complete journal - draft 2.3

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Complete Journal - Draft 2.3


  • 8/9/2019 Complete Journal - Draft 2.3



  • 8/9/2019 Complete Journal - Draft 2.3


  • 8/9/2019 Complete Journal - Draft 2.3


    Copyright 2010 Sheldon SalzbergPublished by Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel

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    Rabbi Alfred Cohen

    Congregation Officers

    Leonard Mann President

    Gerald From Vice President

    Morris Meisner Financial Secretary

    Ari Markowitz Recording Secretary

    Marilyn May Corresponding Secretary

    Menachem Ickovitz Gabai

    Mordechai Kushner Gabai

    Ira Schwartz Past President

    Board of Trustees

    Stuart Cohnen Robert Goldfarb

    Willie Goldstein Seymour Kerner

    Noreen Mann Sheldon Salzberg

    Sisterhood Board

    Kathy Perles Communications & Treasurer

    Chana Cattan Marilyn May

    Reva Epstein Roz Kerner

    Noreen Mann


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    Rabbis Message

    The Jewish community in America in the twenty-first centuryis blessed with a veritable proliferation of printed and educationalmaterial on religious matters. There are Torah tapes, Daf Yomitapes, Talmud in Englishall are available for our study. And truthbe told, if the only purpose of Torah study is to transmitinformation, these modern communication methods are quiteadequate. One might therefore askwhy do I need to attend ashiur? For what reason do I need to seek out a teacherwhat is hegoing to add that the Artscroll editors did not alreadyinclude?

    The truth is, if the only function of a teacher is todisseminate knowledge, we could undoubtedly garner the sameinformation from a book, or a video, or a tape/CD.

    However, a real teacher is much much more than just adisseminator of information. When a person attends a shiur, he isamassing a great deal more than just knowledge. Coming to ashiur offers an opportunity for an interchange of ideas. It allowsone to seesometimes in surprisehow others approach the sameissue that we thought was so simple. But there is more than that:attending a shiur allows one to see the Rebbe in action, to see howthe Rebbe treats each person with dignity, listens with patience andinterest to the questions raised, considers the pros and cons of the

    text in light of considerations raised by others. It allows one towitness that a rebbe is able to say I was wrong or Thats awonderful insight, better even than the one I myself taught.

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    In short, attending a shiur offers us experiences that are not

    possible when merely reading a book. We learn not just from thebook or sefer under discussion, but from the very personality andbehavior of the teacher. This is a form of enrichment which isintangible, and yet possibly the most valuable aspect of learningTorah with a group.

    The following is reported in the name of Rav YecheskelSarna, who was Rosh Yeshivah of Chevron in Eretz Yisrael: The

    Torah states, !"#$%&'##(), you shall teach [the Torah] to yourchildren, and the Rabbis explain that children means students.So why does the Torah use the word children when it meansstudents? To indicate that a rebbe who is not like a father is not arebbe, and a talmid who is not like a son is not a talmid.

    We are most fortunate in Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel to havemany people anxious to learn Torah, and the shul offers anabundance of classes for men, women, children, people at all levelsof proficiency. I personally find it a great privilege to join with my

    colleagues in this marvelous endeavor. I have great admiration fortheir dedication, their warmth towards all who come to learn, theirlove for Torah and their talmidim and talmidos, and for theerudition they bring to this holy task. May G-d reward their effortswith success and bless them to be able to continue their wonderfulwork for many years to come.

    Rabbi Alfred Cohen

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    Presidents Message

    It is my privilege to welcome you to the ThirtiethAnnual Journal Dinner. We have had a verysuccessful fund raising campaign thanks to all of ourmembers and mispalilim. A special thank-you to ourChairmen, Sheldon Salzberg and Gerald From, and toour Treasurer, Moish Meisner. Also, a special thankyou to all who participate in our Shuls activities and tothose who work to maintain and enhance our Shul.

