997 FCAR1995 Canada Council, Media Arts; FCAR1991- 1994 SSHRC Fine Arts, Media Studies Representative1992 Nelson Canada

Referee: Journals2009- present Feminist Media Studies, Communications and Critical Cultural Studies, Topia, Body and

Society, CJC, wi .2008-present Reviews for Topia, Communication and Critical Studies.2000-- 2007 Reviews for Communication, Feminist Media Studies, Atlantis; Topia.1995-1999 ongoing reviews of manuscripts for Feminist Media Studies, Topia, Body and Society .

Other Professional Activities Conference Programming Committee:2011 Aesthetics and Praxis, special stream of papers for the Canadian Association of Cultural Studies,

November 2011 (with Bronwen Lowe and Jill Didur).

2009 Digital Arts and Culture. Theme Leader, After Mobile Media (with Marc Bohlen).

2009 Canadian Association of Cultural Studies, Cultural Production Stream (with Monika K Gagnon and Bronwen Low).

2006-2008 IEEE-ISTAS. International Symposium on Technology and Society, 2008.

External Reader: Tenure Review: 2011 Queen’s University2008 York University, University of Calgary, Simon Fraser University2005 University of Calgary; University of Western Ontario; Carleton


2004 Carleton University2001 University of Arizona, Communications Studies. 1999 York University, Film Studies. Letters for Full Professor:2002 University of Regina

Letters for CRCs2011 Ryerson University, External Thesis Examiner2011 Graduate Program in Communications and Journalism, Carleton University2010 Graduate Programme in Communications, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec2008 Graduate Programme in Communications, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

Graduate Programme in English, Simon Fraser UniversityGraduate Programme in Communications and Culture, York University

2007 Graduate Programme in Communications, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec2007 Masters Programme in Communication, Brock University 2003 Doctoral Programme in Education, York University, Toronto, Ontario2002 Masters Program in Canadian and Native Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.

School of Architecture, McGill University, Montreal, Masters Thesis in Architectural Theory. 1996 Graduate Programme in Communications, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Masters Thesis1995 School of Journalism and Communications, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Masters Thesis

Cultural Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Masters ThesisSchool of Communication, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Masters Thesis

1994 Graduate Programme in Communications, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Masters Thesis

Special ProjectsCommunity Service1999-2002 Advisory Board, studio xx. 1991-93 Advisory board, Waseskun House

TEACHING 1990-2011. Courses Taught , Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.B.A.Communication Theory (4X)Media TheorySemiotics (2X)Media and Gender (3x)Media and Gender 2 (2x)Mass Communications (8x)Approaches to Research in Culture and Communications (3x)

M.A.Media FuturesAlternative MediaCommunications Theory (6x)


Media and Feminist Theory (3x)Research Methods (5x)Constructing the News

Ph. DDoctoral Forum (3X)Discourse and representation: “discourses of disease and representations of illness” Experimental Methodologies for Media Research and Creation Mobile Media, Wireless Communication

Ph.D Supervision, completed Joint Ph.D Programme- Concordia University, University of Quebec at Montreal, University of Montreal/PhD in Humanities, Concordia University. Completed: 2011 (April). Chantal Francouer: Radio Canada. Tenure Track position, Department of Journalism,


2011 (January). Andrea Zeffiro: Locations of Practice: locative media in Canada. Postdoctoral fellowship, SFU.

2009 (September). Jennifer Willet (Humanities): (Re) embodying Biotechnology, Tenure-track position, Fine Arts, University of Windsor.

2009 (September). Caroline Caron: Vues, mais non entendues. Les adolescentes québécoises francophones et l’hypersexualisation de la mode et des medias. Post-doc, Women’s studies, University of Ottawa.

2008 (June). Judith Nicholson: Killing Time; The Cellular Telephone from Dick Tracey to Abu Ghraib. Concordia Doctoral Thesis Prize, Tenure Track, Wilfrid Laurier.

2008 (April). Kenneth Werbin: The list serves: apparatuses of security and governmentality. Post-doc, Ryerson University’s Infoscape lab. Tenure-track position WLU-Brampton.

2006 (December). Linnet Fawcett: Writing the Skating Body: Movement, Affect Space. Postdoc at the Centre for Research Ethics, University of Montreal, co-founder of Wine, Women and Philosophy.

2004 (September). Robyn Diner: Unruly Bodies and the Politics of Irony.

2004 (September). Clive Robertson: Movement + Apparatus: Artist-Run Centres in Canada (co-supervised with Martin Allor) Tenure-track position, Queens University.

2004 (April). Sandra Gabriele: Gendering the Woman Journalist: Toronto 1890-1900. Post-doc, Carleton, Tenure-track position, University of Windsor, and now Concordia.

2001 (Fall). Thomas Haig: The Conversant Community, Full time employment at Ser-Zero, Montreal as research and community outreach coordinator.’

