cfuw-hamilton happenings

Post on 10-Dec-2021






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Pres ident ’s Message Welcome to the 2021-2022 season. I hope your summer was enjoyable and you were able to get together in person with family and friends. It seemed to me that if I was not dodging rain drops I was melting in the heat. I am very pleased to again be your president for the next year. It promises to be an interesting one, not only for CFUW but for the world as a whole as

we continue to get used to adapting our lives to meet the reality of living with COVID-19. We will not be gathering in person for our September general meeting. That does not mean we will not be holding a meeting. Through the magic of Zoom we will continue to gather virtu-ally. This way, at least, most of us can attend from the comfort and safety of our own homes. We will be monitoring the COVID-19 situation as the year progresses and will consider the possibilities of meeting in person again, perhaps with a hybrid plan where some members at-tend in person and others over Zoom. As you may know, CFUW National has decided to allow some clubs to stop supporting the in-ternational club Graduate Women International (GWI). Hamilton has always been a strong believer in GWI from its inception in 1919. We will continue to have part of our CFUW dues go to GWI to support their work on, among other things, the right for all girls to get an educa-tion. We are now part of a group of Opt-In CFUW clubs that will be working with National to decide on matters relating to GWI such as representation with GWI, fees and strengthening international clubs. As it was last year, this year’s National Annual General Meeting was held virtually. Everything ran smoothly this year as everyone has become more practiced in taking part in virtual meet-ings. The event was split over a few days with the Orillia club as host. There was a social eve-ning where, along with a chance to chat in breakout rooms, awards were announced, such as most new members and special projects. Entertainment was provided by members from across the country. For example, we were treated to a wonderful singer from Nova Scotia. Friday’s four hours covered the business part of the meeting, with Saturday deciding the resolutions. You will find President Kathryn Wilkinson’s message on page 15 of the CFUW Annual General Meeting & Policy Session Newsletter.

This year CFUW-Hamilton will again offer a rich and varied speaker series, special interest

groups and scholarship fundraising. Much of this may continue to be shared virtually, depend-

ing on the changing COVID situation. This can only continue with your active engagement and

commitment. Together, we can all contribute to making positive changes in the lives of women

and girls across Hamilton, our country and around the world. On a more personal level, during

these times of social distancing it is even more important for us to be able to continue to con-

nect with each other to share friendship. In fact, many of you may know women who are strug-

gling with social distancing. Why not take the opportunity to promote CFUW as a means of

lessening their isolation?

Thank you in advance for your continued support, commitment and enthusiasm. Please note my

new email address


Fall 2021



Contents Page 2


Three Birthday Gals

Page 3

General Programs

Pages 4 and 5

Interest Groups News

and pictures Page 6

Interest groups cont’d.


Page 7

Fundraising Event Page 8

Hello from Victoria

2021 22 Executive Page 9

Message from the


2021-22 Membership


Photos taken in Urquhart Butterfly Garden on a Daytimers walk in August.

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A Message from Membership Co-convenors We extend a warm “Welcome Back” to all our members! CFUW-Hamilton can only be strong and successful by having an ac-tive membership. Last year, we had 64 members, many of whom of-fered their skills and time to help maintain and grow the Club—volunteering for executive positions, as Interest Group leaders, as committee Chairpersons, as mentors. One of the most successful ways to grow membership is for current members to invite friends and colleagues to join. The September General Meeting has been the traditional venue for us to show prospective members what CFUW is all about. A decision had to be made early in the summer vis-à-vis an in-person or Zoom event for the September meeting, and the Executive chose to meet via Zoom. Therefore, instead of an official “Membership Challenge” this year, we are asking every member to do at least one of the following:

· Send the CFUW-Hamilton website link at to three prospective members (friends, col-leagues, family members), along with a personal invitation to join the September Zoom meeting on Tuesday, September 21 to learn about the Club and its activities. They can register for the meeting link at cfuw-hamilton-2021-events.

· If you are comfortable doing so, invite a prospective member to your home to attend the September Zoom meet-ing with you while you enjoy a cup of tea or a glass of wine.

