child friendly community survey - amazon web services€¦ · what: deltakids conducted a...

Post on 23-Jun-2020






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AbouttheSurvey Results










































Rank Item Response


Howconvenientisittodriveacararoundyourcommunitywithchildren? 84%:Convenient


Howwelcomedoyoufeelatyourchild'sschool? 78%:VeryWelcome








Therearelotsofdifferentplacesinmycommunityforchildrentoplay. 69%:Agree


Howconvenientisittowalkaroundyourcommunitywithchildren? 67%:Convenient








Therearemanycommunity/culturaleventsformyfamilytoparticipatein. 59%:Agree


Howdifficultwasittogetyourcurrenthome? 58%:RelativelyEasy




Rank Item Response


HoweasyhasitbeentoaccessDoctorsinthecommunitywhilelivinginDelta? 46%:Difficult


HoweasyhasitbeentoaccessMentalHealthWorkersinthecommunitywhilelivinginDelta? 40%:Difficult








Howeasyhasitbeentoaccesspre-natalcareinthecommunitywhilelivinginDelta? 18%:Difficult





HoweasyhasitbeentoaccessPublicHealthNursesinthecommunitywhilelivinginDelta? 16%:Difficult














Q1:MyCommunityisaSafePlacetoRaiseChildren a.SaferthanAverage b.Average c.LessSafethanaverageQ2:MyCommunityinvolveschildrenandyouthinmakingdecisionsthataffectthewholecommunity a.Agree b.SomewhatAgree c.Disagree


Safety Child/YouthVoices SurveyAverage







Q3:Howconvenientisittodrivearoundyourcommunitywithyourchildren? a.Convenient b.Somewhatconvenient c.NotconvenientQ4:Howconvenientisittowalkaroundyourcommunitywithyourchildren? a.Convenient b.Somewhatconvenient c.NotconvenientQ5:Howconvenientisittoridebicyclesaroundyourcommunitywithyourchildren? a.Convenient b.Somewhatconvenient c.Notconvenient



Drive Walk Bike SurveyAverage







Q6:Howwelldoesyourcurrenthomemeettheneedsofyourfamily? a.Verywell b.Okay c.Notverywell














My community is safe but North Delta has declined overall Ladner is lacking activities and services for teenagers We should have a better solution to improve the safety. Too many break ins at North Delta We feel North Delta is a safer than average place to raise children as it is a family oriented community. The only thing bothering us is that criminals from other city may sneak in to interrupt our peace. so close to newton Love nth delta I feel very safe in my current neighbourhood Crime has certainly been up in Delta. Teens have no safe place to hang out, drugs have been a major issue as well as some of the gang type activity. Our son is 6 and I am already scared as to what the 'future community of Delta will look like' in regards to crime it feels very safe I grew up here and am now raising a family north delta Despite the odd incident, we feel very safe in our community Need better crosswalks, people driving too fast and almost hit children when crossing the road. But always cautious Recent events make things feel less safe. I am beginning to wonder, after multiple shootings in and around the area. I feel so lucky how safe I feel raising my kids in south delta. I wish there were sidewalks in every part of our neighbourhood. It's hard to walk places without having to use the road which is so unsafe with little kids. This may be my optimistic outlook on 'safeness' of community. Recently it hasn't seemed safer than other communities. recent shootings have us worried We live 5 minutes away from an elementary school but there are no side walks. It's always so scary to see children walking to or from school and cars speeding by. In the snow time it's even more difficult for the children. I can't go for walks or take my child for bike ride because of the lack of side walks starting to change my view with the gang shootings on 120th and the teen drug dealers at Mackie Turf forest area Safer than average To close to surrey Well there was that stabbing at Burnsview this week, and all that Indo Canadian gang shootings lately. I’m from London UK my perspective may not be balanced Drugs are becoming a huge issue but I still keep a close eye out. traffic is getting too fast



I do not have enough information to answer this accurately. Really do not know I have no idea I don't know I can't say that I have seen this with the younger ages of my kids. Children young My 6 year old son has never been involved in decision making for the community I am just learning where this information all is Not too sure on this one n/a my child is still a baby I have not seen or heard about any youth forums. I don't have this knowledge. Not sure don't know don't know not too much experience with that yet not sure we need to rezone some of the neighbourhoods to permit more affordable housing. North Delta does not have enough affordable housing for families. Unsure of how much This survey is statement of that fact but it is the first such I have seen. never been involved with decision making I'm not sure how kids are involved as I've never experienced anything that involved my kids but I assume this to be true,..? Agree North Delta has tons of playgrounds for kids under 10, but we need something for preteens 10-13. Like a airpark, climbing centre, activity centred warehouse for team and birthday events. Other than a rec. centre. This process is not obvious to me I've never heard of any kids or youth helping make decisions. Sounds like it would be a good idea Unsure not sure unknown not too sure don't know




