corporate value proposition

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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By Anish Mathew John

Analysing where we stand today

• Not still known amongst the populace

• Low new hire retention percentage

• Employee Referral Program lacks sheen and reliability

• Recruiters resorting to unethical practices (get bribed) during Campus Placement Drives

• ‘Zero branding efforts on campus and outside’ results in losing the best talents to competitors

• Employee issues are not taken care of on-time resulting in more and more frustrated employees spreading negative vibes both inside and outside

• Exit process is a cumbersome one resulting in employees hating to return another day even if they want to consider that option later

• Apathetic approach of HR

08-03-2015 by Anish Mathew John 2

Not a familiar brand

New hire retention

percentage is less than fair market retention%

Unethical practices

and apathy affects the

image of the Company

Competitors landscape

• Competitors known as friendly and transparent

• Competitor invests in Branding through advertising their vacancies in Newspapers and hoardings

• Employer-Employee connect via sessions and other programs are frequent with competitors

• Competitor has robust technology aiding hiring

• Encouraging Communication mailers from the CEO’s desk and from the Leaders showing a caring Management Team

• HR is respected for what it does supporting employees

• Employees of our competitors leave them for “other reasons” than for want of a better organization

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High on integrity


Making your company “The Best Place to Work for”

Internal branding efforts:

1. Promote Employee communities to act as a nodal point within organization promoting branding

2. Monthly Town Halls addressed by the Leadership

3. Pre-placement branding exercises done on-campus and at Company premises announcing such programs through national dailies

4. Branding on important days – gift a goodie on employee’s Service Anniversary

5. Conduct “Stay Interviews” with a focused effort on retaining the top talents

6. Communication mailers to all employees improves employer-employee connect at work and is perceived as an organization which is transparent with its staff

7. Lay the foundation stone of a new culture promoting “giving is better than taking”

8. Make induction feel like the best time of their career

9. On site Corporate Infirmary for employee consultation

10.Re-branding efforts that are cost-effective but impactful

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Making your company “The Best Place to Work for”

External branding efforts:

1. Gifting our Clients with a branded goodie on their visit

2. CSR programs with an impact (sponsoring a blood donation camp, an eye check up camp OR health camp in a remote village with employees volunteering), Send employees to volunteer "On Duty" just for a day

3. CXO participation in radio programs/ TV shows/ elevating and registering the Company's image amongst the Public

4. Pre-placement drives/ Campus drives to be done with branding collaterals aimed at creating an impact and leaving a long lasting impression.

5. Corporate-Academic partnership: Training prospective candidates at the Campus after a thorough selection process and then add in the training module to their time table (soft skill training + technical training included) targeting a yield of at least 75% to begin with.

6. Participating in inter-corporate competitions in Sports and Cultural programs

7. Have an encouraging 10 second video-audio file of the company displayed in areas where the traffic of youngsters is guaranteed (multiplexes, movie malls)

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Making your company “The Best Place to Work for”

External branding efforts:

1. Gifting our Clients with a branded goodie on their visit

2. CSR programs with an impact (sponsoring a blood donation camp, an eye check up camp OR health camp in a remote village with employees volunteering), Send employees to volunteer "On Duty" just for a day

3. CXO participation in radio programs/ TV shows/ elevating and registering the Company's image amongst the Public

4. Pre-placement drives/ Campus drives to be done with branding collaterals aimed at creating an impact and leaving a long lasting impression.

5. Corporate-Academic partnership: Training prospective candidates at the Campus after a thorough selection process and then add in the training module to their time table (soft skill training + technical training included) targeting a yield of at least 75% to begin with.

6. Participating in inter-corporate competitions in Sports and Cultural programs

7. Have an encouraging 10 second video-audio file of the company displayed in areas where the traffic of youngsters is guaranteed (multiplexes, movie malls)

08-03-2015 by Anish Mathew John 6

Thank You

08-03-2015 by Anish Mathew John 7

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