college of chemical sciencescollege of chemical sciences · inter level batch trip the inter level...

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Senior Professors Senior Lecturers

Left to Right: Prof. J N O Fernando , Prof. S Sotheeswaran, Prof. H D Gunawardhana, Prof. E D de Silva, Dr. U S K Weliwegamage, Dr. C Udawatte, Dr. U K Jayasundara, Dr. R Parthipan, Dr. R Kandiah, Dr. T Gobika, Dr. H I C de Silva, Dr. B S Lankage

We are the largest producer of Graduate Chemists and the only producer of Chemistry Technicians at very low cost in Sri Lanka

* *

Internal CCS Academic Staff - now a record 12 in number

Left to Right: Prof. J N O Fernando , Prof. S Sotheeswaran, Prof. H D Gunawardhana, Prof. E D de Silva, Dr. U S K Weliwegamage, Dr. C Udawatte, Dr. U K Jayasundara, Dr. R Parthipan, Dr. R Kandiah, Dr. T Gobika, Dr. H I C de Silva, Dr. B S Lankage

Senior Professors Senior Lecturers

* *

College of Chemical SciencesCollege of Chemical SciencesCollege of Chemical Sciences

Vol. 12 No. 5 November 2013 - January 2014

CCS News Letter

A Government approved Charity, Founded 1971: Incorporated by Act of Parliament No: 15 of 1972 ,Successor to the Chemical Society of Ceylon, Founded 1941

CCS News Letter Exhibition Issue

Our own Graduate Chemist (elected as IChemC Vice-President) inaugurated the

thGraduateship Programme on January 4 - nearly 200 students register but few vacancies still exist for belated registration

Mr. K. R Dayananda

thThe 36 Graduateship Programme of College was Inaugurated by one of our own Graduate Chemists, Mr. K. R Dayananda, C.Chem, MPhil (Kelaniya), who became the very first CCS Graduate Chemist to be elected as Vice President, Institute of Chemistry recently. We extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Dayananda who retired as Senior Research Officer at the Industrial Technology Institute in 2012 and is presently Senior Research

Development Manager, Silver Mill Group. Mr. Dayananda has been a very loyal alumnus who has involved himself very closely with the Institute since he graduated in 1984. We look forward to more & more alumini being actively involved with Institute work and also taking on important positions on the Institute.

CHEMEX - 3 Exhibitionnd thCHEMEX 3 to be held from January 22 to 24 at Adamantane House will include demonstrations &

Chemistry Magic Shows, Entertainment items and many other events. It will provide an opportunity

for students and the general public to obtain information on various aspects of chemistry including

those on Food, Nano Technology, Polymer industry, Natural Products, Agro Chemicals,

Pharmaceuticals, Environment, Toxicology and appreciate the value and relevance of Chemistry to

every day life. A/L seminars will also be held to assist students. The Exhibition will be declared open by ndMr Mevan Pieris, Past President on Wednesday, 22 January at 9 a.m.

st64 Graduate Chemists pass out in the 31 Batch bringing overall total to 969(detailed results and information are on pages 7 - 8)

Ms H J PereiraShireen Jayasuriya Gold Medalist for 2013

tops the List & becomes the

Ms. H Jessica Perera

Ms. H Jessica Perera who joined us after her first shy at the A/L examination in January 2010 has done exceedingly well and topped the Graduate Chemist list winning the Shireen Jayasuriya Gold Medal Award. Jessica also becomes the first Graduate Chemist to top the list in every year of her study at Levels 1,2,3 & 4. She is presently a Teaching Assistant at the College.

The road between Sarana Mawatha and old Kotte road will be named as Professor M.U.S Sultanbawa Road by the Sri

ndJayawardenapura Kotte Municipal Council on 22 January 2014. Distinguished Chemist Dr. R O B Wijesekera has kindly agreed to carry out the unveiling.

Road bordering Adamantane House to be named after distinguished Chemist


College of Chemical Sciences (CCS) News in brief

Sixth Inaugural Professorial OrationThe Sixth Professorial Oration titled “Manoalides to Dhilirolides; A Fascinating Journey from Pacific Marine Reefs to Tropical Rain

ndForests” by Professor E Dilip de Silva was held on 22 November. A very large gathering including students attended the event.