I like that our area is not direct way too much road work in North Delta the long boarders in the Sunstone area ride down the Wiltshire Blvd & Modesto Place hills pretty fast and are a hazard to drivers and pedestrians. There needs to be a ban or something in place for this. There were some close calls last summer, This summer someone's child will be seriously hurt, maybe even killed if we can't control it except in trying to go north south during rush hour to cross either nordel or 72 though we try not to as our son walks to school, would love to see more students walking to school, especially this last year with such fair weather I don't drive North Delta is oddly laid out - some places are confusing to access. rush hour can be a pain Drive thru Starbucks. ;) No parking for child activities - not very much and not close to venues More round-abouts Need more speed controls in playground and school zones Cars are always convenient I guess Very congested around school zones during peak hrs. I don't drive 116 is worse being more narrow and blocking driveways parking is limited in Ladner I do not drive I don't drive Easy and free parking is always accessible. I don't drive a car



The lack of sidewalks on busy streets is appalling. Streets like 115 between 88 and 90 where kids walk to school and the park, yet no sidewalk, so kids are dodging around parked cars and cars that are driving. sidewalks seem to be narrow esp when one has a stroller & another on a bike. Sunstone has been advertised as a "master planned community" but essential components are still not completed 6 or 7 years later (no commercial space) live at the bottom of a steep hill and it’s difficult to push a double stroller to the top Walk for enjoyment YES; walk to get places NO. And transit is not accessible. some sidewalk corners are not stroller friendly there are no side walks in my neighbourhood -bell park area of ladner and I often feel unsafe walking because of this. much more convenient with new sidewalks Very poor sidewalk access. Many roads have no sidewalks at all. We go for walks all over the neighborhood all the time. Not enough sidewalks 30 mins walk from home to nearest recreation centre.if there's shuttle bus between our complex to recreation centre that would be so good! Lots of areas have no sidewalks more sidewalks needed More sidewalks would be helpful. Too many dogs unleashed in parks and no control I walk 1 to 3 times per day with my daughter. We walk for hours Police should be giving more tickets to speeding, and watching around school. So many people don't stop and let people cross the street. No sidewalks and lots of speeding. There are some parts of Sunshine Hills that do not have good sidewalks. There aren't sidewalks everywhere in our neighborhood otherwise we could walk to sungod for example. hard for strollers on some sidewalks that aren't for mobility-challenged folks We live near Port Guichon but walk everywhere Not a lot of connectedness in walking and bike routes traffic and speeding drivers are a concern Need more sidewalks and separate bike lanes.




we live in a school zone area but there are no side walks. It is always scary to see cars passing by fast and children having to go into drive ways to protect themselves. Especially in snow time, its so unsafe. I can't take my child for a walk or bike ride because there are no sidewalks. There is not much to walk to. Most places to go outside or outdoors requires a drive. Biking is ok but not safe with a 7 y/o. Lack of sidewalks Lots of areas have no sidewalks Speeders on 1st ave!!! the old sidewalks and driveways are difficult to push strollers East ladner mon as much to get to stuff Long distance to get to places Love North Delta Everyone smoking, drivers very unreliable, we almost were hit many times Beach Grove is a great neighbourhood for families Not a lot of sidewalks in neighbourhood (north delta west) I live in the farm in East Ladner so not accessible public transport where I live. I have to walk all the way to Arthur Drive or Ladner Trunk Road to get a bus ride or call a cab when it is raining hard I don't drive, and I live in Sunshine HIlls area, but the community centre are all located in 84th and 116th. It is not convenient for me to take children to the community centre. live in East Ladner, so to walk to Ladner village where all the activities takes 40-45 mins we live in East Ladner so there is not much to walk to



live on busy street drivers are not slowing down I do not bike Narrow road at 64th Street and 34B Street. The only access road for me to go to town. In Ladner only. Tsawwassen, no bicycle routes available. off leash dogs make it tough at times



Would be nice to have bike paths. There is always a worry of getting hit by a car. Busy streets such as Ladner Trunk Road are not convenient. Some street parking makes it risky for little ones on bikes. Not much in the way of bike paths. Too much traffic too much traffic Too much traffic Too much traffic so many cars parked on streets now, I don't feel comfortable letting my kids ride their bike not on the limited sidewalks. in Sunshine Hills - sure Same safety concern as above It is safe Roads by us are busy and don't feel comfortable, but good trail systems for that We ride on the sidewalks as 112th drivers area always driving fast. We live at 90th and 112th and they just put a crosswalk there, but what they need is those speedbumps. We are between 2 schools with lots of young kids everywhere and people are always speeding down or turning really fast down 90th towards River road. There is a lot of traffic. People do not follow speed limits and there are many streets without sidewalks which forces children to ride on the road. we need more sidewalks or cyclist lanes, only the main roads have this 112 and 116th streets missing some sidewalks in Beach Grove We need more bike lanes, bike crossing buttons, and places to lock bikes. Need more bike paths very as we have bike routes through our neighbourhood Please add bike lanes/routes including farm roads. Bike routes are needed. I really notice this after moving from Vancouver to Ladner. I would like to ride my bike with my baby but feel unsafe. Need bike lanes Many cars park on main roads squishing bikes into traffic or making people ride on sidewalks. Bad drivers. Many main roads without bike lanes. Could always be better. Concern over 56th Kids almost got hit by cars twice in one ride - people looking at phones coming onto 56th Make it more obvious/bike lane




