真正的慈母瑪利亞 - myolph.org echo-46-2017-10.pdf ·...

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OLPH olph@telus.net2017-10-15




觀看過講者 Edward Sri 的講解片段後,便是小組分享,雖然是第一課,大家都非常踴躍地分享。組長給我們最後分享的問題是 : 「你認識的聖母瑪利亞是怎樣的?」在回家途中,我仍然反覆思考這個問題。在我心中的聖母瑪利亞是 :

(1) 很有信德的女孩子。當加俾額爾天使顯現給聖母瑪利亞時,她只是一個很年輕的女孩子。雖然已許配給了聖若瑟,但他們仍未同住。在那個年代未婚生子,若被人知道,一定會受盡侮辱和輕視。而且,聖母瑪利亞已決定過守貞的生活,又怎可懷孕生子呢?當聖母瑪利亞聽了加俾額爾天使說 : 「聖神要臨於你,⋯⋯ 因為在天主前沒有不能的事。」之後,她沒有考慮便說 : 「看!上主的婢女,願照你的話成就於我罷!」( 路1:26-38 ) 若不是聖母瑪利亞有這樣大的信德,參與天主的救贖工程,我們就不能稱天主為父、耶穌為長兄了。如果天主要我離開現在的舒適區,跟隨衪為我們預備的新環境生活,我怎會不考慮清楚呢?要像聖母瑪利亞一樣充滿信德的說出「願照你的話成就於我罷」真不容易!

(2) 很良善和謙遜的女孩子。當聖母瑪利亞知道年老的表姊依撒伯爾懷孕的消息,她自己雖有身孕亦不辭勞苦往山區探望和幫助表姐,可見她擁有一顆善良的心。人總喜愛在別人面前講自己的「威水史」,試看看聖母瑪利亞雖知道自己懷的胎將會是「偉大的,並被稱為至高者的兒子」,但她只是默存心中,從沒有在人前跨耀自己。聖母瑪利亞是天主之母、是滿被聖寵者、在女人中是蒙祝福的、上主與她同在的;她擁有這些,但都那樣謙遜,我又有什麼事藉得在人前跨耀呢?

(3) 一位真正的慈母。聖母瑪利亞在不同的時間, 不同的地方顯現過,更為我們的罪而流淚。她顯現的目的只有一個,就是叫我們悔改、多做祈禱和補贖。因為這樣做才可以得到天主的寬恕,投奔天主愛的懷抱。就好像一個母親,看到自己的孩子變壞了,她的心一定很痛,她將會用盡一切方法去使孩子回頭改過,重新做人。聖母媽媽,請繼續為我們轉求,讓我們悔改吧!

                           Josephine Li, Echo Editor














Emily Chan, Echo Editor

「 如果有一天,我們說再見」一書讀後感

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九月份的信仰小團體,在暑假結束之後又再恢復每月一次的聚會。今次感覺興奮是因為自從西北區和Arbour Lake區兩個小組合併以來,出席人數是最多的一次,超過二十人,非常熱鬧。彼此互道近況之餘,我們更可以和林執事及Anne Lam分享他們的花地瑪朝聖之旅,又介紹了西班牙「聖雅各的步行朝聖之路」。林執事更以他自己在旅途中駕車的經歷,比喻為信仰生活的歷程,我們只要認清目標,專心一致,縱然途中有阻礙,只要全心依賴上主的引導,定能排除困難而抵達目的地。




Maria Leung, Faith Sharing Group Coordinator

「上主,祢的名在普世何其美妙..... 祢從赤


(詠 8:1-2 )

Toby & Adelyn


• • • • • • • • • • • • 46八月份的避靜


公教家庭在 Lake Bonavista 的避靜,由鄔執士做我們的神師,他引導我們思考天國的意義,選出瑪竇福音多段經文,分由各參與者誦讀和分享感受,經文有真福八端和關於天國的比喻。各人分享自己所接受的信仰和天國,如何活出基督徒背上十字架走耶穌的道路;鄔執士指出我們的價值觀,應以天主和人為中心。是次聚會有近四十人參與,在戶外的大自然環境,除了精神食糧外,有簡便午餐,最後還有美味的燒烤,有牛扒、豬扒、沙律及西瓜,大家身心靈都得到飽足。

