bit reliability-based decoders for non-binary ldpc codes · 2016-01-18 · 38 ieee transactions on...

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Bit Reliability-Based Decoders for Non-BinaryLDPC CodesQin Huang and Shuai Yuan

Abstract—Message-passing decoders typically perform well fornonbinary low-density parity-check (NB-LDPC) codes with largecomputational complexity. As another type of simplified decoders,symbol-reliability-based decoders further reduce the computa-tional complexity. However, the previously proposed algorithmssuffer severe error performance degradation for NB-LDPC codeswith low column weights. In this paper, a weighted bit-reliabilitybased (wBRB) decoder for NB-LDPC codes is developed andimplemented with efficient layered partial-parallel structure. Itnot only balances the tradeoff between complexity and errorperformance, but also reduces the memory usage significantly.Furthermore, to enhance the performance of the wBRB decoder, afull bit-reliability-based (FBRB) decoder is proposed. The FBRBdecoder is derived based on the binary matrix representation ofthe nonzero entries in the parity-check matrix. Since more bit-reliability values are passed through the edges of the Tannergraph, the FBRB decoder can achieve better error performanceand faster convergence rate than the wBRB decoder. Both of thedecoders are implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-5 XC5VLX155TFPGA device for a (403,226) code over GF(25). The results showsthat they achieve 118.98 and 95.73 Mbps throughput with 15iterations, respectively.

Index Terms—Non-binary LDPC codes, reliability-based decod-ing, soft bit-reliability, hard-reliability, memory consumption.


B INARY low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes were firstdiscovered by Gallager in 1962 [1], and re-gained inter-

ests in late 1990’s [2]–[4]. In the 2000’s, researchers foundthat non-binary LDPC (NB-LDPC) codes [5]–[7] over Galoisfields (GF) could provide better error performance than theirbinary counterparts. However, decoding for NB-LDPC codesover GF(q) requires substantial computational complexity andmemory consumption by using the q-ary sum-product algo-rithm (QSPA) [8], [9], which is an obstacle for the applicationof NB-LDPC codes. For example, a min-max partial-paralleldecoder with 9.3 Mbps throughput for a (744,653) NB-LDPCcode over GF(25) requires 47341 slices and 180 block RAMs(BRAMs) on a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA device [10], while

Manuscript received March 7, 2015; revised July 18, 2015 and October2, 2015; accepted November 10, 2015. Date of publication November 17,2015; date of current version January 14, 2016. This work was supported byNSAF under Grant U1530117, and National Natural Science Foundation ofChina under Grant 61201156. The associate editor coordinating the review ofthis paper and approving it for publication was D. Declercq. (Correspondingauthor: Shuai Yuan.)

Qin Huang is with the Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology, ChinaAcademy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China, and also with theSchool of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing100191, China (e-mail:

S. Yuan is with the Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology, ChinaAcademy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China (e-mail:

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2501298

a binary partial-parallel decoder with 28 Mbps throughput fora similar binary LDPC code only takes 2430 slices and 70BRAMs on a Xilinx XC2V8000 device [11]. To resolve thisissue, extensive research studies have been conducted in thepast decade. As a result, two classes of simplified algorithmsand their hardware architectures have been proposed to reducethe complexity of decoding NB-LDPC codes.

The first class of simplified algorithms is based on message-passing decoding, including the extended min-sum (EMS) algo-rithm [12], the min-max algorithm [13], the trellis based EMS(T-EMS) algorithm [14], the trellis based min-max (T-MM)algorithm [15], and the Max-Log-QSPA algorithm [16]. Bytruncating q messages for one symbol into the nm most reliablemessages, the complexity of EMS and min-max is determinedby nm rather than q. By truncating the trellis into nc reliablepaths, the complexity of T-EMS and T-MM is determined by nc

rather than q. It has been reported that many efficient hardwaredesigns [10], [15]–[17] have incorporated these algorithms. In[17], messages were compressed during message-passing toreduce the complexity of T-MM decoder. In [15] and [16],the forward-backward operations were efficiently implementedsuch that both area and latency of non-binary decoders wereimproved. However, the error performance of these algorithmsdegrades as nm or nc decreases, limiting further reduction of thecomputational complexity.

The second class of simplified algorithms is derived fromsymbol-reliability based majority logic decoding (MLgD),including the iterative soft-reliability based (ISRB) algo-rithm [18] and its variations such as the improved ISRB(IISRB) [19], the iterative hard-reliability based (IHRB) [18]and the enhanced IHRB (E-IHRB) algorithms [20]. Since thesealgorithms pass only one symbol-reliability value through theedge of the Tanner graphs for LDPC codes, the complexityis significantly reduced. For example, an IHRB partial-paralleldecoder with 90.7 Mbps throughput for a (403,226) NB-LDPCcode over GF(25) costs only 7841 LUTs and 529 registers ona Xilinx Virtex-5 XC5VLX200T device [20]. Moreover, theirmemory consumptions are less than those of EMS or min-maxdecoders, though still determined by q. For instance, the aboveIHRB decoder takes 56 BRAMs, and the min-max decoder forthe same code takes 95 BRAMs [20]. However, these symbol-reliability based decoders suffer significant performance degra-dation, more than 1dB, when applying for NB-LDPC codeswith small column weights.