E Dilip de Silva

Navarathri VizhathThe annual Navarathri Festival of the College was held on the 25

November at Adamantane House. The Chief Guest was Bramachari Dharshan Chaitanya. The Pooja and Bajan were followed by several dance performances from our own College Students and internal academics who took part with much enthusiasm. This multi-cultural event which was held for the seventh successive year has now become an important event in the CCS calendar.

Annual Blood Donation Campaign The Blood Donation Campaign organized by the College students has also now become an annual feature in the CCS calendar. This

th was held on 4 December at the Supplementary Campus where blood was donated by over 60 persons.

Integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody is watching you

Graduate Chemist Alumni Get-together Our Alumni get together 2013 organized by our Alumini

rdAssociation, was held on 23 November at the Institute premises. The event included activities such as Magic shows, DJ music and Classical music. It was a huge success participated by more than 100 alumni & families.

Inter level Debating CompetitionThe inter level debating competition was held for the sixth

thsuccessive year on the 30 November. Teams from Levels 2, 3 ,4, the passing out batch and DLTC took part in this competition. Debates were conducted under various topics between the teams and the winners were selected based on the number of wins. The Level 3 team became champions. The second and third places were taken by the level 4 & 2 teams respectively. The Level 3 Champion team comprised of Mr. Veranjan Cooray, Rinzee Usoof, Sara Abdulla, Anjana Wijesekara, Mohomed Shaik, C. Yadavan, Vihanga Munasinghe and Anishka Dissanayake. Our congratulations to them.

winning team

Annual Christmas Party on 13 DecemberThe Annual Christmas Party and Dinner organized by Level 1

thstudents was held on the 13 December at Anon Reception Hall, Nawala. The event was charmed by Christmas carols and dramas by the students. The lecturers, Staff members, IChemC members & Students were among the participants who made the event a success.

College of Chemical Sciences (CCS) News in brief

Rotaract Club NewsWe Pledge only to Love, but not to hate! Do you?

Join with the Rotaract club of CCS to make a differencendThe 2 annual installation ceremony of President Sudhair James and his team was

thheld on 26 July 2013. The event was chaired by Rtr. Suhartha Poorna and Rtr. Thimira Dulaj Rajarathna. Rotarian Farzana Khan was the Chief Guest while Prof. J N O Fernando as the Guest of honor. The Rotaract Club has so far carried out 22 successful Projects including 3 mega projects such as Eye Donation campaign, Street

stchildren Adaptation Program and Christmas party project for 220 orphans for the 1 Quarter. It is a club with 30 active members who are vibrant and are gifted with enormous talents. Our club is 2 years old and our Honorary Rector Prof. J N O Fernando is our “Rotaract DAD”.Some of the events held in November and December are listed below:

?A card making day chaired by Rtr. DilshaniSamarasinghe and Rtr. AnjanaWijesekara.

?Financially sponsoring a needy person for his medicines (monthly basis).

?Visited Lankadhara homes to donate clothes and plants chaired and spending the whole day with the children at the home chaired by Rtr. Sara Abdulla.

?Accompanied Rotaractor's from India to spend a day around Colombo chaired by Rtr. Sara Abdulla.

?The Rota-Chef part 1, teaching the Indian Rotaractors the way to cook Sri Lankan cuisine chaired by Rtr. Sudhair James and Rtr. Sara Abdulla.

rd?Diabetic awareness program which was held on Nov 23 2013 to address world obesity prevailing among the kids.

th?“Light up a Life”- Christmas Party for 220 Orphanage kids on 29 Nov 2013 at Havelock kids playground.

?''Bring out the goodness in you'' a meditation programe carried out at the stBrahmakumari Achrimam on 1 December by Rtr.KogularamNirmalan.

?Eye donation campaign was promoted in the university of Sri Jayawardenapura ndamong 1000 plus audience on 2 December.

th?3vs3 Basket ball tournament was held on December 29 with a Christmas party for 200 kids at the Child & Human Resource Centre, Kirulapona chaired by Rtr. Maduranga Pillai.

2 mega projects that are in progress :Let's Donate- Eye donation campaign Island wide project. Awarded & Recognized by

ththe Sri Lankan eye donation society on the December 18 . Streets to Home - Sponsoring the SOS village children for their education career, Infura being their official guardian. Targeted to general public, Rotaractors,

thRotarians &CCS students. Official sponsoring day commenced on Jan15 2014 at Piliyandala SOS village.

