casa viva christmas letter 2014

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Casa Viva Christmas Letter 2014



    Then Jesus said, What is the Kingdom of God like?

    How can I illustrate it? It is like a ny mustard seed

    that a man planted in a garden; it grows and becomes

    a tree, and the birds make nests in its branches.

    -Luke 13, NLT

    This year we have been exploring

    seeds as we think and work on behalf of children

    separated from their families. You

    ll no ce in thelogo of Casa Viva, there is one image a leaf.

    Growth. Life. Connec on that grows like a vine

    holding children and family together. We invite you

    to read these thoughts, and celebrate with us what

    God is doing in our midst.

    In the book of Luke, Jesus likens the Kingdom of

    God to a mustard seed. As Kingdom followers, we

    would do well to ponder this thought.

    We are reminded that the Kingdom is always smaller than we think . We can speak of grand plans and

    strategies, but at the end of the day, the Kingdom is in mate and personal. It is within our homes, at

    our front doors, in the daily ac vi es of our day. The Kingdom is Christ living in us our daily lives

    truly lt history one way or the other.

    On a global scale, the work of Casa Viva is smallsome 250 children have spent between nine days

    and nine years living with a Casa Viva family. Thirty Costa Rican churches are currently implemen ng

    this foster care ministry in their church. 150 families have been impacted as they have welcomed a

    child into their home. Small numbers, yet signi cant the movement has taken root here, it is

    growing, spreading its branches far and wide.

    The Kingdom is o en hidden from sight. A seed burrows into the ground and we cannot see what is

    happening. We know that to dig down and mess with that process would more than likely kill the

    Casa Viva Christmas Le er 2014

  • 8/10/2019 Casa Viva Christmas Letter 2014


    sprou ng plant. God lives and works in

    mystery like this. He sca ers seeds and

    sets Kingdom work in mo on. O en we

    have not the sight or understanding to

    comprehend His ways, but that doesn t

    mean the Kingdom is not in process. Casa Viva is taking the needs of children

    o the main stage and bringing them

    into private family homes and local

    neighborhoods. We work very hard to

    protect our children from unnecessary

    exposure. We honor their private pain and need for healing. So much of the

    cri cal work is hidden from sight, but it is of the Kingdom to be sure. A child wakes to the smell of

    gallo pinto on a weekend morning. A father works outside washing his car with a li le one laughing

    and playing. When a family takes the risk to welcome a stranger in the name of Christ, they

    welcome Jesus. Time and again we have seen Him in our midst, working on behalf of the vulnerable

    and weak.

    The Kingdom enlarges and swells. It stretches and lls the land. Jesus tells us that the Kingdom will

    grow and eagles will nest in it, that the ny speck of yeast will nd its way through the dough, and in

    the warmth of the sun by the window, it will grow.

    We see glimpses of this. Ten years

    ago we were sent on a journey to

    explore bringing children closer to

    local families and the local church.

    We weren t the only ones. It is

    becoming obvious that this is of the

    Kingdom, that God is encouraging

    His church to remember the

    children and widows. On an

    interna onal level, organiza ons

    and ministries are moving awayfrom ins tu onalized responses

    and toward locally based ini a ves.

    With ten years of experience, we re nding that Casa Viva has a

    unique voice in this worldwide movement toward a deeper and wider spectrum of care.

    And nally, the Kingdom can be awakened . I s ll remember the day that I realized that the solu on

    for children separated from their family already exists. The care of children in need is connected to

  • 8/10/2019 Casa Viva Christmas Letter 2014


    the ancient spiritual discipline of hospitality.

    Casa Viva believes there is room at the table

    within Chris an homes and the local church

    community. We ve seen the need spread

    across the broad shoulders of the church.


    ve watched families assume theresponsibility for children in need.

    We are grateful for your partnership with CasaViva. Be encouraged! The small seeds of theKingdom are growing. They have o en fallenin unexpected places, but they have takenroot and the evidences of life are everywhere.


    Jill for Philip and the Casa Viva Team

    A seed is sleepy.

    It lies there, tucked inside its ower, on its

    cone, or beneath the soil. Snug. S ll.

    A seed is secre ve.

    It does not reveal itself too quickly.

    A seed is adventurous.It must strike out on its own in search of a less

    crowded place to put down roots.

    A seed is inven ve.

    It clings to a child s shoestring or tumbles

    through a bear s belly.

    Some seeds are ancient.

    Not all are eager to germinate.

    A seed is sleepy, but only un l it has found a

    place in the sun and it has had its breakfast

    and a drink of water.

    Then a seed is awake!

    Taken from the child s book A Seed is Sleepy

    by Dianna Hu s Aston

  • 8/10/2019 Casa Viva Christmas Letter 2014


    Casa Viva USA P.O. Box 120, Wheaton, IL 60187 Telephone (630) 427 -4040

    Casa Viva La n America Apdo: 544 -2050, San Jos, Costa Rica +(506) 2524 -1380

    E-mail Web Facebook Casa Viva

    The Casa Viva e-newsletter is the primary way we testify to what God is doingthrough churches and families for children in Latin America.

    Completely free! Add your e-mail to the list . Click onSign up to receive our latest news.

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    On the eve of celebra ng Casa Viva s tenth year . As we look ahead to the year 2015, we stand amazed at what God

    has been doing on behalf of children separated from their families.

    It was ten years ago, 2005, when Casa Viva placed its rst child in a

    Costa Rican Chris an family. That li le seed of an idea has grownand is now being replicated in other countries in our region.

    We are well aware that our

    partnership with all of you

    has encouraged this work

    in so many signi cant

    waysyour prayers, your

    visits, your gi s, your

    commitment to seeing

    children connected to

    local families and


    Gracias to our friends and family. Please pray with us for this

    coming yearthe opportuni es to see more children cared

    for in local families here in Costa Rica, and the wide open

    door to in uencing our colleagues toward a deeper and

    wider spectrum of care.

    Are you receiving the Casa Viva E-Newsletter?

    Did you receive a series of six e-newsletters from Casa Viva this fall, aseries called Seeds Falling in the Rich Earth? If not, we dont haveyour e-mail in our data base.
  • 8/10/2019 Casa Viva Christmas Letter 2014


    Please help us plant seeds that will connect children to family!

    We invite you to partner with us as we embark on our

    tenth year of engaging local churches and connec ng

    children into local Chris an families. We ask you to

    please remember Casa Viva in your year -end giving plans.

    Send your tax deduc ble contribu on to

    Casa Viva, PO Box 120, Wheaton, IL 60187

    or give online at .

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