by valarie budayr - connection · copyright © 2016 page 5 1/2 c sugar 1/4 t salt 1...

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BY Valarie Budayr

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Copyright © Copyright © Valarie Budyar 2016

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Dragons Are Real Activity Guide to Inspire

“Screen-free” Family Time

Did you know that Dragons are indeed real? If you have had a chance to

read my new children’s book by the same title, you already know that it

is possible!

So now that I have you thinking about Dragons, let’s start eating dragon,

playing with Dragons, creating with Dragons, reading with Dragons and

learning about Dragons!

Unit# 1: Enjoying Dragons as Friends

Did you know that Dragons love ice cream? This fact was discussed on

page 12 of my Dragons Are Real book.

They can smell something sweet from hundreds of feet away and sweets

is all that they think of SO, if your sweets, like ice cream,

ever go can be sure a real dragon is nearby. Let's create

our own ice cream treats and see if we can lure a sweet-craving dragon

in for a visit!

The Sweeter-the-Better Very Cherry Pecan Ice Cream

What You Need:

1 (10 oz.) jar red maraschino cherries,

2 C half and half

3 C whipping cream

1 C brown sugar, packed 1 T vanilla extract

3/4 C pecans, chopped

How to Make It:

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Drain the cherries and reserve 1/3 cup of the juice.

Chop the cherries and place in a mixing bowl, set aside. Pour the reserved cherry

juice into a large mixing bowl. Add the half and half and whipping cream.

Dump the brown sugar into the mixture and stir until the sugar has completely


Fold in the vanilla extract.

Pour the mixture into the freezer canister of a 5 qt. ice cream maker. Freeze

according to the manufacturer's directions on your ice maker. Stir in the cherries

and pecans until well blended.

Allow the ice cream to set for four hours.

Old Fashion Delish French Vanilla

Because dragons are very old, they are oftentimes drawn to “old fashioned” way of

creating sweet treats!

What You Need:

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1/2 C sugar 1/4 t salt

1 C of milk

egg yolks, beaten 1 T vanilla

C whipping cream, chilled

How to Make It:

Dump the sugar into a heavy duty saucepan. Sprinkle the salt over the sugar.

Pour the milk into the saucepan and stir to combine.

Add the egg yolks and stir until all the ingredients are combined together well.

Place the pan over medium heat and stirring constantly cook 3 minutes or until

bubbles begin to appear around the edges.

Remove the pan from the stove and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.

Stir in the vanilla.

Pour the ice cream into a refrigerator try and place in the freezer 45 minutes or

until mushy.

Place 2 bowls in the refrigerator to chill.

Add the whipping cream to the chilled bowl and beat with an electric mixer until

soft peaks begin to form.

Spoon the partially frozen ice cream mixture into the second chilled bowl. Beat

with the mixer on medium speed until smooth.

Fold the whipped cream into the mixture well.

Pour the ice cream evenly into 2 refrigerator trays and cover with wax paper.

Freeze at least 3 hours or until firm stirring the ice cream mixture about every 10

minutes for the first hour of freezing time. Makes 1 quart of ice cream

To make this ice cream in a crank style ice cream maker, follow the above

directions to where you add the vanilla. Add the vanilla and whipping cream

together. Pour 1/2 of the mixture into the freezer can of ice cream maker. Fill the

freezer tub 1/3 full of ice and then add the remaining ice cream. Crank until it

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becomes too difficult to turn. Drain off water, replace the lid and allow the ice

cream to set for at least four hours.

Snow Festival Delight Snow Cream

Dragons are not often found in snow conditions, but when they are you

can whip up a batch of snow cream using nature’s own supplies!

What You Need:

8 cups of snow

1/2 cup of milk

1/2 cup of evaporated milk

1/2 cup of sugar

1 teaspoon of vanilla

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How to Make it:

Mix milk, vanilla, and sugar until dissolved. Add snow, stir until consistency is

thick and creamy. Serve immediately. Might I suggest that it tastes great with

chocolate chips or little goodies (small candy) too.

