capstone day 4

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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1) Icebreaker2)Talking about a Video3)Practice time/pick your



What’s your guilty pleasure? Mine:

One of the things you’ll be doing every week is a rhetorical analysis. This feels like a good time to conduct one such analysis as a group.

I also want to raise the issue of being socially aware, as we will need to be considerate of delicate issues to work with our client, the Butler County Special Olympics.

We’re going to do three videos today.The first is a music video made by students (not ours, but students)The second is a comedy song.The third is fairly offensive, not that the first two aren’t, too.

Fair warning!What we are about to watch MIGHT insult some of you. Or all of you. If you’re uncomfortable dealing with potentially hateful commentary in video, please express your concern to me now so we can make some sort of arrangement.

How do we approach this?

Rhetorical analysis is essentially using rhetoric to approach an artifact.

With these, as you can guess, I expect we’ll talk mostly about the treatment of people who would be considered “Special.” I’m not sure that’s the word I would use, but that’s the word in the videos.

How can we learn from seeing these popular depictions? I DO NOT (stress that DOOOO NOOOOT) think we should refer to anyone in such a way, but these videos are not “unacceptable” to society. In fact the Lonely Island one is quite popular.

I want us to think hard about this, because we’re going to be presenting children and adults who are part of this stigma with our video project.

This doesn’t mean we have to live in fear. Dr. Phill is fat (shocker!). I still giggle at some fat jokes. The point is we have to know the line and be tasteful. We probably shouldn’t try to be funny.

But the key word:


Practice time!

Let’s spend the rest of our time partnering up for the first video project and doing some practice with our phones.

This is also a time to ask questions.

No class on Monday.For Wednesday, read sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Premiere Classroom in a Box.

On Monday, take your hour and fifteen minutes for this class and do NOTHING. Play on your phone. Nap. Watch trashy TV. It’s Labor Day. I want you to celebrate it.

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