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Census of Marine Life Leadership Meeting 7 October 2010 

Kohn Center, The Royal Society, London, England AGENDA 

 [Meeting documents are listed in red and can be found at http://www.comlsecretariat.org/documents‐for‐

census‐leadership‐meeting‐october‐7‐2010‐london‐england/, password “leadership2010”]  Morning Session (09:30‐13:00) What Next? Science questions and goals for the future   I. Welcome, Introduction of Guests, Goals for the Meeting (I. Poiner) (09:30‐09:45) Invited Guests: Catriona MacCallum, Lindsay King, Damian Pattinson, Census Project Representatives  II. Presentation on the PLoS Biodiversity Hub (Catriona MacCallum) (09:45‐10:00)  III. Expectations for 2011: Executive Leadership and Secretariat Activities (I. Poiner, K. Yarincik) (10:00‐10:15) [Calendar of Post London/2011 Events]  IV. Open Discussion on Science Questions & Goals for the Future (I. Poiner) (10:15‐12:30) [What Next?]  Discussion Questions: 

A. What and where are the next scientific priorities for researching the “oceans present” with regards to diversity, distribution and abundance?  For example: What habitats or taxonomic groups represent the most urgent gaps in our knowledge? What is needed for better estimates of total diversity? What is needed to address abundance better than we did in the first Census? What questions are most critical for improving resource management and conservation?  B. What are the next scientific priorities for researching the oceans past & oceans future? For example: Which species, regions or fisheries still require historical study? What data is needed to improve forecasts of diversity, distribution and abundance in a changing ocean? 

 Break 11:30‐11:45  

C. What are the next steps for technology & data management in the field of marine biodiversity research?  What technology is needed? What is feasible in the next decade? What improvements or next steps can be taken in regards to managing and utilizing data? What role do you see mapping & visualization taking?  

 V. Summary of Discussions and Next Steps: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity II (M. Sinclair, I. Poiner) (12:45‐13:00)  

Lunch 13:00‐14:00 [NRIC representatives for the afternoon session are invited to attend the buffet lunch; following lunch the Project representatives from the morning session adjourn for the day]   Afternoon Session (14:00‐17:30) National and Regional Interests After the London Events: Follow‐Up and Strategy  I. Welcome, Introduction of Guests, Goals for the Meeting (P. Miloslavich) (14:00‐14:15) Invited Guests: Catriona MacCallum, Lindsay King, Damian Pattinson, NRIC Representatives   II. Opportunities from Census 2010 (P. Miloslavich, Edward Vanden Berghe?) (14:15‐15:00) 

(2010 Products & Secretariat resources available; unexplored regions & opportunities; grand challenges identified in the morning session; new tools and functionality within OBIS; PLoS Collection follow‐up, Hubs and Curators)  

 III. Roundtable discussion on Regional & National Visions For the Future (M. Sinclair) [Calendar of Post London/2011 Events] (15:00‐16:45) 

Each NRIC should come prepared to respond in brief bullet point form to the following: What outreach events do you have planned in next 6 months? In regards to Census 2020 what would your region be most interested in learning (your grand challenges)? What might the new organization look like (e.g., would your NRIC “map” look the same?)? Africa ‐ Charles Griffiths Australia ‐ Nic Bax Canada ‐ Paul Snelgrove, Philippe Archambault  Caribbean ‐ Patricia Miloslavich   China – no rep available Europe ‐ Henn Ojaveer, Isabel Sousa‐Pinto, Bhavani Narayanaswamy Indian Ocean ‐ V.N. Sanjeveen, Loka Bharathi, Mohideen Wafar Indonesia – no rep available Japan ‐ Kats Fujikura Korea – Youn‐Ho Lee (invited) South America ‐ Diego Rodriguez  USA ‐ Wes Tunnell, Mike Feldman, Melissa Brodeur 

 Break 16:00‐16:15  IV. Summary of the Visions: Common themes, challenges and implementation approaches (M. Sinclair) (16:45‐17:00)  V. Actions in 2010‐2011 (P. Miloslavich) (17:00‐17:30)  

What actions can we take in late 2010 and 2011 to progress the Vision?   

[NRIC representatives adjourn for the day]  Executive Session (17:30‐18:15) ‐ SSC, Ex‐Officio & Secretariat Staff     

CENSUS OF MARINE LIFE LEADERSHIP & TASKS IN 2011 Leadership participation and guidance on Census of Marine Life activities will be essential in 2011. The following SSC members have expressed interest (as of September 27, 2010) in continuing some level of involvement in the Census in 2011, based on their experience and interests, according to the tasks and goals as outlined below. 1) General / executive guidance and leadership via a small "Leadership Committee” This group, like the current Executive Committee, will establish the criteria for decision-making and provide regular guidance and input to the Census program of work. Anticipated timeline: Through November 2011 Participants: Ian Poiner, Victor Gallardo, Patricia Miloslavich, Serge Garcia 2) Participation in "Legacy Briefings" This will be a small group to draw upon to attend briefings to various organizations or governmental bodies (largely by the organization’s request). Anticipated timeline: through June 2011 Participants: Ian Poiner, Vera Alexander, Pat Halpin, Jim Baker, Carlo Heip, Serge Garcia 3) Participation in National and Regional Workshops organized by the National and Regional Implementation Committees (NRICs) This group will participate in the national and regional workshops as needed. Anticipated timeline: through April 2011 Participants: Paul Snelgrove, Patricia Miloslavich, Ian Poiner, D. Chandramohan, Vera Alexander 4) Steering group for Community Workshop at the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity II (WCMB II) This group will lead the development of the agenda and goals for this workshop (side event), with the support of the Secretariat. The workshop will take place in conjunction with the WCMB II in Aberdeen, Scotland in September 2011. Anticipated timeline: through October 2011 Participants: Paul Snelgrove, Patricia Miloslavich, Ian Poiner, Carlo Heip, Serge Garcia, Ron O'Dor, Edward Vanden Berghe, Myriam Sibuet (Plus drawing from Project Leaders based on outcomes of October 7, 2010 leadership meeting) 5) External Program Evaluation with David Penman This group will work with David Penman to provide insight and corporate knowledge to the external evaluation process. Anticipated timeline: through April 2011 Participants: Vera Alexander, Poul Holm, Ian Poiner, Meryl Williams 6) Availability to assist on specific tasks as requested Anticipated timeline: through November 2011 Participants: Poul Holm, Paul Snelgrove, Vera Alexander, Pat Halpin, Jim Baker, Fred Grassle, Mike Sinclair, Edward Vanden Berghe


Census of Marine Life 2010 – Potentially High Profile Products to Track   Product  Point Person(s)  Publication Target & Date Making marine life count: A new baseline for policy 

Meryl Williams et al.  

PLoS Biology, “Community Pages,” accepted 17 Sep, publication date: 26 Oct 

The Sea, The Census, and Statistics  Andy Solow, Derek Tittensor 

Significance (a magazine produced by the Royal Statistical Society), accepted, will appear in November issue 

The surface area, and the seabed area, volume, depth, slope, and topographic variation for the world’s seas, oceans and countries 

Mark Costello et al. 

Environmental Science and Technology, accepted ~10Sept 

Global Patterns and Predictions of Seafloor Biomass Using Random Forests 

Chih‐Lin Wei, G. Rowe, E. Escobar et al. 

Submitted to PLoS ONE (11 Aug), in review (update from 28 Sept) 

Marine biomes of the world: what primary data tell us about biogeography 

Mark Costello et al.  

Submitted to PLoS Biology (following pre‐submission inquiry in August) 

Tagging of Pacific Pelagics: Tracking Apex Marine Predator Movements in a Dynamic Ocean 

Barb Block et al.  Nature (in revision, planning to resubmit by late Sept)  (update 10Sep) 

Mesoscale eddies are oasis for higher trophic marine life 

Olav Rune Godø et al. 

Science (submitted 30 August) 

TBA  Dirk Steinke et al.  

PLoS ONE In prep (update requested 21Sept) 


Census of Marine Life 2010 Major Products  Status Key:  

• Published  • Likely by October 2010 • Possible by October 2010  • Not likely by or after October 2010  

Scientific Products  Status  Product  Point Person(s)  Publication 

Target & Date 

• NRIC Synthesis Collection in PLoS‐ONE:  Marine Biodiversity and Biogeography – Regional Comparisons of Global Issues 

Patricia Miloslavich, Charles Griffiths, Michele DuRand 

2 August 2010 

• Census Digest Book – Discoveries of the Census of Marine Life: Making Ocean Life Count (by Paul V.R. Snelgrove, 2010, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) 304 pages) 

Paul Snelgrove  4 October 2010 

• Project Synthesis Contributed Chapter Book – Life in the World’s Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance (Edited by Alasdair D. McIntyre, 2010, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (Oxford) 384 pages) 

Alasdair McIntyre, Michele DuRand 

8 October 2010 

• Final report of the of the 2010 Census of Marine Life, consisting of 2 parts (print and web‐based): 1) The “Highlights of a Decade of Discovery” report summarizing the Census findings by DDA and how we did it; 2) A PowerPoint presentation of images and figures in the “Highlights” report with a running narrative that anyone asked to present the Census findings can use 

Jesse Ausubel, Darlene Crist, Sara Hickox 

4 October 2010 

• Papers from Cross‐Project efforts (see below for details)  Cross‐Project 

Leaders, Michele DuRand 

Throughout 2010 

• PLoS collections (see below for details) and other input to PLoS Biodiversity Hub 

Jesse Ausubel, Collection Organizers and Authors 

Throughout 2010 (Hub to be officially launched Oct 4th) 

• SSC (individual or collaborative) essays, synthesis papers, personal reflections (see below for details) 

SSC Members, Kristen Yarincik 

Throughout 2010 

• Synthesis papers and products of individual projects (see below for details on major products) 

Project Principal Investigators 



• Memo or paper on internal evaluation of the Census program 

Ian Poiner, SSC  February 2011 (final)  

• Paper(s) on Lessons Learned (external evaluation) of Census program 

David Penman  April 2011 


Cross‐Project Efforts in Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance 

 Status  Product  Point Person(s)  Publication Target & Date 


Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa 

Derek Tittensor et al. 

Nature – published online 28 July 2010 


Tagging of Pacific Pelagics: Tracking Apex Marine Predator Movements in a Dynamic Ocean 

Barb Block et al. 

Nature (in revision, planning to resubmit by 24 Sept)  (update 10Sep) 


Human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes 

Camilo Mora et al. 

Submitted to PLoS Biology in July, in review (update 3 Aug) 


The global ecology of rarity in the oceans 

Aaron MacNeil, Julian Caley et al. 

To be submitted to Science after further analysis (update 18 Aug) 


Fast versus slow environmental fluctuations as drivers of biodiversity change 

Lisandro Benedetti‐Cecchi, Camilo Mora et al. 

To be submitted to PLoS Biology or Ecology Letters 


Swordfish [formerly half of: From past to future – opportunities for recovery of marine populations and ecosystems] 

Brian MacKenzie et al. 

To be submitted  to Ecology or PLoS ONE 

• Could seals prevent cod recovery in the Baltic Sea? 

Brian MacKenzie et al. 

Submitted to PLoS ONE (HMAP collection) on 29 July 


Bipolarity in marine invertebrates: myth or marvel 

Louise Allcock et al. 

Submitted to PLoS ONE  on 12 Aug 


Biodiversity of Deep‐Sea Macrofauna as a Function of Food Supply 

Gil Rowe, Chih‐Lin Wei 

Rejected from PLoS Biology (26 Jul), will be submitted to PLoS ONE soon (update from 16 Aug) 


Untangling the roles of physical environment variables in shaping biodiversity patterns within seabed assemblages from contrasting marine ecosystems 

Roland Pitcher, Peter Lawton et al. 

Submitted to Ecology (Reports) (26 July), not accepted; submitted to Global Ecology and Biogeography (17 Aug) 



New estimates of the known and unknown species richness in the global ocean 

Geoff Boxshall, Philippe Bouchet, Derek Tittensor 

Geoff is working on it, but it will not be done by October 


HNS synthesis (formerly Tom Trott): Wide‐spread loss of biodiversity in the marine near‐shore parallels the terrestrial environment) 

Nova Mieszkowska & Angela Mead 

Manuscript in progress comparing two regions; anticipated submission by October 2010 


In situ measurement of coastal ocean movements and survival of juvenile salmon 

David Welch  Submitted to Science 2 July 


Four regional marine biodiversity studies: approaches and application to ecosystem‐based management 

Sara Ellis  Submitted to PLoS ONE 26 July 


Barcodes for 50K species covering broad taxonomic range; An updated “leafy” evolutionary tree (in collaboration with CBOL) 

Dirk Steinke  PLoS ONE collection launched 28 June 2010 (see below) 


Range maps for a number of marine species 

Edward Vanden Berghe, Pat Halpin 

Will be published online (AquaMaps) (10K+ and ongoing) 


Marine biomes of the world: what primary data tell us about biogeography 

Mark Costello  Submitted to PLoS Biology (following pre‐submission inquiry in August) 


Global Patterns and Predictions of Seafloor Biomass Using Random Forests 

Chih‐Lin Wei et al. 

Submitted to PLoS ONE 11 August 


Estimate of changes in animal size distribution 

Boris Worm  To be submitted by October (TBD) 


Deep, diverse and definitely different: unique attributes of the world’s largest ecosystem (SYNDEEP) 

Ramirez‐Llodra et al. 

Biogeosciences 7:2851–2899, 2010 (Published  22Sept, open access online)  


Deep‐Sea Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable (SYNDEEP, NRIC) 

Danovaro et al.  PLoS ONE, Published 2 Aug 2010 (open access online: doi: doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0011832)


Man and the last great wilderness: human impact on the deep sea (SYNDEEP) 

Ramirez‐Llodra et al. 

In preparation for Progress in Oceanography – to be submitted in August 


Deep‐sea biodiversity trends, from meiofauna to megafauna, related to habitat type and environmental factors (working title ‐‐ SYNDEEP) 

Mora, Camilo et al. 

In prep – to be submitted to DSR? 


Changes in marine biodiversity as an indicator of climate change 

Boris Worm, Heike Lotze 

Worm and Lotze 2009 In: Letcher T (ed) Climate change: observed impacts on Planet Earth. Elsevier, 


pp 263‐279 (available at FMAP website) 


Historical baselines for large marine animals 

Boris Worm, Heike Lotze 

Lotze HK, Worm B. 2009 Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24(5): 254‐262  (available at FMAP website) 


Missing and presumed lost: Extinction in the ocean and its inference 

Andy Solow, Woollcott Smith 

To be submitted to PLoS ONE (by 20 Sept, update from AS on 16 Sept) 


A hidden species‐area curve  Clara Chu, Woollcott Smith, Andy Solow 

Not accepted by PNAS, submitted to Proceedings of Royal Society, B (in July, in review, update from WS on 10Sept) 


The Sea, The Census, and Statistics  Andy Solow, Derek Tittensor 

Accepted, will appear in November issue of Significance 


Collections for PLoS (to be considered for new PLoS Biodiversity Hub) 

 Status  Product  Point Person(s)  / 

Author(s) Publication Date / Status 


Census Collection of Collections  Michele DuRand, Kristen Yarincik 



TOPP Collection – 7+ papers  Barb Block, Dan Costa, Randy Kochevar 

PLoS ONE 15 January 2010 (open access online) 


MarBOL Collection (Marine Barcoding) – 50+ papers eventually (including 2 from CReefs and 2 from CMarZ) 

Dirk Steinke  PLoS ONE 28 June 2010 (5 papers)  (open access online) 


[NRIC Synthesis Papers]  Marine Biodiversity and Biogeography – Regional Comparisons of Global Issue 11 papers at initial launch (2 others added since, more to be added later) 

Patricia Miloslavich, Charles Griffiths, Michele DuRand 

PLoS ONE 2 August 2010  (open access online) 


POST Collection – 6 papers at launch (1 more since, up to 14 by end of 2010) 

George Jackson  PLoS ONE 31 August 2010  (open access online) 


ChEss Collection – 9 papers at launch (up to 19 papers eventually) 

Eva Ramirez‐Llodra, Maria Baker 

PLoS ONE 22 September 2010 (open access online) 


HMAP Collection – 3 papers at launch (up to 11 papers eventually) 

Tim Smith  PLoS ONE 28 Sept 2010 (update from  Tim Smith 14Sep) 



FMAP Collection – 5 papers at launch (3 or more added later)  

Boris Worm, Heike Lotze, Ian Jonsen, Catherine Muir 

PLoS ONE 30 Sept 2010 (update from  C. Muir 21Sep) 


Diversity in the nearshore: The NaGISA collection  Ann Knowlton  PLoS ONE November 2010 (4 papers at launch – update from P. Miloslavich, 9 Sept) 


CenSeam Collection  Mireille Consalvey 

PLoS ONE Fall 2010, Papers are in review (update 7 Sept) 


GoMA Collection – 5+ papers  Sara Ellis  PLoS ONE Fall 2010 (update from Sara Ellis 10 August) 


ICoMM Collection  Linda Amaral‐Zettler 

PLoS ONE 2 papers published as of Mar31 

• Biomass papers  Gil Rowe  PLoS ONE 

2 papers submitted as of 11 Aug, 1 submitted 8 Sept 


SSC Essays, Major Presentations, and other products 

 Status  Product  Point Person(s)  Publication Target & 



A Census of Ocean Life: On the difficulty and joy of seeing what is near and far 

Jesse Ausubel  April 2010 ‐ published in SGI Quarterly 


Oceans Past: What do we know about them?  Poul Holm  April 2010 – IGNITE Talk at Trinity College, Dublin 


Climate Change Impacts on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 

Carlo Heip  2 June 2010 – Presentation to Green Week Conference, Brussels 

• On the Abundance and Diversity of Oceanic Life: The 2010 Census of Marine Life, an article in the Ocean Yearbook 24 

Fred Grassle  Ocean Yearbook 24, pp. 1‐8, edited by Aldo Chircop, Scott Coffen‐Smout, and Moira McConnell. Published by BRILL (2010). 



The Census of Marine Life: Evolution of worldwide marine biodiversity research 

Vera Alexander, Patricia Miloslavich, Kristen Yarincik 

Submitted to Marine Biodiversity, in review – do not anticipate publication by October 2010 


The Census of Marine Life and the Ecosystem Approach to Management of the Oceans 

Mike Sinclair, Meryl Williams, Serge Garcia 

To be published in Intecol e‐Bulletin, issue end September 2010 


The Next Census of Marine Life  Ron O’Dor  Need to determine where to submit (not accepted as Nature Opinion piece) 


Making Marine Life Count: A new baseline for policy 

Meryl Williams et al. 

PLoS Biology, “Community Pages,” accepted 17 Sep, publication date: 26 Oct 


Impact of CoML on our perspectives of the Ocean  Sun Song  Available, will be published at www.coml.org  


The impact of the Census on the way we do large‐scale science – with a specific focus on the deep sea 

Myriam Sibuet, Fred Grassle 

In prep for Interpress Magazine 


Sustaining Biodiversity in the Open Oceans and Deep Seas: Identifying the Critical Areas 

Pat Halpin  To be published in CBD newsletter, distributed in ~mid‐October 


Life Sinks– an essay exploring distribution forces and biodiversity accumulation in the oceans compared with on land 

David Farmer, Tim Shank, Ron O’Dor 

In Prep 


Major products of the Projects and NRICs: Books, Special Issues, and Collections 

 Status  Product  Point Person(s)  Publication Target & 


• The Exploited Seas: New Directions for Marine Environmental History 

(eds.) Poul Holm, Tim Smith, David Starkey 

International Maritime Economic History Association, 2001. Research in Maritime History 


CeDAMar: 26 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “ANDEEP (Antarctic benthic DEEP‐sea) biodiversity: colonization history and recent community patterns: a tribute to Howard L. Sanders” 

Angelika Brandt and Brigitte Hilbig (eds) 

DSRII 51(14‐16): 1457‐1920 (July‐August 2004) 



CeDAMar: 19 papers in a Special Volume of Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 

Pedro Martínez Arbizu 

Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 5(1): 1‐238 (18 February 2005) 


OBIS: Theme section in Marine Ecology Progress Series, including 10 papers on ocean biodiversity informatics 

Mark Costello, Edward Vanden Berghe, H.I. Browman 

MEPS 316: 201‐310 (3 July 2006) (open access online) 


CeDAMar: 17 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “ANtarctic benthic DEEP‐sea biodiversity: colonisation history and recent community patterns (ANDEEP‐III)” 

Angelika Brandt, Brigitte Ebbe (eds) 

DSRII 54(16‐17): 1645‐1904 (August 2007) 


HMAP: Special issue of Fisheries Research on “History of Marine Animal Populations and their Exploitation in Northern Europe” 

Henn Ojaveer, Brian MacKenzie (eds) 

Fisheries Research 87(2‐3): 101‐262 (November 2007) 


EuroCoML invastions project: Assessment of biopollution in aquatic ecosystems 

Sergej Olenin et al. 

Marine Pollution Bulletin 55 (2007) 379–394 


EuroCoML invastions project: Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in the Baltic Sea—a supply‐side invader? 

Henn Ojaveer et al. 

Biol Invasions (2007) 9:409–418 


HMAP: “Oceans Past: Management Insights from the History of Marine Animal Population” (papers from the first Oceans Past Conference) 

David Starkey, Poul Holm, Michaela Barnard 

Earthscan – published 2007 


MAR‐ECO: 22 papers in a Special issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Mid‐Atlantic Ridge Habitats and Biodiversity” 

JDM Gordon, Odd Aksel Bergstad, Tone Falkenhaug (eds) 

DSRII 55(1‐2): 1‐268 (January 2008) 


MAR‐ECO: 11 papers in a thematic issue of Marine Biology Research on “Benthic fauna of the northern Mid‐Atlantic Ridge: results of the MAR‐ECO expedition” 

Andrey Gebruk (ed) 

Marine Biology Research 4(1‐2): 1‐163 (March 2008) 


CeDAMar: 24 papers in a Special Issue of Zootaxa on “Bringing light into deep‐sea biodiversity” (new abyssal species published) 

Pedro Martínez Arbizu, Saskia Brix 

Zootaxa 1866: 1‐574 (3 September 2008) 


HMAP: Book titled “Beyond the Catch: Fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 900‐1850” 

Louis Sicking, Darlene Abreu‐Ferreira 

BRILL – Published 2008 

• HMAP: Book titled “Il mare. Com’era Le interazioni tra uomo ed ambiente nelMediterraneo dall’Epoca Romana al XIX secolo: una visione storica ed ecologica delle attività di pesca” or “Human‐environment interactions in the Mediterranean Sea since the Roman period until the XIX century: an 

(eds.) R. Gertwagen, S. Raicevich, T. Fortibuoni, O. Giovanardi 

Chioggia, 2008 


historical and ecological perspective on fishing activities.” 