In [21], Huang et al. proposed a weighted bit-reliability based(wBRB) MLgD algorithm for NB-LDPC codes, which bal-anced the trade-off between complexity and error performance.The wBRB algorithm passes bit-reliability value through eachedge of the Tanner graph for NB-LDPC codes, which is more

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efficient than symbol-reliability based MLgD algorithms. Thus,it performs closely well compared to the EMS algorithm forNB-LDPC codes with small column weights, that is less than0.3 dB. On the other hand, its computational complexity andmemory consumption are similar to or even less than softsymbol-reliability based algorithms. This paper investigates thearchitecture design and hardware implementation of the partial-parallel wBRB decoder for the first time. First, this paperorganizes the wBRB algorithm into a novel format such thatit can be implemented with an efficient layered structure. Asa result, it is possible to overlap the CN updates and the VNupdates of the wBRB decoder that leads to a higher through-put of decoding and higher efficient memory usage under thelayered structure. Second, the use of all bit-reliability valuesof a symbol rather than the minimum bit-reliability value isutilized by introducing matrix representations. The enhancedalgorithm, called full bit-reliability based (FBRB) algorithm,outperforms the wBRB algorithm about 0.3 dB and is able toachieve higher throughput in terms of average iterations. Asdemonstrated in this paper, the wBRB and the FBRB decodersfor a (403,226) NB-LDPC code take 10517 and 36147 sliceLUTs, respectively, by using a Xilinx Virtex-5 XC5VLX155Tdevice. The wBRB decoder achieves 118.98 Mbps while theFBRB decoder achieves 95.73 Mbps throughputs with fixed15 iterations. In addition, they achieve 220.46 Mbps and395.8 Mbps throughputs, respectively, with the average iter-ations of Eb/N0 at 4.5 dB. It is worth mentioning that eachonly requires 40 and 49 BRAMs, which are much less thanthose of the existing min-max decoder and the hard-decisiondecoder IHRB.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section IIdescribes the wBRB algorithm. The layered wBRB and theFBRB algorithms are given in Section III and IV, respectively.Section V then presents the hardware implementation of the twoalgorithms. Finally, Section VI summarizes this paper.


A. Quasi-Cyclic NB-LDPC Codes

Consider an NB-LDPC code C given by the null space ofan m × n sparse parity-check matrix H = [hi, j ], 0 ≤ i < mand 0 ≤ j < n, over GF(q). Without loss of generality, assumeq = 2r . If the parity-check matrix H consists of zero matricesand shifted identity matrices, the NB-LDPC code is consideredquasi-cyclic (QC) [22]. Due to the regularity of their parity-check matrices, QCNB-LDPC decoders with partial-parallelstructure are very efficient in hardware implementation [10],[23], [24]. Thus, most research studies focus on implementationof NB-LDPC codes decoding by utilizing QC decoders.

B. wBRB Decoding Algorithm

The decoding of an NB-LDPC code is based on its Tannergraph, which is a bipartite graph consisting of two types ofnodes, variable nodes (VNs) and check nodes (CNs). If theentry hi, j in the parity-check matrix H is nonzero, there exists

Algorithm A. The wBRB decoding algorithm for non-binaryLDPC codes

Initialization: R(0)j,t = q j,t ; E (0)

j→i,t = R(0)j,t ; z(0)

j,t = (R(0)j,t <

0)?1 : 0, where 0 ≤ i < m, 0 ≤ j < n and 0 ≤ t < r ; set{θ0, θ1, . . . , θr } for �(·).

Iteration:for k = 0 : Imax

Stop iteration, if z(k) · HT = 0 or k = Imax

for i = 0 : m − 1for j ∈ Ni

A1: σ(k)i, j = h−1

i, j

∑j ′∈Ni \ j

hi, j ′ · e(k)

j ′→i

A2: φ(k)i, j = min

j ′∈Ni \ jmin

t|E (k)

j ′→i,t |for t = 0 : r − 1

A3: R(k)i→ j,t =


j ,σ(k)i, j )) · φ

(k)i, j b(k)

i, j,t = 0

−�(H(z(k)j ,σ

(k)i, j )) · φ

(k)i, j b(k)

i, j,t = 1for j = 0 : n − 1

for i ∈ M j

A4: R(k+1)j = R(0)

j + ∑i∈M j

R(k)i→ j

A5: E(k+1)j→i = R(k+1)

j − R(k)i→ j

for t = 0 : r − 1A6: z(k+1)

j,t = (R(k+1)j,t < 0)?1 : 0

an edge-(i , j) that connects the i-th check node CNi and thej-th variable node VN j in the Tanner graph. The index setsof nonzero entries in the i-th row hi,∗ and in the j-th col-umn h∗, j are denoted as M j = [i : hi, j �= 0, 0 ≤ i < m] andNi = [ j : hi, j �= 0, 0 ≤ j < n], respectively.

The wBRB decoding algorithm [21] is an iterative algo-rithm that is based on bit-reliability updates of CNs andVNs. For the k-th iteration, the r bit-reliability values of thej-th codeword symbol, 0 ≤ j < n, are denoted by R(k)

j �[R(k)

j,0, R(k)j,1, . . . , R(k)

j,r−1] and the hard-decision vector of this

symbol is denoted by z(k)j � [z(k)

j,0, z(k)j,1, . . . , z(k)

j,r−1]. The extrin-sic information passed from the j-th VN j to the i-th CNi , i ∈M j , is denoted by E(k)

j→i � [E (k)j→i,0, E (k)

j→i,1, . . . , E (k)j→i,r−1].

The wBRB decoding algorithm for NB-LDPC codes isdescribed in Algorithm A.

At the beginning of the decoding, R(0)j,t is initialized with the

channel information q j,t and E (0)j→i,t is initialized with R(0)

j,t , t =0, 1, . . . , r − 1. Each iteration contains two phases, CN updatesand VN updates.

