bigheart goes to africa · spirit step by step. the theme of the mission trip was that of unity...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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Bigheart Goes to Africa Recognised as a Charity by HMRC No XR98002

Newsletter Issue 6 September 2010

Our Vision To share the love and compassion of Jesus our Lord with orphans, widows and the needy, to assist and encour-

age them through practical and spiritual means. Working together bringing unity and value through God’s word,

building lives, putting a new song into their hearts — all to the glory of God.

Psalm 40 v 1 to 3 I waited patiently and expectantly on the Lord; and he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me out of a

horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings.

And he put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God that many shall see and fear (revere and wor-

ship) and put their trust in the Lord.

Bigheart Ministries visited Uganda and Kenya once again from 10 May to 29 July 2010.

This has let us see how God reveals his power and glory through those who walk in unity and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit step by step. The theme of the mission trip was that of unity through communion, anointing, and the blood of Jesus. Sharing and maintaining each aspect of the theme unlocked treasures and mysteries of God’s awesome power almost every day and everywhere Bigheart went. Three days ladies seminars. Many peoples lives have been changed for eternity through healings, salvation, deliverance, words of knowledge and prophecy. God not only blessed those who Bigheart ministered to but he also blessed the team of Bigheart bringing us closer together as a team and strengthening us spiritually which will result in equipping us for greater things to come. We are seeing and hearing how our ministry is impacting churches, villages and the nations that we are operating in within Africa though testimonies from Pastors and leaders and also those who we have ministered to through our spiritual and practical teaching. God is preparing hearts of many people through our vision to

run with it that many will see and fear and put their trust in God.

Mission Trip Highlights ...... our expectations were high this trip and God showed himself many many times throughout.... enjoy some of the highlights for He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power

that works in us Ephesians 3 v 20 God’s power has not diminished He is the same yesterday today and forever.

Gift of Knowledge – Healed in Jesus name! Kampala - 1 Corinthians 12 we read about Spiritual Gifts- Bigheart saw the manifestation of the spirit through the gift of knowledge when the Spirit of the Lord told Mandy of sickness on a ladies body, specifically her kidneys, a supernatural revelation of information that was completely unknown before, when the lady in ques-tion revealed that was so, hands were laid upon her and the healing power of Jesus brought complete restoration. Many more

received their healing in like manner and we saw visible evidence of His activity testimonies have been powerful.

Marriage Saved and Complete Household Salvation – The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but He came that we might have life and life in abundance. A couple in Kampala came for counselling following marital difficulties, the Lord showed Bigheart wisdom through the Word of God and how the couple could apply these to their relationship. Both received salva-tion, their home was set free from demons, the husband hadn’t been sleeping properly for years, in Hebrews 13v4 the word tells us that marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled...... the Spirit of the Lord revealed “something about the people before” when the couple were questioned, the marital bed the couple had been using was second hand. We anointed the bed and cleansed it in the name of Jesus spoke peace – the following morning the husband said “I slept like a baby” Amen. The Lords work didn’t stop there, sister n law, friend and entire family gave their lives to Jesus, He promises house-

hold salvation!!!!!

Muslim Leader to Confess Christ – Malaba, Ugandan border town, the Lord led Bigheart to pray for a Muslim man despite being told he wouldn’t allow it, the Spirit was so audible that Mandy moved in obedience and prayed healing for the sick man, the translator later told us that the man was a Muslim leader in the town who had been giving the Christian churches a very difficult time. The man who is called Salim said “When your Jesus heals me I am renouncing my Muslim faith and immedi-

ately converting to Christianity” We believe by faith he is now in the Kingdom.......

All that is hidden – when praying for a Kenyan lady for healing the Spirit revealed “there is something in the house that needs put out” when this was conveyed to the lady she couldn’t think of anything, so we prayed again, “all that is hidden will be revealed” shortly afterwards a small carved object was sighted and when we checked it out knew in our spirits that this was the object that needed put out, we burned the object, the lady was set free from her pain and her home filled with the

peace and glory of God.

Many more testimonies and manifestations of Gods hand amongst His people can be read in the full mission report via our


Mission Trip May –July

2010—Greaterlove Gospel

Church – Burcoro

As a church we would like

to thank “Bigheart” through

Mandy that this church was

born by their vision together

with Greaterlove Ministry

International. Achieve-

ments – Northern Uganda

being a war zone for over 25

years the people lived in

fear and trauma so the pro-

ject of Agriculture brought

hope to the people because

Northern Uganda is an agri-

cultural land and the people

have their own land to culti-

vate. Being given food by

World Food Programme for

over 20 years the people

developed “DEPENDANCY

MIND” but now we are

moving from dependency to

“SELF RELIANCE” by work-

ing heard to send away

hunger then later poverty

that is our mission – to-

gether with Bigheart to the

people. Other agricultural

investment that we are do-

ing is “Bee Hive” or bee

keeping. We are using local

means within our reach but

there is modern types at

80,000ugs eighty thousand

shillings each. The church

through the bulls Bigheart

bought has been open in an

area where there is no

church not even Catholic

because the catholic even

are also praying under

trees. There is no protes-

tant church not even Penta-

costal church so we reached

unto the people and a

church is open, and souls

are being saved.