COMARGE: 21 papers in a Special Issue of Deep‐Sea Research II on “The Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos Program” 

Gil Rowe, Chuck Kennicutt (eds) 

DSRII 55(24‐26): 2535‐2712 (December 2008) 


COMARGE: 17 papers in a Special issue of Deep‐Sea Research II on “Benthic Biological and Biogeochemical Patterns and Processes Across an Oxygen Minimum Zone (Pakistan Margin, NE Arabian Sea)” 

Greg Cowie, Lisa Levin (eds) 

DSRII 56(6‐7): 261‐502 (March 2009) 


CeDAMar: 29 papers in a Special Issue of Zootaxa on “Deep‐sea taxonomy — a contribution to our knowledge of biodiversity” (new abyssal species published) 

Wiebke Brökeland, Kai Horst George 

Zootaxa 2096: 1‐488 (11 May 2009) 


COMARGE: 17 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Deep‐Sea Benthic Ecosystems of the Equatorial African Margin: The Multidisciplinary BIOZAIRE Program – A Contribution to Census of Marine Life” 

Myriam Sibuet, Annick Vangriesheim (eds)  

DSRII 56(23): 2155‐2404 (1 November 2009) 


HMAP: Book titled “Un altro mare: a Different Sea,” describing the history of fisheries and marine animal populations in the Northern Adriatic Sea and in the Venetian Lagoon in the last two centuries. (The book is written in Italian) 

T. Fortibuoni, O. Giovanardi & S. Raicevich 

Ed. Associazione “Tegnue di Chioggia – onlus” – published 2009 


HMAP: Book titled “Taiwanese Distant‐Water Fisheries in Southeast Asia 1936‐1977”  

Henry T. Chen  Research in Maritime History No. 39 – Published in 2009 


TOPP: A Special Issue of Endangered Species Research covering the latest achievements in the field of biologging presented at the Biologging III symposium 

Steven Bograd, Barb Block 

Endang Species Res 10: 1‐367 (Dec 2009) (open access) 


ArcOD: Assessment of the abundance and diversity of sea ice biota. (Sea ice biota diversity methods)  

Rolf Gradinger, Bodil Bluhm 

Gradinger R, Bluhm BA (2009) In: Eicken H, Gradinger R, Salganek M, Shirasawa K, Perovich D, Leppäranta M (eds) Handbook on field techniques in sea ice research (a sea ice system services approach). University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, pp. 283‐300 

• ArcOD: Book entitled Field Techniques for Sea Ice Research 

Hajo Eicken, Rolf Gradinger, Maya Salganek, Kunio 

Published January 2010 – The University of Chicago Press (for University of Alaska 


Shirasawa, Don Perovich, Matti Leppäranta (eds) 



CenSeam: The ecology of seamounts: Structure, function, and human impacts 

Clark, Rowden, Schlacher et al. 

Clark M.R. et al. (2010) Annual Review of Marine Science, 2, 253‐278 


ArcOD: 13 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Observations and Exploration of the Arctic's Canada Basin and the Chukchi Sea: the Hidden Ocean and RUSALCA Expeditions” (Note: Some CMarZ papers included) 

Bodil Bluhm, Katrin Iken, Russ Hopcroft (eds) 

DSRII 57(1‐2): 1‐158 (January 2010) 


CeDAMar (related): Book titled “Deep‐sea biodiversity: pattern and scale”  

Michael Rex, Ron Etter 

Harvard University Press – February 2010 (ISBN‐10: 0674036077; ISBN‐13: 978‐0674036079) 


COMARGE: 16 papers in a Special Issue of Marine Ecology on “The roles of habitat heterogeneity in generating and maintaining biodiversity on continental margins – A Contribution to the Census of Marine Life” 

Lisa Levin, Myriam Sibuet, Andrew Gooday, Craig Smith, Ann Vanreusel (eds) 

Marine Ecology 31(1): 1‐260 (March 2010) (open access) 


CenSeam: Papers and other contributions to a Special Issue of Oceanography on “Mountains in the Sea” 

Tim Shank  Oceanography 23(1) (March 2010) 


CenSeam: A special issue of Marine Ecology on “Recent Advances in Seamount Ecology: a contribution to the Census of Marine Life” 

Mireille Consalvey 

Marine Ecology 31(1): 1‐241 (September 2010) (open access) 


CeDAMar: 14 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Water Column and Seabed Studies at the PAP Sustained Observatory in the Northeast Atlantic” (the results of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) Time Series) 

R.S. Lampitt, D.S.M. Billett and A.P. Martin (eds) 

DSRII 57(15): 1267‐1428 (1 August 2010) 


Sea ice meio‐ and macrofauna (Sea ice biota diversity synthesis, cross‐cutting with CAML researcher)  

Bluhm, Gradinger, Schnack‐Schiel 

Bluhm BA, Gradinger RR, Schnack‐Schiel SB (2010) In: Thomas D, Dieckmann G (eds) Sea ice. 2nd edition. Wiley‐Blackwell, Oxford, pp 357‐394 


HMAP: Book titled American Offshore Whaling Voyages 1667 to 1927. Volume I: Voyages by Vessel; Volume II: Voyages by Master. 

Lund, J. N., E. A. Josephson, R. R. Reeves and T. D. Smith 

Published (2010):  Old Dartmouth Historical Society ‐‐ New Bedford Whaling Museum, New 


Bedford, Massachusetts. Vol I 666 pages, Vol II 350 pages. 


Book on Arctic biogeography, containing 8 chapters  Mironov, Gebruk (eds) 

To be submitted by October 


CAML: A Special Issue of Deep‐Sea Research II based on results from a major synthesis symposium (held May 2009)

Stefano Schiaparelli 

DSRII – To be published October 2010 


CAML: Special volume of Deep‐Sea Research II based on CEAMARC voyage (synthesis meeting July 2009) 

Graham Hosie  DSRII – To be published end of 2010 or early 2011  


CMarZ: 18 papers in a Special Volume of Deep‐Sea Research II on “Species Diversity of Zooplankton in the Global Ocean” 

Peter Wiebe, Shuhei Nishida, Sigrid Schiel (eds) 

DSRII – Papers accepted; To be published end of 2010 or early 2011 


CeDAMar: Collection of papers in Marine Biodiversity based on results of December 2008 workshop on “cosmopolitanism in the deep sea” (unclear whether these will be published in same issue) 

Pedro Martinez  Marine Biodiversity – 2010  


Caribbean NRIC: 3‐6 papers on Caribbean marine biodiversity from individual countries 

Patricia Miloslavich 

Marine Biodiversity – late 2010  


ArcOD: A Special Issue on “Arctic Marine Biodiversity” in Marine Biodiversity containing 12 synthesis papers from microbes to mammals 

Bodil Bluhm, Rolf Gradinger, Russ Hopcroft (eds) 

Marine Biodiversity – Current status (30Jun): 10 of 12 in review, final 2 next month. By October: accepted versions as PDF files, possibly available as ‘online first’ 


CAML‐COMARGE: Special Issue of Oecologia Australis titled “Antarctic – South American Interactions in the marine environment” (based on workshop at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 3‐6 November 2009) 

Helena Lavrado, Lúcia de Siqueira Campos 

Oecologia Australis  – to be published January 2011 (print only), manuscripts will be submitted by August 31 


COMARGE: A book on the biology (identification, ecology, biogeography) of squat lobsters 

Gary Poore  To be published November 2010 


HMAP: Book titled “Ocean Yields. A history of Marine Animal Harvests,” a general overview with a particular focus on extractions, impacts on ecosystems and impacts on human societies 

Poul Holm, David Starkey 

To be published end 2010 



HMAP: Book titled Ahab's Legacies: the geography of whales as seen by 19th century whalers, describing the historical distribution of populations of sperm, right, humpback and gray whales 

Tim Smith, Randall Reeves 

Forthcoming 2011 Proposed to Oxford University Press 


HMAP: Book titled Removeable Feast. An Environmental History of the World's Fisheries  

Poul Holm & David J Starkey 

Forthcoming 2011 Wiley Blackwell 


HMAP: Book titled Clearing the coastline: the nineteenth‐century ecological and cultural transformation of Cape Cod.  

McKenzie, M.G. 

Forthcoming 2011 University of New Hampshire Press, Hanover NH and London 

Also see above under Collections for PLoS ONE  

Public Products 

 Status  Product  Point Person(s)  Publication Target & 



World Ocean Census  Darlene Crist  Firefly – Published September 2009 


Life in the Mid‐Atlantic  Peter Boyle  Bergen University – Published October 2009 


Wall & Digital Map (in collaboration with National Geographic) 

Pat Halpin  National Geographic –  to be published October 2010 


Citizens of the Sea: Wondrous Creatures from the Census of Marine Life 

Nancy Knowlton 

National Geographic –  released September 2010 


Journey into the Deep: Discovering New Ocean Creatures 

Rebecca Johnson 

Millbrook Press –released September 2010 


Article in the October subscriber and newsstand issues of National Geographic magazine 

Darlene Crist, Patricia Miloslavich 

National Geographic –  to be published October 2010 


Videos and vox pops highlighting the Census’ big messages and scientific accomplishments (produced by National Geographic) 

Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist, Mark Bauman 

To be featured on 2010 Portal and in London 


A series of videos on technology, habitats, and forces of change 

Randy Kochevar 

To be featured on 2010 Portal and in London 


Project produced videos produced 2009‐2010  Project leaders & E&O liaisons 

To be featured on 2010 Portal and in London 



Galatée Oceans book, brochure (in multiple languages), film 

Jesse Ausubel, Galatée Team 

To be featured on 2010 Portal throughout 2010 


Google Earth Layer  Pat Halpin, Sara Hickox 

Available at http://earth.google.com/ 


Summary reports of national and regional highlights (tentative) 

Individual NRIC Chairs 

To be available by October 2010 


BBC, National Geographic, and CBC Television documentaries (tentative) 

Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist 

To be available by October 2010 


Deeper than Light exhibit  Jo Hoyer  Traveling throughout 2009‐2010 


Census Web Portal and 2010 website  Sara Hickox  http://www.coml.org and http://www.coml2010.org 


“Investigating Marine Life” web component of the Census portal, a comprehensive review of all the technologies utilized by Census scientists 

Ed Urban, Sara Hickox 

To be featured on Census Portal – available by October 2010 


Species pages for 80,000+ marine species (EOL)  Jen Hammock  Available at http://www.eol.org 


Suite of Census websites (Projects, NRICs, etc.)  Project & NRIC teams 

To be featured on Census Portal – updated by October 2010 


Census exhibit at National Geographic HQ, DC (tentative) 

Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist 

Late 2010 (tentative) 

• “Look to the Sea” census‐inspired song by Maryann Camilleri with video produced by NGS 

Jesse Ausubel  October 2010 


YouTube Channel  Chris Knowlton, Kristen Yarincik 

Available at: http://www.youtube.com/user/censusofmarinelife 


Twitter page  Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist 



Facebook Fan Page  Kristen Yarincik  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Census‐of‐Marine‐Life/53194832013 



Input to Smithsonian Oceans Portal  Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist 

Throughout 2010 


Input to National Geographic Oceans Portal  Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist 

Throughout 2010 


Other Products of Interest 

 Status  Product  Point Person(s)  Publication Target & 



A Global Assessment of Salmon Aquaculture Impacts on Wild Salmonids 

Jennifer S Ford, Ransom A Myers 

PLoS Biology Published 12 February 2008 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0060033) 


Neutrality and the Response of Rare Species to Environmental Variance 

Lisandro Benedetti‐Cecchi et al. 

PLoS ONE Published 23 July 2008 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002777) 


Long‐Term GPS Tracking of Ocean Sunfish Mola mola Offers a New Direction in Fish Monitoring  

David W. Sims et al. 

PLoS ONE Published 9 October 2009 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0007351) 


Feeding Ecology of Coryphaenoides rupestris from the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge 

Odd Aksel Bergstad et al. 

PLoS ONE Published 3 May 2010 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0010453 


The History of Makassan Trepang Fishing and Trade (An Oceans Past II conference contribution) 

Kathleen Schwerdtner Máñez, Sebastian C A Ferse 

PLoS ONE Published 29 June 2010 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011346) 



Distinguishing marine habitat classification concepts for ecological data management 

Mark J. Costello 

MEPS 397: 253‐268 (2009) doi: 10.3354/meps08317 (open access) 


Marine fish diversity: history of knowledge and discovery (Pisces) 

William N. Eschmeyer et al. 

Zootaxa 2525: 19‐50 (2010) (open access) 


~10 Community White Papers from the Census of Marine Life on ocean observations, including: Observation of Ocean Biology on a Global Scale : Is New Technology Required for  Bio‐GOOS? Gunn, J., Rogers, A. & Urban, E. (2010) Bringing Life To Ocean Observation. O’Dor et al. (2010) The Ocean Tracking Network Community White Paper. O’Dor et al. (2010) 

John Gunn, Ron O’Dor, others 

Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 1), Venice, Italy, 21‐25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP‐306. 

• A special issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Marine Benthic Ecology and Biodiversity: A Compilation of Recent Advances in Honor of J. Frederick Grassle”  

Richard A. Lutz and Timothy M. Shank (eds) 

DSRII 56(19‐20): 1569‐1892 (September 2009) 


Global phytoplankton decline over the past century  Daniel Boyce, Marlon Lewis & Boris Worm 

Nature – published 28 July 2010 


Biodiversity’s big wet secret: chronic under exploration of the deep pelagic ocean  

Tom Webb, Edward Vanden Berghe, Ron O’Dor 

PLoS ONE Published 2 August 2010 (open access online: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010223) 

• News article in Nature about the Census (journalist Daniel Cressy) 

Daniel Cressy  Nature – for October 7 issue 


The diversity of coral reefs: what could we be losing? 

Laetitia Plaisance et al. 

To be submitted to Science probably by 20 Aug (update from 13 Aug) 


Impact of natural iron fertilization and enhanced carbon export on a Southern Ocean deep‐sea ecosystem 


Wolff, G.A. et al 

Submitted to Science 


Overestimating fish counts by non‐instantaneous visual censuses: consequences for population and community descriptions 

Christine Ward‐Paige, Joanna Mills Flemming, Heike K. Lotze 

PLoS ONE Published 22 July 2010 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011722), will be in 


POST collection 


Large‐Scale Absence of Sharks on Reefs in the Greater‐Caribbean: A Footprint of Human Pressures 

Christine Ward‐Paige, Camilo Mora, Heike Lotze et al. (a RAM posthumous publication) 

PLoS ONE Published 5 Aug 2010 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011968), will be in POST collection 

• Parallel parapatric radiations of Magellanic and New Zealand endemic brachiopods (Pan‐Brachiopoda: Terebratellidina) reveal independent gain of shell ribs 

B. L. Cohen et al. 

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society Accepted, in press  

• Historical ecology provides new insights for ecosystem management: eastern Baltic cod case study 

Brian MacKenzie, Henn Ojaveer, Margit Eero 

Submitted to Marine Policy in early July 


Global diversity hotspots and conservation priorities for sharks 

Lucifora L, García V, Worm B 

PLoS ONE In Review –  possibly published by October 2010 

• Human Activities on the Deep Seafloor in the North East Atlantic: An Assessment of Spatial Extent 

Angela R. Benn et al. 

PLoS ONE Published 13 Sep 2010 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012730) 


Dynamic habitat models: Using telemetry data to understand fisheries bycatch 

R. Zydelis et al.  Submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (In Review) 

• A COMARGE paper addressing the relationship between productivity and diversity for nematodes 

Ann Vanreusel et al. 

In prep, to be submitted to PLoS Biology 


Microbiological and biogeochemical processes building a food web based on natural asphalt and oil leakage from the deep Gulf of Mexico (draft title)

Boetius, A. et al. 

In prep, to be submitted by October (TBD) 


A review paper on DNA Barcoding entitled DNA Barcoding Marine Metazoa 

Ann Bucklin, Dirk Steinke, Leo Blanco‐Bercial 

In Press (Jan 2011) Annual Review of Marine Science (doi: 10.1146/annurev‐marine‐120308‐080950) 

• Mesoscale eddies are oasis for higher trophic marine life 

Olav Rune Godø et al. 

Science (submitted 30 August) 


• TBA  Dirk Steinke et 

al. PLoS ONE, In prep (Jesse will provide update after 25Sept) 

ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION  PROPOSAL COVER SHEET  Project Information  Principal Investigators  Amount Requested:  $899,995

 Requested Start Date:

October 1, 2010 Melbourne G. Briscoe, Research Director Kristen Yarincik, Senior Program Manager 

Consortium for Ocean Leadership 1201 New York Ave. NW, 4th Floor Washington, D.C. 20005 USA Phone: 202‐787‐1616 / 202‐448‐1237 Fax: 202‐332‐8887 E‐mail: mbriscoe@oceanleadership.org / kyarincik@oceanleadership.org 

 Requested End Date:

November 30, 2011 

  Project Goal To capitalize on the success of the Census of Marine Life Decade of Discovery events that will take place in London in October 2010.    Objectives To meet our obligations to the public in terms of an increased desire for information about marine life; to meet the needs of user community with respect to information, data and applications; to provide evaluations of the Census model for guiding future complex international programs; and to make scientific recommendations for the future.  Proposed Activities Respond to requests for information and briefings; support and participate in workshops and briefing events of the Census National and Regional Committees; facilitate internal and external evaluations of the Census program; maintain the global network of Census scientists; organize a workshop on Census community recommendations for future research; and maintain a web presence and databases; and finally archive the program.  Expected Products 

Online, accessible library of Census program documentation; internal (SSC) and external evaluations of the program; national and regional workshops; community workshop at the 2nd World Conference on Marine Biodiversity and a workshop report; and archived Census websites.    Expected Outcomes Greater and more focused conveyance of Census findings and applications after the Decade of Discovery Events in London; Better informed and more interested policy makers, conservation organizations, governments, and public; Lessons, models and documentation for the planning and implementation that can be used for future international science programs; Science community agreement on directions for a follow on marine biodiversity program. 

21July 2010

Mr. Jesse Ausubel, Vice President of Programs Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2550 New York, NY 10111-0242 Dear Jesse, On behalf of the Census of Marine Life International Scientific Steering Committee, I write in support of the final Census of the Marine Life proposal, ‘Following up on the Decade of Discovery.’ This proposal will support Census activities in 2011. After ten years of exciting discovery and global synthesis, the Census community has demonstrated a global survey of ocean life was possible and, in doing so, significantly enhanced understanding of the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life – past, present, and future. The Census is a truly innovative program that is addressing one of the most important questions for the globe – understanding ocean life. It is a successful, complex program focused on a difficult task and will have both immediate impact and many enduring legacies. It is the first global marine biodiversity program, representing an enormous and challenging endeavour that required new innovative approaches. In implementing the program, the Census took a different approach to management and operations. The management structure and the selection of projects, planning, and coordination were done in a way that departed from the normal procedures used in analogous international programs. The benefits were the rapid development of a suite of truly international projects, and flexibility to allow the addition of more as the program developed. The 2,700 scientists from 80 countries making up the Census community recognize and thank the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for providing the opportunity to undertake this important and exciting task. It was a challenging task for all, but also an enjoyable one. It stimulated us intellectually, and we have all learned a lot. As well as having important science, policy, and management impacts, the Program has changed, in a positive way, the approach many marine scientists take to doing their science and, importantly, has created global scientific networks that put us in a much improved position to address the ongoing challenges of our oceans. The October 2010 ‘Decade of Discovery’ events and the many Census 2010 products will generate significant interest in the Census of Marine Life from the scientific and user communities, as well as the public. After ten years, it is also the time to reflect on our work to document what we did well and opportunities for improvement. This information will be of great value to others trying to answer questions that require global cooperation. The 2011 Proposal will value add to the success of the London events and the 2,600+ peer reviewed publications, 34+ books, and 44+ special collections and volumes of the Census by communicating results, encouraging application and uptake of Census information, documenting what we did well and improvement opportunities, and facilitating a workshop for the Census community to plan the second Census of Marine Life. Thank you for this opportunity, and please let me know if you have any questions about the proposal. Yours sincerely, Ian Poiner, PhD FTSE CEO, Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Chair, International Scientific Steering Committee, Census of Marine Life Census of Marine Life 2010: A Decade of Discovery to be released October 2010

Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

Following up on the Decade of Discovery A Proposal to Wind-down Census 2010 and Wind-up Census Legacy Activities

WHERE THINGS STAND FOR THE 2010 CENSUS In 2000, the Census of Marine Life, an international research program encompassing more than

2,700 participants from 80+ nations, set out to demonstrate that a global survey of ocean life was

possible and, in doing so, significantly enhance understanding of the diversity, distribution, and

abundance of marine life – past, present, and future. Ten years later, the Census has achieved this

goal and is in the final stages of aggregating and synthesizing data into a variety of products to

convey its findings to the world on October 4, 2010 during the Census’ Decade of Discovery

events in London (Appendix 1). The reports of Census research constitute a baseline of

information, covering all major habitats and taxa in the ocean, which is accessible and usable by

governments, academic institutions, industry, and the public.

With less than three months until the London events, the full scope of Census products that are

available or will be available by October 2010, as well as others to be published in the months

following, is becoming clear. They are too numerous (Appendix 2) to present in detail here, but

discussion of a few key products shows their breadth in terms of formats and audiences.

A summary report of the Census will serve as the most accessible, distributable, and easily read

and digested product describing the entirety of the Census, covering the major findings in

diversity, distribution, and abundance, the participation, organizational structures and

approaches, and the legacies. The report is in draft form currently and will be reviewed by the

Census community during a workshop on 21-23 July at the University of Rhode Island (URI). It

is on track for release on October 4, when it will be: distributed to all participants of the Decade

of Discovery events; accessible in electronic format on the Census Portal (www.coml.org and

www.coml2010.org); shipped to each Census Project and National and Regional Committee


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

(NRIC) in bulk for distribution; and mailed, along with a thank you letter, to each of the 2,700

individuals who participated in the Census throughout its ten years. The report is in English, but

it will be translated into six languages (Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic),

which will also be posted on the Portal. The images and captions from the report will serve as the

primary basis for a presentation about Census 2010 that can be given by any Census participant

to any audience. It will be supplemented by a full library of slides contributed by the Census

Projects, NRICs, and Cross-Projects, which the Secretariat is collecting for review at the August

Synthesis-related meeting in Newfoundland and will be made accessible to the Census

community by October.

Paul Snelgrove, Chair of the Census Synthesis Group, has written a science book, Discoveries of

the Census of Marine Life: Making Ocean Life Count, describing the Census results in a way that

will appeal to an informed general audience. It being published in English by Cambridge

University Press and is on track for release at the Decade of Discovery events. The Secretariat

will purchase 500 copies of this book to distribute to each participant at the London events.

There will also be an e-version of the book. A French publisher has expressed interest in

publishing a French language version, and this opportunity is being explored.

