biomass brochure-biogas-production-data

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Professional biogas production. Learning the lessons of experience.
  2. 2. Substrates ............................. 4 Silage as a cosubstrate ........ 10 Maize silage ......................... 14 Maize harvesting for biogas production ........................... 18 Contents Grass silage for biogas production .......................... 24 Logistics and tractor design ...................... 27 Silage compression and fermentation residue spreading ................ 30
  3. 3. 3 Now more than ever, cost-effectiveness is of paramount importance for operators of biogas plants. And as well as equipping and maintaining the actual biogas plant, the costs of the renewable raw materials are a major factor here. Fortunately, professional assistance is available to help with every aspect of substrate sourcing, including harvesting, transporting and field preparation. Contractors and syndicates have state-of-the-art equipment with the reliability and performance to ensure fast harvesting with near-zero wastage. CLAAS is here to make running your biogas plant easier. For farms and agricultural service providers alike, efficient biomass harvesting is vital. And CLAAS offers a range of solutions that deliver this efficiency at every stage of the process, not just harvesting itself but also transportation, logistics and even data collection and analysis. This brochure provides you with comprehensive information on every aspect of biogas production. We hope that you will find it useful, and that it will help you to achieve greater success in the future. Introduction. Site logistics ........................ 34 Software for biogas plants ........................ 36 Service ................................ 38
  4. 4. 4 Seeds, fertilizers, pesticides Harvesting and transport Ensiling costs Transfer to fermentation tank Gas production Electricity generation Residue storage Fermentation residue spreading Transport and production approx. 50 % Biogas plant Substrate production When people talk about the costs of running a biogas plant, often their discussions focus on the cost of buying and maintaining the hardware. But other factors are equally important in particular, the cost of producing the substrate, the quality of the substrate, and the efficiency of fermentation residue reuse. These process steps before and after the actual biogas production can account for as much as 50 % of total operating costs (see figure 1). Figure 2 (see page 5) gives a breakdown of substrate sourcing costs, using silage maize as an example. Obviously the circumstances vary between different regions and different plants, so the figures are only intended to give you a rough idea. CLAAS machinery can be used in more than half of the process stages involved in biogas exploitation, representing around 25 % of the value creation involved in the process of biogas production from renewable resources as a whole. CLAAS naturally seeks to offer machinery that delivers maximum performance at minimum cost. But as well as optimizing existing designs, this also means developing new machines, processes and combinations of processes that can achieve further efficiency gains in substrate sourcing. In the next section, Ibeling van Lessen of Stahmer, an engineering firm based in Bremen, provides a general overview of the biogas market in Germany. General situation. The introduction in Germany of the Renewable Energy Law (known by the German acronym EEG) in 2004 resulted in an explosion in the number of biogas plants in the country, with an accompanying rapid rise in the acreage devoted to growing the crops needed to feed these facilities. A study by the Federal Ministry for the Environment found that whereas in 2007 approximately 400,000 hectares were devoted to energy crops, by 2008 this had risen to 500,000 hectares. However, sharp rises in raw material prices in 2007 led to a marked slowdown in investment in biogas. These rises not only put many individual biogas plant operators in a precarious financial position, but also adversely affected the revenues of equipment manufacturers. Figure 1: breakdown of biogas production costs Substrate.
  5. 5. 5 Substrate Reforms to the EEG law which came into effect at the start of 2009 are designed to reflect these developments. The basic rate of payment for biogas-generated electricity was increased, as was the bonus payable if the biogas was produced exclusively from renewable raw materials, which have now in any case also started to fall in price. The law also provides for various other bonus payments (e.g. for waste heat usage in accordance with the principles of cogeneration, for the use of innovative technologies, and the use of animal manure), which have helped make biogas generation more economically viable. As the economy recovers from the recession which began in 2007, the number of biogas plants can be expected to start rising steeply again. The German Biogas Association expects the number of biogas plants in the country to rise by 780 in 2009 alone, bringing the total to some 4,600 sites with a combined output of approximately 1,600 megawatts. Larger facilities, with an output of over 500 kilowatts, will not benefit directly from the reforms to the EEG, as the basic price of electricity and the renewables bonus paid to these sites will stay at the same level. Nevertheless, these too are expected to grow in number, as it is not economical for smaller plants to treat the biogas in a way that enables it to be sold to the natural gas network. Over the next few years, new technologies for treating biogas will become available, and the cost of these will fall, but in the short-term, plants with an output of less than 500 kilowatts are likely to account for the majority of growth. Figure 2: breakdown of substrate sourcing costs, using silage maize as an example Process step percentage of total costs 1 a)Installation: production facility/interest payments 43 % 1 b)Installation: fixed and variable machinery costs 17 % 2) Crop harvesting 12 % 3) Transport from field to silo (distance 2 km) 5 % 4) Administrative costs 3 % 5) Fixed and variable silo costs 13 % 6)Transfer from silo to fermentation tank 7 % Total cost at fermentation tank 100 %
  6. 6. 6 Raw materials. The choice of raw materials used in biogas plants largely depends on land yields. Biogas plants that use renewable raw materials only make economic sense where large amounts of dry matter can be produced on the available agricultural land. The biodegradability of the crop is likewise obviously an important factor, but most arable crops meet this criterion. Only the wood polymer lignin is not broken down in the anaerobic biological process (without the presence of oxygen). It became clear early in the development of the biogas industry that maize, in the form of silage, was the ideal raw material. This crop offers high yields, and because it has been used for fodder for so long, the problems of preserving it have largely been resolved. Cultivation and harvesting technologies for maize are likewise highly developed, and the large number of different varieties available means it can be successfully grown in a wide range of soil and weather conditions. For these reasons, maize remains the dominant raw material for biogas production. Based on 2008 figures, it accounts for around 80 % of renewable raw material usage by biogas plants. However, if we look even a little way into the future, it is apparent that maize silage alone will not meet the biogas industrys need for renewable raw materials. The increasing concentration of biogas plants in certain regions, and the enormous increases in the average size of new facilities being planned in recent years, mean that there will not always be sufficient land for maize silage cultivation in the vicinity. Increased transport costs will therefore offset the high energy content of the maize silage, compromising its relative cost-effectiveness. Because the ratio of water to dry matter in maize silage is high, transport costs are disproportionately large; as a result, if the transport distance is 20 kilometres instead of two kilometres, the total procurement costs rise from 250 per hectare to 350 per hectare an increase of 25 %, with a resultant impact on profitability. For this reason, crop scientists are working hard to develop new maize varieties with an even higher per-hectare energy yield. New combinations of harvesting and transport processes involving HGV haulage are also being explored with the aim of reducing overall sourcing costs.
