copyright, patents and trademarks

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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Copyright, patents and trademarksWhat are they and who do they protect?

Learning objectives By the end of the session you should be able to:

Have confidence explaining the different types of business protection

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the types of business they are designed to protect

Give examples of companies that use this protection and why

So firstly what is property?

Property is anything owned If you have the right to something because

you purchased it, was given it or it come to be your possession in any other way

We think of possessions as tangible items

We sometimes think of property as a house, mainly because that will normally be the most expensive item we buy


Law and general views There are penalties for stealing Both legally and socially If I take something of yours, you would see

me doing it, watch. Everybody doesn’t like this You may tell the police

I’m Matt and sorry

for stealing

Pat’s socks

Intellectual Property (IP)

Just because something is not tangible

It does not mean we do not own it

Have you ever had a good idea and somebody has tried to pretend it was their idea

Annoying isn’t it!!!

Copyright Automatically granted to

artists, musicians authors

Only protects original work

Lasts lifetime of artist Artist may have to prove

the date of creation

Fee of charge

Do you know what the

logo looks like?


Music and paintings


Drawings and writing


Any Artwork

Patents What is a patent?

Patents protect the features and processes that make things work. This lets inventors profit from their inventions. (

Patents Protect how things work,

how its made and what from

Apply to UK Intellectual Property Office

Lasts 20 years Can sell the rights of the

patent Costs £200

Can you give me an example?

Patents must be new, not known anywhere in

the world prior to filing have an inventive step, not

obvious or a simple adaptation or combination of existing products

be capable of industrial application, having a technical effect

Normally to do with technology

Example patents

Any design with new functions

Example patents

Original designs

Trademarks What is a trademark? A trade mark is a sign

which can distinguish goods and services from those of competitors.

It can be for example words, logos or a combination of both

The Windows sound, and the Nokia ring tone

Do you know what it looks like?

Trademark Used to protect slogans

and images Protects the brand Lasts 10 years Can be renewed Approximately £200

within the UK Trademarks can be

used as a marketing tool so that customers can recognise your products or services

Who has a Trademark?

Examples please!!

Example Trademarks

Almost every brand logo you can think of has a Trademark

Kitemark UK product and service

quality certification mark which is owned and operated by The British Standards Institution

Conceived in 1903 One of the oldest product

marks in the world still in regular use.

products where safety is paramount, such as crash helmets, smoke alarms light bulbs etc....

Do you know what

the logo looks like?

Example products please

Example Kitemarks

Most products relating to health and safety In China you have QS Standard

Why protect a business idea?

Stop copies Retain market advantage Stop negative advertising

by lesser or inferior products trading under your company name

Keep consumer trust in the products / services you supply

Intellectual Property IP

I think we know enough about it now



write down at least 3 examples of firms protected by the following

Patent Copyright Trademark

Include a brief summary of why you think the business you selected would be covered by that specific protection


What companies you selected and why for:

Patent Copyright Trademark

Learning objectives By the end of the session you should be able to:

Have confidence explaining the different typesof business protection

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the types of business they are designed to protect

Give examples of companies that use this protection and why

QUESTIONS Answer the questions on page 145

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