
Post on 22-Nov-2014






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personality enhancement




What is Conflict? As life goes on, the potential for conflict increases as you

interact with others in your personal life and in the workplace.

Personal differences can lead to conflict.

THE NEGATIVE SIDE OF CONFLICTConflict is destructive when:

The resolution of the conflict ends with a winner and a loser.

It keeps you from doing your work or feeling good about yourself or others.

It undermines morale. The individuals involved act aggressively. It is harmful to an individual’s emotional or physical well-

being. It increases absenteeism and turnover rate.

Types of Conflict: 1. Simple conflict is usually over a fact or piece of

information.2. False conflict means that, you may think a conflict exists

when in reality it does not.3. Ego conflict, the individuals view “winning” or “losing” the

conflict as a measure of their expertise and personal worth. Most damaging to relationships.

4. Values and beliefs conflict occurs when people differ in their feelings about an aspect of life, and those differences are brought into focus on a particular issue.

CONFLICT CAN BRING POSITIVE RESULTSConflict is positive when it:

Is the means to effect change. Leads to new ways of thinking and behaving. Brings problems to the surface. Helps people recognize and benefit from diversity. Motivates people to participate. Forces people to make choices. Supports good decision making. Builds cooperation among people through learning more

about each other. Clarifies important issues.

Can Conflict Be Prevented? When you avoid conflict, you withdraw from the situation

or fail to admit that conflict exists. When you prevent conflict, you consciously take steps to

remedy a situation before it becomes a conflict. The following practices will help you prevent conflict:

1. Build constructive relationships.2. Discuss problems before they escalate to a conflict.3. Watch your language when you are annoyed.4. Stop and think before you react.

Phases of Conflict:

1. Spark2. Fanning the Flames3. Taking Sides4. Showdown5. Resolution and Adjustment

Resolving Conflict Avoidance Accommodation Delay Confrontation


1. What is the conflict?2. What are the facts?3. What is the overall objective?4. What are some possible solutions?5. What is the best solution?6. Did the solution work?

POINTS TO REMEMBER: Conflict is inevitable and refers to differences in opinions

caused by opposing attitudes, behaviors, ideas, needs, desires, or goals. Four basic types of conflict are simple conflict, false conflict, ego conflict, and values and beliefs conflict.

Conflict in the workplace is serious as it has the potential to decrease productivity, increase stress, undermine morale, hamper performance, increase turnover rate and absenteeism, and lead to irresponsible behavior. Conflict in your personal life can lead to stress, loss of self-esteem, depression, and general unhappiness.

Conflict can be positive force when the people involved have a positive learning experience because of the event.

While conflict may never be eliminated, it can be prevented by building constructive relationships, discussing problems before they escalate to a confrontation, watching your language when you are angry, and stopping to think before you react.

The five phases of conflict are the spark that ignites the conflict, fanning the flames, taking sides, a showdown, and finally, resolution and adjustment.

Adjustment techniques such as avoidance, delaying action, accommodating, and confronting may help, but they will not resolve it completely.

The most effective way to deal with conflict is to answer the questions in the problem-solving method: what is the conflict? What are the facts? What is the overall objective? What are some possible solutions? What is the best solution? Did it work?

Reference:Masters, L.A., et al. (2011). Personal Development for Work and Life. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.

Prepared by:Mrs. Maria Angela L. Diopol


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