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Classification/Taxonomy. Chapter 17. Why Classify?. To study the diversity of life, biologists use a classification system to name organisms & group them in a logical manner. Taxonomy. Defined : Discipline of classifying organisms and assigning each organism a universally accepted name. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Chapter 17Chapter 17

Why Classify?Why Classify?To study the diversity of life, biologists use a To study the diversity of life, biologists use a

classification system to name organisms & classification system to name organisms &

group them in a logical them in a logical manner.


Discipline of classifying Discipline of classifying organisms and assigning each organisms and assigning each

organism a universally organism a universally accepted name.accepted name.

In other words, naming things.

Why common names don’t workWhy common names don’t workCommon names vary among languages.Common names vary among languages.


United Kingdom – Buzzard refers to a hawkUnited Kingdom – Buzzard refers to a hawk

United States – Buzzard refers to a vultureUnited States – Buzzard refers to a vulture

Red-tailed Hawk Honey Buzzard Turkey Vulture

Another Example:Another Example:

Dolphin Dolphin

Tursipos truncatus Mahi mahi

Carolus LinnaeusCarolus Linnaeus

(1707 – 1778)(1707 – 1778)

Created the system of naming we use today.Created the system of naming we use today.

In taxonomy, a group or level of In taxonomy, a group or level of organization is called a taxonomic category organization is called a taxonomic category or or taxontaxon..

Binomial NomenclatureBinomial Nomenclature ““Bi” means 2Bi” means 2

““nomial” means namingnomial” means naming

Nomenclature means “the system of”Nomenclature means “the system of”


In binomial nomenclature, each In binomial nomenclature, each species is assigned a two-part species is assigned a two-part

scientific name. (Genus & species)scientific name. (Genus & species)

Example of Binomial NomenclatureExample of Binomial NomenclaturePolar Bear is Polar Bear is Ursus maritimusUrsus maritimus

UrsusUrsus: genus : genus

Ursus contains 5 other kinds of bearsUrsus contains 5 other kinds of bears

maritimusmaritimus: species : species

The Latin word, The Latin word, maritimusmaritimus, refers to the sea., refers to the sea.

Polar bears often live on pack ice that floats in the sea. Polar bears often live on pack ice that floats in the sea.

Definitions to knowDefinitions to know

GenusGenus: is a group of closely related species: is a group of closely related species

SpeciesSpecies: Group of similar organisms that can : Group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspringbreed and produce fertile offspring

FamilyFamily: Group of genera that share many : Group of genera that share many characteristicscharacteristics

OrderOrder: Group of similar families: Group of similar families

ClassClass: Group of similar orders: Group of similar orders

PhylumPhylum: Group of closely related classes: Group of closely related classes

KingdomKingdom: Largest taxonomic group,: Largest taxonomic group, consisting of closely related consisting of closely related phyla.phyla.

Here We Go…Here We Go…Polar BearPolar Bear

Species: Species: maritimusmaritimusGenus: Genus: UrsusUrsus

Family: UrsidaeFamily: UrsidaeOrder: CarnivoraOrder: CarnivoraClass: MammaliaClass: MammaliaPhylum: ChordataPhylum: ChordataKingdom: AnimiliaKingdom: Animilia

What do these mean?...lets seeWhat do these mean?...lets see

What they meanWhat they mean

Species: Species: maritimus maritimus (lives in marine environment)(lives in marine environment)

Genus: Genus: Ursus Ursus (kind of bear)(kind of bear)

Family: Ursidae (larger category of bears)Family: Ursidae (larger category of bears)

Order: Carnivora (meat-eating animals)Order: Carnivora (meat-eating animals)

Class: Mammalia (warm-blooded, hair, & milk)Class: Mammalia (warm-blooded, hair, & milk)

Phylum: Chordata (vertebrates)Phylum: Chordata (vertebrates)

Kingdom: Animilia (there are 6 kingdoms)Kingdom: Animilia (there are 6 kingdoms)

How to remember:How to remember:

DDa a KKing ing PPhillip hillip CCame ame OOver ver FFor or GGreen reen SSaladalad

DDomain omain KKingdom ingdom PPhylum hylum CClass lass OOrder rder FFamily amily GGenus enus SSpeciespecies









Genus Ursus


Taxonomy Video Taxonomy Video

The Three-Domain SystemThe Three-Domain System There are 3 Domains:There are 3 Domains:

Domain BacteriaDomain Bacteria Domain ArchaeaDomain Archaea Domain EukaryaDomain Eukarya

There are 6 Kingdoms: There are 6 Kingdoms:

1. Eubacteria 2. Archaebacteria 3. Protista1. Eubacteria 2. Archaebacteria 3. Protista

4. Fungi 5. Plantae 6. Animalia4. Fungi 5. Plantae 6. Animalia

The Three-Domain SystemThe Three-Domain System There are 3 Domains:There are 3 Domains:

Domain BacteriaDomain Bacteria Kingdom EubacteriaKingdom Eubacteria Unicellular/ProkaryotesUnicellular/Prokaryotes Cell walls have PeptidoglycanCell walls have Peptidoglycan

