boletín nanomedicina enero febrero 2011

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Boletín mensual sobre Nanomediciona generado por VIGIALE, IALE Tecnología



generado por VIGIALE, IALE Tecnología.

Enero-Febrero 2011




1. Bhasmas are nano-medicine of ancient times' 2

2. Researchers Bring Plasmonic Nanofields Into Focus 2

3. Consiguen liberar ADN directamente en el núcleo celular mediante nanodiscos de proteínas 2

4. Nanosponges Harvest Rare Cancer Marker from Blood 3

5. Bold Medicine, Golden Innovation 3

6. Three Biotech IPOs Ahead This Week: AcelRx Pharma, Endocyte, Pacira Pharma 3

7. 'Cornell Dots' that light up cancer cells go into clinical trials 4

8. Diagnostic chip may help hearts, cut costs 4

9. Plankton inspires creation of stealth armor for slow-release microscopic drug vehicles 4

10. The Welch Foundation Honors 'Rising Star' For Stellar Work On Nanoparticles, Cell Membranes 5

11. Novel Cancer-Targeting Investigational Nanoparticle Receives FDA IND Approval For First-In-Huma... 5

12. Early tests find nanoshell therapy effective against brain cancer 5

13. Detecting Lethal Diseases With Rust and Sand 6

14. Physicists scale up invisibility cloaks using natural crystals 6

15. Crece en EEUU el mercado de productos médicos basados en nanotecnología 6

16. UB and Nigeria Partner to Further Nanomedicine Research 7

17. Nanobiotix and the ETPN launch the first Nanomedicine TV 7

18. Scientists Work on New System to Capture Ovarian Cancer Cells Using Magnetic Nanoparticles 7

19. Armor for nano drug release vehicles inspired by plankton 8

20. New nanoparticles make blood clots visible 8

21. UABs new 3-D nanoscaffold could revolutionize human tissue engineering. 8

22. DNA Backbone Assists Nanocrystal Formation 9

23. Scientists Model Tiny Rotors, Key to Future Nanomachines. 9

24. Early tests find nanoshell therapy effective against brain cancer 9

PATENTES 25. Patentes publicadas este mes 10

26. Origen de los principales actores del mes 10

27. Principales entidades que patentaron este mes 11

28. Principales inventores que patentaron este mes 11

29. Principales temas tratados en las patentes del mes 12

30. US20110014124A1 Targeted Atherosclerosis treatment 12

31. US20110021894A1: Glucose sensor employing semiconductor nanoelectronic device 13

32. US20110014131A1: Nanomolding micron and nano scale features 13

INDICE 33. US20110014118A1: Nanotherapeutic colloidal metal compositions and methods 13

34. US20110020243A1: Methods and compositions for imaging cancer cells 14

35. US20110020788A1: NMR device for detection of analytes 14

36. US20110020434A1: Nanoparticle arsenic-platinum compositions 15

37. US20110014264A1: Medical devices having nanostructured regions for controlled tissue biocompati... 15

38. US7871990 Nanoparticles for protein drug delivery 15

39. US7871591 Methods for growing long carbon single-walled nanotubes 16

40. WO2007070572 Probe for nucleic acid sequencing and methods of use. 16

41. CN11317840A: Nano-composition, preparing method and application thereof 17

42. WO2010151173A1: Nano-dispersed composition containing COenzima Q10 and method for producingsam...


43. CZ20090496A3: Process for producing nanofiber-based nanopellets 17

EVENTOS, CURSOS YSEMINARIOS 44. 4th European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine 2011 (CLINAM 2011) 18

45. Conference Innovation in Healthcare: from Research to Market 18

46. 2nd Australian & New Zealand Micro and Nanofluidics Symposium. 18

47. Tercer Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (NANOUCO III) 19

48. Nanobiomedica Conference 19

49. Nanotech 2011 Exxhibition & Conference 20

50. First Annual Nanodermatology Society Meeting 20

51. ImagineNano Conference 20

52. 3rd NanoImpactNet Conference 21

53. Nanomedicine Commercialization Workshop 21

54. Jornadas: Clinical Applications of Nanotechnologies in the Field of Cancer 21

55. Jornada "Nanomedicina en España: Presente y Futuro" 22

ARTÍCULOS-CIENTÍFICOS 56. Principales investigadores que publicaron este mes 22

57. Principales entidades con publicaciones este mes 23

58. Principales temas tratados en los artículos científicos del mes 23

59. Three-dimensional atomic imaging of crystalline nanoparticles 24

60. Synthesis, functionalization and bioimaging applications of highly fluorescent carbon nanoparti... 24

61. Hard-tip, soft-spring lithography 24

62. Combined Small Interfering RNA Therapy and In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Islet 25


63. Enhanced Lysozyme Imprinting Over Nanoparticles Functionalized with Carboxyl Groups forNoncova...


64. Bioengineering Single Crystal Growth. 26

65. Unfolding and translocation pathway of substrate protein controlled by structure in repetitive ... 26

66. Modulation of biological processes in the nucleus by delivery of DNA oligonucleotides conjugate... 27

67. Multifunctional gadolinium-based dendritic macromolecules as liver targeting imaging probes 27

68. Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity studies of chitosan-coated tea polyphenols nanopar... 28

69. In situ green synthesis of biocompatible ginseng capped gold nanoparticles with remarkable stab... 28

70. Enhancement of cell recognition in vitro by dual-ligand cancer targeting gold nanoparticles 28

71. Hemocompatible pullulan-polyethyleneimine conjugates for liver cell gene delivery: In vitro eva... 29

72. Proteins of the Innate Immune System Crystallize on Carbon Nanotubes but Are Not Activated 29

73. Liposomal architecture boosts biocompatibility of nanohybrid cerasomes 30

74. Nanosilver induces minimal lung toxicity or inflammation in a subacute murine inhalation model 30

75. A living cell quartz crystal microbalance biosensor for continuous monitoring of cytotoxic res... 30

76. Inflammatory and cytotoxic responses of an alveolar-capillary coculture model to silica nanopar... 31

77. Carbosilane dendrimers NN8 and NN16 form a stable complex with siGAG1 31

REPORTES 78. Nanomedicina en España 06-10 31

79. Podcast: The Implications for Health, Safety and the Environment of the Nanotech Revolution 32

80. Action Plan Nanotechnology 2015 32

81. HTSM vision document: High Tech Systems and Material 32

82. 2010 Nanotechnology Research Review 33

83. Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013 33

84. Nanotechnologies in the 21st century 33

85. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020. Retrospective and Outlook 34

NORMATIVAS 86. AENOR - Normativas de Nanotecnología 34


Bhasmas are nano-medicine of ancient times'Publicada el 02/04/2011.

