case study of tancity despite failure - as presentation

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Entrepreneurship Presentation

By: Falcon’s Group Ali Raza Sahni (20 / REG) Muhammad Usama(14 / REG) Sabat Jhanzaib (37 / REG) Imran Hussain (14 / REG)

Launching the Palm

Pilot: A Classic Tale of

Tenacity Despite


Tenacity Despite Failure

Developing a new business may required experimentation before success is attained; setbacks & failures are part of life, like Experimentation for Scientists in the Laboratory

Jeff Hawkins – Profiles

Founder of Palm Computing – A Handheld Development Corporation

Palm Pilot – Handheld Device to organize the schedules

Jeff Hawkins – Palm’s Pilot FounderGraduate from Cornell in 1979Work in Intel for 3 yearsThen join GRiD Systems – A Small

Silicon Valley wanted to design a handheld computer

RAD S/W – @ the end 1980’s

Jeff went back to school Berkeley to know the Human Brain Reorganization Patterns

He want to know that what the human brain is required for their easy & betterment

He developed “Palm Print” – by the name of “Rapid Application Development (RAD)” - A handheld writing reorganization software

GriDPad – In 1990The first Invention by Hawkins GriDPad - in 1990 A Pen – Based Handheld DeviceTablet ComputerGriDPad was slow, clunky & ugly pen based

computerHas numbers of serious limitations With in 6 months GriDPad was fizzled out

from the market as well as customer

Zoomer – A Consumer (1992) Hawkins left GRiD and founded own company

“Palm Computing” in January 1992First product was “Zoomer” – in short Consumer Based on strength of reputation He hired Donna Dubinsky – a former Apple

Company Employee for their Managerial SkillsDevice was too slow in their Operating System Had bad text recognization High Priced for Consumer Market - $700 .So, Flopped

Consumer’s Interest Hawkins & Donna were willing to design one thing

more for the market They surveyed the consumer market in detailed

- Consumer want complements to their PC’s

- Not the Handheld PC’s

Survey provide a lot of information to invent new design about the handheld product

A Problem - To recognized handwriting individuallyA Solution - Everyone would to learn the device’s


Graffiti – in 1994 A new development “Graffiti” – each letters

made by writing in standardized fashion – no individuality is allowed

Hawkins believed that people would take the time to learn Graffiti just as people learn to Touch – Type

Touch Typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys – A touch typist will know their location on the keyboard through memory

Graffiti also runs on the Windows Mobile Platform, where it is called "Block Recognizer"

Palm Pilot – In April 1996

Hawkins, Donna & Ed Collins – Partners Sold the Manufacturing Rights to US

RoboticsPalm Computing introduced “Palm Pilot” in

April 1996Became the “fastest selling consumer

product” in history of consumer market In 2000, Palm Computing – An Independent

Corporation from US Robotics

PalmOne – A Merger In 1998, Donna Dubinsky left Palm

Computing Founded her own company “Handspring” – A

Handheld device company under “Visor” brand name

In late 2003, Palm & Handspring & form a New Company by the name of “PalmOne”

PalmOne developed Handhelds & Mobile Gadgets

“Palmsource” – a licensed separate entity from the “PalmOne” – but the business project of PalmOne


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