co-ordinating centres for community engagement in the centenary of the first world war

Post on 25-May-2015






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Key Features of the Funding call. Presentation by Gary Grubb, AHRC


Co-ordinating Centres for

Community Engagement in the Centenary of the First World

WarKey Features of the Funding Call

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres: Open Call

• Open Call - No need to have had any prior involvement with Care for the Future or Connected Communities or HLF.

• Lead research organisation needs to be eligible for AHRC funding but looking for proposals with a wide range of collaborations

• Not a route for funding specific research projects already identified which relate to the First World War – these can be directed towards responsive mode or other routes

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres: Cross-cutting Research Themes

• Two-way dialogue between ‘academic’ and ‘public’ histories• Contributing to Care for the Future Theme e.g.

understanding processes of commemoration; concepts of memory, legacy, heritage; emotions evoked by reflections on the past, transitions from trauma and conflict, etc.

• Contributing to the Connected Communities Prog., e.g. around processes & ethics of community engagement/ participatory research / co-production, understanding the temporal dimension to communities & connectivity etc.

• Identify areas of specialist expertise relating to the FWW for support at a UK level plus (normally) local / regional support

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres: Collaboration with HLF

• Working with HLF, locally & nationally across all its funding programmes for community heritage

• Responsive support and advice to a diverse range of community groups across the UK seeking & awarded HLF funding

• Opening up expertise and resources within research organisations to communities

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres:Wider Collaboration

• Applications should be collaborative across all three of the following dimensions:- across research organisations;- across disciplines in the arts and humanities (and beyond if appropriate);- with partners outside the higher education sector

• Proposals involving international collaborations will also be welcomed

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres:Access to Research Expertise: Co-ordinating a Research Network

• Broad, inclusive multi-disciplinary network of researchers with relevant expertise willing to provide advice, mentor and support community groups (e.g. historic context, methods, project management etc.)

• Network members will need support from their institutions for their role.

• Centre to help make connections, provide training and support.

• Initial network identified but expected to grow over time.

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres: Connecting with Communities: Community engagement, responsiveness and outreach.• Beacons for outreach, engagement and collaboration at a

local/ regional and UK-wide scale (e.g. open days, road shows, exhibitions, tours of facilities, on-line / digital media activities, etc.)

• Proactive approach to developing new links, issues of inclusion and not just existing collaborators / those already well-connected

• Encouragement / moral support; nurturing innovation and creativity; advising; etc.

• Not advice on whether applications are appropriate for HLF funding

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres:Supporting Community Research: Advice,

Training and Access to Resources • Provision of training and support based on a needs

analysis, especially those groups with less access to other heritage expertise

• Access to archives, collections, libraries, and other facilities and sign-posting to other resources

• Feedback and self-evaluation• Outline broad approach and ideas in proposal

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres:Supporting Collaborative and Co-produced

Research Projects• Collaborative research project fund of at least one third

total centre application (c£170k)• Collaborative / co-produced projects to extend or

follow-up & add value to HLF funded activity through more substantial engagement and supplementary activities leading to additional outputs / outcomes

• Process for allocating these funds to applications from network members and community groups but project should emerge and not be specified at this stage

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres:Critical Research Reflection

• Critical reflection on processes of connecting academic and public histories and the legacy this leaves.

• Reflecting on the portfolio of commemorative activities being undertaken, e.g. what is/ is not being remembered, whose voices, who is involved and who isn’t, what tensions emerge etc

• Reflecting on learning and input to Care for the Future and Connected Communities and broader academic and public debates

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres:Building Capacity: Developing Infrastructure, Skills and ECRs

• Support for post-graduate students and early career researchers, working with NCCPE

• Support for research network around issues such as ethics

• Infrastructure to support engagement, guidance, tools, case studies

• Building partnerships and developing ways of working together

Key Features of Co-ordinating Centres: Wider Connections: Connecting to Broader

Initiatives • Centres will need to work with each other & with

Connected Communities & Theme Leadership Fellows and with AHRC, NCCPE & HLF & participate in relevant Programme / Theme events

• Linkages to other activities organised as a part of the First World War Centenary Partnership

• Links to other AHRC partnerships and activities e.g. with BBC or around the digital legacy

Other Issues:Grant Leadership and Management

• Careful attention should be given to issues of intellectual leadership and project management given the ambitious nature of these centres and wide range of objectives.