DLTC inaugurationstThe Inauguration of the 41 Diploma in Laboratory

thTechnology Programme was held on 10 January 2014 at Adamantane House. Over 100 students have registered for this course. Dr. A.A.P Keerthi, Graduate Chemist (2003), PhD (USJP), C.Chem, Senior lecturer, South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) and Honorary Secretary of the Institute was the Chief Guest at this event.

Stand alone Certificate Course on Food Chemistry

We are proud to announce that the College is offering a standalone course in Food Chemistry & Technology for the very first time. This course covers Food Carbohydrates, Food Lipids, Food Proteins, Sensory Properties (Flavour compounds and pigments in food), Micronutrients, Food Additives (including legislation), Water. The lectures will be conducted by the highly competent professionals in relevant fields.The course is open for all interested including those who are working on the relevant field and will be held on Sundays between May and July from 3-6 pm. It will cost only a nominal Rs. 7500/= (as early

stbird fee not later than 31 March) for the 15 week course of 45 hours lectures. For more details please visit us on or contact IChemC office.

Internal Staff visit to Government Analyst's Department at

ndBattaramulla on November 22We are thankful to the Government Analyst's Department at its new premises at Battaramulla for enabling the internal academic & academic support staff to visit it and observe the range of facilities and equipment they have( including DNA analysis).

Inter level Batch tripThe inter level batch trip organized by Student Association of CCS was participated by over 60 students from all levels. The trip was to Makeli oya

thNature Resort on 19 December.


Smart Chemistry Better lifeth(IUPAC theme for 45 World Chemistry Congress of IUPAC at Busan, Korea August 9 - 14, 2015


College of Chemical Sciences (CCS) News in brief

Diploma in Laboratory Technology in Chemistry Board of Examiners, 2013/2014

Christian Thanksgiving

MassA Christian Thanksgiving Mass to

mark the new year was held for the

s i x t h s u c c e s s i v e y e a r a t

Adamantane House. Rev Amal Roy

officiated the mass. Staff members

& students attended the event.

Construction of the Adamantane House Extension completed

Gamini Construction (Pvt) Ltd has finished the construction of the 6 storey extension to the Adamantane House and this is scheduled to be formally

ndopened during the inauguration of the CHEMEX-3 Exhibition on January 22 . This will enable our acute space problems to be ameliorated. The extension is equipped with a lift, generator & transformer with disability access. We have also incorporated an Open Pent House on the Sixth Level. The building and the refurbishment etc. will const over Rs. 100 million. Donations are welcome towards refurbishment as well as the purchase of the expensive equipments for Instrument centre and our Research Laboratory.

Guest Lecture by Pakistani ChemistGuest lecture on “The Human Genome Project & the Discovery of AZQ (US Patent 4,146,622) for Treating Brain” by Dr. Hameed Khan of South Asian Institute of

thTechnology and Medicine was held on 18 December 2013 at Adamantane House. He has received the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Scientific Achievement Award in 2004, one of the America's highest awards in Medicine.

Seminar cum Workshop on Electrochemical Technology

thThis seminar/workshop was held on 9 January 2014 at the Plastics and Rubber Institute. The seminar was co-ordinated by Dr. U S K Weliwegamage. The resource persons were Prof. H M D N Priyantha (Chief Guest & Keynote Speaker), Dr. U S K Weliwegamage, Dr. M N Kaumal, Prof. K A S Pathiratne & Dr. Chandani Udawatte.

Staff News: New appointments

Ms. Amali Guruge, graduate from University of Colombo and Ms. Pabasara Gamage, graduate chemist have been appointed as Research Assistant and one day Teaching Assistant and we welcome our new members to the staff body of the College of Chemical Sciences.


Mr. R M J S Hunukumbura and Mr. D C Senivrathne Teaching Assistants, left at the end of their contracts on 30.12.2013.

