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Page 11 Fall/Winter 2011

Consciousness ResearchConscious Realism and the Mind-Bodv Problem

"by Donald D. Hoffman, Ph.D.

Editor's Note: This is part 1of a 2-part paper writtenby Donald D. Hoffman, Ph.D., Department of Cogni-tive Science, University of California at Irvine, USA

Reprint: Mind & MatterVol. 6(1), pp. 87-121© 2008 Imprint Academic

AbstractDespite substantial efforts by many researchers,

we still have no scientific theory of how brain activ-ity can create, or be, conscious experience. This istroubling since we have a large body of correlationsbetween brain activity and consciousness, correlationsnormally assumed to entail that brain activity createsconscious experience. Here I explore a solution tothe mind-body problem that starts with the converseassumption: these correlations arise because con-sciousness creates brain activity, and indeed createsall objects and properties of the physical world. Tothis end, I develop two theses. The multimodal userinterface theory of perception states that perceptualexperiences do not match or approximate propertiesof the objective world, but instead provide a simplified,species-specific, user interface to that world. Con-scious realism states that the objective world consistsof conscious agents and their experiences; these canbe mathematically modeled and empirically exploredin the normal scientific manner.1. IntroductionWhat is the relationship between consciousness

and biology? This question, a version of the classicmind-body problem, has in some form troubled phi-losophers at least since the time of Plato, and nowtroubles scientists. Indeed, a list of the top 125 openquestions in Science puts the mind-body problem atnumber two, just behind the question (Miller 2005):What is the universe made of? The mind-body prob-lem, as Science formulates it, is the question: Whatis the biological basis of consciousness?One reason for this formulation is the large body of

empirical correlations between consciousness andbrain activity. For instance, damage to cortical areaV1 is correlated with the loss of conscious visualperception (Celesia et al. 1991). If V1 is intact butcertain extrastriate cortical regions are damaged,there is again a loss of conscious visual perception(Horton and Hoyt 1991). Damage to the lingual andfusiform gyri are correlated with achromatopsia, a lossof color sensation (Collins 1925, Critchley 1965), andmagnetic stimulation of these areas is correlated withchromatophenes, conscious experiences of unusualcolors (Sacks 1995, p.28; Zeki 1993, p.279). Damageto area V5 is correlated with akinetopsia, a loss ofmotion sensation (Zihl et al. 1983, 1991; Rizzo et al.1995); magnetic inhibition ofV5 is also correlated withakinetopsia (Zeki et al. 1991). In many tasks in whichsubjects view a display inducing binocular rivalry, sothat they consciously perceive the stimulus presentedto one eye and then periodically switch to consciouslyperceive the stimulus presented to the other eye, thereare changes in cortical activity precisely correlatedwith changes in conscious perception (Alais andBlake 2004), changes that can be measured with fMRI(Lumer et al. 1998, Tong et al. 1998), EEG (Brown andNorcia 1997), MEG (Tononi et al. 1998), and singleunit recording (Leopold and Logothetis 1996). Suchcorrelated activity can be found in ventral extrastriate,parietal, and prefrontal cortices (Rees et al. 2002).Such correlations, and many more not mentioned

here, persuade most researchers that brain activitycauses, or is somehow the basis for, consciousness.As Edelman (2004, p.5) puts it: "There is now a vastamount of empirical evidence to support the idea thatconsciousness emerges from the organization andoperation of the brain." Similarly, Koch (2004, pp.1-2) argues:

The fundamental question at the heart of the mind-body problem is, what is the relation between theconscious mind and the electrochemical interactionsin the body that give rise to it? How do [consciousexperiences] emerge from networks of neurons?

