cathedral basilica of st. joseph · el primer día de la semana los discípulos presencian al...

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Sunday Mass Schedule Las Misas Dominicales

4:30pm Saturday

8:30am Sunday

10:00am Domingo

11:30am Sunday

1:00pm Domingo Misa con Lengua de Señas

2o y 4o Domingo

5:30pm Domingo

Weekday Mass / Misas Diarias

Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes

7:30am & 12:05pm

Confessions / Las Confesiones

Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 - 4:25pm

Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes


and by appt./ y con cita particular

Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial

Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes

9:30am – 5:00pm

Sunday / Domingo

9:30am - 2:30pm

Closed Saturday / Cerrado en Sábado

Cathedral Tours

Visitas a la Catedral con Guía

Tuesday through Friday

Martes a Viernes

1:00 - 3:00pm

Groups of 10 or more 10 personas o más

Call / Llame para cita al

408-283-8100 ext. 2210

Horario de las Bendiciones

1er Domingo - Presentación de Niños

2o Domingo – Aniversario de Bodas

3o Domingo – Cumpleaños

Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time October 1, 2017


Reflection Today’s parable reminds us that it isn’t what we say that counts as much as what we do.

How would someone know you are a Christian through your actions? How and when were you like each of the sons in the Gospel?

80 South Market Street, San José, CA 95113-2321 408-283-8100 ,

“Jesus said to the chief priests and elders of the people: ‘What is your opinion? A man had two sons.

He came to the first and said, ‘Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.’

He said in reply, ‘I will not, ‘ but afterwards changed his mind and went.

The man came to the other son and gave the same order. He said in reply, “Yes, sir, ‘but did not go.

Which of the two did his father's will?’ They answered, ‘The first."

Jesus said to them, ‘Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes

are entering the kingdom of God before you. When John came to you in the way of righteousness,

you did not believe him; but tax collectors and prostitutes did.

Yet even when you saw that, you did not later change your minds and believe him.’”

Matthew 21: 28-32


Worship Prayer Support

Alabanza Oración Apoyo

October 1, 2017 Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Joseph Cathedral Basilica: Many of us grew up within a Catholic environment that stressed going to Mass on Sunday as a fundamental obli-gation for all Catholics. This no longer seems to be an adequate motivation to participate in Sunday Eucharist; indeed, the idea of participating in worship to fulfill an obligation seems uninspired. To consider different moti-vations for worship can likewise shift our expectation and even experiences of Sunday Mass. Any consideration of Sunday worship must begin with the experience of the early Church. After his death and resur-rection Jesus appears to his disciples. He appears to them in the upper room, on the road to Emmaus, and at the Sea of Galilee. Each of these appearances has similar charac-teristics. Each of them occurs on the first day of the week (Sunday, the day of the resurrection) and Jesus makes the same declaration, “Do not be afraid, it is I, peace be with you.” On the first day of the week the disciples experience the Risen Lord. They are challenged to relinquish their fears, to realize that He is with them, and that surrendering fear and realizing his presence brings peace. Within the context of these post-resurrection encounters with Jesus the disciples of Jesus would gather on the first day of the week and celebrate Eucharist. In the celebra-tion of Eucharist, they would hear the stories of Jesus, confront the challenges of their world in faith, and realize that He continued to be with them. This is the same context in which we gather for Eucharist. We too hear the stories of Jesus, confront the many chal-lenges of our world in faith, and perceive that God is with us. Consequently, we begin to recognize that the motiva-tion to gather on Sunday is not based on a sense of obliga-tion but rather expectation of an encounter with the Risen Lord. The Risen Lord is present to us through Sacred Scripture, Eucharist, and the community gathered in mutu-al care and common concern. This celebration, an hour of our week, is a privileged place to pray, enter community, and encounter Christ. This one hour is integral to our lives as disciples. Thank you for joining together this week in worship. Fr. Joseph M. Benedict, Pastor

El 1 de Octubre, 2017

Estimados Feligreses y amigos de la Catedral Basílica de San José:

Muchos crecimos en un ambiente que enfatizó la asisten-cia a la Misa del domingo como una obligación funda-mental. Esto ya no parece servir como motivación ade-cuada para participar en la Eucaristía Dominical; de he-cho, la idea de participar en la alabanza para cumplir con una obligación parece forzada. Contemplar diferentes motivaciones para la alabanza pudiera modificar nuestras expectativas y aun las experiencias en la Misa Dominical. Cualquier contemplación sobre la alabanza del Domingo debe verse desde los inicios de la Iglesia. Después de su muerte y resurrección, Jesús aparece a sus discípulos. Aparece en la habitación superior, por el camino a Emaús, y en el Mar de Galilea. Cada una de estas apariciones lle-va características semejantes. Cada una ocurre el primer día de la semana (Domingo, el día de la Resurrección) y Jesús declara lo mismo, “No tengan miedo, soy yo, la paz esté con ustedes.” El primer día de la semana los discípulos presencian al Señor Resucitado. Se les desafía a descartar sus miedos para darse cuenta que Él está con ellos y que al descartar el miedo y realizar su presencia trae paz. Dentro del contexto de estos encuentros post-resurrección con Jesús, los discípulos de Jesús se reunían el primer día de la semana y celebraban la Eucaristía. En la celebración de la Eucaristía compartían relatos de Jesús, enfrentaban los retos de su mundo con fe y se daban cuenta de que Él seguía con ellos. En este mismo contexto nos reunimos para la Eucaristía. Escuchamos relatos sobre Jesús, enfrentamos los retos del mundo con fe y percibimos que Dios está con nosotros. Por lo tanto, comenzamos a reconocer que el motivo por reunirnos en domingo no se basa en una obligación sino en la esperanza de un encuentro con el Señor Resucitado. El Señor Resucitado está presenta a nosotros mediante las Sagradas Escrituras, la Eucaristía y la comunidad congre-gada, unida por su mutuo afecto e interés común. Esta celebración, una hora de nuestra semana, es un lugar privilegiado para orar, entrar en comunidad y encontrar a Cristo. Es una hora íntegra a nuestras vidas como discípulos. Gracias por reunirse esta semana en alabanza. P. Joseph Benedict, Párroco


Rev. Patrick J. McGrath, DD, JCD, Bishop of San José Rev. Joseph M. Benedict, S.T.D. Pastor

Rev. Jeff Fernandez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Héctor Villela, Parochial Vicar

Greg Ortiz, Deacon




Parish Staff Israel Arellano, Maintenance Tim Barrington, Sacristan Linda O. Brisuela, Catechetical Coordinator Jim Del Biaggio, Cathedral Gift Shop Manager Antonia Lira, Wedding Coordinator ext. 2204 Sharon Miller, Director of Social Ministry Marisela Peifer, Receptionist (Sunday) Susan Olsen, Director of Religious Education/Business Manager Jose Luis Rodriguez, Assistant Gift Shop Manager Juan Rosales, Roberto Solórzano, Maintenance Anaí Torres, Receptionist Nina Tranchina Parish Office/San Jose Cathedral Foundation Julie Wind, Director of Music Tanis Zuccaro, Administrative Assistant Tel. (408) 283-8100 Fax (408) 283-8110

la tienda DE LA CATEDRAL

Recursos y regalos, artículos para las devociones, rosarios

y literatura Católica Artículos de interés

para los niños.

Cathedral Gift shop

Unique gifts, Faith-sourced

literature, devotionals, rosaries, music,

holy cards, items of interest for children.

Shop Hours/Horario de la Tienda (408) 275-6090 Mon/Lun: Closed/Cerrada Tue 10am - 3pm Wed-Sat / Mier a Sab 9:30am - 2pm 2:30 - 5pm Sunday/Domingo 9-3 4-5:15

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Zechariah 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Matthew 18:1-5, 10 Tuesday: Zechariah 8:20-23; Ps 87:1b-7; Luke 9:51-56 Wednesday: Nehemiah 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6; Luke 9:57-62 Thursday: Nehemiah 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11; Luke 10:1-12 Friday: Baruch 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Luke 10:13-16 Saturday: Baruch4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Luke 10:17-24 Sunday: Isaiah5:1-7; Ps 80:9, 12-16, 19-20; Philippians 4:6-9; Matthew 21:33-43 LAS LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA Lunes: Zacarías 8:1-8; Sal 102 :16-21, 29, 22-23; Mateo 18:1-5, 10 Martes: Zacarías 8:20-23;Sal 87:1b-7;Lucas 9:51-56 Miércoles: Nehemías 2:1-8; Sal 137:1-6; Lucas 9:57-62 Jueves: Nehemías 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Sal 19:8-11; Lucas 10:1-12 Viernes: Baruc1:15-22; Sal 79:1b-5, 8-9; Lucas 10:13-16 Sábado: Baruc 4:5-12, 27-29; Sal 69:33-37; Lucas 10:17-24 Domingo: Isaías 5:1-7; Sal 80:9, 12-16, 19-20; Filipenses 4:6-9; Mateo21:33-43 El Estudio de Biblia no se reunirá este viernes próxi-mo. Nos veremos de nuevo el viernes 13. Gracias. Earthquake Relief Collection—Oct 8 Next weekend, we will take up a second collection to support earthquake relief efforts in México. Colecta de Auxilio—el 8 de Octubre El próximo domingo realizaremos una segunda colecta a beneficio de los esfuerzos de ayuda para los afectados por los recientes terremotos en México.

