sf 181 form faxed the department of management and budget for :sa-auset :tauwieret

Title 4 U.S.C. 1-4; Article 55 and 56 United Nations Charter; Congressional Record Page A32220 of May 11, 1955 lnter-American Declaration On the Rights of lndigenous Peoples Title 50 U.S.C., Appendix Sections 7(cl,7lel, 9,L2. 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act To: The Office of Management and Budget 725t7tn Street, NW Washington, DC 20503 FAX: 202-395-3888 From: Nicole Tamara Nicholas Re: SF FORM 181 Pages in this fax including cover sheet: 13 Title 42 U.S.C. 1985. 45 Stat. 40L;54 Stat.670 Title 28 U.S.C. 1333.

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SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauweirtert


Page 1: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret

Title 4 U.S.C. 1-4; Article 55 and 56 United Nations Charter;

Congressional Record Page A32220 of May 11, 1955

lnter-American Declaration On

the Rights of lndigenous Peoples

Title 50 U.S.C., Appendix Sections 7(cl,7lel, 9,L2.

1917 Trading with the Enemy Act

To: The Office of Management and Budget

725t7tn Street, NW

Washington, DC 20503

FAX: 202-395-3888

From: Nicole Tamara Nicholas

Re: SF FORM 181

Pages in this fax including cover sheet: 13

Title 42 U.S.C. 1985.

45 Stat. 40L;54 Stat.670

Title 28 U.S.C. 1333.

Page 2: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret

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Page 3: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret

U. S. Office of Personnel ManagementGuide to Personnel Data Standards

Narne (Last, First, Middle lnitial)

; ULCyE TSocial Security Number

010,-b,L-b CIO >

MCIAL CATEGORY(Check as many as apply)

@EAmerican lndian or Alaska Native

fl Asian

ff Black orAfrican American

D Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific lslander


ETHNICITY AND RACE IDENTIFICATION(Please read the Privacy Act Statement and instructions before completing form.)

Birthdate (Month and Year)

7-t-7rAgency Use Only

Pfivac! Act Statement

Ethnicity and race information is requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance withthe Office of Management and Budget's 1997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Raceand Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment status, but in the instanceof missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identify your race and ethnicity by visual observation.

This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal government. ttis also used by the U. S. Office of Personnel Management or employing agency maintaining the records to locateindividuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary descriptive statistics andanalytical studies in support of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for related workforcestudies.

Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which requires SSN be usedfor the purpose of uniform, orderly administration of personnel records. Providing this information is voluntary and failureto do so will have no effect on your employment status. If SSN is not provided, however, other agency sources may beused to obtain it.

Specific lnstructions: The two questions below are designed to identify your ethnicity and race. Regardless of your answer toquestion 1, go to question 2.

Question l. Are You Hispanic or Latino? (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or otherSpanish culture. or origin, regardless of race.)

Yes fl tto

Question 2. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify by placing an "X" in the appropriatebox. Check as many as apply.


A person having origins in any of the original peoples of No(h and South America(including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or communityattachment.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, SoutheastAsia, or the lndian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, lndia,Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine lslands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, orother Pacific lslands.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, orNorth Africa.

Standard Form 181

Revised August 2005Previous editions not usabk

42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-1(

NSN 7540-01-099-3446

Page 4: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret

In the Houee of Repreeentatiues, U, 5,,,luly ltt, :ltltttl.

\\'ltrrrt* rrrilli,,r,r,,1' .\liir.lrrs trrtl Iltt.il tlt,srt,rrtlrrrris rrt'rr.('tuilrlt:(,(l irr tlrt Iirritcrl litrrtlrr alrrl tltr. ljl .\nrt'r.it,nrr r.ollr

lrit's ti'om l(il!) tlrouglr ISliS;

\\'lttn.as slitlt'tf irr .\rncritl rescurl,rlctl rxr ullrt.r tirnrr of irrurl-

tttttut'.r' xrrtitrtrlc krulvrr irr lristorl', us :,\li,it.uns \\,(fru rlrp-ttttt'rl nrul soltl ut rurtrtiorr likl irrarrintntc ol1jt,r.ts or. urri-