    Every morning, prior to Birchos Hashchar,wesay an excerpt from Masseches Shabbos which detailsseveral mitzvos. The mitzvos the Gemara lists are:honoring our parents; attending Shul punctuallymorning and evening; welcoming guests into ourhome; providing for a bride; burying the dead;concentrating while davening; bringing peace between

    people. The final statement of this Gemara is: !!"#$%!&'(%!)*$+!&$,#+!

    -and the study of Torah is equivalent to all of them.

    The Magidei Shiur in our Shul have helped all ofus to live by this Gemara. Each of them hasgenerously extended themselves to teach shiurimon

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    all aspects of Torah. Thanks to their efforts, wehave shiurimin Chumash, Ramban, Navi, Talmud,Halacha, and Philosophy, This barely scratches thedepth of our shiurim.These shiurimhave helped allof us to apply the lessons of our eternal heritage toour daily lives.

    Tonight, we are recognizing the contributionsof our Magidei Shiur. We thank them and urgethem to continue imparting to us their knowledge.

    We are also recognizing a true giant amongus. Stuey Perles has served our Shul as Gabbai forwhat seems forever. He has always fostered anatmosphere of Kedusha and made our daveningfunction smoothly. Besides that, he has workedquietly to maintain our Shuls physical plant. All of

    this has been accomplished with a willing heart andgood humor.

    I hope you all enjoy the evening.

    Dr. Leonard Mann, President

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    Thanks for all your hard work!

    JOURNALSheldon Salzberg, Chair

    Yehuda ItzkowitzChani MaxHillel Max

    Kathy PerlesShaya Rotbard

    Moishe Meisner!

    DINNERGerald From, Chair

    Ben Brawer

    Chana CattanYossi Cattan

    Paula FromRob Goldfarb

    James Katz

    Noreen MannMarilyn May

    Debbie Ohana

    Shimon OhanaRachelle Salzberg

    Seth Yedwab!

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    With special appreciation toour Magidei Shiur

    Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel isproud to present

    The Marbitz Torah Awardto

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    Rabbi Alfred Cohen

    Yitzchak FriedlandRabbi Yoseif Yechiel


    Rabbi Larry Katz

    Rabbi Dr. Ira Schwartz

    Dovid Wiener

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    Mr. Stuey Perles

    With sincere -.)!+*%)!we thank you Stueyfor all your years as Gabbi Rishon and

    guardian of our Shul.!

    Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel honors you with

    this Parchment Page in recognition of yourdedicated service to the#)/.

    Shlomo BerkowitzShlomo Breiner

    Joseph & Chana CattanShulamith & Ruvain Chait

    Pamela & Stuart ErdfarbGerald & Paula From

    Dovid & Naomi GreenwaldYoseif Yechiel & Sara Gruenebaum

    Jacob & Esther HauptmanLydia & Jerry Isak

    Ellie & Ed KatzAda & James Katz

    Seymour & Roslyn Kerner

    Mordechai & Penina KushnerMorty & Esther Lempel

    Leonard & Noreen MannFamily Mayer

    Merys & Michael MechlinMoishe Meisner

    Avi & Esther MoellerLevy & Esther MoellerFran & Norm Nissel

    Shirley & Nat ObermanDorothy Perles

    Rachelle & Sheldon SalzbergArlene & Ira Schwartz

    Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Schwartz& Family

    Lynn & Dov SilverbergSasan & Earl Zeitlin

    Etta & Izzy Zimerman & Family

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    In honor of

    Rabbi Alfred Cohen

    To a Magid Shiur like no other.

    Who is able to open minds and issues,

    who loves to learnfor the sake of learning

    whose Wednesday night Shiur

    is hard to miss

    In honor ofRebbetzin Miriam Cohen

    for her understanding, support and


    Toby & Abraham Kalker

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    In honor of

    Rabbi Alfred Cohen

    Mr. Yitzchak Friedland

    Rabbi Yoseif Yechiel Gruenebaum

    Rabbi Larry Katz

    Rabbi Dr. Ira Schwartz

    Mr. Dovid Wiener

    and the entire Kehilla of Congregation OhaivYisroel, partners in our kiruv activities of the

    Rockland Jewish Community.We thank you for your ongoing friendship,

    support, and hospitality.