MASS INTENTIONS for the week

LAS INTENCIONES de la semana

Sept 24, 2017 Mass/Misa Collection/Colecta 4:30 PM $1151.00 8:30 AM $2313.00 10:00 AM $1452.00 11:30 AM $1316.25 1:00 PM $892.00 5:30 PM $453.00 Sub-total $7577.25 Parish Pay $1538.33 Grand Total $9115.58

We need $11,200 weekly in order to meet our parish expenses. Our deficit this week was $2084.42. Necesitamos $11,200 por semana para cubrir los gastos de la parroquia. El déficit de la semana fue $2084.42. Tuition Assistance/Las Cuotas Escolares $2834.00 Thank you/Gracias.

Today’s Second Collection Office of Social Ministry

La Segunda Colecta de Hoy La Oficina del Ministerio Social

Goal/Meta $11,200

Total $9115.58


Sept 30 4:30PM John L. Mendoza Oct 1 8:30AM Cathedral parishioners Los feligreses de la Catedral 10:00AM Soledad Contreras Arroyo 11:30AM Yen Vui Ton Nu 1:00PM Hernan & Rosa Tantaruna 5:30PM Daniel George LewisOct 2 7:30AM Michael Alvarez 12:05PM Maria Ky Nguyen Oct 3 12:05PM Galindo Castro Family Oct 4 12:05PM Joseph Sau & Philomena Tran Oct 5 12:05PM Galindo Aréchiga Family Oct 6 7:30AM Les & Mary Sheridan 12:05PM Anna Tu Vu










Any adult 19 years and older who desires Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist may enroll. Your commitment involves classes Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm, liturgical celebrations (Sunday Mass) and two (2) retreat days.

ENROLLMENT Please call our parish office for the enrollment fee and for us to

answer your questions. We can provide you a brochure.


Cualquier adulto de 19 años y mayor que desea el Bautismo, la Confirmación y la Eucaristía es elegible. Su compromiso consiste en las clases cada Miércoles a las 7:00pm, las celebraciones litúrgi-cas (Misa) y 2 días de retiro.

LAS INSCRIPCIONES Favor de llamar a nuestra oficina parroquial para saber la cuota y

para que le contestemos sus preguntas. Tenemos folletos.


La Iniciación Cristiana

Cathedral Floor Refurbish Helping Hands Needed! The Cathedral floor maintenance will be done the week of October 16th. Worship space for our daily Masses October 16th —20th will be arranged in our par-ish hall and we need your help! On Sunday, October 15 after the 1:00pm Mass, all of the Cathedral chairs have to be removed. On Friday the 21st at 12:30, we will move all the chairs back into the Cathe-dral. Anyone that can help with this huge project please just show up. We welcome your many hands to help lighten the load! Thank you.

Christian Initiation

ONE HOUR of WORSHIP The celebration of Mass or the Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life.” In-deed all of the Church’s life, ministries and works of the apostolate are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented towards it. The Eu-charist is our primordial act of thanksgiving to God. We gather in thanksgiving on the first day of the week, the day of Christ’s Resurrection. It is through this sublime act of worship that we en-counter Christ, the sole spiritual good of the Church, who reminded us, “Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give to you Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” [John 14:27] Each week as we gather as children of the Father by virtue of our own Baptism we continue to en-counter Christ in Word, Sacraments and Commu-nity. It is in this act of worship, in this Eucharist that we as a Church, the Body of Christ, are faithfully nourished by Jesus himself, the Son of God and given the blessing to live out his mission, to live in faith, in hope and in love as we are all blessed, broken and shared for others.