More biking paths to keep kids off of main roads would be better. Same as walking, kids are too small to go on the road. In East Ladner, you need to go out of the way to the overpass that takes bikes. It can be quite a task to take two children and their bikes over that pass and then proceed onto the busy road beyond. there are no bike lanes pathways are hard to get through barriers with a bike carrier lots of trails, bike lanes need more bike lanes - separate from cars and people walking too much traffic makes it difficult No sidewalk in our street and a dangerous curve that people don't take care around. 10a ave Some bike lanes but not on main roads ; need to communicate bike routes more no side walks, and not enough room on the street See above. No separated bike routes, a horrible biking experience on the 17 designated bike route. Not a great bike destination. We need dedicated bike lanes. Not enough bike lanes - busy roads No many safe places to ride for less experienced riders No sidewalk on our street cars going too fast Would like to see a bike lane from tsawwassen to Ladner More bike paths and sidewalks would help Zero bike lanes, and side walks are non-existent in our community. Westham island needs a bike lane! More bike routes on roads would help so we wouldn't have to ride on sidewalk Very busy vehicle traffic. Not enough safe bike lanes There are no bike lanes at all. Don't feel safe having the kids bike with me as we have to go on main streets. Haven't done yet No comment. Don't bike. not safe Again, Beach Grove is great. I would love safer paths for bikes from Tsawwassen to Ladner. The highways and busy back roads are not safe for bikes. Increased traffic around residential areas near hwy routes or the busy 64th/120th intersection have roads that are flush with sidewalks (no safety space in between). Would benefit from traffic calming improvements.





hard to find job nearby home I wish we had room for a play area in our complex It is difficult to baby proof Was not allowed pet, had to give her up. Hurt kids badly. Need another bathroom and bedroom in the future We live in an apartment Our house was too small for us 6 years ago but it was all we could afford. Both professional parents but so expensive to live here. we are currently developing a new home We are currently renting our home which is scheduled to be demolished for townhouses. Such a sad situation. We love our home and it's close to everything we need but we will be forced to move and there is not a lot of renting options in North Delta that will meet the needs of both our children we need more affordable housing for families 2 adults, 2 children of different gender in a 2 bedroom apartment. No outside area for kids to play Too small We are looking into to building a better size to fit our family Too small but bigger is too expensive We would like to purchase a home but we have been forced out of the market due to overseas investors Very expensive housing, so we had to sacrifice space Because am only to take care for my kids so it's little hard for me because they like go out play with other kids I need a larger suite but have no way of affording one We can't afford a home Our house is small for a family of 5 but we are managing Landlord not happy to meet the needs to maintain the house. We rent a house - it does not belong to us.




We rent. Hard to find something in our price range that could accommodate our children and allow them to have a yard and not be cooped up in a dark basement suite Houses are very expensive so are groceries houses are very expensive so does groceries Prices r very high Houses are expensive poor selection of rental properties in North Delta Somewhere between Relatively Easy and Hard. Had to save lots of money, ladner is not a cheap place to buy a house. But rent is $$$$ here Owning a home is a financial challenge - Finding one within an affordable price range is difficult. We live house poor, so that we can own a house, enjoy our space and hopefully raise our son in a community that will encourage his success. not very convenient for ppl don't drive housing is much too expensive for what you get That was 12 years ago....I've noticed that u can't be picky now if u want a specific area as houses are selling fast We rent our suite I don't understand what this question is looking for we have been here for 13 years and prices were over half of what they are today Ladner detached homes are expensive. Need more rental homes that allow pets. So hard to find places. too expensive Required help from family. We would not be able to afford to buy now, or move. Part of job package so not sure 10 minutes from schools Very difficult to find an affordable home with a garden for the kids to play in We borrowed money from parents and bought house with brother and sister Bought a home 17 years ago and had equity from a home in another province Purchased in 2002. Now it is extremely hard for friends to purchase in same community Very expensive and difficult to find a home for sale. Although we rent and are looking at leaving Delta in order to purchase a house. We had help from family More townhouse development




prices have increased rapidly over the past few months, due to Chinese buying up properties this is making it impossible for others to buy suitable homes. It was a case of right place at the right time. We found it by luck It's easy when my cousins pick them to take her home and go out Probably harder now, we bought our house in 2009 Not understand don't own yet bought 12 years ago We live in a one bedroom low income apartment We bought 13 years ago. The market was very affordable then. currently staying with family, waiting to buy Bought it a long time ago


Wheredoyoufeelsafe? Whatareyouafraidof? Library, dance class, church, Sungod - swimming and roaming rascals, daycare Big cars, loud noises. Strangers (3yearold)

school loud noises (3yearold)here (at home), walking to preschool with mommy or daddy my bad dreams (4yearold)At swimming lessons, at the library, playing with my Mom, at Strong Start. I am afraid of spiders, and strangers! (5yearold)I don't know what you mean. With mommy , daddy, Grandpa and Grandma Dragons (3yearold)

Traffic, fast running cars (5yearold)

everywhere Strangers (5yearold)

At my house Spiders (4yearold)

At home, at school Zombies (5yearold)

Home, School nothing (5yearold)

any where with my momtraffic, dark areas, streets with no sidewalks (5yearold)

At home, my moms and at school Hulk gloves (5yearold)

at home or with my mom the traffic, cars (5yearold)