Each Census Project completed a chapter for a scientific book, Life in the World’s Oceans:

Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance, edited by Alasdair McIntyre. The book will appeal to

marine scientists and biologists, though it is written for a general scientific audience. It is

published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. and is on track for release at the London events. The

chapter authors will each receive a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher. The

Secretariat will supplement this by purchasing 100 copies to distribute to each Project team, the

Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), and the Synthesis Group. An e-version of the book will be


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

available. The Secretariat has negotiated a two-year open access agreement with Blackwell

Publishing beginning June 2011, at which time the e-version, complete with links to the

Encyclopedia of Life (EOL), will be available for viewing and download at the Census Portal.

While this is the main overarching product intended for the scientific community, it is

supplemented by more than 2,600 papers in the scientific literature, as of July 2010, which are

recorded in the Census bibliographic database (http://db.coml.org/comlrefbase/index.php). Many

Census Projects have taken the time to organize special issues of journals over the years and

especially in 2010 (see Appendix 2).

The NRICs have completed a special collection in PLoS ONE to be launched August 2 that

represents the first ever compilation of marine biodiversity knowledge at a regional scale and

allowed for comparisons of the status of knowledge and available information across regions.

This collection is one of many from the Census that will be part of the new PLoS Biodiversity

Hub, which will also be released on October 4, 2010. The Census has promoted publication in

open-access journals, such as PLoS ONE, ensuring scientific findings are widely and freely

available to all.

The Census has teamed with the National Geographic Society (NGS) to produce a number of

products for the public and younger audiences. NGS has published a book by Nancy Knowlton

entitled Citizens of the Sea: Wondrous Creatures from the Census of Marine Life, which will be

available September 14, 2010. This book joins other popular books that have been written about

the Census, such as World Ocean Census by Darlene Crist, Gail Scowcroft, and Jay Harding,

Journey into the Deep by Rebecca Johnson, and Life in the Mid-Atlantic by Peter Boyle. The

Census Mapping & Visualization Team is working with the NGS cartography department to

produce a wall map on the Census themes of “diversity, distribution, and abundance” and “past,


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

present, and future,” which will be released on October 4. Both the map and Citizens of the Sea

will be distributed to all participants of the London events, but the map will be produced in

greater quantities for wider distribution, including a copy to each of the 2,700 Census

participants. The Census Education & Outreach (E&O) Team has been working with NGS on

news and viral videos to accompany each of the 2010 press releases. These have greatly

enhanced the communications efforts, and one of the videos was even nominated for a Webby

Award. For the October events, NGS is producing several short videos specifically for the news

conference, as well as three longer (~3-minute) videos on ocean habitats, forces of change, and

technologies for studying and monitoring marine life. These three videos will be available on the

Census Portal by October 4, as well as the Census’ social networking sites (YouTube, Facebook,

and Twitter), and distributed to the London participants on a USB drive, along with other

electronic products.

As with NGS, our partnership with Galatée has been successful, resulting in a beautiful species

book and a number of symposia around the release of the Oceans film in countries such as

France, Japan, Germany, Spain, Argentina, and Korea, with others still forthcoming. We look

forward to the possibility of a release in the UK in September that would whet the local public’s

appetite for more information about marine life, which we will deliver on October 4. The Census

has purchased 700 copies of the French version of Oceans on Blu-Ray/DVD, and each person at

the Decade of Discovery events will receive a copy.

In June 2010, EOL reported pages for 150,000 marine species and, with the Census leadership,

identified a number of goals that would be easy for the Census community to achieve by October

2010 to increase species page content and visibility to the pages. Since then, ChEss, as an


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

example, has already added 100 more species from seeps and whale falls. The Census is also

encouraging web links to EOL in all PLoS papers.

Finally, the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), the aggregation of all Census data

along with other marine biodiversity data sources, will be the major legacy of the Census in

terms of products and data. As of July 2010, OBIS serves 27.7 million records, covering 114,000

species, from 817 databases. In 2009, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)

adopted OBIS and agreed to carry it forward after 2010. At the June 2010 IOC meeting, several

countries agreed to contribute in-kind or financial support to OBIS that will ensure its current

level of function through 2012. It is a long way from sustained support, but a major step forward

and one that we can applaud at the London events.

While the Census leadership is pleased with the number and variety of products that will be

available for the October events, there are examples of important products that will not come to

fruition despite our best efforts. We had hoped for a special cluster of papers in the October 7,

2010 issue of Nature. The journal was keen to do this and invited 11 papers from the Census to

be submitted. Along the way, a few author teams declined the invitation and more papers were

rejected than we expected. The Census Projects will have at least two papers, with one more in

review that we know of, published in Nature between now and the London events, but without

the added impact of appearing in a single issue. The Census leadership agreed the timely

reporting of these findings outweighed the need to hold the papers until October.

The SCOR Technology Panel had expected to produce a collection for PLoS ONE, but the level

of engagement of its members was not great enough to accomplish this task. The major

technology product will be a comprehensive updating of a technology website “Investigating

Marine Life” that will be linked from the Census Portal by October 2010. As with technologies,


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

a few other important Cross-Project efforts, such as those on biomass, global species richness,

and physical proxies, have been delayed for one reason or another and, while they will produce

papers, may not meet the October deadline.

Plans for the Decade of Discovery events themselves are progressing well. The Secretariat has

hired Smooth Events, the London-based event management company that also organized the e-

Biosphere conference in 2009. About 500 people have been invited to attend, including 320

members of the Census community (registration is at 220 people as of July 19). The events begin

on October 4 with a news conference, followed by a two-day science symposium on October 5-6

and a celebration on the evening of the 6, and culminating with a meeting of the Census

leadership on October 7.

From the beginning, the Census goals have been challenging, but attainable. Our success toward

some of our goals is not going to be measurable because of the lag in uptake by various user

communities or because we are one of many players in ocean science and advocacy for the

appreciation of the oceans. However, we have achieved measurable outcomes and, in London,

we will be able to tell the world that the Census:

• Could be done and that it created a baseline of information about life in the oceans;

• Created social capital and networks that should be sustained into the future;

• Built capacity for marine biodiversity research around the world and established the

world’s largest repository of data about marine species and fully archived its observations

along with other data sources;

• Developed, tested, and applied new technology for ocean observing systems;

• Provided data to help the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well as other national

and international regulators and legislators;


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• Developed models to indicate what marine life may inhabit unexplored areas based on

established patterns; and

• Quantified the unknown so it can be considered in planning future endeavors.

Our expectation is that the London events will create new momentum in the scientific and user

communities, as well as with the public, that we must capitalize on in the months that will

follow. After the London events, the Census leadership will be able to fully turn its focus from

research and product delivery to conveying results, encouraging application of Census

information, and reflection on the lessons learned from the Census program. If we take

advantage of this opportunity, we can ensure that: the public outreach community has access to

our assets to enhance appreciation for life in the oceans; governments and international

organizations understand how they can use the findings and approaches of the Census and how

the Census model can help them further increase global understanding of life in the oceans; and

the scientific community comes to agreement on what needs to be done next in terms of

unknowns and questions to be addressed.

2011 PROGRAM OF WORK The news conference of the Census of Marine Life on October 4 will showcase the work of one

of the largest marine science collaborations ever undertaken. It will provide the first global

snapshot of life in the oceans and has implications for many facets of the ocean community. The

events in London have been carefully planned with the goals of maximizing media coverage,

communicating a comprehensive overview of ten years of achievements by the first Census, and

creating an appreciation of the Census’ legacy in changing how marine science is conducted and

how the information can be used. It is expected that achievement of these goals will result in

significant requests for information from the public, policy makers, conservation organizations,


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

and governments, as well as industry. The wide scope of the program ensures a global interest in

the findings.

After London, the Census leadership, including the Secretariat and E&O Team, will adjust to

meet a new set of challenges and opportunities associated with the momentum gained from

London and building on the accomplishments bulleted above. The scope of work revolves

around an expectation of success from the London events and will address the following: (1) our

obligation to an interested public; (2) meeting the user community needs (i.e., for information

about marine biodiversity and tools for monitoring it); (3) focusing the 2010 Census results for

national and regional perspectives; (4) an evaluation of the Census program; and (5) maintaining

the global network of Census scientists through a plan for the future. It is expected that the

majority of activity with respect to these tasks will occur within 6-9 months following the

London events.

Our obligation to an interested public

News and photographs from Census-related expeditions have captured the interest and

imagination of hundreds of reporters, editors and bloggers, producers and program hosts in

almost every country of the world. The publicity in turn attracted many new scientific

collaborators and supporters to the Census. After publication by media, some of the more

compelling images went on to become posters, screensavers, national postage stamps, and even

artwork and stuffed animals.

Past Census news releases and concomitant communications efforts have consistently generated

a significant amount of coverage. The nine most recent news releases from 2005 to present, for

example, on average, generated the following: Newswire stories: 28 (range 21 to 35), Online

hits: 366 (range: 100 to 892), Countries reached: 37 (range: 19 to 57), and Languages: 12 (range:


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

6 to 20). Early on it was decided that a clipping/tracking service would not be engaged, so media

coverage is only quantified by online search engines and informal communications with our

scientists; we expect it is actually much higher than what is recorded here. We anticipate the

October events will generate media interest exceeding the top range, at a minimum. This

projection is based on an increase of regular media queries about how to register for the London

events, which has yet to be widely publicized. To date, queries have come from sources as

diverse as the Sunday London Times to Cousteau Kids Magazine and are expected to spike as

press-credentialing directives are included in the upcoming August 2 news release. Moreover, we

have been working with a number of media outlets to coordinate coverage that will be released

on or around October 4. Some examples in the works include: a story about the Census findings

in the September 15, 2010 National Geographic newsstand issue and a different story in the

October issue of the subscriber edition of National Geographic; a one-hour documentary about

the Census that will air in August on National Geographic TV; and a one-hour documentary

about the Census on BBC’s Horizon series the week of October 4. This broadcast coverage will

support and enhance the anticipated exposure in print and web.

The videos being produced as part of the news conference will be posted on YouTube, the Portal,

Project websites, Facebook, and Twitter to ensure that social media networks are informed, and

talks are underway with NGS to create an “app” for Apple’s iPhone and iPad, a new vehicle for

distributing the Census findings. Additional plans are underway to conduct a satellite radio and

television tour for Census spokespersons as well as other events to promote the Census book

products. These activities are funded through the current grants supporting the E&O Team and

the London events, and will maximize our ability to enhance public appreciation for life in the

oceans through the London events.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

As Census media coverage has increased, media queries have also proportionately increased so

that a significant amount of time is spent daily in meeting media requests. It is anticipated that

these requests will continue to grow as the Census is in fact winding down, and we need to be

available to handle these requests to feed public hunger for information when it may be highest

as a result of the Decade of Discovery. It is likely that we will not be able to address each request

due to their impact on not only staff time but that of our expert scientists who will be asked for

interviews. Therefore, we must set criteria for selecting which opportunities to accept and which

to decline. Priority would be placed on continuing work with the partners, like NGS, that have

contributed to our 2010 success and others with reputations for reporting science in an honest

and reliable way without adding drama or controversy. We will focus on major national and

international publications and news services through which the stories would proliferate

naturally resulting in the biggest impact. We will facilitate the production of documentaries and

books as appropriate, noting that projects with timelines beyond June 2011 will not be feasible.

This proposal includes funds to support communications sub-contractor Darlene Crist to handle

media requests, including from filmmakers, authors and journalists, and liaising with the Census

community as needed to meet these requests. Ms. Crist will also assist with other messaging and

communications needs that may arise. Staff supported through a sub-contract to the E&O Team

(URI Foundation) will assist Ms. Crist with requests and permissions for images and maintaining

web file manager access.

Related to our obligation to the public and to each of the additional goals outlined in this

proposal, it will be important to maintain a web presence in 2011. The Census Portal is managed

by the E&O Team at URI. The sub-contract to the URI Foundation supports maintenance and

daily back up of the server, web page design, and posting of Census products published or


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

created after 2011, including the free e-version of Life in the World’s Oceans: Diversity,

Distribution, and Abundance as per our agreement with the publisher. The Census Portal (the

website designed for use by the public) will move into a “static” mode in mid-2011, with the

wind-down of anticipated activities. It will remain online in proper working order, hosted by

URI, for at least five years (barring server problems), but will not be updated. The Census

Secretariat website (a website intended largely for use by the Census community) is maintained

by the Consortium for Ocean Leadership and was redesigned in June 2010 to be more interactive

in preparation for the Decade of Discovery events. This website will be actively updated for the

duration of this grant. One of the final tasks of the program staff will be to transition the site into

static mode, which will be maintained by Ocean Leadership for at least five years (barring server

problems). An archive of the websites for all Census Projects, the NRICs, Secretariat, E&O, and

Mapping & Visualization will be preserved using the “Internet Archive,” where it can be

accessed publicly. This will provide a snapshot of the websites in December 2010 and again in

April 2011 to capture any additional information generated by briefings and other activities.

Payment to the “Internet Archive” for these archiving services will be paid for by funds to the

E&O Team at URI, separate from this proposal. The Secretariat surveyed the Projects and

NRICs in early 2010 about their website status after 2010. Most groups plan to maintain a

website for the foreseeable future, transitioning to static mode if funding for staff is not sufficient

for completing updates. In addition to the portal website, URI hosts the Census program

databases (participation, bibliographic, and a calendar) and a video and image folio. Database

maintenance will be shared by the Ocean Leadership and URI. This will include daily server

back-up, updating of the bibliographic database as new articles are released, and export of

information as needed. As with the Portal, URI will maintain the image folio and databases


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

through June 2011 and host them for at least five years, depending on server capacity and

function. This will ensure that this information is accessible through the 6-9 months following

the London events when we expect web traffic to these sites will be highest.

Meeting the user community needs

As one of its legacies in 2010, the Census will have provided the world with the first baseline of

information on the global status of marine biodiversity. Although an accomplishment in itself,

this baseline will be a starting point for marine scientists, governments, and marine industries to

further explore, research, and monitor marine biodiversity and against which to measure future

change. While the media awareness is expected to be significant following the Decade of

Discovery events, the interest from the user community – governments, international

organizations, NGOs, and industry – should also increase. To ensure these audiences truly

understand the benefit and application of Census information to meet their needs, the Census

leadership will want to follow up requests for data and documentation with more in-depth and

focused personal briefings, which, for the purposes of this proposal, we will call “legacy

briefings.” In addition to conveying the results of the Census, the legacy briefings will facilitate

the use of Census outputs for management and policy application and highlight the critical

unknowns for future marine biodiversity research, exploration, and monitoring. The Secretariat

will coordinate requests for information and briefings from the user community and, with

guidance from the Census leadership, pursue appropriate opportunities for briefings and keynote

talks that are global in scope and promote the Census-wide findings and approaches.

Over the past two years, the Census leadership has dedicated significant time toward enhancing

our ability to provide information for sound policy and management of biological resources and

ecosystems. We narrowed our priorities to a few thematic areas and associated organizations


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

through which we could have the greatest impact from focused effort. These included: the IOC,

with respect to sustaining OBIS, ocean observations, and IOC’s responsibility for regular

assessments; the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), with respect to identification of

areas of biological significance on the high seas, marine protected areas, and national capacities

for meeting reporting obligations on the status of biodiversity in their Exclusive Economic

Zones; and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), the Global Ocean Observing System

(GOOS), and the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO), as a leader in the

ocean research community (e.g., Ocean United), with respect to ensuring visibility of the oceans,

and in particular marine biodiversity, and appropriate technologies and priorities in the process

of planning and implementing earth and ocean observing systems. Our efforts with these bodies

have resulted in measurable impacts, for example, data illustrating cases for management and

conservation, endorsement in high-level statements and reports, and national financial support

for OBIS after 2010, as well as contributing to the loftier, future-oriented goals of improved

management of the oceans and biodiversity. With these same outcomes in mind, we will

continue to work with these organizations in late 2010 and 2011, such as through the 10th

Conference of the Parties for CBD in Japan in late October 2010 and the GEO-VII conference in

China in November 2010. Recognizing that new opportunities will arise after London, we will

remain flexible and open to suggestion; however, we will not be able to meet every request for

input and information and have prioritized the types of requests we will accept. New targets will

be considered if they can facilitate our immediate goal for legacy briefings – or interactions with

resource policy-, use- and management-related bodies – as stated above. The Census leadership

will consider groups that have interest broadly in Census findings and approaches and with direct

missions supporting the study or sustainability of marine biodiversity, ocean observations, and


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

the need to better understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Opportunities that arise

for information that is more focused regionally or Project specific will be referred to the

appropriate NRIC or Project. With our limitations, primarily time and voluntary manpower, in

mind, the proposed budget provides for three people to attend 17 meetings that meet our legacy

briefing requirements. The format of the briefings will vary and could include presentations,

keynote speeches, discussion forums and distribution of materials, depending on the venue. In

addition to travel support, the Secretariat will facilitate access to the presentation library and

reports for distribution.

Focusing the 2010 Census results for national and regional perspectives

In addition to the legacy briefings targeting international bodies, the Secretariat will support

workshops and other briefing events with the goal of conveying Census results and approaches

directed toward the specific needs of regions or countries. One of the important enduring

legacies of the Census was the creation of the NRICs, serving as national and regional networks

to increase participation in the Census, global coverage of, and access to, research and support

for marine biodiversity research at the national or regional level. In particular, NRIC efforts have

resulted in the first comprehensive regionally-based assessment of marine biodiversity and

endorsement and tangible support for OBIS. In many countries, the Census contributed back by

building capacity and access to information in marine and biodiversity science. The Census

leadership can support the NRICs in their continued efforts to enhance national and regional

uptake of Census information and support for ongoing and new science projects by providing

funds for and participating in NRIC-organized workshops and briefing events in late 2010 and

early 2011. Funds requested in this proposal will be allocated, as needed, to cover travel for local

organizers and Census leadership, logistical support, venue hire, catering, and other direct costs.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

To date, ten of the 13 NRICs – Australia, Canada, Caribbean, Europe / Deep Sea Projects, India,

Indonesia, Japan, Korea, South America (Chile), and the United States – have confirmed they

will organize a workshop or other briefing event to capitalize on the attention and products from

the Decade of Discovery and highlight the regional contributions to and benefits from their

participation. Appendix 3 outlines the current information about those events (e.g., type, dates,

location, and financial need). Six of these NRICs have requested funding, and this is accounted

for in our proposed budget along with contingency funds for two additional workshop

opportunities (e.g., it is likely that China may wish to organize something in conjunction with

GEO-VII) that may arise nearer to or after London.

An evaluation of the Census program

Both the Sloan Foundation and the SSC have recognized the need for an evaluation of the

Census program to document what was done well, lessons learned, and opportunities for

improvement. The goal of this activity is to inform others charged with developing,

implementing, and leading large international programs addressing complex problems on

successes they might imitate and failures or weaknesses they can avoid. The outputs from the

evaluation process will achieve this goal, but the impact will not be measurable within the

timeframe of the activity nor likely even this proposal.

SSC Chair Ian Poiner began to articulate the SSC’s perspective on the successes and weaknesses

of the Census in a presentation to the Sloan staff on June 3, 2010. By October, he will prepare a

document based on this presentation and the discussion that followed for review by the SSC. A

sub-group of the SSC will meet in December 2010 (tentatively) in Washington D.C. to finalize

the document for distribution and to submit to Sloan. In addition to Dr. Poiner, members of the

sub-group currently include Vera Alexander, Poul Holm, and Meryl Williams, all of whom


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

expressed an interest to be engaged in the evaluation process. Others will likely be added before

December. This meeting is funded through the current Secretariat grant.

David Penman and Landcare Research have been provided with a separate grant from the Sloan

Foundation to carry out an external evaluation of the program. Metrics for this evaluation

continue to be finalized, but should revolve around satisfaction of program participants

(including the scientists involved, SSC, and funders), the effectiveness and efficiency of the

governance model, organization structures, and management systems (financial, communication,

performance monitoring, and risk management), and applicability to future scientific endeavors.

The SSC, Secretariat, Project and NRIC leaders, and other key players in the Census hold a vast

amount of corporate knowledge, and the Secretariat will work with Dr. Penman to garner their

input and to facilitate the external evaluation so that it meets expectations. The SSC evaluation

sub-group members listed above, as well as Kristen Yarincik, will be the primary points of

contact from the Census leadership in this process.

By December 2010, the Census will have accumulated a vast body of work, including scientific

publications (currently more than 2,600), outreach materials, presentations, meeting records, and

other governance and management documents. Working with the E&O Team at URI, Secretariat

staff will ensure all the electronic files are cleaned of drafts and duplicate records and that a full

collection of relevant documents is part of a final archive in the spring of 2011 that will be

accessible through the “Internet Archive,” as with the website archive and supported by the same

funds. During this time, the Secretariat will also continue to enter records of work that is

published in 2011 in the Bibliographic Database, ensuring that all known science products from

the 2010 Census are captured. Having more than ten years of program management and

scientific documents organized and categorized in an efficient and easy-to-use system will be a


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

valuable tool for the evaluations and for any entities interested in following the lessons and

recommendations that come from them.

Maintaining the global network of Census scientists through a plan for the future

One of the greatest implementation strategies and outcomes of the Census program was the

creation of a global, interdisciplinary network of marine scientists and professionals contributing,

individually and in collaboration, to the same baseline of information. At the end of 2010,

participation in the Census includes 2,700+ scientists from more than 80 nations. This network is

an asset that should be leveraged in future marine biodiversity science programs and in the

formation of a plan representing science community agreement on the priority unknowns to be

addressed through future research.

The Census leadership will begin this process at its October 7 meeting in London.

Representatives from the Census Projects will join a half-day session focusing on the “What’s

Next?” question, particularly, articulating the science questions and research goals for the future

through a reassessment of the known, unknown and unknowable and identification of the priority

achievable unknowns. This is an opportune time to hold this session as the participants will have

just been briefed on every aspect of Census results and accomplishments through the October 5-6

symposium. The results of this meeting will feed into the process to organize a Community

Workshop in conjunction with the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity II (WCMB II,

September 26-30, 2011) in Aberdeen, UK, which poses an opportunity to bring together a large

community contingent with minimal financial investment.

Several members of the Census leadership have already expressed interest in serving on the

advisory committee for the Community Workshop. At the October 7 meeting, we will also

identify a few Project representatives who emerge as likely leaders and to provide balance in


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

expertise. The final organizing committee composition will be finalized after October 7, noting

that an effective committee size should consist of 8-10 members and that travel support through

this proposal will only cover four people (others will be in Aberdeen on their own funds). The

Secretariat will organize the event, provide logistical support and travel funds for four key

participants, and produce a written report within the two months that follow. The organizing

committee will provide guidance on the workshop structure, agenda, inputs and output (the

report), noting the outcome will be community agreement on priorities and goals for a science

research program that builds on the baseline and approaches of the Census. Some print copies of

the report may be produced, but it will be distributed primarily, and widely, electronically. At

this time, the Census will officially hand over responsibility for any further momentum toward

and development of a scientific program and for maintaining community engagement to the next

generation of marine scientists.

