ckx: the open city - keynote presentation by don tapscott

Post on 19-Jul-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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Introducing The City as Platform: Opening Up the City for Prosperity, Sustainability and Well Being

Don Tapscott 416 863 8801 @dtapscott

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For the first time in human history, the majority of the world’s population lives in urban areas. By 2050, this figure will rise to 70%

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The world’s ten most economically important cities now generate one-fifth of global GDP.

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The world’s governments are poised to spend a staggering $35 trillion on infrastructure in the next two decades, the majority on transport and urbanism. Greg Lindsay, Author, Journalist, and Futurist

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Developed World Developing World

The Downside of Cities in the Industrial Age

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The Age of Networked Intelligence

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3. Big Data Big Data

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What does “Big” mean?

1027 This will be our digital universe tomorrow…


1024 This is our digital universe today

= 250 trillion of DVDs

Yottabyte 1021 1.3 ZB of network traffic by 2016



1 EB of data is created on the internet each day = 250 million DVDs worth of information. The proposed Square Kilometer Array telescope will generated an EB of data per day


1012 Terabyte

500TB of new data per day are ingested in Facebook databases

1015 Petabyte The CERN Large Hadron Collider generates 1PB per second

Today data scientist uses Yottabytes to describe how much government data the NSA or FBI have on people altogether. In the near future, Brontobyte will be the measurement to describe the type of sensor data that will be generated from the IoT (Internet of Things)


Gigabyte 106


A Geopbyte is 1030 Bytes

There are~1019 grains of sand on the earth

Source: Christopher Surdak, Data Crush

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So What? How do you benefit from the 2.5 exabytes humanity creates every day?

“We don’t have better algorithms, we just have more data”

Peter Norvig, Director of Research, Google

Source: Christopher Surdak, Data Crush

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Problems in Towns & Cities

Climate Change Infectious Disease

Racism Species Extinction


Corporate Greed

Human Rights Violations

Sexual Violence

Environmental Destruction

Poverty Conflict

Economic Collapse



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Structural Unemployment

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Fostering Entrepreneurship: Creating Startup Cities

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REVOLUTION Drivers for Change

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Openness: A Term Denoting Possibilities

Creating an Opening

Open Book

Open Hearted

Open Skies

Open Source

Open Minded

Open Bar

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses 3.  Open Transportation 4.  Open Hospitals & Medical Research Labs 5.  Open Power 6.  Open Schools and Universities 7.  Open Policing 8.  Open Environment

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government

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1. Open Government

Transparency Citizen Engagement

Government as a Platform

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WikiLeaks is just the tip of the iceberg.

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1. Open Government

Transparency Citizen Engagement

Government as a Platform

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A Crisis of Legitimacy

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Crisis of Legitimacy

Legitimacy is: the capacity of a political system to engender and maintain the belief that existing political institutions are the most appropriate and proper ones for the society.

Seymour Martin Lipset

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A Second Wave of Democracy

If the first wave of democracy established elected and accountable institution of governance, but with a weak public mandate and an inert citizenry …

… the second wave will be characterized by strong representation and a new culture of public deliberation built on active citizenship.

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12 Strategies for Citizen Engagement

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Fighting Corruption: Bogota Citizen Engagement Project

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1. Open Government

Transparency Citizen Engagement

Government as a Platform

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Open Allotment Data

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses

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The Economics of Collaboration: Reinventing the Architecture of the Firm

Ronald Coase (1910–2013)

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A 50-year-old mining company creates an Ideagora (open market for uniquely qualified minds) to explore the extent of a rich new find.

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Retail as a Platform

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses 3.  Open Transportation

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Intelligent Transportation Systems

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NEW:  The  Car  as  an  Open  Pla2orm  

Opening the Vehicles’ API

Creating a Virtual Public Transportation System

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↓  Vehicle  traffic  by  changing  commuter  behavior

Transportation Demand Management Platform

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Smart Transportation Application








Gates Sensors LPR Payments Meters

Terminals Counters Location

Apps Personal data Location Payments Routes

Sensors Signals Cameras Flow

LPR Payments Traffic flow

Autonomous cars Diagnostics Emergency response

Precipitation Temperature Wind

Transportation Solutions Require Data

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses 3.  Open Transportation 4.  Open Hospitals & Medical Research Labs

