coping, social support, and parenting: depressed vs non depressed adolescent mothers

Post on 25-Aug-2016






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conlBLATtL4 OP su‘lAL Aeuse Amom JooLEscB~s: A WPlJL4wIoN sJsuP G3wV. UtcbaJL Jonntek. Ph.D.. Robert Slum, M.D.. Ph.D.. LIuda Ho==‘e. Loie Ceer. Laura HutCon. Kim Raolemioks‘. Molescant Health ProSram. Un‘veraity of ninneeora, Winnee~Lbe, Nioneeote.

n,e PrevaLnce end correlaree of eexual sbeee were studled in e n,,re.ant.tiur srpla d ID305 athoic.lly diverec Ith-12th grade edoleeoents lo a le=~.W‘dnrsm metropol‘tm area. l&4% reported e”r= beiop ~snulIy abosad. ‘ncludl~ 172 of feeelas. 9.55 of meler. Prevalence vu &,,‘f‘uatly hi&m (an tested by Chi Squere) tn femi‘iea ulth one p.nat plur motbat adult W.22) vs. 6.62 for youths 10 rvo-perent horr. amna GJL~~ Amnr‘cana fl1.6Zl.colpnred rlth Jsfsns fP.121. Abuse Prav&,nea .,nn ‘ovenely related to rep+rrad school perfotrupnee. =elytG Kmm 1.32 of than do‘qf uth above weraw. to one-quarter of those .IIC~ balar over** (p<.DOUD). Teatiw 6roop difference by rWV.4, e siSnnlf‘cnntly S=e.tac proportion of tha dmned group was at hlah risk for QreSnaney based on curntnt “~1 aettvlty .nd eontraceptlve uee patterns, rePort”d Sreatsr overall “tmsa and unhap~lnea”. leas parental caring. and wearer chemical ebuee aenl; parmllB *ad tbeeee1ves. pertle”larly for Slrls (p<.mlU for eech. nq.ectively>.

&on# malea. a eign‘f‘caotly Srestesr Qvopcrt‘on of tlu &wed JrvuQ reported cooe‘ly . pre@nency (172 ve. 52. pUMOO), 31% VB. IYY reperred El=& I=.te=COu=ee at (‘0 y-r, (p<.OOOD). vh‘le IW “8. 51 ind‘crted receut wle‘~ rrtmpts andfir acr‘mm ~u‘cldol ideet‘on (p<.OUUUL SlSnlf‘centty more ahrsed fem.lm ce&wted I pr.sJtuncy (152 VB. 72). sod high ru‘cidr r‘vk (‘32 ve. 62) (both .t pUMOO). lo aeeb help for stuee. sl@~‘Flcantly more ahued .dOleJaote would 60 to M om "e. any other k‘Q IIOY~C(? (16.2% "I. lA.lZ* puOOO). Precrttionera should be alert tu echo01 ,%rrforaeece, aewl utivity. cbem1cel Ime, aod affective WBe 88 poes‘ble ‘nd,cato=a “l ebuee. vbile thoee with a knolm history of abuse .hn e greater ‘tkl‘huod of other rink behwiore.

co**w, SoclAL S”PPolT. AWD P*RlItlTIWo* DEPRESSED YS NO3 DXPWJJllD A9DLSSCKwI WIIISKS . Seven Panrarine, Ph.D.. J.S.. Pbyl‘ie Sharps. Ph.D., 1.1.. Eliee Slater. Ph.D., Division ol Mo‘eecent mdicine. Un‘versity of H.sry‘md. hltlmrc. RD.

KetenUl depreesion he‘ been .esoC‘.ted with Qere”t,“g prob‘eu yet bee been m‘niu‘ly explored aooK edolevceot.mothers. This etody l lrd to determine 11 hoe deprcnecd and non-depressed teen8 dlffsred oo utornal mutwc.m .t Cmnths Postwrt”m (PP), and 2) “hfch prenatal and 1 moth PP veriJb1.e predtctsd dcpresmm ~lyq.toma. 55 Qrh‘QW,,"S ado‘weantm nte rwxuited durinl prcmney. we” lleck; o11 were eing1e.