2000 (Spring). Maria Nengeh Mensah: L’anatomie du l’invisible: le corps femme et le sida.” Post-doc, UQAM. Tenure-track position, UQAM; Research Chair, UQAM.

2000 (Fall) Sheryl Hamilton:Thinking Machines: a history of the representation of new technologies. Post-doc, University of TorontoTenure-track position, Carelton. Dr. Hamilton holds a CRC in Communications and Law.


1999 (August). Josephine Mills, Public Occupations: Theorizing Art and “the Public”. Tenure track position, the University of Lethbridge.

1997 (November). Julianne Pidduck: Intimate Spaces and Flights of Fancy: Gendered Movement in Contemporary Costume Drama. Post doc at Warwick University; Tenure track position, the University of Montreal.

In Progress: Magda Olszanowski, Mobile Cinema and Buried RiversAlison Loader, Gender technology and the camera obscuraSamuel Thulin, Mobile SoundscapesMarie-Hélène Lemaire, Animation, Mediation and Art EducationAndre Arnold (SIP), Wearable Technologies

Doctoral Committees, completed Mélanie Hogan; Karine Vigneault; Ghyslain Thibault; Martin Lussier; Mireille Lalancette, Norma Gonzalez, Consuelo Vasquez, Candis Steenbergen; Alison Powell; Kim Hershorn; Joan Borsa; Jim Drobnik, Jennifer Fischer; Carole Scheffer; Owen Chapman, Malcolm Cecil, Dominique Meunier, Cathy Busby, Paul Theberge; Gerba Malam; Marie-France Cyr; Keir Keightly.

Examiner: Doctoral Thesis Proposals Committees Fannie Valois-Nadeau; Jacqueline Wallace; Mélanie Hogan; Elizabeth Mercier; Fernando Freitas; Marylaine Chausse; Fernando Matta; Norma Gonzalez, Lalancette, M.: Cecil, M.: Busby, C: St. Charles, J; Rolland, C; Keightley, K; plus my own students.

Doctoral Committees, current Laurent Parent (Humanities); Jacqueline Wallace; Maude Gauthier; Fannie Valois-Nadeau; Jaclyn Meloche (PhD Humanities); Elizabeth Mercier; Tagny Duff (Humanities); Claire Brunet (Humanities);

Examiner, Comprehensive Exam Committees, completed 2012 Mariam Esseghaier2011 Christina Haralanova, Samuel Thulin, Maude Gauthier 2010 Jacqueline Wallace2009 Elizabeth Mercier, Ghyslain Thibault2008 Shirley Roburn, Mélanie Hogan, Marie-Hélène Lemaire2007 Cecilia Chen, Erin Despard, Marie-Josée Couture, Yves Amyot, Stephane Couture2006 Karen Vigneault2004 Caroline Caron, Fernando de Freitas, Gerda Cammaer2003 Kenneth Werbin 2002 Deidre Martin, Owen Chapman, 2001 Patricia Clermont, Linnet Fawcett2000 Mireille Lalancette, Sandra Gabriele, 1999 Christine Rolland, Robyn Diner, Paul Antoine; 1998 Josephine Mills, Maria Nengeh Mensah, 1997 Johanne St. Charles; Athmane Chelbi;


1996 Keir Keightley; 1995 Thomas Haig; Julianne Pidduck,

Directed Studies, PhD, completed Andre Arnold (SIP) (2): Thomas Haig (1); Julianne Pidduck (2); Maria Nengeh Mensah (1); Josephine Mills (1) ; Robyn Diner (1); Athmane Chelbi (1) Kim Hershorn, Wesley Schyngera (1); Jim Drobnick (2)

“Visuality and Culture,” Donna Williams, Katherine Woodrow, Carole Scheffer

PhD Committees- McGill University, completedJennifer Gabrys; Andreas Kitzmann, Stacey Johnson

Masters in Media Studies Programme Thesis Supervision, completed 2008 (September). Jessica Antony, “Negotiated Rebellion: Tattooed Women.”2007 (October). Amy McKinnon, “Girl Power.” 2007 (October ). Robyn Fadden, “Endoscopes, Microscopes and the Visual Culture of Communication.” 2007 (September). Heather Peters, “Sex workers in Thailand.”2007 (August ). Mélanie Hogan, “Queering the Archive.” .2007 (April). Rachel Matlow, “Love, Angel, Appropriation, Baby: Gwen Stefani as Intertextual