Pastor Beatrice Mabale


"Big Heart has touched our

lives just by your love to us.

The bibles you donated

raised an urge for Gods

word the more."

Spirit—the entire class re-

ceived baptism of the Holy

Spirit and praying in

tongues. However, the last

lady Bigheart ministered to

was heavily burdened in her

heart following the death of

her husband and conflict

with her son. When praying

that God would heal her

heart, replace her joy, and

restore her relationship

with her son, the Spirit

spoke that she would have

Thursday 6 June what

seemed an unusual day

turned out to be an amaz-

ing day in God. Nothing

was going right. Bigheart

had arrived at Lwanda Vil-

lage to meet with the ladies’

knitting group. The usual

pattern of prayer and wor-

ship and spiritual imparta-

tion was overlooked until

4pm that day. What hap-

pened next was a result of

obeying the leading of the

a double blessing. We

closed in prayer and Big-

heart was leaving the village

for home. Shortly after-

wards, we heard a shout.

“It’s a miracle”. Lucia

from the village had re-

ceived her double blessing.

Her son had just rang her

from Kampala, now saved

and baptized. Lucia’s heart

had been healed and her joy

was full—all to the glory of


Testimony Pastor Lucy, Burcoro, Gulu, Uganda

Lucia Receives a Double Blessing in Lwanda Village

Testimony—Pastor Asua, GLCC, Kampala

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Bigheart Goes to AfricaBigheart Goes to AfricaBigheart Goes to AfricaBigheart Goes to Africa

Recognised as a Charity by HMRC No XR98002Recognised as a Charity by HMRC No XR98002Recognised as a Charity by HMRC No XR98002Recognised as a Charity by HMRC No XR98002

We want to thank God for

the ministry of Bigheart.

We want to appreciate the

work that Mandy did for us

in Uganda standing with us

in preaching the gospel. It

has been quite a number of

times that we have been

working together and we

are seeing positive results,

like us ourselves as a

church we have grown very

fast from the last time sis-

ter Mandy was with us we

have seen a tremendous

growth using the tools that

Bigheart has sown into our

ministry namely the public

address system it has

helped us greatly in the

work of the Lord bringing

souls to Christ it has

helped us to bring positive

impact to the community

where evangelism and soul

winning is concerned. We

also want to thank Bigheart

Ministry as a church for

this particular time we have

worked with Sister Mandy

we were trying to put up

some extension as we are

growing and we could not

stay in the place we were

worshiping and once more

we want to thank BHM for

standing with us to put a

roof on top of the structure

we were working on, thank-

ing Mandy herself and all

those who are working with

her. We believe this part-

nership will go a long way

in preaching the gospel of

Jesus Christ and winning

souls. May God greatly

bless you. Thank You.


(Lucia is the lady in

the sunflower dress)

Pastor Alex I would like to

thank Bigheart especially

the members of Bigheart at

home in Ireland for the good

work they are doing here

and sending sister Mandy

to come and teach the word

of God and not only the

word of God but also taught

us skills of survival and

making bread. Not only

taught us she has encour-

aged us to start up Bread

Basket business , behind us

is an oven standing and we

are going to set up a small

shop and continue with the

business and from there we

are going to be growing not

only spiritually but physi-

cally we want to reach this

whole continent of Africa

with the word of God the

spiritual bread and the

physical bread Amen.

Nilar Wugu – I am the wife

of the pastor Alex of CRC I

would like to thank God for

blessing us with sister

Mandy African name Na-

chomitcha, she is a very

dear sister unto us espe-

cially us mothers of this

church. She has taught us

to make bread, some of us

since we were born have

never tasted such a bread.

But we thank God for the

burden to our sister. I

know through this ministry

of making bread we are go-

ing to evangelise to mothers

and ladies in other

churches. I know through

this God is going to have a

burden in the lives of men

and women to know Christ.