While the concept of reduction in particle size of metals is prevailing since Charak Samhita, the oldest classical text inayurveda, the recent studies at the department of Rasa Shashtra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Banaras Hindu University,has claimed the herbo-mineral formulations of ayurveda constituting 'bhasma' to be equivalent and in tune withnanotechnology witnessing production of nanoparticles in contemporary era.

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Researchers Bring Plasmonic Nanofields Into FocusPublicada en Institute of Nanotechnology News, 02/04/2011.

In typical plasmonic devices, electromagnetic waves crowd into tiny metal structures, concentrating energy intonanoscale dimensions. Due to coupling of electronics and photonics in these metal nanostructures, plasmonicdevices could be harnessed for high-speed data transmission or ultrafast detector arrays.

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Consiguen liberar ADN directamente en el núcleo celularmediante nanodiscos de proteínasPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Investigadores de la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona han conseguido encapsular material genético y liberarlodirectamente dentro del núcleo de las células, para llevar a cabo terapia génica, mediante partículas con forma dedisco del tamaño de sólo unos nanómetros. Los nanodiscos, tal y como los han bautizado los investigadores,atraviesan rápidamente el interior de la célula y se concentran en el núcleo, de forma que incrementarían laeficiencia del proceso de transferencia genética.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 2


Nanosponges Harvest Rare Cancer Marker from BloodPublicada el 02/03/2011.

An international research team from the United States and Italy has shown that it can use a new type of nanoparticleto selectively trap specific families of proteins from blood and protect them from degradation by enzymes in blood.

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Bold Medicine, Golden InnovationPublicada el 02/03/2011.

The gold-coated liposomes being developed at the UA could offer a new way to target delivery of drugs to cancerousregions of the body, non-invasively trigger the drugs release using infrared light, and provide a way for the body tonaturally eliminate the toxic byproducts.

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Three Biotech IPOs Ahead This Week: AcelRx Pharma,Endocyte, Pacira PharmaPublicada el 02/03/2011.

AcelRx Pharma's - developing ARX-01, the Sufentanil NanoTab PCA System, for the management of acute post-operative pain in adult patients during hospitalizationEndocyte's - Biopharma developing targeted therapies for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases.Pacira Pharma's - Has filed a New Drug Application, or NDA, for the lead product candidate, EXPAREL, a long-actingbupivacaine (anesthetic/analgesic) product for postsurgical pain management.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 3


'Cornell Dots' that light up cancer cells go into clinical trials

Publicada el 02/03/2011.

"Cornell Dots" brightly glowing nanoparticles may soon be used to light up cancer cells to aid in diagnosing andtreating cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first clinical trial in humans of thenew technology. It is the first time the FDA has approved using an inorganic material in the same fashion as a drug inhumans.

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Diagnostic chip may help hearts, cut costsPublicada el 02/03/2011.

During National Heart Health Month, Rice Professor John McDevitt will discuss the potential of this technology todetect cardiac disease early at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS) in Washington, D.C., Feb. 17-21. Cardiac disease is the focus of one of six ongoing major clinical trials ofRice's programmable bio-nano-chips (PBNCs).

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Plankton inspires creation of stealth armor for slow-releasemicroscopic drug vehiclesPublicada el 02/03/2011.

The ability of some forms of plankton and bacteria to build an extra natural layer of nanoparticle-like armour hasinspired chemists at the University of Warwick to devise a startlingly simple way to give drug bearing polymer vesicles(microscopic polymer based sacs of liquid) their own armoured protection.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 4


The Welch Foundation Honors 'Rising Star' For Stellar WorkOn Nanoparticles, Cell MembranesPublicada el 02/03/2011.

The Welch Foundation has awarded its prestigious Hackerman Award to Rice University scientist Jason Hafner '96,who was named this year's "rising star" for his innovative chemical research. Hafner's discoveries include a new typeof nanostructure called gold nanostars, which are proving useful for sensing, imaging and medicine, and the firstmethod for measuring large electrical fields inside cell membranes.

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Novel Cancer-Targeting Investigational NanoparticleReceives FDA IND Approval For First-In-Human TrialPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center's Nanotechnology Center, along with collaborators atCornell University and Hybrid Silica Technologies, have received approval for their first Investigational New DrugApplication (IND) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for an ultrasmall silica inorganic nanoparticleplatform for targeted molecular imaging of cancer, which may be useful for cancer treatment in the future.

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Early tests find nanoshell therapy effective against braincancerPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Rice University bioengineers and physician-scientists at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Hospitalhave successfully destroyed tumors of human brain cancer cells in the first animal tests of a minimally invasivetreatment that zaps glioma tumors with heat. The tests involved nanoshells, light-activated nanoparticles that aredesigned to destroy tumors with heat and avoid the unwanted side effects of drug and radiation therapies.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 5


Detecting Lethal Diseases With Rust and SandPublicada el 02/03/2011.

The next big thing in medical diagnostics could be minutes particles of rust, iron oxide, coated with the material fromwhich sand is formed, silicon dioxide. These magnetic nanoparticles, a mere 29 to 230 nanometers across, can beused to trap antibodies to the virus that causes cervical cancer and to the bacteria that causes potentially lethaldiarrhea.

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Physicists scale up invisibility cloaks using natural crystalsPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Physicists from the University of Birmingham, with colleagues at Imperial College, London, and Technical Universityof Denmark, have demonstrated an 'invisibility cloak' that can hide a three-dimensional object, centimetres indimension, large enough for the cloaking area to be visible to the human eye, according to research published todayin the journal Nature Communications.

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Crece en EEUU el mercado de productos médicos basadosen nanotecnologíaPublicada el 02/03/2011.