The CN updates include three steps - A1, A2 andA3, as shown in Fig. 1. For CNi , assume the vector,[b(k)

i, j,0, b(k)i, j,1, . . . , b(k)

i, j,r−1], is the binary representation of

σ(k)i, j , A1 computes its extrinsic information-sum σ

(k)i, j from

e(k)j→i - hard-decision of E(k)

j→i , j ∈ Ni ; A2 calculates its

soft bit-reliability φ(k)i, j from the minimum absolute value of

extrinsic bit-reliability values of E(k)j→i ; Step A3 computes

the message vector R(k)i→ j = [R(k)

i→ j,0, R(k)i→ j,0, . . . , R(k)

i→ j,r−1]


Fig. 1. CN update of wBRB.

passed from CNi to VN j (c-to-v). The signs of r c-to-vmessages are determined by the corresponding extrinsicinformation-sum σ

(k)i, j . All the r absolute values are assigned

with the product of the soft bit-reliability φ(k)i, j and a weighting

factor �(H(z(k)j ,σ

(k)i, j )), where H(z(k)

j ,σ(k)i, j ) denotes the

Hamming distance between the extrinsic information-sum σ(k)i, j

and the hard-decision of the j-th symbol z(k)j , H(z(k)

j ,σ(k)i, j ) =

0, 1, . . . , r . To distinguish it with soft bit-reliability φ(k)i, j , we

call the weighting factor �(H(z(k)j ,σ

(k)i, j )) hard-reliability,

where �(u) = θu(u ∈ {0, 1, . . . , r}, θu ∈ R). The smallerH(z(k)

j ,σ(k)i, j ) is, the more reliable σ

(k)i, j is, the larger

�(H(z(k)j ,σ

(k)i, j )) is.

The VN updates also include three steps - A4, A5 and A6.For VN j , A4 updates the bit-reliability of the codeword symbol

R(k+1)j with the initial reliability R(0)

j and the corresponding

c-to-v messages R(k)i→ j ’s, i ∈ M j ; A5 computes its extrinsic

information E(k+1)j→i for the next iteration with the difference of

R(k+1)j and R(k)

i→ j ; A6 calculates the new hard-decision z(k+1)j .


Similar to the traditional min-sum decoder, the wBRBdecoder faces two challenges in hardware implementation.First, the CN updates and the VN updates cannot be processedat the same time, otherwise the efficiency of the decoder will besacrificed. On one hand, the CNi update must be processed after

all VN j ( j ∈ Ni ) updates are completed as new extrinsic infor-

mation E(k)j→i ’s from VN j ’s are needed. On the other hand, the

VN j update must be processed after the completion of all CNi ’s

(i ∈ M j ) updates as new c-to-v messages R(k)i→ j ’s are needed.

Second, the cross-addressing problem of RAM leads to moreBRAM consumption when the partial-parallel decoder is imple-mented in an FPGA device. Typically, LDPC decoders useBRAMs in FPGAs to store the exchange information betweenCNs and VNs. Exchanges RAMs are addressed by the rowsof the parity-check matrix H in the CN updates, while in theVN updates they are addressed by the columns. As a result, thedepths of the BRAMs, i.e. the numbers of stored words, aresuperficial such that a large number of BRAMs are required.In order to solve the above two problems, the wBRB algorithmis re-organized into layered structure as inspired by the layeredbinary LDPC decoders [25]–[27].

From the view of a layered structure, all the rows in aparity-check matrix can be divided into L layers, H = {Hl},l = 0, 1, . . . , L − 1, in which the column weight of any Hl

is no more than one. The l-th layer has τl rows and theirindices in H are [ml,0, ml,2, . . . , ml,τl−1]. Consequently, thelayered decoder can be considered as a serial concatenation ofL sub-decoders based on Hl .

In order to transform the wBRB algorithm into a layeredstructure, the update of the bit-reliability value R(k)

j is decom-posed into L layers. Designate the bit-reliability value in the l-thlayer of k-th iteration as R(l,k)

j = [R(l,k)j,0 , R(l,k)

j,1 , . . . , R(l,k)j,r−1].

E(k)j→i in the l-th sub-decoder is computed by R(l,k)

j from

the (l − 1)-th sub-decoder and the previous R(k)i→ j from the

(k − 1)-th iteration:

E(k)j→i = R(l,k)

j − R(k)i→ j , (1)

where i ∈ [ml,0, ml,2, . . . , ml,τl−1] and j ∈ N j . Then R(l+1,k)j

is updated from E(k)j→i and the new R(k+1)

i→ j to the (l + 1)-th sub-decoder,

R(l+1,k)j = E(k)

j→i + R(k+1)i→ j . (2)

Thus, the reliability value R(l,k)j can be updated in each layer.

Different from the original Algorithm A, the proposed algo-rithm does not need to wait for all the CNs to finish theirreliability update. As a result, in the layered decoder, the CNupdates and the VN updates can work simultaneously as long asthe processes of the adjacent two layers are overlapped. In addi-tion, there is no need to store the extrinsic information E(k)

j→i ’sas they are needed only in one layer. Therefore, the layereddecoder no longer has the cross-addressing problem.


Different from binary LDPC codes, entries in the parity-check matrix H for an NB-LDPC code are symbols overGF(2r ). It is clear that nonzero entries have various impacts onboth the hard-reliability and the soft bit-reliability for symbolsthat pass through the edges of the Tanner graph. For simplic-ity, the wBRB algorithm only considers the impacts on the


hard-reliability and uses the minimum absolute value of the rbit-reliability values for one symbol. Thus, it compromises theperformance to some extent.

In order to further improve the performance, the follow-ing section considers the nonzero entries over GF(2r ) as theirbinary matrix representations. A new algorithm, called FBRBalgorithm, is derived from these r × r matrices over GF(2),which can keep all the r bit-reliability values for one symbolin reliability updates.