  7. 7. 7 Process steps. In the past, the issue of transport costs was often disregarded in the planning of biogas plants, and it was just assumed across the board that transport distances would be between two and four kilometres. However, these days nobody builds a biogas plant without first taking into consideration what substrates are available, where they will come from and what terms they can be purchased on. Common alternatives to maize silage include cob-corn mix (CCM) and grain. Because these involve harvesting only the fruits, as opposed to the whole plant, production costs are higher, but on the plus side, dry matter contents of 60 % and 90 % respectively are possible, significantly reducing transport costs. As the distance between the harvest site and the biogas plant increases, the cost advantage of maize silage per unit of electrical output over alterative substrates falls, and indeed, beyond a certain point turns negative although it must be remembered that biogas facilities cannot be run on CCM or grain alone. The high energy yield of grain does however make it well suited to use in conjunction with maize silage. The grains must be milled, crushed or ground, because the micro- organisms in the biogas process are not able to crack them unaided. All this means that in practice, for transport distances of between 10 and 20 kilometres, CCM is increasingly the most cost-effective option, and where transport distances are over 20 to 25 kilometres, grain is the best choice although there are regional variations. As one of the leading manufacturers of harvesting machinery and tractors, CLAAS is ideally placed to offer the equipment and processes needed to facilitate effective substrate sourcing. Substrate
  8. 8. 8 A useful addition: rye whole-plant silage. Rye whole-plant silage (rye WPS) has also proven its suitability for use in biogas plants in conjunction with maize silage. Rye can be ensiled as a green forage crop or when it ripens. Rye WPS with a dry matter content of 30 % produces a similar amount of gas to maize silage. When it is harvested as forage rye, maize is normally added to it, and when it is allowed to ripen to the milk stage, it is normally combined with Sudan grass, millet or sunflowers. These secondary crops ripen at approximately the same time as the rye, and are generally ensiled with a dry matter content of between 20 and 27 %. It is always preferable to use a second raw material in the biogas fermentation process rather than maize alone, as there is extensive research to suggest that this significantly increases the efficiency of the biodegrading process. However, rye does not deliver the same yield as maize. We recommend growing just maize in the first year, and then in the second year a rye WPS crop followed by Sudan grass, millet or sunflowers. These three harvests in two years will minimize the substrate risk, simplify slurry management, optimize conditions in the fermentation tank and avoid the problems of maize monoculture. Millet is particularly common in dryer regions. Widespread trials of sweet sorghums and Sudan grass in biogas plants are currently ongoing. Millet crops are much more resistant to long periods without rainfall than maize, as they can stop and resume their growth, and so the danger of premature ripening is much less. Special biogas varieties are currently being developed to maximize yield, but even these are not expected to match the organic dry-matter yield of maize in good growing conditions. The transport costs will therefore be higher, meaning that millet crops will only be a viable alternative where they can be grown near to the biogas plant, or in light soils that are not suitable for maize cultivation.
  9. 9. 9 Sunflowers hard to ensile. Trials with sunflowers have also been proceeding for some time now. These have shown that sunflowers can, when properly prepared that is, with a short, fine chop that breaks up the seeds be successfully used in biogas plants, but that preservation is problematic. Ensiling sunflowers on their own is not really possible, as the result is too liquid and slushy to be packed effectively. Combined sunflower/maize silage is more successful, but the difference in harvesting times between the two crops brings its own set of problems. Grass silage is also increasingly being used in biogas plants, but this requires a heavy-duty feeding mechanism, as it can easily result in blockages. As with rye WPS, grass can, when used in large quantities, cause the slurry in the fermentation tank to become too thick and separate into floating layers. However, used in conjunction with maize silage, grass improves the effectiveness of the biodegrading process. Chop length the crucial factor. Whichever substrate is ultimately used, the way that this is preserved and prepared is absolutely crucial. The organisms involved in the biogas process are not capable of breaking their food down mechanically by chewing it, so this has to be done for them. With most plants, a chop length of around four millimetres seems to be the optimum for ensiling and compacting. With forage rye and grass silage, a chop length of 10 millimetres or less is advisable for biological and technical reasons (faster and more effective biodegradability without the formation of floating layers). This ensures high-quality silage that will be effective in the biogas process. In the case of maize, it is also important that the grains are cut or crushed, so that the outer husk is broken. Grain is generally milled for use in biogas production. Substrate
  10. 10. 10 Dr. Johannes Thaysen of the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Agriculture provides an overview of the biological processes involved in methane formation, and discusses the use of cosubstrates. The process by which organic matter biodegrades anaerobically can be divided into four basic stages (see figure 3). The first of these is hydrolysis, which involves the breakdown of long-chain molecules such as proteins or starches into simpler organic building blocks. These are then digested by acid-forming bacteria and converted into organic acids. The third stage is acetogenesis, which results in the formation of acetic Silage in biogas plants. acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen the ingredients necessary for the formation of the methane itself in the final stage. A small proportion of the energy released by this process is used by the microorganisms for reproduction, but 90 % of the energy contained in the original substrate is present in the methane which is what makes it useful as a fuel. Methane makes up between 50 and 60 % of the gas produced, with carbon dioxide making up the remaining 40 to 50 %. The bacteria involved in this process, and especially the methane microbes, have differing requirements as regards oxygen, temperature, nutrients and pH levels. The type of fermentation (wet or dry) and the plant type, dwell time in the fermentation tank and volumetric loading rate also play a role. Mixability and pumpability must be ensured, and all substrates must be mechanically broken down into small enough particles to ensure efficient biodegradability of the organic matter and prevent separation into floating layers, which can interfere with the working of certain types of digester reactors. From animal manure to renewable raw materials. Agricultural biogas production evolved from the use of liquid fertilizers. Initially, cattle manure was the most widely used raw material, due to its ready availability, and its good gas-producing potential as a result of its high dry-matter content. Figure 3: schematic representation of anaerobic biodegradation Raw material (proteins, carbohydrates) Hydrolysis Simple organic building blocks (amino acids, fatty acids, sugars) Acidogenesis Lower fatty acids (propionic acid, butyric acid) Other products (lactic acid, alcohols, etc.) Acetogenesis Acetic acid Methanogenesis H2 + CO2 Biogas CH4 + CO2
  11. 11. 11 Silage as a cosubstrate Figure 4: relevant properties of fertilizer for biogas production (REINHOLD, 2005) Type DM oDM Methane Methane content content yield yield1 % as % of (m3 /kg) (%) DM oDM content x d Cattle manure 612 80 200 55 Pig manure 28 80 240 60 Poultry manure 4565 75 325 65 Cattle dung 2030 80 250 55 1) Without air supply due to biological desulphurization. The key criteria used to evaluate different substrates are dry-matter content, organic dry-matter content, possible gas yield and methane concentration in the biogas released (see figure 4). The introduction of the Renewable Energy Law (EEG) in Germany in 2004 created a framework that made the use of renewable raw materials in biogas plants economically viable. This policy aim was furthered with the reforms to this law that came into effect at the start of 2009. As a result of these changes, significant changes in the mix of substrates used by biogas plants can be expected. The following criteria are used to evaluate the possible use of renewable raw materials: Timely availability in sufficient quantities (crop should be available over a minimum period of six weeks, to ensure the fermentation process is consistent) Awareness of product properties, such as e.g. dry- matter content, organic dry-matter content, chop quality and ripeness Necessary preparation processes (e.g. chopping of silage, crushing of grain) Cosubstrate costs Nutrient content of fermentation residue. The value of this residue can be offset against the production costs. Substrates for biogas production. In principle, all arable crops can be used to produce biogas. A high crude fat content corresponds to a high gas yield, while sugars can be converted very quickly. On the other hand, plants that combine a high lignin content with a low nutritional value (e.g. straw, conservation grass) are not as suitable (see figure 5, page 12). The range of technical variations in the optimum process for different substrates can be seen by comparing the cases of silage and grain. For example, where silage is used, a large volume of water (600 to 700 kilograms per tonne) must be added, and the amount of energy lost due to the ensiling process and effluent formation must also be taken into consideration.