Hem ll*e Ya" 15.5 years; 92.22

6 moathe Pp. Subjects were eeen prenatally. 1 month Pl’. and

Vaye of cop,“6 with mtherbood and soc‘al eUQQovt (SS) wvre aueeeed .t each visit, utemal funcClo”‘n6 md deQreve‘a” “em nsarswd at each PP visit, Subjeete we=e div‘ded into 3 S’ovpe beard upon rhe‘r h WBtli Sect Depre~eiol8 Inventory .corcs~ CtOup 1 (ecorvs 9-91 - no R\,"Q10!"6

(""28); GWM) Z (#corer 10-15) - mild ,Fptou WlO)i end GrO"Q 3 (scnrrs

OIor 15) - IDderate to acvere .mtor W-121. Six moth deta vere nn.ll:rrd ueinS e “JWVA ood AWVAe. ‘feeoe i” h,"Q 3 "el.2 less satisfied vith their SS W.DDlB. wed w=e mtion-focused capinS stretegies (p<.OOll, rePOrted ‘eIJ utensil coafldenee (,&OS) and ~r~tif‘eatlon fQ<.051, and exh‘biccd =n Ue‘atiW‘ feedinS ‘nteract‘rms (Q<.05) rhan Grau,w 1 and 2. S” differeeeee vere found +n hev often they received SS. the s‘zc of rhe‘r cwfl‘cted eoeiel oetvork. nor utemal teaching ‘ntcrestlon.. A lorverd “K~.Wo‘yei~ oruioed the predictive veluc of QreMtel aed 1 month PP Te:ifib&J. W&S: 8 .;rnth Sari: %:.xoe 58 CPe ;.::?er,an. At I month PP. =tioWfo‘Wed co~‘oS, la,oetemll eoe!id;nfe. end Beck ecoree Qevdielvd 67X Of Vb0 ~61rianee im dvpreveive eymptome et 6 mmtha PP. with ‘12 of rhc “4ri”nc” explained by emotion-faeumd coping. “oderarely to wvcre,y dwmmmed edolaecmte bwe IDI. percnt‘nK prebleu end perce‘vc lees SS. Adoleeevote “ho e=m Coping ulth persnthood by wing mtiw,-Imuned -tat‘WtCh rho have lw confidence ‘n their m.eternel ebilitlee. and &w =ePo=t emtome of depres~lm at 1 month PP mhould be co”elde=ed et-?‘bk for Co,,tinved depnrrim and pare”tlnJ dtffLcuttie8..

SlFfATiL r-WPLAXfTS AJIONG YOUNG AWLESCEHlS: RELATlOf#SHIP TO PAOBLEH hEUAVIORS A5D AFFECTIVE OlSlAESS. !,JPy L. Uilbrandt A.C.S.U.. CJtherineJ. 6rJCk. N.S.. Gary lng~rsoll Ph.D.. Donald P. Urr. ff.0. Wrion County HJJlth Ik?partEJnt and Indfma Unfversl'?y School of ftsdicfne, tndfmapolis. I#.

Somatic SynptOm JPJ FOmJ” CDRplJfnts during Jdolescmce. Ihff StWy examined the frequency of heodachc Jnd abdominal pain Jnd their relatlonshlps to both high-rfsk behaviors and indicJtorr.uP affectlVe distress among J heslthy adolescent f&WlJtiOl,. 626 12.16 yaar olds (795 of students In J nld- w~stem. blue-collar junior high school1 conpleted J 44 item health behavfor questionnaire; the Frqmncy of syr~ptms mre ranked on Jn ordfnJ1 scale from l.(nJverl to 4 felmost UJflyl. 52% mre male; 79% were vhlte and 21% black. Affective dfstrms fAFF1 and oroblmbohavfor MO51 fectcrs had been previously fdcntfffed and ValfdJtJd usfng principal componmt hctor malysfs. AFF included sJdneSS, lomllness, nerwusness Jnd slnp problnn~; pIlOB fnrluded.substance use. sexual JCtivfty and delinquent behaviors.

