costs of advertising on social media

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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Online Advertising

Is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide

Web marketing messages to attract customers.

What Online Ads Really Cost

Publishers love to talk about the rate card prices, but in reality agencies pay nowhere

near the figures listed publicly. Everything in the world of online media is open to

negotiation, and things like package deals, upfront commitments, and volume discounts

help drive the price of digital ads down further.

If a homepage is unsold for the following day, for example, publishers will often drop

their prices drastically, especially for new clients.

Homepage Takeover

Homepage takeovers are a relatively common strategy used

by advertisers to crowd out any competition from one of

the most viewed pages on a specific web site.

This implementation is simple; it involves giving 100%

share of voice to an advertiser on the homepage of a site,

resulting in no other ads being seen.


Yahoo homepage takeover = $450,000

According to media buyers Yahoo asks for $600,000 for a one-day homepage

takeover, but typically sells them for around $450,000.


YouTube homepage takeover = $400,000

To own the large display ad with video on the YouTube homepage, advertisers typically

cough up about $400,000. It’s usually sold as a package, though, with other media such

as in-stream video ads, display ads, or featured video listings.


Twitter promoted trending topic = $120,000

Promoted trending topics typically sell for around

$120,000 but are usually supported by a promoted

tweet purchase of around $80,000, too.

Promoted Tweets: Promoted tweets operate very similarly to

regular tweeting, except there is a cost involved in order to reach

a larger targeted audience.

Promoted will give you visibility and engagement on important

posts that you can’t match through regular tweets.

Why Online Ads are Worth it

Interaction: Your ad and content right on the homepage

allows users to interact with it like they do any other piece

of social content.

Reach: Expand your reach to new potential customers who

can interact with your content by commenting, liking,

favoriting, retweeting, etc.

Followers: Brands also report a notable increase in followers

through these social advertising options, since brand

visibility increases significantly.

Advertising on Social Media...

• Build collaborative Workspaces, so teams can nimbly

operate at social speed.

• Listen for emerging trends and conversations to inform

and validate your campaign and community strategies.

• Plan, publish, report, and share your content without

friction, and while seamlessly complying with your

content governance policies.

• Engage with customers and prospects along their

journey with your brand.

Why Use Social Media for Business

Customers are likely to research your brand on social media channels before they

make a purchase from you.

They’ll read reviews and feedback from other customers, as well as your own updates,

to determine if you are trustworthy.

Social media also gives you an opportunity to communicate with customers in a whole

new way.

You can answer questions, provide support for problems, and even reach out to

potential clients who may be interested in your products.

Think about the plan

If you're shelling out a minimum of $4,500 per month for Facebook and Twitter

management, you're not getting any strategy behind the efforts. That costs extra

(sort of like adding bacon, but not as tasty).

The strategy is the most important part — you've got to go into social media

marketing with a game plan and a list of goals, or you'll never really get anywhere.

………………………………………...What about outsourcing?

Outsourcing Twitter

NEW ACCOUNT: Launching a new Twitter account, complete with setup and outsourcing

content creation/consumer interaction (all 140 characters at a time), costs an average of

$2,000-$4,000 per month – and that's just for Twitter. With that said, the total price range

was $1,000-$7,500 per month.

EXISTING ACCOUNT: need some help to take it to the next level? Restructuring an existing

Twitter account with "limited coaching" to achieve client goals is still going to cost you

between $1,000-$2,500 per month, with some charging as much as $4,000 per month…just for

Twitter! That's right, if you want Facebook, you're paying extra

Outsourcing Facebook

New Facebook account and provide limited ongoing training to business partners, online PR

agencies charge an average of $2,500-$5,000 per month, with some going as high as $9,000. Of

course, this also includes status updates and interacting with customers.

Ever think of outsourcing social media?

Work Cited

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