bulgarian comments (1)

Post on 24-May-2015






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Comenius project “English Comenius project “English learning by the ways of learning by the ways of

culture, social and sports culture, social and sports meetings”meetings”

Bulgarian students comment Czech and Turkish mobilities

Anna Grachanlieva

The week, which we spent with Turkish children, was one of the best! I liked everything. We had an amazing time together and I miss it all. The sport day was the funniest! We all had a lot of fun. I can’t wait to come in Turkey and create more great moments again!



Blagovesta Dermendzhieva

The project was very successful, very funny and interesting! I have learned some things about Turkey. Еspecially interesting for me was the sports day.Everybody was very enthusiastic! We were very attached to our guests. It was exciting !


Dimitria Jostova During this week which

we were with students from Turkey I experienced a truly wonderful adventure. I met new incredible people.

This project made me understand more about the culture, traditions and customs of Turkey. I want to thank teachers, children, and especially the Headmaster of the school that helped us to experience an amazing week!

Iliyana Moskova

I like Comenius project because I meet new people. I practise my language and have good time together.I`ve learned about Turkish culture.


Reni Dermendzhieva

This project has helped me to learn better English. to meet new people and make new friends. to visit new places. I am happy that I joined this projct!

Yana Velevа The project helps

me to practise English language. It was very usefull because we learned interesting facts about their and my contry and culture. With them we visited some of the sightseeings in Bulgaria. It was very fasinating!

Rafaela Abdulova

Comenius project helped me to find new friends for all my life. I`ve learned a lot about life and culture of my Turkish friends. It helped me to test my English language level and improve it.


Kristina Popova Comenius project

helps me to learn English better and to make new friendships. My visit in the Czech Republic was one amazing adventure and I`ll never forget it!

Magdalena Mladenova

For me Comenius Project is way to learn about food, tradition and history of other countries. On the other hand it`s a chance to meet new people and make new friendships.

Maria Ukova This is a project

which gives you an option to learn English while you`re having fun. Also you can meet many new friends and together to exchange many experience about ways of life and culture. I`m glad that I`m part of it.


Angel Busarov Thanks to

Comenius project I`ve learned a lot about the culture and society of Bulgaria and Turkey. With the projectI practise my English and have confidence in my knowledge.


Georgi Tsvetkov Comenius is very

important thing for me. With this project we learn English. We meet new friends, new world. Comenius is the key to the world. If you know English, you know everybody!

Martin Peev With this project I

have learned many things about Czech traditions. I've met lots of new friends with which I've practice my English. I have got great time!


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