chinnakada underpass

Post on 06-Nov-2015






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chinnakada underpass


  • Chinnakkada Underpass Package No. KLM-RT-01-C

    Project Implementation Unit, KSUDP Kollam Municipal Corporation









    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 2

    Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents

    1. Introduction


    2. Need for the project


    3 Level of Environmental Examination


    4 Current Regulatory Provisions 12

    5 Location and Layout


    6 Subproject Component Description


    7 City Environmental Settings


    7.1 Physical Features 20

    7.2 Climate 20

    7.3 Land Use 20

    7.4 Socio Economic 21

    7.5 Tourism 21

    7.6 Population 22

    7.7 Forest 22

    8 Site Environmental Setting 22

    8.1 Air Quality 22

    8.2 Noise 24

    8.3 Topography and Soil 24

    8.4 Geology 24

    8.5 Surface Water 24

    8.6 Ground Water 25

    8.7 Ecological Resource 25

    9 Screening of Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation


    9.1 Cultural Heritage 27

    9.2 Loss of Household, Business Premises or Livelihood 27

    9.3 Ground Water Contamination 27


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 3

    9.4 Existence of Surface Water Source 28

    9.5 Loss of Amenity 28

    9.6 Removal of Trees 28

    9.7 Silt Runoff from Construction 28

    9.8 Social Conflict Between Workers 28

    9.9 Noise, Dust or Hazardous Materials 29

    9.10 Improper Disposal of Waste by Workers 29

    9.11 Indiscriminate Disposal of debris/Silt 29

    9.12 Exposure of Workers to Contaminated Site 30

    9.13 Work Safety Measures 30

    9.14 Traffic Management Safety 31

    10 Forecasting Environmental Impact and Mitigation 32

    11 Environment Management Plan 34

    12 Institutional Requirements and Environmental Monitoring Plan 38


    Environmental Monitoring Plan


    14 Period of Implementation 40

    15 Benefits of the Project



    Community Consultation and Information Disclosure 40

    16.1 Grievance Redressal Mechanism 40

    17 Findings, Recommendations 41

    18 Conclusions 41


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 4

    List of TablesList of TablesList of TablesList of Tables

    Table 1 Environmental Compliance Requirements of the Sub-Project 14

    Table: 2 Land Use of Kollam Municipal Corporation 21

    Table :3 Baseline Ambient Air Quality at Kadappakkada 23

    Table :4 Baseline Ambient Air Quality at Chinnakkada 23

    Table :5 Noise Level near Clock tower at Chinnakkada 24

    Table :6 Ground Water Quality at Kureepuzha 25

    Table :7 Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures


    Table :8 Environmental Management Plan 35

    Table :9 Environmental Monitoring Plan 39

    List of Annexure List of Annexure List of Annexure List of Annexure

    Annexure : I Budget for Environment Monitoring Plan


    Annexure : II Detailed Budget bases on the Environment Management Plan 44

    Annexure : III Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) (checklist)


    Annexure : IV Public Consultation 50 Annexure : V Sub Project work in media 56

    Annexure : VI Proceedings of GRC 57

    List of FiList of FiList of FiList of Figgggures ures ures ures Figure : 1

    Map of Kerala 15

    Figure : 2

    Kollam District Map 15

    Figure : 3 Lay out of Chinnakkada underpass 16

    Figure : 4 Plan and profile of the proposed Chinnakkada underpass (ROB) 18

    Figure : 5 Plan and profile of the proposed Chinnakkada underpass 19


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 5


    ADB - Asian Development Bank

    Ac - Acre

    BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand

    CPHEEO - Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization

    CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board

    oC - Degree Celsius

    DG - Diesel Generator

    DPR - Detailed Project Report

    DSC - Design and Supervision Consultant

    EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

    EMP - Environment Management Plan

    EARF - Environmental Assessment and Review Framework

    GoK - Government of Kerala

    GSI - Geological Survey of India

    Ha - Hectare

    IEE - Initial Environmental Examination

    IPP -Investment Program Preparation

    km - Kilometer

    KSUDP - Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project

    KSPCB - Kerala State Pollution Control Board

    KWA - Kerala Water Authority

    KMC - Kollam Municipal Corporation

    LSGD - Local Self Government Department


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 6

    LSGDU - Local Self Government Department (Urban)

    m - Metre

    m2 - Square metre

    m3 - cubic meter

    m3 / hr - cubic meter per hours

    max. - Maximum

    mld/ MLD - Million Liters per Day

    mm - Millimeter

    mg/l - Milligram per litre

    MSL - Mean Sea Level

    MoEF - Ministry of Environment and Forest

    NA - Not Applicable

    O&M - Operation and Maintenance

    PIU - Project Implementation Unit

    PMU - Project Management Unit

    PS - Pumping Station

    PPTA - Project Preparatory Technical Assistance

    Rs. - Rupees - Square kilometer

    SPM - Suspended Particulate Matter

    SS - Suspended solids

    SWD - Storm Water Drainage

    TA - Technical Assistance

    TSS - Total Suspended Solid


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 7


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project (KSUDP) covers the five Municipal Corporations of the State namely Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kochi, Thrissur and Kozhikode. The project aims to improve and expand the urban infrastructure and services in these cities. The rehabilitation, improvement and expansion of the following municipal services are taken up under the project: Water supply, Sewerage and sanitation, Drainage, Municipal solid waste management, Urban roads.

    An IEE is initial examination of potential environmental impacts of the proposed activities of a project. The IEE identifies any potential environmental impacts under different stages of the sub-project implementation and includes environmental management and monitoring plans for the various components. It also describes the appropriate institutional framework to ensure proper implementation of the environmental safeguards.

    The sub-project "Underpass at Chinnakkada in Kollam Municipal Corporation (KMC) includes construction of an underpass to the existing Railway Over Bridge at Chinnakkada. The project was conceived to alleviate the traffic congestion at Chinnakkada and to facilitate easy movement of the traffic.

    Though the sub-project aims to improve the free flow of traffic which is beneficial to the public, certain activities involved during various phases of the project may have potential to cause certain negative environmental impacts. These impacts may arise during implementation and operation phase and may also arise after end of operation period. The initial environmental examination (IEE) is conducted for the sub-project to identify these negative impacts of the sub-project based on the scale and magnitude of activities coupled with the environmental setting of the project location and to develop appropriate environmental management plan (EMP) to be incorporated in the design and implementation to ensure that the sub-project is unlikely to cause any negative impacts.

    The Sub-project was appraised by the funding agency ADB during PPTA (Project Preparatory Technical Assistance) and had judged to have some adverse environmental impacts but of lesser degree and/or significance and has categorized as B. An initial environmental examination (lEE) is required to determine whether significant environmental impacts warranting an EIA are likely. If an EIA is not needed, the lEE is regarded as the final environmental assessment report. A subproject is categorized as Category B Sensitive if that sub-project has environmentally sensitive components Category - A projects are those having significant environmental impact and that requires a full -fledged Environmental Impact Assessment Study. Category C are those projects unlikely to cause any environmental impacts.

    The sub-project location is at Kollam and the site is Chinnakkada junction. The underpass is at chainage 0+165m from the fuel station near Chinnakkada traffic island.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 8

    The proposed underpass consists of a two lane vehicular underpass to the Railway Over Bridge approach road at Chinnakkada. The approach road to the underpass and post the underpass in chainage 0+270m will be built new and approach road of ROB will be rebuilt with pre-cast Reinforced Earth Panel side walls as it has to be dismantled for the construction

    Initially the height of the underpass opening was 5 m and now as per the direction of regulatory authorities the height had to be increased to 5.5 m which is a slight change in the original scope of the work and as per ADBs policy requirement when a sub-projects scope of work changes an IEE is to be carried out or to be revised to assess the environmental implications if any of the project due to the change in scope of the work.