  12. 12. 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 Lignin content determines gas yield Conservation grass Grass silage (extensive) Maize silage Grass silage (intensive) Cattle manure 12 1 Without air supply due to biological desulphurization. Type DM oDM Methane Methane content content yield yield1 % as % of (m3/kg % DM oDM) Maize silage 32 (2835) 95 Whole-plant 40 (bis 50) 95 300400 5254 silage Grain 86 95 Optimum maize structure for biogas plants Figure 6: relevant properties of different substrates for biogas production On the other hand, where grain is used the dry-matter content of the basic substrate can be lower. Where it is used in large quantities, additional fluid may need to be added, possibly by recirculating the biogas slurry. Grain substrates also do not need to be heated as much, so they make an economical combination with pig manure, which does require a lot of heating. In evaluating cosubstrates, methanogenesis should also be taken into consideration (see figure 6). Factors such as dwell in the fermentation tank and volumetric loading rate depend on how easily the substrate is broken down into methane. Beets, for example, degrade very quickly due to their high sugar content, meaning they spend less time in the fermentation tank and that more of them can be packed in. Maize silage, by contrast, is more fibrous, and so dwell times are longer and volumetric loading lower. Proper substrate preparation, such as crushing grain or chopping silage (JOHANNSEN, 2005) will increase the rate of degradation and allow more effective use to be made of available fermentation tank capacity. Indicators of silage quality. The usefulness of different types of silage is determined by a number of indicators (see figure 7). The most important of these are dry-matter content and organic } Figure 5: methane yields of various substrates Source: Oechsner and Lemmer, 2002
  13. 13. 13 dry-matter content. If dry-matter content is below around 28 to 30%, fermentation effluent can form, resulting in a significant loss of energy content. The latest biogas plants generally place their silage clamps on a concrete base, incorporating gutters to collect the effluent and channel it into the fermentation tank. Crops such as millet and sunflowers always produce such liquid when harvested, as a result of their low dry-matter content, and are increasingly used as a substrate. Inorganic content, especially soil residues, must be kept to a minimum, as they do not contribute to gas production (essential minerals and trace elements are an exception to this rule). Sand and stones also reduce the amount of space available for the fermentation process, and because they sink to the bottom of the fermentation tank, they can interfere with the heating systems designed to keep the substrate at the optimum reaction temperature. As with animal feed, the digestibility (which in this case equates to biodegradability) of the biomass determines the methane yield. As the bonds in lignin molecules are largely indigestible, high gas yields can only be achieved with substrates that have been harvested at the right time. In starchy silages, the grain/cob content is the key factor. Silage as a cosubstrate Experiments conducted to compare maize silage that is ensiled naturally (favouring lactic acid-producing bacteria) and maize silage made with ensiling agents (which favour acetic acid-producing bacteria) have shown that the silage stabilized with lactic acid neither decomposes slower nor delivers lower yields in biogas plants. Lactic acid is no less effective as a stabilizer than acetic acid, nor is it less effective in releasing energy. In fact, because lactic acid has a higher boiling point than acetic acid (122 C as against 117 C), it is actually more effective. The most important factors are that the forage be clamped immediately after harvesting, and that the silage heap is properly covered to prevent aerobic degradation and mould formation. Care should also be taken to ensure that after opening, the silage face is kept as small as possible. Silage quality is everything. The keys to efficient, cost-effective silage production and storage are the intrinsic energy content of the forage, how well it is clamped, and effective fermentation without mould formation or excessive heat generation. The wrong sort of fermentation can result in the presence of detrimental microbes such as clostridia, listeria, yeast and moulds which lessen gas yields. To ensure optimum quality right up to the point where the silage enters the biogas fermentation tank, high-quality crops must be harvested at precisely the right moment, and properly stored in accordance with best practices in silo management. More details about what precisely this entails can be found in the next section. Figure 7: indicators of silage quality for biogas production Indicator Unit Target level ODM content % of dry matter 90 Sand content % of dry matter 2 Digestibility of organic matter (HFT gas production), ELOS % of dry matter 75 pH 4.2 at 30 % Ammonia % of NH3-N 10 % Acetic acid % of dry matter2.0 Butyric acid % of dry matter0.3 Aerobic stability Days3
  14. 14. 14 Put more energy in. Potential cost savings in the silage production process. The financial situation for biogas plant operators in Germany has changed a lot recently, following the reforms to the Renewable Energy Law and the subsequent sharp rises in raw material prices. This has made it all the more important that they understand all the ways that they can reduce their costs. There are potential savings to be made at every stage, from the installation of the equipment to the spreading of fermentation residues. In this section, we will focus on the harvesting and ensiling of maize. The principle is quite simple: any dry matter that is lost before it reaches the fermentation tank cannot produce any gas; as a result, the more effectively silaging technology can cut out these losses, the higher the gas yield will be. What makes good silage? The suitability of different types of silage for biogas production depends on a number of factors (see figure 8). The most important of these are dry-matter content and organic dry-matter content. Below a dry-matter content is of 30 %, silage effluent can form carbohydrate can easily dissolve in this, meaning that a large amount of energy can potentially be lost. In maize this is prevented by only harvesting the crop once it is properly ripe, in whole-plant silage, it is prevented by ensuring a high enough cob content, and with grass, the key is to allow it to wilt sufficiently. If silage effluent is produced, this has to be captured and fed back into the process. The level of inorganic content, and especially soil residues, must be kept as low as possible, as with the exception of essential minerals and trace elements, they do not contribute to gas formation. As with animal feed, the digestibility (which in this case equates to biodegradability) of the biomass determines the methane yield. As the bonds in lignin molecules are largely indigestible, high gas yields can only be achieved if the substrate is harvested at the right time. In starchy silages, the grain/cob content is the key factor. As regards the acidification that occurs in the course of the ensiling process, the aim is to favour lactic acid- producing microbes (as, assuming adequate dry-matter content, these lower the pH level to the point where all microbial growth is inhibited). However, unlike with cattle feed, acetic acid can play an important role in methane yield, and it can be present in much higher levels. This is because of the key role that acetic acid plays in the process of biodegradation. If this can be achieved by means such as the use of ensiling agents, it will help ensure the quality of the final silage by making it aerobically stable and free from impurities (absence of mould, excessive heat generation).