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Consensus on this point shapes the current scientificstatement of the mind-body problem. It is not the neu-tral statement that opened this section, viz.: What isthe relationship between consciousness and biology?Instead, as Science makes clear, it is a statement thatindicates the expected nature of the solution: Whatis the biological basis of consciousness? Given thisconsensus, one would expect that there are promisingtheories about the biological basis of consciousness,and that research is proceeding to cull and refine them.Indeed such theories are numerous, both philosophi-cal and scientific, and the volume of empirical work,briefly highlighted above, is large and growing.For instance, following the demise of behaviorism

in the 1950s, there have been many philosophicaltheories. Type physicalist theories assert that mentalstate types are numerically identical to certain neuralstate types (Place 1956, Smart 1959); token physical-ist theories assert instead that each mental state tokenis numerically identical to some neural state token(Fodor 1974). Reductive functionalist theories assertthat the type identity conditions for mental states referonly to relations, typically causal relations, betweeninputs, outputs, and each other (Block and Fodor1972). Non-reductive functionalist theories makethe weaker claim that functional relations betweeninputs, outputs, and internal system states give riseto mental states but are not identical with such states(Chalmers 1996). Representationalist theories (e.g.,Tye 1996, 2000) identify conscious experiences withcertain tracking relationships, i.e., with certain causalcovariations, between brain states and states of thephysical world. The "biological naturalism" theory ofSearle (1992, 2004) claims that consciousness canbe causally reduced to neural processes, but cannotbe eliminated and replaced by neural processes.This brief overview does not, of course, begin to

explore these theories, and it omits important posi-tions, such as the emergentism of Broad (1925),the anomalous monism of Davidson (1970), andthe supervenience theory of Kim (1993). However itis adequate to make one obvious point. The philo-sophical theories of the mind-body problem are, asthey advertise, philosophical and not scientific. Theyexplore the conceptual possibilities where one mighteventually formulate a scientific theory, but they do not

themselves formulate scientific theories. The tokenidentity theories, for instance, do not state preciselywhich neural state tokens are identical to which mentalstate tokens. The non-reductive functionalist theoriesdo not state precisely which functional relations giverise, say, to the smell of garlic versus the smell of arose, and do not give principled reasons why, reasonsthat lead to novel, quantitative predictions. Thesecomments are not, of course, intended as criticismsof these theories, but simply as observations abouttheir intended scope and limits.It is from the scientists that we expect theories that

go beyond statements of conceptual possibilities,theories that predict, from first principles and withquantitative precision, which neural activities or whichfunctional relations cause which conscious experi-ences. Scientists have produced several theories ofconsciousness.For instance, Crick and Koch (1990, ct. Crick 1994)

proposed that certain 35-75 Hz neural oscillations incerebral cortex are the biological basis of conscious-ness. Subsequently Crick and Koch (2005) proposedthat the claustrum may be responsible for the unifiednature of conscious experience. Edelman and Tononi(2000, p.144; ct. Tononi and Sporns 2003) proposedthat "a group of neurons can contribute directly toconscious experience only if it is part of a distributedfunctional cluster that, through reentrant interactions inthe thalamocortical system, achieves high integrationin hundreds of milliseconds." Baars (1988) proposedthat consciousness arises from the contents of a globalworkspace, a sort of blackboard by which various un-conscious processors communicate information to therest of the system. Hameroff and Penrose (1996, ct.Penrose 1994) proposed that quantum coherence andquantum-gravity-induced collapses of wave functionsare essential for consciousness. Stapp (1993, 1996)proposed that the brain evolves a superposition of ac-tion templates, and the collapse of this superpositiongives rise to conscious experience.Again, this brief overview does not begin to explore

these theories and, for brevity, omits some. But thepattern that emerges is clear. The theories so farproposed by scientists are, at best, hints about whereto look for a genuine scientific theory. None of themremotely approaches the minimal explanatory power,

continued on page 16

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_-.- ,:, _ "jUS Realism and the Mind-Body Problem, continued from page 20

There are several arguments for the absurdity of thiscairn. First, that chair cannot exist only when I look at: fo~ [ can look away and still touch it. So it still exists,:)~. I can look away and you can look at it, and confirmto me that it is still there. So again, it still exists.