\Yltert-'tr,q ^\ft'itrttttx thrt't'tl ittto slavety 1rt,ro ltttttalizul. Ilrrnili-irtul, tk.lnunrurizcrl, urrtl sulljtr.rts.l to thc irtligrrity oflxrirrg striplxrl rrf th!.i]: nalrxrs nrrd lrer.itngtr

\Ylrcnrru errslttvtd tirrrrilics rytrlr: tot'rr *;xrrt ut'ter. lr*r.irrg lrcerr

*,kl stlrrrr':rrr.[r' fi.onr onc itrrotlrt.rl

Wlrr:rtrrs the s.tsttlrr of slaven'arrrl tlrtr riser-'ral rtrrisnt nguinst

l)i'rriorrs of .\fi'ir,*rr rlosct"'trt. ulx)n $'hi(,lt it rlqretu.lxl lx*t:itntu t,Irtrcrrr.lrt,d irr tlur Ntrtiorr's xociirl lirlx'ir:

Wlrr.'lr,,as slayr,r'r'u'as rurl uf'li<:iall_r' llx,lislrr-tl rrrrtil llrr. Jtlli.$rtH(l

of tlre Iiltlt .\rnt,ruLrrcrrt trr tlre Utritetl Strrtr-,s ('orrstitu-

tiorr irr l$tjir ll'trr tlrc urrd of tlrr' (,ivil War';

\\'ltt.rlus nf'tt,l' t,rndlu.ipatiorr firrrn ?-[fi y,ars of slrn't,r'v, .\fi.i-rtur-r\nlriduln$ stnllr sarr tlrt tJrx'ting lxrliticrrl. stxitll, arrcl

t'r.otr(trrlit, ;rrrirrs tltr'1' rrrrrrlo rlrrring ltt.currstt'ru,tion r.r'is-

r.r.r'ati,rl lr1'r'it'rrlr.rrt rrrr.isut, I.vrrr.lrirrgri, rlistlrfi.nrrr.lrisrnu.rlt,

Page 5: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret


lllnrk ('rxh.s. ntrrl rrtrirrl stgrtglliorr lnrvs tlrrtt irrrlxrstrl rr

t'igirl s1'stettr of uflieirrlll' srrrrr.tiorrr.rl racirrl st'grugirtion irr

rirtrr:rll1' all irrlits of liftrl

\\'ltr.rtrts tlrt s.rstcrrr of rlr, .jrrrl rnr.iitl scgn'grrliorr krurrrrr ris".Jitrr ('l'(\v," rvltitlr aros(t in t,rrtirilt palts of tlte }*atiorr

lirllurlirrg tlrt. ('ivil \\'irt' tu t:trirtc st.lurnrtr. rttul rrru,tyrirl

srx.ittils tirt' s'ltitr,s rtttrl ,\fi'ir+ttr-.\nu't'ir.rtrrs, rrrrs it rlirlr.tttsttlt of' tlre t'tu.isru ngrtittst JXrtlious rrf .\fi'it.trt rlr.st.r.trt

r,t l gt'rt th.r't,rl I rv slrrrr.r'.r';

\\'lu.tr.'tts ru ct.tttttt'.t'nltrt'tltc ufiilill t,trtl ot'slurr.t'\'itr.\rrrt'r-icir, !'t'tlt.t'itl itctiorr ttits rrr;ttitrrl rlrrritrg llrt' llXi0s tot,lirrrirurtc tlrt, rh;irrrrr rrrrrl dt,tircl.r) sr,stl'nl ol' .lirrr ('r'orv

tlrrurrglulrt lxrrts of' tlrc Nrriiorr. tlrorrglr its rr$ti!$'s still

lirr;rrr to this tlal':