  15. 15. 15 Maize silage Losses are often underestimated. Ensiling is the process by which a plants sugars are converted into preservative acids in the absence of oxygen. Even under optimum conditions, this process inevitably results in a loss of dry mass and energy content with an equivalent value of around 77 per hectare (see figure 9). Below a dry-mass content of 30 %, silage effluent starts to form, resulting in greater losses depending on the chop length and the silo height, these can amount to up to 90 per hectare. And depending on the type of fermentation, how long silage is stored, how and how often silage is taken out of the clamp, and whether excess heat is produced, more energy can be lost, with an additional value of up to 200 per hectare. In total, poor ensiling can therefore result in monetary losses of over 500 per hectare. If this erosion of value was more obvious, then more would be done to avoid it. Harvesting window by variety. Biogas crop varieties ripen at roughly the same speed as varieties used for animal fodder, and so should be harvested at roughly the same time. Silage maize for use in biogas production should ripen to the dough stage even in years where conditions are unfavourable. Late- ripening varieties often have a higher yield by weight, but this is accounted for by higher water content, so while transport costs increase, gas yield does not necessarily do so. What matters for gas yield is not absolute mass, but fermentable mass. Figure 8: target levels of silage quality indicators for biogas production Indicator Unit Target level ODM content % of DM90 Sand content % of DM2 Digestibility of organic matter (HFT gas production), ELOS % of DM75 pH4.2 at 30 % Ammonia % of NH3-N 10 % Acetic acid % of DM2.0 Butyric acid % of DM0.3 Aerobic stability Days3 Figure 9: monetary losses in the maize ensiling process Not included: reduced gas yield Cause Avoidability DM loss NEL in /ha in /ha Residual aerobic fermentation Unavoidable 1 2 Anaerobic fermentation Unavoidable 58 116 5 12 Fermentation effluent Process-dependent 0 81 0 9 In-field losses Process-dependent 12 58 1 6 Defective fermentation Avoidable 0 174 0 12 Excess heat generation Avoidable 0 174 0 12 Total Silage maize 70 604 7 54
  16. 16. 16 This means that the harvesting window when the silage maize is at the optimum ripeness, with a dry-matter content of between 30 and 38 %, is relatively short. Depending on the circumstances of individual biogas plants, it may therefore make sense to plant different fields with varieties that ripen at different speeds, or to stagger the harvesting of different fields to reflect variations in the speeds at which the crop ripens due to differences in soil type. Giving bacteria room to do their work. Various studies have shown that chopping up silage more finely will, all other things being equal, result in higher gas yields. The choice of chop length should therefore balance this consideration against the dry- matter content (compressibility of the silage) given the silo height, and harvesting machinery fuel consumption. The table in figure 10 suggests chop lengths for different silo heights that will prevent the formation of fermentation effluent, and limit the aerobic phase. The range of suggested chop lengths is in theory between 4 and 9 millimetres. Where grains need to be broken up smaller than this, they should be put through a cracker roller after chopping is complete. The riper the crop is, the more the grains need to be broken up. The same applies to chop length: the greater the dry-matter content, the more important it is to follow the recommendations of the table above, as riper crops are more fibrous. This reduces compressability (as grains are more resilient to crushing) and can lead to lower gas yields (see figure 4, page 11). The recommendations regarding the breakdown of fibres are the complete opposite of best practice when making fodder silage, where the aim is to preserve the integrity of the plants structure. If the same silage will be used both as cattle feed and in a biogas plant, the fibres should therefore not be broken down. Silo height Measure- Silage Whole-plant ment maize silage Up to 3 m % of DM 2830 upwards 3540 upwards mm 96 6 36 m % of DM 3035 4045 mm 75 5 Over 6 m % of DM 3538 45 mm 54 4 Figure 10: optimum DM content and chop lengths of silage maize and whole- plant silage for various silo heights
  17. 17. 17 Maize silage Special ensiling practices? The high daily quantity of silage fed into the biogas plant (currently generally between 3 and 30 tonnes) means that the silage clamp has to be relatively large in terms of width, depth and height. And because dry-matter content is often high, and the silage is therefore finely chopped, the necessary compression often cannot be achieved without side walls. If these are not present, then the silage must be piled up to the correct height in a wide, gently sloping heap that takes up a lot of space, so a clamp with fixed side walls (ideally at an angle of 20 to 25 degrees) is a more viable solution. With clamps of this size, the issue of how they are sealed is also important. The practice of not covering the silo or growing crops on top of it must be avoided at all costs. This results in high losses of dry matter and energy, and rainwater permeating the heap can damage the silage even in the lower layers, by causing unwanted heat generation and mould formation. NUSSBAUM (2008) conclusively demonstrates that given the current production/procurement costs for maize silage, leaving the silo uncovered does not make sense either financially or in terms of convenience. Biogas plant operators need manufacturers to offer larger tarpaulins that allow silage heaps of the size they need to be covered properly. Gravel bags can be used to seal the edges, but tension belts have proven to be a less labour-intensive alternative to secure the covering in place. Silage hygiene. While maize is relatively easy to ensile, its high sugar content means it has a low buffering capacity, which can result in aerobic instability, excess heat generation and mould formation all things which reduce gas yield, and in extreme cases, can stop the biogas production process entirely. For this reason, it is all the more important that the advice in the section above regarding the way the silage is packed and added to the clamp is followed. To avoid the risks of aerobic instability and mould formation, liquid silage additives approved by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) are available, which are added to the forage during the harvesting process. Conclusions. High biogas yields from maize silage depend on the following factors: Dry-matter content above the level at which silage effluent forms Adjusting chop length to suit the dry-matter content of the forage and silo height Preparing the forage in a way that ensures effective decomposition To achieve this, it is important to know the current dry-matter content of the crop as it is harvested (ideally through a real-time measuring system fitted to the harvester), so that the chop length can be adjusted accordingly. Only cold, mould-free silage will produce a lot of gas. Particularly if the silage is in a heap without side walls, the use of additives to prevent energy losses is also indispensable. Large biogas plants, large clamps.
  18. 18. 18 Optimizing costs. With rising prices, every single litre of fuel counts. As such, fuel economy has been a key consideration in the development of the new JAGUAR. Improved weight distribution in the chassis has allowed the ballast to be cut, lowering overall weight. This, combined with a tyre pressure regulation system, has enabled wheel slip to be reduced and traction improved, significantly improving fuel economy. And because vehicle weight is spread over an area that is up to 30 % larger, the machinery is also less damaging to the soil over the long-term. The knife drum is fitted with 36 curved knives in 830 and 730-horsepower models, and with 28 standard knives for machines with an output of 623 horsepower or lower. The knives are always arranged in a V formation. More versatility is available by specifying the heavy duty CRACKER for enhanced corn cracking performance. The JAGUAR has also been fitted with a range of comfort features, to ensure long working days pass by effortlessly. Realizing potential savings. The accelerator can be adjusted to blow harder or more gently to suit the harvesting conditions. The distance to the accelerator is variable between 2 to 10 millimetres, reducing energy requirements. This quickly adds up to a total saving of between 5 and 10 % a significant sum. Boosting biogas production. There is a direct relationship between power and consistent chop quality and for biogas plants, chop quality is critical to productive silage. Harvester throughput has always a major purchasing criterion, but these days efficiency is also becoming more and more important to operators. A constant optimization and development process has made CLAAS JAGUAR the number one in this regard. The new JAGUAR 900 Series incorporates valuable experience and brings maximum practical benefits to the user. In recognition of the effectiveness of the system, the JAGUAR recently received an award from the commission of the German Agricultural Society. JAGUAR: the definition of efficiency.