    Environmental settings of the sub-project area in terms of ambient air, noise, vegetation etc were established, analyzed and screened. The screening for environmental impacts is done in all the four phases of the project; viz. planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance.

    There are chances of noise, dust and emission of hazardous materials during construction activities. The operation of generators, mixing plants, earth movers as well as the construction activities may cause dust and noise pollution. It will be ensured that the plant and equipments employed in the construction will comply fully with environmental standards. Regular wetting of stock piles of sand and jelly will be ensured to reduce dust emission. Dust curtain will be provided to the construction site. No emission of any hazardous materials anticipated. The main purpose of KSUDP is to improve urban environmental conditions. As such, there are many environmental benefits to the proposed subproject. However potential short and long term adverse environmental impacts are anticipated. It takes the subproject components with identified environmental consequences and considers them in the context of the receiving environment. Mitigation measures are proposed with recommended monitoring actions to be conducted during implementation to minimize any adverse environmental impacts. The mitigation measures will form the basis for an environmental monitoring plan during the implementation stages of KSUDP projects.

    Based on the forecasting of the environment impacts due to the subproject an environment Management Plan is prepared for various components of the project. More over responsibility of implementing the mitigation measures were fixed and agencies responsible for carrying out the measures were identified.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 9

    Major environmental issues identified are the air pollution and enhanced noise level during the construction and operational phases of the subproject. An Environmental Monitoring Plan is prepared for the subproject. The monitoring plan presents the recommended environmental monitoring activities The executing agency for KSUDP subprojects is the Local Self Government Department (LSGD) and has established a Project Management Unit (PMU) for this purpose. The project implementation Unit of KSUDP established in Kollam Municipal Corporation is in charge of executing the project and monitors the implementation of Environment Management Plan. No significant/potential adverse impacts are anticipated on the environment due to the proposed project and there are no ecological sensitive issues of concern at the site. There is no biosphere reserve, National Park, Wild life, Bird sanctuary, Tiger or elephant reserve, mangrove areas, habitat of important migratory birds/animals, reserve/protected areas, zoological/botanical gardens within 10 km radius of the proposed site. It is concluded that the sub-project will have a temporary impact on the environment during the construction phase but with the implementation of Environment Management Plan the potential impacts can be negotiated to a very great extent. The IEE was carried out to assess whether the change in scope of the work ie., due to increase in height of the underpass opening there would be any cumulative effect on the potential impact but it is ruled out as the minor change in height will no way affect or increase the quantum of impact when considering the sub-project as a whole.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 10

    Initial Environment Examination ReportInitial Environment Examination ReportInitial Environment Examination ReportInitial Environment Examination Report

    Chinnakkada Underpass, Kollam Package No. KLMChinnakkada Underpass, Kollam Package No. KLMChinnakkada Underpass, Kollam Package No. KLMChinnakkada Underpass, Kollam Package No. KLM----RTRTRTRT----01010101----CCCC

    1. Introduction1. Introduction1. Introduction1. Introduction Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project (KSUDP) covers the five Municipal Corporations

    of the State namely Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kochi, Thrissur and Kozhikode. The project

    aims to improve and expand the urban infrastructure and services in these cities. The

    rehabilitation, improvement and expansion of the following municipal services will be taken up

    under the project.

    Water supply

    Sewerage and sanitation


    Municipal solid waste management and

    Urban roads

    An IEE is initial examination of potential environmental impacts of the proposed activities

    of a project. The IEE identifies any potential environmental impacts under different

    stages of the sub-project implementation and includes environmental management and

    monitoring plans for the various components. It also describes the appropriate

    institutional framework to ensure proper implementation of the environmental


    The sub-project "Underpass at Chinnakkada in Kollam Municipal Corporation (KMC)

    includes construction of an underpass to the existing Railway Over Bridge at

    Chinnakkada. The project was conceived to alleviate the traffic congestion at

    Chinnakkada and to facilitate easy movement of the traffic.

    2. Need for the subproje2. Need for the subproje2. Need for the subproje2. Need for the subprojecccctttt Being the prime location of the city, during peak hours the traffic at Chinnakkada

    Junction gets terribly congested due to the crossing of the beach road and other access

    roads to commercial centers of the area from the NH-66(NH-47 renamed) at

    Chinnakkada junction. Road blocks are frequent on this stretch which made the project


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 11

    authorities to think upon an alternative provision to manage the heavy traffic at this busy

    intersection. An underpass in two lanes to the approach road of the Railway Over Bridge

    at Chinnakkada will create a new carriage way that joins the beach road ahead away

    from the present intersection at Chinnakkada. It will also facilitate free flow of traffic on

    the National Highway 66.

    3. Lev3. Lev3. Lev3. Level of Environmental Examination el of Environmental Examination el of Environmental Examination el of Environmental Examination

    Though the sub-project aims to improve the free flow of traffic which is beneficial to the

    public, certain activities involved during various phases of the project may have potential

    to cause certain negative environmental impacts. These impacts may arise during

    implementation and operation phase and may also arise after end of operation period.

    The initial environmental examination (IEE) is conducted for the sub-project to identify

    these negative impacts of the sub-project based on the scale and magnitude of activities

    coupled with the environmental setting of the project location and to develop appropriate

    environmental management plan (EMP) to be incorporated in the design and

    implementation to ensure that the sub-project is unlikely to cause any negative impacts.

    The project was appraised during the PPTA (Project Preparatory Technical Assistance)

    stage and the work was awarded in November 2008 but due to the delay in handing over

    the land required for the work from Indian railways the works could start only in May

    2014 after negotiating all the hurdles of the project.

    Initially the height of the underpass opening was 5 m and now as per the direction of

    regulatory authorities the height had to be increased to 5.5 m which is a slight change in

    the original scope of the work and as per ADBs policy requirement when a sub-projects

    scope of work changes an IEE is to be carried out or to be revised to assess the

    environmental implications if any of the project due to the change in scope of the work.

    The ADB Rapid Environmental Assessment Checklist for Road projects in the ADB

    website was used to screen the subproject for environmental impacts and to determine

    the scope of the IEE investigation.

    The IEE is prepared based on primary data, secondary sources of information and field

    reconnaissance surveys.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 12

    4. Current Regulatory Pr4. Current Regulatory Pr4. Current Regulatory Pr4. Current Regulatory Provisionsovisionsovisionsovisions

    The environmental assessment and review process for any sub-project included under

    KSUDP should address the requirements of Government of India's (GoI) environmental

    legislation. In 1986, the Environment (Protection) Act was promulgated as an umbrella

    legislation that supplements existing environmental regulations. Under this Act a

    framework for environmental clearance was introduced in 1994, requiring that

    Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) be conducted for new development projects

    with a cost of Rs.1,000 million (approximately US$22.22million) or more and capacity

    expansion/ augmentation with cost of Rs.500 million (approximately US$11.11million).