\Ylrt.rr-.its .\fi'ieirrr-r\rrr(,r'irirrrui rotrtirrrrr.: to srrfft'r firrru tlrt. rorrr-

plc.x itrtr-rrgrluv lx.trver.tr slitr,er:r' :rrrtl 'Jirn (lrorr'-*lurrg atttr'lrrth s.i'st*rnti \rilrc t'tinrrtll.-v alnlislrrx.l*tlrrttrglr eu()rrn(,uti

rlirtrragt- attrl loss. Ixrtlr trrrrgiltlt- alrrl itrtarrgilrlt', ilrr.lrrrlinpl

tlrt' loss uf lnrrrurrr rligrrity. tlrl firtstt'ltiorr uf mrrt,i-.rs ilrrrl

prrrfr'ssiuutl livt,s. tttul tlx, lorrg-terltr krss of itrr,rnnt. ;trxl( llllx rrtuilitil';

\\:hcrt'irs tlrt str;r'v r"rf tltrr t rrslttrernerrt arrtl t[r..iun' sr.grcgrrtiurr

uf .\t'rinul-lrru'r'icirris irrrtl tltc rlt,lrutniurizing irtr'{xtiii(.H

r.orrrrrrittr,tl agrrirrst tlrcrrr slrorrkl rrot lrt, pru'grrtl fi'orrr or

rrrirrirrriztrd ilr tlu. trllirrg ,rf .\nx..rictttr lristor'.r';

\YIrrrr.rrs otr ,Iul.r' n, J00;1. tltrring lr tril) to (iorr,t, Islrrrul. tr:rr-

rgill, rt iirrtrtrt' sllllc 1xrrt, l\'lnirk,ttt, (krrrgr' \Y. Iluslr trr'-

krrrlu'lrrlgetl sluvt,r'r/s rtrrtirrrtirrg k,grtr..r' in r\rrterican lift,

;rrrrl tlrt rrcctl ro t<rlihr.rrrt tlrtt hgitq'*'lrt,rr ltr. stittttl tlrittslurt,rT' "lr'irs . r)rxf uf tlx: gtr.rttt,st t't'ittrrs of ltistot'r'

. 'flx' r'uriltl lrigotrl' ti'rl lx sluvt't1' rlirl ttot t'lttl rt'itlt

.HREri 18{ f:H

Page 6: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret


slirvt'r'.r' ut' uitlt st,gtr,grltiorr. .\rrtl rrriurl' rrl'tlrr issrrcs lltittstill trrrrrlrL. .\rrrr.r'irtr lrurr' r'rxrts irr ilrr hitlr.'l' t.,spcrit,rrr:tt

of otlrr.r' tirrrt,s. Ilrrt lrou'u't'r hltrg tlrt'.iorrt'trt.,r'. uur ilt,siitr.t'

is sct: lilx.r't'r, itttrl,irtstit.tr tirt' itll.";

Wlrt'ltrs It'sitk.rrf Ilill ('lintrln nlH() ar.l<ttorr'lotlgrrl tltrr tk-'cll-

sr,irtrll 1r'olrk,ttrs r.itttsctl lp' tltc eotrtiltuittg lt'grlt'.r' of t'irt'-istrt itgititrrit.\ti'ir.ltr-\ttrr.t'it'itrts thitt lx'6,rttt rlitlr slitrrr;r

rt lrrtr lu' irrit iirtrtl rt tuttiottttl tlittltgttt' rtlxrttt tttt't';

\\'lr,'t'r'rr. ir ;5.nttirr,. rrlxrlogv is trrr irrrlxrtliurl tttttl tri{'rssrtr"r'

tirst .,rtt.p ir r tlrr. I)r{r(,(,sl{ rtt' rttcial t'r,rotrt.iliatiolt:

\\'lttt'crts itu ttllokrg'r' tilt' ct,tttut'it's rtf lrtrttrtl tlt,lttttrtaltizitliott

rttrtl irfrrstirt'x tlrrrrot ct'trst' tltr Jrttst, lrttt rrtttf'r'ssiott oftIic tvtrrtr;gs urtrrurittt'd c,trrr s;x:tr"l t'trt:iitl llltrlitrH ttlxl r'(x'-

orrt.iliutiorr nr(l ll('ll) ^\rttt't'it.atts r,.ittttirtttt tltc gltrrsrs oftltr.it'lrrtst;

