conversation triggers that spark word of mouth

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Ed Keller CEO, Keller Fay Group

Emily Vanides VP Connections Research

& Analytics MediaVest

Conversation Triggers: Sparking Conversations with

Advertising & Media

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June 13, 2011

Word of Mouth is Powerful

“The rewards of pursuing excellence in word-of-mouth are huge, and it can deliver a significant competitive edge few other

marketing approaches can match”

“It’s the most disruptive factor in marketing”

“Marketing-induced consumer-to-consumer word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising”


McKinsey Quarterly, April, 2010

But What Sparks Conversation?

Many assume WOM is generated by great brand experiences – Highly satisfied customers become evangelists for brands.

However, marketing often sparks WOM, as well

– Half of conversations about brands refer to media/marketing.

To maximizing WOM, we need a clear sense of how marketing can most effectively “trigger” conversations.

– Which media, at what time of day, in what venues, and relating to what topics of conversation?


WOM is at the core of SMG’s approach to marketing communications


Simplifying human

understanding to deliver

meaningful brand experiences

Our framework for designing

experiences that matter

Ultimately, brands need to be a part of the conversation

We live in a networked world

The role of marketing is to be a spark in the communities where people live and play

We have to harness the power of people‟s shared purpose & voice – Weaving into the fabric that bonds people together


We must listen & understand the conversations and how we can trigger them

We looked to our partners at Keller Fay to provide new insights

5+ year partnership with SMG

Proven approach to WOM tracking and analysis – Inclusive of both online AND offline

International perspective

Successful and market-leading insights into the relationships between marketing and brand WOM – E.g. Super Bowl, Olympics, Cross-media studies, etc


Multiple Data Sources: TalkTrack®

TalkTrack® Methodology – TalkTrack® is a diary-based survey program that measures all forms of word of mouth (WOM) –

offline + online.

– Respondents keep a diary of conversations over a 24-hour period, and then take an online survey where they report on these conversations.

TalkTrack® US – A national syndicated program involving 36,000 consumers aged 13 to 69 annually.

– The majority of TalkTrack® US results presented in this analysis are derived from interviews collected during November 2009 to October 2010, and during this time a total of 36,622 respondents participated.

TalkTrack® Britain – Study was fielded online in May 2010.

– A total sample of 2,578 16 to 69 year olds participated in the first wave of this study.

TalkTrack® Australia – Study was fielded online in April – May 2010.

– A total sample of 2,829 16 to 69 year olds participated in this study.


Multiple Data Sources: IPA TouchPoints 3

Unique and original survey of 5,400 British adults aged 15+ – Information gathered through individual PDA diaries and self-completion


The findings presented here focus on the diary portion of TP3.

The diary records information on a half hourly basis on the following:

– Location of respondent

– Who they were with

– What they were doing (consuming media, communicating, etc.)

– What media they were consuming

– Their mood

Research was conducted during September 2009 through February 2010.


Regardless of Market (or Category), Offline Conversations Dominate


US = 7% Britain = 7% Australia = 7%

US = 91% Britain = 92% Australia = 91%

Source: TalkTrack®: US, July 2009 – June 2010; Australia, April 2010, Britain, May 2010

How Brand Conversations Take Place

Presentation to Cover

What triggers WOM, according to consumers

Role of media/marketing in WOM


What Triggers WOM, According to Consumers


Base: Conversations (All WOM, n=17,653)

Source: Keller Fay Group‟s TalkTrack® Australia, April – May 2010

“Which one of the following comes closest to describing what

prompted or “sparked” the conversation? “

(TalkTrack® Australia)

“Something else” generally relates to “neutral” or

factual talk about brand experiences or purchase plans.

Important Differences in WOM Triggers by Category


Base: Conversations (Beauty & Personal Care, n=634; Beverages, n=1,390; Technology, n=1,368; Financial, n=1,003)

Note: Percentages will not add to 100% because “something else” is not shown. These figures are 32%, 46%, 27%, and 42%, respectively.

Source: Keller Fay Group‟s TalkTrack® Australia, April – May 2010

What “Sparked” The Conversation Ranked by “All WOM” Results on Previous Slide

(TalkTrack® Australia)

“Good” Experiences Drive Three Times More WOM than “Bad”


Base: Conversations (All WOM, n=17,653)

Source: Keller Fay Group‟s TalkTrack® Australia, April – May 2010

What “Sparked” The Conversation – Sharing an Experience

(TalkTrack® Australia)

20% of all WOM is driven by “sharing an experience” – three-quarters of which is


Good-Bad Experience Ratio: Beauty & Personal Care – 7:1

Beverages – 5:1 Technology – 3:1

Financial Services – 1:1

• WOM about positive experiences is more likely to be shared with others than WOM about negative experiences.