I am personally so grateful

since I was born I have

never seen an oven like that

behind me. Through this

many will come and see and

we will be sharing the word

of God through it. My re-

quest is that you pray with

us as we make bread and

share with ladies inside and

outside of the church. We

pray that many will come as

a team to Africa.

at how the Lord can allow

someone to avail themselves

as a vessel. I want to

thank the team and those

supporting her in whatever

way the Lord is touching

you to help her reach us. I

want to thank the partners

who are praying for sister

Mandy through her teaching

and practical ways it has

been marvellous. We as a

family have been touched

by her messages and her

Hello, I want to thank the

Lord for what Bigheart has

done in our village and to

the people, of Bigheart who

allowed Sister Mandy to

come to Kenya - it has

been so encouraging to see

how the Lord is using her to

reach us and to see what

the lord has done through

her life. I have learnt a lot

through her words of encour-

agement, through her practi-

cal teaching and am amazed

practical skills socialising

and making the word of

God reach every heart. May

the Lord bless you and em-

power you to reach the out-

ermost parts of Kenya and

the whole world. I thank

you all – you are all wel-


Pastor Alex – Lwandeti, Kenya

Stephen, Chimoi, Lwandeti Kenya.

Felista, Alice and Judy

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September 2010September 2010September 2010September 2010





Felista – First of all I thank

God for making a way for

Sister Mandy to come in

our church. I am giving

God thanks for bringing her

She has taught us much

teaching how to make

bread, business skills and

how to save money. I am

sending my greetings to

sister Mandy’s neighbours

and church members. May

God bless you abundantly,

come once more again, we

still need you. Praise the

Lord Amen.

Alice – CRC Lwandeti – I

want to say sister Mandy we

love you so much, because

of the favour of God that is

upon you we want to thank

you for your love towards us

a very special and wonderful

love you have visited us

twice. We thank you for

what you have done for us

for the oven that you have

established in this place. I

know that it will be a big

testimony to us and also to

us as a community at large.

Judy – we thank the Lord

for sister Mandy we know

she has been sent by God.

We appreciate the Love of

God that she has brought to

us we thank everyone and

welcome the team back in

Ireland and we welcome you

with all our hearts. Sister

Mandy Clarke has taught us

about the Bread Basket I can

make bread now to raise my

family. She has taught us

about business and how

about we can work as Chris-

tian women.

Sunrise at Chimoi,

Lwandeti, Kenya

48 Moyra Road



Phone: 07784 413494

07929 025516


God gets his work done through man and every ministry

needs the support of others to see the vision fulfilled. If you

are led to come on board Bigheart as part of our team you

can do this through prayer, practically or spiritually by sup-

porting our vision in the areas of need which are:

⇒ Prayer partners—please ask for our prayer cards

⇒ Fundraising opportunities

⇒ Volunteers—for administration and fundraising events

⇒ Donations—you can do this by cheque, payable to Big-

heart Ministries (see address opposite). Please note, if you

are a tax payer then please contact us for a gift aid form.

Bigheart Ministries

The ministries in Uganda and

Kenya that are working with,


- Greater Love, Kampala, Uganda

- CRC, Lwandeti, Kenya

- Greater Love Gospel Church,


- Lwanda Village, Jinja, Uganda

Open doors for fundraising and

sharing our vision

That God will provide a base for

Bigheart in Africa



We greatly value the prayer support

of those of you who continue to

remember the work of Bigheart

Ministries, particularly in these

days when we believe that there is

great opposition to the work of

God—still we know that we are on

the victory side but would value

your ongoing prayers in the follow-

ing areas:

Protection over the ministry leader-

ship and team

Continued growth

Divine contacts

Prayer partners

That many others will catch the


For the widows and orphans in

need throughout Africa


We hope you like our newWe hope you like our newWe hope you like our newWe hope you like our new----look newsletter look newsletter look newsletter look newsletter

for 2010, and have enjoyed the update on for 2010, and have enjoyed the update on for 2010, and have enjoyed the update on for 2010, and have enjoyed the update on

our work in Africa.our work in Africa.our work in Africa.our work in Africa.

Wishing you God’s blessing from the Wishing you God’s blessing from the Wishing you God’s blessing from the Wishing you God’s blessing from the

Bigheart team.Bigheart team.Bigheart team.Bigheart team.


The effective fervent prayer of a

righteous man availeth much.

James ch5 v16 (KJV)



NOTE OF THANKSNOTE OF THANKSNOTE OF THANKSNOTE OF THANKS Lastly and probably most importantly, we would like to thank all

of you who have followed our Ministry and supported us through

prayer, practically and financially. Know that your labour is

never in vain for the Lord. May you be richly blessed and may He

pour into your lives as you have poured out to others. We en-

courage you to continue standing with us and see God’s kingdom

equipped and enlarged for His glory.

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