    May Hashem give all the Magidei Shiur and theKehilla the kochosto continue to be Marbitz


    The Jewish Education Program of RocklandYehuda Schwab Yeshaya Rotbard Naomi Greenwald

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    In Honor of

    Ira Schwartz

    Thank you from yourgrateful Talmidim

    Joseph CattanErnie Frenkel

    Willie Goldstein

    Yankel HauptmanAvrumi KleinMordy LempelLeonard Mann

    Moish MeisnerIzzie Zimerman

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    With gratitude to our Magidei Shiurwho bring substance and focus to

    our community.

    A special thank you to

    Rabbi Cohen

    for his warmth and caring leadership

    and superb sense of balance andperspective.

    Leslie and Charlie Ackerman

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    Mazel Tov to all the honorees and aspecial


    toRabbi Cohen

    For his )*$+!leadership and to

    Stuey Perles

    for his years of dedication as Gabbaiof the Shul

    Dr. & Mrs. Joel Allen

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    $)*!%+,!!!Rabbi Cohen & all the



    Shaina and Ari Moses

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    In recognition of the

    Magidei ShiurYou give of yourselves in order

    to benefit the Klal.Your efforts are greatly

    appreciated.With Hakoras Hatov.

    Mark & Jeanie Adler

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    Mazal Tov tothe Honorees



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    Congratulation to all the Honorees

    Rabbi Alfred Cohen

    Mr. Yitchok Friedland

    Rabbi Yoseif Yechiel Gruenebaum

    Rabbi Larry Katz

    Rabbi Dr. Ira Schwartz

    Mr. Dovid Weiner

    We appreciate all your devotion andinspirational words throughout the


    We have learned much from yourwisdom and are glad to see you

    being recognized.

    Joseph & Chana Cattan

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    Mazal Tov toour esteemed Rabbi,

    Rabbi Avraham Cohen

    upon receiving this honor.Mazal Tov to

    Rabbi Dr. Ira Schwartz

    Rabbi Yoseif Yechiel


    &the other honorees on this deserving


    Ruvain & Shulamith Chait

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    Thanks to my Chavruses

    Stu Perles and Morty Lempel

    for inspiring me to fill snippets oftime with Learning.


    Congratulations to all the

    Guests of Honor


    Miriam & George Fleischman

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    To Our Dear Father

    Yitzchak Friedland

    Mazal Tov

    on this most deserving award.May you continue to inspire your childrenand the Klal with your broad knowledge

    of Torah and Hashkafa.

    With deep admiration and love,

    Iyta and Yidel BulmanTova and Chaim LevingerMeir and Chaya Leah Friedland

    Chaim and Faige FriedlandYisrael and Malki Friedland

    and Mort

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    Our sincerest gratitude to all thehonorees for helping us fullfull the -)., of


    A personal tribute to

    Rabbi Alfred Cohen


    Yitzchak Friedland

    for enhancing our individual Torah


    May Hashem give all the honorees the

    strength and good health to continue toimprove and teach us all.

    To Stuey Perles - Our Gabbi EmeritusThank you for all the years of dedication

    to the Shul.

    Gerald & Paula From

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    Mazel Tov

    to the



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    With appreciation to those who really deserve


    All the wonderful attendees of the

    "0*$102!whose presence and participationmake the *$102

    My wife and famiy who encourage andenable me to continue.

    Yoseif Yechiel Gruenebaum

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    We are very proud

    Of Our Beloved Son and Brother

    Rabbi Larry S. Katz

    Who is being honored tonight

    Dotty and Harold KatzLynnie and Dr. David Mirvis

    Barbara and Alan KutnerMemphis, Tennessee

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    Wishing)3#4) to

    Rabbi and Rebbetzin

    Alfred Cohen 2$,1!And all the Mispallelim

    Amy and Warren Katzman

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    to all the honorees.

