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Post on 26-Mar-2018






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© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. What is Yoga

3. History of Yoga

4. Benefits of Yoga

5. Who is Patanjali

6. What is Ashtang Yoga?

7. Six Systems of Yoga (Bhakti, Hatha, Karma,

Raja, Dnyan, & Kriya Yog)

8. Conclusion

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627


Hello Friends,

A hearty welcome to Vishwa Foundations! And thank you for downloading Yoga for a

Radiant Life.

We hope that this first step sets you rolling on the path of a healthy and happy life. As we

take the journey forward, we shall be revealing many interesting and amazing Yoga secrets

along with secrets of life.

Once you include Yoga in your daily life routine, life will change forever. Career, inner

conflicts, relationships, struggles, success....everything will have a new meaning; as a result,

quality of your life will go a few notches higher.

Other than eBooks we also have an active Help Desk, where you can write to us about your

problems or ask questions related to health and life; we shall revert with an answer/ solution

as soon as we can.

Just like downloading this eBook, conversations too are free here. Talk to us anytime.

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

What is Yoga?

Yoga is one of the most diversified Indian

spiritual philosophies having sweept over cultures

like Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, to the Western

world. Yogic literature is available in English,

Hindi, Tamil, Tibetan, Bengali, Sanskrit, Marathi,

Pali, Prakrit etc. Yoga’s message of healing

through spirituality, unity with God, leading a

simple life... and that it’s offered in a non-

dogmatic format, has helped it to gain much

popularity from various sections of society and

personal beliefs.

Human being is awake at three levels - physical, mental and spiritual. Yoga balances

development of all three. There are many types of physical exercises that assure physical

well-being, however, none impact at spiritual level like Yoga. The ultimate goal of yoga is to

rise above self and attain Cosmic Consciousness.

Yoga deals with a series of poses & exercises which can be performed by anyone regardless

of gender, age, religious belief, body type etc. Though it’s a systematic philosophical

approach, it is not a religion, but a way of life which goes well with most spiritual paths.

Different places teach you Yoga or facilitate environment for it, like Gyms, Yoga Classes,

Ashrams, yoga instructors & trainers etc. However, you don’t have to be attached to any of

these on a permanent basis. You can learn it and practice it at your home, office, wherever.

While the physical aspect of the exercise works on your muscles, aligns bones, teaches deep

breathing and oxygenates lungs & blood; at mind level, it helps you to relax and develop a

mind-body connect, facilitating a deep sense of relaxation. Thus Yoga offers solutions for a

range of problems, from headache, backache, menstrual cramps, to conquering stress,

restoring the inner peace, spiritual awaking, and so on.

Research and studies being conducted the world over always have something new and

interesting to reveal about benefit of Yoga. And thus it’s fast catching on as the new fitness

mantra for people who believe in fitness of the body as well as mind.

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

History of Yoga

Yoga is more than 5000 years old tradition. Earliest archaeological evidences of Yoga have

been found at around 200 BC, in stone seals in the form of scriptures of Yoga poses. Yoga is

believed to been in existence from much earlier though, belonging to the times of oral


History of Yoga can be divided into four periods: the Vedic Period, Pre-Classical Period,

Classical Period, and Post-Classical Period.

In the Vedic period, Vedic Yoga was being practiced through rituals and ceremonies that

guided people to work towards surpassing the limitations of the mind. In the Pre-classical

period, yoga finds a mention in Upanishads; Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta being the oldest known

Yoga scripture of the era. In the classical period Yoga Sutra was compiled by Maharishi

Patanjali in an attempt to standardize and define Yoga. Post-classical period being the most

recent is where we get to witness a proliferation of literature along with Yoga being practiced.

Post-classical Yoga is unique compared to the initial three in the sense that it emphasizes

more on the present. It doesn’t struggle to liberate a person from reality anymore; on the

contrary it teaches us to accept the present and live the moment.

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

Benefits of Yoga

Sometimes it isn’t just physical illness, but also mental and emotional illness that needs to be

dealt with. In fact research has proved that your physical illness many a times is a reflection

of your mental and emotional illness. And this is where Yoga helps. It gives you power to take

control of your emotions at various levels and deal with signs of insecurity, low self esteem,

anger, lust, greed, jealousy etc in time.

