bmw-ireland’s peripheral region. 13 counties quarter of irelands population-1,132,090 48% of...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Ireland-2 contrasting regions


13 counties Quarter of Irelands population-1,132,090 48% of the land area Low population density(25/30 km) High dependency on the primary sector Underdeveloped transport infrastructure Low employment in the services-tertiary


BMW-Borders, Midlands and the West pg.296

Few urban centres-largest is Galway Unemployment is above the national

average Industrial development is based on

multinational companies Area has good economic potential-little

congestion,unspoilt environment,areas of natural beauty

BMW cont.

Climate: Cool temperate oceanic,(maritime) Mild winters (6 degrees) Warm summers(15 degrees) Rainfall through the year(1,500mm) Southwesterly prevailing winds-relief rain. The influence of the sea-reducing summer

temperatures,increasing winter-(onshore,offshore breezes.)

Physical processes-climate,relief,soils and drainage.

North Atlantic Drift(warm ocean current)-keeping coasts ice free.

Frontal depressions-moving from west to east-frontal rain

Climate cont.

Relief along the coastline is mountainous-metmorphic rock-Bluestack,Nephin beg, Twelve pins,Mweelrea

Lowland areas around Roscommon,part of the drumlin belt(glaciation) boulder clay soils.

Laois, Offaly ,Westmeath-poorly drained boglands ,thin soils.

Main rivers-Shannon,Moy,Clare

Relief and drainage

Mostly poor quality and infertile.

Peat, gley and podzols.

Heavy rain means leaching and hardpans.

Soils are shallow due to glacial erosion.

Midlands have some fertile brown earth soils


Subsistence,unproductive,unprofitable Lack of mechanisation Farmers are old and conservative Farms are small and fragmented Wet climate,varied relief and poor soils are

an obstacle to commercial farming. Most farmers get EU grants,subsidies-68%

of farming incomes Part-time farmers-forestry,fishing,agri-


Primary economic activities-agriculture

Pastoral-main activity-mountains,2m sheep in Galway,Mayo

Poultry,mushrooms in the border counties

Cattle on boulder clay soils

Arable limited due to poor soils,climate.

Grass the most widely grown crop-feedlivestock

Main types of farming practised:

Key source of employment in the B.M.W-directly and indirectly.

Advantages: Rich fishing grounds-North Atlantic.

N.A.D-warm water,variety of fish.

Shallow sea,continental shelf-rich in plankton-micro organism fish feed on.

Indented coastline-sheltered harbours

Primary cont.Fishing ,Aquaculture

Killybegs(donegal)-chief fishing port in Ireland.

Fishing and related activities worth €50m to the local economy.

Seafood processing sector-1,403 employees

Centre of Irish open ocean fleet-200 miles off coast.

Factory ships-herring,mackeral-1,000 people employed

Fishing cont.


Clew Bay,killary harbour,worth €13m in2001.

2,000 employed in Galway,Mayo

60% of B.I.M(Bord iascaigh mhara) funding for training in aquaculture,processing and catching is spent in the B.M.W.

Aquaculture-fish farming

Certain areas suffer from rural deprivation-unemployment,low education skills etc.

Low pop,. Density-less than 20 per km² Scattered rural population Braindrain-high outward migration of young

people/rural depopulation Low birth,marriage rates. High age dependency ratio(pop aged

under15 and over 65)

Human processes:population

1. N.D.P-national development plan2. N.S.S-national spatial strategy-gateways

and hubs pg.306/3563. Transport 21-increase accessibility-atlantic

corridor-Donegal to Waterford,Dublin- Galway inter urban motorway

4. Decentralisation

Planning-to reduce the imbalance between the core and periphery.

G.D.A.-Greater Dublin Area

Core region in Ireland


Counties Dublin,Kildare,Meath and Wicklow Route focus /nodal point Administrative,financial capital Major service centre Natural resources High population density/in-migration Attractive to industry


Factors influencing industry:Transport-nodal point,route focus-

air,rail,port,road,port tunnel,M50

Market/labour force-population of 1.3 million high pop density,young pop.,high inward migration from Ireland and abroad,educated skilled workforce,cheap labour(foreign migrants)rich affluent market-luxury goods.