El mercado de nanomedicinas experimentará un fuerte crecimiento a largo plazo, alcanzando los 59.000 millones dedólares (43.840 millones de euros) en 2014 y hasta 118.000 millones (87.700 millones de euros) para el ejercicio de2019, debido a la necesidad de terapias nuevas o mejoradas para muchas enfermedades. Las terapias contra elcáncer avanzado, enfermedades autoinmunes, trastornos neurológicos e infecciones virales darán lugar a laintroducción de nuevos productos y presentarán las mayores oportunidades de crecimiento.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 6


UB and Nigeria Partner to Further Nanomedicine ResearchPublicada el 02/03/2011.

The Institute for Lasers, Photonics, and Biophotonics (ILPB) at the University at Buffalo signed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) with the National Universities Commission (NUC) of Abuja, Nigeria. The MOU called for thedevelopment of an international joint research center for nanomedicine at Nigerian universities.

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Nanobiotix and the ETPN launch the first Nanomedicine TVPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Nanomed TV foresees to become the main hub for Nanomedicine thanks to itsinitiators, two major European players in nanomedicine: the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN)and Nanobiotix. Nanomed TV will make information accessible, aiming at answering what people need and wish toknow about Nanomedicine.

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Scientists Work on New System to Capture Ovarian CancerCells Using Magnetic NanoparticlesPublicada el 02/03/2011.

A paper published in the January issue of the journal Nanomedicine could provide the foundation for a new ovariancancer treatment option -- one that would use an outside-the-body filtration device to remove a large portion of thefree-floating cancer cells that often create secondary tumors.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 7


Armor for nano drug release vehicles inspired by planktonPublicada el 02/03/2011.

One of the promising areas in the field of nanomedicine is the development of vesicles microscopic polymer sacs,designed to deliver a payload of medication to specific sites in the body. Unfortunately, the bodys immune systemoften sees these vesicles as intruders, sending antibodies to thwart them in their mission. Now, drawing inspirationfrom plankton and bacteria, chemists from the University of Warwick are developing armor coatings that should helpvesicles to withstand or avoid those attacks.

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New nanoparticles make blood clots visiblePublicada en News, 02/02/2011.

For almost two decades, cardiologists have searched for ways to see dangerous blood clots before they cause heartattacks. Now, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis report that they have designednanoparticles that find clots and make them visible to a new kind of X-ray technology.

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UABs new 3-D nanoscaffold could revolutionize humantissue engineering.Publicada en - Bio/Medicine, 02/02/2011.

Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham's School of Engineering have created a three-dimensional electrospun scaffold on the nano scale that more effectively and efficiently facilitates cell and tissuegrowth in the laboratory.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 8


DNA Backbone Assists Nanocrystal FormationPublicada en Nanotechnology Now, 02/02/2011.

Recently, researchers from University of Rochester Medical Center, Scripps Research Institute, and MassachusettsInstitute of Technology published a paper in Nature Materials describing the first time a lattice was made using acombination of nano-sized metal particles (gold in this case) and organic materials (viral particles). The gold and viralphage capsid particles repel each other, but by stragetically placing them on DNA strands that attract one another, arigid crystal structure can be created, with potential uses in optical computing and telecommunications.

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Scientists Model Tiny Rotors, Key to Future Nanomachines.Publicada en Nanomedicine Research - News, 02/02/2011.

Kolomeisky and Rice graduate student Alexey Akimov have taken a large step toward defining the behavior of thesemolecular whirligigs with a new paper in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Throughmolecular dynamics simulations, they defined the ground rules for the rotor motion of molecules attached to a goldsurface.

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Early tests find nanoshell therapy effective against braincancerPublicada en News, 02/01/2011.

Rice University bioengineers and physician-scientists at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Hospitalhave successfully destroyed tumors of human brain cancer cells in the first animal tests of a minimally invasivetreatment that zaps glioma tumors with heat. The tests involved nanoshells, light-activated nanoparticles that aredesigned to destroy tumors with heat and avoid the unwanted side effects of drug and radiation therapies.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 9


Patentes publicadas este mesPublicada el 02/04/2011.

Fuente: Espacenet, USPTO, OMPI, JPO, DEPATISnet, INPADOC

Origen de los principales actores del mesPublicada el 02/04/2011.

Fuente: Espacenet, UPSTO

Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 10


Principales entidades que patentaron este mesPublicada el 02/04/2011.

Fuente: Espacenet, UPSTO

Principales inventores que patentaron este mesPublicada el 02/04/2011.

Fuente: Espacent, UPSTO

Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 11


Principales temas tratados en las patentes del mesPublicada el 02/04/2011.

Fuente: Espacenet, USPTO

US20110014124A1 Targeted Atherosclerosis treatmentPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Inventores: Lanza, Gregory M.; Wickline, Samuel ATitulares: Lanza, Gregory M.; Wickline, Samuel AResumen: This invention relates generally to methods for ameliorating at least one symptom or aspect ofatherosclerosis. A method for inhibiting atherosclerotic plaques in a subject which method comprises administering toa subject diagnosed with atherosclerosis, a composition comprising a nanoparticulate carrier contained in anemulsion and an v3 targeting ligand and an anti-angiogenic agent, wherein the targeting ligand and anti-angiogenicagent are coupled through colocalization in said nanoparticles.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 12


US20110021894A1: Glucose sensor employingsemiconductor nanoelectronic devicePublicada el 02/03/2011.

Inventores: Mohanty, Pritiraj; Erramilli, Shyamsunder; Wang, Xihua; Chen, Yu;Titular: Trustees of Boston University (EE.UU.)Resumen: A glucose sensor employs a programmable glucose sensor array of a relatively large number ofnanoelectronic devices (e.g. semiconductor field-effect devices) having control surfaces functionalized with aglucose-reactive substance and generating sensing signals indicative of sensed glucose level of a bodily fluid. Thedevices are divided into sub-sets sequentially enabled over successive intervals to achieve overall sensor lifetimemany times longer than the lifetime of any single device in operation.

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US20110014131A1: Nanomolding micron and nano scalefeaturesPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Inventores: Disawal, Sandeep; Rosner, Bjoem; Janosky, Robert J.;Titular: NanoInk, Inc (EE.UU.)Resumen: Small scale and nanoscopic identification features can be fabricated for pharmaceutical capsules. Acomposition comprising a capsule component, wherein the capsule component comprises a gelled pharmaceuticalcapsule material and at least one surface, wherein the at least one surface comprises at least one integral featurewith a lateral dimension smaller than about 100 microns, or less than one micron. Methods of making the same aredescribed by gelation with heating or cooling. The compositions and methods can be used for anti-counterfeiting.

