
Post on 07-May-2015






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BiomesWhat’s where we are?

What do we live in?

We live in a Temperate Deciduous Forest.

This is just one of many seasonal biomes.

Being seasonal means that we have an annual change in our environments climate.

World Distribution

Ohio is not the only place with a Temperate Deciduous Forest biome.

Across the world you can find this around in eastern North America, Western Europe, China, Korea, Australia and Japan.

Pictures courtesy of

How can you tell?

Ways to tell that you live in this biome are known as indicator species.

Oak, Dutchman’s-Breeches, Redbud, Sassafras are the known plant species that indicate this biome.

The American Toad, Eastern Chipmunk, Eastern Grey Squirrel and Yellow Breasted Chat are the indicator animals for this biome.

Dutchman's Breeches




Eastern Chipmunk

Yellow Breasted Chat

Eastern Grey Squirrel

American Toad

Threats to our biome.

As a biome full of rich nutrient soil, it is no surprise that a major threat to the environment is the expanding farm and agricultural land as well as the developing cities. Massive logging campaigns and acid rain are the other two major factors playing in destroying our land.

A little fact.

The area where we live in (North-Eastern Ohio) is derived from what is known as a Second-Growth Forest. This means that where we live currently is regrowing from a massive forest cut down. The trees we see are almost all new and growing after large scale cuttings years before.

Reasons for our rich soil.

In the fall season, much of our trees lose their leaves and acorns. These laying on the ground decompose and add rich nutrients to our soils. Also small animals burrowing nuts in the ground for later, plant new trees which help keep soil intact and give a habitat for species to live in.

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