by sw auset aswad - · by sw...

Post on 27-Feb-2018






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ATLANTIS: The Lost City??Lost and Found off the Coast of Africa By SW Auset Aswad

Until I started to study Ancient Civilizations I never really considered the works of Greek Philosophers. I studied Ancient Egypt, then... I began to look outside of Egypt. The words of Dr. John Henrik Clarke fueled my fire when he spoke of his quest for the History of Black people by seeking mentorship from Arthur Schomburg, founder of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture located in New York City. Schomburg responded to Dr. Clarke’s thirst with these words... “son, go study the history of the people who enslaved you.”, and so I did.

After a world cultures Asia class at New York University, I realized just how much I did not know about the world and how much was censored in my Western education. Ancient maps concealed history which was not told in modern

maps. The names of places and invisible geographic lines created ‘new’ lands on top of lands and peoples which already existed long before European conquests. So the secret to discovering Africa and its people does not lie in history alone, one must take up a study of geography as well to learn that a lot of what has been written about by Greeks and Romans is in fact a product of the African Peoples of the Nile Valley and Indus Valley civilizations.

Upon closer consideration, I found Africa concealed within the works of Greek Philosophers and Historians Diodorus Siculus, Homer, Strabo, Socrates, Plato and playwrights Raxiteles, Aeschylus and Euripides. I found that Greek Theatre was older than Greek Theatre. Fascinated with the mythical tales of peoples with magical gifts who

taught and influenced Kings, Queens and even Greek gods such as Dionysis, the story of the Muses, Satyrs, Daimones, Kouretes, and Bacchae led me directly to ATLANTIS. These magical peoples resided in the Mountains of North Africa disguised by names like The Atlas Mountains. Atlantis, according to Plato was located ‘in front of the Pillars of Hercules’. Naturally, given these greek names Africa is never mentioned, so we discard these myths as not relevant. I did anyway. The more I read, the deeper I dug, I found descriptions of features of Africans, African Gods and Goddess which I had studied in Ancient Spiritual Systems. When I had my first experience with Shamanism, the myths became real. The connection between certain plants and the DNA of humans produces the ‘magic’ but now, back to Atlantis.
















Plato’s AtlantisBehind the Greek names

Plato writes in his work, Timaeus “For it is related in our records how once upon a time your State stayed the course of a mighty host, which, starting from a distant point in the Atlantic ocean, was insolently advancing to attack the whole of Europe, and Asia to boot. For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, 'the pillars of Heracles,' there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together; and it was possible for the travelers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent over against them which encompasses that veritable ocean. For all that we have here, lying within the mouth of which we speak, is evidently a haven having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the fullest and truest sense, a continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there existed a confederation of kings, of great and marvelous power, which held sway over all the island, and over many other islands also and parts of the continent.”

You will notice when you study these Greek works when speaking geographically Atlantis is found in the Mediterranean Sea which is a European ‘territory’ which is between Africa and Europe. You will hear, ‘off the southern coast of Spain and/or Southeast Asia” hardly if ever ‘North Africa’. Just so you know to pick up a map, Spain and Morocco North Africa nearly touch divided by what is called the ‘Strait of Gibraltar’ as well Egypt and Israel are only divided by invisible map lines, they are the same land mass. Libya and Algeria are often spoken about as if they are not a part of the Continent of Africa. We now have these new terms like ‘middle East’ and new maps to match.

Plato was a student of Socrates and established the Athens Academy in 380 BC. Often the works of Plato and his Teacher and mentor Socrates cannot be distinguished so a closer look at Socrates is in order to understand where Plato is coming from. He states emphatically that the story of Atlantis comes from Egypt but are they myth or fact?

SocratesWho as he?

Socrates names three women as his Teachers. The Oracle of Delphi, Pythia, Diotima of Mantinea whom he called his instructress in the Art of Love (Symposium), and Asphasia of Miletus which is in Turkey. Socrates was tried and condemned a heretic and eventually executed. He considered

himself a ‘Prophet of the Sun God’. He was a sculptor and a critic of Democracy who believed in Philosopher Kings, reincarnation, and mystery religions. His claims of listening to his ‘intuitive voice’, was called a daemonic sign by the Greeks had him proclaimed as a psychopath.

