cam customization 1 environment

Post on 01-Mar-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 CAM Customization 1 Environment


    Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.

    NX CAM CustomizationThe First Step: Creating a Local Environment

    Mark Rief

    Product Manager

  • 7/25/2019 CAM Customization 1 Environment


    Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.

    Siemens PLM SoftwarePage 2

    Why Customize?

    NX CAM is a great system, but everyone wants something different.

    NX CAM has broad functionality, but you probably dont need all of it.

    Having lots of options is good for functionality, but not usability.

    Make the system more understandable to your users.

    Set default values.

    Optimize the user interface

    Reduce errors

    Improve your chances of making the right choice.

  • 7/25/2019 CAM Customization 1 Environment


    Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.Siemens PLM SoftwarePage 3

    What Can We Customize?

    NX UI Customizationtoolbars, menus, roles.

    CAM Setup Templatesinitial setup assembly

    CAM Object Templates - what can be created, default parameters, dialogs,

    icons, tool tips

    LibrariesTools, holders, machining data

    Machining Knowledge Rulesfor feature based machining

    WizardsStep by step UI to guide the user through several steps

    Journalsrecord, edit, playback common tasks

    API Programsautomate interaction, parameter setting, process, provide

    complete control.

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    Templates are the place to start

    Easy to develop

    Easy to share

    Reuse anythingtool, operation, complete process

    By setting up custom templates, you can

    Streamline your workflow

    Set fewer parameters

    Provide consistent defaults like tolerances

    Enforce consistent machining practices

    Reuse best practices

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    Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.Siemens PLM SoftwarePage 5

    There are many ways to customize NX

    Edit the OOTB installation (No!)

    Set environment variables in control panel

    Use batch files

    Use other scripts

    Use a folder and shortcut TODAY

    Easy for any user to do without system privileges

    Easy to make several

  • 7/25/2019 CAM Customization 1 Environment


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    Why Do You Need a Local Environment?

    A safe place to experiment

    Try new things without risk

    Test your customizations before distributing

    Dont mess up the out of the box (OOTB) installation

    Dont risk disrupting production

    Need something to roll back to

    Preserve your customizations during an upgrade

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    Siemens AG 2012. All Rights Reserved.Siemens PLM SoftwarePage 7

    Demo: Create a Safe Customization Environment

    Create a home folder Copy the OOTB mach\resource folder to the home folder

    Remove read only protection

    Create a usertools\bitmaps folder in the home folder

    Create a usertools\startup folder in the home folder (toolbars, pax)

    Copy the OOTB a ugii_env.dat file in the home folder

    Define variables to point to the folders you created

    Copy the OOTB shortcut to run NX

    Set the Start In folder to your home folder

    Run NX and check the syslog

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    Planning your Customization

    Create a local environment TODAY

    Optimize the common use cases first

    Plan for distribution to other users

    Make your ideas easy to understand

    Dont keep a good idea secret!

    Plan for version upgrades

  • 7/25/2019 CAM Customization 1 Environment


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