\\'hr.rtas 11s1' ll,gisluttrlc of tlrc (lonrnrotrrr'ualtlr of Yit'ginia lr:rs

tr,<.r.tttl.l' t;tkttt tltc It.ttrl in trtkrptittg rt trrsttltttirttr offit'itrll.r'

rrxllt'nr'sirrg ttllpnrpt'iitt,c lulll(rtli(l f()l' ,shlvr.ryr Attcl otlu'r

Stlttr lt,gisllttulrls huve ttdo;ttt'tl rtr tttt tlxtsidt'riltg sintilar'

n,solrttiotts: itrrtl

Whrin,as if. is ilulxntarrt firr thi.s uturttrl', n'hit'lt lepl[t' ttir{)g-

rrizt{ slnvtrl' tlururgh it.q ('orrstitutir)ll an(l its larrs, to

ntitku it tirnttul rr1xrlc44t, tirr slitvttl' urrrl firr its sttt't'tsuor,

,lirrt (.!t'rlrv. su tltitt it crut tttorr. littrl'ttrd atttl stlrk ttt'-orrr.iliutinrr, .irrstir.r.. rttrtl hrtt'ntttrrl' tirl rtll of its t'itizr-.tts:

Nrnv. tltr.rttirlt,, h, if

llt's,irc,l. 'l'lttt tlrt. Ilottsc uf ltr.ltrt'stt1f 11ti11r5-

t I I alkrrorrkrlgn,s tlurl shlt't,t'.r' is ittrrrrn;tirtiblt' rritlr

tlu, lrttsit. tirtttrrlitrg 1rt'irrriplt,s trt'ogttizrtl itt tlrt' lJttlltnt-

tiolr of'Ilrrlr,p,:rrrlt,rrr.r,tlritt lll tttt,rr itt'r.n't,tttt'el t,rlttitl;

.H&r}s IOt EH

Page 7: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret

{(2) trknon'lulgt's tlre ftrrrtlanrorrtrrI ir$usticr,, cnrtlt.r',

lrnrtali[.v, aud irrlrrrrrrturity of sltlvrr;v nrrtl ,Iirn ()rurv;

(B) rpolrrgizc* to J\ff i(litl Anru'irilrr* on tx"half of tl,lt

lxroplc of tlur Urritrtl litnkrs, t'rrr tlrc lvftlngri eourrnittt:tl

rrprinst thern ruul tlreir anc**torr rrlro sufferttl urultt

sltrr"er1, arnl Jirtr (lrrrrr': und

(.t) rsl)r1rr{$i(:r{ its rionrrnitnrt'rrt to nrctift,' tlm litr-

gcl'ilrg rlrnr(rltlelrrt'r',rtt tltc rrtisdrrr:ds crllrtniitt{.d agailrst

,\fi'ieatr r\tneritilrrs rrrxlcr slavorl' atid ,Iilr Cnrn, rurd to

stogr tlrr: or.{.lurl'1rinrc of hnmtul riglrts violal.iorrx irr thti fh-




.HE&B !s4 EH

Page 8: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret


""'il,'ll,lli:ll'.'t H. J. RES. 3I'u ;lrktt<,rrhrlq(. l i*ng liirrtrt rrf lli'h.i;rl rh'prrrlaliortr

h_r' lltr. I'litr,rl Strrtlx ( llvt.nrrrlr.rrt rr,gunlirrg.t{t illi.d(}Hr t,r r:ll Nirtirr, l',rr,[rit,s tti ]x-,i,a]f ril 1l:c

lnrl ill-r'r,rtq.irrrl Il,,ii,,ii'tIrrrliarr trilru arrd olfi'rI'lrit*rl St*tr*.


lN'fIiE I t( )tllilrl O[,' ItEl'ltlrFilrN'l',\'l'tVlit{J.rrt'rrn'-1.:l(tl)7

llr.. .Io .\ss Il.tr-t. oi'\'irginil itrttrxirrcr'rl tlu, firll,nririgjriirit t'i..i,,hltiirl!:rrltir,lt tt*x n,ii.rrirl li) tllr'(itrrlliittr.i'til Nilrlrr{l Il,,"ri;rlt.r:

J(}INT RESOLUTIONtt,ktrutslcdgu it lorrg ltiston' of offir,inl rlrrprr-rlutiols lrnlill<'ont.eit'r,rl lxrlitrir.s lr1' tlrr' []rrirctl Sftrtt,s (louirrrntr,rrt

rcg3utlirrg Irrtliarr f rilrr.'x nrrrl oft'trr arr illxliogl'to nll )r'ttivc

I't'r4rh,s on lx,lrnlf of tlrr.r [irritt,d lttutttr*.

tlrr larxl of tlre presnrt-rll-1' lirrit*d iitltt'x sitrr,e tin:r-' irn-

rl-rcnr{}l'ill[ ilnd fi]r tlrorrsrurds of reurs trcfirrt tlrt: arrivrrl ot',- #1trl1rlr.s of Ilrtnrlx.lrr rlr:xt urt:

\\'hprr*rs tlrr Nrrtivc I)r.rpkrs Iurru fin' rrrillerrlria Irurrt,r't,rl- pr.*-

ttr:tr.'tl, alrtl strrt'iu'rlt{l this lrirrtl rvr rlrrrishl

\\'ltuttr'i tlrrr Nutirl l'ruplt,x nn. slliritnul ;x'lgrlt,,* rvitlr rr rlr,r,p

luttrl rtlrirlilrg lrt.licf iti thc ('t'r'ator', lt!(l fitr trtillt,rrrtiit tltr,irpr.rr;rlt,s lrirvr llrritrtiritrt-rl ir gxrrrtt'lirl spit'ituirl i,otirrt.t,tiotr

Page 9: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret


ilnrl l'{'\(rt'ittiotr. l\rt: otttlrtrrirrg of tt:rrlit'r,,rra) rr.l'tgrr,rrs, irn,l

tlrc tlt'sttrtt.tiott of srtctt.tl 1)lrrrts;

\\'lterr.its tlrc Iirritt'tl Stirtt.s ttrrrt,tl Intliiur trilrt's;rrrtl llrt'ir t'iti-z(,ns to nl()\'(. ilrvilv ti'orrr tlu'ir tturlitiorral ltotttt'lrtttrls rttttl

rutto firk*t'itll.r' r'strrlllisllr.rl irrrtl currtlrrllt,rl l'trs(,rfitti()us. itr

itrtritrliurr.c u'ith -suclr &.ts iis tltr, ltrtliittr Rt'trrovitl -\rl til'


\\'lt.'tlits llttllllj litttivc lllolrlt's sttt'l't'ttrl tttrtl 1x't'isltul-t I ) rhrrirrg tlre cxt,crrtirrrr of tlrc ottit,iirl t'rritttl Stltcs

(lrrvr.,lrr)r,r)t yliqr rf ft>tt,u) nnxs>lil, )nr)uilu,1, iltr )nlb-

irrotts 'l'riril of 'li.at's irrul l,otig \\'llk;lJ) rlrrritrg lrkxxll' rn'urld t'rttrti'ulttittions illl(l ntrts-

st(,r(.s, sut,lr ns tlrr'lrttrrtl ('r't,r'k llussur.r't'in ll{6-l ntrtl tlu'\\ixrrrrlt,rl I(rmr. .\llssrtct? irr lt-.!10: arul

ill) rrlr lrunr(1t'ous Irulian rrrsr.trittiotrs;

\\'lrcrr.as tlre []rritttl Stato.r (irn'errrnrttrt coutlettirtctl tttrr trrttli-

tiorrs. lrclit'f'.x. irrxl rrtstonrs ot'tltt. Native l'toltlcs ilttd ctt-

rlt.arrrt'rtl to irssirrril*lt: tlrutrr ll.t' surlt lxrlicit's ltx tltt' rcrlis-

tribrrliotr o[' lrrul rrrrtlcr tltc (ft'tterttl r\lltttttx'ttt .r\r't of

ItlHT lrrrl tlrr tiur.ihlt, rr.rnovul of Nttivr' cltiltlrett f't'rtttt

tlu'ir tirrnilit,s to farrrrva.r' lxrat'rling st:lttxrls u'lrtrtrt tltcit'

Nirtile purr.tir.es alrtl lnugttirsrr \rut'(! tlcgttttletl ttttcl ttrt.