Knowing what I know about Ancient Indigenous Spiritual systems and ‘education’ and how it was viewed by European Christians and condemned, Priests and Priestesses killed and exiled while all studies of the Universe, Goddess reverence and other High sciences declared heresy, paganism etc. I have an assessment to offer.

Some of the early Greeks were devout and loyal students of the Ancient Egyptian/Kemetic Spiritual systems which maintained and grew powerful and peaceful empires. As time went on and the conquests of the Northern Europeans began to spread, even students of Socrates such as Plato began to sing a different song until Roman Catholicism and Christianity killed off Magic for good. Plato’s own student Aristotle deemed Plato’s stories of Atlantis fiction. Now we have something called Myth to explain it all away and because it is such fantastic myth, why not attribute it all to the Greeks. I assess that that Romans are the biggest Rhetoricians of Greek mythology as opposed to the Greeks themselves.

AtlantiansThe Search Continues

Lost cities are being discovered throughout the Atlantic Ocean. Off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, granite, normally found on dry land suggests a sunken continent. An Ancient city complete with Giant Sphinxes and Pyramids similar to the Giza Pyramids are found in the Bermuda Triangle off the coast of Cuba 600 feet below the ocean. There are several reasons given for the sinking of Atlantis, war, act of God/Nature, Earthquake, Tsunami and the dividing of the continents. Many references are made that all of the Pyramid building Indigenous Civilizations are related to Atlantis.

Journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez says the city was discovered decades ago but access to it was stopped by the U.S. Government during and after the Cuban Missile Crisis in the sixties, “in the Yucatan cultures today, it is possible that what still remains of the aborigines of those places perhaps the Olmecs, or some very primitive civilization of the Yucatan, the northern part of Central America-originated according to them on an island that sank by a cataclysm. This island is

called Atlanticu.” Also claiming that the Olmecs devolved from the survivors of Atlantis, a much superior culture destroyed after the end of the Ice Age flooding. Anthropologists saw underwater images of this city identifying stone monoliths, symbols and inscriptions identified with Olmec motifs.

Of course there springs a series of discoveries in an attempt to find the roots of Greek mythology claiming the city of Crete as the location of the lost city Atlantis.

The game of claiming the ancient civilization called Atlantis continues to be in the hands of whomever can write history in his favor.

Plato did not originate the story of Atlantis nor did the Greek Sage Solon, they were repeating what had been passed down from Egypt not just orally but in Hieroglyphs as well. Yet, all credit is given to Plato.

Nonetheless, my focus is not so much on who is telling the story, but the people and the civilization which is being talked about. What magical mystical powers did these people possess? Where are the secrets to how they built the greatest Civilization on the planet predating the one that we are aware of yet are still in the dark about, Ancient Egypt.

I’m more concerned with the restoration of the consciousness of the peoples of these Ancient times rather than debating about their nationality, or geographic location. How can we once again BE the ATLANTIANS?

When Disney enchants the mind of a child the images are embedded in the consciousness of that child unless a different education is embarked upon and that child or adult is exposed to something different, thus the power of the visual imagery and the long money of Hollywood. When I decided that this Moon would be dedicated to the Water Goddess Yemaya, the theme of Atlantis the underwater empire intrigued me and I watched the Disney animated movie ATLANTIS: The Lost Empire. I was pleased at the mixed race cast and the indigenous look of the people and culture of Atlantis. Yet, Ariel, Disney’s Little Mermaid did little to satisfy my desire to come correct on behalf of the children.

When researching mermaids, the claims of the first Mermaid stories coming from Syria in 1000 BC, and of course the Greek sirens Dekerto and Thessalonike, the half sister of Alexander the Great (student of Aristotle who was a student of Plato) who guided to safety or doom ships and sailors are just a few compared to the numerous stories from Africa, China and other parts of the world. Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) wrote ‘The Little Mermaid” as a ballet. In 1989, Disney released The Little Mermaid and little girls everywhere were introduced to and fell in love with Ariel. The movie featured Caribbean musical sounds and a ‘evil’ black octopus female character. Ariel doesn’t have a mother and her father appears to be the Greek God Poseidon.