Extension Old Building

Chemical Education International Conference on April 3 & 4

Extensive Preparations are being made to hold the above International Conference at Waters Edge, Capital City & Adamantane House on April 3 & 4, 2014. The Chief Guest at the Inauguration would be Professor Atta-ur-Rahman from Pakistan. Leading Chemists from many countries will be present as Plenary / Keynote speakers. The Inauguration of the Conference on April 3 will also include the Tenth Convocation of CCS.

thThe Federation of Asian Chemical Societies will also hold its 65 Executive ndCommittee Meeting on April 2 . FACS ExCo Members will be hosted by the

College to enable them to present papers at the Conference.

It is always impossible until it is done - Nelson Mandela


Editorial :


Dr. A A P KeerthiGraduate Chemist (2003), PhD (USJP), C.Chem, Senior lecturer of South Asian Institute of

Technology and Medicine (SAITM)

Academic Board of the College of Chemical Sciences 2013/2014

There are large numbers of graduate chemists passing out from CCS as well as other Chemistry based general and special university degree programs. Limited numbers of graduates get absorbed by the foreign universities (mainly USA) by offering them higher degree education. Majority of chemistry graduates enters the local job market with their degree qualification.

Do they find suitable employment? Are they getting due recognition for their work? Do they have job satisfaction? These are important questions to be answered. It is evident that a Sri Lankan Chemist’s role has not been given due recognition. A Chemist has no opportunity to sit at the managerial table. A Chemist has been kept behind the laboratory bench. They don't have much social recognition and acceptance as well. Most of the other countries (including Asian regional countries) recognize the role of chemist much better than Sri Lanka.

Why and what is the reason? There are two main reasons. One main reason for this is the lack of official recognition for the role of the chemist in both state and private sectors, and the other is the lack of professional interaction between chemists in Sri Lanka to obtain the above recognition.

Professional interaction between professional members and their respective professional bodies take place to a much higher extent in the case of professions such as Engineering, Accountancy, Architecture and Medicine compared to that of Chemistry. Considerable numbers from the above professionals are closely attached to their respective professional bodies. Professional bodies keep updating their members, support their professional development and specially play a very wide role in social acceptance of the profession. Associations recognizes its' members by offering higher designations such as Chartered status, Fellow and Honorary memberships etc. Association sets ethical standards for practicing professionals. On the other hand professional associations help the government to formulate policy decisions with national interest. The interaction between professional Associations and their members is mutually beneficial. This has not been achieved by chemist who has become solos. The blame has to be borne by the individual chemist in this country proportionately.

For the other half of the issue the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon should be also responsible. Just as an example, a chartered

accountant is essential to sign audit reports, a charted engineer is

mandatory to get approvals for construction but in this country a

lab report can be signed by anyone. Shouldn't there be some

standards for employing Chemists? Isn't it necessary to have at

least a chemistry degree to sign a lab report? Cannot the Institute

and the government propose to define a set of national

competency levels for employing chemists for industries

depending on their impact on the society or scale of the Industry? It

is well known that the role of chemist has been simplified to a role

of an analyst in the laboratory. Specially in the private sector the

role of a chemist has been simplified to that of well trained school

leaver. This has under estimated the role of a chemist in the public

and private sectors and as a result the chemist’s role has been

invaded and dominated by professionals who do not have the basic

knowledge of the fundamentals of science or chemistry.

Our Institute has been given the task to advising government,

and give counsel to public corporations, local bodies and other

institutions on all matters connected with the applications of

chemistry to the progress and development of the country as its

second objective by the Act of Parliament No15 of 1972. What have

we done so far to achieve this objective? In my opinion the Institute

has a role to play to provide a better environment for chemistry


Recent issues in this country such as Chronic Kidney Disease,

Rathupaswala, DCD and some industrial accidents reveal the

necessity of chemists in all sectors at extremely higher levels. In the

official discussion is related to the above matter there were only a

very few chemists involved. Most of the time questions related to

chemistry / chemical analysis were unanswered, which I consider

as the most important question to be answered. Chemists were

unable to play their critical leading role with respect to most of the

above incidents. Their opinions were not given due recognition.

Our Institute should influence political authorities to change

the legal framework for the chemist for a better future. It is

important for chemists to get together with the Institute and march

forward to win their rights. At the same time the Institute should

support chemists in all ways and means and provide professional

support to develop chemist's future. Not only that, for all this we

need some individuals with positive thoughts. Where are they?