Yoga, practiced in the correct manner or under expert guidance will help you to control and

connect your mind, body and soul with much ease. Physical exercise & the practice of right

breathing enhance your sense of physical and mental discipline and you experience peace in

body and mind. Following regular Yoga routine empowers you to manage your stress and

anxiety with a lot of ease and you can learn to relax in the most difficult and awkward


The physical poses of Yoga, called the asanas

increase your muscle flexibility & strength, and

tone the body. Breathing mechanism taught

through Yoga improves respiration and the energy

reservoir. To some beginners, practicing yoga

may seem like slow, stretching routine; but the

fact is that it works wonder for your body and

changes the way you feel, look, move, and face


Other than the above following benefits are also worth noting:

Flow of cosmic energy in the body, created through Yoga harmonizes mind-body


Yoga enables you to do self- healing and feel energized

Removes negative blocks from mind and toxins from body

Creates positive vibrations in your personality

Improves focus and concentration

Brings down stress & tension by activating the parasympathetic nervous system

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

Who is Patanjali?

Yog is amongst the most unique contributions

India has made to the world; and Maharishi

Patanjali, a revered 200 BC Vedic Maharishi is

considered the Father of Yogic Science.

Anonymity being the typical of all great sages of

India, there are no authentic records to prove his

birth, or time during which he compiled the Yoga

Sutra. His life history is full of legends &


His Yog Sutras demonstrate techniques (and

importance) to control Prana (life breath) as a means to control one’s mind, body, and soul to

lead a physically, emotionally, & spiritually health life.

Acharya Patanjali has prescribed 84 Yogic postures; which, when practiced as prescribed

improve efficiency of respiratory, circulatory, nervous, digestive, endocrine systems, and

impacting other organs of body.

In all, Patanjali muni compiled 195 sutras, which was a framework to integrate Yoga into

one’s daily routine to improve the quality of one’s life. The core of Patanjali Sutra is in the

eightfold path of yoga called the Ashtanga Yog. Ashtanga yog takes the disciple on a path to

an evolved and healthy life.

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

What is Ashtanga Yoga

The eight steps of Ashtanga Yoga are eight

regulations, to conquer eight phases of growth in yoga

and meditation. It’s also known as the eightfold Path,

and is compiled by Maharishi Patanjali. It is an

extremely powerful Yog tradition, encompassing

various aspects of Jnana, Bhakti, and Karma Yog.

Ashtanga Yog, through its eight methodical steps,

teaches disciples to control their mind. Each step

works towards removing obstacles one at a time,

diverting energies inwards, to attain the state of

effortless meditation.

Through Ashtanga Yog, which is a science of becoming

one with God, Maharishi Patanjali explains philosophy of uniting the soul with the

undifferentiated Spirit, awakening disciples to God-realization.

The Ashtanga Yoga (also called Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga) comprises:

Yama (social restraints or ethical values):

Disciple is taken through a series of don'ts vis-à-vis contacts with outside world, with an aim

to harmonize his energy and relationships; this will create an environment for deep

meditation. The disciple is expected to adhere to, and adopt a life of nonviolence, kindness,

forbearance, resilience, truthfulness, moderate diet & remaining pure in the body.


Disciple adopts a way of life comprising austerity, contentment, trust in God, charity,

awakening of mind through teachings/scriptures, modesty, Japa, observance of vows,

sacrifice etc. All these will create an environment of detachment from the worldly pleasures &

ego, as well as an environment for deep meditation.

Asana (Postures):

Comprise a number of postures as described by Maharishi Patanjali, which must be practiced

by the disciple, and at least one (sitting posture) be mastered in order to achieve a state of

physical motionlessness for an extended period of time, which will quiet the mind, creating an

environment for deep meditation .

Pranayama (technique to control breathing):

The disciple learns to control breathing in order to control the mind. The aim is to create a

reservoir of energy for the time when one is in deep meditation. The aim of pranayama thus

is to achieve a state of rest and wellness during meditation when both the mind and body are

still for an extended period of time, and there’s no breathing.

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

Pratyahara (sense withdrawal in preparation for Meditation):

Disciple is taught techniques to take attention off the sensory input which are likely to create

disturbance in meditation. The final objective is to shut down sensory input completely before

going into deep meditation.

Dharana (concentration):

By practicing one-point concentration, the disciple achieves a state wherein his mind becomes

so motionless and quiet that he begins to experience oneness with himself.

Dhyana (Meditation):

Disciple takes a journey where he experiences an extended and uninterrupted concentration,

without a single distracting thought. The aim is to attain a state of uninterrupted stillness and

remaining entirely one-pointed absolutely effortlessly, like second nature. This will take his

meditation and its outcome at a different level.