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US20110014118A1: Nanotherapeutic colloidal metalcompositions and methodsPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Inventores: Tamarkin, Lawrence; Pacciotti, Giulio F.; Huhta, Marja S.Titulares: Tamarkin, Lawrence; Pacciotti, Giulio F.; Huhta, Marja S. (EE.UU.)Resumen: The present invention comprises compositions and methods for delivery systems of agents, includingtherapeutic compounds, pharmaceutical agents, drugs, detection agents, nucleic acid sequences and biologicalfactors. In general, the nanotherapeutic compositions of the present invention comprise a platform comprising acolloidal metal, a targeting ligand such a tumor necrosis factor, a stealth agent such as polyethylene glycol, and oneor more diagnostic or therapeutic agents for delivery. The invention also comprises methods and compositions formaking such nanotherapeutic compositions and for the

Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 13

Nanomedicinatreatment of cancer.

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US20110020243A1: Methods and compositions for imagingcancer cellsPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Inventor: Aydogan, BulentTitular: Aydogan, BulentResumen: Disclosed are compositions comprising nanoparticles and uses thereof. Such nanoparticles include goldnanoparticles conjugated to glucose or a glucose derivative, which are useful as contrast agents in imaging methodssuch as computed tomography (CT). Nanoparticles disclosed herein are useful in imaging various cells, tissues, andorgans, and are particularly useful in imaging tumors and tumor cells in vitro and in vivo.

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US20110020788A1: NMR device for detection of analytesPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Inventor: Lee, W. DavidTitular: T2 Biosystems, Inc (EE.UU.)Resumen: This invention relates generally to detection devices having one or more small wells each surrounded by,or in close proximity to, an NMR micro coil, each well containing a liquid sample with magnetic nanoparticles that self-assemble or disperse in the presence of a target analyte, thereby altering the measured NMR properties of the liquidsample. The device may be used, for example, as a portable unit for point of care diagnosis and/or field use, or thedevice may be implanted for continuous or intermittent monitoring of one or more biological species of interest in apatient.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 14


US20110020434A1: Nanoparticle arsenic-platinumcompositionsPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Inventores: O'Halloran, Thomas V.; Chen, Haimei; Mazar, AndrewTitulares: O'Halloran, Thomas V.; Chen, Haimei; Mazar, Andrew (EE.UU.)Resumen: The present invention relates to nanoparticle encapsulated arsenic and platinum compositions andmethods of use thereof. In particular, the present invention provides co-encapsulation of active forms of arsenic andplatinum drugs into liposomes, and methods of using such compositions for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

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US20110014264A1: Medical devices having nanostructuredregions for controlled tissue biocompatibility and drugdeliveryPublicada el 02/03/2011.

Inventores: Helmus, Michael N.; Xu, Yixin; Ranade, Shrirang V.;Titulares: Boston Scientific Scimed, Inc.Resumen: According to certain aspects of the invention, implantable or insertable medical devices are provided thatcontain one or more nanoporous regions, which may further comprise interconnected nanopores. Other aspects ofthe invention are directed to implantable or insertable medical devices that contain one or more nanostructuredregions, which are formed by a variety of methods. Still other aspects of the invention are directed to implantable orinsertable medical devices having nanotextured surface regions, in which cell-adhesion-promoting biomolecules (e.g.,glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, cell adhesion peptides, and adhesive proteins) are provided on, within orbeneath the nanotextured surface regions.

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US7871990 Nanoparticles for protein drug deliveryPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Inventores: Sung Hsing-Wen, Liang Hsiang-Fa, Tu HoshengAssignee: GP Medical, Inc. (EE.UU.)Resumen: The invention discloses the nanoparticles composed of chitosan, poly-glutamic acid, and at least oneprotein drug or bioactive agent characterized with a positive surface charge and their enhanced permeability forparacellular protein drug and bioactive agent delivery.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 15


US7871591 Methods for growing long carbon single-wallednanotubesPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Inventores: Harutyunyan Avetik, Mora Elena, Tokune ToshioTitular: Honda Motor Co.,Ltd. (Japón)Resumen: Methods and processes for synthesizing single-wall carbon nanotubes are provided. A carbon precursorgas is contacted with metal catalysts deposited on a support material. The metal catalysts are preferablynanoparticles having diameters less than about 3 nm. The reaction temperature is selected such that it is near theeutectic point of the mixture of metal catalyst particles and carbon. Further, the rate at which hydrocarbons are fedinto the reactor is equivalent to the rate of formation of carbon SWNTs for given synthesis temperature. The methodsproduce carbon single-walled nanotubes having longer lengths.

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WO2007070572 Probe for nucleic acid sequencing andmethods of use.Publicada en Scirus - Patentes sobre Nanomedicina, 02/02/2011.

Inventores: Schneider Thomas D., Lyakhov Ilya G., Needle DanielleTitular: Department of Health and Human Services (EE.UU.)Resumen: A nanoprobe for sequencing of nucleic acid molecules is provided, as well as methods for using thenanoprobe. In particular examples, the probe includes a polymerizing agent and one or more molecular linkers thatcarry a chemical moiety capable of reversibly binding to the template strand of a nucleic acid molecule, without beingdetached from the linker, by specifically binding with a complementary nucleotide in the target nucleic acid molecule.The reversible binding of the chemical moiety on the linker with a complementary nucleotide in the target nucleic acidmolecule is indicated by emission of a characteristic signal that indicates pairing of the chemical moiety on the linkerwith its complementary nucleotide. An example of such...

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 16


CN11317840A: Nano-composition, preparing method andapplication thereofPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Inventores: Yawei ZhouTitular: Yawei ZhouResumen: Nanocomposite for preparing medicine for treating hepatitis, comprises silibinin and carrier material wheatgliadin having predetermined grain size.URL: no disponible.

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WO2010151173A1: Nano-dispersed composition containingCOenzima Q10 and method for producing samePublicada el 02/02/2011.