Home Dark (4yearold)

Grandma's and Grandpa's. ______'s. My house. Dark (3yearold)In the house when Jesus is with me. Where there are no monsters. Bad monsters. (3yearold)

no answer Ghosts. Traffic (4yearold)

All of the above Monsters (4yearold)

With mom. spider cameras (3yearold)

Everywhere Mean people. Growling dogs. (3yearold)

At home, at daycare, the park. Dark rooms. (4yearold)

All places Going fast. Thunder and fast wind. (5yearold)

Home, the Hub, Grandpa's house Spiders, bee, monsters (2yearold)

At ______'s (neighbour's house).Caves, forests, robbers, the dark and monsters (5yearold)

Home, with family, at daycare new environments (4yearold)

Home Zombies (5yearold)




Wheredoyoufeelsafe? Whatareyouafraidof? When I cross the street with my mom and hold hands. Tarantulas (5yearold)

Home Monsters (5yearold)

swimming pool monsters (5yearold)

nothing (4yearold)

He feels safe almost anywhere Not anything that he has shown fear to (3yearold)

home accidents (3yearold)

home bumping into each other (4yearold)

I am not afraid (4yearold)

home traffic (4yearold)

Home Rabbits, as we wild ones in the yard (5yearold)

Home / Daycare / Gramma and Papa's Ghosts, Dracula, and nightmares (3yearold)

Home and at White Spot Dragons and real zombies with real blood (4yearold)

HomeGoing downstairs when Mommy is upstairs. I`m afraid of monsters (5yearold)

Inside Costumes, Halloween (5yearold)

home Unsuspecting persons with bad intentions (5yearold)

Home, school, library, fireball Strangers, being alone (3yearold)

Anywhere Barking dogs (5yearold)

Home - there are no monsters there. roads and cars (4yearold)




Question:Fromyourhousewherecanyouandyourfamilywalk? Sungod, nature reserve, library (long walk) (3yearold)

the grocery store (3yearold)

grandma and grandpa's, soccer, preschool, the brown park (4yearold)

We can walk to the school playground, around the neighbourhood. (5yearold)

To Sungod and Mackie Library - and tot lot (3yearold)

From home to ND secondary school (5yearold)

park (5yearold)

Cory drive park or cougar canyon park (4yearold)

To memorial park (5yearold)

School, playground, stores. (5yearold)

to the park up the street (5yearold)

Park, school (5yearold)

to a park to play, but we don't have sidewalks so we have to be careful (5yearold)

Friends house, sungod (4yearold)

no answer (3yearold)

To the park, to preschool, to Safeway. (3yearold)

Lesley Park. Hawthorne Park (4yearold)

To a nearby park (4yearold)

Around our property. Sometimes we walk to town (50 minutes). (3yearold)

To the park. Cousin's house. Neighbour's house. (3yearold)

To the school, park, my friend's house. (4yearold)

to the 7-11, the park, the bus stop with Daddy (5yearold)

to parks, school, town shopping mall (2yearold)

Around the block, the school park, the pool. (5yearold)

School, highschool, parks, downtown (4yearold)

Chapters, park (5yearold)

We don't walk that often (5yearold)

Playground, Groceries (5yearold)

we can walk to the beach, school and White Spot (5yearold)

Mcdonalds, the library, parks, movie theatre, the malls (4yearold)




Question:Fromyourhousewherecanyouandyourfamilywalk? The farthest i walk is up to 122 to see a friend but generally i walk over to 84th and will take a bus if i need to go further (3yearold)

park school (3yearold)

park (4yearold)

schools, park, shopping, (4yearold)

school (5yearold)

In the immediate neighbourhood. Too far to stores. (5yearold)

To a candy store, - 7-11, -playground (3yearold)

The Crazy Bread place and maybe Chuck E Cheese (4yearold)

To Kindergarten (5yearold)

Park (3yearold)

Bog and pools and school and waterpark (3yearold)

To the park (5yearold)

To neighbourhood park and local schools. 88 and Scott corridor. (5yearold)Bank, playgrounds, library, schools, shopping mall, restaurants, doctor, fire station, swimming, tkd. (3yearold)

Library, school, swimming, tkd, fire hall, restaurants, friends houses (5yearold)

Playground when the school is closed (4yearold)






It is ok. I like chocolate. My best friends would live here too (3yearold)

my school the rain so i could go outside more (3yearold)

when you (mom) play with me i would move my umbrella (4yearold)Riding my bike and swimming at Sungod Rec Centre

_______ would like to change the colour of our house. (5yearold)

Close to swimming, playgrounds and roaming rascals' gym A sand box (5yearold)

schools close to home (5yearold)

play at playground play computer (5yearold)

My house The colour (5yearold)

Is that I can play soccer with my friends The colour of the walls (5yearold)

nice neighbourhood nothing (5yearold)

the friendliness of the community members put a play area in it (4yearold)

My backyard I would like a new bed (3yearold)

my neighbours are friendly a place to play in our complex (3yearold)

There's restaurants Put a new table in (4yearold)

When I have my new bed. One of our toys. (4yearold)

That we live with the security of God. More parks and more Disney Infinity toys. (3yearold)