Aphrodite (meaning “born from the sea foam”) represents the creation, fertility and love but also vengeful, cruel, jealous and proud. To the Greeks, mermaids were feared as creatures who preyed upon men with their deadly seductive songs.

Pre-Greek mythology you have Yemaya, Goddess of the Sea/Ocean Waters, and the Mother of Creation. She is a Nature spirit,

an Orisha manifesting as a force of Nature. She shares the Ocean with Olokun who rules the dark and turbulent depths of the Ocean, while her domain is the upper level, the part of the sea that light strikes and whose gentle waves rock the watery cradle of the abundant life forms of the sea. Like water she represents both change and constancy, bringing forth life, protecting it and causing change when necessary. She is often depicted as a mermaid and she reminds us that even the worst catastrophes can be endured and with her help, we can learn to negotiate the ebbs and flows of change in our lives with her wisdom, courage and grace. Yemeya is derived from YeYeomo Eja meaning “The Mother Whose children Are the Fish.” It is said in modern science and in ancient cultures, that from the Ocean is where we all originally came, like the waters of our mother’s wombs. She is often viewed as a very beautiful mermaid having dark skin and very full breasts showing that she is a nurturer of us all. She can also have a raging temper as the powerful Ocean itself unconfined by man. She is usually adorned in shells, pearls and starfish. She is strong and strict and will protect til the end, soft and subtle and nurturing. Her number is 7, the 7 seas “The 7 African Powers”. She wears 7 skirts of blue, white and silver. Her first gift to humans was a sea shell in which her voice could always be heard. Every February 2nd, there is a celebration to honor Yemaya. She is the patron deity of surviving shipwrecked persons.

Legend of Yemaya: MERMAIDS & Sea NymphsS













You may find people lighting candles on the beach at midnight or casting out votive boats made of flowers. It is a good omen if she accepts your boat and carries it out to sea.

You may also find a large procession of people walking into the ocean giving many thanks for the safe passage of their ancestors, also in the hope that the coming year will bring good prospects to the community that lives on her shores

Native American Dolphin Creation StoryParadise Islands

While researching Island paradises, one can’t ignore the coastal regions that were once the home of Native American peoples. The vacation spots where today we work very hard, save very hard to visit for just a fleeting moment, were in fact the everyday homes and lifestyles of Indigenous peoples.Conquering Missionaries documented the peaceful nature and happy environments they found amongst the Indigenous of what is now Malibu, Santa Monica, and Santa Barbara, the most expensive real estate in the U.S. where Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Drew Barrymore have homes.

Amongst these native peoples their creation stories have them closely related to one of the most if not the most peaceful creature of the sea, The Dolphins. There is a Legend of The Rainbow Bridge where the Chumash people were created from the seeds of a magic plant on Li-Mu Island off the coast of Santa Barbara. When the island became overpopulated because of the richness of their lifestyle, their Creatress Earth Goddess, Hutash created a Rainbow bridge for them to cross over to the mainland. Even though she cautioned them not to look down, some of them fell into the water so she turned them into

dolphins so they would not drown. The Chumash remember the Dolphins are their Brothers. Then there is the Man-fish of the Shawnee who had the head of a Dolphin and rode a dolphin urging them with beautiful songs and stories to follow him to Spirit Island where they would not go hungry and have beautiful wives to raise a great nation. This entry into a new continent may be the ultimate source of this particular emergence myth connecting to the primary event in native American history, or prehistory, when they came over from Asia across the Bering Strait.











Greek Dolphin MythYes, there are several

Now, the reason I am tying all of these Greek myths with those of other Indigenous cultures is because, like me, you may have been turned off by Greek Mythology thinking that it does not apply to you, yet upon closer examination, its all about you but concealed in myth in an attempt to explain the origins of European peoples by European peoples. Watch closely.

