chapter 1 early exploration and settlement pg 2. section 1- the earliest americans- pg 6 1. when did...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Chapter 1

Early Exploration and Settlement

pg 2

Section 1- The Earliest Americans-pg 6

1. When did scientists believe people first arrived in North America? (1)

During the Ice Age

2. Describe the Ice Age


• Earth’s climate so cold that water froze into glaciers

• Ocean/water levels dropped to reveal a land bridge bx northeastern Asia & Alaska

• Land bridge was called the Bering Land Bridge

3. ? is


A movement of people or animals from one region to another—takes place over a period of time

4. Tell about Paleo-Indians


• Early Asians who crossed Bering Land Bridge into North America

• They were hunter-gatherers who lived by hunting animals & gathering wild plants

5. ? are


Climates & landscapes that surround living things

6. ? are societies?


Groups that share a culture

7. ? is culture?(1)

A group’s set of common values & traditions such as language, government, family relationships

8. Tell about Mesoamerica


• Today this area is Central America

• Occupied by Olmec & Maya civilizations

9. Tell about Olmec civilization/society


• Created number and calendar systems

• Developed a method of writing using glyphs, or symbols to represent ideas

10. Tell about Maya civilization


• Built stone temples, palaces, & bridges

• Created calendars

• Studied math & astronomy

11. ? are to totems?


• Ancestor or animal spirits on tall wooden poles

• Noted along early civilizations in the Northwest

12. Tell about Iroquois League


• Political confederation made up of Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, & Seneca nations

• Goal was to wage war or make peace with non-Iroquois & strengthen alliance against invasions

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Section 1 for


Section 2- The Age of Exploration-pg 12

1. Tell about the



in Europe(3)

• It was a dramatic change in the way people did business

• Many cities grew rich by specializing in certain crafts

• Wealth became more important in European society for status & power

2. ? is capital?


Money or property that is used to earn more money as in banks and loans

3. Tell about joint-stock companies


• Businesses in which a group of people invest together

• Investors share in any losses or profits

4. Who did Europeans trade with during the Commercial Revolution?


Much of the wealth through trade was done with Asia & Africa

5. How was early trade done bx Europe & Asia? (2)

• Overland routes

were very dangerous, very long, & very harsh conditions

• Merchants took the risks due to the huge profits

6. Explain

progress of water routes to Asia & Africa


• Ship designs improved

• Europeans searched for water routes to bypass Venice, who had a monopoly, or sole economic control of Asian products via the Mediterranean Sea

7. How did Marco Polo contribute to Europe’s interest in Asia? (2)

• He wrote a book about his travels to China

• Many Europeans wanted to learn more about Asia & spread Christianity

8. List some advances that improved water routes across Atlantic Ocean (2)

• Astrolabe-used to know ship location by charting position of the stars

• Better charts/maps magnetic compass

9. How did

Portugal lead the

European race for a sea route to Asia? (3)

• Prince Henry, aka the Navigator, set up a learning center for learning more about sailing and finding new routes

• Dias was first to sail around the southern tip of Africa

• da Gama first to reach India

10. Tell about Christopher Columbus (2)

• First to believe Asia could be reached sailing west across Atlantic instead of east

• An Italian sponsored by Spain for his 3-ship expedition

11. Tell about Northwest Passage (2)

• While Spain & Portugal explored Central & South America, other Europeans explored North America

• These Europeans wanted to find a route through North America to sail their ships from the Atlantic to the Pacific

12. Tell about Columbian Exchange (2)

• Exchange of new plants, animals, & diseases bx the “New World”—the Americas & the “Old World”---Asia, Africa, Europe

• This Columbian Exchange dramatically changed the world

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Section 2 for


Section 3-Spanish America-pg20

1. Tell about


Spanish soldiers who led military expeditions in the Americas

2. Tell about Cortes (1)

• Governor of Cuba sent Cortes, a conquistador, to explore a wealthy land to the west of present-day Mexico