Unit #2-Dragons Communicate in Secret Code

Ever heard of Futhark? It’s a Runic alphabet only know to the wisest

Dragons. In fact, Dragons use Futhark to write secret messages back and


Runes (Proto-Norse: ᚱᚢᚾ ᛟ (runo), Old Norse: rún) are the letters in a

set of related alphabets known as runic alphabets, which were used to

write various Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin

alphabet and for specialised purposes thereafter. The Scandinavian

variants are also known as futhark or fuþark (derived from their first six

letters of the alphabet: F, U, Þ, A, R, and K); the Anglo-Saxon variant is

futhorc or fuþorc (due to sound changes undergone in Old English by

the names of those six letters).-Wikipedia

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Practice creating your own Futhark that you can decode yourself with

family and friends!

Unit #3: Dragons Love Riddles

Did you see this fact on page 13? This goes hand-in-hand, or paw-in-

paw….or claw-in-claw…with the fact that Dragons love to laugh as

well. But riddles are much more to their fancy. If you ever meet a

Dragon, chances are he will test you with a riddle to see if it’s safe for

him to talk to you.

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First, let’s make sure we understand what a “riddle” is. The definition of

a riddle is this: A question or statement intentionally phrased so as to

require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning.

So let’s practice our riddle telling and guessing!

What has two hands, but can’t tie a shoe or open a door?

Answer: A clock!

My life can be measured in hours,

I serve by being devoured.

Thin, I am quick

Fat, I am slow

Wind is my foe.

What am I?

Answer: A candle!

On my way to St. Ives I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack

had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives. How many were

going to St. Ives?

Answer: Just one, me!! (I saw a man...).

While some months have just 30 days, others have 31 days. How many months

have 28 days?

Answer: All months have 28 days!

Almost everyone needs it, and yet almost nobody takes it, even when it is available.

What is it?

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Answer: Advice!

(This Riddle Poem is by J.R.R. Tolkien.)

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt

Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.

It lies behind stars and under hills,

And empty holes it fills.

It comes first and follows after,

Ends life, kills laughter.

Answer: Darkness

Unit #4: Dragons Love Bonfire Time

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Yes Dragons breathe fire, but only when they need to and lighting a

delightful bonfire is one such occasion! So once the crackling fire is lit,

Dragons also love to “kick back” and enjoy some “around the fire”

activities. Here are a few favorites:

S’mores: What makes a dragon very happy? The combination of

campfire time AND a sweet treat!

Ingredients Needed:

Graham crackers (broken into squares)

Hershey's plain milk chocolate bars, broken into sizes to fit the graham

cracker squares

Large marshmallows

Equipment Needed:

8 wood sticks or long metal skewers (for roasting the marshmallows)

Bonfire, campfire or a fire pit


Take one (1) large graham cracker and break it in half (one for top cracker and one

for bottom cracker). Notice graham crackers are scored across the middle, creating

two sub-crackers. Break apart at this part. Repeat with additional graham crackers.

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Put a marshmallow on the stick and hold it over the fire until roasted (golden

brown on at least 2 sides). Toast marshmallows over a campfire only until golden

and they are just starting to get mushy. NOTE: Some people like to roast them for

a few minutes, then make them catch on fire, blow them out. Be sure and only do

this with adult supervision.

Take your toasted marshmallow (still on the stick), and lay it on the side of the

graham cracker with the chocolate. Now take the other half of the graham cracker

and cover the hot marshmallow, pressing down firmly enough to pull out the stick.

When the S'more is fully assembled, let it sit for a few seconds. The heat will

somewhat melt the chocolate and make for better "squishability." Don't eat it too

soon or you will burn your mouth! Now squish your S’more between your fingers

and eat it. Yum!

Story Stones: We wanted to explore the idea of Campfire Storytelling using

Story Stones as story prompts.

What you’ll need:

Little rocks. If you can’t find enough for this activity you can find them at

any craft store in the florist section.

Permanent Markers like Sharpies or Bic markers

We decorated rocks with symbols and designs. Each participant can chose a stone

and then either tell a story themselves, or challenge someone around the campfire

to tell the most entertaining story about that symbol. For an extra layer of fun,

campfire guest can decide whether the story is true or made up.

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Campfire Hot Chocolate


2-1/2 ounces of unsweetened baking chocolate

1/2 cup cold water

1/8 tsp. salt

3/4 cup sugar

1 cup heavy cream

1 tsp. vanilla extract

A gallon of milk, or enough for all participants

Step 1: Making the Base

1. In a heavy-bottom saucepan over low campfire flame, melt the chocolate in

the water, stirring constantly until it is smooth.