A. CN Update With Matrix Representations

In this subsection, the impact of the matrix representationsof nonzero entries in H on bit-reliability updates is analyzed.Consider GF(2r ) given by the primitive polynomial p(x) =p0 + p1x + . . . + pr−1xr−1 + xr . The companion matrix ofp(x) is

A =


0 0 . . . 0 p0

1 0 . . . 0 p1

0 1 . . . 0 p2


. . ....


0 0 . . . 1 pr−1


. (3)

As demonstrated in [28], [29], A is the matrix representation ofthe primitive element α in GF(2r ). The power of A representsthe nonzero elements in this field, i.e., Ak is the matrix repre-sentation of αk , where k = 0, 1, . . . , 2r − 2. As a result, eachnonzero element in GF(2r ) can be represented as a power of A,while all the nonzero elements in GF(2r ) can be represented asa r × r matrix over GF(2).

Consider a codeword x = [x0, x1, . . . , xn−1]. The followingexists for the i-th parity-check equation of H:∑


hi, j · x j = 0, (4)

which can be described by the vector representations of code-word symbols x j ’s and matrix representations of hi, j ’s, j ∈ Ni .Denote x j = [x j,0, x j,1, . . . , x j,r−1] as the vector representa-

tion of the j-th codeword symbol, j ∈ Ni , and Ai, j = [Ai, js,t ]

as the matrix representation of hi, j , 0 ≤ s < r , 0 ≤ t < r . The

index sets of non-zero entries in the s-th row Ai, js,∗ and in the t-

th column Ai, j∗,t are designated as T i, j

s = [t : Ai, js,t = 1, 0 ≤ s <

r, j ∈ Ni ] and Si, jt = [s : Ai, j

s,t = 1, 0 ≤ t < r, j ∈ Ni ]. Thenequation (4) can be rewritten as∑


Ai, j · xTj = 0. (5)

Expanding (5), we have⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩


Ai, j0,∗ · xT

j = 0∑j∈Ni

Ai, j1,∗ · xT

j = 0


Ai, jr−1,∗ · xT

j = 0


Based on the r parity check equations over GF(2), the CNi of Hconsists of r binary sub-CNs. VN j ’s are also decomposed intor sub-VNs, j ∈ Ni . Similar to the binary min-sum algorithm[22], these binary sub-CNs and sub-VNs work as follows.

If Ai, js,t = 1, the soft bit-reliability φ̂k

i, j,(s,t) from the s-th sub-CN of CNi to the t-th sub-VN of VN j is

φ̂(k)i, j,(s,t) =

∏j ′∈Ni ,t ′∈T i, j ′

sj ′ �= j or t ′ �=t

sign(E (k)

j ′→i,t ′) · minj ′∈Ni ,t ′∈T i, j ′

sj ′ �= j or t ′ �=t

∣∣∣E (k)

j ′→i,t ′∣∣∣ .

(7)Then, the overall soft bit-reliability values φ

(k)i, j,t from the r sub-

CNs to the t-th sub-VN of VN j are the summation of the abovemessages,

φ(k)i, j,t =

∑s∈Si, j


φ̂(k)i, j,(s,t). (8)

However, the r sub-VNs of VN j may connect to various num-ber of sub-CNs. Thus, averaging is helpful to keep numericallystable

φ(k)i, j,t = average


(k)i, j,(s,t) : s ∈ Si, j


}. (9)

In some simplified situation, we can set attenuate factors insteadof averaging with little performance loss.

The above CN updates are different from those of wBRB,which allocates the same minimum bit-reliability value toall r bit-reliability values of a symbol. The updates methodusing matrix representations pass r bit-reliability values ofeach symbol via the nonzero entries in the matrix represen-tations. In other words, the soft bit-reliability vector �

(k)i, j =

[φ(k)i, j,0, φ

(k)i, j,1, . . . , φ

(k)i, j,r−1] transfers various reliability values

for different bits in one symbol. As a result, the CN updatesusing matrix representations are more effective than those ofwBRB.

B. The FBRB Decoding Algorithm

Based on the CN updates with matrix representations, the fullbit-reliabilty based (FBRB) decoding algorithm with layeredstructure is proposed.

For the l-th layer in the k-th iteration, the extrinsic bit-reliability values E(k)

j→i ’s are calculated by (1), and the extrinsic

-sums σ(k)i, j ’s are computed as the same as the wBRB algorithm.

In order to pass r bit-reliability values of E(k)j→i ’s, we rep-

resent the nonzero entries hi, j ’s in the i-th row of H with

the matrix representations Ai, js,t , j ∈ Ni , 0 ≤ s < r, 0 ≤ t < r .

According to (7), the soft bit-reliability φ̂(k)i, j,(s,t)’s, t ∈ T i, j

s canbe calculated within r sub-CN updates. Then, the overall softbit-reliability values φ

(k)i, j,t ’s, t = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1, are computed

according to (9).The remaining steps of FBRB such as the hard-reliability

weighting and the R(l+1,k)j updates are similar to those of


Algorithm B. The FBRB decoding algorithm for non-binaryLDPC codes

Initialization: R(0,0)j,t = q j,t ; R(0)

i→ j,t = 0; z(0)j,t = (R(0)

j,t <

0)?1 : 0, where 0 ≤ i < m, 0 ≤ j < n and 0 ≤ t < r ; set{θ0, θ1, . . . , θr } for �(·).