Inventores:Pozharitskaya Olga Nikolaevna; Karlina Marina Valerievna; Shikov Alexandr Nikolaevich; Makarov ValeriyGennadievich (Rusia)Titular:Patsiya Merabi Georgievich; Pozharitskaya Olga Nikolaevna; Karlina Marina Valerievna; Shikov AlexandrNikolaevich; Makarov Valeriy Gennadievich (Rusia)Resumen: Coenzyme Q10 nanocomposition useful in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries comprisespolyethylene glycol and coenzyme Q10

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CZ20090496A3: Process for producing nanofiber-basednanopelletsPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Inventores: Amler EV EN y otros.Titulares: Student Science, Nanopharma,Technicka Univerzita y Liberci, Astav EX Mediciny AV CR VVI, Univerzita Karlova V Praze 2 Lakarska Fakulta(República Checa).Resumen: No disponible

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 17


4th European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine 2011(CLINAM 2011)Publicada el 02/03/2011.

CLINAM 2011 will highlight the joint European way of working together for a future healthcare-based on a cooperativeapproach between leading edge technology and science, research, clinical experience, policy, politics, regulationsand industry stakeholders.Fecha: 23-25 Mayo 2011Lugar: Basel, Suiza

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Conference Innovation in Healthcare: from Research toMarketPublicada el 02/02/2011.

European Commission's DGs Research and Innovation, Enterprise and Industry and Health and Consumers arejointly organising the Conference Innovation in Healthcare: from Research to Market. The objective of the 2011conference is to produce an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) for innovationin healthcare and make specific recommendations that will be addressed to policy-makers and stakeholders.Fecha: 30-31, Marzo 2011Lugar: Brussels

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2nd Australian & New Zealand Micro and NanofluidicsSymposium.Publicada en Nanotechnology Network - Events, 02/02/2011.

This is the only event of its kind in Australia which brings together the multidisciplinary researchers in micro/nanofluidics. The inaugural event had speakers from Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry andBiology and we expect this event to be at least that broad, and thus to help foster interdisciplinary collaboration. It willbe held in the newly finished design studio in Mechanical Engineering which is a multifunctional space with excellentaudiovisual facilities. We plan to have one invited speaker, Prof. Steven Wereley from Purdue; one of the founders ofdiagnostic microfluidics and the author of the definitive book in the field.Fecha: 28 - 29 abril, 2011Lugar: University of New South Wales

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Nanomedicinaver más...

Tercer Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología(NANOUCO III)Publicada en NanoSpain - Eventos, 02/02/2011.

La tercera edición del Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (NANOUCO III), que se celebrará en laUniversidad de Córdoba los días 10 y 11 de febrero de 2011, pretende ser un punto de encuentro donde se fomenteel intercambio de ideas y la cooperación entre investigadores y tecnólogos de organismos públicos y empresas deámbito andaluz.Fecha: 10-11 Febrero, 2011Lugar: Córdoba, España

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Nanobiomedica ConferencePublicada en, 02/02/2011.

A conference focusing on educating and promoting the benefits of nanobiotechnology, the emerging paradigm ofmedicine, for the Mexican health industry and showcasing innovative solutions, research and technology.NanoBioMedica is the only nanobiotech conference in Mexico providing strategic information for education,infrastructure development and capital investment. Whether operating in the private or public spheres, learn moreabout nanobiotechnology and the major role it will play in the decades to come. With a special daylong workshopprovided by the Institute of Nanotechnology and a line-up of keynote speakers and workshops highlighting successstories and research from around the globe and in Mexico, NanoBioMedica is the perfect platform to learn the latestnanobiotecnology trends in order to revitalize and capitalize on the strengths of the Mexican private and...

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Nanotech 2011 Exxhibition & ConferencePublicada en Fundación Phanton - Events, 02/02/2011.

Again this year, we will be covering the entire nano marketplace and creating a variety of business opportunities atTokyo Big Sight by concurrently holding; nano tech 2011.Fecha: 16-18 FebreroLugar: Tokyo, Japón

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First Annual Nanodermatology Society MeetingPublicada en AzoNanotechnology-Eventos, 02/02/2011.

We have lined up an outstanding faculty of nanotechnology experts to speak on clinically important topics on new andemerging technologies including:..Nanodrug delivery for cutaneous infection..Nanotechnology in cosmecueticals..Nanodrug delivery for acne/rosacea..Nanoparticles for the management of cutaneous malignancy..Nanotechnology and the immune system..Sunscreens and nanotechnology..Nanotechnology and the treatment of genetic diseases..Nanotoxicology..Intellectual property in nanotechnologyFecha: 4 Febrero, 2011Lugar: Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans

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ImagineNano ConferencePublicada el 02/02/2011.

ImagineNano will comprise in 15.000 m2, 5 conferences in parallel, a huge exhibition carried out with the latestnanotrends for the future and a social component where everyone can meet and greet Nanotechnology side by side.Fecha: 11-14 Abril 2011Lugar: Bilbao, España

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 20


3rd NanoImpactNet ConferencePublicada el 02/01/2011.

NanoImpactNet is a multidisciplinary European network on the health and environmental impact of nanomaterials.NanoImpactNet will create a scientific basis to ensure the safe and responsible development of engineerednanoparticles and nanotechnology-based materials and products, and will support the definition of regulatorymeasures and implementation of legislation in Europe.Fecha: 14 - 17 de Febrero, 2011.Lugar: Lausanne, Switzerland

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Nanomedicine Commercialization WorkshopPublicada el 02/01/2011.

The topic of the workshop will be "Actionable Strategies for Company Building & Moving to Market". This workshop isan add-on to the established North Carolina Nanotechnology Commercialization Conference, which is hosted by theNorth Carolina Department of Commerce, in partnership with the Charlotte Research Institute, the Small Businessand Technology Development Center, and COIN.Fecha: 29 de Marzo, 2011Lugar: Barnhardt Center, UNC-Charlotte.

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Jornadas: Clinical Applications of Nanotechnologies in theField of CancerPublicada el 01/28/2011.

Tres instituciones líderes en el área de aplicación de la nanotecnología para el tratamiento y diagnóstico del cáncer(Cancéropôle Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest, y el Instituto de Bioingeniería deCataluña / BIOPOL L´H) co-organizan las jornadas Clinical Applications of Nanotechnologies in the Field of Cancer.Fecha: 28 y 29 de Enero, 2011Lugar: Montpellier, Francia

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 21


Jornada "Nanomedicina en España: Presente y Futuro"Publicada el 01/28/2011.