While the above stated activities are the most important reasons for maintaining network

cohesion in 2011, it will be important to rely on their expertise in all of the activities outlined in

this proposal. To do so, we must maintain the sense of community established through the

Census program. As they have over the past ten years, the Secretariat will keep the network

informed and involved throughout the duration of this proposal, culminating with the report of

the Community Workshop at the WCMB II.

LEADERSHIP For the past ten years, the Census of Marine Life has been governed by the SSC, which provided

scientific and managerial guidance to the program. Continued guidance on and leadership

participation in program activities will continue to be essential in 2011. The SSC has always

been a voluntary group and most members have expressed interest in continuing some level of


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

involvement in the Census in 2011 based on their experience and interests. Appendix 4 outlines

the responses regarding 2011 involvement to date by category of activity, such as participation in

the Legacy Briefings and/or the National and Regional Workshops, organizing the Community

Workshop, evaluating the program, or availability for specific tasks upon request. Along with

this participation, we will need a small group, like the current Executive Committee, who will

establish the criteria for decision-making and provide regular guidance and input to the program

of work. This group, which we are calling the “Leadership Committee,” has been identified and

includes Ian Poiner, Victor Gallardo, Patricia Miloslavich, and Serge Garcia. A few more people

may be added. The Leadership Committee will meet by teleconference once per month and can

also address issues intercessionally over email.


The Census of Marine Life program team at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership is well-

equipped to handle the tasks proposed above. Principal Investigators Dr. Melbourne Briscoe,

Vice President and Director of Research and Education and Ms. Kristen Yarincik, Senior

Program Manager will provide general leadership to the Census Team and oversee the activities

of the key Ocean Leadership personnel in performing the tasks outlined in this proposal. Kristen

Yarincik and Program Manager Mr. Michael Feldman will have the primary responsibility for

carrying out the work and goals described here. They will be assisted in their responsibilities by

Ms. Heather Mannix and Ms. Melissa Brodeur (Program Associates) and Mr. Brett

VanLandingham (Program Assistant). Travel and Meeting Manager, Ms. Maureen Crane, will

assist with travel related responsibilities. The entire team at Ocean Leadership has had significant

experience with the Census of Marine Life and understands the legacies of the program and the

best way make them accessible to current and future generations.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

Ms. Darlene Crist, who serves as the Census’ primary and full-time communications expert, will

be supported through a sub-contract to handle requests from the media, including journalists,

authors, filmmakers, and others, and to assist with ongoing messaging and communications.

Some support from the Education and Outreach (E&O) Team at the University of Rhode Island

(URI) is needed during this wind-down phase. The infrastructure developed and maintained by

URI (e.g., databases, website, photo and video repository) for the Census will require their

maintenance to remain accessible and updated into 2011. A sub-contract to URI Foundation will

ensure the E&O team can retain one staff person for 6-months to be responsible for updating,

maintaining and providing regular backups to this infrastructure and provides funds to ensure the

equipment is in proper working order through the critical post-London months.


Task Description FY11: Jan - Sep 2011

FY12: Oct - Nov 2011 Total

LABOR (in hours) 249,193 36,833 286,026Dr. Melbourne Briscoe, Director of Research & Education 11 4 15 Ms. Kristen Yarincik, Senior Program Manager 1,560 347 1,907 Mr. Michael Feldman, Program Manager 1,560 347 1,907 Ms. Heather Mannix, Program Associate 1,040 0 1,040 Ms. Melissa Brodeur, Program Associate 1,040 0 1,040 Mr. Brett VanLandingham, Program Assistant 1,040 0 1,040 Ms. Maureen Crane, Meetings & Travel Manager 100 15 115

Staff Salary 188,782 27,904 216,686Fringe Benefit 60,410 8,929 69,340MEETINGS & TRAVEL 139,394 0 139,394Legacy Briefings 81,005 0 81,005Community Workshop (Aberdeen, UK) 15,386 0 15,386Staff Travel 40,503 0 40,503Chicago-DC Coordinator Travel 2,500 0 2,500SUBCONTRACTS 245,400 0 245,400Darlene Crist (Communications & Media) 50,000 0 50,000University of Rhode Island 50,000 0 50,000National and Regional Workshops and Briefing Events 145,400 0 145,400OTHER DIRECT COSTS 118,838 7,285 126,123


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

Printing & Publications 3,000 500 3,500Conference Calls 2,500 200 2,700Shipping 5,000 0 5,000Materials, Supplies & Other 4,500 500 5,000Rent & Support Services 103,838 6,085 109,923 Subtotal 752,824 44,118 796,942G&A 97,348 5,705 103,053TOTAL 850,172 49,823 899,995

BUDGET JUSTIFICATION There are some risks and contingencies associated with this proposal and budget, which are

outlined in Appendix 5.


We believe there is a need, as expressed in the plan of work described in this proposal, to

maintain a full staff from January through June 2011 (funds for staff time from October through

December 2010 are covered by Sloan grant 2008-3-8). Less support will be required once the

majority of tasks are completed, though requests may continue and organization of the WCMB II

Community Workshop will be needed. Two full time employees at Ocean Leadership have been

budgeted from June through November 2011.

Ocean Leadership personnel included in this proposal are listed in the budget along with their

level of effort (in hours) for each fiscal year. Melbourne Briscoe, Ocean Leadership’s Director of

Research and Education, provides high level guidance to the team. Kristen Yarincik, the co-

Principal Investigator of this proposal and Senior Program Manager, will have responsibility for

the budget and oversight of all tasks included under this proposal. Michael Feldman, Program

Manager, will share responsibility with Ms. Yarincik for implementing tasks, and funds are

included in the budget to cover their time for the duration of the period of this proposal. They


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

will be supported by two Program Associates (Melissa Brodeur and Heather Mannix) and a

Program Assistant (Brett VanLandingham), and funds are included to cover six months of each

of their time (50% FTE each). These five individuals comprise the core Secretariat and U.S.

Program Office staffs that have worked full-time on the Census of Marine Life throughout the

previous grant period (and in some cases much longer). A modest amount of time (0.06 FTE) for

the Meeting & Travel Planner (Maureen Crane), whose assistance is essential in organizing

travel and processing travel reimbursement, is also supported in the budget. In total, the budget

provides support for 3.4 FTEs.


In addition to the staff at Ocean Leadership, the budget supports sub-contracts to the University

of Rhode Island Foundation and Ms. Darlene Crist. URI has hosted the Census Education &

Outreach Team since 2002, and that Team maintains responsibility for critical communications

tools, namely the Census web portal, bibliographic and community databases, and a library of

image and video assets, that must remain accessible, up-to-date, and functional into 2011. The

sub-contract ($50K) will provide salary support to ensure one full-time staff member is in place

to manage these assets from January through June 2011 (6 months or 0.5 FTE), as well as

modest contingency funds to fix equipment and server problems. The sub-contract will be

implemented through the URI Foundation, which will not require indirect costs on the funds.

Darlene Crist has been the primary point of contact for media and public inquiries to the Census.

Following the October 2010 “Decade of Discovery” events, we expect a number of requests for

imagery and information from the media, including journalists, authors, filmmakers, and others,

for which Ms. Crist’s experience and expertise is critical. The sub-contract ($50K) will keep her

involved from January through June 2011.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

As indicated in Appendix 3, many of the Census NRICs will organize National and Regional

Workshops in the months following the London events to communicate the Census findings and

to explore topics for future marine research in the regions. Ocean Leadership will provide

financial support to these workshops through this proposal, as well as facilitate access to Census

materials and presentations and coordination of Leadership Committee participation. Of the 13

NRICs, ten have already begun planning activities, though three of these (Canada, Chile, and the

U.S.) do not need funding from Ocean Leadership. To support local travel for organizers and

logistical support, international travel for Census leadership, venue hire, catering, and other

direct costs, it is estimated that $20K will be needed for each workshop. The six NRICs requiring

funds for their planned events (Australia, Caribbean, Europe, India, Indonesia, and Japan) have

already provided proposals for their events (Appendix 6), and cases where the requested amount

differed from $20K are reflected in the budget. Contingency support of $20K each is included

for two additional National and Regional Workshops, bringing the total number of workshops

supported through this proposal to eight. As appropriate, these will be supported as sub-awards

to the NRIC host organizations, though there may be some instances where only travel support is

needed and is most easily handled by Ocean Leadership directly.

Meeting Travel and Support

We have used a combination of historic figures from past Census-related travel and the U.S.

Government per diem rates to calculate average travel costs per person for each Legacy Briefing.

The budget for travel is divided between staff and non-staff travel support (about $2400 per

person per trip, covering flights, ground transportation, hotel, and per diem) and provides funds

for three people to travel to each Legacy Briefing, based on 17 trips.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

The same travel estimates were used in budget to organize the Community Workshop, to be held

during the 2nd World Conference on Marine Biodiversity (WCMB II). We anticipate a workshop

of about 50 participants, primarily drawn from WCMB II registrants so that travel for the

majority of participation is not required. We have included travel support for four people to

ensure essential representation from the Leadership Committee and logistical support. We have

also included funds for venue hire and catering (totaling $2500) for this side meeting. The

meeting will take place in Aberdeen, UK, and we note the current exchange rate is 1.51 USD to

1.00 GBP (June 30, 2010).

Program Manager Michael Feldman has been located in Chicago, IL, with an office at the John

G. Shedd Aquarium, since 2008. His management of U.S. Census activities has been critical over

the past few years and he will continue to play a key role in the 2011 scope of work. As a result,

an additional request of travel support is included in the budget to ensure that he can return to

Washington, DC at least every other month (5 trips at $500 each).

Other Direct Costs

Funds are requested for Materials, Supplies, Printing, Conference Calls, and Shipping and are in-

line with both historic expenditures and anticipated needs for this grant period. We also request

support for Office Rental and Support Service for maintaining the Census office at Ocean


Indirect Costs

Indirect costs at the rate of 15% are requested on all direct costs, excluding Office Rental and

Support Service and Subcontract Costs in excess of $100K each year.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010


Dates: 3-7 October 2010

Location: London, UK

General Notes: In this document, “Census London Events Team” refers to logistical and key staff from the Secretariat and E&O.

Smooth Events is the London-based Event Management Company hired by the Census to fully oversee event logistics.

While most information in this document is considered final, some details are still evolving.

Sunday, October 3rd

Venue: The Royal Institution of Great Britain, 21 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BS 8:00-11:00 AM Technical, Film Production, and AV Set-up (actual time to be confirmed) 11:00 AM-3:00 PM Rehearsal for News Conference at Royal Institution (actual time to be

confirmed) Goal: To perform a technical and content rehearsal of the News Conference to ensure all participants understand their respective roles and know what to expect to help the program run as smoothly as possible; to explain the proceedings of the news conference, review potentially controversial questions and appropriate responses, and address any concerns of the presenters. An ancillary goal is to set-up the space (including stage, audio visual and film production equipment, tables, displays, banners, signage, etc.), which can be kept in place over night. Participants: Census London Events Team, National Geographic production crew, News Conference Moderator and Panel members, Project & NRIC spokespersons, and Smooth Events (~70 people) 3:00-4:00PM Event Logistical Meeting (actual time TBD) Goal: To perform a final check on program logistics, to update the Census London Events Team and Event Management Company staff on their roles/responsibilities, to stuff and organize the “goody bags” of giveaway items, and to set up tables, displays, etc. for news conference the next day (if items can be left in the space overnight). Participants: Smooth Events, Census London Events Team, and other event-related staff as necessary (~20-30 people). Volunteers welcome for goody bag stuffing. Monday, October 4th

Venue: The Royal Institution of Great Britain, 21 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BS 8-10 AM Final Physical Set-up of Stage, Reception Area, etc. (actual time to be



Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

Note: This can most likely be done (or mostly done) on Sunday, October 3rd for rehearsal and left securely overnight, but time is allocated on Monday as contingency. Necessary participation for this includes Census London Events Team, National Geographic production crew, Smooth Events, and other staff as necessary, including Royal Institution staff 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Technical Run-through of News Conference

Census London Events Team, National Geographic production crew, News Conference Moderator and Panel members, Project & NRIC spokespersons, and Smooth Events. (~80 people)

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch & Presenters Meeting Census London Events Team, National Geographic production crew, News

Conference Moderator and Panel members, and Smooth Events (~40 people) 12:30-1:30 PM Guests arriving for News Conference 1:30-5:00 PM News Conference on the Census of Marine Life 2010 Logistical information:

• No laptops will be allowed in the auditorium during the News Conference. • The News Conference will be filmed for webcast and potentially other uses, so we ask everyone to please

dress in professional attire. • There will be giveaways at the events, including copies of at least two of the forthcoming Census of Marine

Life books – Please plan to need some extra space in your suitcase going home! Goal: To brief the media and the global public about the Census, announce its scientific advances and findings and explain their importance for society. Special invitations coordinated by the Census Program Office will be extended to chief scientists from key Census participant countries, government resource managers and policy makers and international and intergovernmental bodies overseeing marine biological resources and related issues with the goal that they would utilize Census information in their work and lead a call for additional research and monitoring in the field of marine biodiversity – remarks from national government representatives to this effect. Audience/Participants: Members of the international news media, 300 members of the Census “community,” and special guests by invitation (minimum 300 people up to capacity—440 people) Format: News conference and questions from the media. This is followed by a “Town Hall” style public seminar incorporating video elements. A brief video will introduce each themed segment of the presentation, each followed by a moderated discussion by a panel of Census representatives. The program will conclude with remarks from 3-5 dignitaries representing the stakeholder or user community (Wendy Watson-Wright of IOC and others to be confirmed). 5:00-7:00 PM Reception Goal: To answer questions and engage in more intimate and specific discussion with invited guests from world governments who can use and continue to fund similar research to that conducted by the Census. Audience/Participants: Members of the international news media (though many likely will not stay), Census community, and guests by invitation (minimum 300 people up to capacity—440 people). Note: Some press may be conducting individual interviews with Census scientists after the News Conference. These interviews will be conducted in small rooms at the Royal Institution and coordinated by the Census London Events Team who will be handling all interactions with the press during the News Conference. Format: Light hors d’oeuvres & drinks. Invited toasts.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

Tuesday, October 5th

8:30 AM-6:00 PM Symposium Venue: The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG Goals: To summarize what was learned, advanced, inspired, achieved and not achieved, and what could have been done differently or better during this ten-year initiative. Designed to be an interactive and thought-provoking look at the past ten years’ accomplishments and outcomes, this two-day science symposium will incorporate the major achievements of each project/element of the Census, challenge the Census community to address controversial issues in its current and future research and provide a look forward to the next steps for marine biodiversity research. Presentations will incorporate visualizations, graphics, and images. Side room reserved for media interview purposes. Audience/Participants: A more internal audience – Census community & partners. Open to science media and invited guests of the October 4th New Conference. (~300-400 people: capacity in main hall—300 people, 100 extra in “overflow room”) Format: Conference plenary style. Morning and afternoon breaks during sessions, as well as a lunch break. Poster session. Evening (TENTATIVE) Book Signing Event Venue: To be determined. We are still trying to identify a venue with the space, appropriateness, and capability for this event. Goals: To attract public attention and sales to the Knowlton and Snelgrove books (possibly others as well) Audience: The public and patrons of the store where the signing is held. The Census community will be encouraged to attend. Capacity: Unlimited (?), assuming constant traffic flow Wednesday, October 6th

8:30 AM-4:30 PM Symposium Venue: The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG Goals: To summarize what was learned, advanced, inspired, achieved and not achieved, and what could have been done differently or better during this ten-year initiative. Designed to be an interactive and thought-provoking look at the past ten years’ accomplishments and outcomes, this two-day science symposium will incorporate the major achievements of each project/element of the Census, challenge the Census community to address controversial issues in its current and future research and provide a look forward to the next steps for marine biodiversity research. Presentations will incorporate visualizations, graphics, and images. Audience/Participants: A more internal audience – Census community & partners. Open to science media and invited guests of the October 4th New Conference. (~300-400 people: capacity in main hall—300 people, 100 extra in “overflow room”) Format: Conference plenary style. Morning and afternoon breaks during sessions, as well as a lunch break. Poster session. 4:30-5:00 PM Participants can hold individual discussions at their hotels, explore London and

prepare for the evening’s festivities.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

7:30 PM-12:00 AM Celebration Venue: Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD Goals: To celebrate and honor ten years of dedication and hard work by the more than 2,700 Census scientists who made the Census possible and those who provided the funding and supported the infrastructure and research to bring the Census Program together. Audience: Census community, guests by invitation, spouses welcome (Up to 500 people) Format: Buffet dinner, beer, wine & toasting beverages. No formal presentations, but some toasts, recognition of SSC and sponsors, Galatée footage viewing. Premier of Census of Marine Life song. Thursday, October 7th 9:30 AM-1:00 PM Census Leadership meeting with Project Leaders Venue: The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG Goals: To address science questions and goals for the future, what are the biggest achievable gaps, reassessment of KUU. Group photo. Audience: The SSC, Synthesis Group, Project Leaders (approximately 60 people) Format (both morning and afternoon): Usual SSC meeting style with lunch catered (all catering at Royal Society will be handled by their in-house catering staff and menu will be selected by Census Program Office and Smooth Events). “U” or circular table set up arranged by Royal Society staff and Smooth Events (Note: May need to be theater style seating to accommodate this number). 2:00 PM-5:30 PM Census Leadership meeting with NRIC Chairs Venue: The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG Goals: To strategize and plan for national and regional follow-up from London. Group photo. Audience: The SSC, Synthesis Group, NRIC Chairs (approximately 60 people)


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010


This document lists the full suite of major, program-wide products produced through synthesis efforts. While it does list books and special journal issues of the individual Projects or NRICs, it does not tackle products of the invididual Projects and NRICs at the level of individual papers. Current products throughout the duration of the Census currently total more than 2,600 (refer to the bibliographic database). Status indicated on each product in this document is up to date as of July 20, 2010, but note that it changes on a daily basis.  Status Key:

• Published • Likely by October 2010

• Possible by October 2010 • Not likely by or after October 2010  

Scientific Products

Status Product Point Person(s) Publication Target & Date

• NRIC Synthesis Collection in PLoS-ONE – Marine Biodiversity and Biogeography: Regional Comparisons of Global Issues

Patricia Miloslavich, Charles Griffiths, Michele DuRand

2 August 2010

• Census Digest Book – Discoveries of the Census of Marine Life: Making Ocean Life Count: (Cambridge University Press)

Paul Snelgrove October 2010

• Project Synthesis Contributed Chapter Book – Life in the World’s Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance (Edited by Alasdair D. McIntyre, 2010, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (Oxford) 384 pages)

Alasdair McIntyre, Michele DuRand

September 2010

• Final report of the of the 2010 Census of Marine Life, consisting of 2 parts (print and web-based): 1) The “Book of Records” report summarizing the Census findings by DDA and how we did it; 2) A PowerPoint presentation of images and figures in the Book of Records with a running narrative that anyone asked to present the Census findings can use

Jesse Ausubel, Darlene Crist, Sara Hickox

October 2010

• Papers from Cross-Project efforts (see below for details) Cross-Project Leaders, Michele DuRand

Throughout 2010

• PLoS collections (see below for details) and other input to PLoS Biodiversity Hub

Jesse Ausubel, Collection Organizers and Authors

Throughout 2010 (Hub to be officially launched Oct 4th)

• SSC (individual or collaborative) essays, synthesis papers, personal reflections (see below for details)

SSC Members, Kristen Yarincik

Throughout 2010

• Synthesis papers and products of individual projects (see below for details on major products)

Project Principal Investigators



Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• Memo or paper on internal evaluation of the Census program Ian Poiner, SSC December 2010

• Paper(s) on Lessons Learned (external evaluation) of Census program

David Penman April 2011

Cross-Project Efforts in Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance

Status Product Point Person(s) Publication Target & Date

• Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa

Derek Tittensor et al.

Nature – to be published 28 July 2010

• Tagging of Pacific Pelagics: Tracking Apex Marine Predator Movements in a Dynamic Ocean

Barb Block et al. Nature (Submitted 1 June, awaiting decision)

• Human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes

Camilo Mora et al. To be submitted to PLoS Biology (update 13 July)

• The global ecology of rarity in the oceans Aaron MacNeil, Julian Caley et al.

To be submitted to Science

• Fast versus slow environmental fluctuations as drivers of biodiversity change

Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi, Camilo Mora et al.

To be submitted to PLoS Biology or Ecology Letters

• From past to future – opportunities for recovery of marine populations and ecosystems

Brian MacKenzie et al.

Will become 2 manuscripts: one on Baltic cod for PLoS ONE, one on swordfish for TBD

• Bipolarity in marine invertebrates: myth or marvel Louise Allcock et al.

To be submitted to PLoS ONE

• Biodiversity of Deep-Sea Macrofauna as a Function of Food Supply

Gil Rowe, Chih-Lin Wei

To be submitted to PLoS Biology

• Untangling the roles of physical environment variables in shaping biodiversity patterns within seabed assemblages from contrasting marine ecosystems

Roland Pitcher, Peter Lawton et al.

Submitted to Ecology (Reports)

• New estimates of the known and unknown species richness in the global ocean

Geoff Boxshall, Philippe Bouchet, Derek Tittensor

Authors in discussion, also considering Mark Costello is working on expert taxonomist approach

• HNS synthesis (formerly Tom Trott): Wide-spread loss of biodiversity in the marine near-shore parallels the terrestrial environment)

Nova Mieszkowska & Angela Mead

Manuscript in progress comparing two regions; anticipated submission by October 2010

• In situ measurement of coastal ocean movements and survival of juvenile salmon

David Welch Submitted to Science 2 July

• Four regional marine biodiversity studies: approaches and application to ecosystem-based management

Sara Ellis To be submitted to PLoS ONE (publication October 2010)


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• Barcodes for 50K species covering broad taxonomic range; An updated “leafy” evolutionary tree (in collaboration with CBOL)

Dirk Steinke PLoS ONE collection launched 28 June 2010 (see below)

• Range maps for a number of marine species Edward Vanden Berghe, Pat Halpin

Will be published online (AquaMaps) (ongoing)

• Marine biomes of the world: what primary data tell us about biogeography

Mark Costello Submitted to Science

• New estimates of biomass Elva Escobar, Gilbert Rowe

To be submitted to PLoS ONE (by mid-July)

• Estimate of changes in animal size distribution Boris Worm To be submitted by October (TBD)

• Deep, diverse and definitely different: unique attributes of the world’s largest ecosystem (SYNDEEP)

Ramirez-Llodra et al.