八月廿六日陳修女安排給牧靈關愛組和聖母軍的成員在Providence Residence舉行避靜

,有近三十人參與。退省的主題是同情心 (Compassion),早上由 Fr. Bill Trienekens 闡述:「 同情心」。他先討論:我是誰? 他人是誰?人是天主創造的,要知道天主在我內,耶穌在我內,耶穌也在他人內,我們就明白對他人的同情心是什麽 ? 不是施捨或可憐,卻是知道他人的真正需要。Fr. Bill 說要記着一個聖人的名字「Chris topher」,就是Chris t Carry Over,或是Carry Christ Over。十一時我們到隔鄰 Fr.Lacombe Care Centre 的小聖堂參加彌撒聖祭,然後回來午餐。


John So, Parish Pastoral Council






Teresa Tsui


參加信仰小團體後感 (2017年9月9日)


我們西北區的信仰小團體,除了本身約十多位成員外,也包括了「Arbour Lake」的部份兄弟姊妹,總共有二十多位團員出席。在我眼中,大家好像小學生剛剛度完暑假 ,既帶著興奮的心情,也有一種盼望;希望將乾渴的心靈像久旱逢甘露般的獲得更多「補充劑」。就在這美好的心情下,度過了本年第一次的信仰分享聚會。當天晚上七時半左右,大家斷斷續續地到達 Maria 和Peter Leung 的家。相信大家都知道 Maria Leung就是信仰小團體的召集人。他們夫婦二人作了很好的安排;將椅子沿著兩個聖母像下,圍繞一個大圈,並預備了頌恩和主日讀經,他們也作了幾個別緻的糕點、沙律和一些小吃。其他與會的姊妹們也預備了很多愛心的食物,待聖經分享後,便一同享用。這一個小環節,令每一次的信仰聚會都在歡笑聲中畫上完美的句號。


另外,特別值得一提的就是Deacon Edward和 Anne Lam一家人剛好從法國、西班牙、葡萄牙完成另一次露德和花地瑪朝聖之旅。在Maria的邀請下,他們憶述了⋯,特別在聖地牙哥駕車自由行前往葡萄牙花地瑪途中,看見不斷有朝聖者,行 St. James Trail到花地瑪朝聖。每天徒步至少行五或十公里,甚至三十公里。他們一方面要挑戰自己的體能和意志力,利用步行時間默想,與天主直接對話。同時也可以自我反醒或作補贖等。這些信徒大概以七天、十天甚至三十天的時間來完成部份或整個步行朝聖之旅。我深信這些信友們一定會獲得天主和聖母媽媽的特別恩寵!藉此祈求天主,保守著永援聖母堂區內的主內兄弟姊妹,能夠積極地參與各區的信仰聚會(時間和地點請參閱堂區通訊),但願我們的信仰温故知新!願大家共勉之! Josephine Wong, 西北信仰小團體



我們既有信德就要完全相信天主,因為祂是美善慈愛的。有一個數度求天主賞賜都不得要領的人,對天主失去信心,失去信德。但我用個比喻,園丁對所栽種的樹和花草一定是很愛惜,將不健康的枝幹剪掉,把樹修護得很美觀和肥壯。園丁就是天主,祂認為不適用的橫枝除掉後,使我們有較適當美好的生活。天主自有美好的計劃,我們要相信祂,所以我們不應放棄我們的信德。 Tony Wong


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My Youth Choir Experience

Youth Choir has given me a great opportunity to communicate and share the faith of God with others through music. We have participated in many church events, like singing for Mother's Day and in the yearly Christmas plays. By using our voices we spread the faith and love of God to others.

As a youth choir pianist, I enjoy bonding and gathering with other youths through music. It not only allows us to experience the faith of God, but also gives us a chance to become friends with each other. As the youths get to know each other more, it helps to eventually build a friendlier, stronger, and closer youth group community. Many youth group members are also members of the youth choir. Many of the members includ-ing myself, have found great interest in music and we work hard to improve our singing and instrument playing skills to help serve our parish community.

Being able to sing in Youth Choir has helped me to build a stronger sense of belonging to the church I really enjoy being a part of it!

Sonia Wong, Youth Choir

YAG Kick Off Event at Corn Maze Calgary

One of the best things to do in the cool fall weather would be to gather with friends and venture out in a corn maze, solving puzzles, and working as a team to find the way out from the maze. On September 30th, YAG hosted the first kick off event in welcoming old and new members for another great year ahead. At the event, we were able to get up close with the cute farm animals and play games. One of my favorite events was the pig race. The way they ran around the course trying to reach the finish line was extremely fun to watch; many people cheered loudly for their favorite pig. My favorite pig was the blue pig and I was super excited when he got first place in the race!