El Mantenimiento del Piso de la Catedral ... realizará durante el 16 al 21 de octubre. Las mi-sas entre semana se celebrarán en el salón parroquial. ¡Necesitamos Ayuda! El domingo 15 tenemos que mover las sillas de la catedral terminando la misa de la 1:00. El viernes 21 los tenemos que reacomodar a las 12:30. Esperamos de toda su ayuda posible para que este proyecto no sea tan pesado para unas pocas personas. Si puede ayudar, aquí los esperamos. Gra-cias. Creados para Alabar


Jesus has entered Jerusalem and overturned the money changers’ tables in the Temple. Jesus has now caught the attention of the religious authorities; the chief priests and elders question Jesus about the source of his authority.

Jesus refuses to name for these religious leaders the source of his authority. Instead, he questions the priests and elders through the parable we hear in today’s Gospel. The answer given by the reli-gious leaders is correct, but it convicts them for their failure to heed the call of John the Baptist and for their inability to recognize the Kingdom of God. The situation Jesus poses is rather straightforward. Given the same task by their fa-ther, one son asserts his disobedience in words, but then obeys in his actions; the second son obeys with his words, but disobeys in his actions. The question that Jesus poses is pointed and di-rect: Which son did what the father wanted? All would agree that “actions speak louder than words” and that even if his words were disobedi-ent, the son who did the work as ordered did the father’s will. Jesus’ conclusion is also direct. The chief priests and elders, the ones who speak most often about God, did not act accordingly. They did not respond to the message of repentance an-nounced by John the Baptist with a change of heart. Instead, John’s message was heeded by those one would not expect to repent—tax collec-tors, prostitutes, and other sinners. Because of their actions, these sinners will enter the Kingdom of God ahead of the religious leaders. Jesus could ask us the same question. Do our words indicate our obedience to God? If not our words, do our actions? God desires a full conversion of heart, that our actions (and our words as well) will give evidence of our love for God. - Loyola Press




Sunday october 8


Next dooR In Loyola hall

RecaudaciÓn de fondos

EL DOMINGO 8 de octubre


en el salÓn parroquial

Sacred Linen Ministry The distinctive linens - called purifi-cators – that we use at each Eucharistic celebration are the respon-sibility of a ministerial team of Cathedral parishioners who wash them at home for our community. We are very grateful for their dedication. If you would like to participate, we invite you to call the parish office. We will put you in touch with Fr. Jeff who will talk to you more about it and provide the proper instructions.


S aint of the Week Theodora Guérin October 2, 1798 – May 14, 1856 Trust in God’s Providence enabled Mother Theo-

dore to leave her homeland, sail halfway around the world, and found a new religious congregation. Born in Étables, France, Anne-Thérèse Guerin’s life was shattered by her father’s murder when she was 15. For sev-eral years, she cared for her mother and younger sister. She entered the Sisters of Providence in 1823, taking the name Sister Saint Theodore. An illness during novitiate left her with lifelong fragile health, but that did not keep her from becoming an accomplished teacher. At the invitation of the bishop of Vincennes, Indiana, she and five sisters were sent in 1840 to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, to teach and to care for the sick poor. She was to establish a motherhouse and novitiate. Only later did she learn that her French superiors had already decided the sisters in the United States should form a new religious congregation under her leadership. She and her community persevered despite fires, crop fail-ures, prejudice against Catholic women religious, misun-derstandings, and separation from their original religious congregation. She once told her sisters, “Have confidence in the Providence that so far has never failed us. The way is not yet clear. Grope along slowly. Do not press matters; be patient, be trustful.” Another time, she asked, “With Jesus, what shall we have to fear?” She is buried in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, and was beatified in 1998. Eight years later, she was canonized. Reflection God’s work gets done by people ready to take risks and to work hard—always remembering what Saint Paul told the Corinthians, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth.” Every holy person has a strong sense of God’s Providence.

S anta de la Semana Teodora Guérin Octubre 2, 1798 - Mayo 14, 1856

Confiando en la Providencia de Dios permitió a la Madre Teodora a dejar su pueblo natal, navegar alrededor de me-dio mundo e inaugurar una nueva congregación religiosa. Nacida en Étables, Francia, la vida de Anne-Thérèse Guérin fue hecha a pedazos con el asesinato de su padre cuando ella tenía 15 años. Por varios años, cuidó a su ma-

dre y hermanita. Ingresó a las Hermanas de la Providencia en 1823, tomando el nombre Hermana San Teodoro. Una enfermedad durante su noviciado la dejó con la salud delicada pero esto no la impidió de volverse en una maestra cumplida. Invitada por el obispo de Vincennes, India-na, ella y cinco hermanas fueron enviadas en 1840 a Santa-María-del-Bosque, Indiana a enseñar y cuidar a los enfermos pobres.