(1) Biogeosciences Discussions 7: 2361–2485 (2010) (available online)

• Mediterranean deep-sea biodiversity (SYNDEEP, NRIC)

Danovaro et al. In Press in PLoS ONE (NRIC Collection, 2 August 2010)

• Man and the last great wilderness: human impact on the deep sea (SYNDEEP)

Ramirez-Llodra et al.

In preparation for Progress in Oceanography – to be submitted in August

• Deep‐sea biodiversity trends, from meiofauna to megafauna, related to habitat type and environmental factors (working title -- SYNDEEP)

Mora, Camilo et al. In prep – to be submitted to DSR?

• Changes in marine biodiversity as an indicator of climate change

Boris Worm, Heike Lotze

Worm and Lotze 2009 In: Letcher T (ed) Climate change: observed impacts on Planet Earth. Elsevier, pp 263-279 (available at FMAP website)

• Historical baselines for large marine animals Boris Worm, Heike Lotze

Lotze HK, Worm B. 2009 Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24(5): 254-262 (available at FMAP website)

• Missing and presumed lost: Extinction in the ocean and its inference

Andy Solow, Woollcott Smith

To be submitted to PLoS ONE (by 31 July)

• A hidden species-area curve Clara Chu, Woollcott Smith, Andy Solow

Submitted to PNAS (24 June)

Collections for PLoS (to be component of new PLoS Biodiversity Hub)

Status Product Point Person(s) / Author(s)

Publication Date / Status

• TOPP Collection – 7+ papers Barb Block, Dan Costa, Randy Kochevar

PLoS ONE 15 January 2010 (open access online)


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• MarBOL Collection (Marine Barcoding) – 50+ papers eventually (including 2 from CReefs and 1 from CMarZ)

Dirk Steinke PLoS ONE 28 June 2010 (5 papers) (open access online)

• NRIC Synthesis Papers – 15+ papers Patricia Miloslavich, Charles Griffiths, Michele DuRand

PLoS ONE 2 August 2010 (11 papers at time of publication) (open access online – link will be active 2 Aug)

• ChEss Collection – 19 papers eventually Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Maria Baker

PLoS ONE 4 August 2010 (7 papers likely at time of publication)

• HMAP Collection – 10 papers eventually Tim Smith PLoS ONE Early-Mid August 2010 (update from Pete Binfield 29 June, confirmed by Tim Smith 16 July)

• NaGISA Collection Ann Knowlton PLoS ONE September 2010 (4 papers – update from Ann Knowlton 15 July)

• POST Collection – 8+ papers anticipated George Jackson PLoS ONE 31 August 2010 (update from Jonathan Thar 5 July)

• ICoMM Collection Linda Amaral-Zettler

PLoS ONE 2 papers published as of Mar31

• CenSeam Collection Mireille Consalvey PLoS ONE To be determined, Papers are in review (update 8 July)

• GoMA Collection – 5+ papers Sara Ellis PLoS ONE September 2010 (update from Sara Ellis 6 July)

SSC Essays, Major Presentations, and other products

Status Product Point Person(s) Publication Target & Date

• A Census of Ocean Life: On the difficulty and joy of seeing what is near and far

Jesse Ausubel April 2010 - published in SGI Quarterly

• Oceans Past: What do we know about them? Poul Holm April 2010 – IGNITE Talk at Trinity College, Dublin

• Climate Change Impacts on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Carlo Heip 2 June 2010 – Presentation to Green Week Conference, Brussels

• The Census of Marine Life: Evolution of worldwide marine biodiversity research

Vera Alexander, Patricia Miloslavich,

Submitted to Marine Biodiversity, in review – anticipate publication by


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

Kristen Yarincik October 2010

• The Census of Marine Life and the Ecosystem Approach to Management of the Oceans

Mike Sinclair, Meryl Williams, Serge Garcia

Submitted to Fisheries Research – anticipate publication by October 2010

• The Next Census of Marine Life Ron O’Dor Submitted to Nature (Opinion), in review – anticipate publication by October 2010

• Making Marine Life Count: Policy Implications of the Census of Marine Life

Meryl Williams et al.

To be submitted by end July to Science (Policy Forum) – anticipate publication late 2010

• Impact of CoML on our perspectives of the Ocean Sun Song Completed, determine where to submit

• The impact of the Census on the way we do large-scale science – with a specific focus on the deep sea

Myriam Sibuet, Fred Grassle

In prep

• Census applications for identifying Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas

Pat Halpin, Edward Vanden Berghe

In Prep

• Life Sinks– an essay exploring distribution forces and biodiversity accumulation in the oceans compared with on land

David Farmer, Tim Shank, Ron O’Dor

In Prep

Major products of the Projects and NRICs: Books, Special Issues, and Collections

Status Product Point Person(s)

Publication Target & Date

• CeDAMar: 26 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “ANDEEP (Antarctic benthic DEEP-sea) biodiversity: colonization history and recent community patterns: a tribute to Howard L. Sanders”

Angelika Brandt and Brigitte Hilbig (eds)

DSRII 51(14-16): 1457-1920 (July-August 2004)

• CeDAMar: 19 papers in a Special Volume of Organisms, Diversity & Evolution

Pedro Martínez Arbizu

Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 5(1): 1-238 (18 February 2005)

• OBIS: Theme section in Marine Ecology Progress Series, including 10 papers on ocean biodiversity informatics

Mark Costello, Edward Vanden Berghe, H.I. Browman

MEPS 316: 201-310 (3 July 2006) (open access online)

• CeDAMar: 17 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “ANtarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity: colonisation history and recent community patterns (ANDEEP-III)”

Angelika Brandt, Brigitte Ebbe (eds)

DSRII 54(16-17): 1645-1904 (August 2007)

• HMAP: Special issue of Fisheries Research on “History of Marine Animal Populations and their Exploitation in Northern Europe”

Henn Ojaveer, Brian MacKenzie (eds)

Fisheries Research 87(2-3): 101-262 (November 2007)

• EuroCoML invastions project: Assessment of biopollution in aquatic ecosystems

Sergej Olenin et al.

Marine Pollution Bulletin 55 (2007) 379–394

• EuroCoML invastions project: Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in the Baltic Sea—a supply-side invader?

Henn Ojaveer et al.

Biol Invasions (2007) 9:409–418


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• MAR-ECO: 22 papers in a Special issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Mid-Atlantic Ridge Habitats and Biodiversity”

JDM Gordon, Odd Aksel Bergstad, Tone Falkenhaug (eds)

DSRII 55(1-2): 1-268 (January 2008)

• MAR-ECO: 11 papers in a thematic issue of Marine Biology Research on “Benthic fauna of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: results of the MAR-ECO expedition”

Andrey Gebruk (ed)

Marine Biology Research 4(1-2): 1-163 (March 2008)

• CeDAMar: 24 papers in a Special Issue of Zootaxa on “Bringing light into deep-sea biodiversity” (new abyssal species published)

Pedro Martínez Arbizu, Saskia Brix

Zootaxa 1866: 1-574 (3 September 2008)

• HMAP: “Oceans Past: Management Insights from the History of Marine Animal Population” (papers from the first Oceans Past Conference)

David Starkey, Poul Holm, Michaela Barnard

Earthscan – published 2008

• HMAP: Book titled “Beyond the Catch: Fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 900-1850”

Louis Sicking, Darlene Abreu-Ferreira

BRILL – Published 2008

• COMARGE: 21 papers in a Special Issue of Deep-Sea Research II on “The Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos Program”

Gil Rowe, Chuck Kennicutt (eds)

DSRII 55(24-26): 2535-2712 (December 2008)

• COMARGE: 17 papers in a Special issue of Deep-Sea Research II on “Benthic Biological and Biogeochemical Patterns and Processes Across an Oxygen Minimum Zone (Pakistan Margin, NE Arabian Sea)”

Greg Cowie, Lisa Levin (eds)

DSRII 56(6-7): 261-502 (March 2009)

• CeDAMar: 29 papers in a Special Issue of Zootaxa on “Deep-sea taxonomy — a contribution to our knowledge of biodiversity” (new abyssal species published)

Wiebke Brökeland, Kai Horst George

Zootaxa 2096: 1-488 (11 May 2009)

• COMARGE: 17 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Deep-Sea Benthic Ecosystems of the Equatorial African Margin: The Multidisciplinary BIOZAIRE Program – A Contribution to Census of Marine Life”

Myriam Sibuet, Annick Vangriesheim (eds)

DSRII 56(23): 2155-2404 (1 November 2009)

• HMAP: Book titled “Un altro mare: a Different Sea,” describing the history of fisheries and marine animal populations in the Northern Adriatic Sea and in the Venetian Lagoon in the last two centuries. (The book is written in Italian)

T. Fortibuoni, O. Giovanardi & S. Raicevich

Ed. Associazione “Tegnue di Chioggia – onlus” – published 2009

• HMAP: Book titled “Taiwanese Distant-Water Fisheries in Southeast Asia 1936-1977”

Henry T. Chen Research in Maritime History No. 39 – Published in 2009

• TOPP: A Special Issue of Endangered Species Research covering the latest achievements in the field of biologging presented at the Biologging III symposium

Steven Bograd, Barb Block

Endang Species Res 10: 1-367 (Dec 2009) (open access)

• ArcOD: Assessment of the abundance and diversity of sea ice biota. (Sea ice biota diversity methods)

Rolf Gradinger, Bodil Bluhm

Gradinger R, Bluhm BA (2009) In: Eicken H, Gradinger R, Salganek M, Shirasawa K, Perovich D, Leppäranta M (eds) Handbook on field techniques in sea ice research (a sea ice system services approach). University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, pp. 283-300


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• CenSeam: The ecology of seamounts: Structure, function, and human impacts

Clark, Rowden, Schlacher et al.

Clark M.R. et al. (2010) Annual Review of Marine Science, 2, 253-278

• ArcOD: 13 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Observations and Exploration of the Arctic's Canada Basin and the Chukchi Sea: the Hidden Ocean and RUSALCA Expeditions” (Note: Some CMarZ papers included)

Bodil Bluhm, Katrin Iken, Russ Hopcroft (eds)

DSRII 57(1-2): 1-158 (January 2010)

• CeDAMar (related): Book titled “Deep-sea biodiversity: pattern and scale”

Michael Rex, Ron Etter

Harvard University Press – Published February 2010

• COMARGE: 16 papers in a Special Issue of Marine Ecology on “The roles of habitat heterogeneity in generating and maintaining biodiversity on continental margins – A Contribution to the Census of Marine Life”

Lisa Levin, Myriam Sibuet, Andrew Gooday, Craig Smith, Ann Vanreusel (eds)

Marine Ecology 31(1): 1-260 (March 2010) (open access)

• CenSeam: Papers and other contributions to a Special Issue of Oceanography on “Mountains in the Sea”

Tim Shank Oceanography 23(1) (March 2010)

• CenSeam: A special issue of Marine Ecology providing a balanced view on past and current ‘seamount paradigms’, including challenges to existing premises, representing the ‘key’ scientific outputs CenSeam

Mireille Consalvey

Marine Ecology – First 5 papers available early view online (will be open access)

• CeDAMar: 14 papers in a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research II on “Water Column and Seabed Studies at the PAP Sustained Observatory in the Northeast Atlantic” (the results of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) Time Series)

R.S. Lampitt, D.S.M. Billett and A.P. Martin (eds)

DSRII 57(15): 1267-1428 (1 August 2010)

• Sea ice meio- and macrofauna (Sea ice biota diversity synthesis, cross-cutting with CAML researcher)

Bluhm, Gradinger, Schnack-Schiel

Bluhm BA, Gradinger RR, Schnack-Schiel SB (2010) In: Thomas D, Dieckmann G (eds) Sea ice. 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp 357-394

• HMAP: Book titled American Offshore Whaling Voyages 1667 to 1927. Volume I: Voyages by Vessel; Volume II: Voyages by Master.

Lund, J. N., E. A. Josephson, R. R. Reeves and T. D. Smith

Published (2010): Old Dartmouth Historical Society -- New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Massachusetts. Vol I 666 pages, Vol II 350 pages.

• Book on Arctic biogeography, containing 8 chapters Mironov, Gebruk (eds)

To be submitted by October

• CAML: A Special Issue of Deep-Sea Research II based on results from a major synthesis symposium (held May 2009)

Stefano Schiaparelli

DSRII – To be published end of 2010 or early 2011

• CAML: Special volume of Deep-Sea Research II based on CEAMARC voyage (synthesis meeting July 2009)

Graham Hosie DSRII – To be published end of 2010 or early 2011

• CMarZ: 18 papers in a Special Volume of Deep-Sea Research II on “Species Diversity of Zooplankton in the Global Ocean”

Peter Wiebe, Shuhei Nishida, Sigrid Schiel

DSRII – Papers accepted; To be published end of 2010 or early 2011


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010


• CeDAMar: Collection of papers in Marine Biodiversity based on results of December 2008 workshop on “cosmopolitanism in the deep sea” (unclear whether these will be published in same issue)

Pedro Martinez Marine Biodiversity – 2010

• Caribbean NRIC: 3-6 papers on Caribbean marine biodiversity from individual countries

Patricia Miloslavich

Marine Biodiversity – late 2010

• ArcOD: A Special Issue on “Arctic Marine Biodiversity” in Marine Biodiversity containing 12 synthesis papers from microbes to mammals

Bodil Bluhm, Rolf Gradinger, Russ Hopcroft (eds)

Marine Biodiversity – Current status (30Jun): 10 of 12 in review, final 2 next month. By October: accepted versions as PDF files, possibly available as ‘online first’

• CAML-COMARGE: Special Issue of Oecologia Brasiliensis on the deep connections between Antarctica and South-America (based on workshop at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 3-6 November 2009)

Helena Lavrado, Lúcia de Siqueira Campos

Oecologia Brasiliensis – to be published 2010

• COMARGE: A book on the biology (identification, ecology, biogeography) of squat lobsters

Gary Poore To be published November 2010

• HMAP: Book titled “Ocean Yields. A history of Marine Animal Harvests,” a general overview with a particular focus on extractions, impacts on ecosystems and impacts on human societies

Poul Holm, David Starkey

To be published end 2010

• HMAP: Book titled Ahab's Legacies: the geography of whales as seen by 19th century whalers, describing the historical distribution of populations of sperm, right, humpback and gray whales

Tim Smith, Randall Reeves

Forthcoming 2011 Proposed to Oxford University Press

• HMAP: Book titled Removeable Feast. An Environmental History of the World's Fisheries

Poul Holm & David J Starkey

Forthcoming 2011 Wiley Blackwell

• HMAP: Book titled Clearing the coastline: the nineteenth-century ecological and cultural transformation of Cape Cod.

McKenzie, M.G. Forthcoming 2011 University of New Hampshire Press, Hanover NH and London

Also see above under Collections for PLoS ONE

Public Products

Status Product Point Person(s)

Publication Target & Date

• World Ocean Census Darlene Crist Firefly – Published September 2009

• Life in the Mid-Atlantic Peter Boyle Bergen University – Published October 2009

• Wall & Digital Map (in collaboration with National Geographic)

Pat Halpin National Geographic – to be published October 2010

• Photo Exhibition, National Geographic Flagship Store in London (tentative)

Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist

October 2010 (tentative)


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• Citizens of the Sea: Wondrous Creatures from the Census of Marine Life

Nancy Knowlton National Geographic – to be released September 2010

• Journey into the Deep: Discovering New Ocean Creatures

Rebecca Johnson Millbrook Press – to be released September 2010

• Article in the October subscriber and newsstand issues of National Geographic magazine

Darlene Crist, Patricia Miloslavich

National Geographic – to be published October 2010

• Videos and vox pops highlighting the Census’ big messages and scientific accomplishments (produced by National Geographic)

Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist, Mark Bauman

To be featured on 2010 Portal and in London

• A series of videos on technology, habitats, and forces of change

Randy Kochevar To be featured on 2010 Portal and in London

• Project produced videos produced 2009-2010 Project leaders & E&O liaisons

To be featured on 2010 Portal and in London

• Galatée Oceans book, brochure (in multiple languages), film

Jesse Ausubel, Galatée Team

To be featured on 2010 Portal throughout 2010

• Google Earth Layer Pat Halpin, Sara Hickox

Available at http://earth.google.com/

• Summary reports of national and regional highlights (tentative)

Individual NRIC Chairs

To be available by October 2010

• BBC, National Geographic, and CBC Television documentaries (tentative)

Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist

To be available by October 2010

• Deeper than Light exhibit Jo Hoyer Traveling throughout 2009-2010

• Census Web Portal and 2010 website Sara Hickox http://www.coml.org and http://www.coml2010.org

• “Investigating Marine Life” web component of the Census portal, a comprehensive review of all the technologies utilized by Census scientists

Ed Urban, Sara Hickox

To be featured on Census Portal – available by October 2010

• Species pages for 80,000+ marine species (EOL) Jen Hammock Available at http://www.eol.org

• Suite of Census websites (Projects, NRICs, etc.) Project & NRIC teams

To be featured on Census Portal – updated by October 2010

• Census exhibit at National Geographic HQ, DC (tentative)

Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist

Late 2010 (tentative)

• YouTube Channel Chris Knowlton, Kristen Yarincik

Available at: http://www.youtube.com/user/censusofmarinelife

• Twitter page Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist


• Facebook Fan Page Kristen Yarincik http://www.facebook.com/pages/Census-of-Marine-Life/53194832013


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• Input to Smithsonian Oceans Portal Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist

Throughout 2010

• Input to National Geographic Oceans Portal Sara Hickox, Darlene Crist

Throughout 2010

Other Products of Interest

Status Product Point Person(s)

Publication Target & Date

• A Global Assessment of Salmon Aquaculture Impacts on Wild Salmonids

Jennifer S Ford, Ransom A Myers

PLoS Biology Published 12 February 2008 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0060033)

• Neutrality and the Response of Rare Species to Environmental Variance

Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi et al.

PLoS ONE Published 23 July 2008 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002777)

• Long-Term GPS Tracking of Ocean Sunfish Mola mola Offers a New Direction in Fish Monitoring

David W. Sims et al.

PLoS ONE Published 9 October 2009 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0007351)

• Feeding Ecology of Coryphaenoides rupestris from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Odd Aksel Bergstad et al.

PLoS ONE Published 3 May 2010 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0010453

• The History of Makassan Trepang Fishing and Trade (An Oceans Past II conference contribution)

Kathleen Schwerdtner Máñez, Sebastian C A Ferse

PLoS ONE Published 29 June 2010 (open access online: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011346)

• Distinguishing marine habitat classification concepts for ecological data management

Mark J. Costello MEPS 397: 253-268 (2009) doi: 10.3354/meps08317 (open access)

• Marine fish diversity: history of knowledge and discovery (Pisces)

William N. Eschmeyer et al.

Zootaxa 2525: 19-50 (2010) (open access)

• Observation of Ocean Biology on a Global Scale : Is New Technology Required for Bio-GOOS?

Gunn, J., Rogers, A. & Urban, E. (2010)

Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 1), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

• Biodiversity’s big wet secret: chronic under exploration of the deep pelagic ocean

Tom Webb, Edward Vanden Berghe, Ron O’Dor

PLoS ONE (in press as of April 2010)

• The diversity of coral reefs: what could we be losing? Laetitia Plaisance et al.

Invited to potential Nature cluster (not accepted, appealing decision), possibly PLoS Biology

• Impact of natural iron fertilization and enhanced carbon export on a Southern Ocean deep-sea ecosystem

Wolff, G.A. et al Submitted to Science

• Global phytoplankton decline over the past century Daniel G. Boyce, Marlon R. Lewis & Boris Worm

Nature (accepted)

• Overestimating fish counts by non-instantaneous visual censuses: consequences for population and community descriptions

Christine Ward-Paige, Joanna Mills Flemming, Heike K. Lotze

PLoS ONE In Press – to be published by October 2010 (paper accepted)

• Large-Scale Absence of Sharks on Reefs in the Greater-Caribbean: A Footprint of Human Pressures

Christine Ward-Paige, Camilo Mora, Heike Lotze et al. (note a RAM posthumous publication)

PLoS ONE In Press – to be published by October 2010 (paper accepted)

• Global diversity hotspots and conservation priorities for sharks

Lucifora L, García V, Worm B

PLoS ONE In Review – possibly published by October 2010

• Dynamic habitat models: Using telemetry data to understand fisheries bycatch

R. Zydelis et al. Submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (In Review)

• Microbiological and biogeochemical processes building a food web based on natural asphalt and oil leakage from the deep Gulf of Mexico (draft title)

Boetius, A. et al. In prep, to be submitted by October (TBD)

• A paper stating the statistical problems associated with estimating numbers of species (for Significance, a magazine produced by the Royal Statistical Society)

Andy Solow, Derek Tittensor

Tentative (December 2010 quarterly issue)

• A review paper on DNA Barcoding entitled DNA Barcoding Marine Metazoa

Ann Bucklin, Dirk Steinke, Leo Blanco-Bercial

In Press (2011) Annual Review of Marine Science (doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-120308-080950)


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010


1) NRIC Workshops and Briefing Events requiring funds through this Proposal AUSTRALIA Funds Requested: $20,000 Date: October – December timeframe (to be determined) Location: Canberra, Australia Lead: Nic Bax Summary of Events: National release of the Census results to government ministers, agency heads, senior government officials, and media through a news release, reception, and a breakfast with Parliament. CARIBBEAN Funds Requested: $20,000 Date: November 2010 (to be confirmed) Location: Caracas, Venezuela Lead: Patricia Miloslavich Summary of Events: A symposium will be held to introduce and explain the Census findings to resource managers in the Caribbean who may use it to make informed policy decisions. INDIA Funds Requested: $20,000 Dates: December 11-12, 2010 Location: Kochi, India Lead: Mohideen Wafar Summary of Events: A two day event, held prior to and in conjunction with the Indian National Symposium on Marine Living Resources, will include a full-day symposium to present the scientific findings of the Census and Indian Ocean NRIC to the scientific community and also hold a session to discuss the future of marine biodiversity research in India. JAPAN

Funds Requested: $16,900 Dates: October 17-30, 2010 Location: Nagoya, Japan Lead: Kats Fujikura Summary of Events: A NaGISA Western Pacific symposium (October 23-24) at the Conference of Parties 10 (COP10) meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to discuss the regional findings and a Census Japan booth in the exhibit area to disseminate materials and allow for interaction with Census scientists. Notes: The Census international leadership will hold a side event at the COP10 meeting as well.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