Remember one of the teachers of Socrates was the Oracle of Delphi, a Prophetess by the name of Pythia? Well, come to find out, Delphi is the Greek word for Dolphin and Delplys is Greek for womb. There was an Indigenous Goddess named Delphys, the Earth Mother aka Python (Pythia) who was replaced by the Greek God Apollo with the invasion of one culture over the other. This is a story of the overthrow of the mysterious, complex, Female Spirit of the night by supposedly the Sun god, bright, clear, logical and masculine. Politically, the Oracle could not be erased altogether because she was very popular with the people who traveled far and wide to consult with her and receive the blessings of Apollo. So, instead of her being associated with her womb, she is now associated with the Dolphin. After all, the Dolphin already had a presence in Cretan oral mythology and was featured in art and sculpture from Palestine to Mesopotamia and throughout the Roman Empire. Why? Simply because it was taken from Indigenous cultural folklore which predates any amount of Greek influence over these nations. In Roman literature, the dolphin carries souls to the (get this) Islands of the Blest. Images of Dolphins have been found in the hands of the dead around the Black Sea, presumably to ensure safe passage to the afterlife. Perhaps

dolphins carry the secrets of the processes of life, death and rebirth with its ability to pass between the air-breathing, living world of humans and the suffocating, terrifying world beneath the waves, representing death.

Again we run across the Greek god Dionysos who surrounded himself and was taught and entertained by Muses and Satyrs and other magical, mythical peoples of the Atlas mountains (N. Africa) who is by the way also worshiped at Delphi and associated with the Dolphin because of his resurrection each year as the god of vegetation (can somebody say AUSAR). Speculatively the Dolphins carried Dionysos (Die-on-Isis) to and from the underworld as writers have them disappearing each winter. There is the constellation Delphinus, the Dolphin, which is invisible in Greece between November and May.

There is a myth about Dionysos traveling in disguise on board a pirate ship when the sailors decide that instead of delivering their passenger safely home they will sell him into slavery in another town (?). Dionysos retaliates by driving the crew mad with hallucinations (hmm-keep in mind Dionysos was trained by Mountain Dieties/Shamen who had knowledge of forest plants...DMT anyone?), which drives them to jump into the sea. Dionysos saves them from drowning by turning them into dolphins after they repent their evil plan.

This again, relates dolphins to humans as Greek poet, Opplan states in his treatise on natural history: “The hunting of dolphins is immoral and whoever willingly devises destruction for dolphins can no more draw nigh the gods as a welcome sacrificer nor touch their altars with clean hands but pollutes those who share the same roof with him.”

DOLPHIN Animal Totem

Considered the ‘king of fish’ by many ancient cultures, as Dolphin meaning is closely associated with kingly qualities. Not the dominating kind (of European association) but the Indigenous kind who were gracious in their reign. Grace is the core meaning to the Dolphin theme. Other Dolphin characteristics are: playfulness, transcendence, gentleness, harmony, intelligence, contentment, friendship, community, resurrection, generosity and power.

Christianity has even adopted the Dolphin as an aspect of Christ symbolizing Resurrection. Pictured in art as protective, stabilizing and compassionate the demeanor of the dolphin totem as a message of wellbeing to the pure of heart. Being in two worlds at once, the dolphin is a great conveyor of the concept of yin and yang.

Pirate lore hails the dolphin as a symbol of protection often associated with mermaids who shapeshifted as Dolphins.

In Octavia Butler’s Wild Seed, again we see within the story of an African woman who has mastered her DNA and can shapeshift, Anyanwu tastes of the flesh of the dolphin and ‘reads’ its DNA in order to become one with it. “She reveled in the strength and speed of her new body, and in its keen hearing. In her human shape, she kept her hearing abnormally keen-kept all her senses keen. But dolphin hearing was superior to anything she had ever created in herself. As a dolphin, she could close her eyes and perceive an only slightly diminished world around her with her ears. She could make sounds and they would come back to her as echoes bearing with them the story of all that lay before her. She had never imagined such hearing. Finally, she directed her attention from herself to the other dolphins. She had heard them too, chattering not far from her, keeping alongside the ship as she did. Strangely, their chatter sounded more human now-more like speech, like a foreign speech. She swam toward them slowly, uncertainly-finding it harder to think of them as animals. Swimming with them was like being with another people. A friendly people.”

“We, ourselves are a part of the Mystery that we are trying to solve.” ~Max Planck, Quantum Physician









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The Resonant Moon of Attunement is the 7th Moon of 13 Moons, beginning on gregorian Friday the 10th of January until Thursday, February 6th 2014. The Resonant Moon has as its totem the MONKEY and it asks the question, ‘How can I attune my service to others?’