Hasta después supo que sus superiores Francesas ya habían decidido que las hermanas en los EEUU debían formar una nueva congregación religiosa bajo su liderazgo. Ella y su comunidad perseveraron a pesar de los incendios, las cosechas fracasadas, el prejuicio en contra de las muje-res religiosas, los malentendidos y la separación de su con-gregación original religiosa. Una vez le comentó a sus her-manas, “Confíen en la Providencia que hasta ahora, no nos ha fallado. El camino aun no es claro. Hay que tentarle des-pacio. No presionen los asuntos; tengan paciencia y con-fianza.” Otra vez, pregunto, “Con Jesús, ¿qué hemos de temer?” Está enterrada en la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción en Santa-María-de-los-Bosques en Indiana y fue beatifica-da en 1998. A los ocho años, fue canonizada. Reflexión: La obra de Dios es cumplida por personas que se arriesgan y trabajan duro - siempre recordando lo que San Pablo les dijo a los Corintios, “Yo planté, Apolo regó pero Dios hizo crecer.” Cada persona santa tiene un fuerte sentido de la Providencia.

Discover the keys to the mystery of love and relation-ships! The Dominican cloistered nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery and guest Jim Brady will unravel this mystery

in a five-session series based on the groundbreaking “Love and Responsibility” by Karol Wojtyla (Saint John Paul II). Some of the issues to be addressed include: What makes a true friendship? How does attraction lead to either selfless love or a relationship in which someone is being used? How do I know if I am in a relationship of authentic love or just another relationship doomed to failure? If eve-ryone is made for spousal love, how is this desire recon-ciled with vocations to the priesthood, religious life or ded-icated singlehood? …and more! Each second Saturday from 9:15-11:30 a.m. (Mass available at 8 a.m.) September 9, 2017 | October, 14, 2017 | November 11, 2017 | December 9, 2017 | January 13, 2018 Cost: $45 (includes books, materials) Corpus Christi Monastery | 215 Oak Grove Avenue | Menlo Park, California For more information or to register, please visit or contact Sister Joseph Marie, O.P. at



SUNDAY /DOMINGO English Bible Study 9:30AM-11:00AM 2ND FLOOR CONF RM

Christian Initiation-children/La Iniciación Cristiana-niños 9:45AM-11:00AM 2ND FLOOR

Religious Education / La Educación Religiosa 9:45AM-11:00AM CLASSROOMS

Confirmation / La Confirmación 11:30AM- 1:30PM 2ND FLOOR CONF RM

Religious Education / La Educación Religiosa 3:00PM-4:30PM CLASSROOMS/HALL

TUESDAY / MARTES Cathedral Tours / Visitas con Guía 1:00PM-3:00PM CATHEDRAL

WEDNESDAY/MIÉRCOLES New Docent Orientation 1:00-2:30PM 2ND FLOOR CONF RM

Cathedral Tours / Visitas con Guía 1:00PM-3:00PM CATHEDRAL

Christian Initiation/La Iniciación Cristiana 7:00PM 2ND FLR/2NDO PISO

Cathedral Choir—English 7:00PM LOYOLA HALL

THURSDAY /JUEVES Cathedral Tours / Visitas con Guía 1:00PM-3:00PM CATHEDRAL

FRIDAY /VIERNES Holy Hour & Adoration / La Hora Santa y la Adoración 12:30PM CATHEDRAL

El Estudio de Biblia NO se reunirá este viernes sino hasta el viernes 13 de Octubre.

40 Days for Life Fall Campaign runs Sep-tember 27 to November 5. 40 Days is a peaceful pro-life effort of volunteers’ pray-ers, committed to protecting women and their unborn children. The campaign con-sists of Prayer and Fasting, Community Outreach and Peaceful Vigil. Daily Vigil 7am to 8pm. Praying at Planned Parenthood, 1691 The Alameda, San Jose 95126. Schedule yourself and a friend here. Prayer held daily for the 40 days, 9/27 to 11/5. Daily Vigil 7am to 7pm. Praying at Planned Parenthood, 225 San Antonio Rd, Mountain View, CA 94040. Schedule your-self and a friend here. Prayer held daily for the 40 days, 9/27 to 11/5. Bishop’s Mass for the Sanctity of Human Life, Bishop McGrath celebrating. Tuesday, 10/3, 7:30 pm St. Maria Goretti, 2980 Senter Rd, San Jose 95111. A Potluck reception follows the Mass.

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