La Plataforma Española de Nanomedicina organiza, la jornada Nanomedicina en España: Presente y Futuro. Dichajornada tiene como referente el Roadmap 2020, publicado a finales de 2009 por la European Platform onNanomedicine (ETPN), donde se proponían rutas de desarrollo concretas para hacer llegar la Nanomedicina a laclínica, asegurando el liderazgo europeo en este sector emergente.Fecha: 01 Febrero 2011Lucgar: Sede CDTI, C/Cid 4, 28001 Madrid

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Principales investigadores que publicaron este mesPublicada el 02/04/2011.

Fuente: Scopus

Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 22


Principales entidades con publicaciones este mesPublicada el 02/04/2011.

Fuente: Scopus

Principales temas tratados en los artículos científicos delmesPublicada el 02/04/2011.

Fuente: Scopus

Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 23


Three-dimensional atomic imaging of crystallinenanoparticlesPublicada en Nanomedicine Research Publicaciones, 02/03/2011.

Autores: Sandra Van Aert, Kees J. Batenburg, Marta D. Rossell, Rolf Erni, Gustaaf Van TendelooResumen: Here we report the 3D reconstruction of a complex crystalline nanoparticle at atomic resolution. Toachieve this, we combined aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy, statistical parameterestimation theory and discrete tomography. Unlike conventional electron tomography, only two images of the targetasilver nanoparticle embedded in an aluminium matrixare sufficient for the reconstruction when combined withavailable knowledge about the particles crystallographic structure. Additional projections confirm the reliability of theresult. The results we present help close the gap between the atomic resolution achievable in two-dimensionalelectron micrographs and the coarser resolution that has hitherto been obtained by conventional electrontomography.

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Synthesis, functionalization and bioimaging applications ofhighly fluorescent carbon nanoparticlesPublicada en RSC - Nanoscale latest articles, 02/02/2011.

Autores: Sourov Chandra, Pradip Das, Sourav Bag, Dipranjan Laha, Panchanan PramanikResumen: A novel method for synthesizing fluorescent CNPs and their functionalization for enhancement of their PLproperty with minimum cytotoxicity are reported.

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Hard-tip, soft-spring lithographyPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Autores: W Shim, AB Braunschweig, X Liao, J Chai, JK Lim, G Zheng, CA MirkinResumen: Nanofabrication strategies are becoming increasingly expensive and equipment-intensive, andconsequently less accessible to researchers. As an alternative, scanning probe lithography has become a popularmeans of preparing nanoscale structures, in part owing to its relatively low cost and high resolution, and a registrationaccuracy that exceeds most existing technologies. However, increasing the throughput of cantilever-based scanningprobe systems while maintaining their resolution and registration advantages has from the outset been a significantchallenge. Even with impressive recent advances in cantilever array design, such arrays tend to be highly specializedfor a given application, expensive, and often difficult to implement. It is therefore difficult to imagine commercially...

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 24


Combined Small Interfering RNA Therapy and In VivoMagnetic Resonance Imaging in Islet TransplantationPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Autores: P Wang, MV Yigit, Z Medarova, L Wei, G Dai, C Schuetz, A MooreResumen: Recent advances in human islet transplantation are hampered by significant graft loss shortly aftertransplantation and inability to follow islet fate directly. Both issues were addressed by utilizing a dual-purposetherapy/imaging small interfering RNA (siRNA)-nanoparticle probe targeting apoptotic-related gene caspase-3. Weexpect that treatment with the probe would result in significantly better survival of transplanted islets, which could bemonitored by in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We synthesized aprobe consisting of therapeutic (siRNA to human caspase-3) and imaging (magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, MN)moieties. In vitro testing of the probe included serum starvation of the islets followed by treatment with the probe.Caspase-3 gene silencing...

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Enhanced Lysozyme Imprinting Over NanoparticlesFunctionalized with Carboxyl Groups for NoncovalentTemplate Sorption.Publicada el 02/02/2011.

Autores: G Fu, H He, Z Chai, H Chen, J Kong, Y Wang, Y JiangResumen: Surface molecular imprinting, in particular over nanosized support materials, is very suitable for a templateof bulky structure like protein. Inspired by the surface template immobilization method reported previously, we hereindemonstrate an alternative strategy for enhancing specific recognition of core-shell protein-imprinted nanoparticlesthrough prefunctionalizing the cores with noncovalent template sorption groups. For proof of this concept, silicananoparticles chosen as the core materials were modified consecutively with 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane andmaleic anhydride to introduce polymerizable double bonds and terminal carboxyl groups, hence capable of physicallyadsorbing the print protein. With lysozyme as a template, thin protein-imprinted shells were fabricated according toour newly...

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 25


Bioengineering Single Crystal Growth.Publicada el 02/02/2011.

Autores: CH Wu, A Park, D JoesterResumen: Biomineralization is a "bottom-up" synthesis process that results in the formation of inorganic/organicnanocomposites with unrivaled control over structure, superior mechanical properties, adaptive response, and thecapability of self-repair. While de novo design of such highly optimized materials may still be out of reach,engineering of the biosynthetic machinery may offer an alternative route to design advanced materials. Herein, wepresent an approach using micro-contact-printed lectins for patterning sea urchin embryo primary mesenchyme cells(PMCs) in vitro. We demonstrate not only that PMCs cultured on these substrates show attachment to wheat germagglutinin and concanavalin A patterns but, more importantly, that the deposition and elongation of calcite spiculesoccurs cooperatively by multiple cells and in alignment...

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Unfolding and translocation pathway of substrate proteincontrolled by structure in repetitive allosteric cycles of theClpY ATPase.Publicada en Nanomedicine Research Publicaciones, 02/02/2011.

Autores: A Kravats, M Jayasinghe, G StanResumen: Clp ATPases are ring-shaped AAA+ motors in the degradation pathway that perform critical actions ofunfolding and translocating substrate proteins (SPs) through narrow pores to deliver them to peptidase components.These actions are effected by conserved diaphragm-forming loops found in the central channel of the Clp ATPasehexamer. Conformational changes, that take place in the course of repetitive ATP-driven cycles, result in mechanicalforces applied by the central channel loops onto the SP. We use coarse-grained simulations to elucidate allostery-driven mechanisms of unfolding and translocation of a tagged four-helix bundle protein by the ClpY ATPase.Unfolding is initiated at the tagged C-terminal region via an obligatory intermediate. The resulting nonnativeconformation is competent for translocation, which proceeds...