But this argument is easily refuted by the virtual-tennis counterexample. Bob can claim that the tennisball he and Tom are hitting exists even when he doesnot look at it. After all, he can look away and still touchthe tennis ball. Or, he can look away and Tom can lookat it. So, Bob can claim, the tennis ball still exists evenwhen he does not look at it. But Bob's claim is patentlyfalse.

A second argument: If you think that this train thun-dering down the tracks is just an icon of your userinterface, and does not exist when you do not perceiveit, then why don't you step in front of it ? You will soonfind out that it is more than an icon. And I will see, afteryou are gone, that it still exists.

This argument confuses taking something literallyand taking it seriously. If your MUI functions properly,you should take its icons seriously, but not literally.The point of the icons is to inform your behavior in yourniche. Creatures that do not take their well-adaptedicons seriously have a pathetic habit of going extinct.The train icon usefully informs your behaviors, includ-ing such laudable behaviors as staying off of train-trackicons. The MUI theorist is careful about stepping beforetrains for the same reason that computer users are care-ful about dragging file icons to the recycle bin.

A third argument: Look, if that wall is just an icon Iconstruct, why can't I walk through it? Shouldn't it dowhat I want?

Not at all. You construct the subjective Necker cubethat you see in Figure 1. But it doesn't do everythingyou want. For instance, sometimes you see a cube withcorner A in front and sometimes a different cube withcorner B in front. But try to make yourself switch, at willand instantly, between the two cubes and you will findthat your cube constructions are stubborn (for a modelof this, see Atmanspacher et al. 2004). Or try to seethe edges of the cube as wiggly rather than straight.No chance. The fact that we construct our icons doesnot entail that they do whatever we wish. We are trig-gered to construct icons by our interactions with theobjective world (whatever its nature might be) and,

once so triggered, we construct our icons accordingto certain probabilistic rules (see, e.g., Hoffman 1998).The objective world and our rules for icon constructionmake the icons stubborn. Still, these icons exist onlyin our conscious perceptions.

Figure 1: The subjective Necker cube (reproduced fromBradley and Petry 1977).

A fourth argument: Of course tables, chairs, and themoon are just our icons and exist only in our consciousexperiences. But what's new? Physicists have long toldus that the apparent solidity of a table is an illusion; itis mostly empty space with quarks and leptons dartingabout. Our perception of a table's surface approximatesthe envelope of this activity, and in this sense HFD iscorrect: There are no objective tables, just objectiveparticles.

The mistake here is analogous to a computer userwho admits that file icons on the display are just con-ventional symbols, not the actual files, but then putsa magnifying glass over an icon, sees its pixels, andconcludes that these pixels are the actual file. File iconsare indeed composed of pixels, but these pixels arepart of the interface, not elements of the file. Similarly,tables are indeed composed of quarks and leptons, butquarks and leptons are part of the MUI, not elementsof the objective world. The MUI may be hierarchicallyorganized, but different levels of this hierarchy are partof the MUI, not of the objective world.

Placing subatomic particles in the MUI rather than inthe objective world is compatible with quantum theory.Indeed, the Copenhagen interpretation of quantumtheory asserts that the dynamical properties of suchparticles have real values only in the act of observation

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(see, e.g., Albert 1992, Wheeler and Zurek 1983, Zurek1989). That is, they are part of the observer's MUI.Quantum physics does not contradict MUI theory.

A fifth argument: Ideas similar to MUI theory arefound in various forms of idealism. But, as Searle (2004,pA8) says,

[I]dealism had a prodigious influence in philosophy,literally for centuries, but as far as I can tell it hasbeen as dead as a doornail among nearly all thephilosophers whose opinions I respect, for manydecades, so I will not say much about it.

This is a simple misunderstanding. MUI theory isnot idealism. It does not claim that all that exists areconscious perceptions. It claims that our consciousperceptions need not resemble the objective world,whatever its nature is.

A sixth objection runs as follows: MUI theory im-plausibly claims that everything we see is not real, butcreated by an interface between us and the world.