\\:lrcrr,ns ol'{iriuls ol' tlte ['rrilt.tl Stltt,x (iovrt'tttttt'ttt rtttrl lrri-111f1 [i11it1ril Sttrtcs citizr,rrs lrrrrrtit'tl Ntttivrr ltt'rtplt's h.v tltc

rrrrlttrtitl artluisitirrn of rtrrogrriztrl trillitl lrtrrd, tltr' lltt't't of

rtsottr(r,)i firrtlr srtt.lr tr.t't'itut'ir's. attrl tlrt'ttlisttttttltllS'tttt'ltt

ol' lriirll trttsi iittrtis;

\Ylrr..rtirs tlrt, lrrlit:ics of tltt, [:rritetl Stirtr.s (iot't:t'tuttr,nt totlitt'tl

Irr,liatr tt'ilx.s itttrl lltr. lrttitkittg rtl't'nrtlr:tttts trillt Itrrliirtr

.lrJ 3 tH

Page 10: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret


trilt,s llu't, rrirrtrillrrtlrl to 1111, 1q1r1'1.q'1' srruial ills tllrtl r,t,u-

nr{nirr tr rr rl llr.,s ir r t r r*t11' I at ivr rorrrrtrrtrritits ttxl:r.}';

\\'ltrtttts. tleslriti' r'urrtirrrrirrg rtirltrr'ntrrrr.,rrt uf ),iirtivt, ['t,opk,rl

lr.v tlt'". I'rrirtrl St;rfls, tllu Nirtilr, ['ru1tk's lrrrt'c rrrrrr*irrr,rI

rt,rrtiltittt,rl to tlrr, ;rrutg..tiorr uf tllis ilr*tt liurtl, trs t,r'i-rh'rtrt'tl h.r'tlrr,f'rrt,t tlruf. ()n I l1(,r t,apittr Irrtxis. rrrrrrr. \ir-1i1'1r pr,o[)lt, lurrr. sr.rrrrl irr llrt' ['rritetl titlrtr's .\t.rrrr.rl

Ir'rltr'(..)i ancl prlac*tl tlrrrriist,llr..s itr lrrr.t.trt's rvrtf iu drrti:trxt,

of rlre {'rritt,tl Strtl,,r irr ,,rer'.v rriili*r't}lilit*t}'r,orr11it.t tlrirrr

rutv rdlrt't' t'llrrric gll,ll[];

\\'ht.t't,irs Itrrli;rrr 1r'ilx,s lrrrvr *t.tir,r'lf inthrlrrr.t,rl tlrr l]ul)il{. liti'of tltt, ['rritr,rl litrrtt,s lr.r't.orrtirrrrt'rl lrxrlrt.rrrtiorr rvith ('orr-

gt'r,,ss iurtl 1111' Jltrptutrnr-'nt oi'rlr* [rrtt'riot', tlrrtxtglr tli* irr-

volyr.,nrcut of r'tittit'r.r inrlititluals irr oftirial Irrritul Statt,s(ir;vcrlrnrurt prositiurrs. anrl lx icadcrship of tlrt:il' orrrr

sorrrrr.igrr lnrlitrr t rilx,s:

\\'ltr,n,*ts Itrtliurr tlilx.s rtt rt:*iliurrt iurtl rlttu'niirull to Jirr,-*111,1', {lr,\'{rlop, rlrtrl lnrrtsrttit fo ftrtrll'ti gcrtr.t'ttfions tlrlirturit gut r:rtlturirl irLrrrtifit,ri;

