bonney lake seventh-day adventist church fitting that this falls on the sabbath! share your love of...

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Mark Your CalendarSpecial Events

Bonney Lake Seventh-day Adventist ChurchAugust 2015 Issue

August 3-7: Vacation Bible School at Tacoma Central Church. Go to and “Activities” in the “Get Involved” tab.

Registration is free.10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

August 9-15: Festival of Arts at Sunset Lake Camp for high-school aged students. Visit the calendar page on the

Washington Conference website for more details.

August 23: Registration for Auburn Adventist Academy. Visit the calendar page on the Washington Conference

website for more details.

Practice Acts of Kindness!

The Bible is full of messages of love for one another. When we love God, that love spills over and touches everyone in our lives. We can show

Jesus to someone in passing simply by being kind, gracious, and compassionate.

Let us spend time this month practicing random acts of kindness and praying for God to

continue that work in our lives.My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue;

but in deed and in truth.1 John 3:18 (KJV)


Random Acts of Kindness CalendarAUGUST 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Ask God to show you how to love like Him and see people through His eyes.

2 Friendship Day Call a friend you haven’t talked to in awhile to catch up.


Bake someone a cake or some zucchini bread.

4 Gives hugs and high fives generously.

5 Pay someone a sincere compliment.

6 Send a friendly email message just to say hello.

7 Lighthouse Day Tell someone who doesn’t know the meaning behind our lighthouse

8 Share a story with someone on how God worked in your life in the past week.

9 Share a pitcher of iced tea or lemonade with your neighbors.

10 Talk to someone you see often but don’t know.

11 Help a friend in need (unemployed, short on cash, needs a babysitter, etc.)

12 Complain less, praise God for your blessings.

13 Give a friend some flowers.

14 Ask a friend if they need a prayer.

15 Relaxation Day How fitting that this falls on the Sabbath! Share your love of the Sabbath with someone.

16 Write a “thank you” note to a friend.

17 Ask if you can help someone.

18 Leave change in a vending machine or at a payphone.

19 Smile at everyone you encounter.

20 Bring in your neighbor’s trashcan.

21 Call a church member who hasn’t attended in awhile and invite them back.

22 Be an Angel Day Call or visit a sick friend and have prayer over them.

23 Bring someone lunch or dinner.

24 Hold the door open for someone else.

25 Be polite on the road; let someone merge in front of you.

26 Pay for the person behind you in line.

27 Forgiveness Day Let go of that one grudge you have been holding. Ask Jesus for the power to forgive.

28 Leave a bible at a coffee shop/restaurant with a note inviting someone to BLSDA Church.

29 Share your “random acts of kindness” experiences with your church family.

30 Pick up litter wherever you see it.

31 Do a chore in your household that is usually someone else’s responsibility.


Adventist Community Services: 1st & 3rd Monday of each month 9:00 AM -11:00 AM

Pathfinders: Each Monday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Elders Meeting: Monday, July 6th 6:30 PM

Mid-Week Bible Study and Prayer Meeting: Each Wednesday 7:00 PM in the Youth Room

Board Meeting: 2nd Thursday of each month 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Fellowship Potluck Luncheon: 1st & 3rd Sabbath of each month in the Fellowship Room after Sabbath service

Special Intercessory Prayer: 4th Sabbath of each month 12:30 PM - 2:00 PMJoin us for a simple soup/salad/sandwich luncheon after the church service. After the luncheon we will meet back in the Sanctuary for a season of Intercessory Prayer.

If you want to include something in the bulletin please e-mail bulletin@blsda.comIf you want to include something in the newsletter please e-mail

Elder in Charge: Lloyd Buras

What Does the Bible Say About “Kindness”?

Ephesians 4:32Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Luke 6:35But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.

Proverbs 11:17A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.

Colossians 3:12Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,

Proverbs 31:26She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Calendar of Recurring Events


Recipe CornerNo Bake Vegan Brownies with Chocolate Ganache

Ingredients:BROWNIES1 + ½ Cup Raw walnuts, divided (plus more for topping)1 Cup Raw almonds2½ Cup Dates, pitted (if dry, soak in warm water for 10 minutes, drain)3/4 Cup Cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder2T Cacao nibs (plus more for topping)¼t Sea salt

GANACHE FROSTING (optional)¼ Cup Almond milk1 Cup Dairy-free dark chocolate, chopped2T Coconut oil (or vegan butter), melted¼-½ Cup Powdered sugar¼t Sea salt

Preparation:BROWNIES1. Place 1 cup walnuts and almonds in food processor, process until finely ground.2. Add cacao powder and sea salt, pulse to combine. Transfer to a bowl and set aside.3. Add dates to food processor, process until small bits remain. Remove and set aside.4. Add nut and cacao mixture back into food processor. While processing, drop small handfuls of date pieces into food

processor spout.5. Process until a dough consistency is achieved. Add more dates if mixture does not hold together when squeezed in your

hand. You may not use all the dates.6. Add brownie mixture to a small parchment-lined 8x8 dish. Before pressing, add remaining ½ cup roughly chopped

walnuts and cacao nibs. Toss to combine and evenly distribute. Press down with hands until it is flat and firm. It may help to lay down a piece of plastic wrap to prevent sticking while trying to get it really flat.

