cse bytes and pieces, volume 13

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Newsletter of the Penn State Department of Computer Science and Engineering



It is a pleasure to greet you from Happy Valley. It has been five years since I joined Penn State as the CSE department head. When I look back at these years, I find that the CSE department has undergone a total overhaul. We have hired eleven new faculty, moved into a new building, and have seen a phenomenal growth in research productivity. Our faculty received seven NSF ITR grants, a $2.5 million research infrastructure grant, five NSF Cyber Trust awards, and several awards from DARPA and ARL. The total research expenditures in computer science research at Penn State

has gone up from $4.2 million in 2001 to $31.6 million in 2004. This year, we hired four outstanding faculty. Yanxi Liu joins us from the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute. She works in the general area of computer vision. Suzanne Shontz joins us from Cornell University in the area of computational science. Adam Smith joins us from M.I.T. in the area of cryptography and privacy. Sofya Raskhodnikova from joins us from M.I.T. in the area of theoretical computer science. Max Flomitchev has joined our teaching faculty. He holds a Ph.D. from the Moscow Institute for Electronic

E n g i n e e r i n g . H e specializes in enterprise systems and perfor-mance optimization. Professor La Porta, the director of the Networking and Security Research Center, was recently awarded a $135.8 million grant over ten years as part of an international team lead by IBM to work on advanced secure wireless networks and sensor networks. This year, the PSES Outstanding Engineering Award went to Ken Huntsman, the co-founder of AOL. Computer science and engineering at Penn State is one of the premier programs in the country. It is a privilege to work with outstanding faculty, staff, students, and alumni.

INSIDE this issue: Department News Research Highlights Alumni

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DEPARTMENT contact information: CSE 111 IST Building University Park, PA 16802 814-865-9505 814-865-9187 (FAX) www.cse.psu.edu

CSE BYTES AND PIECES Volume 13, November 2006

Data source: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics


New Faculty Yanxi Liu received her B.S. degree in physics/electrical engineering in Beijing, China, and her Ph.D. degree in computer science for group theory applications in

robotic assembly planning from the University of Massachusetts. Her postdoctoral training was performed in LIFIA/IMAG, Grenoble, France. She has also spent one year at DIMACS (NSF Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) with an NSF research-education fellowship award. Before joining the Departments of Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering at Penn State in fall 2006 as a tenured faculty member, Liu had been with the faculty of the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University, and affiliated with the Machine Learning department of CMU. She is also an adjunct associate professor in the radiology department of University of Pittsburgh, and a guest professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China. Professor Liu is the co-director (with Professor Collins) of the Laboratory for Perception, Action, and Cognition (LPAC) at Penn State. Liu's research interests span a wide range of applications in computer vision and pattern recognition, computer graphics, medical image analysis and robotics, with two main themes: computational symmetry and discriminative subspace learning. Computational symmetry addresses issues of robust representation, detection, analysis and synthesis of real world (a)symmetries and near regularities. Discriminative subspace learning focuses on discovering low-dimensional discriminative subspaces from very large (multi-million), multi-modality feature spaces

for biomedical image database and computer aided diagnosis applications in particular. With her colleagues, Professor Liu won first place in the clinical science category and the best paper overall at the Annual Conference of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons for the paper "Measurement of Asymmetry in Persons with Facial Paralysis."

Liu chaired the First International Workshop on Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications (CVBIA) in conjunction with ICCV 2005 in Beijing, China, and co-edited the book: "CVBIA: Current Techniques and Future Trends," Springer-Verlag LNCS. Liu serves as a reviewer/committee member/panelist for all major journals, conferences, and NIH/NSF panels of computer vision, pattern recognition, biomedical image analysis, and machine learning. She had been a chartered study section member for Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics at NIH. She is a senior member of IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society.

Sofya Raskhodnikova completed all her university education at M.I.T. She received her Ph.D. in 2003 under the supervision of Michael Sipser. She was awarded a Lady Davis fellowship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for 2003-

2004, and then spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Her areas of research are randomized algorithms and computational complexity. Her main interest is the design and analysis of sublinear-time algorithms for combinatorial problems. Sublinear algorithms produce approximate answers to a question after reading only a small portion of the input. Such algorithms are important for dealing with massive datasets. Her research focus is two-fold: her work




(1) gives algorithms and lower bounds for specific problems and (2) identifies classes of problems solvable by sublinear algorithms and problems that are not amenable to sublinear solutions. The specific problems include visual properties of discretized images, edit distance between strings, compressibility of strings and monotonicity of functions.