\\'lrt.r'trt* tlre NatiorrHl ][uxrrunr of tlrt ,\rrrr-.rirarr [rrtliirrr rvas

cstttltlixhctl u'itltin tltc $nritlrsurriarr lrrstitution as a llr"irrgntut){}ri*l (o tlr* }iatirrr l)r,oplt.x urnl tlruir trlxliti(}r}s; rnr(l

\\'lt*rtrrs Ntttivrr I'r:rpk,s ru1, (,rr(lr)u'[rtl h,v their (:rl'attir rritlr(ftirtilitl rrrralir.,rraltl* r'iglrts. irnr.l thrrt. rlnt()llg tlruurr art. lifi'.

lilltrtr,. atrtl tlrt' girrrsrrit of Irtrlrlrirrrrss: Now. llrerr:tirn., lx.


! /lr',srt! rtt! lt,l tht'Nrwttt tttrl ![ttttsr qf Rr1-ttz,sr.tttrttit't's

2 u.l'thr l'nikrl -{lrrlr.v r['.ltttt:ri*t itt ('tnylrtxx ttxst.nlilnl,

rHJ !l IH

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I sscrrox L AcKNowLEDGEIIEIST AIvD ApoLocy.

2 'l'lrt, I'rritr,rl Slrrtls, ru.l ilrg tlrrorrglr ( 'urrgrr,ss-

3 ( I ) r't.r.ogrtizr's tlrt. spt't.irrl lcgirl rrtrtl lxrliiit.rtl rtlrrtiorr-

4 slrip tlrt, Irrrlirrrr trilrt,s lrirvc ruitlr tlrt, Urrittrl !.itirlcs rrrrtl

5 tlrt'soh,lrtr rovlrrrurt u'ith tlu' larrrl u't, slrrrrt.:

6 li) r'utrttttr,tttls irtrrl lrotrrit's llrl Nirtirt l'r'o1rh,x l'rrt' llrt'

7 tltottxitrtrls oi'r',,at's tlrat tltr..r'lrrrvl str.rrltrltrl arul llrrrtr'r.tr.rl

I this lrrrrrl:

I lill lr.krrorvltrlpn .rt*r's of' oftlt.ill th,ilrrrlrrtiorrs. ill-

[0 (.r)nrf ivr.tl 1xrlir.it.s. rttttl tlrt, lrt't,rtkitrg nf ({}\l,nrults lr.v tlur

I I Urrittrl Stirtt,s (hx'('r'unlr.'ut tr.gartlirrg Itrtli;trt trilxrsl

12 (-[) lgxrlugizes titr lx'lurll'of tlu, puu;tlr of llre' Iirritr.tl

l3 l'ititt|s to rrll Iratir'1' l>111;111.s ttir tlrt' [liut.v irrstilrrrt,s ilf Yiil-

I4 lt.Il{rrt, ulrrltl'rruttttrrtt, it}l{l n{'glcrt irrflirttrl ott l{tttivr, [)r.rr-

l5 lrlus h1' ritizt,rrx uf ttrt.. [.'rritr:tl Statt's:

I6 i.'r) (.stlr1.$s('s iis rr,Sl'('1. firr llrr litrrrifiratirurs rrl'

17 titnrrcr uf't't'nu,s rrrul its ronrrrrilrrx'rrt to Iruiltl otr tlrt. gxrxi-

l8 tir-e rrlittiorrsltips of tlrt' past alxl presorrt to nrof it torvittrl

l9 a lrriglrtr,r' hrtrn'r, n'h<.r'c lll thr. p.opkr rlf tlris larrrl lirl rt,r.-

20 olu'ik,rl rts lrrr:ltlrlrs an(l sist(,r's. lul(l lrrrnlloltiottxll' stt,rrittrl

2l irn(l l)r'otc(:t tlris larrtl trigr..tltlr';

22 tii) rrrges tlrt, l)rrsitk'nl t{, il(.knorvltrlgt tlrc oi'ti,trst's

2l rrf tlr(. IIrrit,'rl Statex irgrliust Irrrlirrrr trillex irr tlte ltistru'r'