Secondary economic activity

Variety of traditional and modern industries. No single industry dominates Widely dispersed Due to transport industry has moved away

from traditional locations in the inner city/docklands to business parks/industrial estates near the M50 and the airport west,santry near airport


Knowledge based multinational companies-Microsoft,Ibm Intel,Rank Zerox-European capital for IT.

Food processing-Cadburys,Jacobs(closed),Guinness,Tayto

Printing and publishing-independent newspapers at citywest.

Types of industry:

Discuss the factors that have influenced the development of a secondary economic activity in an Irish region you have studied.


84% of workforce involved.

Dublin city dominates tertiary activities-primate city.millionaire city,focal /nodal point-1.6m in region creating demand

Transport ,tourism,service sector-finance etc.

Tertiary activities:

Dublin region attracts 27% of visitors to Ireland

Tourism earns 1billion for region 2009 5.5m tourists visited Dublin Year round business Dublin main point of entry-90% all visitors

land at Dublin airport 2003 Europes third most popular city break



GDA tourist attractions are many and varied-culture,shopping,night life ,sporting,historical

8 of the states top ten attractions are in Dublin:Guinness storehouse,dublin zoo,book of kells,Dublin castle,National museum

Outside Dublin:Newgrange,Curragh,National stud,Glendalough Wicklow

Where do they go?

Dublin is a route focus/nodal point

Gateway to Europe

Dublin has the most efficient transport system in the country

Well developed public transport system


Luas - Welcome to Luas, Dublin's Light Rail Tram System.

Dublin Tunnel : Home | M50 Motorway | M50 Toll Charges | M50 Information

Dublin - Dublinbikes

Road:Dublin is a route focus the centre of Ireland’s road network-N4,N6,N7,M1,M50-port tunnel,removal of toll.

Rail:centre of Ireland’s rail network –Heuston,Connolly,Pearse station.Dart and Luas lines,proposed metro and extending luas(transport 21).

Water:Dublin is Ireland’s largest port-processes 50% of Irish trade

Air:Dublin airport is Ireland’s largest airport.terminal 2 in 2010

Transport-variety of methods

1997 city speed was 14km an hour Port tunnel between M1 and docklands M50 upgraded in 2007 Extension of luas and metro lines Underground luas line Expanding QBC,cycle paths,and pedestrian

facilities Some on hold depending on funding

Transport 21-alleviate congestion

Population in 2006 of G.D.A =1.6m More females than males. G.D.A will account for 41% of total population

in 2021. Melting pot,multicultural city-7.2% of Dublin’s

pop=foreign nationals. High in migration from west of Ireland,Europe

and the third world. Last census translated into 13 languages. Variety of religions-Hindu,Muslim,Jews,Buddists

Human processes:

Chapter 24: The Dynamics of Irish Regions II: The Dublin Region

THE GROWTH OF DUBLIN CITY Expanded rapidly since the 1950s Zone of influence is now a large proportion of

the Eastern half of the country

Dominant primate city Founded by the Vikings in the ninth century Low-lying land at the mouth of Dublin Bay Bridging point Centre of trade and administration Focus of road and rail networks

Chapter 24: The Dynamics of Irish Regions II: The Dublin Region



City has expanded due to influx of foreign migrants and rural to urban migration

Wide variety of educational and healthcare services

Excellent communications systems

Modern telecommunication services

1970s uncontrolled expansion of the city

Planners designed and created newtowns on Dublin’s rural-urbanfringe, e.g. Blanchardstown

Chapter 24: The Dynamics of Irish Regions II: The Dublin Region



People continually leaving the city to live within commutable distance as house prices in the city are still up to €100,000 more expensive than in the rest of the country

2007 a new town to the west developed – Adamstown

People move to Kildare, Meath and Wicklow and commute to the city for work

Massive traffic congestion

Workers live as far away as Carlow (90 km) from the city centre

Chapter 24: The Dynamics of Irish Regions II: The Dublin Region



Newly dispersed Dublin City: three new county councils – Dun Laoghaire, Fingal and South Dublin county councils – were created

Dublin Corporation is responsible for issues such as water, sewage and other public services

Irish government – National Spatial Strategy (NSS) to combat the growth of Dublin by establishing gateways, e.g. Galway and hubs, e.g. Kilkenny

Encourage development in the gateway and hub locations in the Dublin region

Core region points History Urban problems Future

The growth of an urban area in an Irish region you studied.

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