Group rtaans with their S.E.H.: HALE FERALE

:ieadaches 2.ll(D.D.l1 2.32(O.W1 p IIA% Stomach pafn 1.97fO.031 2.07lO.031 0:os PROA' 0.13tO.061 -0.22tO.051 D.DDDl JFF -D.26(0.051 D.l5(0.051 O.ODDl

Freoumcy of headache and abdominal pafn were mrrelJted lgavJwD.521. The contribution of Somatic cwplafnts. gender and age to the variance in PRO6 and M scores was sssessed.usfpg 3 way ANOVA. ROD scores wore higher fp<.OOll For boys, older students and those with mre frequent headaches and abdoafnJ1 Pain. AFF scores were higher fp<.OOlI for gfrls and those with more frpqumt swtlc Sj?lptOmS. No fnteractions with gend@r or age were observed, Since PFF and PRO3 factors are not correlated. swatfc s)aptoms my have several psycholoGical meanings. Adolescents with frequent somtic conplaints nay represent a particularly high risk population.

STRESS. PSYCSOSOCIAL RESOURCES AN0 PRIMARY IHIJPPE RESPONSE. Barbara K. Snyder, M.D.. Kleus J. RoShmann. Ph.D.. Lacmerd H. S‘S& M.D. Uoiv. of Rochester Wed. CL=., Rochester, N.Y.

Hmy studies have shovo that life Btreee ia Janociated with decreased cellular iumoosty; studian of the effect of on

Ianoral imuaic, Jre difficult to 1,kerprct.m thay YOC naturally-occurring r5ruus ** cnttgvn. We.axamlnad the relat‘oaehip between life eztreem and im- m. IaeQOnel to e novel ent‘Seq-keyhole 1tiQet hemocymin (KLW. St?eee.vee m.resored by: I)Llfe Eveote Chockli,,t: eohjects (Se1 identify. Classify ee “Sood” or “bad”, end rete impact oo their lives of recent stressful events, and ZNlaeelas Scaler Se mote frequency and intensity of day-to-dey Bttett@I). Peychosocial factors ve=e atudiad ae pot6ntielnedietinD vorioblas. usinS 1) TIM Hate1 Weslth Inventory: e11‘eea.s psycholoSica1 well-bvlnS (subscales: Positive Mfsst. 5otionalT‘~el sad psycholopical dietrees IeubneJlso: Aox- iet9. k!QH!eeiOn. tiea of Ctmttol). sod 2)d 8OCid SuPPOrt mCIIB”te. Health h‘otory. health habits and demoS=oph‘c data "ere also sneminsd. So “ere 69 ;;::z feaeles, 18-26 yJJro, recruited frm a Sellore UoiVeroitY student pop-

. At vieit I‘. queotiommires were complstsd prior to KLII huniratian. Serum anti-KLII antibody titer and in-vitro lymphocyte QIOlifeCetiO#I (LPI were _- menouted at baseline and 3 and 6.vaabe after illunizat‘on. Only LP data vi11

LP was decreesed in Se uith high mores on thn stress mm~ures but riSnificant oolp for impect of “ed” etreeee. (r--.25+). 6s with 0 6rJJtsr rncant Chan8e la weight had milmificaotly leee LP et baseline (r--.35**). LP (r--.2Se);

At z*. Ss rcQoZti”J SrePter haeeles ‘oteority had decreased 27.52 of the varimc~ in LP “a” expleinrd by greater~frequency

of "sood" Jtrenn, leeeer frequeocy of “bad” Bttass, stronger -tolionel Ties end meller rseset vei@at ch.o~o. At 8e. higher scoree on the stress PC.8”Lm “me positively carreleted with FP rhaunh aiS,,ificsot only for ‘had” events frequency (r- .26*). I’kesc data underscorr tht %sprtance of usi,,~ mbject. own s”aluJtiono of etreesful e”.“te. “Cued” end “bad” stresses hove oP,Waite effects on paak (3 weak) Imao= =eoQo”ee followinS imonirntioo but oimilar effects at bamelioe (decreasnd LP) and S weeks (increased LIP). I*p$.or; **p<.0111

itik7wm/$3.50 63 Society for Adolenomt Medicine, 1989 Published by Envier Sci~ F’ublishing Co., Inc., 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY loLllo

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