    This Notification is now superseded by the Notification dated 14th September, 2006 1

    and provides a detailed and comprehensive frame work for environmental clearance,

    requiring that Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) be conducted for new

    development projects. Projects are now required to pass through a process of screening,

    scoping and classification either as category A or Category B, depending on severity of

    impacts and nature of projects, with stipulated thresholds for various types of projects for


    Any component of urban infrastructure project having potential to generate sewage or

    trade effluent will come under the purview of the Water (Prevention and Control of

    Pollution) Act, 1974. Such projects have to obtain consent to establish under section 25

    of the Act from Kerala State Pollution Control Board before starting implementation and

    consent to operate before commissioning. The Water Act also requires the occupier of

    such sub-projects to take measures for abating the possible pollution of receiving water


    The sub-projects having potential to emit air pollutants into the atmosphere have to

    obtain consent to establish under section 21 of the Air (Prevention and Control of

    Pollution) Act, 1981 from Kerala State Pollution Control Board before starting

    implementation and consent to operate before commissioning the project. The occupier

    of the project/facility has the responsibility to adopt necessary air pollution control

    measures for abating air pollution. Hot mix plant, wet mix plant, stone crushers,

    generators etc established as part of the sub-project will fall under the purview of the Air



    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 13

    The ADB guidelines stipulate addressing environmental concerns, if any, of a proposed

    activity in the initial stages of Investment Program preparation. For this, the ADB

    Guidelines categorizes the proposed components into varies categories (A, B, C or FI) to

    determine the level of environmental assessment required to address the potential

    impacts. Level of environmental assessment required for each category of Investment

    Program as per ADB's Environmental Assessment Guidelines, 2003 is presented below:

    Category A.Category A.Category A.Category A. Sub-project components with potential for significant adverse environmental

    impacts. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required to address significant


    Category BCategory BCategory BCategory B.... Sub-project components judged to have some adverse environmental

    impacts, but of lesser degree and/or significance than those for Category A projects. An

    initial environmental examination (lEE) is required to determine whether significant

    environmental impacts warranting an EIA are likely. If an EIA is not needed, the lEE is

    regarded as the final environmental assessment report. A subproject is categorized as

    Category B Sensitive, if that sub-project has environmentally sensitive components. The

    projects that are near to environmentally sensitive areas, or that involve deforestation,

    loss of bio-diversity, involuntary resettlement, processing, handling or disposal of

    hazardous substances or activities that may be of concern of wide group of external

    stakeholders are categorized as B Sensitive;

    Category C.Category C.Category C.Category C. Components of sub-projects unlikely to have adverse environmental

    impacts. No EIA or lEE is required, although environmental implications are still

    reviewed; and

    Category Fl.Category Fl.Category Fl.Category Fl. Projects are classified as Category FI if they involve a credit line through a

    financial intermediary or an equity investment in a financial intermediary. The financial

    intermediary must apply an environmental management system. unless all sub-projects

    will results in insignificant environmental impacts.

    The environmental compliance requirements of the sub-project are detailed in table1.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 14

    Table 1: Table 1: Table 1: Table 1: Environmental Compliance Requirements of the Sub-Project

    Components of Sub-Project

    Environmental Acts/Regulation

    Compliance Requirement

    During Construction of underpass

    1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, as amended from time to time 2. The Air (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act 1981, as amended from time to time 3. Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000

    The contractor is required to obtain consent for making discharge of the sewage from construction camps from KSPCB before starting the construction camps. Consent to establish hot mix plants, diesel generator sets etc is to be obtained by the contractor from the KSPCB before starting implementation. Consent to operate hot-mix plants, diesel generator sets etc is to be obtained by the contractor from the KSPCB before starting construction. The contractor should keep copies of the valid consent to operate the crusher and M-Sand units issued to the operators from the KSPCB The MSW generated at construction sites and labour camps are to be managed by the contractor. The contractor has to make arrangements for the management of debris and construction waste generated.

    Mining of Earth Kerala Mining Act

    The contractor has to ensure that the required permission is obtained from the competent authority

    Supply of sand Kerala Mining Act

    The contractor has to ensure that the required permission is obtained from the competent authority

    All components The Environment Policy and Operations Manual (OM) 2003, Environmental Considerations in ADB Operation and 2010

    Categorization of sub-project components into A, B or C and developing required level of environmental assessment for each component

    5. Location and Layout5. Location and Layout5. Location and Layout5. Location and Layout

    The sub-project location is at Kollam and the site is Chinnakkada junction. The

    underpass is at chainage 0+165m from the fuel station near Chinnakkada traffic island.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 15

    Figure: 1 Map of Kerala

    Figure: 2 Kollam district map


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 16

    The proposed location falls only in Seismic Zone III (Moderate). It is also noted that no

    notified World Heritage Site, Archeological Monuments under ASIs Central list/State list

    are located within the vicinity of the site. A clock tower of heritage value is situated

    adjacent to the Railway over bridge and the sub-project in no way affect the clock tower.

    There is no biosphere reserve, National Park, Wild life/Bird sanctuary, Tiger or elephant

    reserve, important bird migratory route, mangrove areas, habitat of migratory

    birds/animals, reserve/protected areas, zoological/botanical gardens within 1 km radius

    of the proposed site.

    Figure.3 Layout of Chinnakkada underpass

    6666. Subproject Component Description. Subproject Component Description. Subproject Component Description. Subproject Component Description

    The proposed underpass consists of a two lane vehicular underpass to the Railway

    Over Bridge approach road at Chinnakkada. The approach road to the underpass and

    post the underpass in chainage 0+270m will be built new and approach road of ROB will

    be rebuilt with pre-cast Reinforced Earth Panel side walls as it has to be dismantled for

    the construction. Traffic to and from Thiruvananthapuram and Alleppey can move over

    the ROB. Vehicles that need a bye pass to the beach road and other access roads of

    the city can take the underpass and reach the junction ahead of Chinnakkada junction

    towards the beach. A U - turn at chainage 0+190 of the underpass road facilitates

    vehicular traffic to the Chinnakkada traffic island. Also vehicles from the road NH 208

    Kollam - Thiruvallam road coming from Kadappakkada can take the underpass to move

    on to the beach road. The ROB is at chainage 0+165 and underpass is at chainage



    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 17

    Details of the underpass and ROB approach roadDetails of the underpass and ROB approach roadDetails of the underpass and ROB approach roadDetails of the underpass and ROB approach road UnUnUnUnderpassderpassderpassderpass Total length of Underpass opening 16 m

    Width of underpass opening 11m

    Height of the underpass opening 5.5 m

    Total length of the underpass road from Chinnakkada till Kumar theatre.


    Foot path Along the left side of the carriage way and

    underpass 1.5m wide

    Provision of storm water drainage

    Along the carriage way 0.60m wide

    Provision of service duct Under footpath 0.3 m deep and 1.1 m

    wide ROB Approach roadROB Approach roadROB Approach roadROB Approach road---- NH 66NH 66NH 66NH 66((((NHNHNHNH----47 renamed as 47 renamed as 47 renamed as 47 renamed as NH NH NH NH 66)66)66)66)

    NH road width 11.00 m Total length of the NH-66 from the Chinnakkada Junction to the Railway Over Bridge


    Fixing of Reinforced Earth Panel on either sides (along NH -66 till ROB)


    Provision of Service duct On either sides 1.35m wide and 0.30

    m deep Foot path On either sides 1.5m



    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 18

    Figure-4 Plan and profile of the proposed Chinnakkada underpass (ROB)


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 19

    Figure-5 Plan and profile of the proposed Chinnakkada underpass

    7. City Environmental Settings7. City Environmental Settings7. City Environmental Settings7. City Environmental Settings

    During the PPTA stage of the project, sub-project activities were tentatively assessed

    and presented in the report. Subsequently characterization surveys and geo-technical

    studies at the site were carried out. The layout and detailed design of the sub-project

    were finalized. The environmental assessment of the sub-project is done as per ADB's

    Environmental Assessment Guidelines and the Environmental Assessment and Review

    Framework (EARF) approved for the project to ensure that the sub-project is complying

    with the existing environmental regulations of the country and will not have any adverse

    impact on the environment.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 20

    7.1 Physical Features7.1 Physical Features7.1 Physical Features7.1 Physical Features Kollam, a city along Lakshadweep Sea, is situated in 8 50' North Latitude and 76

    35' East Longitude. Ashtamudi Lake, the second largest wetland of Kerala

    recognized under Ramsar International Treaty for Wetland Protection, abuts the

    Northern boundary of the City. Kollam is about 72km north of Thiruvananthapuram

    and about 152km south of Kochi. It has a good road network, which has links to all

    major towns and cities in Kerala as well as to other Indian States. The city has an

    almost smooth topography and the altitude varies from 0 to 10m above Mean Sea

    Level (MSL). The gradually sloping terrain towards west favours natural drainage.