Positive, Strong Emotions Trigger the Most WOM


Beauty & Personal Care Beverages

Topics Surfacing in Each Category Highly Likely Not Likely Highly Likely Not Likely

Superlative Brand Enthusiasm (Love, Excellent…) 10% 6% 11% 6%

General Brand Enthusiasm (Great, Good…) 15% 11% 11% 11%

General “Like” /Think Brand is OK 8% 7% 10% 11%

Brand Criticism (Terrible, Bad, Hate, Worst) 3% 5% 2% 5%

Brand Reputation (Positive) 6% 4% 2% 2%

Brand Works Well 14% 9% 17%* 11%*

Brand Does Not Work Well 3% 6% 3%* 3%*

Purchase Decision 10% 10% 15% 17%

“Need” The Brand 10% 7% 5% 5%

“Want” The Brand 1% 3% 5% 5%

Summary Table: WOM Topics Surfacing in Each Category by Pass-Along Likelihood

*For “Works Well” for beverages examined “tastes good” and brand hydrates, wakes me up, etc.

**For “Works Well” we examined “rate of return/earning interest” and positive feedback on customer service, since finance is a services oriented category. “Doesn‟t Work Well” is negative customer service.

***For “Cost” examined charges/fees/interest/rates positive and negative.

Note: Shading denotes statistical significance at the 90% confidence level.

Source: Keller Fay Group‟s TalkTrack®, October 2009 – September 2010

(TalkTrack® US)

Positive Emotions Also Key Trigger for Tech & Financial WOM


Technology Financial

Topics Surfacing in Each Category Highly Likely Not Likely Highly Likely Not Likely

Superlative Brand Enthusiasm (Love, Excellent…) 11% 5% 6% 3%

General Brand Enthusiasm (Great, Good…) 25% 18% 13% 7%

General “Like” /Think Brand is OK 5% 5% 2% 2%

Brand Criticism (Terrible, Bad, Hate, Worst) 7% 9% 14% 11%

Brand Reputation (Positive) 8% 3% 3% 1%

Brand Works Well 5% 2% 5%** 4%**

Brand Does Not Work Well 1% 3% 3%** 5%**

Purchase Decision 5% 6% N/A N/A

“Need” The Brand 2% 1% N/A N\/A

“Want” The Brand 6% 2% N/A N/A

Summary Table: WOM Topics Surfacing in Each Category by Pass-Along Likelihood

*For “Works Well” for beverages examined “tastes good” and brand hydrates, wakes me up, etc.

**For “Works Well” we examined “rate of return/earning interest” and positive feedback on customer service, since finance is a services oriented category. “Doesn‟t Work Well” is negative customer service.

***For “Cost” examined charges/fees/interest/rates positive and negative.

Note: Shading denotes statistical significance at the 90% confidence level.

Source: Keller Fay Group‟s TalkTrack®, October 2009 – September 2010

(TalkTrack® US)

Media Play a Big Role in Driving WOM


~ Half of consumer brand conversations

refer to marketing or media

…led by television (17%)

Internet (15%)

point of sale (9%)

newspapers (6%)

magazines (5%)

direct mail/email (5%)

Marketing and media are tools for encouraging WOM

(TalkTrack® US)

Source: Keller Fay Group‟s TalkTrack®, November 2009 – October 2010

Which Media that Trigger WOM? Plan by Category

All WOM Beauty & Personal

Care Beverages Technology

Financial Services

Brand Mentions Involving One or More References*

52% 59% 44% 55% 41%

Television 17% 15% 12% 13% 8%

Internet 15% 13% 8% 26% 19%

Point Of Sale 9% 14% 15% 12% 4%

Promotion 8% 18% 12% 6% 3%

Newspaper 6% 6% 5% 6% 5%

Direct Mail/E-Marketing 5% 5% 3% 5% 10%

Magazine 5% 9% 4% 6% 3%

Any Other Ad 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

Radio 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

Billboard 2% 2% 2% 2% 1%


Base: Brand Mentions (All WOM, n=170,380; Beauty, n=7,361; Technology, n=13,523; Beverages, n=17,822; Financial Services, n=8,324)

*Up to two media/marketing references can be selected so figures will not add to this total row.