Suzanne Shontz received her Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Cornell University in 2005. She received her B.A. in mathematics and B.S. in chemistry from the University of Northern Iowa in 1999 and her M.S. degrees in

computer science and applied mathematics from Cornell University in 2002. Prior to joining Penn State in August 2006, she was a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and a Minnesota Supercomputing Institute Research Scholar at the University of Minnesota. Professor Shontz's research interests lie in the development of algorithms and software to enable the solution of large-scale scientific and engineering applications on high-performance, parallel computers. Her research spans the areas of unstructured meshing, numerical optimization, computational materials science, and computational cardiology. Recent projects have included the development of efficient methods for the geometry optimization and electronic structures problems in computational materials science. Other recent work has involved the development of mesh warping algorithms and a nonlinear solver for problems with moving meshes; these methods have been applied to problems in cardiology and solid mechanics. Additional projects have been in mesh smoothing

and the use of approximation models in parallel nonlinear optimization. Shontz received a National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship from 1999-2004 and an Honorable Mention for the Alice T. Schafer Prize for Women in Mathematics in 1999. She served on the Panels and Workshops Committee for the 2006 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women and Computing and is participating in the 2006 Fields-Mitacs Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop, to be held at the Fields Institute in Canada, as an academic expert. She presented her research in the plenary session of the Twelfth International Meshing Roundtable in 2003 and is a reviewer for the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.

Adam Smith completed his B.Sc. at McGill University and his S.M. and Ph.D. at M.I.T. under the supervision of Madhu Sudan. His research focuses on cryptography and its connections with information theory, statistics, and

coding theory. Most recently he has been working on protocols for handling noisy keys in cryptography, such as those based on biometrics, and on privacy-preserving methods for publishing aggregate statistical data. Faculty Promotions The department is pleased to announce the recent promotions of Martin Furer and George Kesidis to full professors.





Professor La Porta Leads Penn State's Effort in International Consortium An IBM-led consortium including Penn State has been chosen by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence to carry out research in advanced secure wireless and sensor networks. The program could last as long as ten years with up to $135.8 million in research funding. The program's goal is to create technology that will allow disparate military units to more easily gather, interpret and share battlefield information. The consortium, called the International Technology Alliance in Network and Information Sciences, includes the University's Networking and Security Research Center. Thomas La Porta, center director and professor of computer science and engineering, leads Penn State's effort in the consortium. La Porta is also responsible for one of the four areas the alliance is researching. His task includes investigating sensor information processing and delivery. "The goal of this work is to create algorithms and protocols that ensure the required information is being delivered to the most important applications and people in time for it to be of use," he said. "The algorithms must consider requirements from multiple missions, each with different information needs, importance and timeframes, and dynamically configuring the network to gather, process, and deliver the data to maximize the utility of the network. To meet these goals, the area team will define methods for quantifying and representing the 'quality' of information, the requirements and importance of each mission, and algorithms for configuring a sensor network."

Penn State Computer Engineering Program Ranked 19th Nationwide Our computer engineering program was ranked 19th nationwide in the America's Best Graduate Schools 2007 study. The rankings, published by U.S. News & World Report, are determined by examining data about the quality of our faculty, students, research, and the overall program. Opinions of industry professionals and senior faculty across the country are a key factor in judging these rankings. Penn State's College of Engineering ranked 19th in top engineering schools. Penn State CSE Ranks 8th in Total Research Expenditures Penn State ranks 8th in total research expenditures in the discipline of computer science (2004). We ranked 15th in 2003. Penn State ranked 3rd in total research expenditures in the discipline of engineering (2004). Faculty Position Vacancies The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has vacancies for several tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks. Visit the following web site to learn more: w w w . c s e . p s u . e d u / r e s o u r c e s / e m p l o y m e n t /facultyemp.php




