bio paper 6 gr 9 copy

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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1 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

1. Fig 1.1 is a photomicrograph of a section across an artery and a vein.

a) (i) Make a large, labelled drawing of the artery and the vein as shown in Fig. 1.1.


2 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

Fig. 1.1

(ii) Fig 1.2 shows an image of the actual slide from which the photograph in Fig 1.1 is


Calculate the magnification of your drawing.

Width of actual specimen ………………………….…………………………………………….

Width of your drawing in (a) (i) ………………………………………………………………….

Show your working.

Magnification ……………………………………………………………………………………[3]

3 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

Fig. 1.2

(iii) Complete Table 1.1 to describe three differences that you can see between the artery and the vein.

Table 1.1

2. Fig.2.1 is a photograph of an eye for an investigation.

a) Use your ruler to draw straight label lines and label both the pupil and the iris.


Fig 2.1

4 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

Artery Vein

b) (i) A student in a brightly lit room covered both of her eyes with her left hand while holding a mirror in the other hand. The student closed her eyes. She counted slowly to 60. Then she quickly removed her hand from her eyes, opened them and looked in the mirror. Make drawings of what her iris and pupil would look like, as they appeared when the eye was first uncovered and about one minute later.

(ii)Explain how the changes shown between your drawings in (a) (ii) occurred and how these changes help the functioning of the eye.








[Total: 10]

5 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

3. Fig.3.1 is a diagram of a section through human skin.

Fig. 3.1

(a) Identify structures C, D and E.


(b) Describe how structure C might be involved in maintaining a constant body temperature.

[Total : 6]

6 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

4. Fig.4.1 shows sections through two different types of flower that may develop on the same marrow plant.

(a) Complete Table 4.1 by describing two visible differences between flower F and flower G.

7 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

Fig 4.1

Table: 4.1

Fig.4.2 shows a photomicrograph of a pollen grain from a marrow flower.

(i) Suggest, with reasons, how pollination occurs in marrow.





8 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

Fig. 4.2

b) Melons are closely related to marrow but the fruits of melons are sweeter than those of marrows. The sugar content of some other fruits is shown in Table 4.2.

(i) Draw a bar chart to show the sugar content of these fruits.

9 Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

Table 4.2

(ii) Calculate how many times greater the sugar content of 100g of a ripe banana is than that of 100g of a melon. Show your working.

[Total: 10]



Grade 9 5090 / 62/O/N/2012/GAAS

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