    May they have the strength to continue

    their work on behalf of the Shul.

    Esther and Morty Lempel

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    Thank you to all those who help

    maintain our Shul as the specialmakom kodesh that it is.

    A special thank you to all ourMagidei Shiur who enhance our Shulwith the wonder and beauty of theTorah knowledge they so willingly

    share with all of us.

    Leonard & Noreen Mann

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    The Library Boys

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    Congratulations to theHonorees. Keep up the good


    Hillel & Chanie Max

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    Mazel tovand

    Best wishesto

    All the worthy Magidei Shiurupon receiving this well deservedtribute for your outstanding

    dedication toHarbotzas HaTorah

    Much appreciation to

    Rabbi & Mrs. Alfred Cohen

    For your dedicated and inspiredleadership of the congregation

    Bevirchas Kol Tuv

    Dr. & Mrs. Joseph MayerEli & Feige Mayer

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    To our Magidei ShiurA long overdue and well deserved


    Moishe Meisner

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    Mazel Tov

    Uncle Yitzy

    on receiving a truly well deserved award!!You are not only Marbitz Torah to the

    outside world, but to your family as well!!From your laining, to your inspiring

    davening, to your insights in Tanach!

    You always make everything exciting

    and interesting

    and inspire us to learn more!!

    Love, Your Nieces and Nephews

    Dov, Gittel, Rena, Adina,Menachem Shlomo and Shmuel

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    ,-$!.!.#inrhb kzhhr vhju hcm cuegh

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    In honor of

    Rabbi Cohen

    and in honor of all the Shalosh Seudosattendees

    especially our Zaidy,

    Mr. Willie Goldstein

    from Aharon Y. and Frydi PressmanShoshana Raizel, Yechiel, Avromi and Rochelle

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    We express our gratitude to our Magidei

    Shiur for making our Shul a MakomTorah

    Arlene & Ira Schwartz


    Thank you to all who attend the Tuesday

    and Shabbos Ramban Chaburah. Yourdesire to understand Chumash through

    the eyes of this great parshanhas

    provided the inspiration for my ownenhanced study of Chumash. May we be

    -/)+ to celebrate a &)"3 on completion ofthe entire Ramban, )51-.

    Ira Schwartz

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    How lucky and blessed we are that


    is not only our father, but also our rebbe

    par excellence.

    We are so grateful to you and Ma formodeling for us how to live a rich,

    dedicated Torah life.

    May Hashem grant the two of you the !"0(2$!"0,0!+$%0*7 to enjoy your


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    Best Wishes toall our Honorees

    Sara & Marty Shapiro

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    We congratulate the honorees onthis well deserved honor.

    Rabbi Alfred Cohen Yitzchak Friedland

    Rabbi Yoseif Yechiel Gruenebaum

    Rabbi Larry Katz Rabbi Dr. Ira Schwartz

    Dovid Wiener

    Thank you for the service you provide

    our Shul.

    Lynn & Dov Silverbergand family

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    Congratulations to all of theworthy honorees

    Mr. & Mrs. Yerachmiel Simins

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    In honor of all those who maintain

    Ohaiv Yisroel of

    Blueberry Hill

    Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Weiskopf

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    In recognition of all members forattending Shul Shiurim and forascribing such esteem to Torah


    Also in honor of all the MagideiShiurim.

    Dovid & Trudy Wiener

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    Congratulations to

    Sir Stuart Perles

    on his Lifetime Achievment Award.

    For nearly 85 years you have workedquietly, tirelessly and thanklessly behind thescenes at Ohaiv Yisroel without so much as

    a hint of a smile (the ultimate poker face)- a true "avodas hakodesh."

    And while you may have retired from theGabinate, to your fans and admirers you will

    always remain the consummate Gabai and"baal chesed" (by the way what time is


    Thank you for your sincere dedication to theshul and its mispalelim.