Iteration:for k = 0 : Imax

Stop iteration, if z(k) · HT = 0 or k = Imax

for l = 0 : L − 1for i ∈ [ml,0, ml,2, . . . , ml,τl−1]

for j ∈ Ni

B1: E(k)j→i = R(l,k)

j − R(k)i→ j

for j ∈ Ni

B2: σ(k)i, j = h−1

i, j

∑j ′∈Ni \ j

hi, j ′ · e(k)

j ′→i

for s = 0 : r − 1for j ∈ Ni

for t ∈ T i, js

B3: φ̂(k)i, j,(s,t)=

∏j ′∈Ni ,t ′∈T i, j ′

sj ′ �= j or t ′ �=t

sign(E (k)

j ′→i,t ′)·

minj ′∈Ni ,t ′∈T i, j ′

sj ′ �= j or t ′ �=t

|E (k)

j ′→i,t ′ |

for j ∈ Ni

for t = 0 : r − 1B4: φ

(k)i, j,t = average{φ̂(k)

i, j,(s,t) : s ∈ Si, jt }

B5: R(k+1)i→ j,t = �(H(z(k)

j ,σ(k)i, j )) · φ

(k)i, j,t

B6: R(l+1,k)j = E(k)

j→i + R(k+1)i→ j

B7: z(k+1)j,t = (R(L ,k)

j,t < 0)?1 : 0

B8: R(0,k+1)j = R(L ,k)


wBRB. The FBRB decoding algorithm for NB-LDPC codes issummarized in Algorithm B.

In [30], Jiang et al. proposed a high-performance decodingalgorithm for Reed-Solomon codes by adapting the parity-check matrix (ADP) in different iterations. Inspired by ADP,the matrix representations of rows in H are adapted similarlyto enhance the performance of FBRB. In each iteration, thenonzero entry corresponding to the least reliable symbol ineach row is normalized to “1”. In other words, the nonzeroentries in the rows are multiplied by their corresponding inversevalues.

C. Computational Complexity and Performance Analysis

In this subsection, the complexity of FBRB, wBRB, IISRB,EMS, T-EMS, IHRB and E-IHRB is compared first. Then,the error performance and convergence rate of these algo-rithms for two NB-LDPC codes are presented. It is shownthat FBRB provides a good trade-off between complexity andperformance.

Without loss of generality, a regular NB-LDPC code overGF(2r ) given by the null space of an m × n matrix is used for

complexity analysis. The column and row weights are denotedas γ and ρ respectively. The number of edges in the Tannergraph for this code is δ = nγ = mρ.

The computational complexity per iteration of FBRB is ana-lyzed as follows. According to Algorithm B, the complexity isdetermined by B1-B6. In B1, the extrinsic bit-reliability valuesE(k)

j→i ’s on δ edges result in δr integer additions. B2 computes

the extrinsic information-sum σ(k)i, j with 2δ multiplications and

2δ − m additions over Galois field. B3 consists of two parts:the sign computation and the absolute value computation ofthe soft bit-reliability values. The sign computation takes δr2

bit-level operations; The absolute values are assigned with thefirst and second minimum values in the rows of a set of matrixrepresentations so that mr [(ρr − 1) + (ρr − 2)] integer com-parisons are required. In B4, the overall soft bit-reliability valuecalculations need δ(r2 − r) integer additions. B5 takes δr inte-ger multiplications for weighting. In B6, the reliability updatesfor codeword symbols cost δr integer additions. Furthermore,the step of adapting matrices mentioned in the above subsec-tion takes δ GF multiplications, δ(r − 1) integer additions andm(ρ − 1) integer comparisons.

The computational complexity of FBRB, wBRB, IHRB,E-IHRB, IISRB, EMS and T-EMS is listed in Table I.

As described in the above subsection, r bit-reliability valuesinstead of only the minimum ones in each symbol are passedthrough a r × r binary matrix in FBRB. Therefore, the numberof integer comparisons and multiplications in FBRB are aboutr times than those of wBRB, according to Table I.

It is shown that EMS and T-EMS need much more compu-tational complexity than FBRB. IISRB needs less complexityper iteration, but it requires a more complex initialization. Forthe hard-decision algorithm IHRB and its variant E-IHRB, theycost much less computational complexity than FBRB, but theyboth suffer more performance compromise.

The error performance of FBRB, wBRB, EMS, ISRB,IISRB, E-IHRB and IHRB is compared next. All the simula-tions are conducted over the BI-AWGN channel with BPSKmodulation 0 → +1 and 1 → −1. Parameters of differentdecoders are optimized by using search algorithms.

Example 1: Consider a (1000, 900) NB-LDPC code C overGF(25) with γ = 4 and ρ = 40. Set {5.0, 3.0, 0.25, . . . , 0.25}for �(·) in wBRB and {2.5, 1.25, 0.25, . . . , 0.25} for �(·) inFBRB. Set ξ1 = 4 and ξ2 = 1 for IISRB, nm = 16 for EMS,nc = 3 and nr = 2 for T-EMS, respectively. All the maximumiteration numbers are set to 50. The performance results of thesealgorithms are shown in Fig. 2, and the corresponding averageiterations are shown in Fig. 3.

For Code C, the performance gap between FBRB and EMSis only 0.3 dB at the BER of 10−6. FBRB outperforms T-EMS,wBRB, IISRB, E-IHRB and IHRB for 0.1 dB, 0.3 dB, 0.45 dB,0.9 dB and 2.1 dB at the BER of 10−6, respectively. Moreover,IISRB, E-IHRB and IHRB have error-floors at the BER of10−6, while FBRB still keeps a steep curve down to the BERof 10−9. According to Fig. 3, FBRB converges much fasterthan T-EMS, wBRB, IISRB, E-IHRB and IHRB. At Eb/N0 =5.0 dB, the average iterations used for T-EMS, wBRB, IISRB,E-IHRB and IHRB are 1.26, 3.26, 2.96, 3.53 and 12.66 times



Fig. 2. Performance of the 32-ary (1000,900) code decoded with variousdecoding algorithms.