• Time commitments and leadership / management structure should be commensurate with the scale and ambition of the grants and their roles within the Theme

• Clear contact point / co-ordinator for communities and links with NCCPE and other partners

• Roles should be clearly identified and if necessary specialist support included if appropriate.

• Need to build in flexibility to meet community needs

Other Issues:Institutional Support

• As these are major strategic objectives we will be looking for alignment with strategies within, and/or support from, the research organisations.

• Support for research network members to engage with community groups is essential.

• This will also be particularly important in, for example: embedding and sustaining some activities & securing the longer term legacy of the centres; supporting the development of wider research capabilities and collaborations; and, opening up resources and facilities to communities.

Assessment Criteria• Fit to call• Capacity to inspire, encourage and nurture innovation• Appropriate plans for outreach activities and brokering

connections• Effective strategy for supporting community activities

and research • Plans for supporting high quality collaborative research

with communities• People, skills and expertise• Partnerships, networking and capacity to make wider


Assessment Criteria (cont.)• Contribution to the Connected Communities Programme

and Care for the Future Theme• Contribution to building capacity• Leadership, management, achievability and feasibility• Strength of research organisation commitment & longer

term sustainability • Pathways to impact, outputs and dissemination• Overall value for money

“lay the foundations for a sustainable legacy of relationships, practices, resources and structures for building dialogue between academic and public historical research”

Further Information on the Call:Funding Available

• Applications can be for up to £500,000 (fEC)• Centres to start on 1 January 2014 and be for an

initial 3-year period ending on 31 December 2016.

• We expect to fund 5-7 Co-ordinating Centres through this call subject to quality

• Some adjustments to plans may be required to maximise coherence and reduce duplication across the 5-7 centres

Further Information on the Call:Timetable

• April 2013 Full call details published• 14 June briefing meeting • 16 July 2013 (16:00hrs) Closing date for full proposals. • September / October 2013 Assessment Panel • By end of October 2013 Inform applicants • November 2013 Outcomes publicly announced• 12 December 2013 Meeting between centre teams to

share plans • 1 January 2014 Co-ordinating centres start

Further Information on the Call:Timetable

• 31 January 2015 First Annual report from centres • End of 2015 Interim report from co-ordinating centres • First half 2016 Review progress & consider options for

phase 2 • End of 2016 First phase funding ends • 2017-2019 Possible second phase activities

Further Information on the Call: Submission of Proposals

• Submission through JeS• 10 page case for support – guidance on format in the call

document• Only one application can be submitted from any one Research

Organisation (but can also be involved as Co-Is, collaborators in other proposals). Early strategic engagement with RO leadership and management teams & research / public engagement offices essential.

• Please make sure you allow time for your institution to submit your application to AHRC ahead of the deadline of 1600hrs on 16 July 2013 and try to avoid leaving it to the last minute!

Other Funding Opportunities• Shoehorning existing research project ideas into this call won’t

work! – only proposals that fully meet the aims of the call will stand a chance. Other types of research project should be directed towards other funding routes.

• Other thematic or Programme opportunities e.g. Care for the Future:- Theme large grants call closes on 10 October 2013- We are planning a workshop for early career researchers in December 2013/ January 2014 with follow-up funding. Call for participants expected in autumn 2013

• Responsive mode grants, fellowships and networking schemes –potential to link into the theme / Prog. - Open Deadlines

Questions?Contacts for further queries in Team C

Jill Mustard (, tel: 01793 416085) or

Paul McWhirter ( tel: 01793 416083) or

Susan Hanshaw ( tel: 01793 416063)

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