EUROPE (DEEP SEA PROJECTS) Funds Requested: $8,500 Date: November 9, 2010 Location: London, United Kingdom Lead: Odd Askel Bergstad Summary of Events: Communication of the Census results (MAR-ECO, ChEss, COMARGE, CenSeam, and EuroCoML specifically) to North Atlantic intergovernmental management organizations (e.g., NEAFC, OSPAR) through a side-event during the 2010 NEAFC meeting. Notes: EuroCoML also plans to organize three briefings with regional European bodies prior to the London events in conjunction with the publication of the European PLoS ONE papers. INDONESIA Funds Requested: $20,000 Date: December 2010 or January 2011 (to be determined) Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Lead: Tonny Wagey Summary of Events: A two-day regional workshop for the Coral Triangle countries to discuss Census 2010 findings and discuss the future of marine biodiversity research in the region. 2) NRIC Workshops and Briefing Events planned and to be organized with existing funds CANADA Funds Requested: $0 (funded by Census Canada / CHONe) Date: To be determined Location: To be determined Lead: Phillipe Archambault Summary of Events: A national briefing to policy makers on the Canadian Census and ongoing biodiversity work in the nation (e.g. the Canadian Healthy Oceans Network (CHONe)) KOREA Funds Requested: $0 (funded by Census Korea) Dates: May – August 2012 (event of long duration) Location: Yeosu, Korea Lead: Youn-Ho Lee Summary of Events: Census display during the 2012 Expo (http://www.expomuseum.com/2012/) with the theme “The Living Ocean and Coast: Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities.” UNITED STATES Funds Requested: $0 (funded through current U.S. Program Office grants) Lead: Andy Rosenberg, Wes Tunnell, Mike Feldman Location: (1) Portland, Oregon; (2) Washington, DC


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

Dates: (1) October 27-29 2010; (2) January 19-21, 2011 Summary of Events: (1) A scientific session and reception to discuss the findings of the Census at the 2010 North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) meeting (http://www.pices.int/meetings/annual/PICES-2010/2010-background.aspx); (2) A Census representation at the 2011 Conference of the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) (http://ncseonline.org/conference/Oceans/) SOUTH AMERICA (CHILE) Funds Requested: $0 (funded through Sloan officer grant) Lead: Victor Gallardo Location: Santiago, Chile Date: December 1, 2010 Summary of Events: A one day seminar-workshop to discuss the Census findings to Chilean government and non-governmental organizations. 3) NRICS not currently planning events AFRICA Funds Requested: Contingency of $20,000 included in this proposal. Lead: Charles Griffiths Summary of Events: No event has been identified. CHINA Funds Requested: Contingency of $20,000 included in this proposal. Lead: Song Sun Location: Beijing (to be confirmed) Date: November 3-5, 2010 timeframe (to be confirmed) Summary of Events: No event has been identified; however, plans may emerge to hold an event in conjunction with the GEO VII meeting (http://www.earthobservations.org/meetings/geo7.html) in Beijing November 3-5, 2010. ARABIAN SEA Funds Requested: $0 (No contingency included) Lead: Michel Claereboudt Summary of Events: No event has been identified.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

APPENDIX 4: CENSUS OF MARINE LIFE LEADERSHIP & TASKS IN 2011 Leadership participation and guidance on Census of Marine Life activities will be essential in 2011. The following SSC members have expressed interest (as of July 20, 2010) in continuing some level of involvement in the Census in 2011, based on their experience and interests, according to the tasks and goals as outlined below. 1) General / executive guidance and leadership via a small "Leadership Committee” This group, like the current Executive Committee, will establish the criteria for decision-making and provide regular guidance and input to the Census program of work. Anticipated timeline: Through November 2011 Participants: Ian Poiner, Victor Gallardo, Patricia Miloslavich, Serge Garcia 2) Participation in "Legacy Briefings" This will be a small group to draw upon to attend briefings to various organizations or governmental bodies (largely by the organization’s request). Anticipated timeline: through June 2011 Participants: Ian Poiner, Vera Alexander, Pat Halpin, Jim Baker, Carlo Heip, Serge Garcia 3) Participation in National and Regional Workshops organized by the National and Regional Implementation Committees (NRICs) This group will participate in the national and regional workshops as needed. Anticipated timeline: through April 2011 Participants: Paul Snelgrove, Patricia Miloslavich, Ian Poiner, D. Chandramohan, Vera Alexander 4) Steering group for Community Workshop at the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity II (WCMB II) This group will lead the development of the agenda and goals for this workshop (side event), with the support of the Secretariat. The workshop will take place in conjunction with the WCMB II in Aberdeen, Scotland in September 2011. Anticipated timeline: through October 2011 Participants: Paul Snelgrove, Patricia Miloslavich, Ian Poiner, Carlo Heip, Serge Garcia, Ron O'Dor, Edward Vanden Berghe (Plus drawing from Project Leaders based on outcomes of October 7, 2010 leadership meeting) 5) External Program Evaluation with David Penman This group will work with David Penman to provide insight and corporate knowledge to the external evaluation process. Anticipated timeline: through April 2011 Participants: Vera Alexander, Poul Holm, Ian Poiner, Meryl Williams 6) Availability to assist on specific tasks as requested Anticipated timeline: through November 2011 Participants: Poul Holm, Paul Snelgrove, Vera Alexander, Pat Halpin, Jim Baker, Fred Grassle, Mike Sinclair, Edward Vanden Berghe


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010

APPENDIX 5: RISKS & CONTINGENCIES The October 2010 ‘A Decade of Discovery’ event and the many Census 2010 products are expected to generate significant interest in the Census of Marine Life from the scientific and user communities, as well as the public. To benefit from this opportunity the Census will shift its emphasis from synthesis and reporting to product delivery, program evaluation and facilitating a workshop in 2011 to discuss the second Census of Marine Life. The project’s foci will be on communicating results, encouraging application and uptake of Census information, reflection on the lessons learned from the program and organizing the workshop At this point there is uncertainty about the level of effort required to respond to the London events, particularly around the requests for information, images, briefings, and data. We need to maintain Secretariat capacity and operational flexibility to ensure the maximum impact of the Census and uptake of its findings. The known and expected tasks require five full-time Secretariat staff, plus the time of Darlene Crist and one staff member at URI, through June 2011. After June, we expect the number of requests and demands on staff time to decrease, so have budgeted reduced support consisting of two full-time staff from July through November 2011, when activities will end. There are two key program risks, demand exceeding our expectations and the retention of staff. To control for the demand risk, we have set priorities and established criteria, as noted in the proposal, to guide us with respect to which requests to take on and which to decline. We acknowledge that we will not be able to do everything. A few staff members departing early for other opportunities will not have a significant impact on the ability of the Secretariat to deliver on obligations and our control will be to hire temporary staff to do particular tasks. However, the departure of key staff e.g. Kristen Yarincik, Program Manager or all the Secretariat staff would have a detrimental impact on our abilities to deliver on obligations. This is unlikely up to June 2011 but an increasing risk leading up to the Aberdeen workshop. If this were to occur Ocean Leadership would allocate staff from other programs or hire temporary staff to complete outstanding tasks. As staff departures could result in under spending of resources, Sloan could make staged payments to Ocean Leadership to minimize the need to return unspent funds in November 2011.


Following up on the Decade of Discovery: Proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation July 22, 2010


Contents: 1. Australian request for funding 2. Caribbean request for funding 3. Europe & Deep Sea project collaboration request for funding 4. Indian Ocean request for funding 5. Indonesian request for funding 6. Japanese request for funding


Application for CoML Sub‐Project Support  

 CoML Project or Committee:  Australian NRIC Host Institution & Country:  CSIRO, Australia Contact Person:  Prof Nic Bax  

Start Date: Late October Requested Amount:  US$20,000   End Date:  mid‐December 2010 Briefly describe the activities to be supported by these funds:  Two events to communicate CoML outcomes to senior government officials and an associated national media release.  National release of the Census results to politicians, and senior government officials by Nic Bax and Ian Poiner plus the involvement of CAML, HMAP and other major CoML projects. This will be a 24‐hour release of the Census results and their implications for Australia, the region and areas of the High Seas beyond national jurisdiction. The event will occur later this year – after the October release in London.   There will be two components – the first component is a cocktail evening in Canberra to which government ministers, agency heads and senior government officials will be invited, together with senior marine scientists and scientists involved with Australian census activities including CAML, HMAP, CReefs, CenSeam, and CoMarge. Subject to final approvals, the cocktail evening will be hosted by Australia’s national marine research representative group (OPSAG, chaired by Ian Poiner), will include images from the recent successful public exhibition of marine biodiversity at Questacon in Canberra and, depending on availability, will include screening of shorts from the movie Oceans.   The second component is breakfast with parliament to which politicians, their aides and senior government people are invited, and will include senior scientists involved with the Census in Australia. We have found this to be an effective way to reach busy politicians and their aides. The breakfast is a buffet either in Parliament House or at a local restaurant and there is typically time for three 9‐minute (or less) talks followed by discussions between guests and the scientists.   This 24‐hour period will include release and national media coverage of the Census findings, news of new and ongoing initiatives (eg. GOBI) and will be formatted to provide an opportunity for marine scientists around Australia to highlight their biodiversity discovery and CoML involvement to local and national media.  At the same time Ian Poiner and Nic Bax will arrange individual meetings with ministers and senior government officials to brief them on the Census results, their value to Australia and the opportunities for further international (and national) involvement. One of our goals will be to promote a new focus for biodiversity discovery in Australia and our regional neighbours – the Coral Sea.  We are requesting 20k to support these activities. We anticipate 100 attendees at the cocktail evening and 75 at the breakfast.   What are the goals / uses / applications of the activities described above? How do these contribute to the overall 2010 goals of the Census?  These events are planned to raise awareness of the Census’ activities in Australia, and worldwide (especially in high sea areas beyond national jurisdiction for which Australia has had a significant role at the UN).   The events will raise awareness of the value of marine biodiversity and the need for continuing research and discovery, especially through international collaboration.    

 Australia is a strong contributor to ongoing international activities in marine conservation and biodiversity research. Maintaining a strong, focused and collaborative research partnership in Australia will have benefits well beyond our own shores (or EEZ).  We are, for example, currently developing opportunities to undertake a major biodiversity survey of the Coral Sea with regional partners.  Please provide a detailed budget for how the funds will be spent:  The requested 20k will be spent on hosting the evening cocktails and breakfast.  In addition, the funds wil be used to develop high quality vision for media release.  List project timeline and all deliverables (e.g., tool, publication, hosted event, etc.), including the mid‐term progress report:   Component 1: Evening cocktails with ministers and senior agency officials Component 2. Breakfast with parliament   Late‐October to mid‐December 2010, Canberra.   Materials to be displayed or distributed 

Materials  needed from CoML Secretariat (short videos, images, posters)  Oceans movie (via Australian distributor?)  Posters ‐ Sharks and Rays of Australia, Biodiversity Western Australia  Travelling exhibition of marine biodiversity, threats and the way that science is supporting its conservation (will extend beyond December 2010) 

List any matching funds (if applicable):   The Marine Biodiversity Hub has contributed 15k towards the travelling exhibition. (The exhibition spaces at selected venues will be provided free of charge.)   Information for Electronic Funds Transfer:    Bank: Westpac Banking Corporation Branch: Petrie Plaza, Canberra ACT Australia BSB: 032-719 Account: 226787 Name: CSIRO Swift #: WPACAU2S  Signature:   


Date of Request:    June 30, 2010 


Award No:   For completion by CoML Secretariat: Program Manager Approval  

Contracts Approval  

CFO (or delegate) Approval  

Date:    Date:    Date:    S:\MCBM\CoML and NRIC\Events planning etc 2010\CoML_Funding_Application_Form_OzNRIC 2010 USD20000.doc

C a

Universidad Simón Bolívar

entro de Biodiversidad Marin

CoML Tools for Environmental Managers

Proposal to the CoML Secretariat

By: Caribbean NRIC and Centro de Biodiversidad Marina

Universidad Simón Bolívar

Purpose: Provide environmental managers and policy makers with

CoML tools to adequately plan the conservation of marine


Duration: One day seminar (November, 2010)

Amount: $ 20.000,oo

Coordination: Prof. Eduardo Klein

Person responsible of CoML-Caribbean: Prof. Patricia Miloslavich

CoML Tools for Environmental Managers in the Caribbean region

Caribbean NRIC and Centro de Biodiversidad Marina, Universidad

Simon Bolivar

Project coordinators: Eduardo Klein, Patricia Miloslavich


To present and discuss the tools (projects, methods, data) that CoML,

especially OBIS and NaGISA, can provide to environmental managers in

the Caribbean region to adequately plan the conservation of marine



In a one-day seminar, local scientists involved with the CoML will

present the CoML program, its methods and main results to

representatives of several levels of environmental national and regional

decision makers. The seminar will provide the tools (methods) for

approaching the study of the near shore marine communities and data

gathering and administration through OBIS and OBIS like portals. We

will present how the actual –and future-- data could be used to

accomplish the national commitments acquired with the Convention on

Biological Diversity (CBD). The seminar will also present the strategies

designed to continue the initiatives and legacies of the CoML at the

Center for Marine Biodiversity (CBM) of the Universidad Simón Bolívar

and its partners.

Production of material

For the seminar, we will provide a short manual (in Spanish) describing

the global CoML program, the NaGISA methodology and the OBIS

database and portal. In this manual we will provide concrete examples

on how the near-shore bottom communities are sampled and how to

manage the data through OBIS databases. We will also prepare a CD

containing a digital photographic register of the most common marine

species found in these environments, and these images will also be

loaded in the CBM web page. As an additional informative material that

will provide visibility to the Census program at a broad regional scale,

we will design and print a collection of posters showing the plants,

animals and the ecosystem functioning of the intertidal rocky-shore

areas of the coast in the Southern Caribbean. These posters will be

distributed among the participants as well as in local and regional

libraries, schools and communal organizations.

Date and venue

The seminar will be held at the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas. The

proposed date is in mid November 2010, after the Census of Marine Life

– A decade of discovery events that will be held at London in October.

Proposed content

- Introduction: CoML and Biodiversity. The program, its contributions.

- Environmental setting of the Caribbean Sea: Geography,

Geomorphology and eco-regional classification. Applicability of the

results of the paper by Miloslavich et al (2010) published in PLoS ONE.

- Biodiversity monitoring. NaGISA as an example in coastal rocky shore

and sea-grass communities

- How to search for data:

- Oceanographic data: Temperature, Salinity, Chlorophyll, Wind,


- Biological data: OBIS

- Tools for managers oriented towards the CBD National Strategy

- Data visualization

- Conservation planning

- Concluding remarks


The seminar will be targeted at representatives of governmental and

non-governmental agencies in Venezuela and the Caribbean within the

following institutions:

In Venezuela:

•Ministry of the Environment: Vice-Minister of Conservation and

Planning, directors of the National Biodiversity Office, National Parks

Administration, Environmental Quality Office

•Ministry of Science and Technology: Vice-Ministry of Research and


•Regional Government: Environment Directors from Venezuela's coastal

States (8)

• Local Government: Director of Municipal Environmental Offices

•Oil Industry: Environmental Managers from PDVSA and other Oil


•Selected NGOs working at the regional level in the Caribbean (e.g. The

Nature Conservancy)

From the Caribbean:

The paper Miloslavich et al. (2010) identified several areas and countries

in the Caribbean in which good databases of species diversity are

available, and therefore, the tools presented in this workshop would

make the best use. We are identifying conservation-policy makers in

Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica, Trinidad & Tobago to be invited for the

workshop. One person would be invited from each country. Contact

persons in these countries are:

Cuba: Manuel Ortiz (Universidad de la Habana)

Colombia: Juan Manuel Díaz (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) and

Diana Gómez (INVEMAR)

Costa Rica: Jorge Cortés (Universidad de Costa Rica)

Trinidad & Tobago: Judith Gobin (University of West Indies)

Estimated number of participants: ~30

-25 non-CoML participants: 25

-4 CoML organizers and presenters

The Caribbean NRIC had requested a total of 50 Census 2010 reports

and National Geographic maps. To distribute these materials in the

workshop, we would request an extra 30 copies of each.



Amount ($)

Seminar materials (including printing) 7,800

Air / ground transportation 3,800 (In Venezuela)

4,400 (From the Caribbean)

Hotel for Caribbean participants

Hotel for Venezuelan participants (not from

Caracas) 2-3 nights @ $80 each


Meals / coffee breaks 2,000

Conference room and services including internet Provided by USB

Assistant Provided by Caribbean NRIC

Mail and phone services Provided by USB

TOTAL 20,000.00


CoML extra funding PROPOSAL, January 2010. 


Communication of CoML results to North Atlantic intergovernmental management organizations 


With reference to the offer from CoML of extra funding to Census Projects communicated by Kristen Yarincik on 1 Dec 2009, we would like to submit this proposal co‐ordinated by MAR‐ECO but backed by EuroCoML, ChESS, COMARGE, and CenSeam.   



The aim of the proposal is to utilize an opportunity in the final year of CoML to provide two of the major intergovernmental management organizations in the North Atlantic, i.e. NEAFC and OSPAR, with updated information gathered during the CoML decade.  This will happen during the annual meeting of NEAFC held in London 9 November 2010, where the projects will organize an evening side‐event with oral presentation and film shows.  Funding is requested for preparatory efforts and travel to London for a group of speakers from deepwater projects. 


Biodiversity of the North Atlantic Ocean has been studied by all the deepwater projects of CoML and extensive new information was gathered during the past decade. Dissemination efforts to the general public were extensive and raised the awareness of wide audiences. However, there have been few initiatives targeted directly at the intergovernmental management organizations that have legal authority to regulate human activities which have, or may have, significant impacts on the natural communities, habitats and ecosystems. The relevant organizations in this area are the Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission (www.neafc.org) and the Oslo‐Paris Commission (www.ospar.org), both with secretariats in London.  This proposal aims to fill this gap by organizing a side‐event during the annual meeting of NEAFC to which OSPAR representatives would be invited.  During this event all contracting parties to the Commission would be present, i.e. all fishing parties of the Northeast Atlantic, plus a number of observers from other coastal states, international organizations such as FAO, and a number of NGOs.  

The project: 

The project has these elements: 

1) Preparatory efforts. 

Preparation of a series of targeted well‐illustrated talks presenting new findings in a popular manner suited for managers and their advisors. Delegates have extensive managerial competence and obviously direct links to the political decision‐makers in the coastal states, but few members are scientists. The level of knowledge of deepwater biology and ecology is variable and often rather 

theoretical, being derived from formal advisory documents presented to the commissions by national or international bodies. The challenge is to raise awareness in a more informal manner by illustrating often used, but poorly defined, popular terms such as ‘biodiversity’ and ‘vulnerable marine ecosystems and species’.  

The presentations would consist of four 10 minute talks, and a HD film. The titles of the talks have not been decided, but they will include contributions from the target habitats of the main deepwater projects: a) the mid‐Atlantic Ridge, b) seamounts, c) ocean margins, and d) chemosynthetic environments.    

MAR‐ECO will contribute a new HD movie from the June‐July 2010 ECOMAR cruise to the Charlie‐Gibbs Fracture zone. This is particularly relevant as both NEAFC and OSPAR have protection of this mid‐Atlantic feature high on their agendas. The production of this movie after the cruise requires extra effort, and funding is sought for supporting the editorial process to be led by Mr David Shale and the ECOMAR leadership at the University of Aberdeen. The movie will be used at the NEAFC event, but will also be available for shows elsewhere, e.g. during the CoML events in London in October.     

2) The event.  

On 9 November 2010 at 6 pm NEAFC hosts an evening reception where all delegations and observers are present. This happens in the foyer and auditorium of the International Coffee Association in Berner Street, Central London. Drinks and food are offered and paid for by NEAFC. Communication with the general secretary Dr Kjartan Hoydal and the president Mr Sergei  Belikov (Russian Federation) has already clarified that CoML is welcome to invite delegations to a plenary auditorium presentation as indicated above.  We are asked to get back with a more detailed programme. It is assumed the entire event should not last for more than 1.5 hours. 

MAR‐ECO offers to co‐ordinate and lead the presentation. The PI Odd Aksel Bergstad is present at the NEAFC meeting anyway as a member of the Norwegian delegation. Funding is needed to ensure participation from the other deepwater field projects and EuroCoML.  


Benefits to CoML: 

The project constitutes an opportunity for direct communication of CoML results to a major regional management organization (contracting parties to NEAFC are the Russian Federation, EU, Norway, Iceland, Denmark in respect of Greenland and the Faroe Islands) and a number of other parties such as OSPAR, FAO, many NGOs and other coastal states coming as observers or non‐contracting parties. 

Many delegations have members that play essential roles in world‐wide managerial processes run by   the UN and its many subsidiary bodies, other regional fisheries management organizations, and conventions dealing with biodiversity issues. Furthermore, delegates are often top‐level people in national governments and agencies, hence there is potential for information to be channelled widely and to get reported back to individual states around the world. 

Top‐level science advisors from ICES and other national institutes will be attending and the presentations are an opportunity to update such advisors on aspects that they may not be aware of in their day‐to‐day activities. 



Funding request and budget: 

We request in total US$ 8 500,‐ to support the project. Matching resources are the labour costs associated with the preparation of talks, the recording of raw underwater footage on the ECOMAR cruise partly funded by ECOMAR and MAR‐ECO, and the travel expenses already paid by the Institute of Marine Research to the PI of MAR‐ECO.  


      US$ Preparatory activity     

  Editing of HD movie from ECOMAR  5000        

Travel expenses, 4 persons, (primarily European venues) to London.   3500   (airfare, allowance, one night)          

Total      8500  



Odd Aksel Bergstad 

PI  of MAR‐ECO,  


On behalf of MAR‐ECO, ChESS, COMARGE, CenSeam and EuroCOML. 

A proposal for organization of “Post-London CoML event in India”

1. Nature and goals of the event

The Indian Ocean Census of Marine Life (IO-CoML) has been involved in the last 6 years in advancing the causes of CoML and carrying out the Census activities in the Indian Ocean (IO) region. In the last one year, IO-CoML made strong efforts to secure a continuity for CoML-type activities in India on formal conclusion of Sloan Foundation’s support to this project. The IO-CoML has been successful in convincing the Ministry of Earth Sciences in India to include CoML in its research plans. Accordingly, CoML-India has been formed, with the responsibility of executing such projects resting with the Center for Marine Living Resources and Ecology (CMLRE) of the Ministry of Earth Sciences. CMLRE has already begun to host IndOBIS and is in the process of securing funding for a national project on DNA fingerprinting of marine organisms. Io-CoML has also made every effort to reach out to the scientific community and explain to them what CoML stands for and what its achievements were. Now that a comprehensive picture will emerge at the conclusion of CoML (in October 2010), it is also essential that all the achievements of CoML (via OBIS, Regional activities, field projects, E&O, linkages) are brought out to the public and scientists alike so that what COML stood for – knowing what lives in our oceans and protecting them – gats diffused at a wider level and forms the prompt for future activities in the region. The proposed event shall be a 2-day event and shall have 2 components. Day 1. Display of as much of the CoML material as possible to general public, including students. These material shall explain why a project was undertaken by CoML and how it enhanced our understanding of marine biodiversity. Along with this, leading Institutions in India (6-8 in number) dealing with marine biodiversity shall be requested to send exhibits and also send their scientists to interact with the public. The above day-long event shall be followed by screening of the CoML-sponsored film on the Oceans (pending consent from CoML) and then a public talk by a CoML representative, which shall be presided over by a key political personality (We haven’t decided on the personality yet but we shall try to get a personality most relevant to marine biodiversity) Day 2. This shall be a one-day workshop on “what next, after CoML” In this workshop, the initiatives proposed under CoML-India would be discussed and approved. The deliberations in the workshop, benefitting from the participation of senior policymakers and a host of scientists (who would be attending the national symposium on marine living resources immediately following the CoML event) is expected to set the pace for future activities of CoML-India.