Fig. 3. Average number of iterations for the 32-ary (1000,900) code withwBRB and FBRB.

of that of FBRB, respectively. It is worth mentioning that theperformance of using the binary min-sum algorithm (withouthard-reliability weighting) over binary images is poor becauseof short cycles in binary images, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 4. Performance of the 32-ary (403,226) code decoded with variousdecoding algorithms.

In addition, we compare the FBRB performance for Code C

with two binary codes. Consider a binary (5040, 4536) LDPCcode C with the same column and row weights. Accordingto Fig. 2, C performs better in the waterfall region. However,it suffers an error-floor at the BER of 10−7. Compared withanother binary code - a 16-state Turbo code C with the samecode rate, FBRB performs worse than C at the beginning.However, the BER curve of FBRB is much steeper so that itoutperforms C down to the BER of 10−8.

Example 2: Consider a (403, 226) NB-LDPC Code C overGF(25) with γ = 8 and ρ = 13. Set {5.5, 1.25, 0.25, . . . , 0.25}for �(·) in wBRB and {4.0, 0.75, 0.25, . . . , 0.25} for �(·) inFBRB. Set λ = 15 for ISRB, and nm = 16 for EMS, respec-tively. The performance of these algorithms for C are shown inFig. 4, and the average iterations are shown in Fig. 5.

For Code C, the performance gap between FBRB and EMS isonly 0.05 dB at the BER of 10−6. Moreover, FBRB outperformswBRB, ISRB, E-IHRB and IHRB about 0.2 dB, 0.6 dB, 0.7 dBand 1.8 dB, respectively, at the BER of 10−6.

As shown in Fig. 5, FBRB converges faster than wBRB,ISRB, E-IHRB and IHRB. At Eb/N0 = 4.0 dB, the averageiterations of wBRB, ISRB, E-IHRB and IHRB are 2.65, 5.12,6.13 and 8.13 times of FBRB, respectively.


Fig. 5. Average number of iterations required for decoding the 32-ary(403,226) code with wBRB and FBRB.


In this section, the wBRB and FBRB decoders with partial-parallel structure are designed for QCNB-LDPC codes. Thanksto the layered structure demonstrated in Section III, the CNupdates and VN updates can be merged in one computa-tion module. Secondly, the adjacent layers in the proposeddecoders can be processed with overlap. Thus, the wBRB andFBRB decoders can achieve high throughputs by using rela-tively less hardware resources. Since the same top architectureand schedule are shared, they are not distinguished until theircomputation modules are discussed.

For the sake of simplicity, all sub-matrices are consideredto be nonzero shifted identity matrices. The QCNB-LDPCdecoders in other cases are similar.

A. Top Architecture

Since the sub-matrices in the parity-check matrix H of aQCNB-LDPC code are shifted identify matrices, one row of thesub-matrices of H will be considered as one layer in the layeredstructure. In the proposed partial-parallel decoders, all the rowsin one layer are processed simultaneously. Assume that H con-sists of M × N shifted identity matrices of size d × d. Then,the wBRB and FBRB decoders have M layers and their degreesof parallelism are d in both cases.

The top architecture is illustrated in Fig. 6, which consistsof three types of modules, the reliability FIFOs, the messageRAMs, and the processing units. Since the degree of parallelismis d, each type has d modules.

• FIFO: In the process of the l-th layer in the k-th iter-ation, the p-th reliability FIFO Lp, p = 0, 1, . . . , d −1, stores the bit-reliability values of codeword symbolsR(l,k)

j ’s, j ∈ Nml,p . The codeword symbols reliability val-

ues R(l,k)j ’s for one block column (d columns) of H

are stored at the same address. Therefore, the depth ofthese FIFOs are N . The d reliability values for the sameblock column can be read/written from/to the d reliabilityFIFOs.

Fig. 6. Top architecture of the wBRB decoder.

• RAM: The p-th message RAM Rp, p = 0, 1, . . . , d − 1,

stores the corresponding c-to-v messages R(k)ml,p→ j ’s, j ∈

Nm j,p . A block of d c-to-v messages for one shifted iden-tity matrix are stored at the same address for parallelprocessing. Consider M · N shifted identity matrices inH. Since all the c-to-v messages in the k-th iteration arerequired in the (k + 1)-th iteration, the depth of theseRAMs are M · N .

• CVNU: As demonstrated in Section III, the VN updatescan be immediately carried out after the CN updatesin the layered decoding algorithm. Thus, the proposeddecoders have only one type of computation modulefor both the CN updates and VN updates rather thantwo types of modules, CN units (CNUs) and VN units(VNUs), which are commonly adopted in traditionalLDPC decoders [10], [11], [13]. d such modules areemployed in the decoders, named as check and variablenodes (CVN) units. In the process of the l-th layer in thek-th iteration, the p-th CVN unit, p = 0, 1, . . . , d − 1,processes the p-th row of this layer - row ml,p. Whenthe computation of the l-th layer starts, the d CVN unitsimport R(l,k)

j ’s from the reliability FIFOs and R(k)ml,p→ j ’s

from the message RAMs block by block. After N clockcycles, the new reliability values R(l+1,k)

j ’s for the next

layer and the new c-to-v messages R(k+1)ml,p→ j ’s for the next

iteration are created by the d CVN units and are readyto be written into the reliability FIFOs and the messageRAMs again.

• Routing network: Since different layers are related todifferent shifted identity matrices, the reliability values ofthe codeword symbols have to be routed into proper orderfor processing each layer. As any shifted identity matrixcan be denoted by an offset integer, the routing can beimplemented by barrel shifters [10].