celebrity.” 2007 (April). Lesley Husbands, “Miracles and Monsters: Representations of Motherhood.” 2005 (January). Jeny Nussey, “Tensions and Contradictions: The Dr. Phil Show.”2004 (April). Nikki Porter, “In Search of the Slayer: Audience negotiation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” 2004 (April). Susan Goodyear, “Schizophrenia as metaphor: madness and the cinematic asylum.” 2004 (March). Jennifer Anisef, “The politics of craft.” 2003 (April). Anna Friz, “Pirate Jenny.” 2001 (April). Linda Kay, “Representing the Real.” 2001 (May). Chantal Francouer, “Journalism and Ethnography.” 2001 (April). Sandra Dametto, “The State of the Union: an on-line documentary.” 2000 (Fall). Katherine Liberovskaya, “Media Art.”1999 (September). Sheryl Shore, “Touching Bone.”1999 (August). Linnet Fawcett, “The Epistolary Pact: Letters to Ms.” 1998 (August). Jacob Bakan, "Communication and Self Expression." 1998 (September). Katarina Soukup, "Radio Bicyclette: Rozlach 68." 1998 (September). Luba Krekhovetsky, "Ukrainians on the Internet." 1998 (May). Jennifer de Freitas, "Heritage Tourism as Secular Pilgrimmage." 1997 (October). Dipti Gupta, “Working and Networking: Indian Women Make Documentary Films.”1997 (April). Lisa Monk, “Community Radio in Montreal.” 1997 (February). Susan Schutta, “Stop the Presses: Aboriginal Newspapers in Canada.” 1996 (April). Iain Cook, "The Jazz of the Web." 1995 (September). Justine Akman, “Considering the Context: Women in the Association of Progressive Communications.”


1995 (May). Maureen Bradley,”Reframing the Montreal Massacre: A feminist interrogation.” 1993 (September). Gordon Thompson, “The Ontology of Technology.” 1993 (May). Rhona Davies, “Talk, Television and Tannen.”

MFA Supervision, completed2001 Frances Leeming, “Genetic Admiration” MFA, Open Media.1996 Jen Southern, "Crash," MFA, Open Media.1996 Louise Wilson, "Abulia," MFA, Open Media.

MA Thesis Supervision, in progress Sophie Geurin, Documentary Film Project on Ageing and Transition into a Retirement Home.Sergeo Kirby, “Narrativity”.

MA Thesis Committees, completed

2012: Jaimie Robson2011: Claire Kenway; Allison Loader; Antonia Hernandez2009: Samuel Thulin; Bernadette Houde2008: Rachel Cyr, Grant Collins2007: Neil Barrat2006: Rob Lendrum2005: Stephan Dam; Leila Pourtvaf2004: Ilga Leimanis SIP, Felix O’Doherty Wellington, Kate Zankoweicz2003: Natalie Porter, Ananko Narahiri2002: Natalie Melancon, Lisa Uddin, Tricia Bell, Centime Zeleki2001: Monika Guddat2000: Katherine Setzer, Sylvie Gilbert, Hart Schneider, Kamel Khalifa; Robert Kwak; Sonia Connick-

Duhamel; Tina Verma; Caroline Martel; Erin Huck 1999: Donna Kakonge1998: Nicole Matiation 1997: Gerry Kisil; Michael Dolenko; Jean- Sebastien Dube1996: Natalie Klym; Janin Hadlaw; Shannon Avison; Elizabeth Adams1995: Nancie Wight; Carolyn Boll1993:Wes Schyngera; Cathy Busby; Julianne Pidduck1992: Robyn Sussel; Thomas Haig1991: Grace Kanjo; Liliam Chagas de Moura

MA Committees: Current Hannah Spaulding

MFA Committees Jacqueline Moore, Mackenzie Stroh, Naomi Potter, Kevin De Forrest; Annie Martin; Wendy Coburn; Petra Mueller; Millie Chen

Graduate Tutorials – MA 2010-2011: Jaimie Robson, Public Art2007: Rachel Miles, (feminist cultural studies)2004: Lesley Husbands (feminism and fetal imaging)


2002: Tom Liacas (social marketing); Nikki Porter (feminist media studies); Susan Goodyear (madness) 2001: Lisa Uddin (1) 2000: Rebecca Tinning (1) 1999: Sheryl Shore (1); Katherine Liberovskaya (1) 1998 and earlier: Maureen Bradley (2); Susan Schutta (1); Carolyn Boll (1); Nanci Wight (1); Janin Hadlaw (2); Jacob Bakan (1); Iain Cook (1); Justine Akman (2); Natalie Gouin; Dipti Gupta; Jennifer de Freitas; Cathy Busby; Rona Davies (2) ; Ronald Heydon (1)

MFA: (6 credit tutorial) Frances Leeming

Diploma, Communication StudiesDonna Davis, Brigitte Nardella; Nanci Wight; Carolyn Boll; Melanie Groves; Lynda Melnychuk; Elana Wright

Diploma Internships: Danielle Dolgoy: Social Media Internship

Undergraduate Internship Supervision 2010-2011- Anaii Ender. Internship, Kasini Gallery, Montreal2010-11- Carlos Von Reckeiwmediatribe, 1990-1995 (4); Kathy Presner; Meena Narahari ; Arlene Sandler; Sandra Dametto (2);

Nicholas Stagias; Lainie Knox

last updated December, 2012


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