Domain ArchaeaDomain Archaea Kingdom ArchaebacteriaKingdom Archaebacteria Unicellular/ProkaryotesUnicellular/Prokaryotes Cell walls withOUT PeptidoglycanCell walls withOUT Peptidoglycan

Domain EukaryaDomain Eukarya Kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, AnimaliaKingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia

Kingdom ArchaebacteriaKingdom Archaebacteria

- Unicellular ProkaryoteUnicellular Prokaryote- Cell walls withOUT PeptidoglycanCell walls withOUT Peptidoglycan- Extremophiles – Love extreme environmentsExtremophiles – Love extreme environments

like volcanoes, hydrothermal vents, and hot springslike volcanoes, hydrothermal vents, and hot springs

Archaea Hydrothermal Vent Hot Spring Volcaone

Kingdom EubacteriaKingdom Eubacteria

- Unicellular ProkaryoteUnicellular Prokaryote- Cell walls with PeptidoglycanCell walls with Peptidoglycan- All other bacteria you encounter everydayAll other bacteria you encounter everyday

E. coli Staphlycoccus Streptococcus

Kingdom ProtistaKingdom Protista

- Unicellular or MulticellularUnicellular or Multicellular- Live in coloniesLive in colonies

Amoeba Euglena Paramecium

Video Clip: Amoeba

Kingdom FungiKingdom Fungi

- Unicellular or MulticellularUnicellular or Multicellular- Cell walls made of Cell walls made of ChitinChitin- Heterotrophs….they eat!Heterotrophs….they eat!

Yeast Mushrooms

Kingdom PlantaeKingdom Plantae

- MulticellularMulticellular- Cell walls made of Cell walls made of CelluloseCellulose- Autotrophs….make their own foodAutotrophs….make their own food

Trees & Grass Moss Venus Fly Trap

Kingdom AnimaliaKingdom Animalia

- MulticellularMulticellular- NO cell wallsNO cell walls- Heterotrophs….they eatHeterotrophs….they eat

Worms Insects Jellyfish Giraffes

6 Kingdoms6 KingdomsEubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Fungi Plantae AnimaliaEubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia

E. ecoli Paramecium Fern frodH. coccinea Homo sapiensPyrococcus furiosus

ProkaryoteProkaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote

Autotroph or


Autotroph orheterotroph


Heterotroph HeterotrophAutotroph

Most common bacteria

Cell wall w/ Peptidoglycan

Live in very hot places

Includes Algae

Don’t belong in other euk

Cell wallsw/cellulose

& Chloroplasts

Release enzymes to digest


No cell wall

No chloroplasts


“Ancient Bacteria”

Write Scientific Names CorrectlyWrite Scientific Names Correctly

Genus species Genus species Genus capitalizedGenus capitalized Species lower caseSpecies lower case Underline if hand writtenUnderline if hand written Italics if typedItalics if typed

Homo sapiens Genus species

Canis lupis

Hippocampus erectus

If these three species belong to the same If these three species belong to the same genus, they are descended from a common genus, they are descended from a common ancestor.ancestor.

Scientific Name: Genus species




margarita Sand cat`


Domestic Cat

Felis domestica

Felis leo

Felis margarita

A Problem with Traditional ClassificationA Problem with Traditional ClassificationExample: The Crab, The barnacle, & The limpetExample: The Crab, The barnacle, & The limpet

• The barnacle and the limpet have similarly The barnacle and the limpet have similarly shaped shells & look alikeshaped shells & look alike

• The crab has a very different body formThe crab has a very different body form

• Based on anatomy, the barnacle & limpet could Based on anatomy, the barnacle & limpet could be classified together and the crab in a different be classified together and the crab in a different


This incorrect because crabs and barnacles are actually related


Even though they do not look a like, crabs & barnacles are actually



Molted Exoskeleton


Free swimming Larva

Draw this!

Classification Using Classification Using CladogramsCladograms

CladogramCladogram: : A diagram that shows the A diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms.evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms.


Using Cladograms, you can see that crabs and barnacles share similar characteristics

because they both molt & are segmented


Molted Exoskeleton


Free swimming Larva


You can also see that ALL have a free

swimming larva stage


Molted Exoskeleton


Free swimming Larva

Where do viruses go?Where do viruses go?VirusesViruses: Are particles of nucleic acid, protein, : Are particles of nucleic acid, protein,

and in some cases lipids that can reproduce and in some cases lipids that can reproduce ONLY by infecting living cells. ONLY by infecting living cells.

Viruses are made of a core of either DNA or RNA Viruses are made of a core of either DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat.surrounded by a protein coat.

These are T4 Bacteriophage

A bacteriophage is a virus which infects


Where do viruses go? (continued)Where do viruses go? (continued)

Viruses are not considered alive because they Viruses are not considered alive because they don’t have don’t have ALLALL the characteristics of life. the characteristics of life.

ExampleExample: They can’t reproduce independently: They can’t reproduce independently

These are the Influenza Viruses

Influenza or "flu" is an infection of the respiratory

tract that can affect millions of people every year.

The End.

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