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 26


Modulation of biological processes in the nucleus bydelivery of DNA oligonucleotides conjugated with goldnanoparticlesPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Autores: Kim, Dong-Wook. Kim, Jae-Hong. Park, Mira. Yeom, Ji-Hyun. Go, Hayoung. Kim, Sudeok. Han, Min Su.Bae, JeehyeonResumen: The development of a method that can efficiently deliver nucleic acids into the nucleus of living systemsremains one of the key challenges for experimental and therapeutic use of nonbiological gene delivery agents. In thecurrent study, we demonstrate a functionalized gold nanoparticle (AuNP) that can serve as a universal carrier for thedelivery of DNA oligonucleotides (oligos) into the nucleus. We designed various types of DNA oligos to redirectalternative splicing of pre-mRNAs, such as MCL-1 and BCL-6, and to sequester transcriptional factors, includingestrogen receptor and p53. We successfully delivered the oligos into the nucleus, resulting in the targeted effects. Inaddition, injection of the antisense DNAs into a xenograft...

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Multifunctional gadolinium-based dendritic macromoleculesas liver targeting imaging probesPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Autores: Kui Luoa, Gang Liua, Bin Hea, Yao Wua, Qingyong Gongb, Bin Songb, Hua Aia y Zhongwei GuResumen: In this paper, a novel series of Gd-based multifunctional peptide dendritic probes (generation 2, 3, and 4)possessing highly controlled structures and single molecular weight were designed and prepared as liver MRI probes.These macromolecular Gd-ligand agents exhibited up to 3-fold increase in T1relaxivity comparing to Gd-DTPAcomplexes. No obvious in vitro cytotoxicity was observed from the measured concentrations. These dendritic probeswere further functionalized with multiple galactosyl moieties and led to much higher cell uptake in vitro asdemonstrated in T1-weighted scans. During in vivo animal studies, the probes provided better signal intensity (SI)enhancement in mouse liver, especially at 60 min post-injection, with the most efficient enhancement from...

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 27


Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity studies ofchitosan-coated tea polyphenols nanoparticlesPublicada el 02/02/2011.

Autores: Liang J, Li F, Fang Y, Yang W, An X, Zhao L, Xin Z, Cao L, Hu QResumen: Chitosan nanoparticles (CS-NPs) were prepared by ionic gelation method using carboxymethyl chitosanand chitosan hydrochloride as carriers of tea polyphenols. The characteristics of chitosan-coated tea polyphenolsnanoparticles (CS-TP NPs) were determined by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and FT-IRspectroscopy. It was found that the synthesized CS-TP NPs were non-spherical in shape with an average size of 407± 50 nm. Meanwhile, the drug content and encapsulation rate of the nanoparticles was 816% and 4483%,respectively. These CS-TP NPs also demonstrated sustained release of tea polyphenols in PBS. The antitumor ofCS-TP NPs towards HepG2 cancer cells was investigated. The result showed that CS-TP NPs retained significantantitumor activities.

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In situ green synthesis of biocompatible ginseng cappedgold nanoparticles with remarkable stabilityPublicada en Virtual Journal of Nanotechnology Environment, Health and Safety, 02/01/2011.

Autores: Leonard K, Ahmmad B, Okamura H, Kurawaki JResumen: This paper reports a one-step green synthesis of gold nanoparticles (G-AuNps), using naturally occurringKorean red ginseng root (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) and investigates their in vitro stability in various buffers as wellas determining toxicity through detailed cytotoxicity assays using WST-8 counting kit, performed on normal cervicalcells lines.

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Enhancement of cell recognition in vitro by dual-ligandcancer targeting gold nanoparticlesPublicada en Scirus - Puclicaciones científicas sobre Nanomedicina - 2, 02/01/2011.

Autores: Li, Xi. Zhou, Hongyu. Yang, Lei. Du, Guoqing. Pai-Panandiker, Atmaram S. Huang, Xuefei. Yan, BingResumen: A dual-ligand gold nanoparticle (DLGNP) was designed and synthesized to explore the therapeuticbenefits of multivalent interactions between gold nanoparticles (GNPs) and cancer cells. DLGNP was tested onhuman epidermal cancer cells (KB), which had high expression of folate receptor. The cellular uptake of DLGNP wasincreased by 3.9 and 12.7 folds compared with GNP-folate or GNP-glucose. The enhanced cell recognition was dueto multivalent interactions between both ligands on GNPs and cancer cells as shown by the ligand competitionexperiments. Furthermore, the multivalent interactions increased contrast between cells with high and low expressionof folate receptors. The enhanced cell recognition enabled DLGNP to kill KB cells under X-ray irradiation at...

Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 28

Nanomedicinaver más...

Hemocompatible pullulan-polyethyleneimine conjugates forliver cell gene delivery: In vitro evaluation of cellular uptake,intracellular trafficking and transfection efficiencyPublicada el 02/01/2011.

Autores:Rekha MR, Sharma CPResumen: In this study, polyethyleneimine (PEI; 25 kDa)-conjugated pullulans (PPE1, PPE2 and PPE3) weredeveloped and investigated for possible use in gene delivery applications. The study included an investigation of thecellular uptake and localization of plasmid, as well as transgene expression, following in vitro transfection of HepG2cells.

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Proteins of the Innate Immune System Crystallize on CarbonNanotubes but Are Not ActivatedPublicada el 02/01/2011.

Autores: Ling WL, Biro A, Bally I, Tacnet P, Deniaud A, Doris E, Frachet P, Schoehn G, Pebay-Peyroula E, Arlaud GJResumen: This study investigates the adsorption mechanisms of macromolecules on carbon nanotubes and thepossibility of using carbon nanotubes for structural studies of macromolecules by observing the organized binding ofC1 components C1q and C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s on carbon nanotubes.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 29


Liposomal architecture boosts biocompatibility ofnanohybrid cerasomesPublicada el 02/01/2011.

Autores: Ma Y, Dai Z, Gao Y, Cao Z, Xha Z, Yue X, Kikuchi JIResumen: In this study, the authors report the cellular uptake of cerasomes and their biological effects toward humanumbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) compared with silica nanoparticles.

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Nanosilver induces minimal lung toxicity or inflammation ina subacute murine inhalation modelPublicada el 02/01/2011.