Numerous activities for families. More bike lanes. (3yearold)Small town feel. Lots for kids to do. Lots of green space. Make it larger. (4yearold)

That we live on a farm. Nothing (5yearold)

I love Canada. Fishing I would like a pink house. (2yearold)I like my yard. My house is nice. My friend next door. I want a swing. (5yearold)

My sister lives there and my little sister I want a purple room (4yearold)

lots of parks to play at during the summer ummm... nothing (5yearold)

Because I get to have screen time.To have a mansion. with the biggest bed ever. (5yearold)





sense of community, support, proximity to services layout and space for a large family (5yearold)

All the fun things that happen. Change my bedroom around (5yearold)I like that I live on Canada, I like all the flag for Canada Decorating the walls (4yearold)

Playground, School It would be bigger (3yearold)

is saying hi to everyone I would put the TV in the ceiling (3yearold)having grandpa and friends in our neighbourhood

more parks nearby and indoor playground equipment for the winter (4yearold)

All the parks are close together along with the schools being close to just about everywhere.

Having a playground that is designed for young children who are just learning how to walk, can walk but need a smaller structure to move around on etc... Bus services as well ( hey need to be more frequent) (4yearold)

parks big bedroom (5yearold)

backyard bigger backyard (5yearold)

Schools (3yearold)

park bigger backyard (4yearold)

Safe and caring community. A basement (3yearold)

Playing with brother and Ice Skating I'd change Mommy (5yearold)

I live in Canada...going swimmingMake it spookier...with zombies that bite and gorillas that walk around (5yearold)

Ghostbusters on TV My back yard (3yearold)

It's safe area good for kids, schools are near (5yearold)

Good recreation (4yearold)



Wheredoyoufeelsafe? Howdoyoustaysafe?

At home, friends, school, family Don't answer door or phone check with a parent when I use the computer (8 years old)

My house, at school, Recreational centres dunno (12 years old)

In school, my room, home Sometimes avoid my brothers, avoid bullies (10 years old)

Home daycare and school Stranger danger (7 years old)

Home don't do bad things (10 years old)

Home but not when it's dark Listen to community rules & following the laws (8 years old)

home, my grandparent's house don't leave pizza in too long. (8 years old)

With mom I stay with an adult (6 years old)

Home and school Stay away from strangers (10 years old)

Any where Be aware (9 years old)

Mom's house. Auntie's house. Daycare. Sleep with Auntie. Stay close to child care provider. (6 years old)

Home. Cabin. School. Daycare. I watch around me. (6 years old)

School. Home. Skating. Daycare. People watch me. (9 years old)

Home. Grandma's house. Daycare. I stay with somebody like a parent. (8 years old) At home, at school, at my friend's house, my grandma's house, my nana's house and my auntie's house. Lock the house, being with a grown up. (6 years old) in the living room with my mommy and daddy being with mommy and daddy (8 years old)

At home With mom (7 years old)

at home with my mom I listen to my mom (6 years old)

Around my mom and dad, at school and after care

If a stranger tells me to cross the road I will answer "no thank you". Do not cross the road without looking. Make sure to stay close to your parents while trick or treating. If somebody bullies you you stand up for yourself. (8 years old)



Wheredoyoufeelsafe? Howdoyoustaysafe? At home the most but most of the time at school. Except when kids are mean to me at school, then I don't feel safe there. I missed some school last year because I was too scared to be there because of bullies. They think they are so cool but they are not Some kids are really mean to other kids, I'm not sure why

Don't talk to strangers Never go anywhere without a buddy (11 years old)

At home, with my friends, at school.

By wearing reflective gear when we're out walking at night and always make eye contact with drivers before crossing the road. (10 years old)

Home check alarms read news KEEP UP (10 years old)

My house with my parents I don't know (10 years old)

At my house. At m school too. I stay safe if I stay close to my mom and dad. (7 years old)

At home (10 years old)

Most of the places Keep yourself away from danger (10 years old)

at home and school (9 years old)

Almost anywhere locally i don't really understand what you are trying to explain or ask? (12 years old)

Mom house, dad's house, grandpas house, school I'm with family (8 years old) Question:Ifyouweren’tfeelingsafewhocouldyoutalkto?Note:Mostchildrenansweredwithclosefamilymembersandsometimesteachersordaycareproviders.Somespecificallymentionedmunicipalemployees:Mom, dad, teacher, police, family, friends (8yearold) A parent or teacher, policeman (8 year old) Police(6yearold)Police officer, fireman, Mommy, Daddy (6yearold)

a grown up, a mom or a teacher or a policeman (6yearold)



Wholistenstoyouwhenyouhaveideas? Doyouhaveanyideasyouwanttosharerightnow?