Samadhi (Effortless meditation, absorption, equilibrium):

To achieve a state where one is entirely absorbed in cosmic consciousness, the answer lies in

Samadi, an effortless meditation. While in Samadhi, the disciple disappears from

consciousness. Here, individual consciousness is dissolved in pure cosmic consciousness.

Once permanent cosmic connection is achieved , it leads to enlightenment.

The disciple is required to master each of the eight steps of Ashtanga Yoga to a certain

degree before he goes to the next.

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

What are Bhakti, Dnyan, Karma type of Yoga?

There are in all six types of Yoga Traditions, viz.

Hatha Yog, Bhakti Yog, Karma Yog, Dnyan Yog,

Raj Yog, & Kriya Yog.

It is believed that two opposite currents regulate

all processes in our body and that everything in

the universe exists because of a positive and

negative charge. Out of the six systems

mentioned above, three namely, Hatha, Raja, and

Kriya Yoga help you gain control over the flow of


Hatha Yog:

Hatha Yog comprises Asanas, Shat Karmas, which comprise six cleansing techniques,

Pranayama (breathing technique), Bandha (locks) and Mudras (seals) which help to regulate

Prana (life-force) and Kundalini; & lastly Samadhi (Union with God, discovering oneself,

ecstasy, nirvana).

Hatha Yoga helps your body to attain & retain perfect health, awakening of Kundalini

(dormant energy) upwards along the spine, preparing the body for yogic awakening.

Individuals doing Hatha Yog enjoy a good health and strong nervous system. Expert Hatha

Yogis demonstrate control over blood flow, and breathing and some can even stop breathing

and heart beat for some time.

Raja Yoga:

Raja Yoga is also referred to as the crown of Hatha Yoga. Once mind and body are clean and

fit through Hatha Yoga, Raja trains the mind to stay calm and awake. Our improved

concentration directs our attention inwards, to become one with our Being. Raja Yoga is a

complete system, and its Ashta-anga (Eight Limbs) have already been discussed elsewhere in

this book

Bhakti Yoga:

Bhakti Yoga It is about attaining union with God, or finding a connect with higher energies

through love and devotion. Bhakti Yog focuses on selfless love, kindness, humility, purity and

a sincere desire to merge with God.

Dnyan Yoga:

This is the Yoga directing us towards enlightenment through Knowledge. It’s both theory &

practice i.e. practical Philosophy/Metaphysics. Dnyan Yog is deep and complex, and makes us

aware through our intellect that our true Self is above and beyond our mind. Dnyan Yog is a

quest for knowing who we really are. It is, like Bhakti yog, amongst the best approaches for

becoming aware of the eternal Self (God).

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

Kriya Yoga:

Kriya Yoga It is a system comprising mantras, meditation, and other techniques through

which we can attain control over life-force and make body and mind calm. Objective of Kriya

Yog is to unite us with self or pure Awareness (God).

Karma Yoga:

This is the yoga of Service or self-transcending Action, whereby all the actions of yogi or

disciple are directed towards God. Serving God and humanity with selfless intention, ego

fades, one becomes pure, and with passage of time or several lifetimes, one develops

connection with God and feels increasingly in tune and unified with Him. Yogi attains Samadhi

or nirvana through Karma yoga with much ease.

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627


We at Vishwa have been teaching Yoga for many years. We guide disciples to achieve Anand

and Eternal Bliss through Yoga techniques described by Shree. The positive results we’ve

seen in ourselves as well as our students don’t stop to amaze us. We’ve had people coming

to us with chronic backaches, insomnia, depression, and other complex issues. They

developed the conditions while dealing with some very stressful professional and personal


Practicing Yoga not only helped them to overcome their physical pain but also gave them a

renewed perspective to deal with similar situations in future, more effectively. Yoga

transformed their lives 360 degree. Though Yoga they experienced secret to the inner peace

that they had never before.

If you open your heart and allow yoga in to your soul, it will affect every aspect of your life.

We invite you to take an online journey to our retreat in Shivpuri in Akkalkot, India and check

out various residential health & wellbeing programs we offer.

© Copyright: VISHWA FOUNDATION Head Quarters: Vishwa Foundation, Shivpuri, Akkalkot. Dist.: Solapur, Maharashtra State Pin – 413216, Ph.: +91 02181 220708 Corporate Office - 302-303,Mahalaxmi Industrial Estate, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013, India. Ph 0222-40203622/627

Thank You

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