Institute of Chemistry Ceylon (IChemC) News in brief

Industrial VisitThe industrial visit to Elephant House (Ceylon Cold Stores PLC) which was organized by the Social Affairs Committee of the Institute

thof Chemistry Ceylon took place on 29 November 2013.

News of Members

Dr. A M Mubarak has assumed duties as General President, Sri

Lanka Association for Advancement of Science while Prof.

Deepal Mathew has been elected as President elect.

Dr. Sithy Iqbal has been appointed as a Professor in Chemistry at

the Open University Sri Lanka while Ms. R U Tantrigoda has been

appointed as Associate Professor in Chemistry.

Professor Kamal Bandara Gunaherath has been appointed as

the Director of Research at the Open University Sri Lanka.

rdAnnual Award Ceremony on 23 JanuaryThe Award Ceremony of Australian National Chemistry Quiz, Titration Competition and Inter Level Debating competition will be

rdheld on 23 January during CHEMEX - 3. Dr. Lakshmi Arambawela, Past President of our Institute will be the Chief Guest at the Award Ceremony.

thCall for Annual Awards by 28 Feb 2014Members of the Institute are invited to apply for the following

thawards, before 28 February 2014. site( for more details



Devanathan Memorial Award

Chandrasena Memorial Award

Ramakrishna Memorial Award


Kandiah Award for Basic Chemistry

Kandiah Award for Applied Chemistry

Kandiah Memorial Graduateship Award (for Graduate Chemists)

F Professor M. U. S. Sultanbawa Award for Research.

Please see the Institute web

Call for Nominations for Institute of Chemistry stGold Medal 2013 by 31 March (Under Revised Rules)

This Gold Medal was the very first of such awards to be donated to the Institute and was made possible through a generous donation made by Mascons Ltd in memory of their founder Mr A Subramanium in 1978/79. This criteria governing the award were changed in 2011 in order to enable the award to be made to a mid-career Chemist in recognition of honorary services to the Institute.

Nominations are now invited for the 2014 Award from amongst Corporate Members of the Institute who have fulfilled the following minimum criteria;

F Nominees should be not more than 55 years of age and should have been Corporate members of the Institute for at least 10

styears on 1 of June 2014

F Nominees should have made significant contributions towards the activities of the Institute through yeoman services in an honorary capacity during the period of membership. These activities could include holding office, membership in committees, coordination of events such as workshops, social events etc.

Nominations could be made by any Corporate Member of the Institute and should include the consent of the nominee and details of the contributions made by the nominee in accordance with the

rdabove guidelines. The Award will be presented at the 43 Annual Sessions. Nominations should be forwarded to reach the Hony.

stSecretary, IChemC not later than 31 March 2014.

rd43 Annual Sessions of the Institute to

be held in Junerd

The 43 Annual Session of the Institute is scheduled to be held on th th th18 , 19 , & 20 June. We will be fortunate to have with us this

year, two distinguished academics of high repute in their

respective fields, namely Dr. Ariyadasa De Silva, Former Dean of

Faculty of Education, University of Colombo and Prof.

M.Vidanapathirana, Faculty of Education, University of

Colombo as Chief Guest & Guest of Honour respectively. The

theme for the current year and the Annual Session is “Curricula

and Evaluation in Chemistry for a Sustainable Economy”. The thChief Guest of the theme seminar on 19 June will be Mr. Stirling

Perera, Former Commissioner General of Examinations. The third

day, is reserved for the Technical Sessions where

Chemists/Academics present their research findings.

Call for Papers for Annual Sessions 2014Members of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon are invited to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation at the Annual Sessions to be held in June 2014. All abstracts and extended abstracts must

stbe submitted on or before 31 January 2014.