Remark: In the previous design [10], [20], a routingnetwork is used to route the reliability values R(l,k)

j ’s intoproper order before they are imported into the CNUs.After the new reliability values are updated, anotherrouting network is used to reverse the routing. In orderto save logical resources for routing and reduce crit-ical path delay, the proposed decoder uses only onerouting network to route the reliability values according


Fig. 7. Schedules of the wBRB and FBRB decoders.

to the relative offsets of the upper and lower adjacentblocks [31].

The schedule of the proposed decoders is illustrated in Fig. 7.In order to achieve higher throughput, the l-th layer output andthe (l + 1)-th layer input are overlapped. The output of thel-th layer takes N clock cycles. Two clock cycles after the CVNunits export the new reliability values R(l+1,k)

j ’s, the CVN unitscan import these values from the LLR FIFOs that are going tobe processed in the next layer.

B. CVN Unit for the wBRB Decoder

The CVN unit is the core computation unit of the wBRBdecoder. Its architecture is described in Fig. 8. To simplify theimplementation, all the numerical signals are designed in thesign-magnitude format. In the l-th layer of the k-iteration, thecomputation of one CVN unit is carried out following thefollowing steps:

First, the new extrinsic information E(k)j→i ’s ( j ∈ Mi ) are

computed by the r subtracters in the sign-magnitude format.Second, the signs and magnitudes of E(k)

j→i ’s are groupedinto two branches. The signs go to the branch to calculateσ

(k)i, j ’s. The magnitudes go to the branch to calculate the soft

bit-reliability φ(k)i, j ’s. The two branches are processed simulta-

neously.• Sign-computation: In order to simplify the computation

of σ(k)i, j ’s, the equation in Step B2 can be rewritten as

σ(k)i, j = h−1

i, j (hi, j · e(k)j→i + ∑

j ′∈Ni

hi, j ′ · e(k)

j ′→i ). As a result,

the information-sum∑

j ′∈Ni

hi, j ′ · e(k)

j ′→i only needs to be

calculated once for the entire row computation. The addi-tion over Galois field can be implemented by bitwiseXORs. Therefore, an XOR-register loop is designed toaccumulate the information-sum. After N clock cycles,the information-sum is worked out and latched. Addingthe latched information-sum to the cached products hi, j ·e(k)

j→i , and multiplying with h−1i, j , the σ

(k)i, j is derived.

• Magnitude-computation: An r -input comparer is usedto compute the minimum magnitude of E (k)

j→i,t (t =0, 1, . . . , r − 1), while a comparer-register loop isdesigned to serially calculate the minimum and the sec-ond minimum soft bit-reliability values. Then, φ

(k)i, j ’s are

produced by a 2-to-1 multiplexer. For the j-th symbol,φ

(k)i, j is assigned to the second minimum reliability value if

j equals to the index of the minimum reliability value, orit is assigned to the minimum reliability value otherwise.

Third, φ(k)i, j is weighted by the distance of σ

(k)i, j and the

hard-decision of the reliability R(l,k)j . Then the new c-to-v mes-

sage R(k+1)i, j is the combination of σ(k)

i, j and the weighted φ(k)i, j .

The new reliability value R(l+1,k)j is the cached sum of E(k)


and the new R(k+1)i, j .

It is worth mentioning that since the R(l,k)j ’s, hi, j · e(k)

j→i ’s

and E(k)j→i ’s are required in more than one steps, cache is used

to temporarily store these signals for N clock cycles.

C. CVN Unit for the FBRB Decoder

The architecture of the CVN unit used in the FBRB decoderis illustrated in Fig. 9. Similarly to wBRB, the computa-tion of the CVN unit in the FBRB decoder consists of twoparts - sign computation and magnitude computation. The sign-computation branch is similar to that of wBRB. However, themagnitude computation is split into r branches correspondingto the r sub-CNs.

For the s-th magnitude-computation branch, r absolute val-ues of E(k)

j→i are imported after filtered by the s-th row of the

binary image Ai, js,∗. The t-th input of this branch is assigned

with |E (k)j→i,t | if Ai, j

s,t = 1, or it is assigned with the allowable

maximum value if Ai, js,t = 0. Similar to the wBRB structure, a

comparer-register loop is employed to compute the minimumand the second minimum values of input. After N clock cycles,the results are latched. Then, r sub soft bit-reliability val-ues of φ̂

(k)i, j,(s,t)’s, t = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1, are exported by r 2-to-1

multiplexers.As shown in Fig. 9, in order to calculate the overall soft bit-

reliability φ(k)i, j,t , the t-th column of the binary image Ai, j

∗,t isintroduced to filter the r inputs of the t-th average module. Thes-th input is assigned with φ̂

(k)i, j,(s,t) if Ai, j

s,t = 1, or it is assignedwith 0 otherwise.

If the matrix representations of all the nonzero entries ofH are directly stored, a large amount of memory resourceswill be consumed. In the following subsection, an effi-cient way to generate these matrix representations from theirbinary vector representations is derived by simple logicaloperations.

Theorem 1: Suppose α is a primitive element of GF(2r )generated by the primitive polynomial p(x). The matrix repre-sentation Al of any nonzero symbol αl over GF(2r ) is equal to

Al = B � a(l) � [B0 · a(l)T, B1 · a(l)T

, . . . , Br−1 · a(l)T],(10)

where B = [Bi ], i = 0, 1, . . . , r − 1, Bi ’s are r × r binarymatrices over GF(2), and a(l) is the vector representationof αl .

Proof: The proof is provided in the appendix. �Example 3: Consider GF(25) generated by the primitive

polynomial p(x) = 1 + x2 + x5. According to Theorem 1, the


Fig. 8. Architecture of the CVN units for wBRB.