  19. 19. 19 JAGUARJAGUAR As a general rule, a shorter chop requires more power, and so operators must carefully weigh up how long a chop length they can get away with. This decision is best taken in the field during harvesting, according to the ripeness of the crop. Studies show that chop lengths of between 5 and 7 millimetres are generally the most cost-effective. Speedy harvesting. CLAAS has dramatically increased the horsepower of its machinery to meet the specific needs of biogas plants. The new DOUBLE SIX twin-engine layout in the JAGUAR 980 uses two six-cylinder units to develop a maximum output of 830 horsepower. The high-performance ORBIS maize headers can harvest up to 12 rows each 75 centimetres wide, effortlessly harvesting over 300 tonnes of forage per hour. Now transport logistics and silage compression become the key to maximizing results. Higher quality, higher yields. Consistent chop quality is essential to achieving the best possible biogas yields. This means choosing the ideal chop length and ensuring plants and corns are fully broken down. A V-shaped knife layout cuts the maize while pulling it extremely closely to the shear bar. The clearance to the knives can be adjusted to hundredths of a millimetre, and this extreme precision ensures homogenous forage. The intake rollers exert nearly three tonnes of pressure on the harvested crop before the shear bar, ensuring superb compression. In the new generation of forage harvesters, chop length can be set from the cab. Maize can be cut in lengths from 3.5 to 13 millimetres with 36 curved knives, and from 3.5 to 15 millimetres with 28 standard knives. And the crop intake of the new JAGUAR range is now nearly 30 % larger, meaning it will not become blocked even if the machine is operated at its full output of 830 horsepower for extended periods. V-MAX drum (36 knives)
  20. 20. 20 80M 100 125 JAGUAR model INTENSIV CRACKER Roller diameter COARSE MEDIUM FINE Maize 12 22 mm Maize 3,5 12 mm whole crop silage corn cob silage millet 3,5 12 mm 930- 960 950- 980Performance 930- 960 950- 980 930- 960 950-980 80 30 % M Medium 196 mm 100 125 30 % 30 % 100 L Large 250 mm 125 60 % 150 Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. 60 %Diff.30 %Diff. 930 940 950 960 970 980 CC roller conditionV-MAX 36 V-CLASSIC 28 Knife drum Radial roller deflector Prepress Shear bar condition Cracker clearance Knife condition and knife type Knife/shear bar gap Grinding strip Grinding base Revolution difference 20 / 30 / 60 % Grinding strip Grinding base The INTENSIV CRACKER features cracking rollers with a sawtooth tread plated in hardened chrome. 100 teeth with a diameter of 196 millimetres, or 125 teeth with a diameter of 250 millimetres break down the kernels, with several different roller diameter and speed options to choose from. The speed at which corns are cracked and cobs broken down also depends on the cracker clearance and condition of the rollers. Breaking down the entire plant ensures that the microorganisms in the methane production process can work more effectively. The use of a grinding device also helps to further increase the fibrosity of the plant matter. The greater the surface area of the substrate, the greater the area that the microorganisms have to work on. This is the most important principle in biogas production. However, as increasing this surface area generally involves more powerful harvesters and higher fuel consumption, operators need to achieve a balance: chop length should be as short as necessary, but as long as possible.
  21. 21. 21 4 mm 5 mm 7 mm 10 mm Throughput Fuel consumption JAGUAR The benefits of data capture. Accurate documentation is essential if plant operators wish to apply for EU funding. Even at the harvesting stage, biogas plant suppliers must be able to provide information on energy yield for each crop and each field. With the JAGUAR, this couldnt be easier. The harvester is fitted with a CLAAS QUANTIMETER yield measurement system that records all data relating to harvest quantities. Using information from the prepress roller deflector and intake speed, the volumetric flow rate is calculated. For the new JAGUAR 900 Series, the dry matter content can also be established. A DM sensor on the discharge chute identifies the DM content of the harvest, based on its transportability and temperature. This data is then included in the QUANTIMETER calculations, increasing the accuracy of the yield data. If operators need to use this data in further calculations, the JAGUAR can be fitted with a task management solution. The AGRO-MAP JOB program is installed on a PC in the office, where customer master data is entered. This is then transferred to the forage harvester on a Compact Flash memory card. Data from the harvester is stored on the card for each job that has been created, and can be transferred back to the main computer in the same way. This makes the whole data management and invoicing process incredibly simple. JAGUAR Fuel consumption and throughput for different chop lengths Source: CLAAS with FH Triesdorf measurements 2006/07
  22. 22. 22 Practicality and settings. The CEBIS terminal lets the operator modify all machine settings, and records performance and harvest data. This information allows operators to see, for example, that the JAGUAR is most economical in other words, it delivers the best balance of performance and fuel efficiency when running at 1,800 rpm. Maintenance information such as the condition of knives and sharpening stones is also provided, ensuring servicing arrangements can be made in good time. There is a 270 litre tank for silage additives, and concentrates can also be used if desired. These are sprayed directly into the crop as it passes out of the discharge chute. The amount of additive used is measured and logged by the CEBIS system. The JAGUAR is the ideal machine for long days in the field. Additional features such as the SPOUT PILOT lighten the operators workload considerably, ensuring the spout flap is always positioned right in the middle of the trailer it is delivering the forage into. And the TELE CAM camera allows both drivers to see how full the trailer is. Powerful attachments. The cultivation of special maize varieties for biogas means new maize attachments are required. The power output of the forage harvester must be adjusted to suit the working width and potential output of the maize header. The ORBIS maize header from CLAAS has been further improved so that working widths of eight, 10 or 12 rows (9 metres) at a time are possible. High flexibility is required if good results are to be obtained when harvesting rows of varying widths. This is why the knife and transport discs of the ORBIS are placed very close to each other, offering a flat cut and allowing crops in narrow rows to be harvested effortlessly. The ORBIS has a modular design, ensuring that the crop enters and leaves the header in straight lines a prerequisite for a precise chop. Highly efficient drive trains mean that power requirements and thus fuel consumption are extremely low. The high starting torques of ORBIS corn headers mean they can be switched on at full power. Hard-wearing materials are employed in the knife discs and replaceable crop flow components, resulting in lower long-term maintenance costs. The quality of a job can often be seen in the stubble left standing in the field. This should be as fibrous as possible, so that it decomposes faster. This also has an important benefit in terms of corn borers, as it significantly restricts the development of the larvae population.
