creating patient & economic value

Post on 28-Oct-2014



Health & Medicine



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III Edició "The British Experience in Technologies for Health". Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona. 9 de novembre de 2011. Esdeveniment organitzat per la Fundació TICSalut i el Departament de Comerç i Inversions del Consolat General Britànic a Barcelona, UK Trade & Investment, per posar en contacte oportunitats i coneixements entre el Regne Unit i Catalunya.


Creating Patient & Economic Value

Jonathan Wong

What we do

• Support the develop of innovations for UNMET NEEDS The starting point for everything we do

• Focus on pre-commercial technological innovation development Innovations in early stage development

• Collaboration (National & International) Europe, The Americas, Asia

• Innovation Management Systems Blended online and offline services

The NHS• Nationwide, the NHS employs more than 1.5 million people. • 100’s of different organisations operating nationally, regionally and


The Problem• The UK economic downturn and large budget deficit means that the NHS

needs to save £15 to £20 billion.

The Solution• Develop innovation to increase the quality of patient care, reduce costs

and stimulate economic growth.

How we do it






• Wouldn’t it Be Great if…• Statement of Clinical Need• Scorecard• NHS Key Informants

• Innovation Surgeries• NIC investment

Brokerage to:

• Economic analysis• Collaboration partners • Appropriate Govt/public sector • Funding

Brokerage to:

• Clinical Champions • Contacts for trials

End user engagement throughout whole development process (increases the likelihood of adoption & diffusion)

• Auctions• NHS Supply Chain

Benefits of a multi-stage approach• Allows proportionate spend profile:

e.g. small spend on front-end de-risking of R&D without commitment to large spend on volume production

• Avoids becoming ‘locked-in’ to any specific supplier for the whole life of the development - different skills required at different stages

• Allows go/no-go decisions on project continuation - useful where several different approaches are being explored (e.g. PCP)

• Puts you in control of rate of progress – speeds time to market

New Blood and Transfusion Donor Chair

• For 7 years, market failed to produce a solution via traditional procurement routes

• Approached NIC and we ran a WIBGI

• Once needs had been assessed we ran competition (Pre-commercial Procurement)

• Appointed two contractors who took two products through to prototype.

• One was selected and now with OJEC to find manufacturing partner (Forward Commitment)

VNUS Closure• Conventional treatment for varicose veins can be painful, time-consuming and expensive. Recovery can take several weeks.

• The VNUS Closure® Procedure is minimally-invasive and carried out under local anaesthetic. Patient walks home after procedure.

• We set up trials and assessed the economic and patient value of the procedure. This evidence helped with the diffusion of the innovation.

• The procedure is currently used in over 100 Trusts across England.

• Potential £17mil per annum saving.

NHS Temporary Side Room• We worked with SME’s from unmet needs assessment through to final product development engaging with all key stakeholders throughout the process.

• NHS saving of £4,000 per HCAI avoided.

Virtual Reality Training Solutions in Venepuncture

• Trains in skill of piercing veins – venepuncture.

• Uses sensation of touch – highly realistic!

• We supported the company to develop their innovation a matter of weeks before they were about to go in liquidation.

• Now have an international order book worth £70mil.

• Saves NHS estimated £20mil per annum in disposables.

Non-invasive Glucose Meter• Improve control, removes the pain of finger-pricking and cut costs by creating a mobile phone-sized device that reads sugar levels by simply scanning the eye.

• We fast-tracked their technology, helping with funding and opening doors to break down the bureaucracy.

• We also brokered introductions to international markets.

The Benefits

Value to the economy:• The NIC supports innovators to develop innovative solutions to

patient and staff needs. With the support of the NIC, a number of innovations have been able to attract significant funding (£350mil).

Potential Value to NHS:• The NIC has supported the development of innovations that

would improve the quality of the patient experience and generate potentially significant cost savings to the NHS (£240mil).

Supporting the adoption of innovation

Key Messages

•Economic stimulation is important but, for public authorities, genuine procurements of current unmet or future anticipated needs must come first.

•Collaboration spreads risk and increases capacity and capability.

•Innovation development releases you from the constraints of ‘what is available today’.

•Bring new players into traditional markets.

•Innovation development can raise quality performance levels whilst driving down cost.

Thank You!

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