This objection highlights an ambiguity of the word"real." To say that something is real can mean eitherthat it exists, or that it exists independent of any ob-servers. A headache is real in the first sense, but notin the second: If I have a headache, then I am inclinedto say that the headache is real and to feel cross withanyone who says otherwise; however, I would notclaim that the headache exists independent of me, orthat anyone else could experience my headache, orthat I could experience the headache of anyone else.Each of us has our own private headaches, and eachsuch headache is real, but entirely dependent for itsexistence on the observer who has it. I typically havelittle idea what causes a headache, and therefore littlereason to assert that my headache resembles theseunknown causes; indeed, it almost surely does not. Butthe headache is not thereby a mystical veil between meand its unknown causes; instead, it is a simple guide touseful behavior, such as taking an aspirin, and sparesme the further headache of ascertaining the complexcauses of its genesis.

MUI theory does not claim that everything we seeis unreal, but says instead that all sensory perceptionsare real in the sense that headaches are real: Theyexist and are observer-dependent. They exist so longas they are experienced.

This sixth objection also highlights a similar ambiguity

of the word "world": This word can refer to 8 ss:-~:.-:world or to an observer-independent world. '.i\lher ·,'isspeak ofthe visual world, we use world in the first sense.The visual world is observer-dependent; it disappears,for instance, when we close our eyes. Similarly, ourauditory worlds are silenced if we plug our ears, andour olfactory worlds cease if we pinch the nose. Theword "world" can also refer to entities hypothesized tobe objective, i.e., to exist independent of any observa-tion. HFD asserts that our sensory worlds resembleor approximate an objective world. MUI theory rejectsthis assertion.

MUI theory does not claim that our sensory percep-tions are created by an interface between us and theworld, as in the old sense-datum theories. Instead, MUItheory simply acknowledges that our sensory worlds ofspace and time, objects, motions, colors, sounds, touch-es, tastes, smells, and pains are observer-dependentand are not likely, on evolutionary grounds, to resemblethe objective world, whatever form that world mighthave. This point is simple, but can be counterintuitivesince we habitually assume, from early childhood, thatthe objective world resembles our sensory worlds.

A seventh objection is that MUI theory is logicallyfaulty, because it is simply not true that real user inter-faces do not imitate the physical world; on the contrary,they do their best to reproduce a physical-like world.

This objection is correct in noting that the user inter-face on a typical computer employs icons that imitateshapes and colors familiar from everyday sensoryperception. However, these icons do not imitate thediodes, resistors, voltages, and magnetic fields insidethe computer that they represent. The icons purposelyhide all this complexity, so that computer users can geton with their work.

The idea that our sensory perceptions in everydaylife are useful precisely because they do not resemblewhat they represent is, for most people, counterintuitive.Fortunately, the recent introduction and widespreadpopularity of user interfaces on personal computersgives a ready-to-hand metaphor that most can grasp:the typical computer user understands that icons of theinterface are useful precisely because they simplify, andin no way resemble, the complex world of hardware andsoftware they represent.

An eighth objection focuses on the notion of resem-

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: :0 -:~ as "::llows: MUI theory recognizes that a virtual'S: ::0 :f ~:--ieworld must share some causality with itstarget (a virtual tennis ball must behave causally like thereal one, more or less). However MUI theory does notsee that this is a kind of isomorphism between the worldand the user interface. It seems to consider only pictorialisomorphisms as relevant. This is not the case.

This objection is correct in noting that a tennis ballin a realistic virtual-reality game behaves much like anormal tennis ball. But the point of the virtual-realityexample is not the relation between virtual tennis ballsand normal tennis balls, but rather the relation betweenvirtual tennis balls and supercomputers. The point is thatthe virtual tennis ball in no way resembles, pictoriallyor otherwise, the structural or causal properties of thesupercomputer that is running the virtual tennis game.Then, by analogy, the reader is invited to envision thepossibility that a normal tennis ball might in no way re-semble, pictorially or otherwise, the structural or causalproperties of whatever observer-independent entities itrepresents.