2. Add the salt and sugar and continue to stir for 3 to 4 minutes.

3. Remove from fire. Let the chocolate mixture cool completely. This

chocolate base will keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Step 2: How to Make the Hot Chocolate

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To make the hot chocolate you will need a gallon of milk and the refrigerated

chocolate cream.

1. In each cup place a large spoonful of the chocolate cream mixture.

2. Slowly heat the milk in a saucepan over campfire-safe cooking vessel,

medium-high heat, stirring constantly with a whisk so it won’t scald.

3. Pour hot milk into each cup and stir well. Sprinkle with freshly grated


(This recipe comes from the book The Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the

Chocolate Factory by Valarie Budayr and Roscoe Welply and adapted for

outdoor/campfire cooking)

Unit #5: Dragons Love to Dance

But not just any dance, mind you. Dragons are a big animal so their

favorite dance (the one they can manage the best is the Cha-Cha-Cha!

Let’s brush up on your Cha-Cha-Cha skills so you can get down and

groove with your favorite Dragon.

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The Cha Cha is characterized by its captivating rhythm – one, two, cha, cha, cha or

step, step, cha-cha-cha. The footwork is simple and mostly focuses on just shifting

weight from one foot to another.

It's danced to music written in 4/4 time and played at a tempo of 28-34 measures

per minute. Five steps are taken to four beats of music - 2 slow steps, 2 quick steps,

followed by one slow step. So the count would be: Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow,

slow, slow, quick, quick, slow…

Basic Steps

1. Step forward with your left foot

2. Right foot in place, weight shifts to it

3. Sidestep to the left with your left foot

4. Move your right foot to your left foot

5. Sidestep to the left with your left foot

6. Step backward & left with your right foot

7. Left foot in place, weight shifts to it

8. Step forward & right with your right foot

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9. Move your left foot to your right foot

10. Sidestep to the right with your right foot

For more details on how to “cha-cha-cha” your way into a dragon’s heart, visit for full instruction and videos.

Unit #6 Dragon Age Gracefully and Wisely

Dragons are very old and how you can tell exactly how old they are is by

the amount of poetry they can recite. Very old dragons can recite poetry

for hours…but don’t fall asleep. An audience who falls asleep during a

recital is likely to end up as “toast.”

Here are some dragon-worthy poems to share:

Print Some Pocket Poems

Kenn Nesbit’s Poetry4Kids

Giggle Poetry by Meadowbrook Press offers several poetry activities.

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Word Mover App for Kids (helps kids form their own poems)

Diamante Poem interactive, kids create verse in the shape of a diamond.

RhymeZone’s Rhyming Dictionary helps kids in their struggle to find words that

express their feelings and ideas.

Jack Prelutsky Website for Kids

Shel Silverstein Printables for your pocket

Unit# 7 Dragons like FOOD!

Dragons love food, but not the kind of food you would think they would.

Remember, Dragons love sweet things and that includes hot, fresh baked goods.

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Dragon Bread Recipe

2 1/4 teaspoons yeast

3 3/4 cups flour

3/4 cup warm water

2 eggs

1/2 cup oil

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup sugar

Mix together the yeast and warm water. Let it rest. In another bowl, mix eggs, oil,

salt, and sugar. Add flour. Add yeast and water mixture and mix until blended.

Knead the dough on a floured surface until its firm and smooth, then round it into a

bowl coated in a little oil. Turn the ball over once to coat both sides of dough with

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oil. Let the dough rise in a warm place until it has doubled in size. Now place your

dough on a greased cookie sheet or use parchment paper and shape it into a dragon.

Make your dough into a long rectangle.

Make your dough into a long rectangle.

Take a little section off of the right hand end of the dough for the mouth, and


Pull the end of the right hand side of the dough to make a tail.

Attach the head.

Place a ball of dough under the head for the mouth. Feel free to add almond

slivers for the teeth.

Place the feet under the dragon body.

To decorate your dragon you can use dried fruit, almond slivers as spikes or

do as we have and use your scissors to make dragon scales.

Cut down the middle of the body first and then another row on down on each

side of the dragon’s body.

Add raisins or craisins for the eyes.

Some people cover and let their dragon bread rise again for about 30 minutes. We

do not since my kids like the shape of their dragon to remain the same. Bake at

350 degrees until done, about 25 minutes.