Mom, dad, teacher, aunt, cousin (8 years old) I only tell people i'm close with and they all listen noooooooooooooooooo (12 years old)

My mom, Best friends, teachers I have none yet (10 years old)

Mom. Teachers (7 years old)

Mom and Dad No (10 years old)

Mom To try to invent a Popsicle that wouldn't melt (8 years old)

parents yes, you can make snowmen with water colour paint (8 years old)

No one No (6 years old)

My parents No (10 years old)

No one No (9 years old) Grandma. Stepsister. Childcare providers at Daycare. Papa. Mom. I would like to see my dad. (6 years old)

Mom. Brother. Friends. Daycare. No (6 years old)

Mom. Dad. Friend. Daycare. I want to make a lego creation at daycare this afternoon. (9 years old)

Child care provider. Daddy. No (8 years old) My friends, teacher, my mom, my dad, my sister, my Grandma No (6 years old)

everyone almost nope (8 years old)

My mom I want to have a big park like Tera nova close to my house (7 years old)

my mom, or mrs dole (school)

I wish I could do martial arts but I can't get to classes because my mom is at work (6 years old)

My friends, my mom, my sister, my dad Who came up with this brilliant plan? (8 years old)

My mom and my grandma

I wish there was more places for kids in elementary school to go and hang out and have fun. I went to the boys and girls club a few times but I did not feel safe there because there was bullies (11 years old)

My parents my family This survey is too long (10 years old)



Wholistenstoyouwhenyouhaveideas? Doyouhaveanyideasyouwanttosharerightnow?

My mum

Yes. Tons. Should I start on my story ideas from a weird and wacky tale of this famous architect who was a game designer and made a library of tricks (10 years old)

Mom, Dad, my friends Flying cars (10 years old)

My mom and my dad.

I want the city to put secret places into playgrounds. I want the city to put a playground in the park off our backyard. (Wildwood Cres) (7 years old)

My kids No (10 years old)

my mom and dad and teacher no (9 years old)

my friends parents and almost anyone, also my teachers.

Oh yasssss. i think schools should all come together and each grade could hangout and talk about what we do at our school. (12 years old)

Mom, step mom, teacher, grandparents (8 years old)




Drive (8yearsold)

cars cars everywhere (12yearsold)

When they see each other they just say hi (10yearsold)

Walking or driving (7yearsold)

We usually just walk or take the car maybe bike if it's nice outside. (10yearsold)

Car, bike, scooter, walk, bus (8yearsold)

We like to bike, scooter, and walk. (8yearsold)

Biking (6yearsold)

Walking (10yearsold)

walk bike car (9yearsold)

In the car but I ride my bike. (6yearsold)

Run the van. Walk. My bike. (6yearsold)

Truck. Car. Bike for me. (9yearsold)

Walk. (8yearsold)

Walking, riding or scooting. (6yearsold)

Walk (8yearsold)

Walking and biking (7yearsold)

usually drive, sometimes walk (6yearsold)

I would like to be closer to Boundary bay park. Close to my school that I could walk there. (8yearsold)

Drive and walks, too many hills to bike (11yearsold)Basically car but I like to walk, bike, scootering but we usually take the car to go grocery shopping. (10yearsold)

Daily (10yearsold)

We like to drive (10yearsold)I like to walk, and bike. And use my scooter


Twice a week (10yearsold)

Fun activities (10yearsold)

We usually ride our bikes and sometimes walk (9yearsold)When the weather is nice i either bike or scooter. Sometimes when i hangout with my friends we walk. i often walk to town or if i go grocery shopping with my parents we drive. (12yearsold)

Car, van, motorbike, bicycle, walk (8yearsold)



Whatisthebestpartaboutwhereyoulive? Ifyoucouldchange1thingaboutwhereyoulivewhatwoulditbe?

Nice and friendly Closer stores (8yearsold)

i don't really like my neighborhood because i live pretty far from the rest of my friends.

I would change how it's so close to the highway and i would also change it so that the houses are newer and another thing i would change is i want to live closer to my friends and my school so maybe i could walk home by myself. (12yearsold)

It's quiet and friends are near The garbage truck is very noisy and it wakes me up early in the morning (10yearsold)

I have lots of friends.

I would like to change that all the people would be happy and nobody is sad. Everybody would enjoy their life. (7yearsold)

It's that my neighbourhood is very peaceful and quiet and that services are very close by so we don't have to go far to get groceries or do activities.

Honestly that's a hard Question for me because i think that my neighbourhood is completely fine. (10yearsold)

I have lots of friends that live near me To have a sidewalk on both sides of the street (8yearsold)

I'm close to my grandparent's house. It's not far from Tim Hortons. I can ride my scooter and play outside. I wish there were more gardens around. (8yearsold)

My mommy, walking in the big bush Nothing (6yearsold)

The george mackie library has a great collection of books, videos, and is also staffed with friendly librarians.

Create venues where kids can create after school clubs like chess clubs, science clubs, game clubs, etc. Have a science, history, or kids museum in north delta (10yearsold)

The sun and a good community (9yearsold)

My friends live close by and I like my daycare That I could play outside every day (6yearsold)I have lots of neighbours. Playing hockey on the street.

I want to have a bigger house with a big playroom. (6yearsold)

I play hockey with my friends. I go to daycare. Close to water to go fishing. (9yearsold)

My friends come over sometimes.

I would like to live somewhere else. I would live in Surrey because there are a lot of trees there. (8yearsold)

The best part about my community is that there is a school nearby. I would like more police. (6yearsold)



Whatisthebestpartaboutwhereyoulive? Ifyoucouldchange1thingaboutwhereyoulivewhatwoulditbe?