2. Number of participants expected

Day 1 : About 1000 (public, scientists ands students) Day 2. : About 50 scientists. We plan to invite 3 marine biologists from the IO region countries so as to reach out to other countries as well as regional representatives of IOC and SACEP who implement international collaborative programs in the IO region.

3. Venue and date Venue: Kochi, S. India. Kochi has been chosen because it is the city where CMLRE is located. Kochi is also home to a host of Institutions dealing with marine biology, especially fisheries and also a faculty dealing with marine biology. On top of this, it is also the venue for the Indian national symposium on Marine Living Resources in Dec 2010 and having our event organized at Kochi will give us the best chance to reach out to a maximum number of Indian marine biologists Dates 11-12 Dec 2010 (or 12-13 Dec) 2010 (the two days preceding the symposium on marine living resources)

4. Material to be displayed (or given out) As this is the last opportunity to broadcast all achievements of CoML, we would require all material that CoML could spare (such as those brought to London event besides others) – results from field projects, technologies developed, new discoveries, global and regional activities…… . In fact, we would prefer if a CoML representative (ex. Sara Hickox) could come down to India to help us in layout of the exhibits (our choice of Sara is because of her past experience in E&O). We shall also request participating Institutions to display their material (like deep sea biodiversity samples from FORV Sagar Sampada trawl catches in the deep-seas of IO).

5. Budget Description Cost in INR (lakhs) Day 1 event: transport of exhibits, support for participating Institutions, floor space rent, miscellaneous


Day 2 event. Workshop hall rent, refreshments, dinner, workshop material, local transport


Travel support for participants from IO countries (max. 3) 2.0 Travel payable for senior Indian officials (if needed) 1.0 Hospitality for representatives from IOC and SACEP 0.6 Honorarium for students who assist in organization 0.6 Allowances for Wafar 1.0 Total 9.2

Notes: 1.At 1 US$ = ~45 INR, the INR 9.2 lakhs is equivalent to ~20,000 US$ 2. Dr. Wafar does not draw a salary now and has no access to any institutional budget for travel and other expenses. Hence he needs this modest allowance to compensate for the time spent and material expenses on his part. Justification for inclusion of 3 representatives from IO countries is given above. We expect that the IOC and SACEP representatives shall have their own travel support. 3. The sum indicated against each head is provisional and may undergo readjustments depending upon actual commitments (expect, understandably, Dr. Wafar’s allowances!).

6. Cost-sharing We plan to seek support from the Ministry of Earth Sciences and the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. As the processing time for these ministries is 2-3 months, we cannot commit at present as to the success of our applications. NIO shall be organizing Institution and provide infrastructural support. CMLRE shall be asked to provide ‘extended hospitality’ support to all scientists who participate in the national symposium so as to enable them to join the CoML event.

Census of Marine Life – Indonesia

Regional Meeting of CENSUS 2010 and the

Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI)

Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta December 2010 or January 2011

1. NATURE and GOALS The CENSUS 2010 Regional Meeting will discuss marine biodiversity in the Coral Triangle region, together with other related CoML activities. The outcomes of CoML Post-London Meeting (October, 2010) are to be discussed at this meeting together with government officials from the Coral Triangle countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor Leste. The suggested meeting will provide opportunity to involve CoML in the Coral Triangle region and its surrounding countries, with the following objectives:

1. Strategic planning discussions on CoML activities in the region; 2. Invite Coral Triangle countries to involve and implement CoML plans –

post London; 3. Improve CoML-Indonesia profile in relation to the collaboration with the

Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and LIPI of Indonesia.

2. TARGET AUDIENCE Considering the high profile of Coral Triangle Initiative, this meeting is expected to involve participants from government institutions of Coral Triangle countries, CTI Regional secretariat, international scientists, officials, NGOs, and civil society.


On the initial plan, the meeting will be attended and opened by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Dr. Fadel Muhammad, LIPI Chairman, with approximate participant of around 100 people.

4. VENUE AND DATE As this event is still on preparation phase, the meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in Jakarta (suggested: the Borobudur Hotel) for two days, at either in December 2010 or January 2011.

5. MATERIALS to be DISPLAYED or DISTRIBUTED It is expected results from London meeting and other CoML activities could be presented at the event. Presentation will be formatted in various forms, such as Power point, short movies, posters, and brochures.

6. BUDGET (see attached) 7. CO-SHARING We attempt to obtain co-sharing from the Indonesian Government and CTI donor. But the most common form of co-sharing from donors is in-kind facilities such as staff time. The Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action (ATSEA), which funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF), would likely to be a co-sponsor for this event.

usd rate in USD 9,000

No Description Item Price Item Price Total Total TOTAL TOTALUSD IDR Day Person IDR USD

I MEETING PACKAGES 1.1 (2X coffee break dan 1 x lunch) for 2 days 302,500 2 100 60,500,000 6,722.22 1.2 room rental: usd 100/day 100 2 200.00


1. participant from Philippines: Manila-Jkt-Manila 1,500.00 1 1,500.00 2. participant from Malaysia: Kualumpur-Jkt-Kualumpur 800.00 1 800.00 3. participant from Salomon Island: Salomon-Jkt-Salomon 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 4. participant from Timor Leste: Dili-Jkt-Dili 650.00 1 650.00 5. participant from Papua New Guinea: P.Moresby-Jkt-P.Moresby 1,700.00 1 1,700.00

2.2 Airport tax: in Jakarta 150,000 5 750,000

in Malaysia, Timor Leste, PNG, Salomon Island, Phillippines 10 5 50.002.3 Terminal allowance:

usd 38 x 4 = usd 152 152 5 760.00


Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. December 2010/January 2011 (2 days)


CoML Regional Meeting and CTI

III PERDIEM3 nights X usd 145 = usd 435 435 5 2175.00

IV PUBLICATIONSBrochure 75,000 150 11,250,000 1250.00Poster 2,000 150 300,000 33.33

V Consultants5.1 Facilitator 500 1 500.005.2 Rapporteurs, Report Finishing 300 2 600.00

VI MISCELLANEOUS6.1 Rental Car 750,000 2 1,500,000 166.676.2 Rental LCD 1,500,000 2 3,000,000 333.336.3 Banner 700,000 77.786.4 Communication 300,000 33.336.5 Photocopy 2,000,000 222.226.6 Office supplies 1,500,000 166.676.7 Certificates 1,000,000 111.11


Application for CoML Sub‐Project Support  

 CoML Project or Committee:  Japan NRIC Host Institution & Country:  Japan Agency for Marine‐Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Contact Person:  Katsunori Fujikura 

Start Date:  1 August 2010 Requested Amount:   $16900  End Date:  31 October 2010 Briefly describe the activities to be supported by these funds:  1) Nature and goals of the event  ‐ A CoML booth at the COP10 event in Nagoya, Japan from Oct. 17 to Oct 30, 2010. ‐ To heighten awareness about Marine Biodiversity issues  Target audience  ‐ Global biodiversity scientists, policymakers, possible future funding sources and the public Number of participants expected ‐ A couple of thousand Venue and date ‐ COP10 event, Nagoya, Japan ‐ Oct. 17 to Oct. 30, 2010 Any cost‐shares or other support for the events ‐Event booth rental fee: 120,000 JPY (1,330 US$) will be paid by JAMSTEC. ‐Some staff including scientists from JAMSTEC and universities will explain about CoML activities.  ‐ Materials to be displayed or distributed  ‐ Poster presentation: 1) Japan NRIC activities including “Japan: a marine biodiversity hotspot!” 2) NaGISA, CMarZ, COMARGE, ChEss, FMAP, Database activities in Japan 

‐ Movies, images and URL presentation: 1) General CoML introduction movies 2) Deep‐sea animals and others movies 

‐ Brochure etc. distribution 1) Census 2010 Reports and National Geographic Maps (from the Census Secretariat or E&O) 2) “Oceans brochures” if possible (from the Census Secretariat or E&O) 3) Japan NRIC activities brochure 

‐ Real marine animal samples and beautiful pictures presentation 1) deep‐sea animals etc 

Detailed budget for how the funds will be spent: 1) CoML Internet Portal for Japan NRIC ‐ Travel Expenses for Japan NRIC members: 4 persons * $800 = $3200 ‐ Travel Expenses for invited guests (marine biologists, policy makers, possible funding sources for Census 2, etc): 5 persons * $800 = $4000 ‐ 5 small display Purchase: 5 * $500 = $2500 ‐ Japan NRIC activities brochure: 1000 * $4 = $4000 ‐ Posters: 7 * $100 = $700 ‐ Equipment transport including a large display: $1500 ‐ Electrical equipment (lights, cables and etc) : $1000 Total: $16900 


MELBOURNE G. BRISCOE Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Washington DC 20005 Professional Preparation: Northwestern University mechanical engineering and applied mathematics B.S.M.E., 1963 Northwestern University fluid dynamics Ph.D., 1967 Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium optical and numerical methods in fluid dynamics 1967-68 NATO SACLANT ASW Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy air-sea interactions, surface waves, internal waves 1968-69 Appointments: April 2009 – present Vice-President and Director, Research and Education Consortium for Ocean Leadership April 2007 – present CEO, OceanGeeks LLC (consulting company) 1996 – March 2007 Director, Ocean, Atmosphere and Space Research Division, ONR 1995-1996 Director, U.S. GOOS Project Office, National Ocean Service, NOAA 1992-1995 Director, Office of Ocean and Earth Sciences, National Ocean Service, NOAA 1989-1992 Director, Applied Oceanography and Acoustics Division, ONR 1987-1989 Office of Naval Research and Office of Naval Technology (IPA assignment) 1972-1989 Physical Oceanography Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1969-1972 Oceanography Group, SACLANT ASW Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy Publications: Briscoe, M.G., D.L. Martin, and T.C. Malone (2008): Evolution of Regional Efforts in International GOOS and U.S. IOOS. Marine Technology Society Journal, 42(3), 4-9. Briscoe, M.G. (2008): Collaboration in the Ocean Sciences. Oceanography, 21(3), 58-65. Briscoe, M.G. (2005): The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy and the White House Ocean Action Plan, An Update. Oceanography, 18(3), 9-13. Briscoe, M., A. Clark, P. Jumars, M. McNutt, and J. Yoder (2004): The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy: Why You Should Care, And What You Can Do. Oceanography, 17(3), 6-11. Briscoe, M.G. (2003): Science, Technology, and People. Oceanography, 16(1), 4-10. Briscoe, M.G. (2003): Transition: the Movement of Understanding from Process Studies to Ocean Forecast Models. In: Near-Boundary Processes and their Parameterization. Proceedings ‘Aha Huliko’a Hawaiian Winter Workshop, January 21-24, 2003. University of Hawaii, SOEST Special Publication, pp. 249-253. Nowlin, Worth D., Jr., Melbourne Briscoe, Neville Smith, Michael J. McPhaden, Dean Roemmich, piers Chapman, and J. Frederick Grassle (2001): Evolution of a Sustained Ocean Observing System. Bull. American Met. Soc., 82(7), 1369-1376.

Synergistic activities: NAS/NRC, Panel Member, Water Safety and Transportation Board (2002) McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Consulting Editor (1999-2001) Member, AIP Committee on Awards (Science Writing) (1995-2001) Editor, Journal of Physical Oceanography (1985-86) Editor, Oceanic Internal Waves, AGU (1985) Member, AGU Journals Board (1982-84) Associate Editor, J. Phys. Oceanography (1977-84, 1987-90) Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research (1974-77) PRINCIPAL CONSULTING ACTIVITIES

Department of Computer Sciences, University of Delaware (2010) Department of Homeland Security (2009) Florida Coastal Ocean Observing System (2008) Florida Atlantic University (2008) National Federation for Regional Associations (2008) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2007-present) [thru 2020, LLC] Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution (2007-2008) NAS/NRC, Ocean Studies Board (1986-87) Science Applications International Corp. (1979-86) NASA (1979-80) Applied Physics Laboratory, JHU (1978-79) Naval Research Advisory Committee (1977) Physical Dynamics, Inc. (1978-79) EG&G (1976-77)

Collaborators and Co-Editors: Thomas Malone, University of Maryland (2008) David Martin, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington (2008) Graduate Advisors and Postdoctoral Sponsors: A.A. Kovitz, PhD advisor, retired Unknown, post-doc sponsor in Belgium, probably retired Riccardo Pesaresi, post-doc sponsor in Italy, retired Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor: None within last 5 years (2005-2010) Principal advisor of 0 graduate students. Sponsor of approximately 10 post-docs, during 1972-1987. Membership in professional organizations: American Geophysical Union, The Oceanography Society (founding Secretary), American Meteorological Society

KRISTEN M. YARINCIK Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Washington DC 20005 Professional Preparation: Boston College environmental geosciences B.S. 1997 Boston University marine geochemistry and paleoceanography M.S. 1999 USDA Grad School project management 2006 Appointments: April 2006 – present Project Manager, Consortium for Ocean Leadership July 2001 – April 2006 Program Coordinator, Consortium for Ocean Research and Education

(now Consortium for Ocean Leadership) 1999 – 2001 Associate Producer & Writer, Northern Light Productions 1997 – 1999 Teaching Fellow, Boston University Department of Earth Sciences 1996 – 1997 Research Assistant, Massachusetts Highway Department GIS

Database Project Publications: Alexander, V., P. Miloslavich, and K. Yarincik (in prep): The Census of Marine Life – evolution of worldwide marine biodiversity research. O’Dor, R.K., P. Miloslavich, and K. Yarincik (2010): Marine Biodiversity and Biogeography – Regional Comparisons of Global Issues, An Introduction. PLoS-ONE, in press. Baker, D.J., D. Farmer, and K. Yarincik (2007): The green ocean - observations of marine biodiversity. In: Group on Earth Observations: The Full Picture. Geneva: Tudor Rose. 267-270. Baker, D.J. and K. Yarincik (2007): Census of Marine Life: Contributions to GEO Societal Benefit Areas. In: Group on Earth Observations: The first 100 steps to GEOSS: Annex of early achievements to the GEO Report on Progress 2007. 178-179. Yarincik, K. and R. O’Dor (2005): The Census of Marine Life: Goals, scope and strategy. Scientia Marina, 69(Suppl.1): 201-208. O’Dor, R.K. and K. Yarincik (2003): The Census of Marine Life: Advancing Our Understanding of Marine Biodiversity. In: Iken, K. and B. Konar (eds.): Proceedings of the Arctic Biodiversity Workshop: New Census of Marine Life Initiative. Fairbanks: Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks, M-26. 15-24. O’Dor, R.K. and K. Yarincik (2003): The Census of Marine Life: Understanding marine biodiversity - past, present and future. Gayana, 67: 145-152.

Yarincik, K.M., R.W. Murray, and L.C. Peterson (2000): Climatically sensitive eolian and hemipelagic deposition in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela, over the past 578,000 years: Results from Al/Ti and K/Al. Paleoceanography, 15: 210-228. Yarincik, K.M., R.W. Murray, and L.C. Peterson (2000): Oxygenation history of bottom waters in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela, over the past 578,000 years: Results from redox-sensitive metals (Mo, V, Mn, and Fe). Paleoceanography, 15: 593-604. Peterson, L.C., G.H. Haug, R.W. Murray, K.M. Yarincik, J.W. King, T.J. Bralower, K. Kameo, and R.B. Pearce (1999): Late Quaternary stratigraphy and sedimentation at ODP Site 1002, Cariaco Basin (Venezuela). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 165: 85-99. Collaborators and Co-Authors: Vera Alexander, University of Alaska Fairbanks (2010) Ron O’Dor, Consortium for Ocean Leadership and Dalhousie University, Canada (2001-2010) Patricia Miloslavich, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela (2004-2010) D. James Baker (2007) David Farmer, University of Rhode Island (2007) Graduate Advisor: Richard W. Murray, M.S. advisor Membership in professional organizations: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Marine Technology Society

Response to Ocean Leadership Proposal reviews August 24, 2010


Following up on the Decade of Discovery A Proposal to Wind-down Census 2010 and Wind-up Census Legacy Activities

Response to Reviews

The reviewers of our proposal raised important concerns and provided constructive suggestions

for our consideration. We have chosen the most prevalent and critical issues to which to respond:

1) Preparation for the London events, 2) Tasks and priority setting after the London events, 3)

Metrics for Evaluation/Lessons learned, 4) Clarifying First Census of Marine Life’s role in

answering the “what’s next?” question.

1) Preparation for the London events Several reviewers had suggestions regarding the preparation for London. While the work laid out

in this proposal is integrally linked to the plans and success of the London events, those events

have been planned with much thought and deliberation via a separate proposal and are far along

in the planning and implementation process. We can specifically address some of the concerns,

especially in regards to those who will be speaking with media. In order to prepare the

community to speak to the media, the Education and Outreach team and Secretariat hosted a

media and communications workshop in July 2010 for all of the Census presenters and

spokespeople. The workshop consisted of targeted media training by public relations

professionals and a critiqued rehearsal of the news conference. This successful workshop served

to make the presenters more comfortable with the material and able to translate scientific ideas to

a non-scientific audience. One reviewer noted that there may be questions on controversial

subjects, such as overfishing, global warming, or project financing. The Census Leadership

anticipated this possibility and has developed a list of “Hard Questions” with potential answers

for the Census scientists to use in preparation. These questions are attached. The goal of these

questions is to provide insight on the Census perspective regarding these issues and to prepare

speakers for difficult questions.

Response to Ocean Leadership Proposal reviews August 24, 2010


One reviewer expressed concern over the release strategy of the Census “products,” noting that a

staggered release of products may have less impact than releasing all of the products together in

October. The roll-out strategy was a deliberate decision by the Census Leadership to build

interest and excitement about the Census leading up to October, and to help achieve equal

visibility for the vast amount of information that is being released. Additionally, this strategy

ensures that Census results receive due attention from target audiences and the media, even if

world events overshadow one of the announcements. We have been successful in this so far,

orchestrating two major press releases in 2010, one on the microbial world and one on the

release of the “Regional Comparisons of Global Issues” National and Regional Committee

collection in PLoS-ONE. While some products intended for October will not be available on

time due to reasons of delayed submission and/or rejection by first choice journals, all are still

moving forward. The delayed publications may allow for further publicity post-London. The

Secretariat and the Synthesis Group are monitoring the progress of these papers and are pleased

with the overall suite of products.

Development of the scientific messages of the Census has been extensive during the run up to

London, beginning with a the all-program “Synthesis Workshops” in February 2009, followed by

detailed discussions at SSC meetings and a separate workshop held in Washington D.C. in early

2010, among other efforts. This has resulted in a comprehensive suite of messages and

information, agreed upon by the Census community. Several reviewers mentioned the

importance of appropriate messaging during the post-London briefings. The content and

materials of the Legacy and NRIC briefings will be based largely on the information that will be

showcased in London. The briefings are split into two groups in order to target audiences at

different levels. The Legacy Briefings, arranged by the Secretariat for intergovernmental and

international organizations will focus on the global issues and program-wide results of the

Response to Ocean Leadership Proposal reviews August 24, 2010


Census. For the NRIC briefings, we will rely on the expertise of the NRICs to identify the right

content and approaches for their regional audiences. The NRICs themselves identified target

audiences for the briefings based on the criteria from the Scientific Steering Committee that the

audiences include government, industry and other stakeholders; (e.g., an audience other than

their peers). In the case of the European Committee, they chose to brief the regional

organizations NEAFC and OSPAR, as one reviewer pointed out.

2) Detailed Tasks and Priority Setting After the London Events

The reviewers pointed out that planning for such a wide array of outreach activities will be a

challenge, particularly considering the unknown scale of responses we will receive post-London.

We agree that a detailed task list and timeline is needed, and will provide one following the

London events. One reviewer noted the potential for requests from the media and organizations

for briefings to become a “black hole” for staff time. Recognizing that we may not be able to

meet all the requests made post-London, we developed a list of priorities in the proposal that will

guide our decision on whether or not to act on each request. Priorities include events or

audiences that are global in scope and can promote the Census-wide findings and approaches.

The Leadership Committee will help to guide the decision-making process to the venues and

activities with the most impact. Additionally, the detailed task list, balanced between media

outreach, program evaluation and briefings will help to keep the staff focused, and an updated

website will also help to alleviate some of the requests. Once support for staff is gone, the

websites must transition to a static mode, as it is unrealistic to update them without staff support.

3) Metrics for Evaluation/Lessons learned

Two post-program evaluations are being planned for the Census of Marine Life, an external

evaluation to be led directly by Dr. David Penmen, with guidance from the Scientific Steering

Committee, and another internal evaluation to be developed and written by the Scientific

Response to Ocean Leadership Proposal reviews August 24, 2010


Steering Committee. Dr. Penmen’s evaluation is underway, and he is clarifying the metrics for

this review as he meets with groups and individuals over the summer in preparation for

interviews in London. Plans and metrics for the internal evaluation were initially outlined by

SSC Chair Ian Poiner in a presentation to the Sloan Foundation on June 3rd and will take shape in

the months following London. A meeting is scheduled for January 25-26 in Washington D.C. to

finalize the internal evaluation. A survey has been developed to evaluate the satisfaction of the

Census community at the end of the program and will serve as a resource for both evaluations.

4) Clarifying First Census of Marine Life’s role in answering the What’s next? Question

Answering the question of “what’s next?” or what, if any, marine biodiversity research program

will follow on to the Census is an important task, and its listing order in the proposal was not

based on priority. Initiating any large research program is a complicated task, and the efforts to

organize a successor to a program as unique in structure and scope as the Census of Marine Life

has had extra challenges. Through the intensive work done in the last phase of the program in

preparation for the London events, the community is just now beginning to articulate the

scientific outcomes and identify the remaining gaps of the first Census. Additionally, the heavy

workloads of key members of the Census community, or those most likely to carry a program

into the future, have been such that efforts to begin a new program would have taken away from

the primary goal of completing a successful first Census of Marine Life.

Through this proposal, we will support and hold a community workshop during the World

Conference on Marine Biodiversity II in September 2011. The timing of this opportunity will

allow for almost a full year of attention on the subject of the future going into the workshop.