When the evening sky began to grow darker, it was time to take on the challenge of doing the Flashlight corn maze challenge. In the chal-lenge, participants had to try to find the different stations within the maze and collect stamps at each station. Each station contained either symbols or animals that represented Canada. As we know, this year was Canada’s 150th birthday, so the theme of the stations included Canada’s sports such as lacrosse and hockey. Some iconic symbols included the Inukshuk, as well as the maple leaf. Although I was not able to find the last station that represented “Canada 150”, I had a lot of fun working together with friends and other participants at the maze!

Peggy Yip, Young Adults Group/ Echo Editor


New School Year, New GOALS

As the autumn leaves begin to fall and winter approaches, it means a new school year has come into session. The frequent tests and never-ending assignments slowly begin to pile up and the stress starts to build. This being said, it is important to be able to find activities that help relieve the stress to ensure a well-balanced life. One thing that I personally like to do is to volunteer my time and to help make my community a better place

This year, Youth Group is planning to create opportunities for the youth to participate in meaningful community service activities. Our overall theme for the year is a famous quote from Mother Teresa—“Faith in action is love, and love in action is service”. What better way to strengthen our faith then to lend a helping hand!

Our first planned community service activity will be launching a campaign called “Sandwiches of Change”. Together with our Sunday school brothers and sisters, we will be collecting pocket change at the church main and side entrances on Sunday November 19. The pocket change collected will be used to buy ingredients

to make sandwiches to donate to the Calgary Drop in Centre. On Sunday November 26, we will be making the sandwiches as a team effort. Our target is to make 150-200 sandwiches with fillings such as peanut butter with jelly and cold cut meats with cheese. As the winter months are approaching, there is definitely a need to support those who are less fortunate than us.

We thank you for your continued support and hope that we can inspire you to make some positive choices to influence your daily lives! During this new school year, make it your goal to spread the love through acts of service, kind-ness and charity!

Jenny Lam, Youth Group Director, Young Adult Group, Echo Editor





• • • • • • • • • • • • 46精彩雙牙記





另一個令人驚歎又敬畏的景點,是葡萄牙布拉加(Braga)的好耶穌山(Bom Jesus do Monte)。整座山都有著風格獨特,設計完美的建築!山頂有聖堂、小酒店及後山樹林的一個寧靜小湖。我最喜歡是從山腳至山頂迂回曲折的階梯,兩旁有十四座磚庭,內裏雕有耶穌苦難的事蹟,令我感受到非常觸動的朝聖氣氛。山腰的兩段層層交叠並逐漸上升的扶梯,彷彿托起了山頂的聖堂,我不期然感受到震撼的寓意,教會是需要朝聖者努力,甚至堅負責任去支撐的呢!



巴塞隆拿(Barcelona)的聖家堂(Sagrada Família),是旅遊巴塞隆拿必遊景點。聖家堂的震撼,是近代建了一百多年還未完工的聖堂,也是世界上唯一一座還未完工就被列為世界遺產的建築物。教堂有三座立面,包括誕生立面、光榮立面及受難立面(尚未完工);十八座塔樓,其中十二座代表耶穌的十二門徒,四座代表四大福音作者,一座是聖母瑪利亞和最高塔是象徵耶穌基督。每一處的設計,都包含著豐富的聖經故事,值得細細品味,也不停讚嘆設計師的智慧及藝術才華!期待 2026年完工時,再來朝聖!

Anne Lam, Echo Editor


300th OLPH ScoutsThe summer has come and gone; and the leaves are changing into its beautiful fall colours. The 300th OLPH Scout is gearing up for another amazing 2017/18 year. Scout Leaders are excited to see the many old and new faces of all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Venturers; and moreover, looking forward to another year of learning new skills, experiencing new adventures and growing in spirit and community.

Our first meetings went off with great energy and enthusiasm, and we hope to carry it throughout the year. Due to the forest fires in Waterton, fall camps for both the Beavers and Cubs were cancelled. However, this opens up other new adventures for Scouters to plan for the children. We also took the time to pray for all those impacted by natural disasters around the world.

Here are a few highlights from the scouts’ first meetings:

The Beavers did activities on learning about each other and about themselves. The kids definitely tested their Leaders in their memorization of names and interest.

The Cubs walked to see some amazing exhibits held by Beakerhead Calgary 2017 in East Village. Beakerhead is an annual program that brings together the arts, sciences, and engineering sectors to build, engage, compete, and exhibit interactive works of art.

The Scouts kicked off the new year living up to the Scout Motto: “Be Prepared”. The Scouts brainstormed a list of exciting activities and community services they plan to do this year. Some activities include: backcountry camping, horseback riding, and a canoe expedition near the end of the Scout year. We spent the first few meetings in September planning and preparing for our fall camp at Elbow Lake.