· Contact a prospective member to let her know that, should she wish to experience the Club in action prior to com-mitting to membership, she may attend gratis any Interest Group/Standing Committee meeting during Sep-tember and October. Please provide the name(s) and email address(es) to Trudi ( or

Debbie ( who will contact the appropriate Interest Group leader.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for all of us personally, as well as for our 96-year-old Club. CFUW-Hamilton needs your support! Please renew your membership as soon as possible—the renewal form is included in this newsletter and the fees remain the same as last year. If at all possible, please also include a donation to the Scholar-ship Fund. Membership in CFUW-Hamilton offers us so much: the opportunity to establish life-long friendships, attend provincial/national conferences, belong to stimulating and fun-filled Interest Groups, support local college and university students through scholarships and bursaries, and engage in important advocacy efforts on behalf of women and girls locally, provincially, across the country, and around the world. We hope that in-person monthly meetings will resume very soon, and we look forward to chatting with you in person at those events. Thank you for your ongoing support of CFUW-Hamilton!

Trudi & Debbie

Three Birthday Gals! CFUW-Hamilton members Linda Helson, Alexandra Gall and Patricia Wilson. They each have birthdays in June and, for a number of years, have celebrated together with a lunch. This year they met with me on a lovely, sunny warm day on the Collins Hotel patio in downtown Dundas. Trudi Down

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Fall 2021

Programs are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to guests. The Zoom link to the meeting will be made

available before the meeting, so please invite your friends to join us.

November 16, 7 pm Zoom or location TBD

Celebrating Trail-Blazing Indigenous Women in Canada

September 21, 2021 7:00pm on Zoom

Enjoy a social evening.

Connect with old friends. Introduce your new friends.

Learn what the Interest Groups

will be doing this fall and

more about the Scholarship Fund.

October 19, 2021 7:00pm on Zoom

An Artist’s Journey

Lorraine Kelly is an artist who now lives in Niagara on the Lake.

Her work, varied in both style and content, reflects input from other places she has

lived—Europe, Asia, the United States and other parts of Canada.

Lorraine’s presentation will describe how

her talent has matured, and how her painting style has changed over the years.

Sally Simpson, Coordinator of Student Development, University of Toronto. Brenda Jacobs, Head of Cultural Competency, Hamilton Regional Indigenous Centre. Assisted by Brenda Jacobs, Sally Simpson will talk about how, as a school assignment, she be-gan to document and celebrate these trail-blazing Indigenous women. Also how she has now collected a list of over 70 women who have made outstanding contributions. They are the fab-ric of our society and they deserve to be acknowledged and held up for celebration.

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Interest Groups for CFUW Members.

Held monthly via Zoom or in various locations.

Art Appreciation

Art Appreciation offers members the opportunity to visit local galleries, to study artists through papers given by members and to enjoy the company of the other members over the occasional lunch but always over art. Meets on the first Thursday of the month usually at 1:30 pm. We’ve planned a fall program that will hopefully accommodate everyone. It may change, as required, as the circumstances evolve. Oct. 7 Meet outdoors at the Dundas Driving Park to walk and enjoy the many art installations

and one another’s company. Details will be sent to members closer to the day as the plan is weather-dependent.

Nov. 4 We are eagerly anticipating the announcement of the Maud Lewis exhibit at the Art Gal-lery of Hamilton. If it arrives as expected we plan to watch the movie “Maudie” based on her life. Members could choose to view it at Myrtle’s home or in their own home. Even if you have already seen it we think it is worth seeing again in preparation for the exhibit.

Dec. 2 Art Gallery of Hamilton: Maude Lewis exhibit Contacts: Myrtle Greve 905-648-7581; Mary Barrette 905-648-3783,


We have played Bridge twice this summer,

which we all enjoyed. Officially we play on

the 4th Tuesday of the month, 1.30 pm at

each other’s homes. We’d love a few more

players to join us.

Sept. 28 Carole Peters will host us.

Oct. 26 Pat Cino is the host.

Nov. 23 Dorothy Gruggen is the host.

Contact: Nina Macintosh, 905-627-4154

Daytimers walking and talking at Paletta Lakefront Park and Mansion in Burlington in

Creative Writing Meets third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 by Zoom or maybe in person. Hosted by: Sept. 15 LINDA HELSON Oct. 20 DEBBIE WELLAND Nov. 17 SUSAN EVANS SHAW

Dec. 15 BARBARA LEDGER Contact :Linda Helson 905-628-6768

. . . and taking a break

on the Spring Creek Trail

in Dundas in July.