During this year, we will assess the full impact of the London events and results of the internal

and external evaluations. With respect to scientific focus, the Senior Scientist is drafting new

grand challenge questions, endorsed by the SSC, to serve as an answer to “what’s next?”

Response to Ocean Leadership Proposal reviews August 24, 2010


questions in London and to form the basis of the discussions at the October 7th leadership

meeting. The results of the October 7th discussions will help to outline the September 2011

workshop. As one reviewer suggested, we will make sure the goals and expectations are clear

going into both meetings. The goal the post-London efforts will be to build on excitement

generated in London and push the Census network toward articulating the priorities and

challenges for a science research program that builds on the Census. The completed report from

the 2011 workshop will mark the end of Secretariat support, and it will be up to the community

to continue the development of a scientific program. It is not our goal with this proposal to

institutionalize a continuing Census, as one reviewer suggested, but to provide a strong

foundation for a community organized push for funding and continuation of global, coordinated

marine biodiversity research.

In the reviews, it was suggested that it may have been useful to engage members of the public in

discussion about the Census products as a way of both “priming” an audience and getting some

useful input from the public before the study is fully concluded. This is a good suggestion, but

also a non-trivial activity that requires specific expertise to properly address the general public.

The Framework Committee, which outlined the goals for Census synthesis, performed an

exercise to identify the needs and expectations of target audiences outside of academia (e.g.,

government, NGOs, and educators). The Census leadership will review these recommendations

as part of its program evaluation to see how well we met those needs. These findings can also

serve as recommendations for a future program.

We appreciate the comments and suggestions from all of the reviewers and will consider them all

in earnest as we move forward in this final phase of the CoML program.


Hard Questions and Suggested Responses: London Preparation

Hard Questions (HQ), frankly asked and answered, about the Census appear

below, congruent with the draft outline of the Book of Records.

- In the beginning

- The work

- The accomplishments

- Applications of findings

- Back to the beginning

In the beginning

HQ1 You have cruised around Planet Ocean and brought back beautiful pictures,

but what did you promise when you started in 2000 AD?

We promised to replace anecdotes about marine life, collected here and there,

wherever interest attracted explorers. We promised to replace the anecdotes with

systematic observations and facts about the diversity, distribution, and abundance of

marine life on a global scale.

HQ2 When you say diversity, distribution and abundance, what do you mean?

Diversity equals the number and variety of species. For the very small forms of

life, such as bacteria, archaea, and viruses, we sometimes use distinctions drawn only

with DNA and refer to “phylotypes” in lieu of species. Distribution means where the

species are and where they travel. Abundance means how many animals in a species,

that is their number or, in some cases, their total weight. While it makes sense to speak

of numbers of whales, for anchovies it may make better sense to speak of their tons.

HQ3 In a world fearful about money, violence and disease among people, who

cares about life that is largely unseen, across the vast oceans and in their depths?

Regarding marine diversity, fears abound that fishing, habitat destruction, and

polluting are extinguishing species. Fears call forth costly prohibitions and regulations.

Do the facts about extinction and fewer species justify the cost? Do the facts justify


cleanup and even more prohibition and regulation? After a spill in Alaska, the oil

company paid more than $3.8 billion in cleanup and damage costs, plus about $500

million in punitive damages. Already a fund of $20 billion has been set aside for costs

associated with the Gulf of Mexico spill. Regarding distribution, one can fear that dams

for hydroelectricity and irrigation impede migrating fish. Regarding abundance, stories

abound that the number of fish in the sea is plummeting and that fishing should be

curtailed. Globally fishing yielded $71,500 million in global exports in 2004, a 51%

increase from 1994, but the tonnage of wild fish capture has risen very little in recent

years. Most growth in tonnage has come from aquaculture. Also, within the wild fish

catch, evidence suggests fishermen are increasingly substituting species from deeper and

farther away and from taxa such as squids that were formerly not accessible nor popular.

Do the facts justify docked fishing fleets, heavy regulation, fish-less Fridays and

destroyed dams? The Census sought the facts.

HQ4 After you have elevated fears about life in the oceans amid fears about

money, violence and disease among people, what difference will a Census, as opposed to

advocacy, make?

The purpose of the Census is not to elevate fears but to elevate appreciation of

marine life, including its beauty, and understanding of its condition. We hope that

appreciation of the extraordinary ways that marine organisms make a living will lift

respect for ocean life in general and cause more respectful treatment.

One can hope that discoveries, surveys and reason may reconcile an oilman to

stopping a drill or a fisherman to docking his boat when benefits are clear. One can hope

that discoveries, surveys and reason may reconcile a conservationist to fewer prohibitions

or an environmentalist to existing regulation. One can hope that discoveries, surveys and

reason may cause effective strategic preservation. But the Census is a program of basic

scientific research. The expenditure was not optimized in order to achieve conservation.

HQ5 What about aquaculture?

In the long run, aquaculture must succeed, if growing humanity wishes to eat sea

life. The cultivation of aquatic organisms (as fish or shellfish) called aquaculture

provides an alternative source of seafood that spares its collection from the ocean. In


2004 aquaculture provided a third of the 140 million tons of fishery production. If any

harmful waste is avoided and feed is discounted, aquaculture thus spares natural marine

life but still leaves global capture fisheries to produce 95 million tons. As many experts

have noted, aquaculture of herbivores truly spares wild catch, while feeding fish meal to

fatten fish still involves large removals from the oceans.

HQ6 Who started the Census?

Deep-sea biologist Fred Grassle provided the initial spark of the idea and went to

Jesse Ausubel, who initiated the worldwide consultation that made it happen through the

auspices of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The work

HQ7 Which countries contributed most actively to the Census leadership,

scientists and money? Which of the G20 countries participated? Did women help? Do

rich countries skew the results?

All nations were welcome.

An international scientific committee steered the Census. Fred Grassle served six

years as founding chairman. Since 2006 tropical marine ecologist Ian Poiner of Australia

chaired the committee that met three times per year to review results and keep the Census

on track. Its members came from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark,

France, India, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. Co-

senior scientists Patricia Miloslavich (a conch expert) of Venezuela and Ron O’Dor (a

squid expert) of Canada led the day-to-day scientific organization together with Kristen

Yarincik, the general manager of the program at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership in

Washington D.C. The full role of scientists, ships, other equipment, and funds came from

more than 80 countries, on seven continents.

Women, who now outnumber men in the biological oceanography, contributed

greatly. Women lead or co-lead nine of the fourteen field projects.

The terms more and less developed countries do not accurately divide the

distribution of expertise in marine biology, which is widespread. Moreover, the so-called

less-developed countries made unique contributions by making it possible to sample


previously unexplored areas. There are specific cases where the Census helped countries

that lacked the resources to participate. For some group of organisms that have only a few

experts in the world, the Census worked made sure that the needed expertise was on hand

for a thorough Census. For example, when a new polychaete was found in Canada, a

Mexican taxonomist classified it and provided the technical description to make it a new

species, officially.

Scientists from multiple countries formed teams and shared skills. A cruise in the

South Atlantic on a Russian vessel was led by Brazilian scientists.

All G20 nations participated.

Nations in the Census not usually seen in rosters of top scientific groups illustrate

its span. Illustrative nations include Venezuela, Chile, and Estonia.

HQ8 Despite some missing nations and missing areas of the oceans and missing

plants, is it correct to call the Census, global?

Early, the Census set a strategy of exploring ocean realms from near shore to open

ocean and tidal flats to abyssal plains. It encompassed both polar seas, tropics and mid

latitudes. The Census omitted most plants to concentrate on animals and microbes. The

strategy prioritized areas where there was potential for great discoveries. From the outset,

the Census pushed to learn more about the little-studied deep sea. Areas that merit more

attention in a 2nd Census include the vast mid-waters and the deepest trenches as well as

fjords, and estuaries.

HQ9 The title Census of Marine Life suggests a universal population canvas.

What is your estimated percentage of the marine life population sampled? Can you really

make valid global statements based on that percentage?

Sampling and validity varies with the species. The percentage of known fishes

and marine mammals sampled, for example, is high so we are confident in our

assessments of diversity there and even distribution and abundance. However, for many

groups of animals, fewer than 50% are believed to be known, so extrapolations range

widely. Census experts believe at most one-quarter of all marine animals have been

described. Microbes, of which estimates range as high as a billion different kinds, have

not been thoroughly censused, but the Census achieved breakthrough in estimations, and


appraisal is improving rapidly. Marine viruses remain almost entirely unsurveyed. Most

marine plants were omitted. We stress the 2010 reports constitute the FIRST Census of

Marine Life. While inevitably partial, the first Census sets a precedent and an ambition

for comprehensive surveys, as early surveys of human populations did about 200 years


HQ10 Did the Census harm marine animals or their habitat? Did it endanger


Wherever possible, the Census observed animals in their natural habitats without

disturbing them. For example, the Census frequently used remotely operated vehicles

equipped with digital cameras and video recorders. Specimens were, of course, needed

to learn about what eats what and to establish DNA barcode identities. Natural history

museums serve as libraries for zoology, and the Census proudly provided their

collections with scientifically valuable specimens, for example, from the deep Mid-

Atlantic. Museums of course need only one or a few specimens, not the large numbers

whose removal may harm a population.

The Census tracked animals remotely by harmless sonic means. Where animals

were equipped with tags, tagging was done in accordance with stringent rules about

treatment of marine animals in the countries involved in tracking. Census scientists were

rigorously trained and followed protocols that minimize pain to tagged animals. Rules

were strictly enforced.

As for preventing harm to habitats, the Census worked to develop such minimally

intrusive methods as the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle that uses photographic surveys

to sample instead of bottom trawls.

Census explorers suffered no casualties, but many painful hours in ships buffeted

by 17-meter waves, for example, in the Antarctic. The experienced Galatee team that

photographed a diver swimming with a white shark has spent thousands of hours

underwater without injury. However, neither the Census nor the Galatee crew encourage

the public to do likewise.

HQ11. Did the Census take credit for things others did or things long known?


To achieve its goals, the Census both performed research itself and aggregated

information from the research of others. In some cases, reports of Census work may have

under-represented the contributions of partner organizations and prior research, but we

have always tried hard in Census communications to credit our partners and to

acknowledge those who have contributed to what is known. In fact, we celebrate the first

Census of Marine Life as the accomplishment of all marine biologists going back to

Aristotle, and certainly all those active today, not only researchers who attended Census

meetings or sailed on Census cruises. Along with the information from Census cruises,

OBIS aggregates data collected by herring researchers in the North Sea three hundred

years ago, by plankton researchers crossing the North Atlantic one hundred years ago,

and by the fisheries surveys of dozens of nations today.

HQ12 How much did your cruises, dives, and meetings cost me? Could the

Census have spent it more effectively?

By an accounting that incorporates national expenditures on existing fleets, labs,

and staff that collaborated, we believe $650 million is a reasonable estimate. Because a

year of a person’s time costs wildly different amounts in different countries but may be of

rather equal value, it is not simple to turn effort into dollar expense.

For scale, compare the $650 million ten-year total or $65 million per year to more

than $3,800 million in cleanup and damage costs paid by Exxon for a spill in Alaska. Or

compare it to the possibility of $20 billion or more payments for the Deepwater Horizon

spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Or compare the $65 million per year by more than 80 nations in the global Census

to the $17,000 million per year for space exploration in the USA, or to the $840,000

million spent annually on research and development in the US, European Union, China

and Japan.

Finally, compare the annual Census $65 million to the 2004 global fishery exports

of $71,500 million.

The Census strategy directed research to targets that would yield the most

discoveries per dollar, euro, rupee, yuan or yen, and other currencies. We tried to balance

investments that would yield knowledge of out-of-the way as well as well-traveled


waters. We tried to balance investments that would leave a legacy of the directory of

species and of their distribution. We also tried to invest in ways that would leave habits

of working together, economically and effectively.

HQ13 What would it take to accomplish a more extensive, truly global census of

marine life? Will the truly global ever be accomplished?

Because oceans cover most of the globe and so many species remain to be

discovered and described, a complete Census would take a commitment several times

larger than the first Census. A fundamental finding of the first Census is that it could be


Whether we shall make a truly complete census depends on effort put into the

task. For sure, however, the chances of success are improving. We now have technology

that allows us to travel to the deepest, most remote areas of the ocean and other places

never explored before. We now can sample the ocean more intelligently because the

Census has helped define what is unknown and what may be unknowable. Accelerating

discovery, as in the growing number of species, brightens expectations.

We have the resources, expertise, and technology to learn more about what lives

in the global ocean. What’s needed is a continued commitment by the world to find out

more about the ocean, which comprises 71 percent of the planet. Science has endless

frontiers. For example, to encompass marine viruses or the microbes that live as parasites

within marine animals multiplies the task.

HQ14 What plans will the Census leave for making a more truly global census?

Beyond its legacy of habits of global collaboration and its reports, the Census

database OBIS is a fundamental legacy. OBIS’s integration of data sets from around the

world – 800+ datasets and 27+ million records—has brought it under the aegis of

UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), where it is receiving

support from governments and IOC members. OBIS solves an enormous problem for

almost everyone who collects spatially reference biological data about the ocean: Where

to put the data to keep it safely preserved and accessible?

After the Census officially ends in 2010, some of its field projects will continue

but in different forms. For example, the tagging and tracking projects, TOPP and POST,


have joined forces to participate in the Ocean Tracking Network, for which POST’s

technology served as a prototype. The Census’ deep-sea projects (MAR-ECO, ChEss,

COMARGE, CenSeam, and CeDAMar) and EuroCoML have formed a collaboration

called SYNDEEP, which stands for Synthesis of the Deep-sea projects of the Census of

Marine Life. The Gulf of Maine Area Program has borne an offspring called Canada’s

Healthy Ocean Network. The History of Marine Animal Populations has spawned an

entire new field of study that integrates experts in the social and natural sciences and

humanities, and the work of the Future of Marine Animal Populations will continue under

the auspices of a team at Dalhousie University. Yet another collaboration is the Global

Ocean Biodiversity Initiative or GOBI that involves the IUCN, the German government,

OBIS, the Mapping and Visualization team at Duke University, and many Census

projects that are identifying places in the high seas deserving protection.

HQ15 If the first Census has provided a baseline, when will the world follow up to

track changes that may have occurred? Who will fund that? How/when do you expect

that to happen?

To measure change and the effectiveness of management one must repeat

standard measurements and compare them. Methodologies will, of course, be improved.

The Census has, nevertheless, realized that comparisons from place to place and time to

time require standardization. (You cannot tell if your gasoline mileage has changed

unless the liters and kilometers are standardized.) A special contribution of the Census to

future counts and explorations is its establishment of standard methods. If measurements

by those methods change, marine life has changed with little doubt. In nearshore

sampling and for coral reefs, the Census has established new protocols for global

sampling that are becoming widely accepted.

Other offshoots of the Census will emerge. In 2011 the World Conference on

Marine Biodiversity in Aberdeen Scotland will discuss how a second Census might take



The achievements

HQ16 After 10 years of cruises, dives, and meetings, what’s your answer about

diversity, distribution and abundance? What unknown did you make known, and what

can you say is unknowable?

The Census mounted 538 research expeditions and collected millions of

specimens. During the decade of the Census, 16,000 new species were formally

described and aggregated into the global databases; of these Census researchers directly

collected and formally described 1203 new species, with another 5,000 or so awaiting

description. We added this to the existing number of about 230,000 species. The rates of

addition and effort together with other information about what is unknown allows us to

project that the oceans hold at least one million marine animals. We gathered the past

species descriptions plus the new ones in a directory that sorts out duplications, justifies

declaring “New species” or extinction, and records where they all swim. OBIS has a

growing collection of records of marine life observations— 28 million and counting—

compiled from more than 800 databases, with more being added all of the time.

About distribution, we tracked migrating fish like salmon and animals like sea

lions so well that the public could follow some, live via the Internet. We also tracked

young salmon called smolts, small animals like herring, soft animals like squid, and many

kinds of seabirds.

About abundance, technology for counting animals swimming in three

dimensions across nearly nonexistent borders without passports has a long way to go.

We did find clear archival evidence of changing fish stocks caught over spans of

centuries and especially recent decades. We did map and measure swirling schools of

fish with sound waves.

HQ17 Do the numbers of new species and places explored, and the

accomplishments regarding diversity, imply the Census was just “stamp collecting”.

The Census of Marine Life measured diversity by tabulating thousands of species

and finding new ones, even finding a few thought to have gone extinct. From the DNA

of tens of thousands of marine species, we were able to draw a new picture, a so-called

Klee Diagram, showing the intensity of relatedness of all forms of marine life.


Researchers can perform such macroscopic analyses only on the basis of large

accumulated libraries of the basic facts about forms of life.

The Census also tracked 48 species to learn their distribution, identifying

migration pathways and seasonal patterns as well as the effects of dams on fish

migration. It mapped schools of thousands of herring to judge abundance and counted

buckets of microbes. From the discovery of life wherever it looked, the Census can surely

claim marine diversity is great, and from the discovery of places with a riot of species,

the Census can surely claim there are hotspots of great diversity. Using DNA barcoding,

collaborating volunteers revealed the sale of mislabeled but still endangered species.

From its tracking of lengthy migrations, the Census can surely identify the poles of

several important migrations. Researchers found that great white sharks return to the

same areas to hold annual meetings, congregating to forage or mate together in their

hundreds if not thousands at the White Shark Café. From archival records, the Census

can state that the abundance of several commercially important fisheries has declined,

notably cod, herring and tuna—without doubt.

HQ18 News announced the discovery of thousands of new species. Do we need

all this biodiversity? What happens if some go extinct? Are some new ones good for

health? Are there thousands more species in the oceans?

Although ecology has not established key species whose loss would cause

cascading losses, the reverse of a loss—invading species -- have clearly changed

ecosystem composition. Finding thousands of new ones, a riot of species, calms some

fear of mass extinctions. The Census found multitudes of species wherever it explored.

Plants and animals have produced helpful drugs, as in the 19th century aspirin

came from the willow Salix. No helpful drugs have yet been found in the new Census

species, but some sponges stand as likely pharmaceutical candidates.

As to how many species remain to be discovered, begin with the well-known

group, fishes. Their global total of known species comes to 16,475 species. A thorough

global list (the Catalogue of Fishes) resting on the wide counting of fish makes this

precise estimate possible. The evident rate of discovery and its deceleration enable

extrapolation to the eventual total. The Census project called the Future of Marine


Animal Populations, did exactly this for fish, and estimated that 21% of all fish species in

the ocean have yet to be discovered, about 4,000 more to be found. A parallel

independent effort by ichthyologist William Eschmeyer relying on the history of fish

discovery reassuringly found a similar number. In other groups of animals, at least

100,000 more species that can only be seen under a microscope are in samples already

collected. These small organisms include nematode worms, which are typically less than

1 mm long. Although the definition of a “species” of microbes becomes complicated,

there are likely 1,000,000 more species to be found.

HQ19 Could the mathematical models used to predict the future of ocean life be

based on faulty data?

Good data translate into good models. The Census concentration on getting the

facts about marine life will build a firmer base for models to extrapolate the future. Good

data test model reliability, whose failure reveals both failing models and needed data that

are lacking.

The Census conclusion that several fisheries had declined and a few recovered

rested, of course, on archival records, not on models. The Census estimation that oceans

hold more than one million species rests on the increment added during its decade, which

it does know securely and has recorded in OBIS for all to see. Such results are secure

despite any faults of models. They are secure without surveying all oceans, bays and


HQ20 May over fishing follow Census discoveries?

Knowledge is a double-edged sword, which can be used for good and evil. Most

sophisticated techniques used by the Census are too expensive to be readily adopted by

fishery industries. Nevertheless, some Census findings could lead fishermen to troves of

fish. If the Census findings are sound, they could also support believable and effective


HQ21 What can the Census foretell about changes that global warming would

bring to marine life?

The combined effects of warming and acidification by more carbon dioxide in the

air in the extreme could potentially turn the ocean anaerobic (without oxygen) – not good


for things on land or in the sea that breathe oxygen. However, the Census discovered the

first anaerobic animals, Loricferans, who probably date their ancestry to the early Earth

when oxygen was scarce and indeed a pollutant. Warming could drive mobile species to

cooler waters. El Nino moves warm water from as far as the Indian Ocean to the eastern

Pacific, typically every two to seven years, lasting nine months to two years. Its affects

along the west coast of South America may foretell the effects of global warming. El

Nino throttles the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water that feeds large fish populations,

which in turn sustain abundant sea birds, whose droppings support the fertilizer industry.

Fish die off the Peruvian shore. During the 1982-83 El Nino jack mackerel and

anchovies declined, but hake followed cooler water down the continental slope, while

shrimp and sardines moved southward. Scallops and horse mackerel have increased in

warmer water. Logically, a decline of predators could benefit other fish and migratory


Applications of findings

The task set for the Census was new knowledge about marine life: its diversity,

distribution and abundance. Seeing the accomplishments of the Census, a reader will ask

questions about their application for management and conservation.

HQ22 Is the Census writing the obituary of ocean life after humans depleted

biodiversity? Did the Census avoid investigating pollution because oil companies gave

money for the Census?

We think the Census sends a message of hope – that the ocean is filled with such

diversity and beauty that it is worth preserving and hope our findings will get people as

eager to preserve it as we are.

Focused on diversity, distribution, and abundance, the Census contributes

unassailable measurements of changes in marine life. These allow evaluation of

contention and promote resolutions about pollution like oil spills.

HQ23 Will the public change their consumption of seafood and will governments

change fisheries management and regulation of ease pressure on marine life?

Although styles in consumption may be unpredictable, facts are influential. A


Census analysis of changing restaurant menus showed the fluctuation in offerings of

lobster, abalone, oysters, halibut, haddock, and sole and price increases as sources

became depleted. Using DNA barcoding, collaborating Census volunteers revealed the

sale of mislabeled endangered species, arguably protecting the species.

Signs point to beneficial government action. Census data helped protect important

areas around seamounts, the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone in the Mid-Atlantic, and in the

Arctic and Southern Oceans. Other Census data identified habitats of concern such as the

bluefin tuna spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and a habitat of green sturgeon in

British Columbia.

Governments can benefit from knowing that there 3,500 species in one place

instead of 2,700. Scientists have put real numbers on such hotspots. The Great Barrier

Reef in Australia, for example, is an area whose biodiversity was established, that

warrants protection, and which has been preserved.

Back to the beginning

In the beginning of these Hard Questions one reads: One can hope that

discoveries, surveys, and reason may reconcile an oilman to stopping a drill or a

fisherman to docking his boat when benefits are clear. One can hope that discoveries,

surveys and reason may reconcile a conservationist to fewer prohibitions or an

environmentalist to less regulation. One can hope that discoveries, surveys and reason

may cause effective strategic preservations rather than ineffectual advocacy that all be


HQ24 Can the Census point to any instances of these hopes being realized?

We leave the answer to individual Census participants.

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