critical thinking welcome! we will begin our discussion in just a few minutes! unit 8 seminar

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Unit 8 Seminar

What is critical thinking?

Barriers to Critical Thought

Sometimes we think in waysthat prevent us from

thinking critically.

Here are 6 barriers to clear thinking:

Appeal to Authority

We believe and trust someone who is not really an expert.

Example: TV commercial doctor says we should buy a certain pain reliever med.

Appeal to Emotion

Someone manipulates our emotions.

Example: James will bereally hurt if you don’tgo to the play.

Appeal to Fear

Fear is created without evidence.

Example: If you don’t

get the most expensive

car seat available, you

are a bad parent.

Appeal to Flattery

Flattery is presented instead of evidence.

Example: I really like your teaching styleProfessor Smith. You’re the best instructor

I’veever had. I didn’t bring in the doctor’s notesaying that I had the bubonic plague, but youknow I would never lie to you.

Appeal to Novelty

If it’s new, it must be better.

Example: New andimproved packaging and the product stays the


Appeal to Pity

The appeal for sympathy isused instead of evidence.

Example: If I don’t get an“A” in this class, I won’tqualify for the scholarshipand I might have to dropout of school.

Review of All Six Barriers

Appeal to Authority Appeal to Emotion Appeal to Fear Appeal to Flattery Appeal to Novelty Appeal to Pity

Which are you most vulnerable to?

As we saw or you will see in Unit 8's reading, a critical thinker must have the ability to use logic and reason. When this person makes a decision, he or she must go through a logical order of steps in the thinking process. Here are a couple of simple examples of uses of logic and reason, "I am hungry, so I am going to cook something to eat." "I am tired, so I am going to go to sleep". Now it's your turn! Can you come up with an example of using logic and reason?

As you can see, you all use logic and reason every single day. With each decision you make, you are analyzing, evaluating, and thinking through information; sometimes without even realizing it.

As the decisions you face in college and during your career become more challenging, using logic and reason to evaluate the given information will be of utmost importance. You will need to use these tools to make decisions on where you stand on different issues. You will also need to use these tools in order to back up your own arguments.

A critical thinker must be able to determine if the information given to him or her is based on fact or opinion.

So, what exactly is "fact" and can you give us an example of a fact?

Facts are information that can be proven to be true. For example, "You are all Kaplan University Students." "I teach for Kaplan University".

These statements can be proven as true.

Let's continue with this discussion and talk about opinions.

What exactly is an "opinion" and can you give us an example of one?

Yes, opinions are beliefs based on assumptions and values. Opinions may or may not be true.

For example, the opinion that "the Pittsburgh Steelers are the best team in the NFL" is a belief based on the individual's particular values and personal views.

This statement cannot be proven to be true.

Critical thinking can help us in all aspects of our life.

How can our exposure to different kinds of people enhance our critical thinking?

You are all right, we can all learn so much from others that are different from us.

Sometimes we get in our own mindset and don't think outside the box until we learn or listen to another.

I would like to have all of you take a few minutes and go to a website to view a diversity video to see the diversity in the world.

Please copy the website that I post in a minute. Then minimize the seminar window, open a new window, paste the website into your address bar and then press enter, and enjoy the video. Once you have completed the video maximize the seminar window again and I will continue our discussion in 5 minutes

The video is at the following website, this source is from the Big pictures small world website, enjoy:

Okay, please go and enjoy the video and I will see you back here in 5 minutes

I hope you liked the video and saw a little glimpse of the diversity in the world

How can critical thinking change the way you view others and the world?

Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem2. Narrow the problem

Why is it a problem? Who does the problem affect? What type of problem is it?

3. Brainstorm/Develop Alternatives4. Evaluate Alternatives5. Solve the Problem

How do you solve problems in your own


5 Whys

1. Start at the end and work backwards2. Continually ask, “Why?” until the root cause

becomes apparent3. Can be done quickly4. Can be applied to almost any problem5. Uses critical thinking skills

5 Whys example

1. Why is our client, Hinson Corp., unhappy? Because we did not deliver our services when we said we would.

2. Why were we unable to meet the agreed-upon timeline or schedule for delivery? The job took much longer than we thought it would.

3. Why did it take so much longer? Because we underestimated the complexity of the job.

4. Why did we underestimate the complexity of the job? Because we made a quick estimate of the time needed to complete it, and did not list the individual stages needed to complete the project.

5. Why didn't we do this? Because we were running behind on other projects. We clearly need to review our time estimation and specification procedures.

Decision Trees

1. Helpful when choosing between several courses of action

2. Help explore options and outcomesRemember: 1. Strive to be objective2. Look at all sides before making a judgment!3. Don’t assume-do the research4. Ask questions5. Seek the truth

Like mapping out a problem or situation

The scientific method:

Is a process for thinking Involves 4 steps Can help us solve problems

1. Make physical observation

Use your senses Look, smell, feel, listen, taste For example: What does the problem look like?

2. Form a theory

Your theory is called a hypothesis. Your hypothesis helps explain what you

observed. It says what you think might be true.

What might the problem be?

 3. Make predictions

Base your predictions on your hypothesis.

Predict outcomes based on various circumstances.

For example: What would happen if I do this?

4. Test your predictions

 Determine whether or not your predictions are valid. 

Experiment to see if your predictions come true.

For example: When you push this key, what actually happens?

Review of 4 Steps

1. Make physical observation

2. Form a theory 3. Make predictions4. Test your predictions

Which way do you feel might be beneficial to you when problem solving personally or professionally? How will it benefit you?

5 Whys Decisions Trees Scientific Method

Keep using your critical thinking skills!


Thank you for coming~

Great job today.

Take your quiz for Unit 8

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Have a great week!

See you next week for our last seminar!

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