7. Lift parchment paper to remove brownies from dish and use hands to slightly squeeze in the sides to create a smaller square. This will make the brownies slightly thicker and more dense.

8. Transfer back to the dish and place in the freezer or fridge to chill for 10-15 minutes before cutting into 12 even squares. If you add the optional ganache, wait to slice until the ganache has been added!

GANACHE FROSTING (optional)1. Add almond milk to a mixing bowl and microwave for 45 seconds or until very warm. Or just heat in a small saucepan

until just simmering, then transfer to a mixing bowl.2. Immediately add chocolate to warm milk and loosely cover. Don’t touch for 2 minutes so the chocolate can melt.3. Add salt and stir gently with a wooden spoon to incorporate, then add melted coconut oil and use a whisk to mix. Set

in fridge for 10 minutes to thicken.4. Remove from fridge and add powdered surgar a little at a time to thicken. Whisk again to combine. If it’s still too thin,

add another few tablespoons of powdered sugar and beat until light and fluffy.5. Frost brownies generously with ganache and top with additional raw walnuts and cacao nibs (optional). Slice in 12

even squares.

Recipe and photo courtesy of


Our annual outdoor church was held on Sabbath, July 25 at Lake Kepka. We started with Bible study, then had a wonderful song service which the children led out, and ended with a beautiful sermon about angels and their influence in our lives. Here are some pictures from the event.

Outdoor Church at Lake Kepka

Don’t Forget to Tend to Your Areas.Let’s keep our church looking great anytime

of the year. Thank you all for your help!

Fred Haskell, Maintenance Coordinator CARE


Foyer Painting - “The Judgement Seat of Christ”Our foyer is the first place visitors and members alike walk in and see. What kind of impression do we want to give?

“The Judgement Seat of Christ” painting by Lars Justinen is not just a ordinary painting, but one that embodies our entire goal here on earth. Our goal of walking into that heavenly kingdom and humbling kneeling before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as he places that golden crown upon our heads and He speaks those sweet, sweet words, “well done, good and faithful servant”.

As pictured, the angles will cheer and applaud for another faithful one has entered the gates of heaven and gained the ultimate reward. Its not just a painting, its the conclusion to a beautiful story that will soon unfold.

Donations for Kent’s Pediatric Interim Care CenterOur church donates crocheted baby bonnets to Kent’s Pediatric Interim Care Center (PICC), which takes care of babies born addicted to drugs. Diapers, sizes 1 and 2, are also needed. Contact Cheri Szyplik to get some yarn to help with this project., (253) 242-1662

You can also go online to to see their needs. You can bring items to our church and there will also be a box marked “PICC Donations” at the desk. Cheri will take the box to PICC around the 15th of the month.

If you would like to help bring this center piece into our foyer and reach our $650 goal you can donate by writing “foyer painting” on your tithe envelope or dropping your spare change into the jar placed on the table under the wall the actual painting will be hung on. This vision will only became a reality if we pitch in together.

Thank you,

Kaitlyn HermanChurch Secretary

Donations are still being collected for our mission effort in Ghana. We send money for Twi Bibles and various literature from time to time when we get enough donations to make it worthwhile. Your donations are greatly appreciated and being put to a marvelous work! Simply mark your check Ghana and we will ensure it goes to this worthwhile mission.

Bless someone today!

Dear Beloved in Christ,

Thank you very much and may the Lord keep on shining your ways for your untiring spirit to spread His Gospel to the unreached areas. Not all Christian have good heart to even reply to such messages. But blessed be to you that you have not let my message be down but lift it up always. Abundant blessings are pouring on you all for the little that you are doing to prepare souls for His second coming.

Elder Frank has got a message from Nyamebekyere town that he should come there on this Sabbath and preach. He will go there with some of the Bibles and Baptism shall comes on. please pray for us that the Lord will bring more souls into his kingdom. Many are longing to get Bibles to read them, but unfortunate they don’t have money to buy. Look at how happier it will be for someone to come to your house and say, please can you help me to get Bibles to read especially when that person is a Muslims or non-Christian? Again, won’t you be happy when one or two or three peoples comes to your house and said please can you make Bible study with us or when can you make Bible studies with us? These are some of the messages we hear everyday, that’s why we keep you in touch to join hands with us so that we can accomplish the work dedicated to us in Matthew 28:19-20.