    7.2 Climate7.2 Climate7.2 Climate7.2 Climate

    Kollam region has hot humid climate and relative humidity varies from 63 percent in

    January to 87 percent in June and July. The annual variation of temperature ranges

    between 22C and 33C. The region experiences four typical seasons, namely the

    dry weather season from December to February, hot weather season from March to

    May, southwest & northeast monsoon, and wet season prevailing from June to

    November. The wet season is associated with the months in which southwest and

    northeast monsoons occur. This season is spread over a period of six months from

    June to November. The average annual rainfall is 2779mm

    7.3 Land Use7.3 Land Use7.3 Land Use7.3 Land Use

    The land use data of Kollam Municipal Corporation for 2000 is presented in table 2.

    Total area of Kollam Municipality was 18.5 sq. km in 2000 and with the merging up

    of nearby Panchayats to constitute Kollam Municipal Corporation; the area has

    increased to 57.31 sq. km. The land use of the newly added areas is mainly

    agricultural and residential with low density settlements in fringe areas. Major use of

    urban land is under residential use, which includes not only the area occupied by the

    houses, but also the small coconut gardens around the house as well.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 21

    Table 2: Table 2: Table 2: Table 2: Land Use of Kollam Municipal Corporation

    Type of Land UseType of Land UseType of Land UseType of Land Use Area in kmArea in kmArea in kmArea in km2222 % of total area% of total area% of total area% of total area

    Residential Residential Residential Residential

    Public and Semi Public Public and Semi Public Public and Semi Public Public and Semi Public

    Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial

    Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial ---- Major Major Major Major

    Parks and Open Spaces Parks and Open Spaces Parks and Open Spaces Parks and Open Spaces

    Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation

    Paddy Fields Paddy Fields Paddy Fields Paddy Fields

    Water Bodies Water Bodies Water Bodies Water Bodies


    1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74













    Total 57.3157.3157.3157.31 100.00100.00100.00100.00

    Source:Source:Source:Source: Development Plan for Kollam (2011), Kollam Development Authority (July 2000).

    7.4 Socio Economic 7.4 Socio Economic 7.4 Socio Economic 7.4 Socio Economic In the industrial sector cashew processing, fishing and fish processing, coir and coir

    products manufacturing are the important activities in Kollam. One-third of the state's

    fish catch is from Kollam, which is one of the important fishing harbours along the

    Kerala coast. Prawn farming in numerous canals and water bodies associated with

    backwaters and coir retting and coir yarn making are major economic activities.

    Other important economic sectors are trade and commerce including hotels and

    restaurants. The overall potential for growth is moderate.

    Kollam Municipal Corporation is an ancient commercial centre. Traditional industries like

    coir industry and cashew processing industry are the main economic activity in the city.

    Many state and central government offices, government and private organizations and

    companies related to coir industry and cashew industry is situated in the city. However

    major population in the KMC forms the middle class and upper middle class families.

    The influx of people from other parts of India is more in Kollam Municipal Corporation for

    the last two generations.

    7.5 Tourism7.5 Tourism7.5 Tourism7.5 Tourism Places of tourist interest in and around Kollam are Thankassery, Thirumullavaram

    Beach, Mayyanad, Sasthamkotta, Ochira, Kulathupuzha, Thenmala, Palaruvi waterfalls,


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 22

    Matha Amrithanandamayi Ashram at Vallikkavu, Jatayupara and Shenduruny wildlife

    sanctuary. Tourists visiting Kollam are attracted more towards leisure tourism including

    beaches, eco-tourism and historical monuments. The average tourist arrivals are to the

    tune of 85,000 domestic tourists and 15,000 foreign tourists (Source: District Tourism

    Promotion Council, Kollam).

    7.6 Population7.6 Population7.6 Population7.6 Population

    Kollam Municipal Corporation was constituted in October 2001 by merging Kollam

    Municipality and four nearby Panchayats namely Vadakkevila, Kilikolloor,

    Sakthikulangara and Eravipuram. MC has an area of 57.31sq km with a population of

    361,441 (Census 2011) in 78,182 households. The area of the Kollam Municipal

    Corporation increased from 18.4sq km (1981-1991) to 57.31sq km, while population

    increased from 33,739 persons to 361,441. Forest Forest Forest Forest

    No forest is preset within 30km from the subproject site. On the eastern side of the

    district abundant forest is available. These forests may be broadly classified into three

    categories namely (a) southern tropical wet ever green forests (b) southern tropical and

    semi ever green forests and (c) southern tropical moist deciduous forests.

    8. Site Environmental Settings8. Site Environmental Settings8. Site Environmental Settings8. Site Environmental Settings

    Ambient air quality is important in judging impact potential for construction activities.

    Data for both particulate (SPM and RSPM) and gaseous pollutants (SO2 and NOx) is

    presented in the IEE.

    The generation of noise and increase in the noise levels is very much important in the

    case of road projects. Water quality (surface and groundwater) of the adjacent water

    bodies will not have much impact, in general, for any road related subproject. Air QualityAir QualityAir QualityAir Quality

    Sub-project site is located in prime commercial area where vehicular traffic is very high.

    To establish the baseline air quality of the area data available with the pollution control


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 23

    Board and data generated as part of periodic environmental monitoring of KSUDP sub

    projects are presented below. The nearest monitoring station of Kerala State Pollution

    Control Board is at Kadappakkada which is only 2.5 km away when aerial distance is

    counted and the situation at the monitoring station and that at the underpass is more or

    less similar, the data available that of the Kadappakkada station can be considered to

    establish the baseline air quality of the sub-project site.

    Table 3: Baseline Ambient Air Quality at Kadappakkada

    Parameter Standard, g/m3 Observed value at project site,

    g/m3, (except CO2)

    Mean Annual


    Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 60 (24 hours average) 2 - 29.12 2.08

    Oxides of Nitrogen (NO2) 60 (24 hours average) 17.9 - 65.52 18.76

    Suspended Particulate Matter


    140 (24 hours


    2 - 170 108.39

    Respirable Particulate Matter 60 (24 hours average) 59.7 - 123.6 59.88

    Source: Water and Air quality Directory 2010, KSPCB, Thiruvananthapuram

    Table 4: Baseline Ambient Air Quality at Chinnakkada Sl. No

    Parameters Result Standard (CPCB Industrial, residential, rural and other areas for 24 hrs)

    1. Suspended Particulate Matter(g/m3)

    160.2 100

    2. Respirable Particulate Matter (g/m3)

    71.8 100

    Source: Environmental quality monitoring of KSUDP November2013 It can be seen that the suspended particulate matter at the project site is higher than the

    standard which could be due to the high traffic density of the area and also the dust

    emanating from the nearby warehouse of the railways nearby the monitoring site.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 24 Noise Noise Noise Noise

    The sub-project site is a commercial area. Sound level at the site was monitored as part

    of field investigation carried out as per the periodic environmental quality monitoring of