So the analogy offered here is as follows: Virtualtennis ball is to supercomputer as normal tennis ball isto the observer-independent world. The supercomputeris vastly more complex, structurally and causally, thana virtual tennis ball; the observer-independent world is,in all likelihood, vastly more complex, structurally andcausally, than a normal tennis ball. In mathematicalterms, the functions relating the supercomputer to thevirtual tennis ball, or the observer-independent worldto the normal tennis ball, are not isomorphisms or bi-jections, but are instead many-to-one maps that losemuch information.

A ninth objection questions the entire metaphor ofvirtual reality: The whole issue of virtual reality is de-pendent on the creation of real stimuli (for instance, ahead-mounted display projects real lights and real col-ors to the subject's head). There is no evidence aboutthe possibility of creating a super virtual-reality world(like that in the Matrix movie). There is no empiricalground on which an argument can be built.

The evidence that our sensory worlds might bevirtual worlds that in no way resemble an observer-independent world comes from quantum physics. Thereare many interpretations of quantum theory, and thisis no place to enumerate them. Suffice it to say that

proponents of the standard interpretation (the Copen-hagen interpretation) often respond to the empiricalevidence for quantum entanglement and violation ofBell's inequalities by rejecting local realism, and inparticular by claiming that definite physical propertiesof a system do not exist prior to being observed; whatdoes exist in observer-independent reality is, on theirview, unknown. Which definite physical properties areinstantiated at any instant depends entirely on howand what we choose to observe, i.e., on the particularobservables we choose. If we choose to observe mo-mentum, we get a value of momentum. But this valuedid not exist before we observed, and ceases to existif we next choose to measure, say, position.

Thus, the possibility that our sensory worlds mightbe virtual worlds, akin to a user interface, comports wellwith the empirical evidence of quantum physics andis endorsed by some physicists. This is not to say, ofcourse, that quantum theory requires this interpretation.Proponents of decoherence approaches, for instance,reject this interpretation. And most proponents of theCopenhagen interpretation embrace it only for the mi-croscopic realm, not the macroscopic, but this saddlesthem with the unsolved problem of providing a principleddistinction between microscopic and macroscopic.

6. Conscious RealismMUI theory, we have seen, makes no claim about the

nature of the objective world. In this section, I proposea theory that does: conscious realism. One could ac-cept MUI theory and reject conscious realism. But theyfit well, and together provide a novel solution to themind-body problem. Conscious realism is a proposedanswer to the question of what the universe is madeof. Conscious realism asserts that the objective world,i.e., the world whose existence does not depend on theperceptions of a particular observer, consists entirelyof conscious agents.

Conscious realism is a non-physicalist monism:What exists in the objective world, independent of myperceptions, is a world of conscious agents, not a worldof unconscious particles and fields. Those particles andfields are icons in the MUls of conscious agents, but arenot themselves fundamental denizens of the objectiveworld. Consciousness is fundamental. It is not a late-comer in the evolutionary history ofthe universe, arisingfrom complex interactions of unconscious matter and

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fields. Consciousness is first; matter and fields dependon it for their very existence. So the terms "matter" and"consciousness" function differently for the consciousrealist than they do for the physicalist. For the physical-ist, matter and other physical properties are ontologi-cally fundamental; consciousness is derivative, arisingfrom or identified with complex interactions of matter.For the conscious realist, consciousness is ontologi-cally fundamental; matter is derivative and among thesymbols constructed by conscious agents.

According to conscious realism, when I see a table,I interact with a system, or systems, of consciousagents, and represent that interaction in my consciousexperience as a table icon. Admittedly, the table givesme little insight into those conscious agents and theirdynamics. The table is a dumbed-down icon, adaptedto my needs as a member of a species in a particularniche, but not necessarily adapted to give me insightinto the true nature of the objective world that triggersmy construction of the table icon. When, however, Isee you, I again interact with a conscious agent, or asystem of conscious agents. And here my icons givedeeper insight into the objective world: they conveythat I am, in fact, interacting with a conscious agent,namely you.