Council of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon 2013/2014


A Scientist in the laboratory is not only a technician; He is also a child placed before a natural phenomenon which impresses him like a fairy tale - Marie Curie

Graduateship Board of Examiners, 2013/2014

Graduateship Examinations in Chemistry, 2013

LEVEL 3 AWARDS LISTFirst Prize & Mandrupa & Oleap Fernando Hall Opening Scholarship - Ms N U Dharmaratne Second Prize & Susila Jayaweera Memorial Scholarship - Ms K M Perera Third Prize & Graduateship Silver Jubilee Scholarship - Ms D M K C Dissanayake Merit Bursaries Mr C.D.R. Pathirana, Mr N.M.C.M. Navarathna, Ms A.M.G.A. Ranasinghe, Ms P.P.D. Jayapala, Ms W.A.I.U. Jayawickrama, Ms. K A P A Premathilake, Mr. R T De Silva

IChemC President's Scholarship in Level 4 awarded for the Best Overall (Theory) Performance in Levels 1, 2, & 3 - Ms. D M K C Dissanayake

(in order of merit)

LEVEL 2 AWARDS LISTFirst Prize & W.F. Peiris Memorial Trust Scholarship Ms. A V K Munasingha

Second Prize & Professor W. Pearlyn D. Perera Commemoration

Trust Scholarship – Ms. H K C K Halloluwa

Third Prize & Professor G. C. N. Jayasuriya Memorial Scholarship – Ms. M S N Ranasinghe

Fourth Prize & Family Leelarathna Scholarship – Ms. NL Kothalawala

Merit Bursaries (in order of merit)Ms. A S N Kurin, Ms. P B G Ariyasinghe, Ms. J P S Vidyani, Ms. D S Yapa, Mr. P V Y CoorayMs. L A Wijesekara

SUBJECT PRIZES FOR BEST PERFORMANCES AT LEVEL 2Professor J. N. Oleap Fernando Prize for Physical Chemistry - Ms. A V K Munasingha

Professor Samitha P. Deraniyagala Prize for Inorganic Chemistry - Ms. A V K Munasingha

Professor Siromi Samarasinghe Prize for Organic Chemistry - Ms. A V K Munasingha &

Ms. P B G Ariyasinghe

Yogarani Mahesan & Family Prize for Analytical Chy & Instr Analysis - Ms. H K C K Halloluwa &

Mr. S James

Professor Jayantha Welihinda Prize For Biochemistry - Ms. M S N Ranasinghe

Introduction to Management, Economics & Finance - Ms. M S N Ranasinghe

LEVEL 3 & 4 SUBJECT PRIZES FOR BEST PERFORMANCES (Second Semester)Mr & Mrs N.I.N.S. Nadarasa Prize for Special Topics in Organic Chemistry – Mr. C D R PathiranaDr. Lakshman Ponnamperuma Memorial Prize for Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry – Mr. R T De Silva Dr. Sudath Kumarasinghe Memorial Prize for Special Topics in Physical Chemistry – Ms. H J PereiraMr & Mrs Suppiah and Seethadevi Prize for Analytical Industrial Biochemistry – Ms. K G S U RanathungaMevan Peiris Prize for Polymer Chemistry & Technology – Ms. H J Pereira & Mr. C D R Pathirana N.M.S. Hettigedara Family Prize for Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry – Ms. D S Y Jayathilake Susila Jayaweera Memorial Prize for Biochemistry II – Ms. W K D V Dilrukshi Dr. Rohan Perera Prize for Chemical & Molecular Toxicology – Ms. H J Pereira Dr. and Mrs. Swaminathan Memorial Prize for Information Technology – Ms. A Rathnakumar & Ms. M Ranjan

Ms. A.V.K Munasingha

Ms. M.S.N Ranasinghe

Ms. H.K.C.K Halloluwa

Ms N U Dharmaratne Ms. D M K C DissanayakeMs N U Dharmaratne Ms. D M K C Dissanayake

Institute of Chemistry Ceylon / College of Chemical SciencesAdamantane House, 341/22, Kotte Road, Welikada, Rajagiriya Phone: 011- 4015230, 2861231, 2861653 Fax extension: 217

email: web: SUPPLEMENTARY CAMPUS, 341/2, Kotte Road, Welikada, Rajagiriya Phone 011 - 2053148

st31 Batch of 64 Graduate Chemists Pass out in 2013

Our Graduateship Programme in Chemistry is the only such programme to be accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK in the whole of South Asia.

