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  • 7/29/2019 class17_linalg-I-handout.pdf


    High Performance Linear Algebra I

    M. D. Jones, Ph.D.

    Center for Computational ResearchUniversity at Buffalo

    State University of New York

    High Performance Computing I, 2012

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    Introduction Matrices, Vectors, and Scalars ... Oh My!

    Computer Algebra Recapitulated

    Consider an old friend,

    A x = b,

    where A is an M N matrix, and (therefore) x and b are vectors of

    length N and M, respectively.

    Otherwise known as M equations for N unknowns

    Solution fails analytically when:

    M < N (underdetermined)linear dependence exists (i.e. some row or column is a linear

    combination of the others), i.e. A is singular.M > N (overdetermined), seek "best fit" solution (linear leastsquares)

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    Introduction Matrices, Vectors, and Scalars ... Oh My!

    Potential Numerical Pitfalls

    Eq. 1 has some special pitfalls numerically:

    Near linear dependence exists, in which the machine precision is

    unable to distinguish the linear independence

    Roundoff errors accumulate in an uncontrolled fashion, whichusually leads to nonsensical results

    (Prime motivator for using higher precision arithmetic)

    Numerical analysts have produced copious research in the above, and

    much of that work is incorporated into the various available algebra


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    Gauss-Jordan elimination is the standard technique for solving linear

    systems by inverting the (square, non-singular) matrix A:

    Solution is unaffected by interchange of any two rows of A

    Solution is unaffected by replacing any row by a linearcombination of other rows

    Of course, in these operations we also have to keep track of the

    corresponding permutations in x and b

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    Augmentation with the identity matrix yields A1,

    A11 A12 . . . A1N 1 0 . . . 0A21 A22 . . . A2N 0 1 . . . 0...

    .... . .


    .... . .


    AN1 AN2 . . . ANN 0 0 . . . 1

    or you can augment with (a set of) solution vectors to solve for x

    A11 A12 . . . A1N b11 b12A21 A22 . . . A2N b21 b22...

    .... . .



    AN1 AN2 . . . ANN bN1 bN2

    Rearranging the rows of A to yield the identity matrix finds the solution

    (simultaneously A1).

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    G J d

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    Attributes of Gauss-Jordan

    Prominent features of Gauss-Jordan elimination:

    Simple to implement

    Stable (when used with pivoting, which we discuss next)

    More expensive when you do not need A1

    Using A1 for additional solution vectors can be unstable

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    G J d Pi ti

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    Gauss-Jordan Pivoting


    Consider the following simple algorithm for the first steps in

    Gauss-Jordan elimination:

    do i =1,N1do j = i + 1 ,N1

    mult =A( j , i ) / A( i , i )do k = i , N1

    A ( j , k ) = A ( j , k ) mu l tA ( i , k )end do

    end doend do

    See the problem? In this context A(i, i) is called the pivot element.

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    Gauss Jordan Pivoting

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    Gauss-Jordan Pivoting


    We can use pivoting to eliminate the instability in Gauss-Jordan (and

    later plain Gaussian) elimination

    Always unstable without pivoting

    Partial pivoting, exchange rows to get desirable (large) value for


    Full pivoting, exchange rows and columns to get desirable (large)

    value for pivot

    Implicit pivoting, use as pivots those elements that would have

    been largest if original equations were scaled to have unity aslargest elements

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    Gaussian Elimination

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    Gaussian Elimination

    Halfway There

    Gauss-Jordan is sometimes called a full elimination scheme, i.e. the

    original matrix is (fully) reduced to the identity. Gaussian elimination

    (with or without pivoting) stops halfway:


    11 A

    12 . . . A

    1N b


    0 A

    22 . . . A

    2N b


    .... . .


    0 0 . . . A

    NN b


    when we have a triangular matrix,

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    Gaussian Elimination

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    Gaussian Elimination

    and then proceeds through backsubstitution to obtain the solution

    xi =1










    where i goes from N down to 1.

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    Gaussian Elimination Gauss or Gauss-Jordan

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    Gaussian Elimination Gauss, or Gauss Jordan

    Gauss, or Gauss-Jordan?