SCALABLE RESEARCH LAB Scalable Algorithms and Software Research projects concern numeric and symbolic computations at the core of large-scale modeling and simulations spanning structural mechanics, bioengineering, and materials design. Applications rely on effective parallelization of such computa-tions to reduce total execution time. Research at the lab focuses on irregular problems such as sparse linear system and adaptive mesh refinement which typically occur when models based on partial differential equations are solved numerically. One of Professor Shontz's projects concerns the development of mesh warping methods for problems with moving meshes, where the domain of interest has a complex geometry that moves throughout time. For these problems, moving meshes, i.e., meshes that change at each time step, are necessary to capture the changing shape of the moving domain boundary. Mesh warping is the process of moving a source mesh to its target domain during the mesh elements can flip their orientations and tangle the mesh, thus making it invalid for use with a PDE solver. Shontz's research focuses on the development of mesh warping methods that generate good quality meshes for use with PDE solvers. She has used her mesh

warping methods to study the motion of the beating canine heart.

Robert Gilmour, professor of biomedical engineering, biomedical science, and veterinary medicine at Cornell University further described the implications of her work as follows, "Dr. Shontz's research addresses an extremely important issue–how does the heart contract? Her work potentially has broad implications for the function of the normal heart, but perhaps more importantly, for the failing heart as well." This project represents joint work with Stephen Vavasis of the University of Waterloo. Professor Raghavan's research concerns sparse linear system solution, which typically dominates execution times of simulations using implicit or semi-implicit schemes. There are a large number of basic solution schemes from classes such as direct, preconditioned-iterative (Krylov), domain decomposition, and multigrid/multilevel. There is further multiplicative growth in the number of methods when Krylov iterative methods are used as smoothers in multilevel methods, or the latter are used as pre-conditioners for the former. The performance of all these, including convergence, reliability, execution time, parallel efficiency, and scalability, can vary dramatically depending on the exact interaction of a specific method, the problem instance, and the computer architecture. In the words of Professor David Keyes from Columbia University, "The impossibility of uniformly ranking linear system solvers in order of effectiveness … is widely appreciated." This problem is addressed in Professor Raghavan's SuperSolvers project by Heart anatomy

courtesy of Zygote.com Canine ventricular mesh

"Dr. Shontz's research addresses an extremely important issue–how does the heart contract? Her

work potentially has broad implications for the function of the normal heart, but perhaps more

importantly, for the failing heart as well."



developing algorithms and software for automated method selection and composition to instantiate robust and scalable solvers tailored to meet application demands. Recent results include the development of (i) hybrid solvers using flexible incomplete sparse factorization precondi-tioners with a range of fill-in from pure iterative to pure direct, (ii) composite solvers that use a sequence of schemes on a single linear system to enable highly reliable solution with limited memory requirements, and (iii) adaptive solvers that dynamically select a sparse solution scheme to match changing numerical attributes of systems generated across iterations of a long running simulation. Such SuperSolvers have resulted in highly robust, parallel and scalable solvers that significantly improve the performance of many applications. This research is in collaboration with Dr. K. Teranishi currently a post-doctoral researcher in the lab and Dr. S. Bhowmick (Columbia University). Power-Aware High Performance Computing

Current high-end platforms are ensembles of multiple fast CPUs with deep memory hierarchies and high-speed interconnects. Geometric scaling of raw performance (Moore's Law) arises from more and faster transistors on a chip. However, chips are approaching their packaging thermal limits, and the power-related costs for high-end systems, both electrical power consumed (in megawatts) and machine room cooling loads (200 W/sq. ft.), con-tinue to grow as a cubic function of peak execution rates and clock frequencies. Although a faster scientific simulation, such as one obtained by exploiting quality-performance tradeoffs, is also often one that consumes less power by using fewer

compute cycles, a major challenge is developing explicitly power-aware scientific computing tools. In the near term, such tools can deliver lower-power realizations with-out adversely impacting application performance. More importantly, in the longer term, resulting insights can lead to future systems where the power budget is directed effectively over processor-memory-interconnect subsystems to

