biol 2401: lab practical 2 - lone star · pdf filebiol 2401: lab practical 2 lab 12: ... lab...

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BIOL 2401: Lab Practical 2

Lab 12: Structure & Classification of Bone

Microscopic Structure Sectioned Long Bone

1. Osteon (Haversian) System 8. Epiphysis 14. Periosteum

2. Central (Haversian) canal 9. Diaphysis 15. Sharpey's fibers*

3. Perforating (Volkmann’s) canal 10. Epiphyseal line (disk or plate) 16. Medullary cavity

4. Osteocyte 11. Compact (dense) bone 17. Red marrow

5. Lacuna 12. Spongy (cancellous) bone 18. Yellow marrow

6. Canaliculi 13. Hyaline (articulating) cartilage 19. Endosteum

7. Trabeculae

Lab 13: Organization of the Skeleton

20. Axial skeleton

21. Appendicular skeleton

Differentiate between left and right

Lab 14: The Skull


22. Frontal bone 36. Temporal bone (2) 50. Sphenoid sinus

23. Frontal sinus 37. Squamosal suture 51. Orbital fissure

24. Supraorbital foramen 38. External acoustic meatus 52. Optic canal

25. Supraorbital ridge* 39. Mandibular fossa 53. Lateral pterygoid plate

26. Glabella* 40. Mastoid process 54. Medial pterygoid plate

27. Parietal bone (2) 41. Styloid process 55. Ethmoid bone

28. Sagittal suture 42. Carotid canal 56. Crista galli

29. Coronal suture 43. Jugular foramen 57. Cribriform plate

30. Occipital bone 44. Internal acoustic meatus 58. Perpendicular plate

31. Lambdoidal suture 45. Zygomatic process 59. Ethmoid sinus

32. Foramen magnum 46. Sphenoid bone 60. Superior nasal concha

33. Occipital condyles 47. Sella turcica 61. Middle nasal concha

34. Ext. Occipital protuberance* 48. Greater wing 62. Inferior Nasal concha

35. Sutural bone 49. Lesser wing

Facial bones

63. Maxillary bones 72. Lacrimal bone 81. Mandibular notch*

64. Maxillary sinus 73. Nasal bone 82. Mental foramen

65. Palantine process 74. Vomer bone 83. Mandibular symphysis*

66. Alveolar fossa* 75. Mandible 84. Alveolar fossa*

67. Infraorbital foramen 76. Body 85. Hyoid

68. Palatine bone 77. Ramus

69. Zygomatic bone 78. Mandibular angle*

70. Temporal process 79. Mandibular condyle

71. Zygomatic arch 80. Coronoid process

*not in lab manual or text - check website or other source


Lab 15: Vertebral Column & Thoracic Cage

Parts of vertebrae Parts of ribs

86. Body 100. Thoracic vertebrae (12) 111. Head

87. Spinous process 101. Costal facets 112. Neck

88. Vertebral foramen 102. Lumbar vertebrae (5) 113. Tubercle

89. Vertebral arch 103. Sacrum (5 fused) 114. Shaft

90. Transverse process 104. Median sacral crest 115. Costal groove

91. Facets (superior & inferior) 105. Transverse ridge * Types of ribs

92. Intervertebral disc 106. Sacral foramen 116. True (vertebrosternal) 7 pair

93. Intervertebral foramen 107. Sacral canal 117. False (vertebrochondral) 3 pair

94. Cervical vertebrae (7) 108. Articular surface (sacroiliac 118. False Floating (vertebral) last 2

95. Transverse foramen joint) 119. Intercostal space*

96. Bifid process 109. Sacral hiatus

97. Atlas (1st) 120. Sternum

98. Axis (2nd) 110. Costal (rib) (12 pairs) 121. Manubrium

99. Dens (odontoid process) 122. Sternal notch

123. Clavicular notch

124. Sternal angle

125. Body

126. Xiphoid process

Lab 16: Pectoral Girdle & Upper Limb

Pectoral Girdle Upper Arm

127. Clavicle 138. Humerus 156. Ulna

128. Scapula 139. Head 157. Trochlear notch

129. Spine 140. Neck 158. Radial notch

130. Inferior angle 141. Greater tubercle 159. Olecranon process

131. Acromion process 142. Lesser tubercle 160. Coronoid process

132. Coracoid process 143. Intertubercular groove 161. Styloid process

133. Glenoid cavity 144. Deltoid tuberosity 162. Head

134. Supraspinous fossa 145. Capitulum 163. Carpals (8)

135. Infraspinous fossa 146. Trochlea 164. Manus (hand)

136. Subscapular fossa* 147. Medial epicondyle 165. Metacarpals (15)

137. Scapular notch 148. Lateral epicondyle 166. Phalanges (15)

149. Coronoid fossa 167. Proximal

150 Olecranon fossa 168. Medial

151. Radius 169. Distal

152. Head 170. Pollex = 1

153. Radial tuberosity

154. Styloid process

155. Ulnar notch

*not in lab manual or text - check website or other source


Lab 17: Pelvic Girdle & Lower Limb

171. Coxal (hip) bone 186. Femur 200. Patella 211. Tarsals (7)

172. Ilium 187. Head 201 Tibia 212. Talus

173. Iliac crest 188. Fovea capitis 202. Medial condyles 213. Calcaneus

174. Iliac fossa 189. Neck 203. Lateral condyles 214. Metatarsals (15)

175. Greater sciatic notch 190. Greater trochanter 204. Intercondylar eminence* 215. Phalanges (15)

176. Post. sup. iliac spine 191. Lesser trochanter 205. Tibial tuberosity 216. Proximal

177. Ant. sup. iliac spine 192. Gluteal tuberosity 206. Anterior crest 217. Medial

178. Ischium 193. Linea aspera 207. Medial malleolus 218. Distal

179. Ischial tuberosity 194. Lateral condyle 208. Fibula 219. Hallux = 1

180. Ischial spine 195. Medial condyle 209. Head

181. Lesser sciatic notch 196. Lateral epicondyle 210. Lateral malleolus

182. Pubis 197. Medial epicondyle

183. Pubic symphysis 198. Intercondylar fossa

184. Acetabulum 199. Patellar surface

185. Obturator foramen




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