Mama Sara welcome to this group and hoping you will continue the good work Mama Carol was doing. Mama Linda, Mr & Mrs Mike & Karen keep up the good works you are doing for the Lord. Mama Carol may the Lord guide and lead you to wherever you may go. And hoping you are not going to leave us alone but we shall continue communicate.

God be with you.

Your daughter,


Ghana Update

Kids’ CornerColoring Page:

Moses leading the Israelites through the parted Red Sea

No Bake Peanut Butter Coconut Snack Bites

Ingredients1 Cup oats½ Cup peanut butter¼ Cup honey½ Cup shredded coconut (sweetened or unsweetened)1T cocoa powder1T flax seeds1t vanilla extract

Instructions1. Dump all ingredients into a

medium bowl. Stir until well combined (everything should be evenly coated).

2. Place bowl in the refrigerator (or freezer) for a few minutes just to help set everything (which makes shaping the balls much easier).

3. Remove from the refrigerator and shape into balls (approximately 1-inch). Store in an air tight container in the fridge.

Recipe courtesy of

Back to School Tips

• Get plenty of rest! - “And He said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.” Exodus 33:14• Start your day with a talk with God! - “Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: He is their help and their

shield.” Psalms 115:11• Eat the right foods! - “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou

mayest freely eat.” Genesis 2:16• Listen to your teacher! - “And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet

shall not they teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see they teachers.” Isaiah 30:20• Be a good student! - “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,

rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15• Be kind to your classmates! - “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.”

1 Peter 2:17



Who To Contact

Pastor: Vacant at this timeAudio & Visual Systems: Bob McDonald & Mike Herman

Board Members Head: Mike HermanBulletin Board: Janice Ellison

Bulletin Secretary: Rebecca HiebertChildren’s Story Coordinator: Marlys Proctor

Church Calendar: Kaitlyn HermanChurch Clerk: MaryLou Haskell

Community Services: Fred & MaryLou Haskell & Debbie MannHead Deacon: Fred Haskell

Assistant Head Decon: Greg Maxwell & Jeff BestDeacons: Ron Burnham, Vaun Fiedler, Richard Hudek, Marc Mann, Bob McDonald, Lowell Hoffman,

Brian Jarnes, Joel Wazdatskey Sr., Matt Gregory, Ben Hiebert, Rigoberto Salinas, & Robert CassidyHead Deaconess: Janice Ellison

Assistant Head Deaconess: Marlys ProctorDeaconesses: Luisa Feher & Katrina Ferrel

Disaster Response Preparedness: Fred Haskell & Karen FiedlerHead Elder: Mike Herman

Second Head Elder: Lloyd BurasElders: Vic Matson, Bill Ellison, Phil Proctor, Wayne Hurley, Norm Peckham, Don Healey

Fellowship Dinner Committee Co-heads: Lloyd & Linda BurasFinance Committee Chair: Ron Ringering

Flower Coordinator: Kaitlyn HermHealth Ministries Head: Wayne Hurley

Hospitality Committee Head: Ron & Carol BurnhamLibrarian: Laurel Thorp

Literature Rack & Periodical: Fred HaskellLoss Control Head: Fred Haskell

Men’s Ministries: Randy AnfinsonMusic Ministry & Special Music Coordinator: Kaitlyn Herman

Newsletter Editor: Sara Stickle & Sharon PaizNominating Committee Chair: Vic Matson

Organist & Pianist: Eileen AndersonOutside Reader Board: Phil Proctor

Pathfinders: Ron Ringering & Karen FiedlerPersonal Ministries Head: Phil ProctorPhotographer Head: Rebecca Hiebert

Praise Team Head: Kaitlyn HermanPrayer Coordinator: Vic MatsonPublic Relation: Carol Burnham

Religious Liberty Representative: George BeaverSabbath School Secretary: Marlys Proctor

Sabbath School Superintendent: Ruth MatsonSenior Ministries Representative (SAGE): Fred Haskell

Social Committee Head: Karen HermanTechnology: Doug HamerlyHead Treasurer: Linda Buras

Head Usher: Fred HaskellWebmaster: Jennifer Hamerly

Wedding/Shower/Farewell Head: Karen HermanWomen’s Ministries: Jill Anfinson


MissionOur mission is to be a

beacon of light in Bonney Lake, sharing the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ, giving

hope that all may have salvation, as we prepare for his imminent return.

Join us for the following on Saturdays:

9:15 a.m. Song Service

9:30 a.m. Weekly Lesson Study - Adult Classes will be studying Missionaries of the Bible for 3rd Quarter 2015.

10:50 a.m. Worship Service


11503 214TH AVE E. BONNEY LAKE, WA 98391

WWW.BLSDA.COM(253) 862-8620


On behalf of the Bonney Lake SDA church family, welcome to this house of God. We want you to

feel welcome and do make a new friend or two while you’re here.

Have an article, photos or information for the next newsletter?

Submit information by the 20th of each month for the next issue


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