Autores: Stebounova LV, Adamcakova-Dodd A, Kim JS, Park H, O'Shaughnessy PT, Grassian VH, Thorne PSResumen: The objective of this study was to determine whether very small commercially available nanosilver inducespulmonary toxicity in mice following inhalation exposure.

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A living cell quartz crystal microbalance biosensor forcontinuous monitoring of cytotoxic responses ofmacrophages to single-walled carbon nanotubesPublicada el 02/01/2011.

Autores: Wang G, Dewilde AH, Zhang J, Pal A, Vashist M, Bello D, Marx KA, Braunhut SJ, Therrien JMResumen: In this study, the authors have developed a device to detect and monitor in real time responses of livingcells to engineered nanomaterials. The device, a living cell quartz crystal microbalance biosensor (QCMB), usesmacrophages adherent to a quartz crystal.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 30


Inflammatory and cytotoxic responses of an alveolar-capillary coculture model to silica nanoparticles:comparison with conventional monoculturesPublicada el 02/01/2011.

Autores: Kasper J, Hermanns MI, Bantz C, Maskos M, Stauber R, Pohl C, Unger RE, Kirkpatrick CJResumen: In this study, the authors examined the inflammatory and cytotoxic responses of monodisperse amorphoussilica nanoparticles (aSNPs) of 30 nm in size on an in vitro coculture model mimicking the alveolar-capillary barrierand compared these to conventional monocultures.

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Carbosilane dendrimers NN8 and NN16 form a stablecomplex with siGAG1Publicada el 02/01/2011.

Autores: Dzmitry Shcharbina, Elzbieta Pedziwiatrb, Olga Nowackab, Mayank Kumarb, Marian Zaborskic, PaulaOrtegad, F. Javier de la Matad, Rafael Gómezd, Ma Angeles Muñoz-Fernandeze y Maria BryszewskabResumen: A new mechanism of gene expression inhibition has been discovered as RNA interference, in which theability of double-stranded RNA to stimulate specific degradation of an mRNA target with a complementary sequenceto one of the double-stranded RNA strands. Water-soluble carbosilane dendrimers containing ammonium or aminegroups at their periphery are biocompatible molecules that may be good candidates as non-viral carriers of smallinterfering RNA. In studying the formation of complex between anti-HIV siRNA siGAG1 and carbosilane dendrimersNN8 and NN16 by circular dichroism, fluorescence, and zeta-potential, the size of nanoparticles formed has beenestimated by...

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Nanomedicina en España 06-10Publicada el 02/03/2011.

Documento que recoge las actividades de la Plataforma Española de Nanomedicina y de sus miembros desde lapublicación de Visión de la Nanomedicina en España.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 31


Podcast: The Implications for Health, Safety and theEnvironment of the Nanotech RevolutionPublicada el 02/03/2011.

This podcast examines the issues associated with the nanotechnology revolution, specifically the effects on health,safety and the environment.

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Action Plan Nanotechnology 2015Publicada el 02/03/2011.

This action plan includes the German federal government action plan for nanotechnology in the period 2010-2015.The strategic aims include contributing to growth and innovation in Germany, safe and sustainable development ofnanotechnology, using the potential of nanotechnology in education and research, and for solving global challenges.Applications include environmental protection, energy security, and contributing to a bioeconomy; healthcare,agrifood, environmentally friendly and energy saving mobility. The action plan includes also public dialogue andresearch in Environmental, Health and Safety aspects and Ethical, Legal and Social aspects.

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HTSM vision document: High Tech Systems and MaterialPublicada en - Reports, 02/02/2011.

The focus of the vision document is on applications of nanoelectronics in health, mobility and sustainability.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 32


2010 Nanotechnology Research ReviewPublicada en Market Research Nano-Medicine 2, 02/01/2011.

This Nanotechnology Research Review provides a sampling of the type of quantitative market information, analysisand guidance that has been aiding business decision making since BCC was founded in 1971. It includes highlightsfrom the following reports published in 2010:

* Nanotechnology In Medical Applications: The Global Market * Nanocomposites, Nanoparticles, Nanoclays, And Nanotubes * Carbon Nanotubes: Technologies And Global Markets * Nanotechnology: A Realistic Market Assessment * Nanofibers: Technologies And Developing Markets * Nanotechnology In Paper Manufacturing: Global Markets

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Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013Publicada en Market Research NanoMedicine, 02/01/2011.

Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013 is a comprehensive research report that contains quality research, in-depthanalysis, and authentic statistics of the global nanotechnology market. It studies emerging market trends, recentdevelopments and their impact on the market along with an in depth analysis of nanotechnology patents. The reportwill help clients analyze leading-edge opportunities, prospective customer base, key players, expected future outlook,and all other factors critical to the success of a new entrant in the global nanotechnology market.

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Nanotechnologies in the 21st centuryPublicada en - Reports, 02/01/2011.

Between April 2009 and September 2010, four reports have been published: 1) Challenges and opportunities togreen nanotechnologies 2) Nanomaterials - health and environmental concerns 3) A critical review of governanceissues in Europe and elsewhere 4) Shaping innovation: Policy approaches on innovation governance

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Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in2020. Retrospective and OutlookPublicada el 02/01/2011.

This report outlines the foundational knowledge and infrastructure development achieved by nanotechnology in thelast decade and explores the potentials of the U.S. and global nanotechnology enterprise to 2020 and beyond. It aimsto redefine the R&D goals for nanoscale science and engineering integration, and to establish nanotechnology as ageneral-purpose technology in the next decade. The vision for the future of nanotechnology presented here draws onscientific insights from U.S. experts in the field, examinations of lessons learned, and international perspectivesshared by participants from 35 countries in 5 international brainstorming meetings hosted or co-hosted by theprincipal authors of this report

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AENOR - Normativas de NanotecnologíaPublicada en AENOR - Normativas de Nanotecnología, 02/03/2011.

ISO 10808:2010: Caracterización de nanopartículas en cámaras de exposición por inhalación para ensayos detoxicidad por inhalación.

Norma ratificada por AENOR en febrero de 2011. Normalización en el campo de las nanotecnologías que incluyaalguno o ambos de los puntos siguientes:

1) Comprensión y control de la materia y los procesos en la nanoescala..2) Utilización de las propiedades de materiales en nanoescala que se diferencian de las propiedades de átomos,moléculas y materias individuales.

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Enero-Febrero 2011 Página 34

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