Walks to explore the natural and built landscapes of Hamilton and


Meets on the second Friday of the month at 9:30am, or the 3rd Friday

when there's a long weekend involved.

Sept. 10 West Mountain Scenic Drive / Oct 15 Felker's Falls /

Nov. 12 Caleb's Walk trail by RBG Aviary / Dec 10 Hamilton Cemetery.

More detailed plans will be sent out before each walk. Please call or

email Jan if you plan to come, so we're sure not to leave without you,

and to verify details (plans are subject to change).

Contact: Jan Armstrong 905-575-0934,

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Action and Advocacy Contact: Sheri Selway 905-527-1697 Myrtle Greve 905-648-7581 Pat Cino, 905-304-9696, Art Appreciation Art Appreciation offers members the opportunity to visit local galleries, to study artists through papers given by members and to en-joy the company of the other members over the occasional lunch, but always over art. We are planning optimistically for a safe return to visiting art galleries this fall. Meets

Déjà Lu DEJA LU is a book group where each member

reads a book of her choice on the given topic and

gives a short report. The meetings are held on the

4th Friday of the month at 10:00 am. The place

has yet to be determined. Sept. 24

From a country you would move

to if you left Canada

Oct. 22 Inspirational

Nov. 26 Comedy

Contact: Alexandra Gall, 905-628-6861

HEAL (Healthy Eating and Living)

A fun group learning and practicing ways to stay

vibrant and healthy. Along with discussions on health-

related topics, healthy activities and good food, we

have a dose of lively conversation and humour. We are

a friendly, supportive group for one another and meet

in members’ homes when we can. We welcome you to

join us.

HEAL meets on the 4th Monday usually at 7:00 pm.

Sept. 27, 1:30 pm. Meet at Dundas Driving Park with walking shoes and a

chair, for an activity involving trees. Hosted by Judith


Oct. 25

Myrtle Greve will host a Film Night somewhere,


Nov. 22

Sharron Johnston will host a potluck dinner, or a Zoom

meeting with cooking ideas/recipes for the holidays.

Contact: Heather Oliver, 905-627-0632

Friday Group

We hope that in 2021-22 we will again be able to meet in per-

son. We get together in our members’ homes at 1:00 pm on the

third Friday of the month. We enjoy good company, stimulating

conversation, tea and goodies. In 2020-21 we did not meet be-

cause of the pandemic, but we were able to have our year-end in-

person bring-your-own-lunch gathering on Christine Gerth’s patio on

June 24 and made a donation to our Scholarship Fund.

Contact: Christine Gerth, 905-627-7894,

Modern Books Reviews of books the group has purchased are presented at each meeting, followed by a Quickie Corner. Members each contribute $20/year to pay for the books, which circulate among the group. Everyone is encouraged to give a review, to help us decide which books we would like to read. Due to COVID-19, our plans for the rest of 2021 are still uncertain, but we hope to resume our usual format as soon as safely possible, meeting in members’ homes. Meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Sept. 28, 2 - 4 p.m., Book Sale! weather permitting at Dundas Driving Park. Sept. 28 Zoom. Marg Johnson The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. And the Quickie Corner: Members share their favourite summer reading and we discuss how best to meet during the coming year. Oct. 26 Myrtle Greve The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller; Carolyn VanHoevelaak book Fight Night by Miriam Toews. Nov. 23 Trudi Down The Liar’s Dictionary by Eley Williams and Cathy McPherson will review The Speed of Mercy by Christy Ann Conlin Contacts : Barbara Ledger, 905-526-7405, Kathy Scarth, 905-628-0883,

Book Sale!

Great Deals on Great Reads!

Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2 - 4

p.m., weather permitting, Dundas Driving Park.

The Modern Books Group is

selling off older titles to make room in their circulating library.

All welcome!