Fig. 9. Architecture of the CVN units for FBRB.

matrix representation S of each symbol can be obtained fromits vector representation s = [s0, s1, s2, s3, s4] and the matrixB = [B0|B1|B2|B3|B4], where

B =


10000 00001 00010 00100 01001

01000 10000 00001 00010 00100

00100 01001 10010 00101 01011

00010 00100 01001 00010 00101

00001 00010 00100 01001 10010


. (11)

Thus, S = [B0 · sT|B1 · sT|B2 · sT|B3 · sT|B4 · sT].Since all the nonzero elements over GF(2r ) share the same

B, the matrix representations of the nonzero entries of H canbe easily obtained from their vector representations by a simplelogical circuit. The circuit for GF(25) is shown in Fig. 10. Thus,only vector representations of nonzero entries of H need to bestored rather their matrix representations.

D. Analyses and Comparisons

In the previous work [20], the authors efficiently designedan IHRB decoder and an E-IHRB decoder with 3-bit quan-tization for a (403,226) QCNB-LDPC code over GF(25) andre-implemented a min-max decoder with 5-bit quantization forthe same code. For the purpose of comparison, a wBRB decoder

Fig. 10. The circuit generating the matrix representations of GF(25).

and an FBRB decoder with 5-bit quantization are designed forthe same code.

The parity-check matrix H of this code consists of 8 × 13shifted identity matrices with the dimensions of 31 × 31. Thus,the wBRB and FBRB decoders have 8 layers with the degreeof parallelism 31, which are implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-5XC5VLX155T device. According to the decoder schedulesshown in Fig. 7, it takes the 31 CVNUs 13 clock cycles to



decode a layer of H with two clock cycles inserted betweeneach two layers. Thus, each iteration of decoding takes (13 +2) × 8 = 120 clock cycles. The maximum number of iterationsis set to 15, since the two decoders converge very fast as shownin Fig. 5. As a result, each received codeword costs 120 ×15 = 1800 clock cycles for decoding. The throughputs of thewBRB and FBRB decoders are 118.98 Mbps and 95.73 Mbps,respectively. The detailed synthesis report of these decoders ispresented in Table II.

Compared with the soft-decision min-max decoder in [20],the wBRB decoder takes 16.8% slice LUTs and 42.1%BRAMs. Moreover, it achieves 45.2 times higher throughputthan the min-max decoder.

Compared with the hard-decision IHRB decoder and its vari-ant E-IHRB decoder, the wBRB decoder requires 1.43 and1.23 times more slice LUTs, but costs 71.4% and 56.3% lessBRAMs, respectively. Moreover, it achieves 1.17 and 1.26times higher throughput, respectively.

The FBRB decoder needs more slice LUTs and BRAMs thanthe wBRB decoder. However, the FBRB decoder achieves bet-ter error performance and converges much faster. At Eb/N0of 4.5 dB, the average iterations of the FBRB and wBRBdecoder are 3.628 and 8.095, respectively. The average through-puts of the FBRB and wBRB decoders are 395.8 Mbps and220.46 Mbps, respectively.


This paper presents two efficient bit-reliability baseddecoders, wBRB and FBRB, for NB-LDPC codes. Comparedwith existing symbol-reliability based decoders, the twodecoders can achieve better performance with much less mem-ory consumptions. The proposed layered structure not onlyimproves the BRAMs usage with higher efficiency but alsoleads to faster decoding speed. Furthermore, the proposed rout-ing network according to the relative offsets can also save theusage of barrel shifters. For a 32-ary (403,226) QCNB-LDPCcode, the two decoders achieve 118.98 Mbps throughputs with10517 LUTs and 40 BRAMs, and 95.73 Mbps throughputs with36147 LUTs and 49 BRAMs, respectively, on Xilinx Virtex-5XC5VLX155T. Finally, an efficient way is proposed to gener-ate binary matrix representations of GF elements that is usefulin applications involving matrix representations.



Proof: Consider GF(2r ) generated by the primitive poly-nomial p(x) = p0 + p1x + . . . + pr−1xr−1 + xr . A is the

companion matrix of p(x). α is a primitive element ofGF(2r ). Al is the matrix representation of αl . Denote a(l) =[a(l)

0 , a(1)1 , . . . , a(l)

r−1] as the vector representation of αl :

A =


0 0 . . . 0 p01 0 . . . 0 p1

0 1 . . . 0 p2


. . ....


0 0 . . . 1 pr−1


= [a(1)T, a(2)T

, . . . , a(r−1)T, a(r)T


Rewrite Al as

Al = Al−1 · [a(1)T, a(2)T

, . . . , a(r)T]

= Al−2 · [A · a(1)T, A · a(2)T

, . . . , A · a(r)T]


= [a(l)T, a(l+1)T

, . . . , a(l+r−1)T]

According to a(l+k)T = Ak · a(l)T,

Al = [I · a(l)T, A · a(l)T

, . . . , Ar−1 · a(l)T]

� [I|A| . . . |Ar−1] � a(l)T.


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Qin Huang received the B.E. and M.E. degrees fromSoutheast University, Nanjing, China, both in elec-trical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in electricalengineering from the University of California, Davis,Davis, CA, USA, in 2005, 2007 and 2011, respec-tively. He joined Link-A-Media Devices Corporation,Santa Clara, CA, USA, in 2011. He is currentlyan Associate Professor with Beihang University(BUAA), Beijing, China. His research interestsinclude classical and modern coding theory, signalprocessing, and their applications on communications

and storage systems.

Shuai Yuan received the B.S. and M.S. degrees fromBeihang University, Beijing, China, both in electronicand information engineering, in 2011 and 2014,respectively. He is currently a Research Assistantwith Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology,Beijing, China. His research interests include error-control coding and network coding.

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