SEVEN-MYSTICAL POWERSeven is the ray of mystical power, the

foundation of the individual self freed within the two points of polarity. Your soul calls forth your ability to decode the hidden mysteries. Claim your mystical wisdom by acknowledging your personal relationship to the Source. Catalyze the mystical force of your seven chakras to propel you to the region of divine illumination. The consciousness of seven puts theory to the test, asking for practical application of your mystical power. As a technician of the sacred, you integrate the polarity of worlds into an operant FOUNDATION. You wear the seven-pointed star, symbol of the master artisan. combine your feelings and intellect to transmute matter into mystical consciousness. Standing in simple self-acceptance, craft a light body from the column of light in your spine. Open your lotus to the world. You are the gift. Accept yourself unconditionally. Freed from the need for outside confirmation, stand open to your full mystical power. Align with the spinning mystery of the seen: seven chakras, seven planets, seven rays, seven steps of the pyramid-the seven stages on consciousness conjoined.”~The Mayan Oracle

MONKEY Animal Totem: You have an amazing ability to move through life in a fluid and poetic fashion, whether or not you are aware of it - just don't get stuck in old habits and routines. Monkeys are amazing creatures swinging our way with messages of intelligence, intensity and involvement. Perhaps you have forgotten that playfulness and entertainment are good for the soul. Monkeys have a strong capacity for compassion, understanding and bonding. These are all part of our human social make up as well and they serve to remind us that our journey on this planet is not a solitary one. When it comes to solving problems the Monkey knows how to use their own ingenuity and resourcefulness to solve problems.

AUSET/YemayaKemetic faculty of Meditation

According to the Ancient Kemetic calendar we are in the Month of AUSET. Auset is one of the programmable faculties on the Tree of Life in the 9th sphere along with Het-Heru (7th) and Sebek (8th) , meaning it can be programmed for what we call good or evil. Auset is the meditation faculty and is ruled by the Moon. Her number is 7 and her Gems are Pearls and Moonstone. Her Baths are spearmint and lettuce, and her oils; Spearmint and Jasmine. “The Goddess Auset is the embodiment of those intuitive and instinctive faculties that lay deep within our psyche, governing our ability to care for and nurture others. Auset as “Mother of all living things,” corresponds to the stage of conception of the will to achieve a specific goal. This conception, the uniting of the will (an image of what is to be achieved) to the life-force (Ra) is achieved through mediumistic trance. It is an indisputable fact that women, as a whole, have a lower metabolic rate, and a higher parasympathetic output than men. among many functions, the parasympathetic nervous system governs reproduction, gestation, and the trance states. These are the principles upon which women’s roles in traditional African culture are defined. Auset’s special name Khenemet Aunkhet conceals the fact that she is also to be invoked through the heka (word of power) Aung(k). In this role she shares many of the attributes of the dravidian White Tara Goddess who combines both the qualities of Ausar and Auset. This name Khenemet Aunkhet which denotes the ‘water of life and fertility’ is also applied to Het-Heru. As such she corresponds to the Dravidian Green Tara for healing and fertility giving powers”~Metu Neter vol.1

LAW OF AUSET: 9TH SPHERE“How well we are able to use imagery

and affirmations to program our spirit to effect changes in our behavior, learning, state of health and performances depend on our degree of receptivity. Degrees of receptivity correlate with states of consciousness, which depend on brain wave activity. The least receptive state is the normal waking state. The cause of the failure that people experience in overcoming habits is due to the fact that the affirmations and imagery through which they declare their will is done in this state.

Out of ignorance of this fact people express their desire or will to change in the wrong state of mind, the waking state. During the Full moon and the Solstices the spirit is more receptive to the will and to change. The ideal states of receptivity are known as the meditation state, hypnotic state, altered states of consciousness, trance, hyper suggestible state, etc. The brain enters this level of activity in response to a strong emotion occasioned by fear, anger, love, sensory stimulation, excitement, etc. One powerful emotional or sensory encounter is enough to program the emotion or sensation as the response to future encounters (or the thought of if) with the object.”~MAAT: The 11 Laws of God by Ra Un Nefer Amen.

