bulgarian comments (1)

Comenius project “English learning by the ways of culture, social and sports meetings” Bulgarian students comment Czech and Turkish mobilities

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Page 1: Bulgarian comments (1)

Comenius project “English learning

by the ways of culture, social and

sports meetings”

Bulgarian students comment

Czech and Turkish mobilities

Page 2: Bulgarian comments (1)

Anna GrachanlievaThe week, which we spent with Turkish children, was one of the best! I liked everything. We had an amazing time together and I miss it all. The sport day was the funniest! We all had a lot of fun. I can’t wait to come in Turkey and create more great moments again!

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The project was verysuccessful, very funnyand interesting! I have learned some thingsabout Turkey. Еspeciallyinteresting for me wasthe sportsday.Everybody was veryenthusiastic! We werevery attached to our guests. It was exciting !

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Dimitria JostovaDuring this week which wewere with students fromTurkey I experienced a trulywonderful adventure. I metnew incredible people.

This project made meunderstand more about theculture, traditions andcustoms of Turkey. I want to thank teachers, children, andespecially the Headmaster of the school that helped us to experience an amazing week!

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Iliyana Moskova

I like Comeniusproject because I meet new people. I practise mylanguage and havegood timetogether.I`ve learnedabout Turkishculture.

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Reni Dermendzhieva

This project hashelped me to learnbetter English. to meet new peopleand make newfriends. to visit newplaces. I am happythat I joined thisprojct!

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YanaVelevаThe project helps meto practise Englishlanguage. It was veryusefull because welearned interestingfacts about their andmy contry and culture. With them we visitedsome of thesightseeings inBulgaria. It was veryfasinating!

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Rafaela AbdulovaComenius projecthelped me to findnew friends for allmy life. I`ve learneda lot about life andculture of my Turkishfriends. It helped meto test my Englishlanguage level andimprove it.

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Kristina Popova

Comenius project helps me to learn English better and to make new friendships. My visit in the Czech Republic was one amazing adventure and I`ll never forget it!

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Magdalena Mladenova

For me Comenius Project is way to learn about food, tradition and history of other countries. On the other hand it`s a chance to meet new people and make new friendships.

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Maria UkovaThis is a project which gives you an option to learn English while you`re having fun. Also you can meet many new friends and together to exchange many experience about ways of life and culture. I`m glad that I`m part of it.

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Angel Busarov

Thanks to Comeniusproject I`ve learned a lot about the cultureand society of Bulgaria and Turkey. With the projectIpractise my Englishand have confidencein my knowledge.

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Comenius is very important thing for me. With this project we learn English. We meet new friends, new world. Comenius is the key to the world. If you know English, you know everybody!

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Martin Peev

With this project I have learned manythings about Czechtraditions. I've metlots of new friendswith which I'vepractice my English. I have got great time!