    So which technique, Gaussian or Gauss-Jordan elimination is

    preferable, computationally?

    Even if you do compute the inverse matrix, Gaussian elimination

    has a slight advantage in operation count (N3/3 versus N3, plusN2/2 versus N2 for each right-hand side).

    Big drawback for both is that all right-hand side vectors must be

    solved at the time of elimination

    Neither - the next method, LU factorization is just as efficient,

    without the drawbacks

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    LU Decomposition Triangular Matrices

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    LU Decomposition Triangular Matrices

    Triangular Factors

    Suppose that we can write A as a product of a lower triangular matrix,

    L and an upper triangular matrix, U (we can if A is invertible and its

    principal minors are non-zero),

    A = L U,

    then our original matrix equation becomes

    Ax = b,

    L Ux=


    and then we can arrange as two coupled equations:

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    LU Decomposition Triangular Matrices

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    p g

    Ly = b,

    Ux = y.

    Given the triangular nature of these matrices, we can write the

    solutions as:

    yi = 1Lii



    Lijyj ,

    known as forward substitution and

    xi = 1Uii



    Uijxj ,

    as the backward substitution step.

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    LU Decomposition Triangular Matrices

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    p g

    LU Code

    LU code fragment:

    f o r ( k = 1 ; k

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    Singular Value Decomposition

    Useful when Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition fails

    Diagnose problematic matrices, and often can yield useful

    numerical results

    Also useful for nonlinear least-squares problems, although that is

    a separate topic

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    Singular Value Decomposition Mathematical Foundation of SVD

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    Foundations of SVD

    SVD is based on a linear algebraic theorem:


    Any M

    N matrixA

    with M

    N can be written as the product of aM N column orthogonal matrixU, a N N diagonal matrixwwith

    nonnegative elements, and the transpose of an N N orthogonal


    A = Uw VT. (1)

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    Singular Value Decomposition Mathematical Foundation of SVD

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    The column-wise orthogonality of U and V simply means


    UijUik = jk,


    VijVik = jk.

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    Singular Value Decomposition SVD for Square Matrices

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    SVD For Square Matrices

    For M = N, it is easy to invert the orthogonal matrices U and V(just take the transpose) and show that

    A1 = V diag(1/wj)


    If some of the wj are quite small (or even zero), that is as

    indication that A is ill-conditioned.

    The condition number of a matrix is simply given by

    cond(A) =max(wj)



    Condition numbers approaching machine preicision (106 single,

    1012 double) indicate ill-condition A

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    Singular Value Decomposition SVD for Square Matrices

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    Columns of U whose corresponding values wj are nonzero form

    an orthonormal basis (i.e. span) the range of A

    Columns of V whose corresponding values wj are zero form anorthonormal basis (i.e. span) the nullspace of A

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    Iterative Improvement

    I i I P S l i

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    Iterative Improvements to Poor Solutions

    Sometimes you have a nearly singular matrix that leads to roundoff

    errors even under the best of circumstances. This can happen for large

    matrices as well. But all hope is not lost, as you can apply the following

    trick to improve the quality of an existing solution.Start with

    Ax = b,

    but suppose that x is the exact solution, and ours is just a bit off,

    x + x.

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    Iterative Improvement

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    So our poor solution satisfies

    A (x + x) = b + b,

    which also implies

    A x = b,

    but substituting for b gives:

    A x = A (x + x) b, (2)

    but we know the right-hand side of Eq. 2 - it is the residual of the

    problem we originally solved, and now want to improve. So solving Eq.2 for x is as simple as backsubstituting the right-hand side using ouroriginal A (if LU decomposed). Rinse and repeat!

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    Iterative Improvement

    It ti I t S h

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    Iterative Improvement Scheme

    The iterative improvement scheme:

    Solve for residual, r = (Ax b),

    while (norm(r) > ) do

    Solve Ax = rLet x = x + xr = Ax b

    end while

    When the matrix A is already LU decomposed, solving for x isrelatively straightforward.

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