Conscious realism is not panpsychism; nor doesit entail panpsychism. Panpsychism claims that allobjects, from tables and chairs to the sun and moon,are themselves conscious (Hartshorne 1937/1968,Whitehead 1929/1979), or that many objects, such astrees and atoms, but perhaps not tables and chairs, areconscious (Griffin 1998). Conscious realism, togetherwith MUI theory, claims that tables and chairs are iconsin the MUls of conscious agents, and thus that theyare conscious experiences of those agents. It does notclaim, nor entail, that tables and chairs are consciousor conscious agents. By comparison, to claim, in thevirtual-tennis example, that a supercomputer is theobjective reality behind a tennis-ball icon is not to claimthat the tennis-ball icon is itself a supercomputer. Theformer claim is, for purposes of the example, true, butthe latter is clearly false.

Conscious realism is not the transcendental idealismof Kant (1781/2003). Exegesis of Kant is notoriouslydifficult and controversial. The standard interpretationhas him claiming, as Strawson (1966, p.38) puts it,

that "reality is supersensible and that we can have noknowledge of it." We cannot know or describe objects asthey are in themselves, the noumenal objects; we canonly know objects as they appear to us, the phenomenalobjects (see also Prichard 1909). This interpretation ofKant precludes any science of the noumenal, for if wecannot describe the noumenal then we cannot buildscientific theories of it. Conscious realism, by contrast,offers a scientific theory of the noumenal, viz., a math-ematical formulation of conscious agents and theirdynamical interactions. This difference between Kantand conscious realism is, for the scientist, fundamen-tal. It is the difference between doing science and notdoing science. This fundamental difference also holdsfor other interpretations of Kant, such as that of Allison(1983).

Many interpretations of Kant have him claiming thatthe sun and planets, tables and chairs, are not mind-independent, but depend for their existence on ourperception. With this claim of Kant, conscious realismand MUI theory agree. Of course, many current theoristsdisagree. For instance, Stroud (2000, p.196), discuss-ing Kant, says:

It is not easy to accept, or even to understand,this philosophical theory. Accepting it presumablymeans believing that the sun and the planets andthe mountains on earth and everything else thathas been here so much longer than we have arenonetheless in some way or other dependent onthe possibility of human thought and experience.What we thought was an independent world wouldturn out on this view not to be fully independentafter all. It is difficult, to say the least, to understanda way in which that could be true.

But it is straightforward to understand a way in whichthat could be true. There is indeed something thathas been here so much longer than we have, but thatsomething is not the sun and the planets and the moun-tains on earth. It is dynamical systems of interactingconscious agents. The sun and planets and mountainsare simply icons of our MUI that we are triggered to con-struct when we interact with these dynamical systems.The sun you see is a momentary icon, constructed onthe fly each time you experience it. Your sun icon doesnot match or approximate the objective reality that trig-gers you to construct a sun icon. It is a species-specific

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adaptation, a quick and dirty guide, not an insight into:16 objective nature of the world.

One reader commented that conscious realism andMUI theory entail not just that the objects of our expe-rience are created by subjects, but also that particlesand all the rest are so created. Eventually the theorywill claim that natural selection and time are a creationof the user interface. It is more noumenic than Kant.

This comment is correct, pace Kant. Space, time,particles, and therefore natural selection are all withinthe user interface. But this claim comports well withrecent attempts in physics to construct a theory of ev-erything - including space, time, and particles - frommore fundamental constituents, such as quantum in-formation and quantum computing (e.g., Lloyd 2006),loop quantum gravity (Smolin 2006), and others (e.g.,Callender and Huggett 2001). Space-time, classicallyconceived as a smooth manifold, appears untenable atthe Planck scale. Instead, there appear to be "pixels"of space and time. The intuition that space-time is afundamental constituent of an observer-independentreality seems destined to be overturned by theories ofquantum gravity.