    Raizel & Daniel Yaniv

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    In recognition of our devotedBa'al Koreh

    Reb Yitzchak Friedland

    for all you do on behalf ofKlal Yisroel

    Your friends at

    Young Israel of Spring Valley



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    In Honor of

    Stu Perles

    Kathy, and your wonderful


    In recognition of youravodas hakodesh

    on behalf of

    Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel,

    Maintaining the ruach in Shul

    with a smilein your caring way

    We are honored by your friendship andassociation,

    and recognize the care you take ineverything you do.

    Herb & Chanie Zakarin

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    In appreciation of

    Rabbi & Mrs. Cohen 7.0#2!

    Stuart & Annie Cohnen & family

    Thank you, thank you allHonorees. As it states in Tehilim


    Mordachai & Marcia Fastag

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    Mazal Tov to the other recipients of the

    Marbitz Torah Award

    Rabbis Cohen, Gruenebaum, Katz,

    Schwartz and Weiner.

    It is a privilege to be in your company as a MagidShiur in Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel.

    Yitzchak Friedland

    A special thanks to

    R' Cohen, R' Wiener

    and all the other honorees.

    Yudi & Miri Itzkowitz

    and Family

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    Mazel Tov

    to the


    Aryeh & Sandra Lazarus

    In recognition of the contributions all of you havemade to our community, may you continue to

    serve your communities in good health and havemuch Nachas from your families.

    Seymour and Roslyn Kerner

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    Thank you Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel for being awelcoming Shul for all to come.

    Levitz Family

    To Yitzchak Friedland

    Thank you for the wonderful and informativeshiurimthat you give each Shabbos.

    May you continue to give many more.

    The Womens Group Members

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    Mazel Tov to all the Magidei Shiur

    Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salzman

    In honor of

    Rav and Rebbetzen Alfred Cohen,

    best wishes for continued success of theOhaiv Yisroel Shul.

    Ruth Simons

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    Best wishes to

    Rabbi Cohen and all of the honorees.

    Hildy & A.J. Straus

    Best wishes from

    Yaakov & Shoshana Youssian

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    Mazal Tov and many thanks to

    Rabbi Larry Katz


    Rabbi Yoseif Yechiel Gruenebaum

    on their well-deserved honor.

    From the Koolyk family

    Mazal Tov to all the honorees.

    May you continue to )%$5 to Marbitz Torah.


    !Susan Rein

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    Thank you for theusage of the Shul


    Tzivi & Yoni

    Many thanks to RabbiCohen for his post

    minchaHalacha shiur.

    The Herbst family

    Mazel Tov to all thehonorees

    Rachel & Joshua Ilan

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    ;53 for 7*,5&!0/$68!

    of the Shabbos-,4(- minyan.

    Eliyahu and AdinaPrero and Family

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    Mazel Tov to the


    Gary Sternfield

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    Catering For All Your Simchas"The Taste You've Been Missing!"

    Wesley Hills Plaza455 Route 306

    Wesley Hills, NY 10952Hal Roth

    845-362-1019Fax: 845-362-0549

    Congratulations to

    Rabbi & Mrs. Cohen

    and Dr. & Mrs. Lenny


    Molly Chapman

    A special thank you to the

    honorees for all that they dofor the Shul.

    Menachem Ickovitz

    Complements of

    Pinchas Swaitycki

    Greetings to the Honorees

    Aaron and Helen AdlerShlomo & Ahuva Berkowitz

    Glauber's CateringMarilyn and George Hamada

    Dovid ItzkowitzRhoda Koegel

    Seth & Chana LazarusStanley & Corine LevineFran & Norman Nissel

    Pinchus RappShaya Rotbard

    E th & Yit h k V hh i

    Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel

    acknowledges other

    donations and contributions

    to the Shul

    Allstate Insur - John P DineenYosi Dahan

    Ezra & Rose Lazarus

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