    KSUDP sub-projects. The monitoring results are presented in Table 4. It is normal that

    due to heavy traffic plying at the junction the noise levels at the sampling point is quite


    Table Table Table Table 5555: : : : Noise Level near Clock tower at Chinnakkada

    Sl.NoSl.NoSl.NoSl.No Description Value reported in


    Limit for

    Commercial area in

    dB(A) Leq

    1 Noise level (Day time) 80.2 65

    2 Noise level (Night time) 42.9 55

    Source: Environmental quality monitoring of KSUDP November2013 Topography and SoilTopography and SoilTopography and SoilTopography and Soil

    Topographically, the area adjacent to subproject site forms almost a plain land and

    show gentle slope towards east. The site is covered mainly with lateritic silty loamy

    soil. The soil is highly porous and well drained. GeologyGeologyGeologyGeology

    The soil at site consisting of clayey silt and silty sand is loose to medium dense at

    all levels. The laterite zone, being permeable is known to be a good aquifer for

    groundwater. Surface WaterSurface WaterSurface WaterSurface Water

    The Kollam river is the nearest major surface water source. This river drains out

    into the Ashtamudi lake towards the north and into the sea in Thiruvananthapuram

    towards south.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 25 Ground WaterGround WaterGround WaterGround Water

    Ground water in the sub-project area occurs under confined and semi confined

    conditions. The course, porous and permeable layers of laterite form aquifer system. The

    main recharge to groundwater takes place from precipitation. Few numbers of open

    wells exist around the site and these open wells are mainly used for domestic purposes.

    Depth of ground water level ranges between 1.5m and 6.2m below the ground level. The

    directional flow of ground water is mainly from west to east.

    Ground water quality was also continuously studied by KSPCB. The ground water quality

    analysis results of ground water sample collected from an open well located at

    Kureepuzha is presented in Table 5.

    TableTableTableTable 6666: : : : Ground Water Quality at Kureepuzha, Kollam Characteristics Unit Observed Value Standard

    pH - 6.3 6.5-8.5

    Conductivity mhos/cm 345

    BOD mg/l 1.95 2

    Total coliform no/100ml 700 50

    Fecal coliform no/100ml 360

    Source:Source:Source:Source: Water and Air quality Directory 2010, KSPCB, Thiruvananthapuram Ecological ResourceEcological ResourceEcological ResourceEcological Resource

    No forest, wild life sanctuaries are situated near to the sub-project site. There are no

    mangroves in the identified site and there will not be any destruction of mangroves.

    Coconut trees, mango trees, tamarind, teak, badaam etc. are very common near to the

    project site.

    The subproject area is thoroughly investigated and it is understood that there are no rare

    and endangered species (flora and fauna) exist within the location of proposal to widen

    the foot path to 150cm without disturbing the local ecosystem.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 26

    9999 Screening of Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Screening of Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Screening of Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Screening of Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation

    The main purpose of the sub-project "Chinnakkada underpass under KSUDP, is to

    improve the congested traffic of prime location in Kollam Municipal Corporation area. As

    such there are many environmental benefits to be gained from the proposed subproject

    in terms of Environmental quality. This section, proposes to focus on the identification of

    potential adverse environmental impacts short term and long term. Mitigation measures

    are proposed to minimize the adverse environmental impacts identified.

    Recommendations for environmental monitoring to be conducted during the design,

    implementation and operation of project and agencies responsible for monitoring are

    also drawn up.

    The screening for environmental impacts is done in all the four phases of the project; viz.

    planning, design, construction and operation and maintenance.

    Location Impacts. Impacts associated with the planning are mainly due to site

    selection. Location impacts include on site biophysical array and

    encroachment/impact either directly or indirectly on adjacent environments. It also

    includes the impacts on the people who will lose their homes or livelihood due to

    the development of the proposed site;

    Design Impacts. Impacts arising from the design of the project, including the

    technology used, scale of operation/throughput, waste production, discharge

    specification, pollution sources and ancillary services;

    Construction Impacts. Impacts associated with the site cleaning, earth works,

    physical construction related materials movements and works, machinery, vehicles

    and workers. It also includes the erosion, dust, noise, traffic congestion and waste

    production associated with the construction activities; and

    O&M Impacts. Impacts arising from the operation and maintenance of the

    infrastructure facility provided under the project. These include the impacts arising

    from the management of the infrastructure facility and health and safety hazards to

    the operating staff.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 27 Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage

    A part of the land required for the project i.e., about 0.8 hectares is leased for a period

    of 35 years from the Indian railways by the Municipal Corporation. No private property

    or any other land was acquired or required to be acquired for the sub project. The

    subproject has been designed taking the entire land as project site. Households,

    residents and business establishments do not exist around the site. Local vendors

    around the site were rehabilitated.

    Due to implementation of the proposed subproject there is no encroachment into

    cultural heritage or any other protected structures. The proposed subproject will in no

    way adversely affect the residences, religious institutions and educational institutions

    situated near the project area. The nearest hospital is at least 600 m away towards the

    beach road and not in upwind down wind vicinity. Nearby educational institution is

    situated 1.5 km away. No major educational institutions or sensitive receptors are

    around the immediate vicinity of the site.

    There is no encroachment to cultural, heritage and other protected structures adjacent

    to the subproject site. The Clock tower which is of heritage value to the people of Kollam

    city is left untouched.

    9.2 Loss of Household, Business Premises or Livelihood 9.2 Loss of Household, Business Premises or Livelihood 9.2 Loss of Household, Business Premises or Livelihood 9.2 Loss of Household, Business Premises or Livelihood

    The area required for the subproject is available with the Municipal Corporation. The

    sub-project has been designed taking the entire land as project site. No households and

    residents are affected and the business premises that are affected are rehabilitated. Ground Water ContaminationGround Water ContaminationGround Water ContaminationGround Water Contamination

    The ground water table at the site was noticed to be between 5.5m and 16.5m below

    ground level during the field study conducted. With proper care and adopting proper

    design criteria ground water contamination can be avoided.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 28

    9.4 Existence of Surface Water Source9.4 Existence of Surface Water Source9.4 Existence of Surface Water Source9.4 Existence of Surface Water Source The water quality of water bodies may be affected due to storm over runoff during

    construction stage. The subproject site is on the embankment of the approach roads and

    so any diversion of storm water from other areas does not arise. However, proper care

    has to be taken to avoid all types of erosion.

    9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Loss of Amenity Loss of Amenity Loss of Amenity Loss of Amenity

    The establishment of the footpath to the ROB will not have much adverse impact on the

    amenities of the local people. The amenity to the people such as water supply, power

    supply, transportation facilities etc, will in no way be affected by the implementation of

    the subproject. On the other hand the convenience to pedestrian movement will be

    improving considerably

    9.6 Removal of Trees 9.6 Removal of Trees 9.6 Removal of Trees 9.6 Removal of Trees A tree along the alignment of the underpass has to cut and the same has been done

    after getting the required permission from the Assistant Conservator of forests, Social

    Forestry division Kollam

    9.7 S9.7 S9.7 S9.7 Silt Runoff from Construction ilt Runoff from Construction ilt Runoff from Construction ilt Runoff from Construction

    No silt runoff is anticipated during the construction of the underpass. The soil is sandy

    and is of high percolation capacity. There are no water bodies nearby the site and the

    project site is relatively in low level than the surrounding areas which rules out erosion of

    the soil from the project site.