Unit #8: Dragons like to Read:

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Danny Dragonbreath can’t breathe fire, but he has no fear. And that comes in handy when a bad

grade at school inspires him to enlist his cousin the sea-serpent’s help with a research project.

Using a hybrid of comic-book panels and text, Ursula Vernon introduces an irresistible set of

characters that will have readers laughing until smoke comes out of their noses!

The Rain Dragon Rescue (The Imaginary Veterinary) by Suzanne Selfors; Illustrated by

Dan Santat

Someone or something is stealing from the peaceful residents of Buttonville. But is the thief

from the real world…or the imaginary one? Ben and Pearl are about to find out. When they

report for duty at Dr. Woo’s, Mr. Tabby hands them a bucket and a shovel — for the collection

and proper disposal of dragon droppings — and directs the apprentices to the hospital’s roof.

Soon, they come face-to-snout with the dragon that lives there and find a pile of proof that he is

the thief.

Before Ben and Pearl can persuade the dragon to stop stealing, an emergency call comes in from

the Imaginary World. The rain dragon has been injured! But with Dr. Woo out of town and Mr.

Tabby busy with percolating pixies, time is running out.

Will Ben and Pearl finally get a chance to travel to the Imaginary World? Even if it means

breaking Dr. Woo’s rules? Even if it means they might never come back?

Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of Fantasy #4: The Dragon Prophecy by Geronimo


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The last existing dragon egg had been stolen from Sterling. If that egg was destroyed, dragons

would become extinct forever! I couldn’t let that happen. So he set out across enchanted lands to

find the egg and restore peace to the Kingdom of Fantasy.

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville

Sixth-grader Jeremy Thatcher discovers a strange magic shop he has never seen before. He

enters, and his life is changed forever. Buying what he thinks is a marble, he discovers he has

really purchased a dragon’s egg.

Great Dragon Series for Beginning Readers

These great reads are CLASSICS by Ruth Stiles Gannett Kahn.

My Father’s Dragon

Elmer and the Dragon

The Dragons of Blueland

Three Tales of My Father’s Dragon

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This next series are easily read and are very cute but they lack a bit of action for my taste. I put

them here simply because they are well done and kids really seem to love them and that’s the

important thing.

Dragon Keeper #1: The Dragon in the Sock Drawer Dragon Keeper #2: The Dragon in the Driveway Dragon Keeper #3: The Dragon in the Library Dragon Keeper #4: The Dragon in the Volcano Dragon Keeper #5: The Dragon in the Sea Dragon Keeper #6: The Dragon at the North Pole

The Dragon Slayer’s Academy by Kate McMullan is an extremely fun journey into the world

of Dragon Slayers. It’s sure to amuse and delight the earliest of readers.

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The New Kid at School Revenge of the Dragon Lady Class Trip to the Cave of Doom A Wedding for Wigala? Knight for a Day Sir Lancelot Where Are You? Wheel of Misfortune Countdown to the Year 1000

Dragon Masters Series by Tracey West

The DRAGON MASTERS series is “How to Train Your Dragon” meets the DRAGON


DRAGON MASTERS has it all! Dragons, a Dragon Stone, a king, a wizard, and magic! In the

first book in this fully-illustrated series, 8-year old Drake is snatched up by King Roland’s

soldier and taken to the castle. He is to be trained as a Dragon Master. At the castle, he is joined

by three other young Dragon Masters-in-training: Ana, Rori, and Bo. The Dragon Masters must

learn how to connect with and train their dragons–and they must also uncover their dragons’

special powers. Does Drake have what it takes to be a Dragon Master? What is his dragon’s

special power?

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A Special #DragonsAreReal Dragon Booklist for Middle Readers

Dragon’s Beware ( The Chronicles of Claudette) by Jorge Aguirre and Rafael Rosado

Scrappy Claudette sets out once again with her pal Marie and her little brother Gaston to right

wrongs and fight evil. And this time, it’s personal. Claudette is out to get the dragon that ate her

father’s legs…and his legendary sword. But as usual, nothing is as simple as it seems, and

Claudette is going to need Marie and Gaston’s help more than ever.

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Funny, fast, inventive and high-energy storytelling!!!

The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley

This in an incredible read! In Robin McKinley’s Newbery Medal–winning novel, an outcast

princess must earn her birthright as a hero of the realm. Aerin is an outcast in her own father’s

court, daughter of the foreign woman who, it was rumored, was a witch, and enchanted the king

to marry her. But modern dragons, while formidable opponents fully capable of killing a human

being, are small and accounted vermin. There is no honor in killing dragons. The great dragons

are a tale out of ancient history.

Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke

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With a lonely boy named Ben on board, the brave young dragon Firedrake sets out on a magical

journey to find the mythical place where silver dragons can live in peace forever. Flying over

moonlit lands and sparkling seas, they encounter fantastic creatures, summon up surprising

courage–and cross the path of a ruthless villain with an ancient grudge who’s determined to end

their quest. Only a secret destiny can save the dragons in this enchanting adventure about the true

meaning home.

Dragon Trail (The Menagerie #2) By Tui T. Sutherland and Kari Sutherland

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Wings of Fire series, Tui T. Sutherland, and

her sister, Kari Sutherland, comes the second exciting adventure in the Menagerie trilogy!

Combining the magic of Brandon Mull’s Fablehaven series and the charm and humor of Carl

Hiaasen, The Menagerie #2: Dragon on Trial is perfect for young readers who love myths, fairy

tales, and fantastic creatures.

Someone or something has murdered the goose who laid the golden eggs, and the evidence

points to a dragon named Scratch. Zoe and Logan are back on the case—but this mystery won’t

be that easy to solve….

Anni Moon and the Elemental Artifact by Melanie Abed illustrated by Hisham Abed

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Fantasy, adventure, and mystery collide in this coming of age fantasy series. Readers agree. It’s

perfect for all kids who are looking to get lost in a magical world filled with charm and wonder,

brought to you from the humorous and whimsical mind of Melanie Abed.

Anni Moon doesn’t know about Elementals, Funk, Zephyrs, excited talking Bat-Rat creatures, or

least of all, Dragons, but when her best friend, Lexi, is kidnapped, the girls are torn apart, left to

their own separate quests.

Dragon Run by Patrick Matthews

Testing Day is supposed to be a day of celebration for Al Pilgrommor. Born into a wealthy

family, he expects to follow in his successful father’s footsteps. Of course, that all depends on

the rank number Al receives at the testing. The higher the rank he has tattooed onto his neck, the

better his life will be.

To his surprise and horror, Al is revealed to be rank zero, the lowest of the low. He’s now not

only an outcast – he’s also a danger to his entire family. So Al goes on the run, fleeing the brutal

Cullers, men who hunt down zeroes . . . and put them to death.

Cast out of his home, cut off from his friends, and armed with only a sword and his wits, Al is

reduced to just surviving. As he meets other outcasts, however, he begins to suspect that he is a

pawn in a larger game – and that he might have the power to tip the scales in a high-stakes

struggle between man and dragon.

The Dragons of Ordinary Farm by Tad Williams and Deborah Beale

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Tyler and Lucinda have to spend summer vacation with their ancient uncle Gideon, a farmer.

They think they’re in for six weeks of cows, sheep, horses, and pigs. But when they arrive in

deserted Standard Valley, California, they discover that Ordinary Farm is, well, no ordinary


The bellowing in the barn comes not from a cow but from a dragon. The thundering herd in the

valley? Unicorns. Uncle Gideon’s sprawling farmhouse never looks the same twice. Plus, there’s

a flying monkey, a demon squirrel, and a barn-load of unlikely farmhands with strange accents

and even stranger powers.

Fluff Dragon by Platte F. Clark

Dubbed “deviously enjoyable” by Publishers Weekly, the second book in the hilarious Bad

Unicorn trilogy features killer unicorns, good dragons, rogue fire kittens, and a boy who just

might be a wizard.

After defeating a killer unicorn and saving a universe, all Max and his friends want to do is go

home. Instead, Max discovers that the Codex of Infinite Knowability has stopped working. He

can’t use it to get home until he reboots it. The problem is that in order to reboot the book, he’s

going to have to carry it into the heart of Rezormoor Dreadbringer’s Wizard’s Tower. Since

Dreadbringer has been hunting Max and the book across time and space, getting in may be easy,

but getting out will be another story.

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The Girl, the Dragon, and the Wild Magic by Dave Luckett

Rhianna is failing out of magic school. She’s rather clumsy, even though she tries real hard.

