branding: how to do better messaging

Post on 18-May-2015






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A quick, concise presentation about how to make the most of messaging for a brand.


six degrees | a sensory branding agency

six degrees How to do better messaging2010

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

2The 3 classic problems

with messaging

1. Thinking messaging is just verbal

When, in fact…

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

85% of communication is non-verbal

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

93% of emotional meaning is communicated through non-verbal channels

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

when verbal and non-verbal information conflict, people believe the non-verbal

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

6Solution for Problem 1

(neglecting the non-verbal)

After your brand strategy has been defined and you know what perceptions to create for your brand:

1.Use a technique like SensoryQ™ to identify the right sensory cues that will trigger the desired perceptions in your target audience. Use those sensory cues in the development of your messaging.

2.Consider what media to use. Sometimes complicated messages are best communicated through a picture or short animation or video than through written words.

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

7The 3 classic problems

with messaging

1. Thinking messaging is just verbal

2. Disconnect between brand strategy and execution

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

8Disconnect between

strategy & execution

Brand/marketing strategy and the execution thereof are often done by different people, or groups of people.

Some are “left-brained” thinkers (i.e., strategists), while others are more “right-brained” thinkers (i.e., creatives).

Handoffs between different groups and types of people can create a disconnect.

six degrees | a sensory branding agency


Contemporary leader

Medically supervised

Proven & safe

That’s how a brand with the following brand strategy/attributes…

six degrees | a sensory branding agency


Can end up looking like this…

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

11Solution for Problem 2

(the disconnect)

Your brand strategy ideally should be summarized and defined in a “brand book” containing:

1.A style guide to the brand’s look and feel, along with useful media resources for anyone who is involved in execution of messaging.

2.A Messaging Blueprint that conceptually describes the primary and secondary messages to each target audience, along with the best messaging format to use for each message, the message tonality and all relevant support information.

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

12The 3 classic problems

with messaging

1. Thinking messaging is just verbal

2. Disconnect between brand strategy and execution

3. Lack of focus

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

13Lack of brand focus

Lots of audiences

Lots of messages

Lots of objectives

Lots of “cooks”

Lots of meetings

Lots of opinions

Lots of fear

Finally, one of the biggest problems affecting messaging is a lack of focus deriving from one or more of the following sources:

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

14Solution for Problem 3

(lack of focus)

Conduct a Brand Focus Workshop. The workshop should be led by independent experts and conducted off-site.

The purpose of the Brand Focus Workshop is to get input from all key stakeholders once and at the same time. Interactive exercises should be used to find common ground for the brand across multiple target audiences and to identify brand priorities and sacrifice low value/distracting elements.

The output should be a tightly focused brand and messaging strategy.

six degrees | a sensory branding agency

thank you! six-degrees.com8040 east gelding dr scottsdale, az 85260


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