    9.8 Social Conflict between Workers 9.8 Social Conflict between Workers 9.8 Social Conflict between Workers 9.8 Social Conflict between Workers

    Contractor may bring his own workers for construction activities which may affect the

    interest of the local workers. To negotiate the situation local workers will also be

    engaged by the contractor.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 29

    9.9 Noise, Dust or Hazardous Materials9.9 Noise, Dust or Hazardous Materials9.9 Noise, Dust or Hazardous Materials9.9 Noise, Dust or Hazardous Materials

    There are chances of noise, dust and emission of hazardous materials during

    construction activities. The operation of generators, mixing plants, earth movers as well

    as the construction activities may cause dust and noise pollution. It will be ensured that

    the plant and equipments employed in the construction will comply fully with

    environmental standards. Regular wetting of stock piles of sand and metals will be

    ensured to reduce dust emission. Dust curtain will be provided to the construction site.

    No emission of any hazardous materials anticipated.

    9.10 Improper Disposal of Wast9.10 Improper Disposal of Wast9.10 Improper Disposal of Wast9.10 Improper Disposal of Waste by Workerse by Workerse by Workerse by Workers

    The workers engaged in construction activities may be provided with labour quarters/

    settlement. The indiscriminate disposal of waste by workers may contaminate the

    surroundings of workers camp shed. The contractor will be insisted to provide proper

    sanitation facilities at labour quarters/settlement. The solid waste management facilities

    at labour camps shall be in agreement with the programme of the Kollam Municipal

    Corporation the local body. Arrangements for issuing proper awareness on solid waste

    management to workers will also be made.

    It has to be taken into account that the breeding of mosquitoes in and around labour

    camps are to be avoided by taking measures to avoid any stagnation of water. In this

    connection the guidelines for siting and management of labour camps will be considered.

    9.11 Indiscriminate Disposal of Indiscriminate Disposal of Indiscriminate Disposal of Indiscriminate Disposal of debris/debris/debris/debris/Silt Silt Silt Silt

    The silt/debris generated during construction, if not properly handled, may cause

    contamination of the surrounding area. Proper stock piling of silt/debris at site,

    examination of the possibilities of reuse opportunities of silt/debris, identification of site

    for disposal of silt/debris, and proper management, like covering of the disposal site on

    completion of work, protection against spillages during transportation of silt/debris, and

    maintenance of the transportation vehicles will be ensured by specific condition in the

    work contract. Also provision to store temporarily the construction debris at a ground in


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 30

    possession of the corporation is also made in consultation with the Municipal

    Corporation of Kollam. Exposure of Workers to Contaminated siteExposure of Workers to Contaminated siteExposure of Workers to Contaminated siteExposure of Workers to Contaminated site

    There are chances of workers exposed to contaminated and hazardous work

    environment. Necessary provisions for providing appropriate protective gears

    (Gumboots, gloves, masks etc.) are to be ensured. Impart training to workers on the

    potential dangers and health effects at construction sites particularly due to exposure of

    workers to contaminated site will be given. Moreover need for the use of protective

    gears by the workers and staff at the site will be made essential in the contract

    document. Work Safety Measures Work Safety Measures Work Safety Measures Work Safety Measures

    All required work safety measures are to be taken during the course of work. Being a

    project involving various types of civil and mechanical works, excavation etc, and the

    safety of workers is very important. The workers are to be provided with all safety

    gadgets such as boots, goggles, glows, caps, colourd jackets, masks, etc. and ensure

    use of all these personal protective equipments when engaged in works.

    The working environment should be properly managed. During excavation activities

    adequate barricading has to be provided to avoid mishaps. This may include providing

    obstruction barriers establishing notice boards etc. Safety of workers should be the prime

    motto for the successful completion of the subproject. All personal safety gadgets have

    to be provided according to the condition of the site and considering the type of work

    being done.

    To have an effective Personal Protective Equipment Program, supervisors must be

    convinced of the hazards particularly during road works and must be held accountable

    for their employees' use of personal protective equipment. In this connection it is

    essential to have a safety orientation for the benefit of new employees. By the safety

    program it is essential to motivate employees to continue to use protective equipment.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 31

    The correct personal protective equipment with a good training program can provide

    workers with a large measure of safety when other controls are inadequate or not

    feasible. Personal protective equipment can be effective only when it is selected based

    on the specific hazards (sample assessment at the end of this policy) in the workplace,

    when employees are trained in its use and the equipment is properly tested, maintained

    and worn.

    In the work-site the contractor has to provide and maintain safe systems of work which

    include provisions for adequate and appropriate first-aid box, first-aid room and first-aid


    During operation stage of the approach roads, it is to be ensured that all required and

    necessary traffic signals are in place. It is advisable to provide hand rails on entire length

    of the approach road.

    The contractor is responsible for the preparation and implementation of a health safety

    plan and to ensure that all the requirements are included in the works. Traffic Management Safety Traffic Management Safety Traffic Management Safety Traffic Management Safety

    The success of any projects depends on the proper traffic management and safety

    measures. This is particularly in the case of Kerala because most of the roads are very

    narrow. Special attention has to be taken for traffic management at the work site with the

    help of traffic police. It is advisable to prepare a time schedule for bringing in

    construction material and arranging the work. Whenever there is diversion of traffic

    proper and clear sign boards are to be placed in order to avoid or minimize unnecessary

    hardships to the general public. The traffic management plan during construction stage

    is to be finalised in consultation with the Public Works department authorities, police

    department authorities and the Kollam Municipal Corporation. The traffic management

    plan is to be prepared adequately in advance and wide publicity has to be made through

    local news papers and other media. This is to ensure that the hardships to the public due

    to traffic diversion are minimized as far as possible. In order to ensure safety of workers

    as well as public proper barricades are to be provided.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 32

    10101010 Forecasting Environmental Impact and MitigationForecasting Environmental Impact and MitigationForecasting Environmental Impact and MitigationForecasting Environmental Impact and Mitigation

    The main purpose of KSUDP is to improve urban environmental conditions. As such,

    there are many environmental benefits to the proposed subproject. This section,

    however, focuses on the identification of potential short and long term adverse

    environmental impacts. It takes the subproject components with identified environmental

    consequences and considers them in the context of the receiving environment.

    Mitigation measures are proposed with recommended monitoring actions to be

    conducted during implementation to minimize any adverse environmental impacts. The

    mitigation measures will form the basis for an environmental monitoring plan during the

    implementation stages of KSUDP projects.

    Because of the large number of components considered in the city IEEs, only those

    potential impacts where mitigation measures are required to avoid predicted problem are

    discussed below.

    Table Table Table Table 7777: : : : Potential Impacts and Mitigation MeasuresPotential Impacts and Mitigation MeasuresPotential Impacts and Mitigation MeasuresPotential Impacts and Mitigation Measures

    Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibility

    Loss of on-site ecology

    or natural feature

    Control of site layout to avoid or minimize

    loss of natural features. New and additional

    trees will be planted wherever loss occurs

    and to create an aesthetic appeal to the sub-


    PIU, PMU

    Loss of amenity

    (aesthetics, property

    values) to neighbors

    Provision of a buffer zone on vulnerable

    perimeters with greenbelt development by

    planting bushes and landscaping to provide

    physical separation and a visual screen for

    the development and aesthetic appeal either.

