comparing historical and contemporary representations essay

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Comparing Historical and Contemporary Representations

Lesson Objectives: To be able to compare the way in which youth is represented in historical and contemporary media.

Who am I?

I was an Italian political thinker. (20) I was interested in the way one social

class is able to dominate society. (10) I developed the concept of hegemony.


Who am I?

I am interested in youth subcultures. (20)

I wrote a book about the importance of style to youth subcultures. (10)

I believe media representations of young people portray them as either fun or trouble. (5)


Who am I?

I’m interested in the effects of media representations of delinquent youth. (20)

I developed the concept of the ideology of protection. (10)

I think media representations of anti-social youth reinforces hegemony. (5)


Who am I?

I researched the effect of television on viewers. (20)

I think that the repetitive nature of television means that over time television influences how people see the world. (10)

I call this cultivation theory. (5) I’M GERBNER OF COURSE.

Who am I?

I’m a Marxist. (20) I consider how the state maintains

control. (15) I developed the concepts of

ideological and repressive state apparatus. (10)

I killed my wife. (5) KEEP BACK I’M ALTHUSSER.

How far does the representation of a particular social group change over time? Refer to at least two media in your answer.

Level 4 Explanation/analysis/argument (16-20 marks) Candidates adapt their learning to the specific requirements of the chosen

question in excellent fashion and make connections in order to present a coherent argument. The answer offers a clear, fluent balance of media theories and knowledge of industries and texts and informed personal engagement with issues and debates.

Use of examples (16-20 marks) Examples of theories, texts and industry knowledge are clearly connected

together in the answer. History and the future are integrated into the discussion with conviction.

Use of terminology (8-10 marks) Throughout the answer, material presented is informed by contemporary

media theory and the command of the appropriate conceptual and theoretical language is excellent.

Complex issues have been expressed clearly and fluently using a style of writing appropriate to the complex subject matter. Sentences and paragraphs, consistently relevant, have been well structured, using appropriate technical terminology. There may be few, if any, errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Historical Representations

‘Rebel Without a Cause’How were young people represented?What ideological messages are

communicated by the representation?To what extent do representations

construct identity?

Remember to relate representations to relevant theory.

Contemporary Representations

Films – ‘Attack the Block’, ‘The Selfish Giant’, hoodie cinema

Television – ‘Misfits Newspapers – ‘Hoodies or Altar Boys’


How are young people represented?

What are the ideological implications of these representations?


Comparing Representations

What are the similarities between historical and contemporary representations?

What are the differences? What ideological reasons might there

be for this?

Structure Introduction

State your argument

Identify texts

Section 1 – analysis of historical representations

Section 2 – Hoodies or Altar Boys/Hoodie cinema

Section 3 – Misfits/Attack the Block/The Selfish Giant

Conclusion Return to your

argument What have you

demonstrated Prediction for the



What might your argument be in answer to this question?

How far does the representation of a particular social group change over time? Refer to at least two media in your answer.


Quote/paraphrase/explain – link to argument

Rebel Without a Cause

How are young people represented? - link to theory

What are the ideological messages – link to theory?

Signpost links to contemporary texts. To what extent does the

representation influence perceptions of identity?

Hoodies or Altar Boys/Hoodie Cinema

Mid to late 2000s moral panic about ‘Broken Britain’ reflected in newspapers (Hoodies or Altar Boys study) and films (Hoodie cinema).

How are young people represented? – link to theory. Why are young people represented in this way? – link to

theory. Relate to historical representations – similar/different? How much do these representations influence

perceptions of youth?

Contemporary Film and TV

Media representations of youth are complex/contradictory – plurality of representations.

Hegemony – site of constant struggle – Gramsci.

Representations like Misfits, Attack the Block, The Selfish Giant can be seen as responses to negative discourse around youth.

Contemporary Film and TV

How are young people represented? – link to theory.

Why are they represented like this – ideological implications – link to theory – link to other representations.

Compare to historical representations. To what extent do these

representations influence understanding of identity.


Sum up your argument – ANSWER THE QUESTION.How are young people represented?How much does this change over

time?Ideological implications – THEORIES.Predictions for the future.


Focus on one section of the essay. What key points would you make? What theorists would you refer to? How would you relate your discussion to your argument?

In each section you need to: Explain how young people are represented with

some examples – relate this to theory Consider the ideological implications of the

representation – linked to theory Compare the representation to other texts. Refer to question – extent of change over time Link to argument about influence of


Essay Plan

Write the introduction and conclusion for this essay.

Bullet point key points and examples for the two sections of the essay.

How far does the representation of a particular social group change over time? Refer to at least two media in your answer.


Does your answer:Refer to at least 2 different mediaDevelop a clear argumentRefer to theory and textsMake links between texts, and

theoriesUse terminology

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