  23. 23. 23 More flexibility with the JAGUAR. CLAAS offers a range of different attachments that further increase the capabilities of the JAGUAR. Whole-crop silage is becoming evermore popular as a cosubstrate in biogas plants, and the DIRECT DISC has been designed specially for cereal, legume, intertillage, forage rye and Sudan grass crops. It cuts directly, mowing and then chopping. There is also no contact between the ground and the swath, ensuring the forage is not dirtied unnecessarily it is extremely important that sand particles do not find their way into biogas plants. The DIRECT DISC has a working width of 5.20 or 6.10 metres, and features a suspended frame that allows it to adapt automatically to the terrain. The CONTOUR system in the JAGUAR and the adjustable cutting height mean that stubble is always even. The JAGUAR can also be fitted with a corn husker so that the energy content of the silage can be increased by adding ground ear maize. Here, the cobs are harvested with the spindles and husks, as well as around 15 % of the remaining plant. This provides a more concentrated raw material for the biogas plant. Ground ear maize is added in small, precisely controlled quantities, so that the optimum gas level is always maintained, making it a genuine alternative to CCM. Harvesting is carried out with the six or eight-row CLAAS CONSPEED. Various grinding devices enable the JAGUAR to greatly increase plant disintegration. The heavy duty CRACKER is responsible for breaking down the individual grains, and can also be modified to allow revolution differences that are up to 60 % greater. JAGUAR
  24. 24. 24 Broadly speaking, there are three ways of harvesting grass and similar forage crops for use in biogas production: 1. Direct cutting by a forage harvester 2. Traditional mowing, spreading, raking and gathering 3. Combined mowing/swathing For an optimum gas yield and cost-effective operation of the biogas plant, biogas grass silage must fulfil the general requirements of any good-quality silage. Even a good crop can make poor silage if the correct process is not followed. Green fodder crops have very high energy yields per hectare, and it is vital that this energy content is preserved in the ensiling process. The most common problem with silage quality is excessive crude ash content, i.e. impurities in the silage, generally as a result of poor field maintenance, poor sowing practices or contamination during the harvesting process. Harvesting grass silage for biogas production. Maize silage is not the only substrate that can be used in biogas production. In many regions, grass is more readily available, and using it may make sense from the point of view of crop rotation and use of left-over growing space. However, the criteria for good biogas grass silage are somewhat different to silage for use as fodder. Where silage is used as cattle feed, taste plays a role, and the grass has to be allowed to wilt until dry- matter content is 35% for optimum digestion by the animals, but with biogas silage these considerations are irrelevant. For this reason, biogas grass silage can generally be damper than cattle feed silage. That said, it must be remembered that undesirable silage effluent may form if dry-matter content is not at least 28%. Source: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Table 1: biogas and electricity yields from grass silage Grass silage Maize silage No. of harvests/year 2 2 3 (high yield) 4 Net yield t DM/yr 5.75 7.3 9.0 9.0 13.5 Average DM content % 89 89 89 89 94 Biogas yield m3 /t DM 540 560 560 580 620 Methane content % 53 53 53 53 54 Electricity yield kWh/t TS 866 898 898 930 1,070 (effectiveness CHP 34%) kWh/ha 4,980 6,511 8,083 8,372 14,445
  25. 25. 25 PROFILINE To maximize gas yields, it is important to carefully evaluate the different harvesting methods and choose the most appropriate solution: Forage harvesting. For: Single process Minimal number of passes Minimal forage contamination, forage does not come into contact with ground Against: Wilting is not possible Special equipment required Combined mowing/swathing. For: Separate raking stage eliminated No additional movement of grass Against: Dirt is raked together with grass Insufficient swath for chopper increased harvesting costs Wilting is not possible effluent formation more likely Special equipment required Traditional process: mowing/spreading. For: Rapid wilting: DM content 28 % prevents effluent formation Minimal contamination No special equipment required Against: Multi-stage process
  26. 26. 26 More careful sowing of green forage crops. If the field is rolled at the time the seed is sown, modern mowing equipment does not pick up any dirt. Provided the stubble is high enough, rakes and tedders can be used without any problem. Optimizing process efficiency. Recent technological advances mean that modern harvesting machinery can largely avoid the risk of dirt contamination during harvesting, significantly reducing the crude ash content of the forage. Example 1: ACTIVE FLOAT mowing technology The contact pressure of the mowing blades can be adjusted to the ground clearance, cut height and vehicle speed to effectively prevent it from touching the ground or becoming caught in the soil. Example 2: GRASS CARE suspension on the LINER rake The combination of a floating rotor and a tandem axle ensures smoother running of the tines and prevents grounding. Example 3: hydraulic height adjustment in the LINER. With large rotor diameters, even more precise control of tine is necessary to avoid dirt contamination. The new hydraulic height adjustment system on all larger CLAAS swathers is particularly useful when working with green forage crops or on uneven ground. Summary. When making grass silage for biogas production, the conventional mowing/spreading/raking process is generally advisable, making full use of the latest technology. This prevents effluent formation and dirt contamination while keeping costs to a minimum. The use of combined mower/swathers and direct cutting process is of questionable benefit.
  27. 27. 27 Tractor design Versatility is the watchword for todays tractors. A quick look at machinery usage patterns, especially with contractors, shows that these days, tractors spend up to 70 % of their time possibly even more on transportation and power take-off work. The increase in the number and size of biogas plants is a factor in this trend. As a result, the last few years have seen an increase in popularity of compact machines with high power outputs. Delivering greater fuel economy. CLAAS aims to build tractors that meet and exceed users expectations in terms of both design and technology. Vehicles today must deliver plenty of power while being compact in size and as low in weight as possible. At the same time, there is now a greater focus than ever on fuel consumption. Harvesting, logistics and more.