    PIU, PMU


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 33

    DesignDesignDesignDesign Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibility

    Bringing in prefabricated

    structural materials and

    connected risk

    Ensure the prefabrication is done in

    consonance with the environment and all

    arrangements to overcome the risk in the

    use of prefabricated materials will be taken

    PIU, PMU

    Construction Construction Construction Construction Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibility

    Silt runoff from


    operations causing

    soil erosion and

    affecting the water

    quality /land


    Implement construction site management to cover

    site preparation, which minimizes clearing and

    disturbance to adjoining vegetation and natural soil

    surfaces from high velocity runoff; siting of

    construction material stockpiles and access routes

    to avoid any disturbance to adjoining vegetation

    and natural areas; disposal of construction waste

    to be determined on a case-by-case basis

    (recycled use or landfill disposal should be

    sought). Also re-filling the debris suitably will also

    be considered to negotiate the disposal issues.




    under contract

    for all sub-


    and PIU


    Road blocking,

    diversion and/or

    increased traffic


    construction works

    Implement construction site management. Head



    under contract

    for all sub-


    and PIU


    Noise and dust

    from construction


    Implement construction site management to cover

    dust and noise management (including water

    spraying, dust curtains and scheduling of activities)




    under contract


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 34

    for all sub-


    and PIU


    Providing safety measures to workers.

    Implement safety measures including making

    available gum boots, gloves, hats, safety jackets, ear

    buds, goggles etc. to workers These personal worker

    safety gadgets have to be provided according to the

    condition of the site and considering the type of work

    being done.




    under contract

    for all sub-


    and PIU

    (monitoring) Environmental Management PlanEnvironmental Management PlanEnvironmental Management PlanEnvironmental Management Plan

    Based on the forecasting of the environment impacts due to the subproject an

    environment Management Plan is prepared for various components for the project. More

    over responsibility of implementing the mitigation measures were fixed and agencies

    responsible for carrying out the measures were identified. Dust from unloading

    operation inside the site may generate dust emission and nuisance.

    The cost of each component was also considered. Each component of the subproject is

    subjected to thorough assessment and the impacts and mitigation measures identified

    were summarized and presented in Table 8.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 35

    Table Table Table Table 8888: : : : Environmental Management Plan

    Sl. No Description of


    Magnitude of


    Mitigation Measures


    Responsibility Cost




    1. 1


    The health and

    safety of the




    Provision of appropriate

    protective gears to the

    workers involved in


    PIU/KMC PMU Part of


    tion cost

    2. Loss of



    premises or



    agricultural land)



    Affected persons are


    KMC/PIU PMU Part of




    3. Encroachment

    to cultural,

    heritage and

    other protected






    adjacent to the

    sub project site.



    There is no

    encroachment to any

    religious places,

    educational institutions


    KMC/PIU PMU Part of




    4. Existence of


    adjacent to the

    sub-project site



    This is for providing foot

    path to an ROB.

    KMC/PIU PMU Part of


    tion cost


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 36

    5. Ground water




    Threat to ground water

    only during construction

    phase. Lubricant oil and

    fuel containment

    arrangement should be

    in place

    KMC/PIU PMU Part of



    6. Loss of amenity


    property value)

    and livelihood to

    the neighbors.



    Greenbelt by planting

    bushes and landscaping

    for aesthetic appeal of

    the project.


    7. Silt run off from



    causing soil

    erosion and

    damage to water





    Site preparation to

    minimize clearance to

    adjoining vegetation and

    natural resources.

    Protection of unstable

    soil surface from high

    velocity runoff with

    interception drains and


    Contractor PIU Part of


    tion cost

    Proper siting and

    protection of construction



    Social conflict


    workers from

    other area and

    local workers



    Include a condition in the

    contractor to engage

    local labour as far as



    9. Noise, dust or


    materials arising



    Plant and equipment employed in the construction will comply with environmental

    Contractor PIU Part of


    tion cost


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 37





    Regular wetting of stock piles of sand, metals; Dust curtain will be provided to the construction site.

    10. Contamination

    of land and

    water due to


    disposal of

    waste by




    Proper sanitation

    facilities will be provided

    to the labour


    Contractor PIU Part of


    tion cost

    11. Contamination

    due to


    disposal of




    Proper stock piling of silt/soil at site;

    Contractor PIU Part of


    tion cost Examine the reuse opportunities for silt/spoil; Identification of location for disposal of silt/spoil;

    Proper covering of the disposal site on completion of work; Protection against contamination during transportation and maintenance of the transportation vehicles.

    12. Exposure of

    workers to


    site during




    Provision of appropriate protective gears (Gumboots, gloves, masks etc.); training to workers regarding the potential dangers and health effects and need

    Contractor PIU Part of


    tion cost


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 38

    for the use of protective gears

    13. 1111


    Loss of




    It is proposed to develop

    a green belt by planting

    bushed and by





    PMU Part of




    12. Institutional Requirement and Environmental Monitoring 12. Institutional Requirement and Environmental Monitoring 12. Institutional Requirement and Environmental Monitoring 12. Institutional Requirement and Environmental Monitoring

    The executing agency for KSUDP subprojects is the Local Self Government Department

    (LSGD) and has established a Project Management Unit (PMU) for this purpose. The

    project implementation Unit of KSUDP established in Kollam Municipal Corporation is in

    charge of executing the project and monitors the implementation of Environment

    Management Plan.

    An Environmental Specialist available as consultant to the Project Management Unit of

    KSUDP will be availed for advice if required in matters relating to the Environment

    management and monitoring of the sub-project. Also a fulltime Environmental Engineer

    deputed from the Kerala State Pollution Control Board available at the PMU will also

    oversee and help in matters related to the Environment management of sub-projects.

    During project implementation the Environmental Specialist will (i) review the IEE/EIA

    documents (ii) inspect and ensure compliance with the mitigation measures proposed in

    the IEEs/EIAs and EMPs for all components of KSUDP and (iii) provide necessary


    During the construction phase, the Project Implementation Unit of the Kollam Municipal

    Corporation will monitor the performance of the contractor who is contracted the work in

    a manner that mitigates adverse environmental impacts during the construction phase.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 39

    Mitigation measures of a planning, functional, institutional and procedural character will

    be informed to the contractor. The PIU, with the support of the Project Management Unit

    (PMU), will be responsible for monitoring and enforcement of Environment Management

    Plan and its monitoring during construction.

    During the operational phase, the Kollam Municipal Corporation, with the assistance of

    KSPCB will be responsible for monitoring the performance of the infrastructure


    13. Environmental Monitoring Plan13. Environmental Monitoring Plan13. Environmental Monitoring Plan13. Environmental Monitoring Plan Major environmental issues identified are the air pollution and enhanced noise level

    during the construction and operational phases of the subproject. An Environmental

    Monitoring Plan is prepared for the subproject. The monitoring plan presents the

    recommended environmental monitoring activities. The plan also identified the

    agencies/institutions that are responsible for monitoring. Table 9 provides a summary of

    recommended environmental monitoring plan based on responses to potential adverse

    impacts identified. Contractor of the work shall prepare and submit a periodic quarterly

    compliance report of Environmental monitoring to PIU invariably.

    Table Table Table Table 9999: : : : Environmental Monitoring Plan

    Project stage Type of Monitoring Location Parameters to be Monitored Frequency Responsibilit





    Ambient air quality

    Construction site and the vicinity

    Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) Sulphur dioxide Methane Ammonia and Carbon Monoxide

    Once in 3months


    Rs.5,000 per monitoring

    Noise 1m outside the boundary on all 4 sides and one location at 500m away from the boundary

    Sound level. Leq., (day and night)

    Once in 3 months


    Rs. 2,000 per monitoring

    Construction and Operation

    Plantation bushes and maintenance of landscaping.