After she causes her biggest mess ever, a wizard appears with some astonishing news –

Rhianna’s magic is, in fact, stronger than anyone else’s. She’s a Wild Talent, which means that

she possesses a pure form of magic that is full of power and energy. The hitch? Well, it’s very

hard to control the wild magic. And it tends to suck up all the other magic around it. So when a

dragon comes to town, it’s up to Rhianna to save the day . . . if she can.

The Last Dragon Slayer by Jasper Fforde

n the good old days, magic was indispensable. But now magic is fading: Drain cleaner is cheaper

than a spell, and magic carpets are used for pizza delivery. Fifteen-year-old Jennifer Strange runs

Kazam, an employment agency for magicians—but it’s hard to stay in business when magic is

drying up. And then the visions start, predicting the death of the world’s last dragon at the hands

of an unnamed Dragonslayer. If the visions are true, everything will change for Kazam—and for


Dragon of Avalon Book 6 Merlin by T.A. Barron

Copyright © 2 0 1 6 Page 32

In the years after Fincayra disappears and Merlin has been sent wandering, a young lizard-like

creature, with the wings of a bat and the magical power to produce any smell it encounters, is

born into the new world of Avalon. The unlikely hero—Basil, he is called—cannot find a single

creature like itself nor a person who can tell him what he is. But it is clear that Basil is much

more than he seems when he stumbles into an encounter with the great Merlin, saving his child’s

life, then uncovers a secret plot by the evil Rhita Gawr. It’s a race against time and across

Avalon as Basil, with the help of the faithful wind sister Ailah, searches for the great wizard to

warn him.

The Last Dragon by Jane Yolen

Master storyteller Jane Yolen (Owl Moon, Sword of the Rightful King) and celebrated fantasy

artist Rebecca Guay (Swamp Thing, Magic: The Gathering) weave a textured and lyrical tale of

adventure, homelands, and heroism the hard way.

Two hundred years ago, humans drove the dragons from the islands of May. Now, the last of the

dragons rises to wreak havoc anew with only a healer’s daughter and a kite-flying-would-be hero

standing in its way.

A compelling coming of age fantasy with exquisite fully painted art!

Copyright © 2 0 1 6 Page 33

Dragon’s Milk (The Dragon Chronicle) by Susan Fletcher

“You must go to the dragon. You must leave tonight.”

Before she even hears the words, Kaeldra already knows what she must do. She must search out

the mother dragon whose draclings have just hatched and somehow get some of her precious

milk. It’s the only way to save her foster-sister’s life. Kaeldra would rather not go. It’s much too

terrifying, much too dangerous. But Kaeldra knows that she’s the only one who can do it. For she

is the only one who can actually communicate with dragons.

Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons by Dr. Ernest Drake

Do you believe in dragons? Now, for the first time, the long-lost research of renowned

nineteenth century dragonologist Dr. Ernest Drake is presented in all its eccentric glory, happily

bridging the gap between dragon legend and fact. The meticulous Dr. Drake assigns Latin names

to various dragon species, ruminates on why dragons are able to speak, speculates on how they

could fly, and explains the true purpose of their notorious hoarding habits. Here are just a few of

DRAGONOLOGY’S fascinating features:

The Dragonology Handbook” A Practical Course in Dragons by Dr. Ernest Drake

Copyright © 2 0 1 6 Page 34

Attention, devoted dragonology students! How many classic riddles do you know that could help

you survive a dragon encounter? What dragon species attacks its victims with a “frosty blast”

instead of a jet of flame? Which historical questions should you ask a dragon in order to estimate

its age? Can you write your name using only dragon runes? Contained in this beautifully

designed, comprehensive course book are invisibility spells to memorize, charts to complete,

maps to shade in, matching exercises to do, journal entries to write, experiments to conduct, even

instructions for making a dragon attractor.

****Some of these links are affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may get a very

small commission. This money goes towards postage and supplies to keep books and ideas in the

hands of young readers!

Unit #9: Dragons all Around Us

Dragons can be quiet and shy. They like to hang out, hide and observe

awhile before every letting their presence be know. In fact, there could

be a dragon nearby, and you’d never know! Here are some ways to

“spot” dragons living among us:

Dragons in the City: Dragons love to hide in plain sight. They could be

blending into park benches…

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…light poles…

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…and fountains, and you would not see them!

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In the country, dragons could be hiding in farm equipment

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…and even in old trees…

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Where do you think you’ve seen dragons watching and waiting for a lick

of you lollipop or ice cream?