In other words, whatever strong emotion you are experiencing is like being in a state of trance and whatever you are visualizing and vocalizing is what you will manifest in the future. You can induce the state of trance through deep meditation, but meditation alone won’t change things, you have to meditate with some emotional fuel to program a change. Kundalini yoga is one of these ‘emotional’ fuels. I recently experienced a 48 hour meditation filled with love, bliss, song and dance programming ‘joy’ into my consciousness and I came out of it feeling like every burden had been lifted and now I was free. Even though the things in my life had not suddenly changed, the way I looked at them and responded to them is on a whole new level, I know they are there yet they don’t have to power to effect me negatively.













“HE WHAT?!” Ast’s fury would scare any man into submission cowering for fear of his life, yet Set dare defy her. Tehuti speaks with measured tones when addressing his Queen, “yes, my Queen, that is correct, Set has his wife, his Queen Nbt-Ht, your sister Het-Heru under the jail, in solitary confinement.” “Have her released at Once and bring her to me, this is insane, why am I just hearing of this?”. “My Queen you were not to be disturbed in your quarters...uh, I mean the King’s chamber on the Full Moon ritual...” Ast interrupts him before he completes his thought, respectfully, yet firmly, “Thank you Tehuti, bring her to me at once.” Ast wrings her hands attempting to remain calm and cool. What was she thinking, that Set would have mercy on his Queen after finding out about the baby? How could she have been so nieve? She and Asr should have taken her in immediately and never sent her back to that tyrant. “May the Gods and Goddess have mercy on me, have mercy on my husband and his mistress, my Sister and on her husband’s wretched soul, what will become of our peaceful Empire?” Ast whispers to herself looking out over the garden courtyard with the Priests and Priestess recreating the holy mandala carefully spreading colorful sands and flower petals amongst the beautiful golden and alabaster images of Maat, Nut, Geb and the symbols for Amen.

“Enter” Set manages to pull words out of his tortured spirit. Tehuti walks down the long corridor dreading his mission, yet knowing what is to become of this horrible mess. He stands before the burdened down version of the mighty Set. “My apologies for disturbing you, Lord Set, however the Mistress, High Priestess, Queen Ast is demanding the release of her Sister Nebt-Ht immediately and that she be brought to her chambers for...ahem” clearing his throat “for an indefinite period of time.” Tehuti waits for the storm. Set, with his head between his hands looking sullen and weak raises his head to reveal tears and blood on his face and hands. “Very well, Tehuti, take her away, she is never to be with child again, she is of no use to me now, it is out of my hands, I have failed to produce an heir. Take her and leave me...all of you. I banish her, I am from this point forward without a Queen.” Surprised and relieved at the lack of resistance and slightly feeling sorry for Set, Tehuti rushes toward the keys on the wall and charges forward to the chamber where Nebt-het lay bleeding out onto the cold floor. Sebek approaches them. “What is the meaning of this? She must die for her crimes.” “Tell that to the Queen, Sebek, it is she that demands the release of her Sister and Set knows better than to resist. Go find someone else to pick on,” utters Tehuti as he struggles to gather the Goddess up into his arms, she is barely conscious and with the full moon very well could have bleed out and died within hours had he not arrived.

Out beyond the walls of the Palace the city is abuzz with gossip. Why had not the King and Queen appeared at the full

Moon Ritual in honor of Ast? The nursemaid let the story of the baby boy child conceived by Nebt Het out of the bag, yet no one knows who the father is, and only assumes it is the evil tyrant Set. Women gather together in Sister circles chanting and praying for the sweet Nebt Het and her loveless marriage whom she will be tied to forever now that this baby is born. Confusion and gossip fills the streets. People don’t know whether to celebrate the birth of this baby or mourn the sorrows of Nebt Het. Why couldn’t it have been the Beloved King Asr and Queen Ast who finally brought a new baby Sun into the world, when would that day arrive. Goddess Ast had midwifed nearly all the children born in the Kingdom to this date and she continues to care for and teach all of them as if they are her own. The chants become louder. “Beloved Queen Ast, please bless the Throne with a child of your own”.