3. Tell about Moctezuma II


• Ruler & king over Aztec Empire & land Cortes explored

4. Tell ? happended bx Spain’s Cortes & the Aztec Empire (2)

• At first Moctezuma believed Cortes to be a god & welcomed him

• Cortes eventually defeated Moctezuma’s Aztec Empire for Spain

5. Tell about


• Spanish conquistador, explored present-day Chile to Columbia in the Andes of South America

• Area occupied by Incas who were no match for Pizarro

• Pizarro took over Inca Empire, second greatest empire of the Americas

6. Tell about Ponce de Leon (1)

• Spanish explorer who searched Florida for the magical Fountain of Youth

7. Tell about Cabrillo (1)

• Spaniard who sailed along present-day California coast giving Spain claim to Pacific coast of North America

8. ? made up the Spanish Empire in the Americas? (1)

• Present day South America, Central America, & southern part of what is now the United States

9. ? were the 3 kinds of settlements in Spanish America? (3)

• Pueblos-used as trading posts

• Missions-used to convert American Indians to Catholicism

• Presidios-military bases to protect towns & missions

10. Tell about El Camino Real (1)

• Aka “the Royal Road” was a network of hundreds of miles of roads that connected the scattered communities of New Spain

11.Tell about

encomienda system


• Rewarded settlers for their service to Spain

• Gave these settlers right to tax local Native Americans or to make them work

• In return, these settlers had to protect Native American & convert them to Christianity

• Need to know terms

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Section 3 for


Section 4-The Race for Empires- pg 24

1. Tell about Martin Luther (2)

• Protested policies of Catholic Church

• Felt Catholic Church was too wealthy & abused its power

2. Tell about



• Religious movement to reform Catholic Church

• Began in Germany then spread throughout Europe

3. Tell about Protestants


• Protested Catholic Church & its rules

• Thought pope had too much power

4. Tell about printing press


• Machine that produced printed copies

• Helped spread ideas of the Reformation

5. ? became of conflict bx Catholics & Protestants?


• Conflicts led to a civil war throughout Europe

6. Tell about Anglican Church (2)

• King Henry VIII founded Church of England aka Anglican Church

• Defied authority of pope & angered Catholics when he made himself head of the church

7. Who led Spain & England during the Protestant Reformation in the late 1500’s? (2)

• Spain—King Phillip II, a Catholic

• England—Queen Elizabeth I, an Anglican

8. Who was Sir Francis Drake? (2)

• Most successful English sea dog---sailors who raided Spanish treasure ships

• Drake was knighted by Queen Elizabeth despite requests from King Phillip to have him punished

9. Tell about the Spanish Armada


• King Phillip formed a huge navy to overthrow Queen Elizabeth and her sea dogs and Anglican Church

• King Phillip was defeated & worsened Spain’s inflation

10. ? is inflation? (1)

• Rise in price of goods caused by an increase in the amount of money in use

11. ? area did France occupy in North America? (1)

• “New France” spread out from the St. Lawrence River with French fur traders, explorers, & missionaries

12. Tell about

La Salle (2)

• French explorer who claimed Mississippi Valley for King Louis XIV of France

• Region was called Louisiana to honor king

13. Tell about relationship bx French & Native Americans (2)

• Friendly trading relationship

• French respected Native American languages & ways of life

14. Tell about Dutch in North America


• Henry Hudson gave Dutch claim to area bx Delaware & Hudson rivers

• Area called “New Netherland”

• Dutch West India Company sent settlers to New Netherland

15. Tell about Minuit (2)

• Bought Manhattan & founded New Amsterdam for Dutch

• He also helped Swedish settlers found New Sweden

16. ? is a charter? (1)

• Document giving permission to start a colony

17. Tell about Sir Walter Raleigh (2)

• Received a charter to start an English colony in present day Virginia & North Carolina

• His colony, known as Roanoke Island, mysteriously disappeared

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