Free Coloring Pages! These pages are extra special

because they are two of the illustrator’s early sketches

during the creation of Dragons Are Real. Can you guess

which parts of the book these sketches came from?

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More Audrey Press Goodness!

A Year in the Secret Garden

A Year in the Secret Garden, a fun and interactive way to introduce the beloved

children’s classic, The Secret Garden, to a new generation of families. The result

was a wonderful guide that uses over two hundred full color illustrations and

photos to bring the magical story to life, with fascinating historical information,

monthly gardening activities, easy-to-make recipes, and step-by-step crafts,

designed to enchant readers of all ages. Each month your family will unlock the

mysteries of a Secret Garden character, as well as have fun together creating the

original crafts and activities based on the book.

Over 120 pages, with 150 original color illustrations and 48 activities for your

family and friends to enjoy, learn, discover and play with together. A Year In the

Secret Garden is our opportunity to introduce new generations of families to the

magic of this classic tale in a modern and innovative way that creates special

learning and play times outside in nature. This book encourages families to step

away from technology and into the kitchen, garden, reading nook and craft room.

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This book even has character studies that help readers delve deeper into important

characters like Mary, Dr. Craven, Colin, Ben Weatherstaff, Martha and Mrs.

Melock. A Year in the Secret Garden is also a Mom’s Choice Award Winner!

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Grab your copy of this memorable book HERE.

The Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

It all started as an idea from a note by Willy Wonka inside an old book at the yard


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The result was a labor of love, and my first-ever enhanced digital e-book inspired

by the classic tale of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; The Ultimate Guide to

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

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It’s been several years since my Ultimate Guide to Charlie and The Chocolate

Factory enhanced digital e-Book hit the virtual shelves of the iTunes

iBookstore and what fun adventure it’s been!

What We Encountered Along The Way thanks to Charlie:

We won our own golden tickets by sheer wit.

We entered into the jungle to learn how chocolate and gum were made and

even got to make some of our very own.

We met Oompa Loompas and even had a wardrobe exchange. We’ve never

truly been right since then as they have very short legs.

We learned the true secrets of gobstoppers. We’d tell you but our mouths are


Willy Wonka’s factory is a masterwork of mazes. We had to utilize our skill

at them to work our way through this enchanting chocolate factory,

including but not limited to the ever famous scissor maze where we walked

clean through a piece of paper. Of course we haven’t kept that info to

ourselves but have happily shared it with all of you

What many teachers and parents don’t realized about the enhanced digital e-book

The Ultimate Guide to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is that is contains

many book extensions related to the classic tale by Roald Dahl; many of which

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meet the criteria for common core. It’s basically a collection of inventive and

creative book extensions inspired by the classic tale, with the benefit of Common

Core activities:

“Charlie” includes these Common Core Standards:

Math Skills

Social Sciences


Basic geometry




Hand/Eye Co-ordination

Other skills your young reader will be exposed to is basic cooking, map-reading,

linear thinking and conservation.

Although The Ultimate Guide to Charlie is a beautifully illustrated interactive e-

book, the entertainment comes from doing the crafts, recipes, and games once the

book is shut. It’s good old fun-21st century style. We loved creating a balance

between the virtual world and the actual world. Magic comes from our inspirations

and imagination. The Ultimate Guide to Charlie will lend itself to hours of fun

again and again. Homeschooling families have also found this enhanced digital e-

book helpful in their studies and this creativity-packed adventure is also available

in PDF for homeschoolers as well.

The Fox Diaries: The Year the Foxes Came to our Garden

Experience the magical story of a family of foxes that took up residence right in the front yard of the

author and publisher, Valarie Budayr. The Fox Diaries: The Year the Foxes Came to our Garden offers an

enthusiastically educational opportunity to observe this fox family grow and learn together.

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From digging and hunting to playing and resting, this diary shares a rare glimpse

into the private lives of Momma Rennie and her babies. Come watch as they

navigate this wildly dangerous but still wonderful world.

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Great to share with your children or students, The Fox Diaries speaks to the

importance of growing and learning both individually and as a family unit. It is a

perfect book for story time or family sharing. Not only can you read about the

daily rituals of this marvelous fox family, there is an information-packed resource

section at the end of the book that includes lots of facts and even a few “fox

movies” that you can enjoy with your family. Grab your copy of this beautiful and

inspiring book HERE.

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