Source: Keller Fay Group‟s TalkTrack®, November 2009 – October 2010

Media and Marketing References (% of WOM conversations citing media or marketing; top 3 references highlighted)

Magazines are disproportionately

referenced in beauty WOM.

(TalkTrack® US)

Introducing the Media Sociability Index™

Which media give advertisers the best access to consumers while they are in a conversational mode?

– Based on proximity of media use and conversation.

– TouchPoints3 (UK) is data source.

The Media Sociability Index™ reveals “highly sociable media.” – This is an index which compares „those consuming media and

communicating‟ with the average percentage of people communicating at any given half-hour interval over the course of the day.


Conversations Happen More Often at Times When Media are Being Consumed


Media Sociability Index*** = 141

• The baseline Media Sociability Index for conversations is 141 (based on 45% divided by 32%).

% of Total Adults Having


During Each Half Hour

(Average Day*)

% of People Consuming Media

Who Are Simultaneously**

Conversing with Others Offline or

Online (Average Day)

All Forms of Conversation (Offline or Online)

(IPA TouchPoints 3)

*An average of the average percentage of offline./online or offline conversations during each half hour was taken to arrive at this figure.

**Same half hour

***Media Sociability Index compares „those consuming media & communicating‟ with the average percentage of people communicating during the day.

Source: IPA TouchPoints3

Internet & Radio are Highly Sociable, Coinciding Most with Conversations


*Same half hour

**Media Sociability Index compares the above results to the average percentage of people communicating overall (32%) or just offline (30%) over the

course of the day.

Source: IPA TouchPoints3

163 153 141 103 100

Boxed figures

represent Keller Fay‟s

Media Sociability

Index** metric

(IPA TouchPoints 3)

Large Variances in Times of Day People Socialize While Using Media


*Same half hour

**Midnight to 4AM excluded for print media due to low base sizes during these hours.

Source: IPA TouchPoints3

(IPA TouchPoints 3)

Workplace use drives the sociability of Internet use during

the morning hours.

Media Consumption at Work & School Enjoy Highest Sociability


*Same half hour

**Media Sociability Index compares the above results to the average percentage of people communicating overall (32%) across each day part.

Source: IPA TouchPoints3

141 225 219 131 128

Boxed figures


Keller Fay‟s



Index** metric

The Percentage of People Consuming Media Who are Simultaneously* Conversing with Others Offline or Online – By Location (During Average Day – Monday through Sunday)

(IPA TouchPoints 3)

Digital Channels Related to Kids & Music Earn Highest Sociability Scores


Type of Digital Channel Watched % Communicating

with Others Media Sociability Index**

Children’s 73% 228

Music 54% 169

Home/DIY/Gardening 49% 153

Sport 48% 150

Reality 47% 147

News/Current Affairs 47% 147

Entertainment 46% 144

Shopping 44% 138

Game Show 41% 128

Movie 41% 128

Nature 39% 122

*Same half hour

**Media Sociability Index compares the above results to the average percentage of people communicating overall (32%) across each day part.

Source: IPA TouchPoints3

The Percentage of People Watching Digital TV Channels Who are Simultaneously* Conversing with Others Offline or Online

(During Average Day – Monday through Sunday)

(IPA TouchPoints 3)

Conclusions: Opportunities to Trigger WOM


Marketing and media play important roles in triggering WOM: – Consumers tell us media “triggers” WOM 20% of the time.

– Consumers report both conversing and consuming media during the same day parts.

– Consumers report nearly half their conversations contain a reference to content they found in marketing.

Conversations often happen close to the times when media are being consumed, providing marketers access to conversations.

– Early morning and early evening are especially good times to reach people who are consuming media and socializing.

Conclusions: Opportunities to Trigger WOM


TV & Internet are referenced in the largest volume of conversations, while point of sale & promotions play a key role in CPG WOM.

The Internet is possibly the most “sociable” of media, especially at work.

– Radio surprisingly effective at reaching people in social context.

– Television, especially programming/channels related to children, DIY, or sports, is effective in triggering conversations at home.

Positive experiences trigger more WOM than negative. – WOM containing stronger emotions tends to be the most viral.

– Positive talk related to product efficacy, such as “works well,” is also more likely to be shared with others.

Thank you!

Ed Keller,

Emily Vanides

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