improve application performance at reduced power and energy levels. In support of this project, Dr. Richard D. Loft, associate director of research and development at the National Center for Atmospheric Research wrote "… our supercomputing infrastructure faces huge challenges that must be met in order to continue to advance geoscience simulation over the next decade. One of these is clearly power-aware computing." Although sparse solvers and adaptive meshes represent scalable formulations for many applica-tions, their performance is typically memory and network latency bound due to limited data locality and poor data reuse. Furthermore, load imbalances remain despite partitioning/re-partitioning for parallel computing and there are multiple algorithms and codes with different quality/performance trade-offs. Consequently, they are excellent candidates for exploiting algorithm and architecture interplays for improved performance and power profiles. Recent results indicate over eight percent savings in energy and 60 percent improvements in performance when memory optimizations are utilized with low-power modes of the CPU and caches. This project is in collaboration with Professor Irwin who directs the Microsystems Design Lab at Penn State and Drs. L. C. McInnes and B. Norris from the Argonne National Laboratory.


Detecting structure in a sparse matrix



Computational and Materials Science Computational models in materials science are generally categorized according to three different spatial length scales: atomic scale, mesoscale, and macroscale. Models in the atomic scale deal with the structure, dynamics, and physical properties of an assembly of atoms; mesoscale models are concerned with the material's internal micro-structure, which is characterized by the shape, size, and spatial arrangement of phases, domains, and/or grains as well as defect distributions such as dislocation configurations; and macroscale models which ignore the internal atomic and the mesoscale structures of a material and describe its behavior using constitutive relations and empirical laws based on classical continuum theories. Professor Shontz's research involves modeling on the atomic scale with a focus on numerical methods for electronic structures calculations for real-life materials on high-performance computing platforms. For this project, Shontz has been determining efficient optimization methods for the solution of the structural relaxation (or geometry optimization) problem, which is to find a low-energy configuration of a given material. This energy minimization problem can be written as a nonlinear, unconstrained optimization problem which is characterized by the high cost of evaluating its energy and forces for a particular geometry. In particular, a modified form of Schrödinger's equation must be solved for each energy evaluation which becomes rather computationally intensive for large materials. This work is part of the Pseudopotential Algorithms for

Real Space Energy Calculations (PARSEC) project, involving collaboration between researchers at the University of Minnesota, Professor James Chelikowsky's group at the University of Texas, Austin, and Professor Yousef Saads's group at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Professor Raghavan's MatCase project involves coupling models and simulations across all three scales for predictive modeling of high performance metals. The focus is on the development of an e-

laboratory for multi-scale, multi-component materials modeling with automated design space exploration using reduced-order models, domain-specific knowledge bases, and simulations on parallel and distributed wide-area computing and storage systems. This research enables predicting the performance of a material from its structure, process, and properties, toward the tailoring of materials by d e s i g n . M a t C a s e i n v o l v e s collaborations at Penn State with materials scientists Drs. Z. K. Liu, and L. Q. Chen and Dr. Q. Du in

applied mathematics. It also involves collaboration with C. Wolverton (Northwestern University), S. Langer (NIST), and technology transfer to industry through the NSF-ICURC Center on Computational Materials Design.


Multi-scale modeling for computational materials design



1973 John Sternbergh. Senior vice president and chief information officer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. He is married to Tacie Marie Grubb (Edu '71). Their website is: www.astrapoint.com. (john@astrapoint.com) 1975 Marian M. Lucia. Executive vice president and chief information officer, Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, GA. Responsible for providing strategic direction to maximize the benefit of investments, manages the delivery and support of all IT related initiatives and provides high quality infrastructure support, strong IT security practices, and effective business continuity services. Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta is a $134.1 billion financial services organization that works with financial institutions to provide low-cost financing and community building programs throughout the southeast. (mlucia@aol. com) 1976 Ed Weber. Vice president of sales and marketing, ToolWorx Information Products, Inc., Brighton, MI.