?4 ol'tlrr, Ilrrillrl Slirtr,s irr orrllr to lrrirrg lrt'ulirrg l.o this Iurrrl

75 lrr' ;rruvitlittg it l)trrln,t' tirttttrlrttiotr tirt' tlt'otrriliatiorr lx,-

?6 tnrr,rr llrr, ilrritrrl Stitlr.s irtrrl ltrtliirtr tt'ilx'sr ittrrl

oHJ I lH

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(71 (,{)nlnl(,n(l$ tlur l{trrte g{rvt nlnlt nt* tllut lttrt'e

bcgurr rrtorreililtir"rrr r:tttrrtx rvitlr nr:ogrriz.cxl Irulitn trilxrs

Itr.attrtl irr tlttir txunulflrit,x llrul (,u(.oln'rrgr.s tll Sttte gyrv-

cnuncuts xirnil*r'[v to rrurk tolr':url luconcilirrg rulittiou-

shipx rviflr Inrlinrr trilx,s rvitlrirr tlrt'ir lxlrrrtlaries.


),lollrirrg irr tlrix'loirrt. lll.solutiotr rurtltoriet,s ittrl' rluinr

ttgiiittst ilr.' L]rritr.l Stitt.';' rrr' Nt,l \-(.rt irr. ir st.ttlrtrrr.rrt ,rl'arr.I'

tlninr ag$irrst tho I'nitcd St*tr's.



rllrl I lH

Page 13: SF 181 form faxed the Department of Management and budget for :Sa-Auset :Tauwieret

ffiafq$r#rr{.ryJ trrFl


'ff 'FS;}jS-iff }ell*lrlrg'gjf f f f p;i*affitrjprris,rr@?iffi 'ysffiJ{J}";}str1;gt


tEprrt u1[.r ,ituzu I aqt u! FHr]rT sB.$ u * Holinu]su{}J *r,{I 14 pErH]t

3,s$ 5n.'$ ,{}u*tpny sq,1 .t.].{"I3 },}rlg ,{irr*rr"r&}l{ 11rrr-rp {?f##r.{*x5.

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u$ tsv $rlt"&{T .,il5l*qlny' Faiti uru satrp sr{Jt 'mfmB$I[ff.n@';i.i

ffi8q55ry -r,.ru pue "s{in rtrnE

el$-lal rWHlr+ u.*rl aABr{ r$Hur u{ilt$[t;r*][Ju",itgp11r,r r:qt uo Eurpl,r*p

**pn: .iuy :ir,tu*pu*.1rr splitt S lt{t.gr: ."iur rp1,n slE}F rltIE,H .Sfhl

**u{s ss*xfur;r;-} dq unrt*1srfr*; 1u ril ,{Jddu iir,tr .urluuogfttpsrrr:r;7

.ir) If;.?t .srN" " ql '{t]ffiT-fl/ilif}{rsf#fir $u6,r/$,\ partq? *}Er.t;?r

5'-,, r51 irl) tH&Suflt $HIR;'tltti'!t i{{l qlltr ilHtrrru.f S.LIJB}I ltl*pi$}Jr[

tq prufrm !"iil$,r_f) rrTi siilirgg5r?;riff Tiary .1{fl r.*q } 'itr;rr.r

1 :;, *"rr.rddx ir* Flu irr+u r+ {rJ#i-lBN IH'l1.ql r*Ii' lH-i5iigtlliS*l6q;pu* Sg n"lfl$$t'V ur grunrli ;rJn asii{l '1-#,riit,rr1J prFffi3r{rfrEr*ffiS

lit*Jirfi#J?jhj": .'glnssFrra.lr! liFlsu ;r:l-a*{} ul sTQSElS-ui{Erili al*ulrr*rj

tlr 3*r1{:U i:sr$ffitlE11 *t{l 'Jsprirt t*6 ts$l "{1ur: sU 'qJ.},qr*ul Fu,rteg}taF}

t$ ut.ls.ris lgrrnuflllt$Lin* xlr iq prln$rt .laEurrl tlc 5r sr*"rBuril;1

fiur):t:tu eHt utlcsuftilBg p5fruri Hffilr r*rr*{i3