Ast is pacing the floor of the guest quarters she has arranged for Nebt-het to occupy. It smells of honeysuckle, her favorite fragrance. Flowers are everywhere and bright pastel colors give the room a cheery feeling despite the circumstances. Two nurses stand by with flower baths and healing tonics ready for the healing of the Goddess. She finally arrives in the arms of Tehuti. She is limp and lifeless and her garments are covered in blood. Ast falls to her knees at the sight of her Sister and begins to wail and cry. Tehuti rests Nebt Het on the bed and the women begin to work on her. Removing her torn clothing and bathing her and adorning her in fresh garments. Tehuti must remind Ast of her grief and the power she has of causing disaster with her piercing moans and Ast begins to calm herself down. Slowly she composes herself at precisely the time that Nebt Het opens her eyes. Ast wipes away her tears and a genuine smile spreads across her face as she looks into her Sister’s eyes. “I shall never leave your side Nebt-het, never, we shall be inseparable throughout eternity, never shall I leave you, you hear me? Never! We will raise this precious baby as a Gift together”

Nebt Het opens her eyes and looks around the room and how beautifully her Sister has decorated it for her. “Beloved, how blessed I am to see your face erasing all the horrors of my nights past. I hear you speak the words that I have wanted to hear for a very long time now, I guess all it took was for me to disguise myself as you, seduce your husband, hide a pregnancy, out of shame give birth in the desert and leave my tiny fragile baby out there to perish rather than hurt or disappoint my Sister, my King and my Husband.” With tears in her eyes, they both begin to laugh out loud holding each other close, crying and laughing at the same time. Tehuti steps quietly out of the room and motions for the nurse to bring the baby into this joyful, unbreakable Sister Bond.

To Be Continued...

THE THRONE: The Story of the 9 Muses unfolds by Auset Aswad













Your Comfort, Your TranquilityWhat I’m trying to say BROTHER is…

You can lean on meI’m your Throne, no longer alone

My open arms welcoming you HomeMy Sweet Caress the Essence of a Princess

Blessed By the SunPlease come --Inside

No Foolish Pride, Riding High Sitting on my Thighs

As we look into Each others Eyes and There’s no Disguising, This King is Rising

To the Peaks of the Pyramids on the Horizon

All Golden and GlowingMost ‘aint even knowing’The Depth of our Love

Keeps Growing and GrowingSo Smile my Prince, it ‘aint no thang,

You’re with me, and in Time You Will Be Crowned King,

But for now, let me see you take your place in My lap of Luxury, Experience Ecstasy

Were We Can Be Free…Free to Dream the Dreams of the Ancient

Kings and Queens, Rest your feet my Sweet Jesus,

Cause from now on… its All about US.



















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WORDS OF POWERSound Vibration Creation By SW Auset Aswad

Welcome to The STARMUSE electronic magazine. This guide to all things mysterious, magical, occult and hidden or omitted is for Edutainment purposes only. These very accurate stories are told on pyramid walls in this and every continent in the world as well as other celestial worlds, using the highest form of communication easily accessible by even the most language challenged society...Hieroglyphics, Glyphs, Signs, Symbols unfairly and unjustly identified as ‘idols’ to enable the dumbing down effect of some of the highest technology available to us, our own DNA. Sacred Geometry is the language of the Gods. Our Godly realm has been deprived of us too long, until we have forgotten where we come from. We come from the Stars, we are made of the same substance as the stars. These stories are not told in fairy tales or movies, school text books or modern scriptures. Most of these stories, characters, icons, heros and heroins have been altered over time and circumstance, yet all is not lost. We have not completely forgotten nor have we stopped questioning, exploring and re-discovering our true Re-ligion, our Re-Union with Self, meaning the answers to the Universe lay within our so called ‘junk’ DNA. When we decode that hidden DNA, we will then discover Magic.















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POLYGYNY: A Woman’s Keys to Paradise in III Acts

Developing your Spirituality through Ancient Kemetic Spiritual Sciences.

Private Yoga and Sacred Woman Guide

Bringing a Multi-Dimensional Healing Experience through The Wisdom and Intelligence

of this mysterious spirit vine affectionately called, THE GRANDMOTHER Discover your

deep, personal Connection with


March 26-30th, 2014Beautiful Belize Spring Break

Simple Steps Sacred Ceremonywith

BaBa Yawasoe & MaMa Malina


Morning Dawn Holistic Healing Center















Red Solar Moon kin:9 gr. July 26, 2014

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