  28. 28. 28 The AXION and biogas plants. Combining these characteristics was a priority when it came to the design of the AXION range. Outputs range from 163 to 260 horsepower (measured according to the ECE-R-24 standard), and all models are designed to deliver more power than their direct competitors in the 200-horsepower class. The AXION is available with a choice of HEXASHIFT automatic powershift or CMATIC continuously variable transmission, offering benefits both on the road and in the field. The AXION and transportation. Very long wheelbase for improved stability and excellent weight distribution Advanced engines offer high outputs with low fuel consumption Top speeds of 40 and 50 kilometres per hour are achieved with reduced engine revs, further improving fuel economy The AXION is available with a wide choice of options, such as the CEBIS operating terminal for maximum comfort, and the CIS cabin for ease of operation Front axle suspension and a large cab with HGV- quality suspension fitted as standard Vehicles fitted with boost technology are at a significant advantage if they are regularly driven on the road. The idea is to increase output when and only when the strain on the engine is high, without increasing the weight of the vehicle. The feature is a real plus in mid-range to high-end tractors. Up to 260 horsepower with boost 52 % 48 % Weight-to-power ratio as low as 33 kg/hp (45 kg/kW)
  29. 29. 29 Tractor design There are already many boost systems on the market that offer extra power to the engine from speeds of around 1315 km/h, and others that cut in at around 20 km/h. However, these systems are only of use when transporting loads on the road. CLAAS has developed a new and extremely practical boost system for AXION machines with the HEXASHIFT gearbox, as well as for the ARION 540 and ARION 640. The electronics of the CPM (CLAAS POWER MANAGEMENT) system deliver the additional output from speeds of around 6 km/h and above (from the C1 gear ratio), meaning AXION drivers benefit from the extra power for more than 80% of the time the machine is in use. Furthermore, the boost (up to an additional 35 horsepower) is available in six increments, so only as much extra power is delivered as is actually required. This solution ensures fuel consumption is kept to a minimum. This unique solution offering additional power at lower speeds gives the AXION range more flexibility. The large AXION 850, for instance, has a weight-to-power ration of an impressive 35 kg/hp, for exceptionally dynamic performance. User benefits. A further plus for the user is that the cabin environment will always be familiar. Armrest position and cabin layout are essentially the same across the ARION and AXION ranges, and the controls are identical irrespective of whether a CMATIC continuously variable transmission or power shift transmission is fitted. Their high-tech engines and ultra-efficient drive trains mean the ARION and AXION are among the most powerful and economical tractors on the market. This has been proven in a range of independent tests by bodies such as the German Agricultural Society, and experienced in the field by countless farmers.
  30. 30. 30 Giving biogas plants more: the XERION. Silage compression. The XERION is equally impressive as a powerful earth- mover as it is in everyday farming roles. It is the versatility of the 379-horsepower XERION 3800 and the 335- horsepower XERION 3300 that makes them such valuable pieces of machinery. The XERION can carry out a range of tasks at both pre and post-fermentation stages of biogas production, performing tillage and sowing work in maize fields, and spreading and working in the fermentation residue. The weight of the XERION is distributed across four wheels of equal size, which along with its excellent transmission and crab steering system, makes the vehicle perfect for moving, spreading and compacting silage in a minimum of time. As a packing tractor, the XERION can replace two standard large tractors, cutting staff costs and making the work at the silo simpler to manage. The crab steering system is a major advantage here, as it enables offset compressing. With the right ballast, the individual wheel loads can be as high as 4.5 or even 7.5 tonnes.
  31. 31. 31 Better than a wheel loader. While a wheel loader is capable of pushing material up to the top of a heap, its torque converter means that it can only do so at higher revs and that means increased fuel consumption. By contrast, the XERION usually runs at 1,200 to 1,300 rpm for silage compression, and at between 1,600 and 1,700 rpm when pushing heavy loads. The performance of the XERION is reflected in excellent silage compression. This is immediately obvious to any operator using a shear grab to remove the silage at a later date wherever the XERION has packed the material, the machine has to exert far more pressure to cut through it. XERION At the same time, fuel consumption remains surprisingly low, as the efficiency of its transmission means that the XERION can push large quantities of silage uphill at low revs. With a five-metre blade, it can push the contents of an HW 80 trailer onto the silage heap in one go, and requires just two or three goes to add the contents of a 43-cubic metre trailer. When driving downhill, its crab steering system allows the tractor to compress a three- metre strip at a time. The XERION pushes and compresses silage most effectively in reverse gear. The pivoting cabin offers drivers a complete view of the blade, enabling precise control. A further advantage of the crab steering system is the fact that it lets the tractor get closer to the edge of the heap, and it also increases stability. This is what users have to say about the compression performance of the XERION 3800 with pushing blade and additional 20-tonne weight: As long as the transport tractors are able to dump their loads on the top of the heap, the XERION 3800 can spread and compress the 200 to 250-tonne hourly output of a JAGUAR 970 all on its own. A second tractor is only necessary when the heap is so high that the silage has to be pushed up to the top.
  32. 32. 32 The XERION comes in a variety of high-performance variants for effective manure spreading. Both the TRAC VC with pivoting cabin and a mounted tank with a capacity of up to 15 cubic metres, and the SADDLE TRAC with mounted or saddle tanks and a capacity of up to 25 cubic metres, are particularly powerful and can cover large areas extremely quickly. The versatility of the XERION makes it hugely attractive it can cover more ground more economically than other self- propelled slurry spreaders, thanks in part to its speed of 50 km/h on the road. The practice of working liquid manure directly into the soil is becoming increasingly widespread, so as to minimize the evaporation of nutrients. The enormous haulage capacity of the XERION is a significant factor here. Its powerful engine (379 horsepower in the XERION 3800, 335 in the XERION 3300), four equal sized wheels, and optimum weight distribution ensure it can tow large trailers and saddle tanks effortlessly at the speeds required, even when a tillage implement is fitted. Spreading fermentation residue with a minimum of fuel. As nitrogen and phosphate prices have rocketed over the last few years, liquid manure has become a valuable commodity. The nutritional value of fermentation substrate is already more than 10 euros per cubic metre but only when the fermentation residue is spread at the correct time, in the correct quantities and in the correct way.
  33. 33. 33 XERION Benefits of the XERION for substrate spreading. Ability to work as a self-propelled vehicle Capacities of up to 15 cubic metres with mounted tanks and up to 26 cubic metres with saddle tanks Full frame construction offers greater load bearing capacity (up to 36 tonnes for intra-site use) Improved traction Fast, easy tank filling Excellent spreading performance Optional power hydraulics (spreading capacity 235 l/min, output up to 90 kW) Soil protection. Offset driving with crab steering Four large tyres with a greater footprint than standard tractors Optimum weight distribution means fields can be driven on in wetter conditions Low slippage Four-wheel steering ensures rear wheels exactly follow the front ones An alternative to the use of trailer and saddle tanks is offered by a mounted tank (up to 15 cubic metres) on the XERION SADDLE TRAC or TRAC VC (with pivoted cabin). This turns the XERION into a self-propelled slurry spreader but one with the advantage that it can also be employed for a host of other jobs. Swan-necked slurry tankers have also established themselves as viable alternatives to traditional trailed tankers of late. The long neck ensures that the seven-tonne tongue weight of the trailer is evenly distributed between the two axles of the XERION. The optional power hydraulics for the XERION offers particular benefits for slurry spreading. With this system, hydraulic motors on the spreading tank can run off very low engine revs, meaning the engine can run at low rpm even while spreading, thereby saving fuel.