He is a partner in a computer software company specializing in automated data collection systems. (edweber@comcast.net) 1981 Tim Radde. Lockheed Martin. (tradde@excite.com) 1986 Michael C. Eaton. Software systems engineer, Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), Englewood, CO. Duties include software systems architecture, development, and integration. (Michael.Eaton@att.net) Allen Puy. BD enterprise architect, Lockheed Martin IS&S, Valley Forge, PA. Responsible for working within the business development organiza-tion at Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems and Solutions. He defines and oversees enterprise systems and process efforts to provide more effective support to IS&S' efforts in winning new business and maintaining customer intimacy. (allen.s.puy@lmco. com)

Alumni Update The following alumni information has been compiled from the responses that recent graduates provide at the time of graduation and from the online alumni questionnaire (www.cse.psu.edu/info/newsletter/questionnaire.php). I want to encourage you to respond to one of these formats if you have not done so in the recent past so that we can provide up-to-date information to our readers, and so that we can facilitate contact among our alumni. For this reason, we ask that you check the e-mail addresses carefully; if you find an error, please send the correction/change to the editor (jenny@cse.psu.edu). If your e-mail address is handwritten, please remember that some addresses are case-sensitive, so do not mix and match your letters! You can also send updates directly to the editor via e-mail. Please be sure to reference the CSE newsletter, and affirm your willingness to have the information published. You may have already sent information to the department, but if you did not check the yes box or indicate your permission for inclusion in the newsletter, we cannot print it. This newsletter can be viewed online at: www.cse.psu.edu/info/newsletter/volume13/Volume13.pdf.




1989 Reinhard von Hanxleden. His website is: www. informatik.uni-kiel.de/rtsys/contact/rvh. (rvh@ informatik.uni-kiel.de) 1998 Dan Groves. Software engineer (MTS3), Sun Microsystems, Santa Clara, CA. (dgroves@ieee.org) 1999 Tony Cebzanov. Member, technical staff, Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. Duties include design and develop-ment of software applications as part of the CERT Network Situational Awareness group. His website is: www.tonyc.org. (tonyc@alumni.psu.edu) Brian C. Lanham. Virtual chief information officer, Virtual IT, Inc., Roanoke, VA. As part of a practice of chief information officer consultants, he focuses on software development life cycle and application architecture consulting. (brianlanham@adelphia. net) 2000 Nurhan Cetin. Software architect, Siemens VDO, Switzerland. Brian Denicola. Senior technical business analyst, ABN Amro, Chicago, IL. He is married to Nelie Cahinhinan (BIO '00). Their website is: www.deni colafamily.com. 2002 Paul Roth. Database administrator/programmer, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Duties include supporting/maintaining the student information system. (paul_r_roth@hotmail.com)

Myron A. Semack. Director, software engineering, RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc., State College, PA. He oversees all software development in the company. He manages a team of software engineers and interns and coordinates all software projects. The software the company develops goes into mission-critical embedded systems for industrial, military, and aerospace markets. His website is: www.semack.net. (myron@semack.net) 2003 Sean Murray. Consultant, IBM, New York, NY. Responsible for providing IT/business analysis to the financial services sector. His current assignment is Citigroup. (spmurray@msn.com) Avanti Nadgir. Technical Yahoo, Yahoo, Inc. (avanti_n@yahoo.com) 2004 Jesse Diller. Patent examiner, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA. Duties include examining patent applications related to computer memory architecture. (jessediller@cox.net) Pushkar U. Durve. Business development manager, iBiquity Digital Corporation, Warren, NJ. Duties include supporting the business development team in the licensing of Aftermarket HD Radio technology; source potential new licensing candidates from CE, wireless, and PC industries. He supports initial product development initiatives, including training, hardware/software needs/concerns. He has extensive interactions with engineering and commercial applications teams. (durve@ibiquity.com) 2005 Jason C. Biddle. Assistant technical staff, advanced system concepts group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, MA. Duties include




developing a high-level network architecture for the use of biological/chemical agent sensors to detect terrorist threats. (jbiddle@mit.edu) Christopher J. Cavage. (cjcavage@gmail.com) Aaron R. Coble. Ph.D. student, Kings College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. (aaron.coble@gmail.com) David Faber. Patent examiner, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA. His duties include reviewing patent applications to determine if they comply with basic rules and legal requirements. He researches the subject matter claimed in patent application and communicates his findings on the patentability of applications to inventors or patent practitioners. (djf182@gmail. com) Matthew Feldman. Electronics engineer, Northrop Grumman (electronic systems). David Hadka. Penn State, Applied Research Laboratory, University Park, PA. Responsible for software development for research projects. (dhadka @gmail.com) Michael J. Lenkiewicz. Validation engineer, Intel. Richard A. Rattanni. Software engineer, Zoll Lifecor, Pittsburgh, PA. Duties include Linux soft-ware development for embedded ARM processors. (Rattanni@gmail.com) Eric Selnow. Systems engineer associate, Lockheed Martin, VA. Responsible for software engineering. (ews135@psu.edu) Paul Smith. Computer scientist, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. Responsible for writing computer programs (i.e. coding). (pjs238@ psu.edu)