It's like an 80s neighbourhood and I can go around with my friends and do what I want without my parents there all the time. A water fountain that I could play in. (8 years old)

School is very close There should be nice walking area around my house (7 years old)

the school and parks and stores are close to have a yard to play in (we live in older townhouse complex with no play area) (6 years old)

I love that there is no construction and that is a big hill so is kind of fun to play around. Also, I like how the cars are safe and I can play not in the middle of the road a little bit farther than the edge.

Well, living on the big hill is a little tiring if you want to get anywhere. I would like it to be more closer to the mall so I don't have to drive a long time to get to the Richmond mall. (8 years old)

It's a safe neighbourhood More street lights (11 years old) That it's safe and that I have a park in my back yard. Also living near the ocean is awesome because it only takes like 10 minutes or less to walk there and searching for snakes and other animals is always fun. But I have one complaint its that there is a drug hangout area at the back of my old school the school is called BeachGrove the area the teenagers hang out in is in the back forest and I don't want any kids stepping on needles or falling on them.

To clean up the mess the teens have made and DO SOMTHING ABOUT IT. (10 years old)

It is really quiet and calm. To her it is a haven. It could be a little bit more clean (10 years old)

My neighbourhood and school I'd change it to Hawaii (10 years old) It's secret. There's not too many people. Or bad guys I would live by the beach. (7 years old)

Community None (10 years old)

Quiet neighbourhood (10 years old) We live right down by the beach so I can play at the playground every day.

Nothing really. we have what we want and need. (9 years old)

i like how the neighbourhood is close to my school and i live near my friends.

i would make a change on the sports cars and motor cycles that pass my house they sometimes wake me up and disturb my sleep. (12 years old)

My mom lives close to my dad and step mom and brothers

My mom would live with my family and our house would be closer to my best friend (8 years old)



Whatdoyoulikebestaboutyourhouse? Whatwouldyouliketochangeaboutyourhouse?

It's a home Bigger (8 years old)

i like how it's comfy. i would repaint it and make it warmer and bigger. (12 years old)

Everything about it No changes so far (10 years old) I like that I have a nice house that I can call home and do things in

I wish that I took better care of my room. (7 years old)

That it’s big and it has all the "essentials" if you please.

Nothing. I mean it has everything that i need and use everyday. (10 years old)

I have my own room Nothing (8 years old) There's a lot of room. I've got a big back yard. I have my own room. I wish there were more kids close by. (8 years old)

To get a bunkbed (6 years old)

I like that it is close to schools.

I would like to update the bathroom and install new carpets and new roof shingles. (10 years old)

It is nice house and in a good area (9 years old) My grandma lives there. My papa lives there. I can look out the window when I am downstairs.

The door colour. That's all, everything is ok. (6 years old)

My driveway. I miss the big tree from the front yard. (6 years old)

My pool. My bedroom. We are changing the kitchen. (9 years old)

Colour of my door. My trees. Move my bedroom door. (8 years old)

The TV I would change our house by having no computers. (6 years old)

X-Box Bigger (8 years old)

Convince Nothing (7 years old)

I live near my friends to have a bigger back yard or a playground in our complex (6 years old)

I really like the place and I think is big that it has a yard so I can play because my old house did not have a yard.

I would like to have my own room. Nothing else ! (8 years old)

It's warm and safe I would like to live nearer my school (11 years old)



Whatdoyoulikebestaboutyourhouse? Whatwouldyouliketochangeaboutyourhouse?

I feel safe in it and warm and cozy

Well the park In the back is awesome, but me and my mom dad and sister every year put up swings in the park but we only get to play on them for a while because the city always takes them down so if you could stop taking them down that would be nice because we LIKE playing on them and so do the other kids that come into the park. (10 years old)

It isn't too big so she knows how to live in a small house Maybe a bigger back yard. (10 years old)

I like how its safe and in a Co-Op To make it bigger (10 years old)

That its nice and its big. And it's big for my cat.

I would like to change my house to have four layers and I wished my bedroom would be in a long hall and through a wall you couldn't see. So I'd have a secret entrance to my room. (7 years old)

Community convince To make larger (10 years old)

Holy and joyful placeap (10 years old)

It's very cozy so that when I get home it's very comforting.

Again nothing really. I mean i want my room to be a bit bigger and I want to have a porch and whatnot but they are very tiny things that people won't notice. (9 years old)

I like how my house is always warm and me and my family, and my friends are always feeling safe when i am at home.