  34. 34. 34 SCORPION the telescopic loader from CLAAS. The perfect machine for an incredible variety of everyday farming tasks all year round, the CLAAS SCORPION range was first launched in 2005. Customers can choose between four different models, two engines (with out- puts of 88 and 103 kilowatts measured according to ISO 9249 TIER III), a telescopic arm lifting height of 7.10 or 8.95 metres, and a lifting capacity of 3.3 or 4.4 tonnes. Compact and manoeuvrable (with four-wheel steering, the turning circle including the wheels is just 3.6 metres, or 3.7 metres for the 9040), the SCORPION offers a spacious, comfortable cab, with plenty of space for even the largest of drivers. The single-pane front windscreen with panoramic windows all-round offers 360-degree sightlines. The low centre of gravity means the SCORPION is exceptionally stable, and the new continuously variable VARIPOWER/VARIPOWER PLUS transmission automatically adjusts engine torque to the desired speed (fully variable between 0 and 40 km/h). The telescopic arm is controlled using the right hand via an intuitive joystick, with the left hand remaining on the steering wheel at all times for safe driving. Two hydraulic systems are also available for the SCORPION: A constant current hydraulic system (110 litres, 210 bar) for the 7030 and smaller 7040 models A load-sensing system (150 litres, 250 bar) for the large 7040 model and the 7045 and 9040 models The power and hill-climbing ability of the SCORPION make it the perfect complement to the XERION for silage work.
  35. 35. 35 Even the 110-litre hydraulics can carry out more than one telescopic function at the same time, thanks to the use of load-sensing valves. As would be expected, the 150-litre load-sensing version is even faster and more efficient, and offers excellent performance at low revs. Switchable boom suspension (with an automatic function at speeds above 7 km/h) and hydraulic cushioning in the telescopic arm are fitted as standard, reducing the strain on both the machine and its operator. Another unique feature of the SCORPION is the bearing and side guidance of the telescopic arm in the chassis when it is loading in the lower position. This allows the forces generated to be absorbed centrally by the chassis, significantly reducing the load on the main bearing of the telescopic arm, and so increasing the lifespan of the machine. It goes without saying that the SCORPION can be fitted with a hydraulic lock for the front attachment. A reverse fan is also available. This is activated at the touch of a button, and works even while the machine is running at full revs something that is not always the case on competitor models. What is more, CLAAS has designed a new version of the drive system specifically for use in biogas plants. The 9040 and 7040 models are also available with a 30-km/h variant of the VARIPOWER system, which pulls just as hard as the 40-km/h VARIPOWER PLUS. This means that customers can cut purchasing costs by opting for a lower top speed of 30 km/h, without sacrificing performance. The 30 km/h top speed can be achieved even when four-wheel steering is fitted, for maximum productivity when manipulating and transporting goods on the owners own land. SCORPION
  36. 36. 36 AGRO-BioGas: all the software a biogas plant needs. Running a modern biogas plant involves managing a variety of complex interlinked processes. These days, post-it notes and back-of-fag-packet calculations are no way to run a business. The available land and capacity must be used systematically to ensure the business survives and prospers. AGRO-BioGas from CLAAS Agrosystems is a complete software solution that helps you manage every aspect of biogas plant operations. It handles planning, documentation and performance monitoring for substrate production and residue spreading, and monitors the level of raw material and slurry in all silos. Comprehensive functionality. AGRO-BioGas puts all the information you need at your fingertips. It shows what has gone and is going into the fermentation tank, and what has been and will be done and with the fermentation residues. Built-in raw material management ensures that the plant is run efficiently. Not only can plant operators see how full all their silos currently are, but they can also set minimum and maximum levels. The application will warn you when raw material levels are running low, and will show you available sources of this material in the local area so you can react in good time. An integrated approach. Biogas plant operators swear by this software solution, because all the information on the system can be accessed at any time from a wide variety of interfaces. For instance, data on how much field space is dedicated to substrate cultivation can be taken directly from the field record system, because AGRO-BioGas supports the AGRO-XML interface. This gives users a comprehensive overview of what substrate is available where and in what quality. For easier planning, transport distances can be displayed, in an intuitive map form if desired. Delivery notifications and invoicing facilities are also incorporated into the software. Information on substrate quantities can be transferred on a memory card from the harvest logging system of CLAAS forage harvesters and of course all the field records needed to comply with EU documentation regulations can be produced automatically. Perfect documentation. AGRO-BioGas precisely documents the entire production process. The application can provide an intuitive graphical representation of all material flows at the touch of a button, making it easy to understand, plan and coordinate the entire logistical and utilization process in a way that optimizes methane yield. Constant monitoring of available storage capacity plays an important part in this. To ensure the continuous and cost-effective operation of the biogas plant, AGRO-BioGas can perform a variety Harvest data captured by the CLAAS JAGUAR can be loaded onto the system from a Compact Flash card.
  37. 37. 37 AGRO-BioGas of useful calculations. For example, it can tell you if the current stock of raw material is sufficient to produce a certain amount of methane, or conversely how much methane can be produced from the existing stock of raw material. And if you need to work out what mix of raw materials will deliver the most profitable biogas production given the current circumstances, CLAAS AGRO-BioGas can tell you that too. A fully mobile solution. AGRO-NET mobile edition helps farmers to run their field record system, produce documentation, manage and measure the yield from each fields, and conduct soil and plant analyses wherever they are. It shows drivers which field they are currently in, when they entered it and when they will leave it. All activity is documented for each field as are interruptions, travel between fields and transport to and from fields. The system is capable of showing obstacles, weed patches and fields with areas of riverbank, and provides precise mapping of where agrochemicals and manure have been used and where they havent, for automatic compliance with regulatory requirements governing the use of these substances. Highly practical. AGRO-BioGas is a comprehensive and professional solution for biogas plant operators. In addition to documentation and management functions, it also provides analytics to ensure profitable operation. The software is also particularly useful for plant operators who work together in collectives and manage relationships with large numbers of suppliers. Managing, say, 2,000 hectares of substrate-producing land spread across 1,300 fields is not a problem which is sure to be good news. For more information, please contact: CLAAS Agrosystems GmbHCo. KG Bckerkamp 19 33330 Gtersloh Germany contact person: Olaf Wiwedel,
  38. 38. 38 CHP = combined heat/power generation. Cosubstrate = organic material (other than fertilizer) on which the fermentation process is conducted. Dwell time = the amount of time that the substrate is in the fermentation tank for. Fermentation tank = vessel in which the substrate is broken down by microbial action, releasing the biogas. Also called a digester reactor. Fermentation residue = the part of the substrate that is not converted into biogas. Gas yield = the amount of gas released per quantity unit of substrate. Methane = a colourless, odourless non-toxic gas. Methane combustion produces carbon dioxide and water. ODM content = the percentage of a substance that is not accounted for by water and inorganic material. ODM = organic dry matter. Substrate = the raw material on which the fermentation process is conducted. Volumetric loading rate = amount of organic matter added to the fermentation tank, expressed as a per- centage of total tank volume per unit of time. WPS = whole-plant silage. Glossary of terms used in biogas production.
  39. 39. 39 Service Further reading on the web. technik/biogas/ http://www.
  40. 40. CLAAS KGaA mbH Postfach 1163 33416 Harsewinkel Germany Tel. +49 (0)52 47 12-0 000 256 072.1 0510 KK DC 0811

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