Stephen H. Sokolowski. Associate software engineer, Traffic.com, Wayne, PA. Responsible for developing applications to manage television and radio advertising contracts and commercial scripts. (steve@shoemakervillage.org) Colin Stormont. Implementation engineer, Cingular Wireless, King of Prussia, PA. He plans and designs equipment selection and layout, negotiates vendor selection and contracts. He is also responsible for supervising on-site equipment installation; acts as liaison between engineering teams, operations, and vendors. He provides technical guidance for improv-ing the network. (Colin.stormont@gmail.com) 2006 Brian J. Amos. Computer engineer, RLW, Inc., State College, PA. Responsible for developing hard-ware/software. (brianjamos@gmail.com) Adam Dahr. Engineer, General Dynamics– Advanced Information Systems, Fairfax, VA. He is a member of the Engineering Leadership Program. His duties include furthering technologies imple-mented in naval warships. He is also pursuing his master's degree. (Adam.Dahr@gmail.com) Evan Driscoll. (Graduate student, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Kyle W. Drumm. (kwd116@gmail.com) Nicholas Malishchak. Computer scientist, U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Life Cycle Management Command, Software Engineering Center, Fort Monmouth, NJ. Michael Seltzer. Embedded software engineer, Lockheed Martin.




The Helping Hands of Alumni and Friends Alumni and friends continue to actively support the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. We are very grateful for this support. Donor-designated funds are essential if our efforts to provide the best possible environment for our students and faculty are to succeed. We encourage our alumni to designate their gifts for use in this department. Thank you again for your gracious donations! Outstanding Engineering Alumnus

Kenneth A. Huntsman was the recipient of the 2006 Outstan-ding Engineering Alumni award. He earned a bachelor's degree in computer science in 1974 and

received a master's degree from the University of Tennessee in 1977. He is an AOL Fellow and serves as a consultant to the company's operations division. As an AOL Fellow, Huntsman researches patent infringement cases against the company, and continues to help port applications from older hardware platforms. Between the years of 1977 and 1983, he worked at the Telenet Corporation; later GTE Telenet, which has become the Data Division of Sprint, Inc. He assisted in the design and implementation of Network Control Center software that was used to monitor their nationwide X.25 network. He was promoted to the position of senior scientist, and became the co-architect of Telemail, which is now called Sprintmail. Telemail was one of the first successful commercial electronic mail systems. In 1983, Huntsman joined the Control Video Corporation where he was charged with developing communication products for the Atari VCS. Unfortunately, the product was ill fated, however he was able to forge alliances with his colleagues. In 1985, partnering with his colleagues, he co-founded

the organization that has become America Online, Inc (AOL). Ken worked as co-architect for the infrastructure that originally supported AOL, and is still supporting the system. In this organization, Ken has held various positions including systems programmer through director of systems architecture. In these positions, he was responsible for the expansion and implementation of the on-line service and monitoring its performance. At this time, he serves an "AOL Fellow" working with the AOL Networks division based in Reston, VA. In this role, he serves as one of chief technical consultants to the operations group. Alumni Questionnaire We would appreciate an update on your activities both professional and personal. For your convenience, the questionnaire is online at:


We are always interested in what our alumni are up to since leaving Penn State! This publication is available in alternative media on request. The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an academic and work environment free of discrimination, including harassment. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits discrimination and harassment against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Discrimination or harassment against faculty, staff, or students will not be tolerated at The Pennsylvania State University. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802-5901, Tel (814) 865-4700/V, (814) 863-1150/TTY. Designed, produced, and edited by Jenny Latchford, CSE Department with support from CSE faculty. Printed/produced at Penn State Multimedia & Print Center. U.Ed. ENG 07-52



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