I would change the colour of my bedroom I really don't like to pink colour. otherwise id change nothing. (12 years old)

My dad's house has lots of family A room for my mom (8 years old)




My community is a safe place to raise children



Safer than average 67.27 57.5 50 51.47 86.46 90.53

Average 30.91 39.17 47.83 47.06 12.5 9.47

Less Safe 1.82 3.33 2.17 1.47 1.04 0

# Responses 495 120 92 68 96 95

Confidence Interval (+/-

4.11) (+/-

8.77) (+/-

10.11) (+/-

11.75) (+/- 6.9) (+/-

5.71) %ResponsebyAgeofChild(nostatisticallysignificantdifferences)


months 12-23

months 2-3 years

4-5 years

6-8 years

9-11 years

12-14 years

15-18 years

Safer than average 68 65 67 67 68 61 82 72

Average 32 32 31 32 31 37 16 22

Less Safe 0 3 2 1 1 2 3 6 # Responses 63 34 158 203 179 107 38 18

Confidence Interval w w w w w

(+/- 9.13)

(+/- 12.16)

(+/- 20.71)





Convenient 85 80 79 89 85 84.27 Somewhat convenient 15 18 19 11 14 15.11

Not convenient 0 1 1 0 1 0.62

# Responses 483 117 92 68 92 93

Confidence Interval 3.22 w (+/- 8.09) (+/- 9.57) (+/- 6.35) w %ResponsebyAgeofChild(nostatisticallysignificantdifferences)


months 12-23

months 2-3 years

4-5 years

6-8 years

9-11 years

12-14 years

15-18 years

Convenient 85 79 86 87 82 87 86 72 Somewhat convenient 15 21 13 13 18 12 14 22 Not convenient 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 6 # Responses 61 34 156 198 177 105 37 18

Confidence Interval w

(+/- 8.09)

(+/- 9.57)

(+/- 6.35) w w (+/- 13.5) w

My community involves children and youth in making decisions that affect the whole community




Agree 25.52 28.45 23.6 21 33 16

Somewhat Agree 54.39 58 54 51 53 58

Disagree 20.08 14 22 28 14 26

# Responses 478 116 89 67 91 92

Confidence Interval (+/- 3.9) w w

(+/- 9.64) (+/- 9.6)

(+/- 7.44)


months 12-23

months 2-3 years

4-5 years

6-8 years

9-11 years

12-14 years

15-18 years

Agree 19 27 26 26 24 23 19 22 Somewhat Agree 66 52 59 54 55 50 56 44

Disagree 16 21 15 20 21 27 25 33 # Responses 58 33 153 198 177 105 36 18

Confidence Interval (+/- 9.85) w w w w w

(+/- 12.76) w

How convenient is it to drive a care around your community with children?





Convenient 44.05 49 40 49 45 40 Somewhat convenient 41.13 37 43 40 38 48

Not convenient 14.82 14 18 10 17 12

# Responses 479 114 91 67 92 93

Confidence Interval 4.41 (+/- 9.11) w (+/- 11.84) w w %ResponsebyAgeofChild(nostatisticallysignificantdifferences)


months 12-23

months 2-3 years

4-5 years

6-8 years

9-11 years

12-14 years

15-18 years

Convenient 43 26 44 47 48 49 57 39 Somewhat convenient 47 59 39 40 37 42 35 56 Not convenient 10 15 17 13 15 10 8 6 # Responses 58 34 156 196 177 105 37 18

Confidence Interval w

(+/- 14.54) w w w

(+/- 9.44)

(+/- 15.08)

(+/- 22.5)

How convenient is it to walk around your community with children.




Convenient 327 90 48 43 70 62 Somewhat convenient 125 21 32 23 17 24

Not convenient 33 7 12 2 5 7

# Responses 485 118 92 68 92 93

Confidence Interval 4.14 (+/-

7.65) (+/-

10.1) w (+/-

8.67) w


months 12-23

months 2-3 years

4-5 years

6-8 years

9-11 years

12-14 years

15-18 years

Convenient 67 58 66 68 69 73 70 78 Somewhat convenient 26 33 25 28 25 19 27 17 Not convenient 7 9 9 4 6 8 3 6 # Responses 61 33 158 198 177 105 37 18

Confidence Interval w

(+/- 16.61 w w w

(+/- 8.39) w

(+/- 19.11)

How convenient is it to ride bicycles around your community with children?





Relatively easy 58.35 64 56 55 56 56

Hard 31.75 20 32 42 39 33

Very Difficult 9.9 16 12 3 4 11

# Responses 485 118 90 69 94 93

Confidence Interval 4.35 (+/- 11.72) w w w w %ResponsebyAgeofChild(nostatisticallysignificantdifferences)


months 12-23

months 2-3 years

4-5 years

6-8 years

9-11 years

12-14 years

15-18 years

Convenient 53 74 52 54 58 63.46 67 65 Somewhat convenient 34 21 35 33 32 29 25 24 Not convenient 13 6 13 13 10 8 8 12 # Responses 62 34 158 199 178 104 36 17

Confidence Interval (+/- 12.1)

(+/- 14.54)

(+/- 7.53) w w

(+/- 9.14)

(+/- 15.29)

(+/- 22.64)

How well does your current home meet the needs of your family?




Very Well 56.38 55 62 53 53 59

Okay 34.16 35 29 38 37 31

Not very well 9.47 10 9 9 10 11

# Responses 486 118 90 68 94 94

Confidence Interval 4.37 w (+/-

9.92) w w w


months 12-23

months 2-3 years

4-5 years

6-8 years

9-11 years

12-14 years

15-18 years

Very Well 56 41 52 55 53 58 60.53 61.11

Okay 29 50 38 34 38 32 26 33 Not very well 15 9 10 12 9 10 13 6 # Responses 62 34 157 199 178 103 38 18

Confidence Interval w

(+/-16.3) w w w w w

(+/- 22.5)

How difficult was it to get your current home?

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