The ontology of conscious realism proposed hererests crucially on the notion of conscious agents. Thisnotion can be made mathematically precise and yieldsexperimental predictions (Bennett et al. 1989, 1991;Bennett et al. 1993a,b; Bennett et al. 1996). Spaceprecludes presenting the mathematics here, but a fewimplications of the definition of conscious agent shouldbe made explicit. First, a conscious agent is not neces-sarily a person. All persons are conscious agents, orheterarchies of conscious agents, but not all consciousagents are persons. Second, the experiences of a givenconscious agent might be utterly alien to us; they mayconstitute a modality of experience no human hasimagined, much less experienced. Third, the dynamicsof conscious agents do not, in general, take place inordinary four-dimensional space-time. They take placein state spaces of conscious observers, and for thesestate spaces the notion of dimension might not even bewell-defined. Certain conscious agents might employ afour-dimensional space-time as part of their MUI, but,again, this is not necessary.

From these comments, it should be clear that thedefinition of a conscious agent is quite broad in scope.

Indeed, it plays the same role for the field of conscious-ness that the notion of a Turing machine plays for thefield of computation (Bennett et al. 1989).

7. The Mind-Body ProblemWe now use MUI theory and conscious realism to

sketch a solution to the mind-body problem. Exactlywhat that problem is depends, of course, on one's as-sumptions. If one adopts physicalism, then the centralscientific problem is to describe precisely how con-scious experience arises from, or is identical to, certaintypes of physical systems.

As we discussed before, there are no scientific theo-ries of the physicalist mind-body problem. If one adoptsconscious realism, then the central mind-body problemis to describe precisely how conscious agents constructphysical objects and their properties.

Here there is good news; We have substantialprogress on the mind-body problem under consciousrealism, and there are real scientific theories. We nowhave mathematically precise theories about how onetype of conscious agent, namely human observers,might construct the visual shapes, colors, textures, andmotions of objects (see, e.g., Hoffman 1998; Knill andRichards 1996, Palmer 1999).

One example is Ullman's (1979) theory of the con-struction of three-dimensional objects from image mo-tion. This theory is mathematically precise and allowsone to build computer-vision systems that simulate theconstruction of such objects. There are many othermathematically precise theories and algorithms forhow human observers could, in principle, constructthree-dimensional objects from various types of imagemotions (e.g., Faugeras and Maybank 1990, Hoffmanand Bennett 1986, Hoffman and Flinchbaugh 1982,Huang and Lee, 1989, Koenderink and van Doorn 1991,Longuet-Higgins and Prazdny 1980). We also have pre-cise theories for constructing three-dimensional objectsfrom stereo (Geiger et al. 1995, Grimson 1981, Marrand Poggio 1979), shading (Horn and Brooks 1989),and texture (Aloimonos and Swain 1988, Witkin 1981).Researchers debate the empirical adequacy of eachsuch theory as a model of human perception, but thisis just normal science.

Donald D. Hoffman has been a professor at UC Ir-vine since 1983 and holds appointments in the Depart-

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ments of Cognitive Science, Computer Science, andPhilosophy He is author of the book Visual Intelligence:How We Create What We See (W W Norton, 2000),and coauthor of the book Automotive Lighting and Hu-man Vision (Springer, 2007). His research on cognitiveneuroscience and human visual perception receiveda Distinguished Scientific Award from the AmericanPsychological Association and the Troland ResearchAward of the US. National Academy of Sciences.

Part 2 of this article will appear in the Spring/Summer2011 issue of Aperture. ';}:1

Remote Viewing Mind Puzzle(ANSWERS)

Down1. Stargate2. Matrix4. Aperture8. Coordinate9. HemiSync11.Jung12. SRI13. AOL14. Targ17. Dowsing

Across3. Ideogram5. CRV6. Sensory7. Pat Price10. Fort Meade12. Signal Line15. Swann16. Bilocation18. Outbounder19. Sketch

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