Readers’ Circle There are two Readers’ Circle groups; one meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and the other the second Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., either by Zoom or in person if Covid restrictions permit. Tuesday evening group: Sept. 14 On Zoom I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou Oct. 12 At Barbara Ledger’s The Liar’s Dictionary, by Eley Williams Nov. 9 At Wilma van Zwol’s Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting, by Lisa Genova Contact: Barbara Ledger, 905-526-7405, Wednesday Afternoon Group Sept. 8 Lyn Hladun hosting Remember, The Science of Forgetting and The Art of Memory by Lisa Genova. Oct. 13 Pat Stevenson-Cino hosting Montalbano’s First Case and Other Stories by Andrea Camilleri. Nov.10 Linda Helson hosting The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes. Contact: Sandy Gmell, 905-627-1425,

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Thanks to the generosity of our members, last year we were able to meet all of our scholar-ship commitments despite not holding a fundraiser. In addition to the usual total of $6,000.00 to McMaster, Brock and Mohawk College, we also gave $1,000.00 to the Chil-dren’s Aid Society of Hamilton and they awarded a bursary to a young woman who will be attending Mohawk College this fall. Thank you to everyone who made it possible. It is so rewarding to be part of an organization that has demonstrated its commitment to the education of women and girls since 1926! Wouldn’t it be interesting to have all those recipients together to tell us where their education has led them? This fall we will have an exciting fundraiser and it is my hope that 100% of our members will participate. Although we miss being together in person the silver lining in virtual gatherings is that we can include our friends and family living anywhere in the world. Watch for the details and think now of whom you can invite.

Being a member of CFUW has many benefits and contributing to the education of women and girls is at the

top of my list! Please remember our scholarship fund by adding any amount you can to your registration

fees and by signing up for the fundraiser.

Out and About Unfortunately, Covid is making it hard to make plans. Most of our members are

uncomfortable dining inside. We will continue to meet on the fourth Friday of the

month. The September lunch will be on September 24th at 12:30 pm. I suggest that we

meet at Brassies restaurant in Ancaster. They have patio service but if the weather is

poor, we can move inside. There is lots of space. On the 24th, we can decide on upcoming venues. Contact: Pat Cino, 905-304-9696,

Myrtle Greve

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Position Name Phone email address President Brenda Wright 905-385-6866

Vice-President TBD

Past President Rosemary Knechtel 905-978-1710

Secretary Cathy McPherson 647-893-2428

Barbara Ledger 905-526-7405

Treasurer Wilma van Zwol 289-388-7205

Scholarship Myrtle Greve 905-648-7581

Membership Trudi Down 905-545-5274

Development Debbie Welland 905-524-0540

Advocacy & Action Sheri Selway 905-527-1697

Myrtle Greve 905-648-7581

Publicity Joanne Curtis 403-917-1076

Program 2019/20 Pat Cino 905-304-9696

Nancy Baker 905 529-5123

Social Janis North 289-682-2436

Sandra Gmell 905-627-1425

Newsletter Editor Judith Purdell-Lewis 905-628-4176

Social Media

Coordinator Joanne Curtis 403-917-1076

President’s Appointees

Archivist Cathy Tell 905-524-5978

Fundraiser Theresa MacDonald 905-690-0847

Jan Armstrong 905-575-0934

Goodwill Ambassador Jan Armstrong 905-575-0934

Parliamentarian Michelle McGinn 905-920-1661

Ontario Council Committee Representatives

Education Leslie Bell 905-979-0312

Legislation Myrtle Greve 905-648-7581

Status of Women

and Human Rights Sheri Selway 905-527-1697

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Hello from Victoria. I hope you are well and enjoying the summer. I’ve been working as an Immunization Nurse at a mass vaccina-tion clinic since May. A different way to spend the sum-mer, but it has been enjoyable and rewarding! The hearts were handmade by a nursing colleague at the clinic. We all wear them! Clients also shared their thanks after their vaccinations.

Best wishes, Rosemary

CFUW Executive 2021 – 2022

Message from the Treasurer

Again this year, we will not meet in person September or October, our membership renewal months. Please consider using the INTERAC e-Transfer with auto-deposit for CANADIAN FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN HAMILTON. Of course, your cheque sent via regular mail still works too. Whichever method you prefer, please use the e-mail address – for all finance-related e-mails. Thank you, Wilma

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Please print this page, then com-

plete and email or mail the mem-

bership form to the treasurer.

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