The Venturers took in a quest that tested their quick thinking and teamwork. They took to trying the ‘Escape Room’, an activity where you find yourself trapped in a closed room and in order to escape from it, they needed to act smart and together.

300th OLPH Scouts group also kick started their fundraising activities. We recently completed our first of three bottle drives for this year. Our next bottle drive will be in early January 2018, so please be sure to keep your bottles for us. Our Popcorn sale is in process, so if you need ideas for Christmas gifts or a little bit of indulgence, please chase down an OLPH 300 scout to purchase some yummy Popcorn.

Rose Wong, Cub Leader 300th OLPH Scouts

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My Sunday School ExperienceI would like to say that I made the person of Jesus central in our Sunday school lessons, not just a tour of doctrinal facts, with no logical reasons why we are telling them these things.

I tried to present tangible examples and use material props to illustrate the reasons behind the sacraments and commandment. I put Jesus first, foremost, and central in teaching. Students then begin to understand the Faith and why Jesus died for them. The Gospel and Sacraments all shine from Jesus.

Children should understand the centrality of Jesus in their lives. Otherwise, the lesson will not stay with them. What we pour into their hearts, we hope will mature later in the Holy Spirit, provided prayer is added to the recipe, like salt in a loaf of bread.

Prayer becomes a GPS on their spiritual highway. Its signals rise to Heaven and God will send back information in many different ways to guide them safely on their way. If children do not understand that they are eternal entities, endowed with free will, awaiting their turn to go to another World, our instructions will make little sense to them.

My first question to a new student is: “Do you know there is a life after this one? Do you know you will live forever in another world? Do you understand we are tested here? Do you know that God loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you, so you will enter His Kingdom?”

Then they may understand our instructions. Otherwise nothing will make sense to their questioning minds.

My curriculum, regardless of which sacra-ments I taught, began with a hierarchy of truths. The awesomeness of God with no beginning or end; a Soul that never dies;

Freewill, like the steering wheel in your car; Baptism—a spiritual washing of the soul; Reconciliation—like a cold water shower - you feel very warm afterwards; daily prayer - your life line to God; and truths like the Four Last Things.

These touchable ideas are needed to rivet a child’s’ Faith in place. Also, devotion to Mary and the saints, and the powerful Rosary-spiritual weapons of good Catholics. If these are absent, our teachings will blow away in the strong winds of the world.

This brings me to another point: the need for a follow up program for students before they drop out of sight. They need Faith Friends to monitor their spiritual survival in the world. Teachers have a moral obligation to pray for their students - to pray that they persevere to the end and be saved.

It goes without saying that teachers should practice what they teach - that is - keep the Commandments, confess regularly, do not miss Mass on Sundays. Children need good examples, not just good words.

Christianity has high standards. If we succeed in showing children the advantages of being good, and not evil, we have achieved a lot. I hope I have done that much during my twelve years of teaching Sunday School at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Thanks to all my classroom assistants for their patience with me during those years!

Patrick Owens, Sunday School teacher

Editors: Anne Lam, Emily Chan Jenny Lam, Josephine Li, Peggy Yip, Teresa Chow, Winnie Lau12


我有四名孫兒女,唯住在卡城的外孫們就得天獨厚, 父母早給他倆授洗, 但卻疏於教導宗教上的基本規則、或作信仰的培育,更談不上主日帶領他們參與彌撒。可是十分奇妙,他們的媽媽為方便上班,就由西南遷往西北,還主力尋找接近天主教學校的房子,這不是天主的安排又是什麼?小弟弟不久亦自然地入讀該校啊!其實我都一直為這下一代憂心,因為我既不懂,也不便在宗教方面強加于他們身上,因為我希望尊重他們自己的生活方式。

卡城有一所小店,那店主的兒子十歲左右,既聰敏又有禮貌, 中英文對答如流。昨日是假日,在店鋪內竟不見他,原來他留在家為媽媽補習,在電腦網上溫習汔車駕駛和作筆試準備,真是難得的下一代。細談才知一切功勞都歸於店主的父親,爺爺為了他們一家三口,放棄大好前途, 連根拔起, 舉家移民。他還經常作身教, 做好榜樣, 耳聞目染, 於是那小朋




Teresa Chow, Echo Editor

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Editor's NoteWe celebrated Thanksgiving last weekend, but we still want to

take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your continuous support and contribution for Echo!

We encourage you to submit articles, which can reflect activities of the parish, your spiritual journey or witness of faith. Let’s grow

together in the love of God!

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