Overall Best Performer Awards(Practical)First: Professor RS Ramakrishna Memorial Award

Ms H M Thirimanne

Second: Mr. & Mrs. K Sivarajah and Family Award

Ms. W A D L S Abeywardana

Second: B A Jayasinghe Memorial Award

Mr G M Kumar

Fourth: CCS Awards: Ms. H J Pereira, Ms. D S Y Jayathilaka, Ms. N H


Good Performer CCS Awards

Ms. M M N M Chandrasiri, Ms. F I Safuwan, Mr. J U Pothupitiya

Levels 3 & 4 Overall (Theory) PrizesFirst: RSC (Sri Lanka Section) Award Ms H J Pereira

nd2 :Professor and Mrs. H W Dias Award Ms W K D V Dilrukshird3 : Rasanthika Nayomi Jayatissa memorial Prize Ms H M Thirimanne

Overall Examination Awards -2013st1 Shireen Jayasuriya Memorial Gold Medal Ms H J Pereirand2 Graduateship Silver Jubilee Award Ms H M Thirimanne

First Class Honours ( 02 )Ms H J Pereira, Ms H M Thirimanne

Second Class Honours (Upper Division) (26 )Ms. W P P Abeydeera, Ms. W A D L S Abeywardana, Ms. O P L A Amarasiriwardana, Mr A M Casiechitty, Ms K W D K Chandrasiri, Ms M M N M Chandrasiri, Ms D T Dahanayake, Ms W K D V Dilrukshi, Ms K C K Ekanayake, Ms D S Fernando, Mr T S Hamidon, Ms M K S Jayalath, Ms D S Y Jayathilake, Mr R Jeyandran, Ms A Kuganesan, Ms T M Pellawatta, Mr M M S Perera, Ms U M P K Perera, Mr J U Pothupitiya, Ms S R Priyadarsani, Ms K G S U Ranatunga, Ms W N H Ratnasena, Ms F I Safuwan, Mr Y M I B Samarakoon, Mr G M M Senapriya, Ms S Thiruchittampalam

Second Class Honours (Lower Division) (14 )

Overall Excellence Awards covering all levelsProf. J K P Ariyaratne Award for Inorganic Chemistry Ms H J Pereira

Prof. Leslie Gunatilake Award for Organic Chemistry Ms H J Pereira

Haniffa Award for Physical Chemistry Ms H J Pereira

Profs. Saman & Asoka Patiratne Award for Analytical Chemistry

Ms W K D V Dilrukshi

Ms D A D Dulanjalee, Ms S S Gunawardena, Ms V Jayalatharachchi, Ms N N Jayawardena, Ms B B Kangaarachchi, Mr G M Kumar, Ms W M K

G Kumari, Ms U L M C Sudarshi, Ms S K Samarasekara, Ms T M S G D Silva, Ms. D V S M Waidyatillake, Ms. N H Wanniarachchi, Mr. W M S M

Wijesekara, Ms. S S Yakupitiya

Third Class Honours (10 )Ms B T Jayasinghe, Ms J A K M Piyawardena, Ms K P Uthayakumar, Ms S S Rajapaksha, Ms R M N M

Rathnayake, Ms H H Widanapathirana, Ms. M P P P Weerarathne, R W M C P K Weerasekara, Ms. K K J E

Perera, Mr. K P B Alwis

Pass (12)Ms. I H T K Madushanka, Mr. P P A M S I Rathnayaka, Ms. P I D Peiris, Ms. D I Berman, Mr. A R Pillai, Ms. M R

S L Bandara, Mr. H P R P Gunawardhena, Ms. P Madushani, Ms. M G A S Silva, Mr. H B U S Wimalasiri, Mr D S

S Hemathilake, Ms H A S S Nandana

New Prizes Donated.........

Dr. and Mrs. Swaminathan Memorial Prize for Information

Technology donated by Dr. George D Chellapa

Prizes donated in memory of Prof. N G Baptist by his children

(Dr. E D Herat, Mr. F E N Baptist & Mrs. A J Ebenezer)

Ms H M Thirimanne

Ms W K D V Dilrukshi

(results subject to conformation by the Academic Board of CCS)

Chemical EducationElectrochemical TechnologyParticle PhysicsChemistry of Gem Minerals & Sustainable TechnologyPetroleum and Petrochemistry

Tenth Convocation Logo

Inside PagesCCS News (in brief) 2-4Guest Editorial by

Dr. A A P Keerthi 5IChemC News (in brief) 6 CCS Examination Results 7-8

Prizes awaiting Donors at Levels 3/4.....

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