    All vacant areas of the site

    Plantation of bushes and landscaping starts once the civil works in the site is completed and constant surveillance afterwards

    Const- ant surveillance

    KMC Rs 50000


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 40 Period of ImplementationPeriod of ImplementationPeriod of ImplementationPeriod of Implementation

    The project was initially started in November 2008, but due to delay in handing over the

    railway land in the alignment, the project was delayed and after deliberation over

    deliberation only in May 2014 the work could be resumed after resolving all the issues

    regarding the site handing over. The completion period of the work is 1 year. Benefits of the ProjectBenefits of the ProjectBenefits of the ProjectBenefits of the Project

    The project would substantially improve the general environmental quality of the area

    and aesthetics. The congestion at the Chinnakkada junction will get alleviated and

    facilitate the free flow of traffic. Community ConsCommunity ConsCommunity ConsCommunity Consultation and Information Disclosureultation and Information Disclosureultation and Information Disclosureultation and Information Disclosure

    During the project scoping exercise considerable dialogue have had with the Kollam

    Municipal Corporation mayor, councilors and the staff. The details of the projects and the

    environmental mitigation measures proposed were detailed to the councilors and

    officials of Kollam Municipal Corporation during various deliberations. Also the project

    has been a major appetizer to the media and the news regarding the work progress

    frequently occupied spaces in the media with appraisal. Details of one to one public

    consultation conducted has been annexed to this report as Annexure-IV

    16.1 Grievance Redress Mechanism16.1 Grievance Redress Mechanism16.1 Grievance Redress Mechanism16.1 Grievance Redress Mechanism

    The complaints/grievances related to the work, if any, will be addressed by the

    PIU/KMC. The contractor will also assist the PIU/KMC. Any other complaints that

    cannot be resolved at PIU will be addressed by the GRC constituted at PIU/KMC with

    Respected Mayor of Kollam Municipal Corporation as chairperson. In case the

    complaint received cannot be addressed by the GRC the same shall be forwarded to

    PMU for facilitating further action to resolve the issue at appropriate level.

    See Annexure VI Proceedings of the Project Manager constituting GRC


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 41 Findings and Recommendations Findings and Recommendations Findings and Recommendations Findings and Recommendations

    The subproject as described above on the basis of environmental assessment during the

    project formulation stage was found to be environmentally acceptable and able to

    proceed to the implementation phase. Certain environmental issues noticed during the

    environmental assessment were listed out and an environment management plan to

    address these issues were also drawn up and presented in table 8. The main

    environmental issues noticed during the environmental assessment are those occurring

    during construction stage. In order to meet the statutory requirements, the following

    measures will be taken.

    The materials required for construction activities will be purchased from agencies/

    manufacturers having valid clearances from statutory authorities;

    Equipments/plants/generators used in the construction activities will comply with the

    environmental standards prescribed;

    Sanction from the State Government will be obtained for cutting trees which are

    prohibited under the Kerala Preservation of Trees Act, 1986

    The mitigation measures proposed in the management plan has been incorporated in

    project design and most of the mitigation costs are incidental to the construction costs.

    The environment management plan and environmental monitoring plan will form part of

    the contractual agreement with construction contractor, or directly implemented by the

    PIU as facility operator, as required Work Practices. ConclusionsConclusionsConclusionsConclusions

    The subproject is considered not to have any significant environmental impacts and

    classification B is considered appropriate.

    The IEE report has thoroughly assessed all potential environmental impacts associated

    with the subproject. The environmental impacts identified by the study are manageable,

    and Kollam Municipal Corporation will implement the mitigation measures stated in the


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 42

    EMP and IEE reports. Therefore, no further environmental assessment is needed.

    No significant/potential adverse impacts are anticipated on the environment due to the

    proposed project and there are no ecological sensitive issues of concern at the site.

    There is no biosphere reserve, National Park, Wild life, Bird sanctuary, Tiger or elephant

    reserve, mangrove areas, habitat of important migratory birds/animals,

    reserve/protected areas, zoological/botanical gardens within 10 km radius of the

    proposed site.

    Further it is confirmed that there is no rare, threatened and endangered species (flora

    and fauna) within the site proposed for the subproject.

    It is concluded that the sub-project as a whole will have a temporary impact on the

    environment but with the implementation of Environment Management Plan the

    potential impacts can be negotiated to a very great extent. The impact that may arise

    due to the change in the height alone of the underpass is ruled out as the minor change

    in height will no way affect or increase the quantum of impact when considering the sub-

    project as a whole.


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 43



    A. Construction Period (for a period of 6months)A. Construction Period (for a period of 6months)A. Construction Period (for a period of 6months)A. Construction Period (for a period of 6months)

    1. Ambient air quality monitoring during construction stage anticipating eight(2 loc.x 4 times) monitoring, total cost involved Rs. 40000.00

    2. Noise monitoring during construction stage, anticipating eight(2 loc.x 4 times) monitoring, total cost involved Rs. 16,000.00

    C. Development of Greenbelt C. Development of Greenbelt C. Development of Greenbelt C. Development of Greenbelt

    Plantation of bushes on the embankment of roads and

    maintenance cost, part of operation and maintenance cost Rs. 50,000.00

    Total anticipated cTotal anticipated cTotal anticipated cTotal anticipated cost for environment monitoring ost for environment monitoring ost for environment monitoring ost for environment monitoring Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 111106060606,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 .


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 44



    The detailed estimate for the various environmental management mitigative measures and monitoring plan have done and presented in the table.

    Detailed budget based on the environment management plan Detailed budget based on the environment management plan Detailed budget based on the environment management plan Detailed budget based on the environment management plan Mitigation Measures Responsibility Cost (Rs)

    Implementation responsibility

    Supervision Responsibility

    1 It is proposed to develop plant bushes and grass development on the embankments of the road to have an effect of a greenbelt.

    PIU/KMC PMU 50,000

    2 Adequate compaction and action to avoid erosion of the embankments.

    PIU/KMC PMU Part of construction cost

    3 Disposal of construction waste to pre-determined locations on a case-by-case basis such as recycled use or landfill disposal.

    PIU/KMC PMU Part of operation cost

    4 Proper stock piling of silt/soil at site;

    Contractor PIU/PMU Part of construction cost

    5 Protection against pollution during transportation of materials and proper maintenance of the transportation vehicles.

    Contractor PIU/PMU Part of construction cost

    6 Dust curtain will be provided at the construction site.

    Contractor PIU/PMU Part of construction cost

    7 Plant and equipment employed in the construction will comply with environmental standards.

    Contractor PIU/PMU Part of construction cost

    8 Implement construction site management to cover dust

    Contractor PIU/PMU Part of


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 45 Mitigation Measures Responsibility Cost (Rs)

    Implementation responsibility

    Supervision Responsibility

    and noise management construction cost

    9 Proper sanitation facilities will be provided to the labour quarters/settlements and at worksite

    Contractor PIU/PMU Part of construction cost

    10 Provision of appropriate protective gears (gumboots, gloves, masks etc.), awareness to workers regarding the potential dangers and health effects and need for the use of protective gears

    Contractor PIU/PMU Part of construction cost

    11 Mostly necessitate traffic management to avoid congestion (has to be arranged in consultation with local traffic police)


    PIU/Local Police

    Part of construction cost


    Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project | PIU Kollam 46


    Rapid EnvironmeRapid EnvironmeRapid EnvironmeRapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklistntal Assessment (REA) Checklistntal Assessment (REA) Checklistntal Assessment (REA) Checklist Instructions:Instructions:Instructions:Instructions:

    (i) The project team completes this checklist to support the environmental classification of a project. It is to be attached to the environmental categorization form and submitted to the Environment and Safeguards Division (RSES), for endorsement by Director, RSES and for approval by the Chief Compliance Officer.

    (ii) This checklist focuses on environmental issues and concerns. To ensure that social dimensions are adequately considered, refer also to ADB's (a) checklists on involuntar

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