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•  Individual scientists compete for grant money

•  Scientists work on research projects, often in relative isolation

•  Limited collaboration and sharing of data

•  Some time later, researchers produce papers that are peer-reviewed and then published by a separate publishing industry

•  Similar model in the private sector, where pharmaceutical companies compete, duplicate research, and don’t share data

The Old Paradigm of Scientific Research

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The Old Paradigm of Scientific Research

Competition Opacity Hoarding Data Knowledge Silos

Integrity is Parochial

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Real breakthroughs in the discovery of the causes and effective treatments of mental illness will occur when the silos within and between institutions doing research fall. We need to move to a new era of collaboration and the sharing of data and knowledge.

“! “!Bruce Pollock, Vice President of Research, CAMH

Towards a Collaborative Model of Mental Health Research

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There's a long tradition of sharing data and international collaboration to move patient care ahead quickly. It works well and should equally be applied to discovery in our field. “! “!

Trevor Young, Chair, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto

Towards a Collaborative Model of Mental Health Research

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Initiatives for a New Research Paradigm: University of Leicester OpenScience Project

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Initiatives for a New Research Paradigm: Wellcome Trust

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Initiatives for a New Research Paradigm: Structural Genomics Consortium

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Initiatives for a New Research Paradigm: Ontario Brain Institute

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Initiatives for a New Research Paradigm: Toronto Dementia Research Alliance

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Initiatives for a New Research Paradigm: Organization for Human Brain Mapping

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Initiatives for a New Research Paradigm: Transformational Research in Adolescent Mental Health (TRAM)

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Initiatives for a New Research Paradigm: National Institutes of Health Brain Initiative

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•  Canadian Consortium on Neuro-degeneration and Aging

•  International Epigenome Consortium

•  Canadian Institute for Health Information

•  Canadian Institute for Mental Health

Other Initiatives for a Collaboration in Mental Health Research

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The Pharma Patent Cliff

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses 3.  Open Transportation 4.  Open Hospitals & Medical Research Labs 5.  Open Power

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OLD: Industrial Age

Power Plant

NEW: Smart, Networked

Power Plant

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses 3.  Open Transportation 4.  Open Hospitals & Medical Research Labs 5.  Open Power 6.  Open Schools and Universities

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The Model of Pedagogy: The Reinvention of Education


Teacher focused One-way

One size fits all Student Isolated


Student focused Multi-way

Customized Collaborative

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Collaborative Learning Environments

Smart Classrooms

Flexible Architecture for Learning

The Meta University

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Big Data in Education

•  Personalized, adaptive learning •  Behavior detection •  Problem management •  Prediction modeling •  Social network analysis •  Knowledge structure discovery •  Visualization and reporting •  The human factor: Teachers and data

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses 3.  Open Transportation 4.  Open Hospitals & Medical Research Labs 5.  Open Power 6.  Open Schools and Universities 7.  Open Policing

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7. Open Policing

Community Engagement

Intelligence and Crime Information

Control, Enforcement and Response


Internal Collaboration

Open Platforms


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Intelligence and Crime Information: Community Protection Network (ComProNet)

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Open Platforms

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Intelligence and Crime Information: Intellipedia

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses 3.  Open Transportation 4.  Open Hospitals & Medical Research Labs 5.  Open Power 6.  Open Schools and Universities 7.  Open Policing 8.  Open Environment

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Intelligent Buildings

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GE Proficy Mobile

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8 Themes of the Open, Networked City

1.  Open Government 2.  Open Businesses 3.  Open Transportation 4.  Open Hospitals & Medical Research Labs 5.  Open Power 6.  Open Schools and Universities 7.  Open Policing 8.  Open Environment

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Age of Networked Intelligence

Industrial Age

Agrarian Age

Printing Press Internet

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Paradigm shifts involve dislocation, conflict, confusion, uncertainty. New paradigms are nearly always received with coolness, even mockery or hostility. Those with vested

interests fight the change. The shift demands such a different

view of things that established leaders are often last to be won over, if at all.

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Don Tapscott twitter: @dtapscott

(416) 863-8801

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